2010 American West Catalog

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American West University of Oklahoma Press

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American West Contents American Indian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Art & Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Biography & Memior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Literature & Fiction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Military History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Arthur H. Clark Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Chickasaw Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Cherokee National Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Best Sellers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Forthcoming Books Spring 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

For more than eighty years, the University of Oklahoma Press has published award-winning books about the West and we are proud to bring to you our new American West catalog. The catalog features the newest titles from both the University of Oklahoma Press and The Arthur H. Clark Company, an imprint of OU Press. For a complete list of titles available from OU Press, please visit our website at oupress.com. For a complete list of The Arthur H. Clark Company titles, please visit ahclark.com. We hope you enjoy this catalog and appreciate your continued support of the University of Oklahoma Press. Price and availability subject to change without notice.

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on the cover: Rodeo Cowgirls Bessie and Ruby Dickey, Tucumcari, New Mexico, Rodeo, circa 1918. Courtesy National cowboy and western heritage museum, McCarroll Family Trust Collection, RC2006.076.045

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American Indian A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest Third Edition By Robert H. Ruby, John A. Brown, and Cary C. Collins $26.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4024-7 · 448 pages The Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest inhabit a vast region extending from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and from California to British Columbia. For more than two decades, this book has served as a standard reference on these diverse peoples. Now, in the wake of renewed tribal self-determination, this revised edition reflects the many recent political, economic, and cultural developments shaping these Native communities. Dreaming with the Ancestors Black Seminole Women in Texas and Mexico By Shirley Boteler Mock $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4053-7 · 400 pages Indian freedmen and their descendants have garnered much public and scholarly attention, but women’s roles have largely been absent from that discussion. In Dreaming with the Ancestors, Shirley Boteler Mock explores the role that Black Seminole women have played in shaping and perpetuating a culture born of African roots and shaped by southeastern Native American and Mexican influences. War Party in Blue Pawnee Indian Scouts in the U.S. Army By Mark van de Logt $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4139-8 · 368 pages Between 1864 and 1877, during the height of the Plains Indian wars, Pawnee Indian scouts rendered invaluable service to the United States Army. They led missions deep into contested territory, tracked resisting bands, spearheaded attacks against enemy camps, and on more than one occasion saved American troops from disaster on the field of battle. In War Party in Blue, Mark van de Logt tells the story of the Pawnee scouts from their perspective, detailing the battles in which they served and recounting hitherto neglected episodes. From Cochise to Geronimo The Chiricahua Apaches, 1874–1886 By Edwin R. Sweeney $39.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4150-3 · 640 pages In the decade after the death of their revered chief Cochise in 1874, the Chiricahua Apaches struggled to survive as a people and their relations with the U.S. government further deteriorated. In From Cochise to Geronimo, Edwin R. Sweeney builds on his previous biographies of Chiricahua leaders Cochise and Mangas Coloradas to offer a definitive history of the turbulent period between Cochise’s death and Geronimo’s surrender in 1886. The Peyote Road Religious Freedom and the Native American Church By Thomas C. Maroukis $29.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4109-1 · 272 pages Despite challenges by the federal government to restrict the use of Peyote, the Native American Church, which uses the hallucinogenic cactus as a religious sacrament, has become the largest indigenous denomination among American Indians today. The Peyote Road examines the history of the NAC, including its legal struggles to defend the controversial use of Peyote.


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American Indians and the Fight for Equal Voting Rights By Laughlin McDonald $55.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4113-8 · 360 pages The struggle for voting rights was not limited to African Americans in the South. American Indians also faced discrimination at the polls and still do today. This book explores their fight for equal voting rights and carefully documents how non-Indian officials have tried to maintain dominance over Native peoples despite the rights they are guaranteed as American citizens. Kiowa Military Societies Ethnohistory and Ritual By William C. Meadows $75.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4072-8 · 472 pages For Kiowa Indians, military societies have special significance. They serve not only to honor veterans and celebrate and publicize martial achievements but also to foster strong role models for younger tribal members. To this day, these societies serve to maintain traditional Kiowa values, culture, and ethnic identity. William C. Meadows now provides a detailed account of the ritual structures, ceremonial composition, and historical development of each society. The Seminole Nation of Oklahoma A Legal History By L. Susan Work $45.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4089-6 · 376 pages When it adopted a new constitution in 1969, the Seminole Nation was the first of the Five Tribes in Oklahoma to formally reorganize its government. In the face of an American legal system that sought either to destroy its nationhood or to impede its self-government, the Seminole Nation tenaciously retained its internal autonomy, cultural vitality, and economic subsistence. Here, L. Susan Work draws on her experience as a tribal attorney to present the first legal history of the twentieth-century Seminole Nation. FULL COURT QUEST The Girls from Fort Shaw Indian School Basketball Champions of the World By Linda Peavy and Ursula Smith $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3973-9 · 496 pages Most fans of women’s basketball would be startled to learn that girls’ teams were making their mark more than a century ago—and that none was more prominent than a team from an isolated Indian boarding school in Montana. Playing like “lambent flames” across the polished floors of dance halls, armories, and gymnasiums, the girls from Fort Shaw stormed the state to emerge as Montana’s first basketball champions. Taking their game to the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, these young women introduced an international audience to the fledgling game and returned home with a trophy declaring them champions. Full-Court Quest offers a rare glimpse into American Indian life and into the world of women’s basketball before “girls’ rules” temporarily shackled the sport. INDIAN TRIBES OF OKLAHOMA A Guide By Blue Clark $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4060-5 · 416 pages Oklahoma is home to nearly forty American Indian tribes, and it includes the largest Native population of any state. As a result, many Americans think of the state as “Indian Country.” Blue Clark, an enrolled member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, has rendered a completely new guide for information on the state’s Native peoples that reflects the drastic transformation of Indian Country in recent years. As a synthesis of current knowledge, this book places the state’s Indians in their contemporary context as no other book has done.

