Grammar & Vocabulary
Gramática Oxford Primaria
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Ideal for grammar practice in the Primary classroom or at home with parental support. ◆
◆ ◆
An essential one-volume reference tool for Primary-age students, with clear, easy-to-follow presentations in the form of dialogues which are recorded on
the audio CD which comes with the Answer Book. ◆
Gramática Oxford ESO (p.71) Gramática Oxford Bachillerato (p.71) English for Primary Teachers (p.98)
There are practice exercises at the end of each unit, and the grammar explanations take into account common errors of Spanish-speaking students.
◆ ◆
Student’s Book Answer Book with Audio CD
Five extra revision units are included, which cover the grammar points seen Elementary
in the previous units. It can be used alongside any Primary-level coursebook.
Gramática Oxford ESO
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Written by Spanish teachers to help students to really succeed.
◆ ◆
Easy-to-understand explanations in Spanish and plenty of revision and
Gramática Oxford Primaria (p.71) Gramática Oxford Bachillerato (p.71) NEW Oxford English Grammar Course Basic (p.74)
extension practice to help 11-16 year-old students consolidate their grammatical knowledge. The book is fully adapted to ESO requirements with Components
different sections for each cycle. ◆
Pilar Cuder Domínguez,
The exercises are graded within each section with the easier exercises first
to give the students confidence. A Teacher’s Tests and Answer Key booklet
Student’s Book Test and Answer Key
is available online for the teacher, with eight tests to evaluate students’
Manuela Matas with Raquel
López Pre-Intermediate CEF A2
Gramática Oxford Bachillerato
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Written by Spanish Bachillerato teachers to cover all typical problem areas. ◆
Pilar Cuder Domínguez, with
Using an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach, Bachillerato-level grammar problems are quickly and efficiently resolved. Guided practice gradually
becomes more demanding. Revision units give students the opportunity to
Student’s Book Test and Answer Key
consolidate and check their knowledge of the points covered, and extra
Raquel López Intermediate
Gramática Oxford Primaria (p.71) Gramática Oxford ESO (p.71) NEW Oxford English Grammar Course Intermediate (p.74)
units for grammar extension allow more confident students to move ahead. ◆
A Test and Answer Key Booklet is available online for the teacher, with four tests to evaluate the students’ progress.
Grammar & Vocabulary
Supplementary material
Grammar Friends
You may also be interested in... ◆
A new six-level grammar practice series for 6-12 year-olds. ◆
Clear presentation in familiar contexts make the grammar easy to understand
and remember, while graded written activities help children improve
Family and Friends (p.16) Cambridge Young Learners English Tests: Starters, Movers, Flyers (p.54) Primary Resource Books for Teachers Grammar for Young Learners (p.97)
grammatical accuracy. ◆
Regular revision units give opportunities for extra practice and consolidation.
The interactive CD-ROM has extra exercises and tests to motivate pupils
and encourage learner independence. All the grammar for Cambridge ESOL
Tim Ward & Eileen Flannigan
Components Student’s Book with CD-ROM Teacher’s Book
Young Learners Exams is covered. The Teacher’s Book has photocopiable
LEVELS 1 - 6
tests and Grammar Friends is flexible enough to be used alongside any Primary course.
The Grammar Lab
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Grammar for 9-12 year-olds with loveable characters, cartoons and humorous illustrations. Winner English-Speaking Union’s Duke of Edinburgh Book Competition 2000 ◆
◆ ◆
NEW EDITION Grammar (p.72) Gramática Oxford Primaria (p.71) English for Primary Teachers (p.98)
The Grammar Lab supplements the grammar taught in Elementary to
Intermediate-level coursebooks with more examples, explanations and
Student’s Book Teacher’s Book
exercises. Use the chapters in any order, in class or for homework. Each Kenna Bourke
chapter deals with a separate grammar concept, which is taught in short, easy stages. Every stage is followed by simple exercises.
LEVELS 1 - 3 CEF A1-B1
Regular revision notes are provided, and there are plenty of written and spoken exercises, including space to write in the books. All the language is used in context and the book is beautifully illustrated by Winnie the Witch artist, Korky Paul.
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A new edition of this popular introduction to grammar for children that is presented in familiar everyday situations. ◆
This tried-and-trusted gentle introduction to English grammar is now even richer in resources, with a new Starter level and more online support for students and teachers.
lessons’ which are easy for students to understand.
