Utrecht Early Music Festival 2013 - Brochure - ENGLISH

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Ciconia - Lassus - Froberger - Muffat


23 aug | 01 sep 2013

The Early Music Festival 2013 1 Welcome 2

On the occasion of: the Treaty of Utrecht (1713)


Four Europeans in the spotlight


Paul Van Nevel: Artist in residence


1713 Dinner


Baroque dance: The quintessential European language


Utrecht: European capital of Early Music


Discover the future of Early Music


STIMU-Symposium: Negotiating Music


2013 International Lute days


Early Music Market


Listen to Art in the Centraal Museum


Early Music Carillon Festival


Festival schedule


Festival programme


Tickets and practical information


Friends make it possible

120 Colofon 127

Locations Early Music Festival Utrecht 2013



Festival bulletin

Welcome to Utrecht! This same sentiment was expressed in 1713 when diplomats from across Europe were received in Utrecht. Their goal was to restore European political equilibrium and establish peace – not through the clash of arms but by means of negotiations and even festivities. 2013 marks the third centenary of the Treaty of Utrecht. The Early Music Festival joins in the celebrations with a 10-day musical feast that reflects upon European issues in its own unique way. Happily, during the upcoming Festival, Utrecht will be justified more than ever in presenting itself as the European and even the world capital of early music. The International Lute Days will attract devotees to the city from throughout the world. We will also host two major European professional conferences: REMA, the European network of early music festivals and concert organisers, and AEC, the representative body of the early music faculties of European conservatoires, will be brought into formal and informal contact with each other for the first time. It is no mere coincidence that this meeting will take place in Utrecht. However, the Utrecht Early Music Festival wishes above all to meet its primary responsibility as the world’s largest early music festival; namely, bringing first rate artistic quality and content to a wide and enthusiastic public. With the programme that you are now holding, this is bound to succeed. Ciconia, Lassus, Froberger, Muffat and a legion of first-rate musicians with their hearts in the right place all join together to say: Welcome to Utrecht! Xavier Vandamme Director


P ra ese n t ia cul is a rcu n e c a n te m olest ie mkcnckdn 2013 U t re ch t Ea r l y Musi c Fest iva l - # Eu ro p e

on the occasion of : the treaty of utrecht

(1713) Precisely 300 years ago Utrecht was for a brief period the centre of the world. In 1713 the War of the Spanish Succession came to an end, and with it a century and a half of bloody religious wars. This was achieved exclusively by diplomatic not military means. The result: a new European equilibrium, with national borders that have remained recognisable up to the present day. Utrecht played the role of UN headquarters before this organisation ever came into being. All negotiations took place here, although a French diplomat could not resist ironically pointing out to the Dutch that the talking took place ‘chez vous, de vous et… sans vous’. In 2013 Utrecht celebrates the third centenary of the Treaty of Utrecht. The 2013 Early Music Festival adopts this theme, while immediately broadening its perspective. 1713 is not the topic of this festival; rather, the underlying European problem of unity in diversity. Four composers guide us on our way – Ciconia, Lassus, Froberger and Muffat; all of them European travellers. However, this festival is also a tribute to the many other globetrotting musicians who wove a fascinating web of migrating musical styles, thus transforming the European map into a colourful swirl of shifting arrows.


Johannes Ciconia

Orla ndu s La ssus

Four Europeans in the spotlight Johannes Ciconia (c. 1370-1412) was born in the environs of Leuven and ended up in Padua – probably after stopovers in Paris, Rome and Pavia. He lived at a time when the Catholic Church was torn by internal division, with two and ultimately even three popes reigning simultaneously; a situation creating tension throughout Europe. Ciconia was one of the great figures of late medieval music. He bridged the divide between the French Ars Nova and Ars Subtilior and the Northern Italian tradition.

The multi-talented Renaissance genius Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594) was in a unique category of his own. He was in effect the most celebrated composer of Europe around 1570. Lassus’s oeuvre is vast – no less than 79 volumes were published during his lifetime and he wrote more than 2,000 works encompassing all the genres of his day. Strikingly, though, he did not combine the diverse national musical idioms that he had mastered.German songs, French chansons and Italian madrigals: Lassus kept them all neatly separated.


¤ 00 / ¤ 00 / ¤ 00 bestelnummer 00

Johann Jakob Froberger

Georg Muf f a t

The keyboard giant Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667) brought together the great European styles of the early 17th century. The German studied with Frescobaldi in Rome and befriended the harpsichordist Louis Couperin and the French lutenists in Paris. Froberger integrated the diverse national keyboard idioms of Italy, France and Germany. The highly personal touch that he added to his compositions often turned them into unalloyed ego-documents. In this way Froberger paved the way for the keyboard to emerge as a solo instrument capable of the highest individual expression.

Georg Muffat (1653-1704) was born in Savoy and soon came into contact with the muscular chic of Lully in Paris, which he combined with the wealth of colours that he encountered in Pasquini and Corelli in Rome. His resulting oeuvre includes extraordinary orchestral music in which the cosmopolitan Muffat strove to create a musical idiom that would transcend national styles and, as he himself wrote in his Florilegium primum, herald ‘the harmony between the nations; cherished Peace’.



A r t ist i n resi d e n ce

paul van nevel The Flemish Renaissance specialist and conductor Paul Van Nevel is artist in residence at this year’s Utrecht Early Music Festival. He gives three concerts with his Huelgas Ensemble, sketching the portrait of one of the most versatile and talented composers of the Renaissance: Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594). ‘Lassus was the standard-bearer of Franco-Flemish polyphony at the end of the Renaissance. He was virtuosic, versatile and had a great sense of feeling for what was happening around him, with regard to music, politics or general culture. I know of no greater melancholic than Lassus, however he combined this quality with an unprecedented sense of humour, which he never hesitated to express in his music.’ Founded in 1971 by Paul Van Nevel, the Huelgas Ensemble is among Europe’s most illustrious performers of medieval and Renaissance polyphonic music. They are hailed for their clear, well-balanced sound and their interpretations based on extensive knowledge.

Huelgas Ensemble / Paul Van Nevel mo 26 aug / 17.00: Lassus:

mo 28 aug / 19.30: Lassus for

boundless versatility

amateur singers (workshop)

tue 27 aug / 22.30: Lassus &

so 1 sep / 20.00 (closing concert)

Lejeune: motets, Psalms, chansons

Lassus: I Trionfi


Menus 23 - 25 August Turnip and mushroom tart Roast saddle of ox with chard and raisins 26 - 29 August Venison pie Capon in pastry, with prunes, black cherries and verjuice 30 August - 1 September A princly tart with breast of pheasant and quail Stuffed breast of veal, with purĂŠe of peas and sauce Robbert


Din ing i n t h e st yle o f t h e Trea t y o f Ut recht



Inspired by the Treaty of Utrecht the Utrecht Early Music Festival collaborates with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, to offer you the 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. The chef Pepijn Gilsing has drawn inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). The 1713 Dinner will be on offer daily in the superbly restored Paushuize, close to the Pandhof Festival Centre. 1713 Dinner – every festival day from 18.00 to 19.30 18.00-18.30 Paushuize open to visitors 18.30-19.30 two-course dinner Price: € 49,50 incl. beverages, and coffee or tea after the meal Paushuize Kromme Nieuwegracht 49 | 3512 HE Utrecht Table reservations are possible for groups of four persons or more, smaller groups will be seated upon arrival. Please make your reservation using the order form in this brochure or via www.oudemuziek.nl.


Workshops Barok dance


mo 26 t/m thu 29 aug

mo 26 aug / 15.00


Theater Kikker

Utrechts Centrum voor de

Dance Company Linda Tomko


Utrecht Festival Baroque

Rachel Farr: workshops

Dance Band

Baroque dance

1713 in sound and movement

monday: menuet tuesday: bourrée

tue 27 aug / 15.00

wednesday: gavotte

Theater Kikker

thursday: courante

Dance Company Les Corps Éloquents

Price: € 25 per workshop / € 75

Utrecht Festival Baroque

passe-partout for four workshops

Dance Band War in the Ballroom wed 28 aug / 20.00 Municipal Theatre Dance Company L’Éventail Les Folies Françoises Voyage en Europe


Ba roq ue da n ce wo r ks h o p & p er fo rmances

baroque dance : the quintessential european language Baroque dance was a language common to all of Europe. The dance was a means of communication for courtiers and diplomats as well as a structural prinicple for composers. France played a dominant role in this development: Louis XIV oversaw the development of a dance notation, which enabled the French dance to be easily disseminated throughout Europe. Has your love of Early music made you curious to know more about Baroque dance? Would you like to discover the effect that a practical Baroque dance workshop has on your listening experience? Or perhaps you are a musician and you would like to know the ideal tempo for those courantes and menuets. Seize your chance: Rachel Farr will guide you in taking your first steps on the dance floor. Over four consecutive days she will deal with a single dance type at a time, so that you can really learn something. Notation and technique will be discussed and, naturally, everybody will dance together. These workshops will be complemented by dance performances featuring 17th- and 18th-century choreographies.



I n te r na t i o na l Ea r l y Musi c Su mmit

utrecht : european capital of early music Even more than usual, the Utrecht Early Music Festival will be a central meeting point for early music professionals from across Europe. During the closing weekend the Early Music Festival and the Utrecht Conservatoire will co-host two major international gatherings. REMA, the European network of early music festivals and concert organisers, and AEC, with representatives of the early music faculties of the European conservatoires, will come into contact with each other on both a formal and informal basis for the first time. The Early Music Festival is proud to be able to bring music educators and concert promotors together. It serves to underline Utrecht’s position as the undisputed European capital of early music.



Young ta le n t i n t h e Ea r l y Music Fest iva l

utrecht : discover the future of early music The Utrecht Early Music Festival has been a springboard for young talent since the very first edition in 1982. Naturally, the main festival programme offers ample space for new ensembles each year, while the youngest generation of musicians who are still students can present themselves in the Festival Fringe concerts.The fringe programme presents around 70 ensembles and soloists in concerts with free admission: not infrequently, exceptional talent of the future is discovered here. During their stay in Utrecht the musicians will receive extra guidance in the form of career advice given by professionals including concert programmers, impresarios, journalists and inspiring musicians. Two ensembles will have the opportunity to participate in a masterclass with Skip SempĂŠ. He will coach them the finer points of ensemble playing in late Renaissance and Baroque repertoire. The masterclasses are open to the public, as is the final presentation given by the ensembles on 31 August at 15.30. The fringe programme will be published in the third number of the Oude Muziek magazine, which will appear in mid August. From 1 August you will also find the fringe programme at www.oudemuziek.nl/fringe.



2013 In te r na t i o na l ST IM U Sy mp osiu m

negotiating music The Treaty of Utrecht created a new European equilibrium by means of negotiation, not weapons. In the early 18th century a new, combined European taste also emerged within music, uniting the national styles that had developed in the previous decades. Music had been a crucial element of cultural diplomacy for centuries, whether as a symbol of the power of the state or as a lubricant smoothing the path for political negotiations. This symposium explores various kinds of musical negotiations, from the Thirty Years War to the Treaty of Utrecht. Musicians experienced the constant waging of war as extremely restrictive; however, diplomatic contact often enabled the exchange of new music and ideas. Guest curator Rebekah Ahrendt (Yale University) has put together a programme focusing on the relationship between musicians and diplomats (with Constantijn Huygens serving as an example), European celebrations of the Treaty of Utrecht and musicians such as Atto Melani and Agosto Steffani, who also served as diplomats. Official Language: English Speakers: Rebekah Ahrendt, David Irving, Fred Jacobs, Scott Edwards, Robert Rawson, Anna Tedesco, Luise Stein, Roger Freitas, Colin Timms, Dorothea Schrรถder, Peter Leech, Jennifer Thirope, Alison de Simone, Barbara Nestola The definitive programme will available from 1 June at: www.oudemuziek.nl/symposium



Co n ce r t s , le c tures a n d s y mp osiu m

2013 international lute days in utrecht The Utrecht Early Music Festival is proud to be the co-host of the 2013 International Lute Days, an initiative of the Dutch Lute Society. From 30 August to 1 September numerous lute recitals will take place in Utrecht, featuring renowned lutenists such as Paul O’Dette, Anthony Bailes and Fred Jacobs – as part of the main programme of the Early Music Festival. Lute Symposium There will also be a lute symposium with a special focus on the lute in the Golden Age. The long-awaited, new facsimile edition of Nicolaes Vallet’s complete lute works will be presented in conjunction with this event. Early Music Market It goes without saying that lute makers will also be substantially represented at the Early Music Market held on 30 and 31 August in the Nicolaïkerk. The complete programme of the International Lute Days is available at www.luitdagen.nl.



3 0 & 3 1 A ug ust i n t h e N i cola 誰kerk

early music market One of the cornerstones of the Utrecht Early Music Festival is the annual Early Music Market, hosting musical instrument makers, music publishers and CD labels from throughout the world. These specialists will be keen to offer you advice or a demonstration of their instruments. It is the perfect opportunity for professionals and amateurs alike to try out and compare period stringed, plucked, keyboard and wind instruments for themselves. On Friday 30 August the Market will have extended opening hours until 20.00. In the afternoon children can make their own hummel. At 18.00 and 19.00 Sietze de Vries will improvise on the Marcussen organ in Baroque style. More than 75 exhibitors will gather in the Nicola誰kerk this year; a complete overview is available at www.oudemuziek.nl/markt and in the Festival booklet.



A m usi ca l m us e um to u r

listen to art In Vredesnaam, an historical exhibition in the Centraal Museum about the Treaty of Utrecht, will be open to the public until 22 September. On three evenings during the Festival a special musical guided tour will take place in the exhibition. Four musicians will be your guide; their music illustrating and commenting on the exhibits. In this way a visual experience also becomes a listening experience and vice versa. Advance reservations are advisable. Listen to Art Wed 28, Thu 29 and Fri 30 Aug / 20.00 Centraal Museum â‚Ź 26 / â‚Ź 21


Pra ese n t ia cul is a rcu n e c a n te m olest ie mkcn ckdnv kd nvo k .

