Harry O’Brien Greg Purcell
ii TERM 1 • Partitioning/know 1, know 4 2 • Addition and subtraction strategies 3 • Recognising angles 4 • The kilometre 5 • Revising 3-digit addition 6 • Thirds and sixths 7 • Revising polygons 8 • Calculating area 9 • Revising 3-digit subtraction 10 • Revising division facts/remainders 11 • Probability using fractions 12 • Cubic centimetres 13 • Addition and subtraction strategies 14 • Reading numbers 15 • Coordinates 16 • Mass 17 • Multiplication strategies/products 18 • Problem solving 19 • Chance experiments 20 • Naming prisms and pyramids 21 • Revising 2-digit division/quotients 22 • Number patterns 23 • Column graph 24 • am and pm time 25 • Two digits multiplied by 1 digit/area model 26 • Equivalent fractions 27 • Protractors 28 • Metres and kilometres 29 • 4-digit addition with trading/checking 30 • Missing numbers 31 • Drawing objects 32 • Picture graph/column graph 33 • Division strategies 34 • Mixed numerals/improper fractions 35 • Classifying three-dimensional objects 36 • Column graphs 37 • Diagnostic review 1 38 TERM 2 • 4-digit subtraction 40 • Prime and composite numbers 41 • Perimeter 42 • Likelihood 43 • 2-digit division and multiplication connection 44 • Two-place decimals 45 • Partitioning numbers 46 • Square centimetre 47 • 5-digit addition with trading 48 • Rounding money 49 • Line graphs 50 • Cubic centimetres 51 • Three digits multiplied by one digit 52 • Constructing number sentences 53 • Constructing shapes 54 • 24-hour time 55 • Subtraction strategies 56 • Number patterns and rules 57 • Describing objects 58 • Perimeter 59 • Expanding numbers 60 • Fractions on a number line 61 • Databases 62 • Square metres 63 • 3-digit written and mental division 64 • Factors 65 • Drawing angles with a protractor 66 • Symmetry/rotational symmetry 67 • 5-digit addition 68 • Adding and subtracting fractions 69 • Chance experiment 70 • Top, front and side views 71 • 5-digit subtraction 72 • Order of operations 73 • Line graphs 74 • Litres and millilitres 75 • Diagnostic review 2 76 1 unit 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Contents unit MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 2 30-Aug-23 08:58:27 SAMPLEPAGES
iii TERM 3 • 3-digit mental and written division 78 • Ordering decimals 79 • Ordinal data 80 • The tonne 81 • Addition and estimation 82 • Sequences of fractions 83 • Design problems 84 • Quadrilaterals 85 • Distributive law 86 • Decimals to thousandths 87 • Parallelograms 88 • 24-hour timetables 89 • 5-digit subtraction 90 • Adding and subtracting fractions 91 • Interpreting graphs 92 • Constructing objects 93 • 4-digit multiplication 94 • Subtracting fractions from wholes 95 • Chance/all possible outcomes 96 • Coordinates 97 • Division by ten/estimation 98 • Fractions of a quantity 99 • Measuring angles in triangles 100 • Time zones/24-hour time 101 • Calculator problems 102 • Multiplication by tens 103 • Adding fractions greater than 1 whole 104 • Gross and net mass 105 • Two digits multiplied by two digits 106 • Decimal place value 107 • Making objects and nets 108 • Data survey 109 • Fractions of quantity and length 110 • Division/averages 111 • Cubic centimetres and millilitres 112 • Hectares 113 • Diagnostic review 3 114 TERM 4 • 4-digit multiplication 116 • 6-digit addition 117 • Spreadsheet data 118 • Coordinates/making a map 119 • Adding and subtracting decimals 120 • Calculator division and multiplication 121 • Chance/all possible outcomes 122 • Nets 123 • 6-digit subtraction 124 • Factorising/partitioning 125 • Choosing length units 126 • Triangles 127 • Financial plan/budget 128 • Inverse operations 129 • Area of a triangle 130 • Square kilometres 131 • Multiplication methods 132 • Rounding for estimation 133 • Duration 134 • Street directories/coordinates 135 • Overseas holiday/mobile phone plans 136 • Introducing basic percentages 137 • Collecting data/questionnaires 138 • Area experiment 139 • Percentages 140 • Division with fractional remainders 141 • Cross-sections 142 • Different graph displays 143 • Equivalent number sentences 144 • GST and budgets 145 • Recognising metric units 146 • Timelines 147 • Diagnostic review 4 148 Dictionary 150 Answers 157 19 unit 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 unit 01_MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indd 3 30-Aug-23 09:02:06 SAMPLEPAGES
The Maths Plus NSW Syllabus/Australian Curriculum series, Year K to Year 6, is based on the NSW Education Standards Authority 2023 Mathematics K–6 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Mathematics (ACARA). Each book after Year K builds upon prior knowledge and works towards an understanding of the achievement standards for the relevant year level and beyond. Maths Plus provides students with opportunities to sequentially develop their skills and knowledge in the strands of the Australian Curriculum Mathematics: Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability
Series components
Student Books
Student Book features
• All pages are colour coded.
Number and Algebra
and Space
Statistics and Probability
Work towards achieving the relevant outcomes by developing skills and competency in understanding mathematical structures, fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Mentals and Homework Books
Provide concise, essential revision and consolidation activities that correspond with the concepts and units of work presented in the Student Books.
Assessment Books
Include short post-tests with a simple marking system to assess students’ skills and understanding of the concepts in the Student Books.