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american indian/art & photography


CHOCTAW CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, 1884–1907 By Devon Abbott Mihesuah $32.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4052-0 · 352 pages During the decades between the Civil War and the establishment of Oklahoma statehood, Choctaws suffered almost daily from murders, thefts, and assaults—usually at the hands of white intruders, but increasingly by Choctaws themselves. This book focuses on two previously unexplored murder cases to illustrate the intense factionalism that emerged among tribal members during those lawless years as conservative Nationalists and proassimilation Progressives fought for control of the Choctaw Nation. THE INDIAN SOUTHWEST, 1580–1830 By Gary Clayton Anderson $24.95s Paper · 978-0-8061-4067-4 · 384 pages In The Indian Southwest, 1580-1830 demonstrates that, in the face of European conquest, severe drought, and disease, Indians in the Southwest proved remarkably adaptable and dynamic, remaining independent actors and even prospering. Some tribes temporarily joined Spanish missions or assimilated into other tribes. Others survived by remaining on the fringe of Spanish settlement, migrating, and expanding exchange relationships with other tribes. Still others incorporated remnant bands and individuals and strengthened their economic systems. The vibrancy of southwestern Indian societies today is due in part to the exchange-based political economies their ancestors created almost three centuries ago. INDIAN ALLIANCES AND THE SPANISH IN THE SOUTHWEST, 750–1750 By William B. Carter $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4009-4 · 312 pages When considering the history of the Southwest, scholars have typically viewed Apaches, Navajos, and other Athabaskans as marauders who preyed on Pueblo towns and Spanish settlements. William Carter now offers a multilayered reassessment of historical events and environmental and social change to show how mutually supportive networks among Native peoples created alliances in the centuries before and after Spanish settlement.

Art & Photography Life at the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agency The Photographs of Annette Ross Hume By Kristina L Southwell and John R. Lovett $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4138-1 · 256 pages Anadarko, Oklahoma, bills itself today as the “Indian Capital of the Nation,” but it was a drowsy frontier village when budding photographer Annette Ross Hume arrived in 1890. Home to a federal agency charged with serving the many American Indian tribes in the area, the town burgeoned when the U.S. government auctioned off building lots at the turn of the twentieth century. Hume faithfully documented its explosive growth and the American Indians she encountered. Her extraordinary photographs are collected here for the first time. Building One Fire Art and World View in Cherokee Life By Chadwick Smith, Rennard Strickland, and Benny Smith $24.95 Cloth · 978-1-61658-960-8 · 224 pages In Building One Fire, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation Chad Smith and renowned Cherokee-Osage scholar and author Rennard Strickland present a unique look at Cherokee art through the lens of Cherokee philosophy. Since the time when Water Spider brought the gift of fire to the Cherokee people, the One Fire, “the Ancient Lady,” has been at the center of Cherokee spiritual life.


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Charlie Russell and Friends By Peter H. Hassrick, Brian W. Dippie, Thomas Brent Smith, and Mark Andrew White $10.95 Paper · 978-0-914738-64-0 · 72 pages Although he was painfully reserved among strangers, the artist Charles M. Russell had a knack for making lifelong friends. This issue of Western Passages is devoted to one group among Russell’s diverse tribe of comrades: his fellow artists. Five distinguished scholars consider the painters and illustrators with whom Russell associated, gauging the contributions of some to his artistic progress and assessing the debt owed by others to his work. Particular attention is paid to Russell’s friendships with his protégé Joe De Yong, sporting artist Philip Goodwin, and “kindred spirit” and famed interpreter of the Southwest Maynard Dixon. Visions of the Big Sky Painting and Photographing the Northern Rocky Mountain West By Dan Flores $45.00 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3897-8 · 248 pages From the Wind River Range to the Canadian border, the northern Rocky Mountain West is an outsized land of stunning dimensions and emotive power. In Visions of the Big Sky, Dan Flores revisits the Northern Rockies artistic tradition to explore its diversity and richness. In his essays about the artists, photographers, and thematic historical imagery of the region, he blends art and cultural history with personal reflection to assess the formation of the region’s character. Luis Ortega’s Rawhide Artistry Braiding in the California Tradition By Chuck Stormes and Don Reeves $55.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4055-1 · 160 pages $29.95s Paper · 978-0-8061-4091-9 · 160 pages An acclaimed rawhide braider of horse gear, Luis Ortega elevated his craft to collectible art and influenced a generation of gear makers. This book is the most comprehensive overview of his life, art, and career and the first booklength work on rawhide braiding in North America, charting changes in horse gear over five decades. A Place of Refuge Maynard Dixon’s Arizona By Thomas Brent Smith With an additional essay by Donald J. Hagerty $49.95s Cloth · 978-0-911611-36-6 · 160 pages Western painter Maynard Dixon once pronounced “Arizona” “the magic name of a land bright and mysterious, of sun and sand, of tragedy and stark endeavor.” The California-born Dixon first traveled to Arizona in 1900 to absorb what he believed was a vanishing West. Dixon found Arizona a visually inspiring and spiritual place that shaped the course of his paintings and ultimately defined him. A Place of Refuge: Maynard Dixon’s Arizona is the first book to focus solely on the renowned painter’s depictions of Arizona subjects. Forging a Nation The American History Collection at Gilcrease Museum Contributions by Kimberly Roblin, Amanda Lett, Eric Singleton, and Randy Ramer $39.95s Cloth · 978-0-9725657-9-0 · 250 pages $24.95s Paper · 978-0-9725657-8-3 · 250 pages Forging a Nation: The American History Collection at Gilcrease Museum explores the history of the United States as told through art, artifacts, and archival materials that illuminate some three hundred years of a shared cultural experience. Drawn entirely from the diverse and noted collections of the Gilcrease Museum, this volume examines the foundations of the American republic from colonial times through the Early National period.

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art & photography


THE MASTERWORKS OF CHARLES M. RUSSELL A Retrospective of Paintings and Sculpture Edited by Joan Carpenter Troccoli $65.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4081-0 · 304 pages $39.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4097-1 · 304 pages In the decades bracketing the turn of the twentieth century, Charles M. Russell depicted the American West in a fresh, personal, and deeply moving way. This handsome book—a companion volume to the acclaimed Charles M. Russell: A Catalogue Raisonné, edited by B. Byron Price—showcases many of the artist’s best-known works and chronicles the sources and evolution of his style. CHARLES M. RUSSELL A Catalogue Raisonné Edited by B. Byron Price $125.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3836-7 · 352 pages Charles M. Russell is our most beloved artist of the American West. His paintings, sketches, sculpture, illustrated letters, and stories are an unequalled legacy. Lavishly illustrated with more than 200 color and black-and-white reproductions of Russell’s greatest works, this beautiful volume features essays by Russell experts and scholars who address important aspects of the artist’s life and career. Inside the book is a unique key code that allows purchasers to access a private online catalogue (www.russellraisonne.com) of more than 4,000 works Russell created and signed during his lifetime. THE WEST OF THE IMAGINATION Second Edition By William H. Goetzmann and William N. Goetzmann $65.00 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3533-5 · 640 pages For many people, “western art” immediately conjures images by Frederic Remington or Georgia O’Keeffe—but there’s so much more. This new edition by the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and his son is significantly expanded and updated and shows that the West is a vibrant mirror of American cultural diversity. Through 450 illustrations—more than half of them in color—the authors trace the visual evolution of the myth of the American West, from unknown frontier to repository of American values, covering popular and high arts alike. WILDLIFE IN AMERICAN ART Masterworks from the National Museum of Wildlife Art By Adam Duncan Harris $55.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4015-5 · 320 pages $35.00 Paper · 978-0-8061-4099-5 · 320 pages The National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson, Wyoming, has assembled the most comprehensive collection of paintings and sculptures portraying North American wildlife in the world. Wildlife in American Art presents a generous sampling of the museum’s holdings, charts the history of this enduring theme in American art, and explores the evolving relationship between Americans and the natural resources of this continent. IN CONTEMPORARY RHYTHM The Art of Ernest L. Blumenschein By Peter H. Hassrick and Elizabeth J. Cunningham $65.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3937-1 · 416 pages $34.95s Paper · 978-0-8061-3948-7 · 416 pages One of the founders of the Taos Society of Artists, Ernest L. Blumenschein was perhaps the most complex and accomplished of all the painters associated with that pioneering organization. This volume is the definitive work on Blumenschein’s life and art, reproducing masterworks from a new exhibit along with additional works and historical photographs to form the most comprehensive assemblage of his paintings ever published.