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet naam auteur Aarcu nec ante molestie rutrum. Vivamus est arcu, mattis vel aliquet et, facilisis placerat tellus. Nulla accumsan condimentum leo id tincidunt. Aenean blandit nunc mattis justo adipiscing ut venenatis urna scelerisque. Quisque auctor, magna eget ornare rutrum, massa enim posuere lorem, id consectetur orci ligula consequat tortor. Vestibulum vel dolor leo, ac feugiat lectus. Sed imperdiet dictum aliquam. Suspendisse sodales, urna nec mollis gravida, ante massa adipiscing risus, vitae mattis nunc erat sed nisl. Phasellus ullamcorper neque in risus sollicitudin viverra. In tortor elit, interdum in cursus sed, cursus eget nulla. Phasellus nec dolor purus, at posuere dui. Praesent adipiscing massa ac nibh luctus vel ultricies augue aliquam. Donec suscipit, lorem et tincidunt posuere, nunc eros volutpat orci, ut pretium nisl ligula non mi. Nunc risus ligula, pulvinar sit amet luctus vel, tincidunt ut risus. Quisque sed felis sed lectus laoreet tempor.


early music carillon festival The third edition of the Early Music Carillon Festival once again places the Dom carillon in the limelight. Every Festival day there will be a carillon concert that is thematically linked to the 2013 Early Music Festival – #Europe. Utrecht’s city carillonneur Malgosia Fiebig will play a leading role, however she has also invited several of her pre-eminent colleagues to participate. Upand-coming talent will be showcased in the carillon fringe. Not for the faint-hearted: during the carillon concerts on 24 and 31 August fifteen persons will be admitted to make the ascent and enjoy a close-up view of the carillon, while on 25 August a guided tour for children will take place. On 31 August at approximately 22.00 VJ on the Dom beats Baroque will begin: a magnificent open-air spectacle on the Domplein. This is the crowning event of the festivities surrounding the third centenary of the Treaty of Utrecht. The Dom carillon will be played live and combined with the sounds of five other European carillons. The Dom tower itself will be transformed into a gigantic projection screen upon which the new media collective Born Digital will give full rein to its creativity. Later that evening the concert will turn into a DJ mix featuring the DJs Kypski and Francesco Tristano. VJ on the Dom has been organised in a unique collaboration between the Utrecht Early Music Festival, the Gaudeamus Music Week, the Utrecht Carillon Society, the city carillonneurs Arie Abbenes (emeritus) and Malgosia Fiebig, the computer artists Born Digital and the Treaty of Utrecht.


Festival schedule 10.00

fr 23 aug

sa 24 aug

so 25 aug

m0 26 aug

tue 27 aug

naam van het concert

naam van het concert

naam van het concert

Dance Course

Dance Course

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert



SS: Peter Van Heyghen

SS: Pedro Memelsdorff

SS: Renger de Bruin

SS: Anne Smith



VB Leeuwenbergh

VB Leeuwenbergh

Jos van Immerseel

Bob van Asperen

David Van Bouwel

Jean-Marc Aymes



Lutherse Kerk

Lutherse Kerk

naam van het concert


Ordo Virtutum

Company Linda Tomko

Les Corps éloquents

locatie van het concert

VB Leeuwenbergh


Theater Kikker

Theater Kikker

naam van het concert

Le Jardin Secret

Le Parlement de Musique naam van het concert

naam van het concert

locatie van het concert

Lutherse Kerk

VB Leeuwenbergh

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

naam van het concert

Egidius Kwartet

Capilla Flamenca

Huelgas Ensemble


locatie van het concert





naam van het concert

Les Muffatti


naam van het concert

naam van het concert

locatie van het concert



locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

naam van het concert

1713 Dinner

1713 Dinner

1713 Dinner

1713 Dinner

locatie van het concert





Opening concert

Cantica Symphonia

21.00 Graindelavoix

Ghislieri Choir & Consort Capriccio Stravagante

Domkerk & city centre





Le Parnasse français

La Risonanza

naam van het concert

Stile Antico



locatie van het concert


naam van het concert

naam van het concert

naam van het concert

naam van het concert

naam van het concert

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

Opening Pandhof

Mala Punica



Huelgas Ensemble





naam van het concert

Bertrand Cuiller

Pierre Hantaï

Kirkby & Lindberg

Eduardo Egüez

locatie van het concert


Lutherse Kerk











daily rhythm 11.00: Summer School Lectures 13.00: Harpsichord and lute recitals 15.00 Mediaeval and dance 17.00 Lassus

18.30: 1713 Dinner 20.00: Large scale evening concerts 22.30: Vocal ensembles 24.00: Solo recitals


fr 30 aug

sa 31 aug

Dance Course

Dance Course

Stimu-symposium: The





lute in the Golden Age

Negotiating Music

Negotiating Music

SS: Bob van Asperen

SS: Jordi Savall

SS: Rebekah Ahrendt

SS: Fred Jacobs

SS: Debate: Europe

Lutherse Kerk

Instituto Cervantes




Bob van Asperen

Laurent Stewart

Kate Clark & Paul O’Dette

Fred Jacobs

Anthony Bailes

Lutherse Kerk

Lutherse Kerk

Lutherse Kerk



Les Haulz et les Bas

Tasto Solo

La Morra



VB Leeuwenbergh



naam van het concert

naam van het concert

Ludovice Ensemble

Nicolaes Vallet Lute Quartet

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert


Lutherse Kerk

Brabant Ensemble

Le Concert Spirituel



naam van het concert

naam van het concert

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

1713 Dinner Paushuize

Tetraktys St.-Willibrorduskerk naam van het concert locatie van het concert

so 1 sep

Latvian Radio Choir

Cappella Amsterdam




naam van het concert


Camerata Trajectina

locatie van het concert

VB Leeuwenbergh


1713 Dinner

1713 Dinner

1713 Dinner

1713 Dinner





Compagnie L’Eventail

Le Concert Spirituel

Hesperion XXI


20.15 Huelgas Ensemble



VB Leidsche Rijn



20.15 Currende

Pratum Integrum

naam van het concert

Vox Luminis

naam van het concert



locatie van het concert


locatie van het concert

Listen to Art

Listen to Art

Listen to Art

naam van het concert

naam van het concert

Centraal Museum

Centraal Museum

Centraal Museum

locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

Les Cyclopes

Los Músicos de Su Alteza


22.00 VJ on the Dom

naam van het concert





locatie van het concert

Eugène Ferré

naam van het concert

naam van het concert


locatie van het concert

locatie van het concert

Van Elsacker & Johnsen Hopkinson Smith Aula


Concerto Italiano

10.00-18.00: Early Music Market (Nicolaïkerk)

thu 29 aug

12.00-20.00: Early Music Market (Nicolaïkerk)

wed 28 aug

Ciconia and Mediaeval

Lassus & polyphony







friday 23 august 10.00 Festivalcentre Pandhof Pandhof

19.30 AVRO Festival bulletin AVRO/Radio4 20.00 Festive Opening Night

18.30 Dinner 1713 Paushuize

22.30 Opening Festivalcentre

19.00 Malgosia Fiebig


Domtoren and city centre

Domtoren, Pandhof



vriendenconcert Fri 23 Aug / 20.00 Domkerk & city centre A € 35 / € 25 / € 10 B € 30 / € 20 / € 10

order number 02

Ars Antiqua Austria, St. Florianer Sänger-knaben / Gunar Letzbor

ist Gunar Letzbor is one of the main champions of Austrian Baroque repertoire, which has so far remained largely unexplored. Besides his orchestra of strings and winds he also brings the St Florian children’s choir – in which the young Bruckner used to sing – to Utrecht for the Festival’s opening concert.

Dozens of salon concerts Living rooms of central Utrecht

During the other half of this dubble concert you will be treated to a concert of intimate chamber music, given by Festival musicians at a unique location you would be unlikely to visit otherwise. What’s on the programme? A surprise awaits you!

Muffat’s only surviving mass In labore requies is a typical example of the large-scale vocal and instrumental multichoral composition popular in Salzburg at the time. Together with his ensemble Ars Antiqua Austria, violin-

Tip: today also 1713 Dinner, please see p. 8 (order number 01) 30

D omke r k & l i vi ng ro o m s o f ce n t ra l Ut recht

opening concert In 2013 the Utrecht Early Music Festival once again opens with a double concert: Muffat’s festive, monumental Missa in labore requies in the Domkerk and an intimate chamber music concert at a unique location in the centre of Utrecht. You will receive your personal evening programme on location. 18.00-19.45 18.45-19.00 19.00 20.00-20.45 20.45-21.30 21.30-22.15 22.30

redeem your vouchers at the Domplein. At this point you will receive the address of your salon concert and you will be informed whether your evening begins in the Domkerk or at a salon concert bell-ringing (Dom Tower) carillon concert with Malgosia Fiebig (Dom Tower) Domkerk or salon concert audience changes location; the walk to and from the Domkerk is accompanied by the sounds of the carillon played by Malgosia Fiebig Domkerk or salon concert opening gathering in Pandhof Festival Centre (free admittance for Friends)

This opening night is realised with the support of the K.F. Hein Fonds.



saturday 24 august 10.00 Festivalcentre Pandhof Pandhof

15.00 Le Jardin Secret

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe

Lutherse Kerk

11.00 Summer School: Peter Van Heyghen

Multiple locations


17.00 Egidius Kwartet



11.00 Fringe

17.00 Les Muffatti

Multiple locations


11.00 Malgosia Fiebig

18.30 1713 Dinner Paushuize

Domtoren, Pandhof

12.00 Bell ringing & church bell guided walks

20.00 Cantica Symphonia


Church towers of central Utrecht

13.00 Jos van Immerseel

20.00 Le Parnasse français

Academiegebouw, Aula


14.00 Fringe

22.30 Mala Punica

Multiple locations


15.00 Sequentia

24.00 Bertrand Cuiller

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh


Academiegebouw, Aula

sa 24 aug / 11.00 Academiegebouw, Senaatszaal

sa 24 aug / 10.00-24.00 Pandhof

â‚Ź 5

order number 04

Summer School: Peter Van Heyghen

Pandhof Festival Centre

Muffat: the European

Georg Muffat was born in Savoy, a region noted for cultural exchange. This may explain why he had such an open attitude towards diverse international styles and influences. He travelled to Rome to become acquainted with Corelli’s music and worked with the great master Lully in Paris. Peter van Heyghen is the artistic director of the Brussels Baroque orchestra Les Muffatti. He presents Muffat in an international context and talks about the concert that he will conduct later in the day.

This year the Pandhof on the Domplein is once again the perfect place to enjoy a drink and a snack between the festival activities, to browse in the Festival CD shop or to swap experiences with other festival visitors. Here you can pick up your concert tickets or free fringe tickets from the Festival Box Office. You can also listen to carillon and fringe concerts every day. The Pandhof Festival Centre is located on the Domplein and will be open every day from 10.00 a.m. until late in the evening. The Box Office and CD shop are open from 10.00 to 18.00.

Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 34

sa 24 aug / 12.00 Church towers of central Utrecht free

Bell ringing & church bell guided walks

sa 24 aug / 11.00 Dom Tower, Pandhof free

Throughout the city centre of Utrecht, members of the Utrecht Bell Ringers Guild will present a church bell concert, starting with the bells of the Dom Tower and gradually building up to the imposing sound of all 13 bells ringing at once. Afterwards the other church bells in the city will be added to the concert until church bell music echoes across the entire city. At 12.15 p.m. two guided church bell walks will commence from the Domplein: a western and a southern route that follow the bell ringing relay on foot.

Malgosia Fiebig Muffat on the carillon

Malgosia Fiebig will perform music by Georg Muffat, one of the four festival composers, on the carillon of the Dom Tower. She and the former city carillonneur Arie Abbenes have made arrangements of the Suite in G ‘Laeta Poesis’, the Sonata no. 5 in G and the (probably spurious) Harpsichord Suite no. 2.

12.15: church bell walk led by a guide, western and southern route. Free of charge, but due to limited capacity it is necessary to collect a ticket, available from 10.00 in the Pandhof.

11.00: A close-up look at the carillon (max. 15 standing places with the carillonneur during the concert), â‚Ź10, order number 03


sa 24 aug / 15.00 Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

order number 06

sa 24 aug / 13.00

Sequentia / Benjamin Bagby

Academiegebouw, Aula A € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 05

Charlemagne: King and Emperor

Jos van Immerseel Froberger & Byrd on harpsichord

In the year 800 Charlemagne became emperor of a realm that encompassed almost the whole of Western Europe, thus earning the enduring honorary title Father of Europe. More than 350 years after his death he was elevated to sainthood. Political opportunism was perhaps the greatest motivating factor behind his canonisation: the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa exploited his historical predecessor in order to bolster his own stature and claim direct lineage from the Roman emperors. Sequentia creates a trait d’union linking both these aspects of Charlemagne, juxtaposing early Latin songs from Charlemagne’s court with 12th-century masses.

The harpsichordist Jos van Immerseel focuses on the Italian inspired composer Froberger with his capriccios, toccatas and canzonas. The source of this influence is unmistakeable: Froberger studied in Rome with the other great master of 17th-century keyboard music, Girolamo Frescobaldi. In this recital Van Immerseel places Froberger alongside his much older, but similarly Catholic colleague: William Byrd, juxtaposing the Italian polyphonic tradition with the expressive music of the English virginalists. 36

sa 24 aug / 17.00 Pieterskerk

sa 24 aug / 15.00

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

Lutherse Kerk

B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 08

Egidius Kwartet / Peter de Groot

order number 07

Le Jardin Secret

Lassus in time of crisis

Musical solace for a king in exile

Orlando di Lasso saw his carefree existence come to an end as the imperium of his employer Duke Albrecht of Bavaria collapsed between 1575 and 1580. This left its mark on Lassus’s work. An edition issued by the publisher Berg in 1577 reveals the effects of the necessary cutbacks, featuring two-part motets, in a period when five- and sixvoice motets were the norm. However, Lassus would not be Lassus if the quality of his music were to suffer as a result. The Egidius Kwartet presents chansons, German songs, madrigals and motets, all dating from around 1577.