• Australian Curriculum Mathematics content descriptions, proficiency strand references and general capabilities appear on each page.
• The Dictionary (Years 2 to 6) features clear and simple explanations of mathematical terms and language.
Diagnostic term reviews
• Diagnostic term reviews (Years 1 to 6) assist in pinpointing students’ strengths and weaknesses, allowing intervention and re-teaching opportunities where required.
• The Find a topic page allows teachers the freedom to address particular topics and student needs as appropriate, providing essential revision and consolidation opportunities.
Teacher Book and Teacher Dashboard
Provide access to a wealth of resources and support material:
• curricula and planning documents
• interactive teaching tools
• potential difficulties videos
• learning activities
• support and extension activities
• reflection
• blackline masters and investigation pages
• links to Advanced Primary Maths (Years 3 to 6)
• assessment tests
• answers for student resources
Oxford Owl is the home for Oxford Primary professional resources.
Find a topic
To the teacher
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 4 30-Aug-23 08:58:32
v Find a topic NUMBER
Whole numbers Place value 15, 60, 87, 107 Factors and multiples 65, 125 Rounding/estimation 34, 49, 82, 94, 98, 103, 133 Prime and composite numbers 41 Partitioning numbers 46, 125 Number sentences 53 Problem solving 3, 14, 34, 56 Addition and subtraction Strategies 3, 10, 14, 31, 56 Adding 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-digit numbers 6, 30, 48, 68, 72, 82, 117 Subtracting 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-digit numbers 10, 40, 56, 72, 90, 124 Multiplication and division Strategies and facts 2, 11, 18, 26, 34, 86, 111, 132, 141 Distributive law 86 Division with remainders 141 Primes and composites 41 2, 3 and 4 digits multiplied by 1 digit 26, 52, 94, 116 2, 3 and 4 digits divided by 1 digit 22, 44, 64, 78 Multiplying by multiples of 10 103 Dividing by 10 98 Order of operations 31, 73, 144 2 and 3 digits multiplied by 2 digits 106, 132 Calculator problems 102, 121 Area model 26 Partitioning/know 1, know 4 2 Averages 111 Inverse operations 129 Fractions and decimals Thirds and sixths 7 Equivalent fractions 27 Fractions of a quantity and length 99, 110 Adding and subtracting fractions 69, 91, 104 Fractions on a number line 7, 61 Improper fractions 35 Mixed numerals 35 Decimals 45, 79, 87, 107 Adding and subtracting decimals 120 Sequences of fractions 83 Subtracting fractions from wholes 95 Fractions and probability 12 Percentages 137, 140 Money and financial mathematics Financial plans/budgets 128 Spreadsheets 118 GST and budgets 145 Mobile phone plans 136 Rounding money 49 Patterns and algebra Number patterns/rules 23, 57 Missing numbers 31 Number sentences 53 Patterns with fractions and decimals 92, 104, 129 Inverse operations 144 Order of operations 31, 73, 129, 144 MEASUREMENT
Length Millimetres 42 Centimetres 59 Metres 29, 84 Kilometres 5, 29 Perimeter 42, 59 Choosing length units 126, 146 Area Square centimetres 9, 47, 139 Square metres 63 Hectares 113 Square kilometres 131 Area of triangles 130 Volume and capacity Cubic centimetres and millilitres 13, 51, 75, 112 Millilitres and litres 75 Mass Grams 17 Kilograms 17 Measuring devices 17 The tonne 81 Gross mass/net mass 105 Recognising metric units 146 Time am and pm time 25 24-hour time 55, 89, 101 Timetables 89 Duration 134 Time zones 101 Timelines 147 Three-dimensional space Prisms and pyramids 21, 32, 36, 58 Top, front and side views 71, 93 Drawing and constructing objects 93, 108 Nets 108, 123 Cross-sections 142 Two-dimensional space Polygons 8, 85 Triangles 42, 100, 127 Constructing shapes 54 Symmetry/rotational symmetry 67 Quadrilaterals 85 Parallelograms 88 Angles Right, obtuse, acute, straight and reflex angles 4, 54 Polygons 8 Protractors 28, 54, 66, 100 Measuring angles in triangles 100 Position Coordinates/grid references 16, 97, 119, 135 Scales/legends 84, 135 Plan views 84 STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Data Ordinal data 80 Picture graphs 33 Column graphs 24, 33, 37, 109 Different graph displays 92, 143 Line graphs 50, 74 Sector graphs 92 Surveys, questions, investigations 92, 109, 138 Spreadsheet data 118 Databases 62 Chance Chance experiments 20, 122 Describe likelihood 12, 20, 70, 96 Tree diagram/all possible outcomes 96, 122 Likelihood 43 Probability using fractions 12 page page MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 5 30-Aug-23 08:58:32 SAMPLEPAGES
NSW Syllabus Outcomes
Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent the properties of numbers
Compares and orders decimals up to 3 decimal places
Determines percentages of quantities, and finds equivalent fractions and decimals for benchmark percentage values
Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems
Constructs and completes number sentences involving multiplicative relations, applying the order of operations to calculations
Compares and orders fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10
Locates and describes points on a coordinate plane
of measures and quantities
Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances including perimeters
Measures and constructs angles, and identifies the relationships between angles on a straight line and angles at a point
Investigates and classifies two-dimensional shapes, including triangles and quadrilaterals, based on their properties
Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including areas of rectangles
Combines, splits and rearranges shapes to determine the area of parallelograms and triangles
Visualises, sketches and constructs three-dimensional objects, including prisms and pyramids, making connections to two-dimensional representations
Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate, measure and calculate volumes and capacities
Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure the masses of objects
Measures and compares duration, using 12- and 24-hour time and am and pm notation
Constructs graphs using many-to-one scales
Interprets data displays, including timelines and line graphs
Conducts chance experiments and quantifies the probability
MAO-WM-01 Working mathematically
Develops understanding and fluency in mathematics through exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems, and communicating their thinking and reasoning coherently and clearly
2 , 1 4 , 1 5
1 10
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 6 30-Aug-23 08:58:33
MAO-WM-01 Working mathematically
vii 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 NUMBER AND ALGEBRA MA3-RN-01 MA3-RN-02 MA3-RN-03 MA3-AR-01 MA3-MR-01 MA3-MR-02 MA3-RQF-01 MA3-RQF-02 MEASUREMENT AND SPACE MA3-GM-01 MA3-GM-02 MA3-GM-03 MA3-2DS-01 MA3-2DS-02 MA3-2DS-03 MA3-3DS-01 MA3-3DS-02 MA3-NSM-01
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 7 30-Aug-23 08:58:34
The 4 facts associated with this array are:
4 × 3 = 12
3 × 4 = 12
12 ÷ 3 = 4
12 ÷ 4 = 3
Write 4 facts you can derive from each array. 1
Associative and commutative laws
The commutative law of multiplication tells us that two factors of a multiplication number sentence can be multiplied in reverse and it will not change the answer.