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SPANISH MUSTANGS IN THE GREAT AMERICAN WEST Return of the Horse to America By John S. Hockensmith $49.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-9975-7 · 204 pages Horses are an integral part of the American experience. Yet prior to the arrival of Spanish explorers in the 1500s, horses had been absent from North America for millennia. In this beautifully illustrated volume, celebrated equine photographer John S. Hockensmith reveals how the return of horses with the conquistadors both altered American Indian cultures and later supported the development of the United States. Distributed for John S. Hockensmith

FACES OF THE FRONTIER Photographic Portraits from the American West, 1845–1924 By Frank H. Goodyear III $45.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4082-7 · 320 pages Faces of the Frontier showcases more than 140 photographic portraits of leaders, statesmen, soldiers, laborers, activists, criminals, and others, all posed before the cameras that made their way to nearly every mining shantytown and frontier outpost on the prairie. The names of some are familiar— Teddy Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Sitting Bull, Annie Oakley. The names of others may be less well known, but they played a significant role in re-creating the American West. These are all people of the West, and their portraits give us a unique glimpse into a lost time and place. CHARLES DEAS AND 1840s AMERICA By Carol Clark $39.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4030-8 · 248 pages Charles Deas (1818–67), an enigmatic figure on the edge of mainstream artistic circles in mid-nineteenth-century New York, went west to explore new opportunities and subjects in 1840. From his adopted hometown of St. Louis, Deas sent his iconic paintings of fur trappers and Indians back east for exhibition and sale, briefly winning the recognition that had earlier eluded him. This handsome volume—featuring more than 150 illustrations, 70 in color—is the first book exclusively devoted to Deas. JULIUS SEYLER AND THE BLACKFEET An Impressionist at Glacier National Park By William E. Farr $45.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4014-8 · 256 pages Julius Seyler and the Blackfeet showcases the life and work of a German Impressionist artist, who portrayed a “vanished” West. This book marks both an appreciation of Seyler’s unique art and a fascinating glimpse into the promotion of a national park in its early years. Farr presents more than one hundred images—many in color—including Seyler’s major works from Glacier, other paintings from his European years, and historic photographs from the park. SCULPTOR IN BUCKSKIN The Autobiography of Alexander Phimister Proctor Second Edition Edited by Katharine C. Ebner $45.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4007-0 · 244 pages This new edition of Proctor’s autobiography provides a thorough introduction to a distinctively American artist whose monumental sculptures and statues adorn parks, public buildings, and museums, as well as private homes and businesses across the country. The text takes the reader on a far-flung journey from his birth in Ontario and childhood in Denver to his travels as a young man throughout the United States and eventually to Paris.

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art & photography/biography & memoir


LANTERNS ON THE PRAIRIE The Blackfeet Photographs of Walter McClintock Edited by Steven L. Grafe $60.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4022-3 · 336 pages $34.95s Paper · 978-0-8061-4029-2 · 336 pages Lanterns on the Prairie explores the motivations of the players in photographer Walter McClintock’s story and the historic context of his engagement with the Blackfeet. The photographs themselves provide an irreplaceable visual record of the Blackfeet during a pivotal period in their history.

Biography & Memior Bound Like Grass A Memoir from the Western High Plains By Ruth McLaughlin $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4137-4 · 200 pages At the start of this haunting memoir, Ruth McLaughlin returns to the site of her childhood home in rural eastern Montana. In place of her family’s house, she finds only rubble and a blackened chimney. A fire has taken the old farmstead and with it ninety-seven years of hard-luck memories. Amidst the ruins, a lone tree survives, reminding her of her family’s stubborn will to survive despite hardships that included droughts, hunger, and mental illness. Bound Like Grass is McLaughlin’s account of her own—and her family’s— struggle to survive on their isolated wheat and cattle farm. Bandido The Life and Times of Tiburcio Vasquez By John Boessenecker $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4127-5 · 512 pages Tiburcio Vasquez is, next to Joaquin Murrieta, America’s most infamous Hispanic bandit. After he was hanged as a murderer in 1875, the Chicago Tribune called him “the most noted desperado of modern times.” Bandido pulls back the curtain on a life story shrouded in myth—a myth created by Vasquez himself and abetted by writers who saw a tale ripe for embellishment. Open Range The Life of Agnes Morley Cleaveland By Darlis A. Miller $24.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4117-6 · 192 pages Agnes Morley Cleaveland found lasting fame after publishing her memoir, No Life for a Lady, in 1941. Her account of growing up on a cattle ranch in west-central New Mexico captivated readers from coast to coast. In her book, Cleaveland memorably portrayed herself and other ranch women as capable workers and independent thinkers. In Open Range, Miller shows how a young girl who was a fearless risk-taker grew up to be a prolific author and wellknown social activist. A Pair of Shootists The Wild West Story of S. F. Cody and Maud Lee By Jerry Kuntz $29.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4149-7 · 224 pages In 1888, Samuel F. Cody, a twenty-one-year-old horse wrangler, met Maud Lee, a sixteen-year-old aspiring circus performer, while touring with the Wild West show cast of Adam Forepaugh’s Circus. A quick rapport developed between the girl from Norristown, Pennsylvania, and the cowboy who dazzled audiences with his good looks and fancy pistol shooting. A Pair of Shootists is the exuberant and sometimes heartbreaking story of the elusive S. F. Cody and his first wife, Maud Lee. Recounting their many dramatic exploits, this biography also overturns the frequently romanticized view of Wild West shows.