Jennifer Seidl LEVELS Starter, 2, 3 & 4 CEF A1-A2
Scenes and situations put the grammar in context, with simple ‘grammar
Controlled exercises give students practice at getting the form right every time.
A Student’s Audio CD models pronunciation.
Online resources ◆
Interactive games, exercises and listening activities for students.
Teacher’s notes with ideas for additional activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests.
Bringing Creative Teaching into the Classroom (p.97) Primary Resource Books for Teachers Writing with Children (p.97) Oxford Basics for Children - Vocabulary Activities (p.98)
Grammar & Vocabulary
Oxford Word Skills
You may also be interested in... ◆
Learn and practise English vocabulary. Highly Commended English-Speaking Union’s Duke of Edinburgh English Language Book Award 2009 ◆
2,000 words at each level show the meaning and how words work
NEW Oxford English Grammar Course (p.74) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (p.64) Resource Books for Teachers Vocabulary 2e (p.97)
in context. An ‘I can...’ approach to each unit means students can see learning goals. The fully-integrated Super Skills CD-ROM provides interactive Ruth Gairns & Stuart Redman
vocabulary item.
NEW Oxford Word Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
Now students can extend their word skills by seeing how idioms and
Over 1,000 new idioms and phrasal verbs in each level presented
Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
listening and speaking activities and a pronunciation model for every
phrasal verbs are used naturally in spoken and written English.
Oxford Word Oxford Word Oxford Word Oxford Word Intermediate Oxford Word Advanced
Skills Skills Skills Skills
Elementary Intermediate Advanced Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
in 60 thematic modules.
Practical English Usage
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Michael Swan’s guide to English language problems. ◆ ◆
The world’s most trusted guide to English usage. Over 600 entries, listed
Practical English Usage Diagnostic Tests (p.73) Concise Oxford English Dictionary (p.66) Gran Diccionario Oxford (p.64)
A-Z, to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. ◆
Covers all the problematical grammar and vocabulary areas you want to know about, and clear explanations that really answer your questions are given with real examples which show how language is used. Entries on Kinds of English cover standard English and dialects, correctness, spoken
Michael Swan
and written English, formality, and variation and change.
Intermediate - Advanced ◆
Also included is Don’t say it! - a special section on 150 common mistakes and how to avoid them.
Practical English Usage Diagnostic Tests
Grammar tests to accompany Practical English Usage Third Edition. ◆
You may also be interested in... ◆
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (p.64) NEW Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced (p.74) A Practical English Grammar (p.76)
Previously called Grammar Scan, and designed for use with Practical English Usage Third Edition, this series of tests is written for higher-level students who want to fine-tune their knowledge and understanding of grammar and usage. There is a choice of three levels of exam: Upper-Intermediate,
Michael Swan & David Baker Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Expert CEF B2-C2
Advanced, or Expert. ◆
The tests are organized by grammar topic and the answer key has cross-referencing to Practical English Usage Third Edition for explanations of the grammar points that students need to review.
Grammar & Vocabulary
Supplementary material
Oxford English Grammar Course NEW
You may also be interested in... ◆ ◆
A new multi-level series from leading grammar authors Swan & Walters ◆
This new, three-level series is a grammar practice course that takes students from Basic to Advanced levels, leading to Practical English Usage and Grammar Scan. Short explanations are followed immediately with practice.
Michael Swan & Catherine
Practical English Usage (p.73) Practical English Usage Diagnostic Tests (p.73) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (p.64)
Components ◆ ◆
Student’s Book with CD-ROM with key Student’s Book with CD-ROM without key
The books provide grammar practice, tests and online resources.
Walters ◆
Basic and Intermediate levels are based on Swan and Walters’ previous
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
grammars The Good Grammar Book and How English Works, fully-revised
and reformatted. The Advanced level is completely new. ◆
Topics are divided into two levels of difficulty and modern illustrations help students to understand more complex points.
To help with pronunciation, stress and intonation, a pronunciation CD-ROM is included at every level with practice exercises and the opportunity to record and play back answers.
The website features practice activities for students, and activity ideas, notes on tricky grammar points and classroom resources for teachers. The online content will be expanded continually and interactive diagnostic and review tests, mp3s podcasts and games will be added over the coming months.