3 × 4 has the same result as 4 × 3.
The associative law states that it does not matter in which order factors are multiplied. 3 × 2 × 4 has the same result as 4 × 2 × 3.
Complete these pairs of number sentences. 2
Write some division number sentences to find out if division is commutative. 3
Oxford University Press 2 1 unit PROBLEM SOLVING, UNDERSTANDING CCT N Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems Partitioning/know 1, know 4
× 5
b 3 × 4 = c 5 × 3 =
d 6 × 3 = e 5 × 6 = f 6 × 7 = a 5 × 7 = 7 × 5 = b 3 × 2 × 4 = 4 × 3 × 2 = c 3 × 7 × 4 = 7 × 4 × 3 =
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 2 30-Aug-23 08:58:34 SAMPLEPAGES
Addition and subtraction strategies
Last year, the following strategies were taught. Use them to solve the questions on this page.
Use the split strategy to add and subtract these numbers.
Bridge to a decade to calculate the answers.
Estimate an answer to each of the additions and subtractions by rounding each number. The first one is done for you.
Solve these problems using your mental arithmetic skills.
a Jim has 54 m of timber in one pile and 38 m of timber in another. How much timber does he have altogether?
b Sarah had $73 in her bank account but spent $48 on clothes. How much money does she have left in her bank account?
Oxford University Press 3 1 unit
Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems COMMUNICATING, PROBLEM SOLVING L N CCT
a 42 + 35 = h 57 + 28 = o 427 + 132 = b 31 + 54 = i 23 + 35 = p 534 + 354 = c 62 32 = j 24 + 67 = q 627 + 252 = d 23 + 45 = k 68 47 = r 309 + 490 = e 42 + 54 = l 75 + 36 = s 378 267 = f 48 + 26 = m 325 + 133 = t 784 + 141 = g 66 34 = n 372 + 125 = u 356 + 277 =
a 35 + 27 = g 72 33 = m 127 + 27 = b 46 + 28 = h 83 24 = n 236 + 37 = c 35 + 27 = i 94 35 = o 357 + 46 = d 49 + 23 = j 64 26 = p 268 + 35 = e 67 + 35 = k 75 36 = q 352 25 = f 58 + 29 = l 82 47 = r 293 35 =
Question Estimate Question Estimate Question Estimate a 297 + 509 800 h 227 + 477 o 937 + 387 b 687 217 i 408 + 179 p 878 427 c 607 + 384 j 575 325 q 769 440 d 717 + 279 k 297 + 313 r 435 + 867 e 689 321 l 556 + 437 s 789 423 f 773 + 228 m 717 + 477 t 827 + 579 g 456 + 249 n 569 437 u 698 + 713
4 5 6 7 38 + 37? Think, 38 + 30 = 68, then add 2 and 5 more. Add the hundreds, tens and ones separately. 325 + 133? Think, 300 + 100 plus 20 + 30 plus 5 + 3 equals 458. MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 3 30-Aug-23 08:58:35 SAMPLEPAGES
Recognising angles
An angle is the amount of turn between two arms. Angles can be measured and named according to the size of their opening. This common angle is called a right angle.
It is equal to a 1 4 turn of the hands on a clock face.
Angles are classified according to the amount of turn between two arms.
Right angle
Square corner; 90°
Obtuse angle
Acute angle
Straight angle
Reflex angle
Larger than a right angle; greater than 90°
Smaller than a right angle; less than 90°
Can be made from two right angles; 180°
Label the angles either right angle, obtuse, acute, reflex or straight.
Larger than a straight angle; greater than 180°
Identify which shape is being described.
a I have four right angles.
b I have one obtuse angle, one acute angle and two right angles.
c I have three acute angles.
d I have three right angles and two obtuse angles.
e I have six obtuse angles.
Find two acute angles and two obtuse angles in your classroom.
Oxford University Press 4 unit 1 Measures and constructs angles, and identifies the relationships between angles on a straight line and angles at a point L CCT
a b c d e f g h
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 amount of turn vertex arm MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 4 30-Aug-23 08:58:35
Longer distances are measured in kilometres. There are 1000 metres in 1 kilometre. Trundle wheels are often used to measure long distances because each revolution equals 1 metre.