biography & memoir

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Race and the University A Memoir By George Henderson $24.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4129-9 · 272 pages In 1967, George Henderson, the son of uneducated Alabama sharecroppers, accepted a full-time professorship at the University of Oklahoma, despite his mentor’s warning to avoid the “redneck school in a backward state.” Henderson became the university’s third African American professor, a hire that seemed to suggest the dissolving of racial divides. However, when real estate agents in the university town of Norman denied the Henderson family their first three choices of homes, the sociologist and educator realized he still faced some formidable challenges. In this stirring memoir, Henderson recounts his formative years at the University of Oklahoma, during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Pío Pico The Last Governor of Mexican California By Carlos Manuel Salomon $24.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4090-2 · 256 pages Two-time governor of Alta California and prominent businessman after the U.S. annexation, Pío de Jesus Pico was a politically savvy Californio who thrived in both the Mexican and the American periods. This is the first biography of Pico, whose life vibrantly illustrates the opportunities and risks faced by Mexican Americans in those transitional years. Chief Loco Apache Peacemaker By Bud Shapard $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4047-6 · 376 pages Loco was the only Apache leader to make a lasting peace with both Americans and Mexicans. Yet most historians have ignored his efforts, and some Chiricahua descendants have branded him as fainthearted despite his well-known valor in combat. In this engaging biography, Bud Shapard tells the story of this important but overlooked chief against the backdrop of the harrowing Apache wars and eventual removal of the tribe from its homeland to prison camps in Florida, Alabama, and Oklahoma. Pipestone My Life in an Indian Boarding School By Adam Fortunate Eagle $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4114-5 · 248 pages Best known as a leader of the Indian takeover of Alcatraz Island in 1969, Adam Fortunate Eagle now offers an unforgettable memoir of his years as a young student at Pipestone Indian Boarding School in Minnesota. In this rare firsthand account, Fortunate Eagle lives up to his reputation as a “contrary warrior” by disproving the popular view of Indian boarding schools as bleak and prisonlike. N. Scott Momaday Remembering Ancestors, Earth, and Traditions An Annotated Bio-bibliography By Phyllis S. Morgan $60.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4054-4 · 352 pages N. Scott Momaday, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of House Made of Dawn (1969) and National Medal of Arts awardee, is the elder statesman of Native American literature and a major twentieth-century American author. This volume marks the most comprehensive resource available on Momaday. Along with an insightful new biography, it offers extensive, up-to-date bibliographies of his own work and the work of others about him.

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biography & memoir


Best of Covered Wagon Women, Volume 1 By Kenneth L Holmes and Michael L. Tate $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-3914-2 · 304 pages The diaries and letters of women who braved the overland trails during the great nineteenth-century westward migration are treasured documents in the study of the American West. These eight firsthand accounts are among the best ever written. They were selected for the power with which they portray the hardship, adventure, and boundless love for friends and family that characterized the overland experience. Some were written with the skilled pens of educated women. Best of Covered Wagon Women, Volume 2 Emigrant Girls on the Overland Trails Edited by Kenneth Holmes $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4104-6 · 256 pages The diaries and letters of women on the overland trails in the mid-tolate nineteenth century are treasured documents. These eleven selections drawn from the multivolume Covered Wagon Women series present the best first-person trail accounts penned by women in their teens who traveled west between 1846 and 1898. Ranging in age from eleven to nineteen, unmarried and without children of their own, these diarists had experiences different from those of older women who carried heavier responsibilities with them on the trail. A Rough Ride to Redemption The Ben Daniels Story By Robert K. DeArment and Jack DeMattos $29.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4112-1 · 264 pages “If you want to understand the Code of the West, A Rough Ride to Redemption is a good place to start. Historians Robert K. DeArment and Jack DeMattos brilliantly trace gunman Ben Daniels’s amazing career from the Wyoming Territorial Penitentiary to Dodge City to charging up Kettle Hill with Teddy Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War. A marvelous book!”—Douglas Brinkley author of The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America Deadly Dozen Forgotten Gunfighters of the Old West, Volume 3 By Robert K. DeArment $29.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4076-6 · 408 pages For every Wild Bill Hickok or Billy the Kid, there was another western gunfighter just as deadly but not as well known. Robert K. DeArment has earned a reputation as the premier researcher of unknown gunfighters, and here he offers twelve more portraits of men who weren’t glorified in legend but were just as notorious in their day. The product of iron-clad research, this newest Deadly Dozen delivers the goods for gunfighter buffs in search of something different. Together the Deadly Dozen volumes constitute a Who’s Who of western outlaws and prove that there’s more to the Wild West than Jesse James. When I Came West By Laurie Wagner Buyer $14.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4059-9 · 200 pages As a young college student in the early 1970s, Laurie Wagner had never camped out, never gone hiking, and never lived without electricity or indoor plumbing. Yet she walked away from these comforts and headed for the wildest reaches of Montana to live with a man she had not met in person. When I Came West is Laurie Wagner Buyer’s account of her terrifying and exhilarating years in Montana as she changes from a girl too squeamish to touch a dead mouse to a toughened frontierswoman unafraid to butcher a domestic animal.


biography & memoir

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LYNDON B. JOHNSON AND MODERN AMERICA By Kevin J. Fernlund $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4077-3 · 192 pages Born in a farmhouse in the Texas Hill Country, Lyndon Baines Johnson brought a western sensibility to the White House. Kevin J. Fernlund has written a brief, lively biography of the thirty-sixth president that better shows how his home state molded his early years—and how the one-time Houston schoolteacher eventually became a Texas tornado twisting across the state’s and soon the nation’s political landscape. J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, THE COLD WAR, AND THE ATOMIC WEST By Jon Hunner $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4046-9 · 272 pages In 1922, the teenage son of a Jewish immigrant ventured from Manhattan to New Mexico for his health. After several trips to the western retreat at Sangre de Cristo Mountains, J. Robert Oppenheimer came to feel at home in the American West. This is the first book to explicitly link him with the region. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Cold War, and the Atomic West explores how the West influenced Oppenheimer as a scientist and as a person—and the role he played in influencing it. CALL ME LUCKY A Texan in Hollywood By Robert Hinkle with Mike Farris $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4093-3 · 272 pages From his birth in Brownfield, Texas, to a family so poor “they could only afford a tumbleweed as a pet,” Hinkle went on to gain acclaim in Hollywood as a speech coach, actor, producer, director, and friend to the stars. Along the way, Hinkle helped James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Rock Hudson, and Dennis Hopper, talk like Texans for the epic film Giant and Academy Award–winning Hud. The author appeared in numerous television series, including Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Dragnet, and Walker, Texas Ranger. More than forty photographs, including rare behind-the-scenes glimpses of the stars Hinkle met and befriended along the way, complement this rousing, never-dull memoir. JEDEDIAH SMITH No Ordinary Mountain Man By Barton H. Barbour $26.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4011-7 · 228 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4169-4 · 228 Pages Mountain man and fur trader Jedediah Smith casts a heroic shadow. He was the first Anglo-American to travel overland to California via the Southwest and roamed through more of the West than anyone of his era. His adventures quickly became the stuff of legend. Using new information and sifting fact from legend, Barton H. Barbour now offers a fresh look at this important figure. Dozens of monuments commemorate Smith today. This readable book is another, giving modern readers new insight into the character and remarkable achievements of one of the West’s most complex characters. THE SUNDANCE KID The Life of Harry Alonzo Longabaugh By Donna B. Ernst $29.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3982-1 · 264 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4115-2 · 264 pages He gained renown as the sidekick of Butch Cassidy, but the Sundance Kid— whose real name was Harry Alonzo Longabaugh—led a fuller life than history or Hollywood has allowed. Combining genealogical research, access to family records, and explorations in historical archives, Ernst details the Sundance Kid’s movements to paint a complete picture of the man.