Oxford Practice Grammar series
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The right balance of English grammar explanation and practice for your language level. ◆
Norman Coe, Mark Harrison,
Exit tests make sure learners are ready for the next level of Oxford Practice Grammar. Lesson Plans and Worksheets at Basic and Intermediate levels
Godfrey (Lesson Plans and
help teachers make the most of the units, and make students aware of their
progress. At the Advanced level, a book of Supplementary Exercises
Basic & Intermediate) Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
at each level to suit the needs of students at different stages of their study.
Eastwood (Intermediate), George Yule (Advanced), Rachel
This three-level series covers the grammar required for exams such as PET,
by a set of practice activities. The explanations and activities are different
Ken Patterson (Basic), John
is available. ◆
NEW Oxford Practice Grammar Test Booklet available for Elementary and Intermediate levels.
CEF A1-C2 ◆
Access to free online practice exams and an opportunity to register with www.oxfordenglishtesting.com for more exam practice. Practice-Boost CD-ROMs - 1,000 extra listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. - Listen and respond to spoken English. - Learn to speak more naturally using record and listen. - Spot the mistakes in written English and then correct them. - Practise for exams with multiple-choice tests.
Components ◆
Each unit covers an important grammar topic with an explanation followed
Oxford Word Skills (p.73) Word for Word (p.75) Natural Grammar (p.75)
Student’s Book with CD-ROM with key Student’s Book with CD-ROM without key
Grammar & Vocabulary
Oxford Living Grammar
You may also be interested in... ◆
Learn and practise grammar in everyday contexts. ◆
This three-level series helps students understand grammar and how to use
it. There’s plenty of practice with four-page units for each topic, word focus
Oxford Word Skills - Basic (p.73) NEW EDITION Oxford Pocket Dictionary (p.63) Resource Books for Teachers Grammar (p.97)
boxes which explain new words and expressions, and extension tasks in the Over to you section. ◆
The interactive Context-Plus+ CD-ROM, which comes with every level, includes extra interactive grammar practice exercises. Listening and reading mazes allow students to choose what happens next in a dialogue or story.
Norman Coe
Theyy also have the opportunity to record and listen to themselves.
Elementary, Pre-Intermediate,
The 30-unit syllabus fits perfectly with the academic year.
Intermediate CEF A1-B1
Word for Word
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Compares and defines about 3,000 of the most commonly confused words in English. ◆
◆ ◆
Oxford Wordpower Dictionary (p.65) Oxford Study Dictionary (p.64) Resource Books for Teachers (Vocabulary) (p.97)
A carefully-selected range of problem words makes Word for Word suitable for students across a range of levels. The presentation of words in pairs or groups makes it easier to see differences in meaning, and example sentences help show how a word is used in context.
Reference boxes containing extra guidance on language issues and cultural
Stewart Clark & Graham Pointon
variations give students a broader understanding of how the words are used
Intermediate - Advanced
in everyday life. A clear alphabetical format, supported by cross-referencing and index, means that words can be located quickly and easily.
Natural Grammar
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A lexical approach to grammar builds natural idiomatic English. Winner British Council UK ELT Innovation Award ◆
◆ ◆
Gran Diccionario Oxford (p.64) Practical English Usage (p.73) Resource Books for Teachers (Grammar Dictation) (p.97)
Natural Grammar shows you how one hundred important English keywords really work.100 2-page spreads with explanations and exercises that give examples of phrases using the keywords. A reference area with four clear sections (definitions, grammar patterns, collocations, and set phrases) that includes examples of real language from Oxford English Corpus
Scott Thornbury Intermediate - Advanced CEF B1-C2
research. ◆
A wide variety of exercises, that provide practise of language, idioms and natural phrases. Extensive language notes on usage are included. The emphasis is on correct, but natural-sounding language.
Grammar & Vocabulary
Supplementary material
Oxford Learner’s Grammar
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A self-study grammar reference and practice series. ◆ ◆
Three components - Reference Book, Practice Book and CD-ROM cover the use of grammatical forms in communicative functions. The course uses
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (p.68) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (p.64) Oxford Basics (Teaching Grammar) (p.98)
mostly authentic texts and dialogues to put grammar in context and illustrates concepts such as how sentences are linked in text, and how emphasis depends on context. John Eastwood Intermediate - Advanced
A wide variety of exercise types includes exam-style practice exercises for the Cambridge ESOL exams.