How many times would a trundle wheel click when measuring 1 kilometre?
Measuring 1 kilometre
You will need a trundle wheel and about 11 traffic cones. With your teacher, select an area that you think is about 1 kilometre long. Mark your starting point with a traffic cone and begin walking in a straight line, counting the clicks of the trundle wheel as you go. At the count of every 100 metres, place a cone until you have covered 1000 metres.
Mark out a 1 kilometre cross-country course
11 12 13
In your school, mark out a cross-country course that is about 1 kilometre. You may need to write some distances in chalk on the ground or mark distances with markers. It can zigzag or go around buildings a number of times.
Use a stopwatch to record how long it takes your group members to run your course.
Use the map of New South Wales and the distances from Sydney to calculate the distances between these places.
10 × 100 m equals 1 km.
Use a street directory or online map to help you name locations about 1 2 a km from school, about 1 km from school and about 2 km from school.
Oxford University Press 5 unit 1 Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances including perimeters COMMUNICATING, REASONING L The
a Kingscliff Port Macquarie Distance b Bega Wollongong Distance c Coffs Harbour Newcastle Port Macquarie Newcastle Merimbula Wollongong Distance Distance Distance
About 1 2 km About 1 km About 2 km 14 15 d e Town Distance from Sydney Kingscliff 840 km Coffs Harbour 558 km Port Macquarie 407 km Newcastle 162 km Sydney Wollongong 78 km Bega 446 km Merimbula 456 km BRISBANE Gold Coast Kingscliff Ballina Iluka Arrawarra Coffs Harbour Port Macquarie Halidays Point Nelson Bay Newcastle The Entrance Bega Merimbula Albury Hay West Wyalong Narrandera Wagga Wagga Yass Nyngan Dubbo Narrabri Burke Moree Inverell Tamworth Armidale Wollongong SYDNEY MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 5 30-Aug-23 08:58:36
Learning to trade in an addition sum
PROCESS Hund Tens Ones
Add 9 ones plus 3 ones equals 12 ones. Exchange 10 ones for 1 ten. Record 2 in the ones column.
Add 1 hundred plus 1 hundred equals 2 hundreds. Add 1 ten plus 3 tens plus 1 ten equals 5 tens. Trade the 10 ones for a ten.
Complete each addition algorithm.
Solve the problems.
a At Kingsland primary school there are 248 girls on the school roll and 249 boys. How many children attend the school?
b Ms Green, the garden shop owner, banked $389 on Monday and $456 on Tuesday. What was her total banking for the two days?
Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems PROBLEM SOLVING, COMMUNICATING L N CCT MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 6 30-Aug-23 08:58:37 SAMPLEPAGES
Oxford University Press 6 unit 2
a Hund Tens Ones b Hund Tens Ones c Hund Tens Ones d Hund Tens Ones e Hund Tens Ones 2 2 6 3 5 9 3 8 4 3 5 9 3 5 9 + 1 3 8 + 2 3 6 + 2 6 6 + 4 0 6 + 2 6 5 f Hund Tens Ones g Hund Tens Ones h Hund Tens Ones i Hund Tens Ones j Hund Tens Ones 3 0 7 2 4 5 4 5 6 8 0 7 3 5 7 2 6 3 0 6 2 3 6 7 4 7 3 + 1 4 3 + 4 0 7 + 2 9 7 + 9 + 3 8 k 2 6 7 g l 2 6 1 cm m 2 7 ° C n 4 2 5 mL o $ 7 . 8 5 3 0 4 g 3 7 cm 3 5 ° C 3 6 2 mL $ 8 . 8 5 1 6 5 g 5 3 cm 6 ° C 3 7 mL $ 0 . 8 6 + 1 4 g + 4 1 0 cm + 2 3 ° C + 1 2 4 mL + $ 8 . 5 8
1 2 Hundreds Tens Ones +
1 13 3 + 1 1 9 2 5 2
Revising 3-digit addition
2 3
Thirds and sixths 2
The numerator shows us how many parts out of the whole (the fractional part).
The denominator shows us how many parts are in the whole.
What fraction of each shape is shaded? The first one has been done for you.
Label the fractions on the number lines.
Which fraction is larger:
Oxford University Press 7 unit Compares and orders fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 Determines 1 2 , 1 4 , 1 5 and 1 10 of measures and quantities REASONING N CCT
a b c d 2 3 e f g h Shade
a b c d 2 3 5 6 Shade the fraction of
a b c 5 6 2 3 1 2
the fractions.
each group.
a 3 3 1 0 Thirds b 6 6 1 0 6 6 6 Sixths c
4 6
1 2
3 4 5 6 1 0 2 Halves 7 1 3 3 6 MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 7 30-Aug-23 08:58:37 SAMPLEPAGES
A polygon is a shape made up of three or more straight sides.
Give a clear description of each shape by recording its properties.
A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides. Opposite sides and angles are equal. A square and a rectangle are examples of a parallelogram.
Circle the parallelogram.
8 unit Oxford University Press 2 Revising polygons Investigates
and classifies two-dimensional shapes, including triangles and quadrilaterals, based on their properties
Shape Name Sides Angles Types of angles Lines of symmetry triangle 3 3 acute 3
8 9
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 8 30-Aug-23 08:58:37
9632 4569 8741
Calculating area 2
Martha wanted to know what the area of her bank card was, so she divided it exactly into square centimetres and counted them up.
a Find a quicker way for finding the area using the square centimetres Martha drew on the card.
b Explain what it is.