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biography & memoir


THE GOOD TIMES ARE ALL GONE NOW Life, Death, and Rebirth in an Idaho Mining Town By Julie Whitesel Weston $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4075-9 · 248 Pages Julie Whitesel Weston left her hometown of Kellogg, Idaho, but eventually it pulled her back. Only when she returned to this mining community in the Idaho Panhandle did she begin to see the paradoxes of the place where she grew up. Her book combines oral history, journalistic investigation, and personal reminiscence to take a fond but hard look at life in Kellogg during “the good times.” “An important portrait of the interior West—the true stuff, raw and gritty, honest to the bone.”—Craig Lesley, author of Burning Fence and Sky Fisherman HORSES THAT BUCK The Story of Champion Bronc Rider Bill Smith By Margot Kahn $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3912-8 · 208 pages When asked in an interview what he most liked about rodeo, three-time world champion saddle-bronc rider “Cody” Bill Smith said simply, “Horses that buck.” Inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in 1979 and the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum’s Rodeo Hall of Fame in 2000, Smith was a legend in his own time. His story is a genuine slice of rodeo life—a life of magic for those good enough to win. LEGACIES OF CAMELOT Stewart and Lee Udall, American Culture, and the Arts By L. Boyd Finch $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3879-4 · 208 pages In Legacies of Camelot, L. Boyd Finch describes the growing partnership between government and the arts during the Kennedy-Johnson years, a remarkable story that until now has received only cursory attention. “An intimate portrait of Stewart and Lee Udall, an American canvas painted with considerable perception, sympathy, and candor.” —N. Scott Momaday, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of House Made of Dawn AGNES LAKE HICKOK Queen of the Circus, Wife of a Legend By Linda A. Fisher and Carrie Bowers $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3983-8 · 416 pages The first woman in America to own and operate a circus, Agnes Lake spent thirty years under the Big Top before becoming the wife of Wild Bill Hickok. While taking her show to Abilene, she met town marshal Hickok and married him five years later. This account of a remarkable life cuts through fictions about Agnes’s life, including her own embellishments, to uncover her true story. GALL Lakota War Chief By Robert W. Larson $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3830-5 · 320 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4036-0 · 320 pages Called the “Fighting Cock of the Sioux” by U.S. soldiers, Hunkpapa warrior Gall was a great Lakota chief who, along with Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, resisted efforts by the U.S. government to annex the Black Hills. Filling many gaps in our understanding of this warrior and his relationship with Sitting Bull, this engaging biography also offers new interpretations of the Little Bighorn that lay to rest the contention that Gall was “Custer’s Conqueror.” Gall: Lakota War Chief broadens our understanding of both the man and his people.


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FOLLOWING ISABELLA Travels in Colorado Then and Now By Robert Root $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4018-6 · 288 pages Isabella Bird recorded her 1873 visit to Colorado Territory in her classic travel narrative, A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains. This work inspired Robert Root’s own discovery of Colorado’s Front Range following his move from the flatlands of Michigan. In this elegantly written book, Root retraces Bird’s three-month journey, seeking to understand what Colorado meant to her—and what it would come to mean for him. BABY DOE TABOR The Madwoman in the Cabin By Judy Nolte Temple $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4035-3 · 280 pages The story of Baby Doe Tabor has seduced America for more than a century. Elizabeth McCourt “Baby Doe” Tabor was the stuff of legend. The stunning divorcée married Colorado’s wealthiest mining magnate and became “the Silver Queen of the West.” Horace and Baby Doe mesmerized the world with their wealth and extravagance. But Baby Doe’s life was also a morality play. Almost overnight, the Tabors’ wealth disappeared when depression struck in 1893. OKLAHOMA ROUGH RIDER Billy McGinty’s Own Story Edited with Commentary and Notes by Jim Fulbright and Albert Stehno $75.00s Limited Edition Cloth · 978-0-87062-356-1 · 232 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-3935-7 · 232 pages When Americans answered the call-to-arms after the sinking of the USS Maine in 1898, a wiry little Oklahoman was in the front ranks. Veteran cowboy Billy McGinty put his horseman’s skills to work as one of Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders and participated in the battle of Las Guasimas, the attack on San Juan Heights, and the siege of Santiago. Oklahoma Rough Rider recounts McGinty’s exploits on the battlefield and later on the stage.

Environment GOING GREEN True Tales from Gleaners, Scavengers, and Dumpster Divers Edited by Laura Pritchett $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4013-1 · 240 pages For Going Green, Pritchett has gathered the work of more than twenty writers to tell their personal stories of Dumpster diving, eating road kill, salvaging plastic from the beach, and forgoing another trip to the mall for the thrill of bargain hunting at yard sales and flea markets. These stories look not just at the many ways people glean but also at the larger, thornier issues dealing with what reusing—or not—says about our culture and priorities.Brimming with practical and creative new ways to think about recycling, this collection invites you to dive in and find your own way of going green. OUR BETTER NATURE Environment and the Making of San Francisco By Phillip J. Dreyfus $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3958-6 · 240 pages Few cities are so dramatically identified with their environment as San Francisco— the landscape of hills, the expansive bay, the engulfing fog, and even the deadly fault line shifting below. Yet most residents think of the city itself as separate from the natural environment on which it depends. In Our Better Nature, Philip J. Dreyfus recounts the history of San Francisco from Indian village to world-class metropolis, focusing on the interactions between the city and the land and on the generations of people who have transformed them both.


