1 minute read
Literacy, Language, Text Types and Grammar
The Grammar Handbook
Gordon Winch
9780195529098 | October 2013 | oup.com.au/winch
An essential reference for English grammar, punctuation and usage. Introduced in a logical sequence, it is ideal for undergraduate students seeking additional assistance with their grammar in any language activity from word, phrase and sentence through to text level.
Language, Literacy and Literature
Alyson Simpson, Simone White, Peter Freebody & Barbara Comber 9780195575316 | November 2012 | oup.com.au/simpson
Language, Literacy and Literature combines these three concepts within a pedagogical framework that leads readers through a series of learning processes to develop curiosity, collaboration and willingness to ‘give things a go’. Challenges pre-service teachers to question what they think they know, as well as discover what they need to know through a range of practical exercises and activities to assist in building habits of reflexive practice.