Following the invasion by William of Orange the English king James II lost his throne, although it was said that he regained his soul in doing so. He no doubt suffered great humiliation living in exile as a guest of the French King Louis XIV; however, music may have brought him some solace. Le Jardin Secret plays the Italian music familiar to the Stuarts in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, as well as the newly composed French repertoire of the period. Thus Campra, Visée, Charpentier and Carissimi will join forces in this concert. 37

sa 24 aug / 18.30-19.30

sa 24aug / 17.00


Geertekerk € 49,50

order number 10

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 09

1713 Dinner

Les Muffatti / Peter Van Heyghen

Dining in Treaty style

Muffat, Pez, Corelli and the concerto grosso

In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre. (see p. 8-9)

Les Muffatti’s star is on the ascendant: they made an ambitious recording of Pez, Bononcini and Leclair and last year they astounded the Utrecht Festival public with an unknown but extraordinarily dramatic St Matthew Passion by Bach’s contemporary Reinhard Keiser. The Baroque orchestra was a definite must for this year’s festival, since its namesake features so prominently in the programming. The concert is based on the concerto grosso, a genre that spread from Rome to the north. Corelli’s rarely heard Sinfonia in D minor will also be performed.

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: Pie with turnip and mushrooms Roast of ox with chard and raisins


sa 24 aug / 20.00 Dom Church A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 11

Cantica Symphonia / Giuseppe Maletto

may have composed his mass after returning to Cambrai, where he spent his final years, lauded as the most influential European composer of his day. In the mid-fifteenth century the theme of L’homme armé was strikingly common in mass settings: possibly a reference to the fall of Constantinople following the Turkish siege, a traumatic event for Western Europe.

L’homme armé: war and peace in the 15th century

The Italian specialist ensemble Cantica Symphonia presents Dufay’s four-voice Missa L’homme armé, alternating with instrumental mass movements attributed to Antoine Busnois. Dufay 39

sa 24 aug / 20.00 Jacobikerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 12

orchestra and soloists. An exclusively French genre? In fact, not! Le Parnasse français demonstrates how Lully’s model was disseminated: from Clérambault in Paris, via Purcell in London (My beloved spake) and Biffi in Venice, to Telemann in Hamburg. The ensemble takes us on a European journey, on the trail of a riveting musical genre characterised by pomp and splendour.

Le Parnasse français / Louis Castelain The grand motet: a journey through Europe

Under the fiery leadership of Louis Castelain, Le Parnasse français was the revelatory highlight of the 2010 Utrecht Early Music Festival. The ensemble specialises in the grand motet: sacred music on a monumental scale with choir,

Solisten o.a.: Eugénie Warnier, soprano / Jeffrey Thompson, haute-contre / Arnaud Richard, bass


sa 24 aug / 22.30 Geertekerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 13

Mala Punica / Pedro Memelsdorff Ciconia: motets

sa 24 aug / 24.00 Academiegebouw, Aula

Johannes Ciconia started out as a choir boy in Leuven, and soon made his way to Italy, where he blended the northern style with elements of the local tradition. Whether Ciconia ever actually worked in the papal city of Rome is uncertain, however we do know that he arrived in the university city of Padua around the age of thirty. By then he was already a respected composer. The eight motets that can definitely be ascribed to him date from this period: the majority being dedicated to notable figures from Padua and Venice. Mala Punica presents their core repertoire: the unprecedented, nearly exotic refinement of the Italian fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

€ 12 / € 10 / € 7

order number 14

Bertrand Cuiller Froberger & and the Blow-manuscript

The young French harpsichordist Bertrand Cuiller bases his homage to Froberger on a manuscript currently housed in Brussels, a compilation of keyboard works put together by the English composer John Blow in his final years – possibly for his own use. These include toccatas by Froberger, Fischer and Strungk. Cuiller adds music by Blow himself to create an original and richly diverse midnight recital. 41


sunday 25 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe


11.00 Summer School: Pedro Memelsdorff

17.00 Capilla Flamenca

Multiple locations


Academiegebouw, Senaatszaal

17.00 B’Rock 11.00 Fringe


Multiple locations

18.30 1713 Dinner 12.30 Malgosia Fiebig


Domtoren, Pandhof

19.30 Festival bulletin 13.00 Bob van Asperen


Academiegebouw, Aula

20.00 La Risonanza 14.00 Fringe


Multiple locations

21.00 Graindelavoix Domkerk

15.00 Ordo Virtutum St.-Willibrorduskerk

22.30 Daedalus Pieterskerk

15.00 Le Parlement de Musique

24.00 Pierre HantaĂŻ Lutherse Kerk

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh


su 25 aug / 11.00 Academiegebouw, Senaatszaal € 5

order number 15

su 25 aug / 12.30 Domtoren

Summer School: Pedro Memelsdorff


Ciconia, the European

Malgosia Fiebig Froberger and Muffat on the carillon

Like so many of his colleagues, the Leuven-born composer Ciconia was drawn to sunny Italy. After presumably stopping over in Rome and Pavia he arrived in Padua around 1400. Ciconia’s music combines styles: he was familiar with the late northern Ars Nova, but he adopted the local Italian style with equal assurance. Pedro Memelsdorff, leader of Mala Punica and recently appointed director of the Schola Cantorum in Basel, obtained his doctorate at the University of Utrecht several years ago. He elaborates on a subject that has become his life’s work: the study of Ciconia and his contemporaries..

While Froberger’s keyboard oeuvre is primarily intended for harpsichord or organ, his toccatas, suites and fantasias are also particularly convincing when performed on the carillon. Malgosia Fiebig also plays an arrangement of Georg Muffat’s second sonata for strings and continuo from his compilation Armonico Tributo, which clearly reflects the influence of both the Italian and French styles. + Children’s tour of carillon playing 5+ Children must be accompanied by an adult In collaboration with Toerisme Utrecht Starting time: 11.30, duration: 75 minutes Meeting point: entrance to the Dom Tower, Domplein 21 € 5 pp, order number 16

Language: English. Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.


su 25 aug / 15.00 St.-Willibrorduskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

su 25 aug / 13.00

Ordo Virtutum / Stefan Morent

Academiegebouw, Aula A € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 18

Hermannus Contractur: a genius from

order number 17

the musical centre of Europe

Bob van Asperen The monastery on the island of Reichenau in Lake Boden has been called the cradle of European musical culture: Abbot Berno was the great reformer of Gregorian chant in the eleventh century, with its division into eight modes. His most important student was Hermannus, born exactly 1000 years ago this year: a medieval homo universalis. We will hear antiphonies, responsories and hymns from his hand, performed by the nine singers of the German ensemble Ordo Virtutum directed by Stefan Morent, an authority on medieval music.

Froberger: on the organ and harpsichord

Clearly, a substantial portion of Froberger’s keyboard oeuvre was intended to be performed on the organ. Bob van Asperen performs several Italianinspired toccatas, a ricercare, a fantasia and capriccio on the organ, followed by the suite XV and the superb Lamentation on the death of Froberger’s employer Ferdinand III: music that was unmistakably composed for the harpsichord. He completes the programme with an allemande by Henri Dumont. 45

su 25 aug / 15.00

su 25 aug / 17.00

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

Pieterskerk order number 19

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 20

Le Parlement de Musique / Martin Gester & Aline Zylberajch

Capilla Flamenca / Dirk Snellings

Chamber music from Froberger’s day

Lassus: Bonjour mon coeur

Hailing from Strasbourg, Le Parlement de Musique sheds light on a particular musical tradition from its own region. Since ancient times the Alsace has acted as a transitional zone on the crossroad of the routes linking the Habsburg Empire, Germany, France and Italy. This also holds true for the two Strasbourg manuscripts that provide the starting point for this concert, in which, in which solo keyboard works by Froberger are juxtaposed with the exceptionally international chamber music of Krieger, Rosenmüller, Böddecker and Schmelzer.

Lassus was exceptionally versatile within the secular chanson genre. His emotional and musical palette of colours is inexhaustible, whether expressing humour, melancholy or the joys and sorrows of love. This is evident in his translation of Bonjour mon coeur, a refined love poem by Ronsard, into an equally captivating musical equivalent. The four singers of Capilla Flamenca refer to this aspect of Lassus’s oeuvre as cabaret, but of the most alluring variety. Supported by lute, flute and gambas, they also present instrumental arrangements of the vocal originals. 46

su 25 aug / 17.00 St.-Augustinuskerk

su 25 aug / 18.30-19.30 A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10


order number 21

€ 49,50

B’Rock / David Van Bouwel

1713 Dinner

Tears of Melancoly: Muffat, Dowland,

Dining in Treaty style

order number 22

Britten, Hindemith

In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

B’Rock and viola player Dmitry Sinkovsky demonstrate – on Baroque instruments – how 20th-century composers found their inspiration in the old masters. Thus, alongside the ‘real works’ by Muffat and Dowland we also hear Benjamin Britten’s cycle based on Dowland’s Lachrimae or Seven Tears composed in 1604. In the subsequent variations Britten used fragments of Dowland’s melodies, which only appear in their complete form at the end of the cycle. The dark tones of the viola dominate here, as is the case in the Trauermusik composed by Paul Hindemith in 1936 on the occasion of the death of the English King George V.

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: Pie with turnips and mushrooms Roast of ox with chards and raisins


su 25 aug / 20.00

su 25 aug / 21.00


Domkerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10

A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 23

order number 24

La Risonanza / Fabio Bonizzoni

Graindelavoix / Björn Schmelzer

Vivaldi: La Senna festeggiante

Ossuaires: a cinema concert

Vivaldi’s serenata La Senna festeggiante (The Seine Rejoicing) is a tribute to the French King Louis XV. It contains many French elements – but perhaps it above all reveals how Vivaldi viewed the French style. The libretto is built around three characters and is somewhat static; however, this in no way spoils the pleasure: every page of the music displays the rich inventiveness so typical of Vivaldi. It is the ideal work for Fabio Bonizzoni’s energetic chamber orchestra, bolstered by festive winds for the occasion.

The multitalented Björn Schmelzer transforms the Dom into a cinema, with live polyphony performed by his musicians resounding beneath its vaulted arches. The film, a contemporary road movie under his own direction featuring the choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker in a leading role, was inspired by the unique sketchbook created by the 13th-century architect Villard de Honnecourt while travelling throughout medieval Europe on a cathedral tour. The office for Saint Elizabeth of Hungary provides the soundtrack for Schmelzer’s ironic exploration of the film genre.

Soloists: Yetzabel Arias Fernandez, soprano / Elena Biscuola, alto / Sergio Foresti, bass


¤su 0025 / ¤aug 00 / /¤ 24.00 00 bestelnummer Lutherse Kerk00

su 25 aug / 22.30 Pieterskerk

€ 12 / € 10 / € 7

order number 26

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 25

Pierre Hantaï Froberger and the German lineage on

Daedalus / Roberto Festa


Lassus: Oracula

Keyboard giant Pierre Hantaï is wellknown to Utrecht audiences, and rightly so: this former Leonhardt student is one of the most fascinating and original harpsichordist on the current scene. In this midnight recital he places Froberger – including his suites XVIII and XIX – in perspective, performing him alongside Bach’s Lautenwerk suite and Handel’s Sarabande in D minor. He also makes an excursion over the Channel, with William Byrd’s impressive series of variations The Woods so wilde.

The nine singers of Daedalus tackle one of Lassus’s most mysterious cycles: the Prophetiae Sibyllarum. Lassus experiments freely with expressive text settings and pronounced chromaticism. It might seem like music for the initiated, however this powerful repertoire is so compelling that it totally captivates 21st-century audiences. The Lassus authority Roberto Festa opens the concert with the equally colourful Lectiones Sacrae Novem from 1582. 49


monday 26 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe


10.00 Baroque Dance Workshop

17.00 Huelgas Ensemble

Multiple locations



18.30 1713 Dinner 11.00 Fringe


Multiple locations

11.30 Wim Van den Broeck

19.30 Lassus voor amateurzangers


Domtoren, Pandhof

11.00 Summer School: Renger de Bruin

19.30 Festival bulletin AVRO/Radio4

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh

13.00 David Van Bouwel

20.00 Ghislieri Choir & Consort


Lutherse Kerk

14.00 Fringe

22.30 Cinquecento


Multiple locations

15.00 Danscompagnie Linda Tomko

24.00 Emma Kirkby & Jakob Lindberg

Theater Kikker


Academiegebouw, Aula

mo 26 aug / 11.00-12.00 Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh € 5

mo 26 aug / 10.00-12.00

Summer School: Renger de Bruin

Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten € 25

order number 28

order number 27

1713: The Treaty of Utrecht

Rachel Farr The Treaty of Utrecht is little known in the Netherlands, yet in many schools abroad 1713 is one of the most significant dates taught in history class. This is not without reason: the Treaty of Utrecht ended centuries-long religious disputes and redrew the map of Europe. But what was it actually all about and what was really at stake? Renger de Bruin, a historian and curator of the exhibition In Vredesnaam (For Peace’s Sake) which will run at the Central Museum until 22 September, fills us in on the facts during a lively presentation.