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DISAPPEARING DESERT The Growth of Phoenix and the Culture of Sprawl By Janine Schipper $19.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3955-5 · 144 pages In this provocative book, Janine Schipper examines the cultural forces that contribute to suburban sprawl in the United States. Focusing on the Phoenix area, she examines sustainable development in Cave Creek, various masterplanned suburbs, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation to explore suburbanization and ecological destruction. For anyone seeking to understand the cultural basis for rampant development, this book uncovers the forces that drive sprawl and searches for solutions to its seeming inevitability.

History Beyond the American Pale The Irish in the West, 1845–1910 By David M. Emmons $34.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4128-2 · 540 pages Convention has it that Irish immigrants in the nineteenth century confined themselves mainly to industrial cities of the East and Midwest. The truth is that Irish Catholics went everywhere in America and often had as much of a presence in the West as in the East. In Beyond the American Pale, David M. Emmons examines this multifaceted experience of westering Irish and, in doing so, offers a fresh and discerning account of America’s westward expansion. So Rugged and Mountainous Blazing the Trails to Oregon and California, 1812–1848 By Will Bagley $45.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4103-9 · 480 pages The story of America’s westward migration is a powerful blend of fact and fable. Over the course of three decades, almost a million eager fortune-hunters, pioneers, and visionaries transformed the face of a continent—and displaced its previous inhabitants. The people who made the long and perilous journey over the Oregon and California trails drove this swift and astonishing change. In this magisterial volume, Will Bagley tells why and how this massive emigration began. Wyoming Range War The Infamous Invasion of Johnson County By John W. Davis $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4106-0 · 384 pages Wyoming attorney John W. Davis retells the story of the West’s most notorious range war. Having delved more deeply than previous writers into land and census records, newspapers, and trial transcripts, Davis has produced an allnew interpretation. He looks at the conflict from the perspective of Johnson County residents—those whose home territory was invaded and many of whom the invaders targeted for murder—and finds that, contrary to the received explanation, these people were not thieves and rustlers but legitimate citizens. Texas A Historical Atlas By A. Ray Stephens Cartography by Carol Zuber-Mallison $39.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3873-2 · 448 pages For twenty years the Historical Atlas of Texas stood as a trusted resource for students and aficionados of the state. Now this key reference has been thoroughly updated and expanded—and even rechristened. Texas: A Historical Atlas more accurately reflects the Lone Star State at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Its 86 entries feature 175 full color maps—more than twice the number in the original volume—illustrating the most significant aspects of the state’s history, geography, and current affairs.



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THE NORTH AMERICAN JOURNALS OF PRINCE MAXIMILIAN OF WIED Volume I: May 1832–April 1833 Edited by Stephen S. Witte and Marsha V. Gallagher $295.00s Leather Edition 978-0-87062-365-3 · 544 pages $85.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3888-6 · 544 pages Made famous through the paintings of Swiss artist Karl Bodmer, the North American expedition of German naturalist Prince Maximilian of Wied in 1832–34 was the first scientific exploration of the Missouri River’s upper reaches since the epic journey of Lewis and Clark almost thirty years earlier. This collector’s-quality, oversized volume, the first of a three-volume set, draws on the Maximilian-Bodmer Collection at Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska. The North American Journals of Prince Maximilian of Wied Volume 2: April-September 1833 Edited by Stephen S. Witte and Marsha V. Gallagher $295.00s Leather Edition · 978-0-8706-2366-0 · 612 pages $85.00s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3923-4 · 612 pages The first of the three volumes of the North American Journals recounts the prince’s journey from Europe to St. Louis—then the edge of the frontier. Volume II vividly narrates his experiences on the upper Missouri and offers an unparalleled view of the region and the peoples native to it. Arena legacy The Heritage of American Rodeo By Richard C. Rattenbury $65.00 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4084-1 · 432 pages From its roots in cowboy and vaquero culture to the big-business excitement of today’s National Finals competitions, rodeo has embodied the rugged individualism and competitive spirit of the American West. Now the long trajectory of rodeo culture comes fully alive in Arena Legacy. This lavishly illustrated volume is the first to depict rodeo’s material and graphic heritage. Pendleton Round-Up at 100 Oregon’s Legendary Rodeo By Michael Bales and Ann Terry Hill $60.00 Cloth · 978-0-88240-773-9 · 302 pages $35.00 Paper · 978-0-88240-774-6 · 302 pages Every September since 1910, the Pendleton Round-Up has drawn thousands of rodeo fans to a small town in eastern Oregon. For seven days, the crowds in Pendleton thrill to contests that range from bull riding and bronc busting to barrel racing and bareback Indian relays. This extravagantly illustrated book commemorates the centennial of the Round-Up and captures its enduring appeal in Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, and the world of rodeo. River of Promise Lewis and Clark on the Columbia By David L. Nicandri $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-9825597-0-3 · 325 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-9825597-1-0 · 325 pages In the many published accounts of the Lewis and Clark expedition, historians have tended to undervalue the explorers’ encounter with Columbia River country. River of Promise fills a significant gap in our understanding of Lewis and Clark’s legendary expedition. Historian David L. Nicandri shifts the focus to an essential goal of the explorers: to discover the headwaters of the Columbia and a water route to the Pacific Ocean.