Apply the formula ‘Area = length × width’ to find the area of these shapes. 11
Calculate the areas of this ticket.
a What is the area of the smaller section of the ticket? cm2
b What is the area of the larger section of the ticket? cm2
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 9 30-Aug-23 08:58:37 SAMPLEPAGES
Oxford University Press 9 unit Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including areas of rectangles COMMUNICATING, REASONING N CCT
a 3 cm 2 cm c 4 cm 3 cm b 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 3 cm d Length Width Area a cm cm cm2 b cm cm cm2 c cm cm cm2 d cm cm cm2 THE MCG THE MCG B12 B12 8:00 pm 30 NOV 8:00 pm 30 NOV Bank ANY 4578
c What is the total area of the ticket? cm2 08/12 08/08 MS MARTHA
The area of rectangles can be found by multiplying the length by the width. Area = length × width (This is known as the formula for area.)
Area = length × width
Subtract 1 hundred from 2 hundreds to give 1 hundred.
1 ten
Trade a ten for 10 ones.
9 ones from 3 ones can’t be done. Trade a ten from the tens column to the ones column to make 13 ones.
4 tens becomes 3 tens. 9 ones from 13 ones equals 4 ones.
Complete these subtractions without trading.
2 Complete these subtractions with trading in the ones.
Complete these subtractions with trading in the tens.
Crack this secret code by matching shapes with their numbers.
Oxford University Press 10 unit 3 Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems PROBLEM SOLVING L N CCT
Revising 3-digit subtraction
a Hund Tens Ones b Hund Tens Ones c Hund Tens Ones d Hund Tens Ones e Hund Tens Ones 8 7 9 9 8 3 7 5 4 8 7 9 3 5 8 2 5 7 3 4 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 1 2 3
a Hund Tens Ones b Hund Tens Ones c Hund Tens Ones d Hund Tens Ones e Hund Tens Ones 8 5 2 9 3 2 4 4 4 9 4 3 7 9 5 4 3 4 6 1 5 2 3 7 6 2 5 4 6 8
a Hund Tens Ones b Hund Tens Ones c Hund Tens Ones d Hund Tens Ones e Hund Tens Ones 6 4 8 8 2 8 7 4 9 7 6 8 6 3 7 2 6 3 2 6 3 2 5 6 8 3 5 2
a = c = b = d = 1 2 3 4 985 448 111 625 907 72 85
in subtraction PROCESS Hund Tens Ones 2 3 4 / 13 1 1 9 1 2 4 Hundreds Tens Ones
from 3 tens to give
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 10 30-Aug-23 08:58:38 SAMPLEPAGES
Oxford University Press 11 unit Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems PROBLEM SOLVING, REASONING CCT L Revising division facts/remainders 3 Answer the division facts. ÷ 3 ÷ 5 ÷ 6 ÷ 7 ÷ 8 a 6 b 10 c 12 d 14 e 48 12 20 24 28 72 9 30 18 21 24 18 45 30 35 56 24 35 42 49 80 5 Answer
a 25 ÷ 4 = 6 1 r g 32 ÷ 6 = r b 25 ÷ 6 = r h 37 ÷ 7 = r c 15 ÷ 7 = r i 45 ÷ 6 = r d 21 ÷ 4 = r j 51 ÷ 7 = r e 30 ÷ 4 = r k 65 ÷ 8 = r f 29 ÷ 5 = r l 84 ÷ 9 = r Share the bag of 33 marbles. a 33 ÷ 2 = r b 33 ÷ 4 = r c 33 ÷ 6 = r d 33 ÷ 5 = r e 33 ÷ 8 = r 6 7 4 5 22 divided by 4 makes 5 rows of 4 with 2 left over. The 2 left over becomes the remainder. 5 r2 4 2 2 Remainders are labelled with an r MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 11 30-Aug-23 08:58:38 SAMPLEPAGES
these division facts with remainders. The first one has been done for you.
Probability using fractions 3
Fractions can be used to describe chance. For example, the chance of a dice landing on 6 is one out of 6, or 1 6 .
Write the fraction to describe the chance of a dice:
a landing on a five
b landing on a one
c landing on an even number
d landing on a number less than five
8 9
Write the fraction to describe the chance of these spinners landing on blue.
b c
Lena put 20 different-coloured marbles in a bag. Write true or false to answer the questions about marbles being drawn from the bag first go.
a The chance of blue being drawn is 4 20 .
b The chance of red being drawn is 5 20 .
c The chance of green being drawn is 3 20 .
d The chance of yellow being drawn is 5 20
e The chance of purple being drawn is 1 20 .
f The chance of orange being drawn is 5 20
10 11
Make up a bag of different-coloured marbles or counters yourself and write the chances, as fractions, of drawing a colour from the bag.
12 unit Oxford University Press Conducts chance experiments and quantifies the probability
Which objects above are most suitable for packing or stacking?
Explain why.
A base unit for measuring volume is the cubic centimetre. It can be shown by a cube measuring 1 cm long, 1 cm wide and 1 cm high. A centicube or MAB one are good examples of a cubic centimetre (cm3).
Use centicubes or MAB ones to build each prism, then record the volume of each.
Daya has constructed a shape that has a volume of 24 cm3. Construct a shape of your own that has the same volume, then sketch it in the box.