Baroque Dance Workshop: menuet

For those who always wanted to know more about the mysteries of Baroque dance, the Baroque dance specialist Rachel Farr will enlighten you on this elegant blend of sound and movement from the perspective of both dancer and musician. Naturally you will also be invited to take to the dancefloor. mo 26 aug: menuet / tue 27 aug: bourrée / wed 28 aug: gavotte / thu 29 aug: courante

Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen

With the Scroll Ensemble


¤ 00 / ¤ 00 / ¤ 00

mo 26 aug / 13.00

bestelnummer 00

Lutherse Kerk A € 18 / € 16 / € 10

mo 26 aug / 11.30

B € 16 / € 14 / € 10

order number 29

Domtoren, Pandhof

David Van Bouwel


Froberger & Rossi on harpsichord

Wim Van den Broeck Froberger directly incorporated the Italian innovations of his teacher Frescobaldi into the German tradition, employing typical genres such as the toccata and capriccio. The Flemish harpsichordist David Van Bouwel focuses on Froberger’s Italian-inspired works and juxtaposes these with the highly chromatic music of Michelangelo Rossi. In this way we hear two Frescobaldi students side by side: there can be no doubt that Rossi served as a source of inspiration for Froberger.

Carillon fringe

Five years ago Wim Van den Broeck began studying the carillon with Teun Michiels at the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen from which he will graduate this year. Van den Broek is assistant city carillonneur in Diest, Belgium. He will perform arrangements of Telemann sonatas and Campra’s suite Les Fêtes Venitiénnes on the carillon of the Utrecht Dom Tower. 53

mo 26 aug / 17.00 Domkerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

mo 26 aug / 15.00

Huelgas Ensemble / Paul Van Nevel

Theater Kikker A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

order number 31

order number 30

Lassus: boundless versatility

Dance Company Linda Tomko & Utrecht Festival Baroque Dance Band / Jed Wentz

Artist in residence Paul Van Nevel affirms his love of the leading figure of 16th-century musical Europe. In the first part of the Lassus triptych presented by the Huelgas ensemble at this year’s festival he explores Lassus’s extremely complex, capricious and versatile personality. All facets of this Renaissance genius are revealed: the melancholic, the architect, the pious, the humorist, the humanist, the lover. We hear musical settings of Italian sonnets, poems by Ronsard and texts by Virgil. The high point is the humorous motet SUPER, which lingers for minutes on a single psalm verse.

1713 in sound and movement

An international cast including Linda Tomko, Jennifer Thorp, Olsi Gjeci and Ricardo Barros presents dances from Nouveau recüeil de dance de bal et celle de ballet, a major collection published in 1713. The choreographies are by the celebrated dance master Louis-Guillaume Pecour, who created these for the greatest dancers of his day. 54

mo 26 aug / 18.30-19.30 Paushuize € 49,50

order number 32

mo 26 aug / 19.30-20.00 Jacobikerk

1713 Dinner Dining in Treaty style

AVRO Festival bulletin In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

On eight evenings from 23 August to 1 September inclusive, Dutch radio AVRO/Radio4 will broadcast a special Festival bulletin, in which the presenter Mark Brouwers will introduce his guests and their music to you on location. These daily, live impressions of the Festival will precede the Radio4 broadcast of the evening concert. Fri 23 Aug 19.30-20.00 Su 25 Aug 19.30-20.00 Mo 26 Aug 19.30-20.00 Tue 27 Aug 19.30-20.00 Wed 28 Aug 19.30-20.00 Thu 29 Aug 19.30-20.00 Fri 30 Aug 19.30-20.00 Sa 31 Aug 19.00-20.00

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: Venison pie Capon in pastry with prunes, cherries and verjus


mo 26 aug / 20.00 Jacobikerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 33

Ghislieri Choir & Consort / Giulio Prandi D’Astorga: Stabat Mater; Perez: Mattutino de’Morti

mo 26 aug / 19.30-22.00 St.-Willibrorduskerk

Davide Perez and Emanuele d’Astorga left their Neapolitan home land to work in other parts of Europe. The French Fondation Royaumont has given the young conductor Giulio Prandi the opportunity to set up an extensive musicological project based on the Matuttino de’Morti published by Davide Perez in Lisbon. With fifty performers on the stage, this late 18th-century funeral mass is sure to be one of the most memorable events of the Festival. The Mattutino is performed alongside the Baroque Stabat Mater by Emanuel Rincon Barone d’Astorga.

€ 35 incl. koffie/thee

Lassus for amateur singers Workshop with Paul Van Nevel

Have you ever wanted to sing Lassus’s music yourself? Artist in residence Paul Van Nevel will take you through chansons, madrigals and motets of this great master in high tempo. If you are a singer of modest talents don’t count on making it through to the end of the workshop. Register at your own risk.

Soloists: Roberta Invernizzi, soprano Salvo Vitale, bass


mo 26 aug / 22.30 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

mo 26 aug / 24.00

order number 34

Academiegebouw, Aula


€ 12 / € 10 / € 7

order number 35

Lassus & De Monte: ein Leben in der Fremde

Emma Kirkby & Jakob Lindberg

Most Renaissance composers led a turbulent life of constant travel. Orlandus Lassus and Philippus de Monte were no exception. Both composers were born in Northern Europe, travelled throughout Europe and subsequently settled down for a long period; the former in Munich and the latter in Vienna and Prague. The Austrian Renaissance collective Cinquecento makes its Utrecht debut with a combination of de Monte’s six-voice Missa Ultimi miei Sospiri, a parody mass to a madrigal by Verdelot, and motets and Magnificat settings by Lassus.

In darkness let me dwell

The grand dame of early music will finally visit Utrecht again. Emma Kirkby and lutenist Jakob Lindberg present this mid-night concert as a journey through Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. The darkness, representing loneliness but also a need for silence and contemplation, serves as a guide in a recital that takes us from Moulinié, via D’India, Coprario and Ferbosco, to Buxtehude and Schimmelpfenninck. 57


tuesday 27 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe


10.00 Baroque Dance Workshop UCK

17.00 Oratori

Multiple locations


18.30 1713 Dinner 11.00 Summer School: Anne Smith


19.30 Festival bulletin

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh


11.00 Fringe

20.00 Stile Antico

Multiple locations


11.30 Gijsbert Kok

20.00 Capriccio Stravagante

Domtoren, Pandhof

13.00 Jean-Marc Aymes


Lutherse Kerk

22.30 Huelgas Ensemble 14.00 Fringe


Multiple locations

24.00 Eduardo Egßez 15.00 Les Corps Éloquents

Theater Kikker


Academiegebouw, Aula

tue 27 aug / 11.00 Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh € 5

Summer School: Anne Smith

tue 27 aug / 10.00-12.00

Lassus: the European

Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten € 25

order number 37

order number 36

Anne Smith, a teacher at the Schola Cantorum in Basel, is a leading authority on Renaissance music. She wrote the standard work The Performance of 16th-Century Music, in which she attempted to bridge the gap between the source text and actual performance. Smith is convinced that the music of the late Renaissance is fundamentally concerned with textual expression, with musical colour and ornamentation employed to reinforce the desired expression. In her lecture she elaborates on the principles underlying the concert that she will later present on that day.

Rachel Farr Baroque Dance Workshop: gavotte

For those who always wanted to know more about the mysteries of Baroque dance, the Baroque dance specialist Rachel Farr will enlighten you on this elegant blend of sound and movement from the perspective of both dancer and musician. Naturally you will also be invited to take to the dancefloor. mo 26 aug: menuet /tue 27aug: bourrée / wed 28aug: gavotte /thu 29 aug: courante

Language: English. Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen

With the Scroll Ensemble


tue 27 aug / 13.00 Lutherse Kerk A € 18 / € 16 / € 10 B € 16 / € 14 / € 10

tue 27 aug / 11.30

order number 38

Jean-Marc Aymes

Domtoren, Pandhof

Froberger & Frescobaldi on harpsichord free

Froberger studied with the organist of St. Peter’s Girolamo Frescobaldi in Rome. The clarity and flexibility of Frescobaldi’s keyboard idiom appealed to him: the typically polyphonic structures, his virtuosity and inventiveness, his uninhibited pursuit of a given musical idea. Jean-Marc Aymes has recorded Frescobaldi’s entire keyboard oeuvre and he approaches Froberger from the perspective of his teacher. In doing so, he seeks out explicit references and corresponding elements.

Gijsbert Kok Rosenmüller on the carillon

Gijsbert Kok is carillonneur of The Hague, Scheveningen, Voorschoten and Zoetermeer and teaches in Amersfoort and Rotterdam. He will perform arrangements of concertos, suites and sonatas by the great Italians such as Vivaldi and Corelli as well as keyboard works by Frescobaldi and Muffat. 61

tue 27 aug / 17.00 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

tue 27 aug / 15.00

B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 40

Theater Kikker A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

Oratori / Anne Smith

order number 39

Lassus: Sacrae Cantiones (1562)

Danscompagnie Les Corps Éloquents / Hubert Hazebroucq Utrecht Festival Baroque Dance Band / Jed Wentz

Les Corps Éloquents has created a programme with texts and historical dances associated with the War of the Spanish Succession and the treaty that was ultimately concluded. Some of the most colourful personages of the period appear on stage.

Music should resemble a good oration: it must move the listener, otherwise it has no effect. In order to achieve this the music must be well-constructed, but above all the performer needs to have mastered the technique of declamation and to possess the requisite elegance and power of persuasion. Anne Smith, a teacher at the Schola Cantorum in Basel and specialist in 16th-century performance practice, coaches five of her best students performing motets from Lassus’s compilation Sacrae Cantiones. Young talent meets cutting-edge research in concert.

With Irène Ginger

Language: English

War in the Ballroom


tue 27 aug / 18.30-19.30 Paushuize € 49,50

di 27 aug / 19.30-20.00

order number 41


1713 Dinner Dining in Treaty style

AVRO Festival bulletin In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

On eight evenings from 23 August to 1 September inclusive, Dutch radio AVRO/Radio4 will broadcast a special Festival bulletin, in which the presenter Mark Brouwers will introduce his guests and their music to you on location. These daily, live impressions of the Festival will precede the Radio4 broadcast of the evening concert. Fri 23 Aug 19.30-20.00 Su 25 Aug 19.30-20.00 Mo 26 Aug 19.30-20.00 Tue 27 Aug 19.30-20.00 Wed 28 Aug 19.30-20.00 Thu 29 Aug 19.30-20.00 Fri 30 Aug 19.30-20.00 Sa 31 Aug 19.00-20.00

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: Venison pie Capon in pastry with prunes, cherries and verjus


tue 27 aug / 20.00 Geertekerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

tue 27 aug / 20.00

order number 42


Capriccio Stravagante / Skip Sempé

A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

Campra: L’Europe galante (scenes)

order number 43

Stile Antico Lassus & Gombert: Principes musicorum

The title of Campra’s L’Europa galante possibly enjoys greater renown than the superb music itself; however, Skip Sempé and his fellow performers will change all of this. Premièred in 1697 under the direction of Marin Marais, L’Europa galante is the first opéra-ballet in which the various scènes share a single unifying theme. Thus, we will be presented with amorous scenes from four different countries: France, Spain, Italy and Turkey. These provide the ingredients for an imaginary European journey, in this case one with a French flavour.

Like so many of the best 16th-century Flemish musicians, Gombert obtained a position at the prestigious Capilla Flamenca of Emperor Charles. He travelled throughout Europe in the Emperor’s wake. The younger Lassus ended up in Italy; he was one of the few Flemish composers not to be employed by Charles or his son Philip. The leading British ensemble Stile Antico unites these two figures around the Song of Songs, with motets by Lassus and Gombert’s Missa Quam Pulchra es. The concert opens and concludes with two different settings of the Magnificat.

Soloists: Hana Blaziková, soprano / Judith van Wanroij, soprano / Reinoud Van Mechelen, haut-contre / Lisandro Abadie, bass-baritone


tue 27 aug / 22.30 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 44

tue 27 aug / 24.00 Academiegebouw, Aula

Huelgas Ensemble / Paul van Nevel

€ 12 / € 10 / € 7

Lassus & Lejeune: motetten, psalmen,

order number 45

Eduardo Egüez


The travels of Santiago de Murcia

Paul Van Nevel unequivocally views Claude Lejeune as the French Lassus. Both composers were closely acquainted with each others’ works and they held each other in high regard. There was one marked difference: Lejeune found a secure niche working for the European Hugenots, where he ultimately developed into the musical figurehead of the French Reformation. This was also a determining factor regarding his choice of repertoire. The supreme all-rounder Lassus is surpassed by Lejeune in two genres: the chanson, which Lejeune approached with unprecedented freshness and, naturally, the psalm setting.

Santiago de Murcia was guitar teacher to the Spanish Queen Maria Luisa, who was married to Louis XIV’s grandson, who became king after the Treaty of Utrecht. It has long been thought that De Murcia met Corelli and Scarlatti in Rome prior to departing for the Southern Netherlands and even South America. While these tales remain unverified, it is clear that his oeuvre displays the influence of Spanish, French and Italian music – Corelli, Visée and Corbetta – as well as of popular dances such as the tarantella and fandango. Consequently, his work is a true panorama of European guitar music. 65


wednesday 28 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

17.00 The Brabant Ensemble



10.00 Baroque Dance Workshop

18.30 1713 Dinner Paushuize


19.30 Festival bulletin 11.00 Summer School: Bob van Asperen


20.00 Danscompagnie L’Éventail

Lutherse Kerk

11.00 Fringe Multiple locations


20.00 Listen to Art 11.30 Malgosia Fiebig

Centraal Museum

Domtoren, Pandhof

20.15 Currende 13.00 Bob van Asperen


Lutherse Kerk

22.30 Les Cyclopes 14.00 Fringe


Multiple locations

15.00 Les Haulz et les Bas

24.00 Jan Van Elsacker & Thor-Harald Johnsen


15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe

Multiple locations


Academiegebouw, Aula

wed 28 aug / 11.00 Lutherse Kerk € 5

wed 28 aug / 10.00-12.00

order number 47

Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten € 25

Summer School: Bob van Asperen

order number 46

Froberger: de Europeaan

Rachel Farr Baroque Dance Workshop: gavotte

Bob van Asperen recently recorded Froberger’s entire keyboard oeuvre (releasing seven CDs between 2000 and 2010). Due to his intensive research in this context –almost an entire life’s work – he has become an absolute authority in the field of Frobergeriana. During his lecture Bob van Asperen expounds on Froberger’s international career and also discusses the programme that he will perform several hours later in the Lutheran church.