The Grammar Checker CD-ROM contains 200 test questions to identify
Components ◆
Grammar Finder (Reference) and Checker (CD-ROM) Grammar Builder
problems and check progress, and allows students to hear and practise
examples illustrating grammar points where pronunciation is important.
A Practical English Grammar
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The classic reference grammar book. ◆
A comprehensive survey of grammatical structures and forms with clear
Practical English Usage (p.73) Practical English Usage Diagnostic Tests (p.73) Oxford Dictionary of English (p.66)
explanations and examples, organized to make it easy to compare related topics. ◆
A. J. Thomson & A. V. Martinet ◆
Intermediate - Advanced CEF B1-C2
Grammar points are easy to find through the index and a contents list that
summarises every section heading. 100 practice exercises are
cross-referenced to the explanations in A Practical English Grammar.
Exercises are graded as difficult, moderately difficult and easy, and focus
Student’s Book Grammar Exercises Book 1 with key Grammar Exercises Book 2 with key
on the areas of grammar that are most difficult for students. ◆
Recommended for revision and for self-study, or as a reference grammar for the class or staffroom.
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Grammar A convenient, pocket-sized reference grammar. ◆
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Grammar is a genuinely pocket-sized reference book that is ideal for revision and complements its sister-volume, the Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary.
John Eastwood Intermediate - Advanced
It’s easy to use, with each grammar topic spread over two pages and easy to understand, with grammar explanations using language students know.
Includes examples of correct usage and examples of common mistakes for students to avoid.
CEF B1-C2 ◆
Cross-referencing between the grammar topics helps students build up a complete picture of the grammar areas they want to focus on.
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◆ ◆
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (p.68) Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus (p.67) Oxford Collocations Dictionary (p.68)
Grammar & Vocabulary
Test It, Fix It series
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Test your grammar, then fix it.
◆ ◆
Test-yourself books for exams, business and general English students.
Oxford Wordpower Dicytionary (p.65) Oxford Study Dictionary (p.64) NEW Oxford English Grammar Course Intermediate (p.74)
This is the only set of books in which students discover why they make grammar and vocabulary mistakes, and which gives them the tools they need to fix them. ◆
Each book has twenty four-page units for each topic with a test, answers, helpful tips and a second test.
Kenna Bourke & Amanda Maris ◆
Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate,
Each topic section has a Review page, which can be used to create a mini reference book once students have completed all the tests.
Components ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Vocabulary (Pre-intermediate, Intermediate) Business (Grammar, Vocabulary) FCE (Use of English, Grammar for FCE) Verbs and Tenses (Pre-intermediate, Intermediate) Grammar (Pre-intermediate, Intermediate).
Ideal for self-study or for use in class.
Really learn 100 phrasal verbs Learn the hundred most frequent and useful phrasal verbs in English. ◆
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◆ ◆
Oxford Practice Grammar Intermediate (p.74) Oxford Student’s Dictionary (p.65) Oxford Living Grammar - Intermediate (p.75)
Follow these six easy steps to teach yourself phrasal verbs: 1. Study examples of each verb as it is really used. 2. Check the meaning and the grammar of the verb
3. Practise using each verb in the exercises.
4. Build vocabulary with related words, synonyms and antonyms. 5. Test progress with the review pages. 6. Check the Reference Key for answers, meanings and extra grammar tips. ◆
Each page focuses on one verb and every page follows the same format to make it easier to use.
A second volume, Really learn 100 more phrasal verbs is also available.
Really learn 100 phrasal verbs for business ◆
This companion volume to Really learn 100 phrasal verbs and really learn
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Business Result - Intermediate (p.46) Business Grammar and Practice (p.48) Resource Books for Teachers (English for Specific Purposes) (p.97)
100 more phrasal verbs focuses on 100 phrasal verbs that are commonly used in a business context. ◆
The book follows the same structure and system for learning the verbs as the other titles in the series. Examples are studied of each verb as it is really used
in authentic business contexts and then learners are given the opportunity
to practice them. ◆
As in the other two books the Reference Key contains answers, meanings and extra grammar tips.