Oxford University Press 13 unit 3 Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate, measure and calculate volumes and capacities
a b c d cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 e f g cm3 cm3 cm3 h i j cm3 cm3 cm3
12 13 14 15 a b c d e f g Biscuits PERFUME
1 cm 1 cm 1 cm HONEY ChocolateBarBAR
UNDERSTANDING, REASONING CCT N L MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 13 30-Aug-23 08:58:40
Cubic centimetres
Addition and subtraction strategies
Last year the following strategies were taught. Use them to answer the questions on this page.
Use your knowledge of number facts to extend these additions and subtractions.
2 Use the jump strategy to add and subtract these numbers.
Add the numbers mentally using the compensation strategy.
Subtract the numbers mentally using the compensation strategy.
Use the strategies above to write addition and subtraction number sentences that have an answer of 54.
Oxford University Press 14 unit 4 Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems PROBLEM SOLVING L N CCT
a 7 + 8
g 300
b 70 + 80 = h 800 400 = c 700 +
i 400 + 900 = d 60 + 70
j 180 + 70 = e 90 + 50 = k 250 + 80 = f 150 60 = l 800 500 =
+ 700 =
800 =
a 26 + 15 = h 57 26 = o 148 + 24 = b 35 + 27 = i 68 + 29 = p 137 36 = c 46 + 42 = j 78 + 36 = q 146 + 25 = d 35 + 23 = k 127 25 = r 157 26 = e 48 25 = l 132 + 37 = s 185 24 = f 58 37 = m 156 + 23 = t 297 + 33 = g 63 + 65 = n 142 + 34 = u 347 + 46 =
a 24 + 39 = e 27 + 42 = i 336 + 33 = b 36 + 28 = f 53 + 38 = j 242 + 41 = c 54 + 21 = g 36 + 32 = k 137 + 57 = d 47 + 49 = h 47 + 32 = l 545 + 27 =
a 65 29 = e 83 49 = i 196 37 = b 72 39 = f 92 78 = j 285 57 = c 85 38 = g 64 37 = k 174 36 = d 73 49 = h 72 37 = l 283 58 = 1 2 3 4
3 + 5 = 8, so 30 + 50 = 80 and 300 + 500 = 800. 38 + 43? Think 38 + 40 + 3 = 81. 35 + 48? Think 35 + 50 minus 2. 64 – 29? Think 64 – 30 + 1.
39 + 15 = 54
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 14 30-Aug-23 08:58:40 SAMPLEPAGES
Reading numbers
When we read numbers, we read them in groups of hundreds, tens and ones. The following chart best illustrates this concept.
Write these numbers in numerals. The first one is done for you.
a Two hundred and sixteen thousand, four hundred and twenty-six.
b Three hundred and twenty-one thousand, two hundred and sixteen.
c Four hundred and thirty-five thousand, five hundred and sixty.
d One million, five hundred and eighteen thousand, six hundred and twenty.
e Twelve million, two hundred and seventy thousand, four hundred and eighty.
f Twenty-eight million, three hundred and seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine.
The table below shows the areas of each state and territory of Australia.
a List the states and territories in order of their areas. ACT,
b Which state has an area closest to 1 000 000 km2?
c Which state has an area closest to 3 000 000 km2?
d Which states are more than double the area of NSW?
e Which state is more than double the area of SA?
f Which state is closest to the area of NSW?
Oxford University Press 15 unit 4 Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent the properties of numbers
Examples Millions Thousands Ones Note: A
Hund Tens Ones Hund Tens Ones Hund Tens Ones 765 364 7 6 5 3 6 4 32 305 706 3 2 3 0 5 7 0 6 H T O H T O EXAMPLE 1 7 6 5 thousands 3 6 4 ones H T O H T O H T O EXAMPLE 2 3 2 millions 3 0 5 thousands 7 0 6 ones
space separates the millions from the thousands, and the thousands from the ones.
216 426
NSW Vic ACT Qld WA SA NT Tas 802 000 km2 228 000 km2 2000 km2 1 727 000 km2 2 562 000 km2 984 000 km2 1 346 000 km2 68 000 km2
6 7 WA NT Qld SA NSW ACT Tas Vic UNDERSTANDING L N MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 15 30-Aug-23 08:58:41
Coordinates are used to locate position on a number plane. The order of the numbers is very important.
The first number is the reading on the x axis
The second number is the reading on the y axis
The number plane, on the left, shows the point (3,2).
Plot the coordinates, then connect them to make a polygon.
a Plot these points: (2,1), (1,3), (3,5), (5,3) and (4,1).
b Join (2,1) to (1,3).
c Join (1,3) to (3,5).
d Join (3,5) to (5,3).
e Join (5,3) to (4,1).
f Join (4,1) to (2,1).
What shape did you make?
Remember! Read the horizontal before the vertical, e.g. (9,3) Port Macquarie
Find the closest coordinate for each place.
16 unit Oxford University Press Locates and describes points on a coordinate plane 4 Coordinates COMMUNICATING L N CCT
Perth c Adelaide e Cairns b Brisbane d Port Macquarie (NSW) f Darwin 10 Broome Busselton Eyre Whyalla Woomera Wyndham Tennant Creek Tenterfield Armidale Port Macquarie Bourke Dubbo Broken Hill Cowra Cooma Shepparton Milparinka TIMOR SEA CORAL SEA ULURU 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 x y
9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 x y MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 16 30-Aug-23 08:58:41
Estimate the mass of each object in grams, then measure them using standard masses.
Object Estimate Mass
a Pencil case
b Textbook
c Basketball
11 12
This cardboard box can hold a mass of 3 kg. How many of each item could be packed into a box of this type?