For those who always wanted to know more about the mysteries of Baroque dance, the Baroque dance specialist Rachel Farr will enlighten you on this elegant blend of sound and movement from the perspective of both dancer and musician. Naturally you will also be invited to take to the dancefloor. mo 26 aug: menuet /tue 27aug: bourrée / wed 28aug: gavotte /thu 29 aug: courante

Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen

With the Scroll Ensemble


wed 28 aug / 13.00 Lutherse Kerk A € 18 / € 16 / € 10 B € 16 / € 14 / € 10

order number 48

Bob van Asperen Froberger: a personal selection

wed 28 aug / 11.30

In his second recital at this year’s Festival, Bob van Asperen brings together several of Froberger’s most personal compositions in a programme suffused with melancholy. We hear the Méditation sur ma mort future, composed in Paris, alongside the celebrated lamento on the death of Ferdinand IV and a programmatic musical depiction of Froberger’s perilous and near fatal crossing of the turbulent Rhine by boat. The programme would be incomplete without the superb tombeau that he dedicated to his friend the lute composer Blancrocher, who died in 1652: this is perhaps Froberger’s best known composition.

Domtoren, Pandhof free

Malgosia Fiebig Rosenmüller on the carillon

Johann Rosenmüller was among the German composers who sought refuge in Italy. In doing so, he became a significant link between the musical styles of the north and south. Malgosia Fiebig plays arrangements of his sonatas and of suites from the compilation Studentenmusik (1654). 69

wed 28 aug / 17.00

wed 28 aug / 15.00



A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 49

order number 50

Ciconia: music and politics in the late

The Brabant Ensemble / Stephen Rice

Middle Ages

Lassus & de Rore: sacred music

At the Council of Constance (14141418), which was intended to bring an end to the schism dividing the Catholic Church with no less than three rival popes, reference was made to multiple-voiced wind music that sounded ‘as one is accustomed to singing’. Apparently music and politics make good bedfellows. Taking this singular fact as their point of departure the four alta capella wind players comprising Les Haulz et les Bas have devised a programme featuring music by Dufay, Ciconia, Busnois and Dunstaple and concluding with Mille Regretz, the song of Emperor Charles V.

Both Lassus and Cipriano de Rore, seventeen years his senior, bore the nickname of Il divino. This was not so unusual, considering that it was in the publishers’ interests to extol ‘their’ composers’ virtues. However, theoreticians and experts also shared their opinion. These days De Rore is less well known; however, he also made a crucial contribution – for instance with his Missa super Doulce mémoire selected by the British singers of The Brabant Ensemble – towards achieving a closer intertwining of text and music in the sixteenth century, thus preparing the way for the ensuing Baroque period.

Les Haulz et les Bas


wed 28 aug / 20.00 Stadsschouwburg A € 35 / € 32 / € 10

wed 28 aug / 18.30-19.30

B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

Paushuize € 49,50

order number 52

L’Éventail Dance Company / Marie-Geneviève Massé Les Folies Françoises / Patrick Cohën-Akenine

order number 51

1713 Dinner Dining in Treaty style

In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

Voyage en Europe

Guide by the music of Campra, Destouches, Lully, Purcell, Rosenmüller and Vivaldi, the seven French Baroque dancers of L’Éventail invite us on a journey through 18th-century Europe. Dance, also referred to as la belle danse – comparable with belles lettres and beaux-arts – formed an international language understood throughout the world. In four scenes we travel from France to England and Germany, concluding with a Venetian carnival. Les Folies Françoises perform live on stage.

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: Venison pie Capon in pastry with prunes, cherries and verjuice

No intermission


wed 28 aug / 20.15 Domkerk

wed 28 aug / 20.00

A € 35 / € 32 / € 10

Centraal Museum

B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

€ 26 / € 21 / € 21

order number 54

order number 53

Currende / Erik Van Nevel

Listen to Art

Lassus, Le Febure, Utendal, Hassler

A musical walk through the museum

The late 16th century saw the eventual demise of a polyphonic tradition that had existed for almost 250 years. In Italy a new expressive style arose that was to set the tone in the Baroque period. The nine singers and five instrumentalists of Currende pay tribute to the last generation of polyphonists in Germany and Austria, performing masterly music by Lassus, Le Febure, Utendal and Hassler. They were primarily active in the field of pure polyphony; however, they too embarked upon the new path of greater expressivity and direct emotional expression.

This is an experience experiment: on three Festival nights you can take a special tour with music through the exhibition In Vredesnaam [For Peace’s Sake] in the Centraal Museum. Four musicians are your guide, and their music illustrates and comments on the paintings and objects. This way, viewing art will be an auditory experience as well, and vise versa. In co-op with Centraal Museum / with support of Rabobank Utrecht Also on 29 and 30 August


wed 28 aug / 22.30 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 55

Les Cyclopes / Bibiane Lapointe & Thierry Maeder

wed 28 aug / 24.00 Academiegebouw, Aula € 12 / € 10 / € 7

order number 56

Froberger’s motets in context

Jan Van Elsacker & Thor-Harald Johnsen

In 1649 the Elector of Dresden organised a musical duel between his organist Matthias Weckmann and the Emperor’s emissary Froberger. This was to result in a lifelong friendship between the two musicians. This concert programme is said to have been performed at one of Weckmann’s Abendmusicken in Hamburg, featuring Venetian and Viennese music by Rosenmüller and Bertali. The core works are Froberger’s only two surviving vocal compositions: Alleluia Absorpta est mors and Apparuerunt apostolis, two motets that display a striking affinity with the Venetian concertante style.

The library of Constantijn Huygens

As a child Constantijn Huygens once performed with Sweelinck in a house concert. Much later he met Froberger as a diplomat and heard Claudio Monteverdi performing in Venice. The tenor Jan Van Elsacker and lutenist ThorHarald Johnsen browse through music that certainly would have been part of Huygens’s collection: Boësset, Lanier, Foscarini, Pesenti and, naturally, airs by Huygens himself. Enjoy an intimate evening of song and lute music in the footsteps of the celebrated Dutch 17thcentury cosmopolitan.

Soloists: Eugénie Warnier, soprano / Robert Getchell, tenor / Andreas Wolff, bass



thursday 29 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe


10.00 Baroque Dance Workshop


Multiple locations

17.00 Le Concert Spirituel


18.30 1713 Dinner 11.00 Summer School: Jordi Savall


19.30 Festival bulletin

Instituto Cervantes


11.00 Fringe

20.00 Le Concert Spirituel

Multiple locations


11.30 Jasper Stam

20.00 Pratum Integrum

Domtoren, Pandhof


13.00 Laurent Stewart

20.00 Listen to Art

Lutherse Kerk

13.00 Early Music: the guide

Centraal Museum

22.30 Los MĂşsicos de Su Alteza

Multiple locations


14.00 Fringe

24.00 Hopkinson Smith

Multiple locations

15.00 Tasto Solo

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh


Academiegebouw, Aula

thu 29 aug / 11.00 Instituto Cervantes € 5

Summer School: interview with Jordi Savall

thu 29 aug / 10.00-12.00 Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten € 25

order number 58

War and Peace: on the 3rd centenary of the Treaty of Utrecht

order number 57

Rachel Farr

Jordi Savall will speak this morning in his capacity as a United Nations Artist for Peace. He will elaborate on the concert programme that he will present at a later date in Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn based on the theme of war and peace. Can art save the world? Savall does not consider this a naive question by any means and he is keen to expound on the humanistic ideals that inspire him.

Baroque Dance Workshop: courante

For those who always wanted to know more about the mysteries of Baroque dance, the Baroque dance specialist Rachel Farr will enlighten you on this elegant blend of sound and movement from the perspective of both dancer and musician. Naturally you will also be invited to take to the dancefloor.

Language: Spanish with simultaneous interpreta tion (Dutch). Advance reservations are advisable

mo 26 aug: menuet /tue 27aug: bourrée / wed 28aug: gavotte /thu 29 aug: courante

Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen

With the Scroll Ensemble


thu 29 aug / 11.30 Thumtoren, Pandhof

thu 29 aug / 13.00


Lutherse Kerk A € 18 / € 16 / € 10

Jasper Stam

B € 16 / € 14 / € 10

order number 59

Couperin, Froberger, Frescobaldi on the carillon

Laurent Stewart Froberger & Louis Couperin on harpsichord

The Kampen carillonneur Jasper Stam plays works by three of the great Baroque keyboard composers: Couperin, Frescobaldi and, naturally, the Festival composer Froberger. Both Louis Couperin and Froberger wrote aTombeau sur la mort de Monsieur Blancheroche to commemorate the death of Charles Fleury, Sieur de Blancrocher. He was one of the greatest lutenists of his time and died suddenly after falling down a flight of stairs.

Every note is pure poetry under the fingers of the French harpsichordist Laurent Stewart. His secret is difficult to divine, however, it is clear that Stewart combines a flawless sense of style with a touch that is refined and yet masculine. These are exactly the qualities needed to unlock the musical universe of Froberger and his Parisian friend and kindred spirit Louis Couperin. 77

thu 29 aug / 13.00-22.00 Multiple locations € 125

order number 60

thu 29 aug / 15.00

Early Music: the guide

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh

With Erik Van Nevel A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

With music specialist Erik Van Nevel you will explore the performance practises of mediaeval, renaissance and baroque music. Van Nevel will show you the musical characteristics of each period, and in the following concerts you can apply this knowledge. During the walks to the concert locations and the historical Diner 1713, there will be time to discuss your experiences with Van Nevel and each other.

order number 61

Tasto Solo / Guillermo Pérez Ciconia: instrumental arrangements from the 15th century

In the space of just a few years Tasto Solo has emerged as one of the foremost groups specialising in late mediaeval music. Their arsenal of Gothic instruments continues to grow and their research into playing techniques for organetto, harps, medieval fiddle and a hammer-clavisimbalum (a type of mediaeval piano) is truly riveting. This completely instrumental programme focuses on Ciconia, Dufay, Binchois and 15th-century instrumental arrangements of their music.

13.00 introduction - Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten 15.00 concert Tasto Solo - VB Leeuwenbergh 17.00uur concert Le Concert Spirituel - Domkerk 18.30 Diner 1713 - Paushuize 20.00 concert Pratum Integrum - Geertekerk max. 40 participants voucher for a free programme book inclusive (in Dutch, with English summaries), worth € 10 Diner 1713 inclusive, worth € 49,50


thu 29 aug / 18.30-19.30 Paushuize € 49,50

order number 63

thu 29 aug / 19.30-20.00 Pandhof

1713 Dinner Dining in Treaty style

AVRO Festival bulletin In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

On eight evenings from 23 August to 1 September inclusive, Dutch radio AVRO/Radio4 will broadcast a special Festival bulletin, in which the presenter Mark Brouwers will introduce his guests and their music to you on location. These daily, live impressions of the Festival will precede the Radio4 broadcast of the evening concert. Fri 23 Aug 19.30-20.00 Su 25 Aug 19.30-20.00 Mo 26 Aug 19.30-20.00 Tue 27 Aug 19.30-20.00 Wed 28 Aug 19.30-20.00 Thu 29 Aug 19.30-20.00 Fri 30 Aug 19.30-20.00 Sa 31 Aug 19.00-20.00

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: Venison pie Capon in pastry with prunes, cherries and verjuice


Str igg io’s M issa s o pra Ecco si b ea to gio rno

forty-part masterpiece Traditionally Florence was the cultural centre of Italy, even so dominant that the Florentine dialect of its great poets Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio became the national language of the whole peninsula. With their almost infinite wealth the city and its Medici princes could afford anything in the area of art and music. Rulers of all times had always used culture to emphasize how viable was their (little) empire was. In the Florence cathedral, Brunelleschi’s giant dome from 1436 is in that respect of the same importance as the equally impressive multi-choral music that sounded underneath it. From 1559, Alessandro Striggio (ca. 1536-1592) contributed his bit to the grandeur of Florence. For the Medici court he created numerous large-scale choral works. The masterpiece in his oeuvre is the forty-part Missa sopra Ecco si beato giorno.


thu 29 aug / 17.00

thu 29 aug / 20.00



A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 order number 62

B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

Le Concert Spirituel / Hervé Niquet

order number 64

Habsburg, Albert V the Duke of Bavaria and Charles IX of France. The music was used as a showpiece and copies circulated among the courts. Lassus heard the work in Munich and the jealous Thomas Tallis composed his own 40-voice Spem in alium in response. Almost five centuries down the track a live performance of Striggio’s mass continues to be an unforgettable experience.

Striggio: 40-voice mass

The Missa sopra Ecco si beato giorno for 40 voices composed by Alessandro Striggio (the father of the librettist of Monteverdi’s Orfeo) in Florence, is the most extravagant Renaissance composition ever written. The mass was heard throughout Europe and was played at the court of Maximilian II of

This concert is of 75 minutes’ duration / no intermission With support of the Turing Foundation


thu 29 aug / 20.00 Geertekerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 65

Pratum Integrum / Pavel Serbin

¤thu 00 /29 ¤ 00 / ¤/00 aug 20.00 bestelnummer 00 Centraal Museum

Muffat, Schwartzkopf, Telemann: the

€ 26 / € 21 / € 21

order number 66

harmony of styles

Listen to Art The Russian Baroque orchestra Pratum Integrum bases their first concert in the Netherlands on Muffat’s international style. French, Italian and German: in his delightful compilation Armonico Tributo Muffat unites all of Europe, capping it all off with an explicit wish for peace. The German Theodor Schwartzkopf, represented in the programme by a colourful concerto with trumpet, oboes, gambas and violins, likewise sought inspiration in France. Somewhat later, Telemann was to become the reigning champion of the goûts reunis.