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The Character of Meriwether Lewis Explorer in the Wilderness By Clay S. Jenkinson $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-9825597-2-7 · 250 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-9825597-3-4 · 250 pages Meriwether Lewis commanded the most important exploration mission in the early history of the United States. Clay S. Jenkinson takes a fresh look at Lewis, not to offer a paper cutout hero but to describe and explain a hyperserious young man of great complexity who found the wilderness of Upper Louisiana as exacting as it was exhilarating. America’s Folklorist B. A. Botkin and American Culture Edited by Lawrence Rodgers and Jerrold Hirsch $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4111-4 · 296 pages Folklorist, writer, editor, regionalist, cultural activist—Benjamin Albert Botkin (1901–1975) was an American intellectual who made a mark on the twentieth century, even though most people may be unaware of it. This book, the first to reevaluate the legacy of Botkin in the history of American culture, celebrates his centenary through a collection of writings that assess his influence on scholarship and the American scene. Beyond Bear’s Paw The Nez Perce Indians in Canada By Jerome A. Greene $24.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4068-1 · 264 pages In the fall of 1877, Nez Perce Indians were desperately fleeing U.S. Army troops. After a 1,700-mile journey across Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, the Nez Perces headed for the Canadian border. But the army caught up with them at the Bear’s Paw Mountains in northern Montana, and following a devastating battle, Chief Joseph and most of his people surrendered. Beyond Bear’s Paw is the first book to explore the fate of these “nontreaty” Indians. It offers new perspectives on the Nez Perces’ struggle for freedom, their hapless rejection, and their ultimate cultural renewal. Prairie Republic The Political Culture of Dakota Territory, 1879–1889 By Jon K. Lauck $32.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4110-7 · 256 pages American democratic ideals, civic republicanism, public morality, and Christianity were the dominant forces at work during South Dakota’s formative decade. In our cynical age, such a claim seems either remarkably naïve or hopelessly outdated. Now Jon K. Lauck examines anew the values we like to think were at work during the founding of our western states. Taking Dakota Territory as a laboratory for examining a formative stage of western politics, Lauck finds that settlers from New England and the Midwest brought democratic practices and republican values to the northern plains and invoked them as guiding principles in the drive for South Dakota statehood. Droppers America’s First Hippie Commune, Drop City By Mark Matthews $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4058-2 · 248 pages Sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll. In popular imagination, these words seem to capture the atmosphere of 1960s hippie communes. Yet when the first hippie commune was founded in 1965 outside Trinidad, Colorado, the goal wasn’t one long party but rather a new society that integrated life and art. In Droppers, Mark Matthews chronicles the rise and fall of this utopian community, exploring the goals behind its creation and the factors that eventually led to its dissolution.



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FLYING ACROSS AMERICA The Airline Passenger Experience By Daniel L. Rust $45.00 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3870-1 · 272 pages In this colorful history, the author traces the evolution of commercial air travel. Rust’s narrative brims with firsthand accounts from such celebrities as Will Rogers as well as from ordinary Americans. Enlivened by more than one hundred illustrations, including vintage brochures, posters, and photographs, Flying Across America reminds today’s airline passengers of what they have gained—and what they have lost—in the transcontinental flying experience. OKLAHOMA A History By W. David Baird and Danney Goble $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3910-4 · 352 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4197-8 · 352 Pages The first comprehensive narrative to bring the story of the Sooner State to the threshold of its centennial, this book includes both the well-known and the not-so-familiar of the state’s people, events, and places. Enhanced by more than 40 illustrations, including 11 maps, this definitive history of the state ensures that experiences shared by Oklahomans of the past will be passed on to future generations. A DECENT, ORDERLY LYNCHING The Montana Vigilantes By Frederick Allen $120.00 Leather Bound · 978-0-8061-3651-6 · 496 pages $34.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3637-0 · 496 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4038-4 · 496 pages Combing through original sources, including eyewitness accounts never before published, Frederick Allen concludes that the vigilantes were justified in their early actions, as they fought violent crime in a remote corner beyond the reach of government. Allen’s sharply drawn characterizations are woven into a masterfully written narrative that will change textbook accounts of Montana’s early days—and challenge our thinking on the essence of justice. AMBER WAVES AND UNDERTOW Peril, Hope, Sweat, and Downright Nonchalance in Dry Wheat Country By Steve Turner $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4005-6 · 224 pages Amber Waves and Undertow is a thoughtful depiction of an exceptional place that puts the difficulties of individual farmers in national and global contexts, showing us that only by understanding the past of rural America can we confront its future challenges. This book interweaves family narratives, historical episodes, and Turner’s own experiences to illuminate the transformation of rural America from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. PUEBLOS, SPANIARDS, AND THE KINGDOM OF NEW MEXICO By John L. Kessell $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3969-2 · 224 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4122-0 · 224 pages For more than four hundred years in New Mexico, Pueblo Indians and Spaniards have lived “together yet apart.” Now the preeminent historian of that region’s colonial past offers a fresh, balanced look at the origins of a precarious relationship. Brimming with new insights embedded in an engaging narrative, Kessell’s work presents a clearer picture than ever before of events leading to the Pueblo Revolt. Pueblos, Spaniards, and the Kingdom of New Mexico is the definitive account of a volatile era.


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THE BILLY THE KID READER By Frederick Nolan $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3849-7 · 400 pages The Billy the Kid Reader contains some of the best articles on the Kid—including gems no longer in print. Nolan highlights two distinct schools of Billy the Kid studies: works of popularizers who tended to exaggerate his historical role, and the findings of grassroots researchers who have reassessed our perceptions of the Kid. Dozens of illustrations enhance the text, illuminating the Kid’s career and notoriety. “Once again Fred Nolan has validated his distinction as the world’s leading authority on Billy the Kid. No one knows more.”—Robert M. Utley, author of Billy the Kid: A Short and Violent Life WE’LL FIND THE PLACE The Mormon Exodus, 1846–1848 By Richard E Bennett $21.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-3838-1 · 448 pages We’ll Find the Place tells the fascinating story of the Mormons’ exodus from Nauvoo, Illinois, to their New Zion in the West—a story of a people’s deliverance that has never before been completely told. A work many years in the making, this book looks behind the scenes to reveal Mormonism on the move, its believers sacrificing home, comfort, and sometimes life itself as they sought a safe refuge beyond the Rocky Mountains. It is faithful both to the convictions of the early pioneers and to the records they kept. TEXAS DEVILS Rangers and Regulars on the Lower Rio Grande, 1846–1861 By Michael L. Collins $26.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3939-5 · 328 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4132-9 · 328 pages The Texas Rangers have been the source of tall tales and the stuff of legend as well as a growing darker reputation. But the story of the Rangers along the Mexican border between Texas statehood and the onset of the Civil War has been largely overlooked—until now. This engaging history pulls readers back to a chaotic time along the lower Rio Grande in the mid-nineteenth century that challenges the time-honored image of “good guys in white hats” to reveal the more complicated and sobering reality behind the Ranger Myth. “THEY ARE ALL RED OUT HERE” Socialist Politics in the Pacific Northwest, 1895–1925 By Jeffrey A. Johnson $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3967-8 · 240 pages In this first book to fully examine the development of the American Socialist Party in the Northwest, Jeffrey A. Johnson draws a sharp picture of one of the most vigorous left-wing organizations of this era. A work of political and labor history that uncovers alternative social and political visions in the American West, this book is a major contribution to the ongoing debate over why socialism never grew deep roots in American soil and no longer thrives here. CONFLICT ON THE RIO GRANDE Water and the Law, 1879–1939 By Douglas R. Littlefield $39.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3998-2 · 344 pages In this first scholarly treatment of the politics of water law along the Rio Grande, Douglas R. Littlefield describes those early interstate and international water-apportionment conflicts and explains how they relate to the development of western water law and policy and to international relations with Mexico.