250 g 750 g 150 g 50 g 2 3 0 +
+ =
% C / 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d
Masses can be recorded using decimal notation. 300 g = 0.3 kg 250 g = 0.25 kg 258 g = 0.258 kg
Write the masses as decimals.
a 500 g = kg
b 250 g = kg
c 275 g = kg
d 376 g = kg
e 459 g = kg
f 674 g = kg
g 1 kg and 632 g = kg
h 1 kg and 347 g = kg
i 1 kg and 250 g = kg
j 2 kg and 374 g = kg
k 2 kg and 500 g = kg
l 3 kg and 200 g = kg
Draw a line from each object to the most suitable measuring device. 14
d e a b Dictionary Dictionary
5.25 kg
Bathroom scales
Electronic scale
BUTTER 250 g MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 17 30-Aug-23 08:58:43
Oxford University Press 17 unit Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure the masses of objects
3kg Glue 1 ON OFF
Kitchen scales
Displacement tank
Complete the multiplication facts using your knowledge of place value.
Use your knowledge of place value to multiply by tens. For example, 50 × 60 equals 5 tens × 6 tens which equals 30 hundreds (3000).
a 20 × 50 =
b 30 × 40 =
c 40 × 40 =
Mentally calculate the products of these multiplications.
The product is the result of multiplying.
Use mental computation skills to solve the problems.
a Mary bought 6 games. How much did she spend?
b Thomas bought 3 watches. How much did he spend?
c Sarah bought 5 T-shirts. How much did she spend?
d How much would 5 books cost?
e How much would 4 dresses cost?
If you had $150 to spend on the above items, how might you spend it? 5
Oxford University Press 18 unit Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems
Multiplication strategies/products
e 4
i 7 ×
a 3 × 30 =
× 60 =
40 =
j 8 ×
b 4 × 30 =
5 × 60 =
50 =
g 7
k 9 ×
c 5 × 40 =
× 30 =
60 =
h 4 ×
l 7 ×
d 6 × 30 =
80 =
70 =
40 × 60 =
40 × 70 =
g 60 × 50 =
70 × 70 =
h 50 × 50 =
70 × 50 =
30 × 50 = i 70 × 30 =
80 × 80 =
40 × 50 = j 60 × 60 =
80 × 70 =
24 × 5 = e 14 × 7 = i 36 × 6 = b 23 × 5 = f 22 × 6 = j 34 × 6 = c 32 × 5 = g 37 × 3 = k 38 × 3 = d 13 × 7 = h 34 × 7 = l 43 × 5 = $26 $30 $60 $46 $40
1 2 3 4 3 × 5
15 so 3 × 5 tens =
The product of
and 5
32 × 5? Think 30 × 5 plus 2 × 5.
is 15.
WORLD OF DOGS CRAZY CAR PG CHASE 12 6 9 3 1 11 2 10 4 8 5 7 12 6 9 3 1 11 2 10 4 8 5 7 12 6 9 3 1 11 2 10 4 8 5 7 12 6 9 3 1 11 2 10 4 8 5 7 MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 18 30-Aug-23 08:58:44
Problem solving 5
Discuss with a friend what strategies you would use to solve these problems. Solve them, then check your solutions with other groups in the class.
Problem Strategies Answer
a A farmer planted 78 trees in 6 paddocks. If the trees were shared equally, how many trees would there be in each paddock?
b A teacher shared 96 counters among 6 students. How many did each student receive?
c Mabel bought 5 tins of beans for 79c per tin and a can of dog food for 96c. How much did she spend on her purchases?
d Samuel saved $35 per week for 9 weeks from his weekly wages. How much did he save altogether?
e Huan planted 100 flowers but only 1 4 of them sprouted. How many flowers sprouted?
f A bicycle wheel has a circumference of 2 m. How many times will it need to turn to cover a distance of 528 m?
g The cake stall collected $296 at the fete. If $20 was spent hiring a tent and $70 was spent on ingredients, what was the cake stall profit?
h The cost of a camp was $40 per student plus $15 each for the bus. How much money did the teacher collect from 30 students?
Think about the strategies you used to solve question 6g, then write another method you could use in the future to solve a problem like it.
Oxford University Press 19 unit Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems
7 96
PROBLEM SOLVING L N MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 19 30-Aug-23 08:58:45
Baked Beans
Chance experiments 5
Dice-rolling experiment
a If you rolled two dice and totalled the scores, what do you think would be the most common score?
b Roll two dice 40 times, recording the total of each roll in the table below.
c Which total was most frequent?
d Which total was least frequent?
Use the data in the table above to order the scores from least to most.
Do you think 7 would usually have more responses than 12?
Explain why.
Mr Carson put 30 of his favourite-coloured round lollies in a bag.
a How many of each lolly are there? R Y G O
b Which is the most likely colour to be drawn out of the bag?
c How would you describe the chance of red being drawn out of the bag?
d Which is the least likely colour to be drawn out of the bag?
e Is it more likely that an orange lolly would be drawn than a green one?
f Is it more likely that a yellow lolly would be drawn than a green one?
20 unit Oxford University Press
Total Tally Frequency Total Tally Frequency 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7
8 9 10 11 12 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y G G G G G O O Conducts chance experiments and quantifies the probability REASONING L N MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 20 30-Aug-23 08:58:45 SAMPLEPAGES
Naming prisms and pyramids
Prisms have two bases that are the same shape and size. All other faces on a prism are rectangular. Prisms are named from the shape of their bases.
Pentagonal prism
Draw a line to join each object to its name.