A musical walk through the museum

This is an experience experiment: on three Festival nights you can take a special tour with music through the exhibition In Vredesnaam [For Peace’s Sake] in the Centraal Museum. Four musicians are your guide, and their music illustrates and comments on the paintings and objects. This way, viewing art will be an auditory experience as well, and vise versa. In co-op with Centraal Museum / with support of Rabobank Utrecht

This concert is realised with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in the context of the Dutch-Russian year of 2013

Also on 28 and 30 August


thu 29 aug / 22.30 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 67

thu 29 aug / 24.00

Los Músicos de Su Alteza / Luis Antonio González

Academiegebouw, Aula € 12 / € 10 / € 7

Music from the time of the Spanish

order number 68

Succession Wars and the Treaty of Utrecht

Hopkinson Smith Dowland’s Europe

The Treaty of Utrecht determined the successor to the Spanish throne, thus restoring European equilibrium at long last.These were turbulent times for many Spanish composers. For instance, Sebastián Durón and Francisco Walls would have preferred to see Austria claim the throne, so when Louis XIV’s grandson came to power they experienced hard times. Others, such as José de Torres, Antonio Literes and the much younger José de Nebra went on to enjoy a successful career under the Bourbons.

The master lutenist Hopkinson Smith devotes his midnight concert to the British lute composer John Dowland. He places him in an international context by means of three lute publications that appeared within the space of two years: Varietie of Lute Lessons, the most important printed source of Dowland’s music (London, 1610), Robert Ballard’s Premier Livre de Tablature (Paris, 1611) and Kapsberger’s Libro Primo d’Intavolatura de Lauto (Rome,1611).

Soloists: Olalla Alemán, soprano / José Pizarro, tenor



friday 30 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

17.00 Concerto Italiano Domkerk


18.30 1713 Dinner 11.00 Summer School: Rebekah Ahrendt


19.30 Festival bulletin

Academiegebouw, Aula


11.00 Fringe

Multiple locations

20.00 Cappella Reial de Catalunya, Hespérion XXI, Le Concert des Nations

11.30 Carillon fringe

Domtoren, Pandhof

12.00 Early Music Market

Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn


20.00 Listen to Art

13.00 Kate Clark & Paul O’Dette

22.30 Odhecaton

Lutherse Kerk

Centraal Museum


14.00 Fringe

Multiple locations

24.00 Eugène Ferré

15.00 Tetraktys St.-Willibrorduskerk

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe

Multiple locations


Academiegebouw, Aula

fr 30 aug / 11.00 Academiegebouw, Aula

fr 30 aug / 10.00-20.00 Pandhof


order number 69


Summer School: Rebekah Ahrendt

Festival centre Pandhof

Music at Huygens’ home

This year the Pandhof on the Domplein is once again the perfect place to enjoy a drink and a snack between the festival activities, to browse in the Festival CD shop or to swap experiences with other festival visitors. Here you can pick up your concert tickets or free fringe tickets from the Festival Box Office. You can also listen to carillon and fringe concerts every day. The Pandhof Festival Centre is located on the Domplein and will be open every day from 10.00 a.m. until late in the evening. The Box Office and CD shop are open from 10.00 to 18.00.

Rebekah Ahrendt (Yale University) is curator of this year’s STIMU-Symposium Negotiating Music. Als researcher she is specialised in Dutch political-cultural relations in the 17th and 18th centuries. Her research focussed on how diplomat and musicican Constantijn Huygens used music as a diplomatic tool. With the help of diary notes describing concerts at his home, Ahrendt reconstructs one of these remarkable evenings. With ensemble Bella Discordia. Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen


fr 30 aug / 13.00 Lutherse Kerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 71

Domtoren, Pandhof

Kate Clark & Paul O’Dette


Three contemporaries of Ciconia

fr 30 aug / 11.30

Wilbert Berendsen

Melodic instruments had no individual place within the Renaissance musical culture: music for solo instruments did not exist. However, there was one development in the 16th century that pointed to the future: the improvisation of virtuosic diminutions (ornamentations) on the melody line of a multiplevoiced work. Clarck (flutes) and O’Dette (lute) investigate this movement towards instrumental emancipation by means of popular works from Italy, France and England: from Anchor che col partire, via Doulce Memoire to Dowland’s Pavan Lachrimae.

Carillon fringe

Wilbert Berendsen is cantor-organist of the Grote Kerk or Martinikerk in Doesburg. He has been studying the carillon with Frans Haagen at the Utrecht School of the Arts since 2012. In this carillon fringe he performs works by Lasceux, Telemann and Froberger, as well as by Nicolas Vallet, the composer who assumes a major role in the Lute Festival held during the Utrecht Early Music Festival. 87

fr 30 aug / 12.00-20.00 Nicolaïkerk € 5, free for Friends

Early Music Market

This Friday the Markt will be open extra late: until 20.00.

This year in the Nicolaïkerk: more than 75 makers of musical instruments, music publishers and CD producers will be present to demonstrate their wares or give advice. This is the ultimate opportunity for professionals and amateurs alike to try out and compare period stringed, plucked, keyboard and wind instruments. A complete overview of the exhibitors will be available from 1 August at www.oudemuziek.nl/markt and in the Festival programme book.

15.00 -17.00: children’s hummelmaking workshop. Make your own plucked instrument! The hummel is an ancient instrument with just one string. You will also learn to play a tune on it in no time. 6 -12 years, €10. Order number 70 18.00-18.15 & 19.00-19.15: Sietze de Vries improvises in baroque style on the Marcussen-organ of the Nicolaïkerk. 88

fr 30 aug / 17.00 Domkerk

fr 30 aug / 15.00 St.-Willibrorduskerk

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 73

order number 72

Tetraktys / Kees Boeke

Concerto Italiano / Rinaldo Alessandrini

Three contemporaries of Ciconia

Lassus: Missa Surge propera

The Dutch recorder player and medieval specialist Kees Boeke brings the singers Carlos Mena and Julia von Landsberg to Utrecht for a musical survey of Johannes Ciconia’s times. He places the main spotlight on Ciconia’s Italian colleagues: Magister Dominus Paulus Abbas de Fiorentia, Magister Frater Bartolinus de Padua and Magister Frater Andreas Organista de Florentia. A true feast for the connoisseur.

The six-voice Missa Surge propera follows the principle of parody or imitation, in which the composer further elaborates on material taken from other compositions – a motet in this case. Concerto Italiano impressed with their revolutionary interpretations of Monteverdi-madrigals, but they also excel in the earlier, polyphonic style with their dynamic and text-driven approach. 89

vr 30 aug / 18.30-19.30 Paushuize € 49,50

order number 74

fr 30 aug / 19.30-20.00

1713 Dinner

Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn

Dining in Treaty style

AVRO Festival bulletin

In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

On eight evenings from 23 August to 1 September inclusive, Dutch radio AVRO/Radio4 will broadcast a special Festival bulletin, in which the presenter Mark Brouwers will introduce his guests and their music to you on location. These daily, live impressions of the Festival will precede the Radio4 broadcast of the evening concert.

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner

Fri 23 Aug 19.30-20.00 Su 25 Aug 19.30-20.00 Mo 26 Aug 19.30-20.00 Tue 27 Aug 19.30-20.00 Wed 28 Aug 19.30-20.00 Thu 29 Aug 19.30-20.00 Fri 30 Aug 19.30-20.00 Sa 31 Aug 19.00-20.00

Today: A royal pie with breast meat of pheasant and quail Stuffed roast of veal with pea-puree and sauce Robbert


fr 30 aug / 20.00 Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn A € 35 / € 32 / € 10

order number 75

Cappella Reial de Catalunya, Hespérion XXI, Le Concert des Nations / Jordi Savall

of the Armada, the Edict of Nantes that advocated tolerance towards the Protestants, the Thirty Years War, the siege of Breda, the English Civil War, the colonisation of Ireland, the independence of Portugal, the Treaty of Nijmegen and finally the War of the Spanish Succession and the Treaty of Utrecht.

War and Peace: from the Union of Utrecht (1579) to the Treaty of Utrecht (1713)

Jordi Savall has created a tailor-made programme for the Early Music Festival, for the occasion of the 3rd centenary of the Treaty of Utrecht. The soloists, choir and orchestra are poised to tell a musical tale of war and peace in Baroque Europe. One hundred and fifty years of drastic events occurring in and beyond continental Europe provide the unifying theme: the Union of Utrecht against the Spanish Crown, the defeat

With works by composers such as Gesualdo, de Victoria, Gabrieli, Lawes, Cabanilles, Sweelinck, Charpentier, Lully, Fux, Bach and Händel alongside Jewish, Ottoman, Hungarian and Polish music, this will be an evening concert to remember, with peace as its dominant theme. Jordi Savall is a United Nations Artist for Peace. This concert can’t be combined with Odhecaton.


fr 30 aug / 22.30 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

fr 30 aug / 20.00

B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 77

Centraal Museum € 26 / € 21 / € 21

Odhecaton / Paolo Da Col

order number 76

Lassus: Missa Super Dixit Joseph

Listen to Art Many of Lassus’ sixty-six masses are inspired by existing polyphonic compositions such as motets, chansons and madrigals from other Franco-Flemish and Italian composers. For his Missa super Dixit Joseph (1607) Lassus however used his own six-part motet Dixit Joseph undecim fratribus from 1564. The rhetorical elements which are so characteristic for his later works are present. Lassus divided his six voices into two ‘choirs’, who, with sharp contrasts in tessitura, ‘battle’ with each other. Perfect for Paolo Da Col and his Odhecaton.

A musical walk through the museum

This is an experience experiment: on three Festival nights you can take a special tour with music through the exhibition In Vredesnaam [For Peace’s Sake] in the Centraal Museum. Four musicians are your guide, and their music illustrates and comments on the paintings and objects. This way, viewing art will be an auditory experience as well, and vise versa. In co-op with Centraal Museum / with support of Rabobank Utrecht

This concert can’t be combined with Hespérion XXI

Also on 28 and 29 August


fr 30 aug / 24.00 Academiegebouw, Aula A € 12 / € 10 / € 7

order number 78

Eugène Ferré, luit French lute music in the early seventeenth century

When Frenchman Nicolas Vallet settled in Amsterdam, he quickly got to know the local musical scene: he heard Sweelinck play in the Oude kerk, as well as music by expatriate English composers. Vallet was very open-minded, and influences from all over Europe can be heard in his compositions. But above all, we meet, through his music, an unusual artistic personality. This is the rich legacy that Eugène Ferré wants to promote. 93


saturday 31 august 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

15.30 Presentation Skip Sempé masterclass


10.00 Masterclass Skip Sempé

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe

Lutherse Kerk

Lutherse Kerk

Multiple locations

10.00 Early Music Market Nicolaïkerk

16.00 Frank Groothof: Ridder Florian

11.00 Summer School: Fred Jacobs

17.00 Latvian Radio Choir St.-Augustinuskerk

Academiegebouw, Aula

Theater Kikker

11.00 Fringe

Multiple locations

17.00 FLUX

11.00 Malgosia Fiebig

Domtoren, Pandhof

Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh

18.30 1713 Dinner Paushuize

13.00 Frank Groothof: Ridder Florian

13.00 Fred Jacobs

20.00 European Union Baroque Orchestra & Choir of Clare College


Theater Kikker

Academiegebouw, Aula

14.00 Fringe

20.00 Vox Luminis


Multiple locations

15.00 La Morra

15.00 Ludovice Ensemble

ca. 21.45 (following on the Domkerk-concert) VJ op de Dom Beats Barok





10-16.15 / presentation 15.30

sa 31 aug / 10.00-18.00

Lutherse Kerk



order number 79

€ 5, free for Friends

Masterclass Skip Sempé

Oude Muziek Markt

During his masterclass the early music specialist Skip Sempé reveals reveals the secrets of ensemble playing to two up-and-coming ensembles. In the space of two hours he will teach these young musicians the finer points of instrumental and vocal ensemble playing in music from the period 1550 to 1750. You may witness the entire process or listen to the concluding presentation given by both ensembles at 15.30.

More than 75 makers of musical instruments, music publishers and CD producers will be present to demonstrate their wares or give advice. This is the ultimate opportunity for professionals and amateurs alike to try out and compare period stringed, plucked, keyboard and wind instruments. A complete overview of the exhibitors is available from 1 August at www.oudemuziek.nl/markt and in the Festival programme book.. 96

sa 31 aug / 11.00 Academiegebouw, Aula €5

order number 81

Summer School: Fred Jacobs Constantijn Huygens: the European

sa 31 aug / 11.00 Domtoren, Pandhof

The Dutch diplomat, poet and musician Constantijn Huygens became acquainted with ‘l’illustre Monsieur Du Faut’ in Paris in 1662 and performed his own lute compositions for him. He may well have met the celebrated lutenists Germain Pinel and Denis Gaultier there as well. We also know that Huygens corresponded with Froberger, who was in turn a friend of the famed Parisian lutenist Monsieur de Blancrocher. Fred Jacobs gives an introduction to the recital that he will perform at 13.00 and gives us insight into Huygens’s musical tastes and knowledge.


Malgosia Fiebig Lassus, Froberger, Muffat and Huygens on Carillon

Three of the four Festival composers will be performed on the Dom Tower carillon in this concert: Lassus, Froberger and Muffat. The city carillonneur Malgosia Fiebig will also play a number of works by the Dutchman Constantijn Huygens.

Made possible with support of Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen

10.30: A close-up look at the carillon (max. 15 standing places), €10, order number 80 97

sa 31 aug / 13.00 sa 31 aug / 13.00 & 16.00

Academiegebouw, Aula

Theater Kikker A € 18 / € 16 / € 10 € 10

order number 83

order number 82 & 86

Fred Jacobs

Frank Groothof

17th-century French lute music from the

Children’s Performance: : Ridder Florian (4+)

time of Constantijn Huygens

Ridder Florian is a new performance by Frank Groothof based on Marjet Huiberts’s popular book. It is a wonderful opportunity for toddlers, parents and grandparents alike to experience a music theatre adventure. In collaboration with the papercut artist José Vingerling, who brings Florian’s adventures to life on the backdrop using shadow play, the children will be challenged to actively experience the magic that each person has inside. The tale will be accompanied by Italian early music played on the viola da gamba, theorbo and Baroque guitar. After the performance there will be opportunity to meet the performers.

Fred Jacobs reconstructs a unique period of lute history in his recital. Constantijn Huygens is known to have been an extraordinarily talented lutenist and composer for the lute. He travelled throughout Europe and became acquainted with the eminent musicians of his day. He counted Du Faut among his friends and corresponded with Froberger. Huygens was thus completely in touch with the latest musical developments and trends. Since few of Huygens’s works have survived to the present day, this programme features works by composers who served as his major models – Du Faut, Pinel and Gaultier. 98

sa 31 aug / 15.00 Geertekerk

sa 31 aug / 15.00 St.-Willibrorduskerk

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 84

order number 85

Ludovice Ensemble / Fernando Miguel Jalôto

La Morra / Corina Marti & Michal Gondko

Bourgeois: Les plaisirs de la Paix (1715)

The Portuguese harpsichordist and conductor Jalôto has become a regular guest at the Festival: in past years he made his mark in the (Fabulous) Fringe. Now he takes his place within the Festival’s main programme, presenting a composition specially composed and performed for the occasion of the Treaty of Utrecht in Paris in 1715. The composer Thomas-Louis Bourgeois, born in Belgium and for some time theatre director in The Hague, wrote an opéra-ballet with French and Italian elements in the transitional style between Lully and Rameau.

Ciconia: Musicus famosissimus

Comprising three singers, flute, lute, medieval fiddle and clavisimbalum, La Morra pays homage to Ciconia, the first great oltremontano or northerner in Italy. We hear secular music to Italian and French texts and instrumental music from the Codex Faenza. While Ciconia was a master of both sacred and secular genres, it is above all in the latter that his extraordinary talent with regard to absorbing and transforming influences is displayed. He effortlessly combined the Northern European Ars Nova and Ars Subtilior with the purely Italian style.

Soloists: Raquel Andueza & Monika Mauch, soprano / Fernando Guimarães, tenor / Hugo Oliveira, bass 99

sa 31 aug / 17.00 Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh

sa 31 aug / 17.00 St.-Augustinuskerk

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10

order number 88

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

FLUX / Lidewij van der Voort & David Van Bouwel

order number 87

Latvian Radio Choir / Sigvards Klava

Muffat’s violin sonata in context

Lassus’s penitential psalms, Pärt, Schnittke

Only one violin sonata by Georg Muffat is known to us today, but what a splendid work it is! The affects follow each other in quick succession, sometimes with daring modulations. The Dutch violinist Lidewij van der Voort, the former leader of Holland Baroque Society, introduces the new chamber music ensemble that she has founded together with David Van Bouwel. The central focus lies on the 17th century – Muffat, Lully, Corelli and Biber – with all the indispensible elements of their times: fantasy, rich emotional contrasts and uncompromising music making at the highest level.

The Latvian Radio Choir is regularly referred to as the world’s top chamber choir. This concert will allow us to judge for ourselves. The programme is completely based on the theme of atonement, with Lassus’s penitential psalms I and VI as the point of departure. The singers always complement their programmes with contemporary repertoire, seamlessly switching between styles and astonishing their audiences. The concert opens and concludes with music by Arvo Pärt: Memento mori and Kanon Pokajanen. 100

sa 31 aug / 18.30-19.30 Paushuize € 49,50

order number 89

sa 31 aug / 20.00 Jacobikerk

1713 Dinner Dining in Treaty style

A € 35 / € 32 / € 10

In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

Vox Luminis / Lionel Meunier

B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 91

Orlando di Lasso and Roland de Lassus

The vocal collective Vox Luminis was a top sensation of the 2012 Festival. At the express wish of numerous Festival visitors they return this year with a secular Lassus programme that juxtaposes French chansons with Italian madrigals. While Lassus had an intimate knowledge of the various national genres, he rarely if ever combined them with each other. Bonjour mon coeur and Susanne un jour thus employ a different musical idiom than the seven- to ten-voice madrigals to texts by Petrarch..

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: A royal pie with breast meat of pheasant and quail Stuffed roast of veal with pea-puree and sauce Robbert


sa 31 aug / 20.00 Domkerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 90

European Union Baroque Orchestra & Choir of Clare College / Lars Ulrik Mortensen

compositions, the Utrecht Te Deum and Utrecht Jubilate. Celebrating a new European equilibrium, this music gains extra symbolic significance because of its performers. The European training orchestra EUBO is made up of young musicians from across Europe. For years EUBO has consistently demonstrated that it gives a tremendous boost to the Baroque musicians of the future.

Händel: Utrecht Te Deum, Utrecht Jubilate, Birthday Ode for Queen Anne

Naturally, a festival highlighting the third centenary of the Treaty of Utrecht would be incomplete without the inclusion of Händel’s two occasional

Soloists: Alex Potter, countertenor / soloists from the choir


sa 31 aug / ca. 21.45 * Domplein free

VJ op de Dom Beats Barok

inspiration for the composer RenĂŠ Uijlenhoet. His new composition includes the sounds of five carillons from other European cities that played a relevant role in the historical Treaty of Utrecht. After the carillon concert VJs and DJs get cracking, taking this composition as their starting point, along with material drawn from the programmes of the Early Music Festival and the Gaudeamus Music Week.

Musical feast with the carillon in the starring role

VJ on the Dom 2013 bridges the gap between early and contemporary music with a musical and visual spectacle. The world famous 17th-century carillon made by the bell founders François and Pieter Hemony provided the source of

*following on the concert in de Domkerk



sunday 1 september 10.00 Festival centre Pandhof

15.00 Micrologus St.-Catharinakathedraal


11.00 Debate: Europa

15.30 Fringe & Fabulous Fringe


11.00 Fringe

17.00 Cappella Amsterdam


Multiple locations

Multiple locations

12.30 Frans Haagen

17.00 Camerata Trajectina


Domtoren, Pandhof

13.00 Anthony Bailes

18.30 1713 Dinner


Academiegebouw, Aula

14.00 Fringe

20.15 Huelgas Ensemble


Multiple locations

15.00 Nicolaes Vallet Lutekwartet

Lutherse Kerk


sun 1 sept / 11.00 Academiegebouw â‚Ź5

order number 92

Debate: Europa

debate the (un)importance of culture to a truly European future. The names of debaters will be announced later. Do you have a question you would like the debaters to discuss?

JosĂŠ Manuel Barroso, chairman of the European Commission, believes that an emotional connection has to be created between Europe and its citizens, and that culture is not just a vehicle, but the very basis on which this connection must be built. Three experts will

E-mail your idea before 1 August to info@oudemuziek.nl.


sun 1 sept / 10.00-24.00 Pandhof

Festival centre Pandhof

sun 1 sep / 12.30 Domtoren, Pandhof

This year the Pandhof on the Domplein is once again the perfect place to enjoy a drink and a snack between the festival activities, to browse in the Festival CD shop or to swap experiences with other festival visitors. Here you can pick up your concert tickets or free fringe tickets from the Festival Box Office. You can also listen to carillon and fringe concerts every day. The Pandhof Festival Centre is located on the Domplein and will be open every day from 10.00 a.m. until late in the evening. The Box Office and CD shop are open from 10.00 to 18.00.


Frans Haagen Vivaldi, Campra, Muffat on the carillon

Frans Haagen plays arrangements of music by Vivaldi, Campra and Muffat. Haagen is city carillonneur of Kampen, Doesburg, Almelo and Rijssen and teaches the carillon at the Netherlands Carillon School in Amersfoort. He gives frequent performances on the carillon in the Netherlands and abroad. 107

sun 1 sept / 15.00 Lutherse kerk

sun 1 sept / 13.00 Academiegebouw, Aula

A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

A € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 94

order number 93

Nicolaes Vallet Lute Quartet / Willem Mook

Anthony Bailes Lute music in the Netherlands

Nicolaes Vallet’s lute – openhearted

Anthony Bailes is a fervent advocate of Dutch lute music. In his view, all the elements that make English music so appealing are also to be found in Dutch 17th-century music, with as added bonus the welcome extension of the repertoire with traditional Dutch and Flemish melodies. The richness of the repertoire can be partially explained by the flood of religious refugees coming from France and Southern Netherlands. The tolerant climate of the north, its blooming economy and flourishing artistic life gave lutenists such as Joachim van den Hove and Nicolas Vallet good reason to settle down here.

and blithe

Nicolas Vallet fled France, where Louis XIV had repealed the Edict of Nantes, resulting in an intolerable situation for Protestants. Vallet came to Amsterdam, where he established a dance school and published four lute books. His style displays the subtlety of the early 17th-century French lute style, but he also made psalm settings and even paid homage to his new homeland with variations on Onder de Lindengroene. With three singers and four lutes Willem Mook pays tribute to Vallet and those who inspired him. 108

sun 1 sept / 17.00 Pieterskerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

sun 1 sept / 15.00

Cappella Amsterdam / Daniel Reuss

St.-Catharinakathedraal A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 96

Lassus: Homo Melancholicus

order number 95

Micrologus / Patrizia Bovi

Daniel Reuss has put together a programme chiefly comprising fiveand six-voice settings of his favourite composer Lassus. Regarding his selection of late motets, death and mortality are the prevailing themes. This comes as no surprise: in his letters Lassus frequently described his unstable state which did not improve with the passing years. In 1574 he wrote: ‘Never in my entire life could I experience such a melancholic state or such loneliness as now, unless I were to get drunk day and night.’ However, Lassus was naturally capable of sublimating his state of mind in order to create unforgettable music.

Ciconia, Landi, Zacara da Teramo

While we cannot know for certain whether Ciconia ever lived and worked in the Papal city of Rome, this would definitely explain the mutual influence that he and the Roman composer Antonio Zachara da Teramo exerted upon each other. The singer and scholar Patrizia Bovi discusses the relationship between the two and also presents ballades by Landini. The vocalinstrumental ensemble Micrologus has a reputation for giving captivating performances. 109

sun 1 sept / 18.30-19.30 Paushuize

sun 1 sept / 17.00

€ 49,50

Geertekerk A € 21 / € 19 / € 10 B € 18 / € 16 / € 10

order number 98

1713 Dinner

order number 97

Dining in Treaty style

Camerata Trajectina In collaboration with one of Utrecht’s best restaurants, Huize Molenaar, the Early Music Festival offers the unique 1713 Dinner, based on historical recipes. You may choose from three different tables d’hôte, for which the chef Pepijn Gilsing drew his inspiration from historical cookbooks such as De Nieuwe, Welervarene Utrechtsche Keuken-meid (1771). On offer daily in the charming Paushuize, nearby the Pandhof Festival Centre (see p. 8-9).

From the War of the Spanish Succession to the Treaty of Utrecht

How did the average person in the Netherlands experience the turbulent years of the early 18th century? The compilation of songs entitled De Gekroonde Utrechtze Vreede (Amsterdam 1718) gives us some insight into this, with its songs about the sea and field battles of the War of the Spanish Succession, marches for the international generals and jubilant songs celebrating the Treaty. There were also diverting songs, such as the song of the Utrecht whores who were overworked as a result of the many visitors connected with the Utrecht negotiations.

18.00 possible to visit Paushuize 18.30-19.30 two course dinner Today: A royal pie with breast meat of pheasant and quail Stuffed roast of veal with pea-puree and sauce Robbert


sun 1 sept / 20.15 Domkerk A € 35 / € 32 / € 10 B € 30 / € 27 / € 10

order number 99

Huelgas ensemble / Paul Van Nevel

always, he chose text fragments that allowed his inspiration to blossom and stimulated his poetic imagination: incorporating concepts such as transience, dreams, taking one’s leave, nostalgia for one’s youth and ceremonial glory.

Lassus: I Trionfi

In literary history Petrarch is chiefly known as the author of the Canzoniere, the cycle of 366 poems inspired by his platonic adoration of the legendary Laura. However, until into the 17th century his cycle I Trionfi was by far the most popular work in the Italian language, almost rivalling the fame of Dante’s Divina Commedia. Orlandus Lassus only set fragments of Petrarch’s text to music in his later years. As

Performed by 12 singers, recorders, baroque trombone, violin and gamba, the closing concert of the 2013 Early Music Festival is as much a tribute to Petrarch as to Lassus. After all, thanks to his musical expressive power and versatility, the latter enables us to enter into the intimate world of one of Europe’s greatest humanists. 111

Tickets and practical information Order tickets online (www.oudemuziek.nl) Tickets can be bought online with your personal account, from June 1 2013. Vrienden/ Friends of the Utrecht Early Music Festival can log in and order ahead of non-Friends (May 15 for Friends donating € 80 or more, May 22 for Friends donating up to € 80). You can use your existing log-in details or create a new personal account. Accepted methods of payment are credit cards for international guests and iDEAL for Dutch bank account holders. When the concert is within five days of ordering, the tickets will no longer be sent but can be collected at the Festival box office or at the concert location. For each ticket you will pay € 1,50 transaction fee, with a maximum of € 7,50 per order.


During the Festival you can collect your tickets at the Festival Box Office in the Pandhof (until two hours before the concert) or at the concert location (from 30 minutes before the concert). Written order You can order tickets by filling out the order form: http://oudemuziek.nl/en/concertcalendar/brochure/ Orders will be handled in order of entry, with priority for Friends. You can pay via bank account transfer (or authorisation if you have a Dutch bank account). A ₏ 5 handling fee will be added. Please send your form, completed and signed, to: Organisatie Oude Muziek Postbus 19267 3501 DG Utrecht Festival Box Office and reservation line The Festival Box Office will be located in the Pandhof (Domplein), and opens Friday August 23. Opening hours are 10.00-18.00 daily. To reserve by phone, please call +31 (0)30 2329010. Opening hours during the Festival: 19-22 August: 10.00-17.00 23 August – 1 September: 10.00-18.00 NB: tickets reserved by phone can be picked up at the Festival Box Office no later than two hours before the concert. After this time you can pick up your tickets at the concert location, which opens 30 minutes before the concert starts. Uncollected tickets may be resold from 15 minutes before the concert. Reductions The reduced rates for Vrienden (Friends) are available for a maximum of two tickets per concert. If you have a CJP/youth card or a student card, you can benefit from even cheaper tickets.