Pyramids have only one base, with all other faces being triangles. The triangular faces meet at a common apex. Pyramids are named from the shape of their base.
rectangular prism
rectangular pyramid
square pyramid
triangular pyramid cube
hexagonal prism
triangular prism
pentagonal prism
pentagonal pyramid
octagonal prism
hexagonal pyramid
octagonal pyramid
Visualises, sketches and constructs three-dimensional objects, including prisms and pyramids, making connections to two-dimensional representations
Oxford University Press 21 unit
Pentagonal pyramid
5 UNDERSTANDING L MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 21 30-Aug-23 08:58:45
Another way of recording division is by using the division symbol. ÷ The quotient is the result of a division.
Find the quotients of these divisions.
An example of division that leaves a remainder: Tina wanted to share 26 icy-pole sticks among 5 people. She knows that it will not work out equally and that there must be a remainder.
Solve these divisions that have remainders. The first one is done for you.
There are 72 students in Year 5 who need to be transported to the Sports Carnival. How many trips would each vehicle below make if it was the only vehicle available to transport the students? (Working paper may be needed.)
3 passengers
4 passengers c trips
5 passengers 12 passengers
How many trips would the whole fleet of vehicles need to make if they transported the students together? trips
3 1 2 5 r1 5 2 6 MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 22 30-Aug-23 08:58:46
Oxford University Press 22 unit PROBLEM SOLVING L CCT Revising 2-digit division/quotients 6 Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems
a 3 1 5 b 4 2 0 c 5 2 5 d 6 2 4 e 7 4 9 f 4 1 2 g 3 1 8 h 6 3 0 i 7 4 2 j 8 6 4 k 5 1 5 l 4 2 8 m 5 4 5 n 8 4 0 o 9 7 2
a 5 r1 3 1 6 b 3 2 2 c 7 4 5 d 8 4 5 e 6 4 4 f 4 1 8 g 4 3 4 h 6 4 5 i 9 4 7 j 7 5 2 k 5 2 2 l 5 3 3 m 7 5 0 n 8 4 3 o 8 5 0
1 2 3 4
26 shared among 5 people gives 5 to each person and 1 left over (remainder 1). ÷ 3
= 4
quotient 4
Write a rule for each number pattern, then use it to predict the next two terms in the pattern.
You must look closely at the previous terms in the pattern.
Continue to make the pattern of square numbers and record the numbers. 4 9 16
Look for a rule or a pattern in the square numbers, then extend the table to the twelfth square number.
Square numbers 4 9 16
Oxford University Press 23 unit 6
Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems N CCT
Number patterns
a 15 20 25 30 e 536 532 528 524 b 12 16 20 24 f 213 227 241 255 c 4 7 10 13 g 3 6 12 24 d 5 12 19 26 h 198 191 184 177
the number patterns.
Rule Pattern a 43 40 37 34 31 b 53 57 61 65 69 c 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 d 1 2 4 8 16 e 128 64 32 16 8 f 1 3 9 27 81 g 1 2 4 7 11 h 1 1 2 3 5
5 6 7 8
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 23 30-Aug-23 08:58:46
A column graph is a graph that uses columns to record the frequency of events. For example, in this survey six people selected C.
Ashton threw a set of three dice forty times and recorded the totals on a column graph. Use his graph to answer the questions.
a Which score occurred most frequently?
b What was the frequency of the second most frequent score?
c Which scores occurred 2 times?
d Which scores did not appear at all in this sample?
e Explain why the scores 10, 11 and 12 account for 50% of the results.
Class 5G were given a Quick Quiz about Australia. Madeleine and Grace recorded the scores on this column graph.
9 10
Answer true or false to these statements.
a 13 correct answers was the most common score.
b Most scores were between 11 and 16.
c 8 was a score apart from the main cluster.
d 30 people participated in the quiz.
24 unit Oxford University Press REASONING N ICT 6 Constructs graphs using many-to-one scales Interprets data displays, including timelines and line graphs
Column graph
3 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Number of scores Scores
Three dice total scores
1 3 4 5 6 7 2 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9
Scores Number of students
Quick Quiz scores
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C D E F MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 24 30-Aug-23 08:58:46
am and pm time
am is an abbreviation for ante meridiem which means “before midday”. pm is an abbreviation for post meridiem which means “after midday”.
Write a digital label for each clock using “am and pm” notation.
Calculate the
Solve these problems.
a A soldier commenced duty at 1:30 pm. She finished 8 hours later. When did she finish work?
b Jim started work at 6:30 am and finished at 4:30 pm. How long did he work if he had an hour off for lunch?
c The lamb started cooking at 3 pm. We ate it 2 hours 15 minutes later. When did we have dinner?
If I go to bed at 9 pm and wake up 12 hours later, it will be 9 am.
Oxford University Press 25 unit PROBLEM SOLVING L Measures and compares duration, using 12- and 24-hour time and am and pm notation 6
a morning b afternoon c morning d morning e afternoon 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : : : : : f afternoon g evening h morning i afternoon j evening 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : : : : : k afternoon l evening m morning n afternoon o evening 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : : : : :
3 pm and 7 pm g 10 am and 2 pm b 4 pm and 10 pm h 11 am and 5 pm c 2 am and 7 am i 10 am and 9 pm
2:30 am and 7 am j 5 am and 4 pm e 5:30 pm and 10 pm k 10:30 am and 2:30 pm
7:15 pm l 9:45 am and 3:45
elapsed hours between: a
pm and
12 13
MP_NSW_SB5_38343_TXT_PPS_NG.indb 25 30-Aug-23 08:58:48
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