Wheelchairs Not every venue is easily accessible for wheelchair users. Please let us know your need, as experience has taught us we can help. Don’t forget to select wheelchair seats where possible online, or tick the ‘wheelchair’ box on the order form. Conditions Please take good care of your tickets and contact us immediately if you think you have lost them. Once issued, tickets cannot be returned. Price ranking and seating Some locations have been arranged with price rankings. Rank A offers the best places, rank B seats might be not as good but they are cheaper. Concert length Most concerts last an hour and do not have an intermission. Concerts starting at 20.00 usually end before 22.00, unless stated otherwise. Sold out concerts We will inform you about sold out concerts through our website and Festival Box Office. We will contact you personally if your written order arrives after a concert has been sold out.


Transport to Vredenburg Visitors of the concerts at both Vredenburg-locations can make use of GVU Bus transport to and from the concert location for free, by showing the concert ticket (with GVU-logo) to the bus driver. Buses 19, 28 and 39 will take you to Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn (stop VB Leidsche Rijn); Bus 2 will take you to Leeuwenbergh (stop Catharijneconvent). The concert ticket is valid for bus transport on the same day, from 3 hours before the concert up to and including the last bus service of the day (evening concerts) or until four hours after the concert (morning or afternoon concerts). Stay informed To receive our monthly newsletter (in Dutch) please sign up on our website; or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.



friends make it possible

Every year more than 60.000 early-music-lovers visit our over 250 concerts in the Utrecht Early Music Festival and Early Music Season. Do you love early music and do you think it is important to support talent? Would you like to receive discount for concert tickets? Then become a Friend of the Utrecht Early Music Festival. In return, you will receive our Tijdschrift Oude Muziek four times a year (in Dutch) and get a discount on all our tickets. Friendship donations start at € 40 annually, but there are more options to support us.

1/2012 In memorIam: Gustav Leonhardt / montserrat FIGueras / hans van den homberGh / masaakI suzukI artIst In resIdence Fom 2012 / PsaLLentes zInGt GreGorIaans uIt Late bron / caLvIjn en de muzIek / krIs verheLst / ton kooPman / nIcoLas achten / veronIka skuPLIk en meer…

2/2012 Festival Oude Muziek utrecht 2012: sweelinck > Bach sweelincks schilderende BrOer / de triOMFerende Min / Orgeldag in leiden / rené JacOBs / hOlland BarOque sOciety speelt Buns / liOnel Meunier / vavlav luks / eric sleichiM / Friederike heuMann / erik BOsgraaF / stephan MacleOd en Meer…



Festival Oude Muziek utrecht 2012: sweelinck > Bach stiMu-syMpOsiuM ‘leOnhardt and his early Music’ / Mechanische Bach in MuseuM speelklOk peter kOOij / david plantier / daniel reuss / MalgOsia FieBig / patrick denecker peter van heyghen / laMBert cOlsOn / per-sOnat / MiklOs spanyi en Meer…


Seizoen oude Muziek: Ton koopMan / Leonardo’S organeTTo / kerST in Leiden / CLaire LefiLLiâTre: oude Muziek iS kLeur / foToverSLag feSTivaL oude Muziek / MuzikaLe MoTieven in gravureS van BruegeL / BaCh door de BriL van reger / BeiaardierS in de 17de en 18de eeuw en nog veeL Meer…

Your advantages at a glance Advantages of being a Friend for € 40 a year are: • reduced rates for all concerts during the Early Music Festival and Season (for 2 persons) • discount on cd’s, dvd’s, music tours • four issues of Tijdschrift Oude Muziek each year • you can order Festival-tickets ahead of everyone else (22 May instead of 1 June in 2013) even cheaper rates for the Vriendenconcert (in 2013, the Opening Concert), you will pay € 25 instead of € 35 • free admission to the Early Music Market (value € 5) * an invitation to come to our Vriendenavond/Evening for Friends, where the Festival programme will be presented (in 2013: 13 May) Friend Extra: from € 80 you will get: • all of the advantages mentioned above • more than two weeks of ordering ahead (15 May instead of 1 June in 2013) • two tickets for the price of one, for one Season concert Friend VIP: from € 160 per year • all of the advantages mentioned above • free admission to the Vriendenconcert for 2 persons In the Netherlands there are tax benefits for large donations. In other countries that may be different. Please check with your tax advisor whether you are eligible for tax benefits.

www.oudemuziek.nl/vrienden 117

Colophon Brochure Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht 2013 © 2013 Utrecht editors: Susanne Vermeulen (head editor), Xavier Vandamme, Tamar Brüggemann, Albert Edelman concept design: Kea Dunant lay-out: Esther de Bruijn print: Drukkerij Practicum, Soest photo cover and other festival images: Merlijn Doomernik cover design: Hilde Wolters-Stolk photography: Mattia Prandini, Stefan Schweiger, Marco Borggreve, Phil Sayer, Marieke Wijntjes, Remke Spijkers, Emmanuel Mathez, Aleksandra Ola Renska, Raquel Andueza, Chris Owyoung, Arthur Forjonel, Bert Kaufmann, Erik van Gurp, Koen Broos, Jane023, Martie Ressing, Robert de Greef, Henry Mühlpfordt, Georg Thum, Susanne Canisius, Johan Jacobs, Jan Gates, Lieven Dirckx, Merlijn Doomernik, Johan Buelens, Nathaniel Baruch, Víctor Sokolowicz, Ph. Stirnweiss, Miel Pieters, Jens Mollenvanger, Philippe Matsas, Jan Termont, Henry Lim, Luk van Eeckhout, Ghislierimusica, Rayfield Allied, Anne Smith, Wouter Jansen, Cristine Fronterota, Guy Vivien, Vico Chamla, Florent Lagasse, Michal Novak, Naoya Ikegami, David Ignaszewski, Marco Caselli, Susanna Drescher, Gatis Rozenfelds, Ola Renska, Nick Rutter, Anna van Kooij, Roel Siebrand, Pepijntje, R. Frankfort, Centraal Museum, Rien Zilvold, Michiel Hendryckx en Herb van Drongelen. publication date: 15 May 2013 (may be subject to change) The 32nd Utrecht Early Music Festival is a production of Organisatie Oude Muziek en is made possible with the support of: Performing Arts Fund NL, Province of Utrecht, City of Utrecht (Cultural Affairs), SNS Reaal Fonds, VSB Fonds, Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Turing Foundation, K.F. Heinfonds, Institut français, Maison Descartes, BNG Cultuurfonds and Rabobank Utrecht. In coproduction with: Vredenburg Utrecht, Treaty of Utrecht Foundation, Gaudeamus Muziekweek, AVRO, Radio 4, Utrecht University, HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, Centraal Museum, MAfestival, Stichting Vrienden Oude Muziek, Stichting Muziekhistorische Uitvoeringspraktijk, De Nederlandse Luitvereniging, Paushuize, Omroep MAX, Concertzender, Instituto Cervantes and Utrechts Klokkenluiders Gilde. We would like to thank: Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten, Toerisme Utrecht, Utrechtse Klokkenspel Vereniging, Catering Oud London, Huize Molenaar, Kerken Kijken Utrecht, Stichting Cultuurparticipatie Utrecht, Frank Rijnders, Yvonne Postma, Erik Van Nevel, Paul Van Nevel, Skip Sempé, Malgosia Fiebig, Arie Abbenes, Rebekah Ahrendt, REMA & Peter Pontvik and Helena de Winter, AEC & Jeremy Fox and Sara Primiterra, James Murray, Seeing & Hearing, De Bietjes, Gerdien Tanja, Fundatie van Renswoude, Toret family, Henk Klop harpsichords and organs, Jan Kalsbeek harpsichords, BravaNL, managers, sacristians and employees of said institutions and festival locations, and all festival volunteers. Media partner: AVRO/Radio4





Assistant producers: Lieven Cooiman, Brigitte Nuchelmans Marketing and communication: Susanne Vermeulen DTP: Hilde Wolters-Stolk Administrator: Anita van der Kroft Box office: Wilmer de Jong Assistants box office: Krista de Jong en Andrea Liebrand Office assistants: Judith Heeres en Ellen Vogelenzang Festival tuners: Eduard Bos en Edwin Beunk Transport: Matthijs Kappers

Organisatie Oude Muziek visiting address Plompetorengracht 4 3512 CC Utrecht postal address P.O. Box 19267 NL-3501 DG Utrecht T +31 (0)30 232 9000 F +31 (0)30 232 9001 info@oudemuziek.nl IBAN: NL68RABO0394477170 BIC: RABONL2U Name of the bank: Rabobank

Board Stichting Organisatie Oude Muziek Chair: mevr. P.C. Lodders-Elfferich Treasurer: J.H. van der Tol RA Members: mevr. P.L. Meurs en R. van der Giessen

Director & programming: Xavier Vandamme Programming: Jed Wentz Concept development and planning: Tamar Br端ggemann Producer: Cato Ootes Producer and office: Marijse Poutsma

bestuur Vrienden Oude Muziek Board: D. Hoek Treasurer: J.H. van der Tol RA Member: J.H.A. Tromp

For up-to-date information: www.oudemuziek.nl Follow us on: 119


Oude Meesters in de Grote Zaal Onsterfelijke noten

H채ndels opera Rinaldo

do 28 nov 19.30 uur

door de Lautten Compagney uit Berlijn en een droomcast van solisten

zo 15 dec 20.15 uur

Vioolconcerten van J.S. Bach

do 10 apr 19.30 uur

J.S. Bach - Matth채us-Passion

Janine Jansen & Friends

Academy of Ancient Music Richard Egarr leiding/klavecimbel

Bestel op concertgebouw.nl

Musica Amphion

Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam

do 19 september 20.00 u, Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam vr 20 september 20.00 u, Grote Kerk, Maassluis za 21 september 20.00 u, Martinikerk, Groningen

Bachs mooiste cantates, motetten en orgelwerken, uitgevoerd in hun muzikaal-liturgische context Concertkaarten en CD-boek: www.bachcontextueel.nl



Geniet van cultuur bij de AVRO! Ontvang 4 x het Kunst & Cultuur Magazine!

De AVRO is mediapartner van het Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht • 8 avondconcerten live op Radio 4 • Ieder concert voorafgegaan door een Festivaljournaal • Vanaf 19.30 uur op Radio 4 met gerenommeerde gasten uit binnen- en buitenland


Kuns t&C ultuur voor


van AVR

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Het gro otste cultuu rblad van

Neder land

Am erda Obsst ervatoms rium jaar weer ster

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De Fun


Jeugdwe na de renovatie erk va Jeroen n Krabbé

Rijksm useu m

De terugmeester k naar omt huis Herope





Geniet van exclusiviteit en profiteer van de voordelen:


• Exclusieve kortingen • Unieke lezingen • Bijzondere aanbiedingen • Indrukwekkende exposities • Speciale rondleidingen • Kijkje achter de schermen



Vul de bon in of ga direct naar verrijkjewereld.nu of bel 0900 - 777 9996.

Ja, ik word Cultuurlid van .de AVRO en ontvang 4x per jaar het Kunst & Cultuur Magazine

Ik machtig de AVRO om jaarlijks € 10,- van mijn rekening af te schrijven* naam:


straat/huisnummer: postcode/plaats: e-mailadres: geb.datum:

tel.nr.: rek.nr.:

handtekening: TT0719

*Lidmaatschap geldt tot wederopzegging. 122


Klassiek hoor je hier radio4.nl


Locations Early Music Festival Utrecht 2013 .



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1 Festival Centre Pandhof, Domplein Festival box office Aula, Academiegebouw Domkerk Domtoren Senaatszaal, Academiegebouw 2 Centraal Museum, Nicolaaskerkhof 10 3 St.-Augustinuskerk, Oudegracht 69 4 Fundatie van Renswoude, Agnietenstraat 5 5 Geertekerk, Geertekerkhof 23 6 Jacobikerk, St.-Jacobsstraat 171 7 St.-Catharinakathedraal, Lange Nieuwstraat 36 8 Lutherse Kerk, Hamburgerstraat 9 9 Nicolaïkerk, Nicolaaskerkhof 9 10 Oudaen, Oudegracht 99 11 Pieterskerk, Pieterskerkhof 3 12 Rasa, Pauwstraat 13a 13 Sonnenborgh, Zonnenburg 2 14 Instituto Cervantes, Domplein 3

15 Museum Catharijneconvent, Lange Nieuwstraat 38 16 St. Willibrorduskerk, Minrebroederstraat 21 17 Universiteitsmuseum, Lange Nieuwstraat 106 18 Utrechts Archief, Hamburgerstraat 28 19 Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten (UCK), Domplein 4 20 Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh, ­Servaasbolwerk 1a 21 Winkel van Sinkel, Oudegracht 158 22 Zuylenspiegel, Zuilenstraat 5 23 Stadhuis, Korte Minrebroederstraat 2 24 Theater Kikker, Ganzenmarkt 14 25 Grand Hotel Karel V, Geertebolwerk 1 26 Huis aan de Werf, Boorstraat 107 27 Paushuize, Kromme Nieuwegracht 49

GVU-bus 19, 28, 39 to Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn, J.C. ­Verthorenpad 100

FESTIVAL BO0K 2013 The only source of all festival information!

Articles, programmes, programme notes with free cd-sampler NB: all texts are provided in Dutch, but with English summary.

â‚Ź 10, preorder â‚Ź 8 (order via our website)

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