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A GREAT DAY TO FIGHT FIRE Mann Gulch, 1949 By Mark Matthews $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3857-2 · 280 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4034-6 · 280 pages Mann Gulch, Montana, 1949. Sixteen men ventured into hell to fight a raging wildfire; only three came out alive. Searing the fire into the nation’s consciousness, Norman Maclean chronicled the Mann Gulch tragedy in his award-winning book Young Men and Fire. Still, the silence of the victims’ families robbed Maclean’s account of an essential personal dimension. Shifting the focus from the fire to the men who fought it, Mark Matthews now provides that perspective. RIDING FOR THE BRAND 150 Years of Cowden Ranching By Michael Pettit $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3718-6 · 320 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4044-5 · 320 pages Folks all over West Texas and eastern New Mexico will tell you: Cowdens have been ranching here for as long as anyone can remember. Award-winning writer Michael Pettit, a Cowden descendant and former rancher, offers a compelling portrait of this genuine American ranching family. Riding for the Brand spans six generations and two states to serve up a real slice of the Old West, complete with cowboys and Indians, cattle and buffalo, open range and barbed wire. RACE AND THE WAR ON POVERTY From Watts to East L.A. By Robert Bauman $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3965-4 · 192 pages President Johnson’s War on Poverty did more than offer aid to needy Americans; in some cities, it also sparked both racial conflict and cooperation. Race and the War on Poverty shows how the struggle to end poverty evolved in ways that would have surprised its planners, supporters, and detractors—and that what began as a grand vision at the national level continues to thrive on the streets of the community. RADICAL L.A. From Coxey’s Army to the Watts Riots, 1894–1965 By Errol Wayne Stevens $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4002-5 · 352 pages When the depression of the 1890s prompted unemployed workers from Los Angeles to join a nationwide march on Washington, “Coxey’s Army” marked the birth of radicalism in that city. In this first book to trace the subsequent struggle between the radical left and L.A.’s power structure, Errol Wayne Stevens tells how both sides shaped the city’s character from the turn of the twentieth century through the civil rights era. BETWEEN TWO RIVERS The Atrisco Land Grant in Albuquerque By Joseph P. Sanchez $34.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-3902-9 · 256 pages Located in Albuquerque’s south valley, Atrisco is a vibrant community that predates the city, harking back to a land grant awarded in 1692. Joseph P. Sánchez explores the evolution of this parcel over the four centuries since the first Spanish settlers arrived. He tracks its transformation from an individual to a community grant, peeling away the layers of historical events that have made Atrisco the last piece of undeveloped real estate in a growing metropolitan area.

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literature & fiction


Literature & Fiction The Green Corn Rebellion A Novel by William Cunningham $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4057-5 · 256 pages First published in 1935, The Green Corn Rebellion tells the story of Jim Tetley, who wants simply to be a good farmer—if the banks will only let him. As Jim copes with poverty, family rivalries, and community tensions, he must also weigh the need to respond to the call for armed rebellion. PUSHING THE BEAR After the Trail of Tears By Diane Glancy $14.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-4069-8 · 176 pages Pushing the Bear: After the Trail of Tears tells the story of the Cherokees’ resettlement in the hard years following Removal, a story never before explored in fiction. In this sequel to her popular 1996 novel Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears, author Diane Glancy continues the tale of Cherokee brothers O-ga-na-ya and Knobowtee and their families, as well the Reverend Jesse Bushyhead, a Cherokee Christian minister. The book follows their travails in Indian Territory as they attempt to build cabins, raise crops, and adjust to new realities. THE ESSAYS By Rudolfo Anaya $24.95s Cloth · 978-0-8061-4023-0 · 312 pages While best known for Bless Me, Ultima, and other novels, Rudolfo Anaya’s writing also takes the form of nonfiction, and in these 54 essays he draws on both his heritage as a Mexican American and his gift for storytelling. Besides tackling issues such as censorship, racism, education, and sexual politics, Anaya explores the tragedies and triumphs of his own life. CHEROKEE THOUGHTS Honest and Uncensored By Robert J. Conley $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-3943-2 · 196 pages Gaming and chiefing. Imposters and freedmen. Distinguished novelist Robert J. Conley examines some of the most interesting facets of the Cherokee world. In 26 essays laced with humor, understatement, and even open sarcasm, this popular writer takes on politics, culture, his people’s history, and what it means to be Cherokee. As provocative as it is entertaining, Cherokee Thoughts will intrigue tribal members and anyone with an interest in the Cherokee people. HIGH COUNTRY A Novel By Willard Wyman $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3697-4 · 368 pages $19.95 Paper · 978-0-8061-3899-2 · 368 pages During the Great Depression, young Ty Hardin is sent from his family’s failing Montana ranch to learn from the last of the great mule packers, Fenton Pardee, legendary in the Montana Rockies for his packing adventures across the Swan Range all the way to the Big Divide. High Country follows Ty through this apprenticeship and into World War II, where he watches trucks and jeeps replace the army’s mules. Wounded and shipped home, Ty recovers by packing into the Montana mountains he loves. After his mentor dies, Ty leaves Montana for the Sierra Nevada—the highest country of all—where he becomes a legend in his own right.


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CHICKASAW LIVES Volume Two: Profiles and Oral Histories By Richard Green $24.95s Cloth · 978-0-9797858-6-3 · 240 pages The second volume in a series of Chickasaw Lives to be published, this book contains 33 articles that focus on 36 tribal members, including extraordinary performers, artists, athletes, and warriors. These Chickasaw luminaries include an Olympic gold medalist, a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, a Chickasaw Nation attorney general who previously rode with the notorious outlaw Billy the Kid, an internationally renowned performance artist, a Harvard researcher who investigates and reports on economic conditions in Indian Country, and three successive Chickasaw governors who played crucial roles in the twentieth-century revitalization of the tribe. Chickasaw Lives Volume Three: Sketches of Past and Present By Richard Green $20.00s Cloth · 978-0-9797858-9-4 · 250 pages Sketches of Past and Present is the third volume in the Chickasaw Lives series. In contrast to a conventional, chronological history, Green’s book is a fascinating amalgam of Chickasaw epochs and characters, grouped under headings of common themes. The reader is treated to stories of great Chickasaw athletes in the twentieth century, as well as an essay on the significance to Chickasaw history of the 1729 Natchez uprising. Green also offers an essay about Chief Piomingo’s famous meeting on July 11, 1794, with George Washington at his home in Philadelphia, along with a profile of Chickasaw firefighters who battle dangerous wildfires throughout the United States. Proud to Be Chickasaw By Mike Larsen and Martha Larsen $25.00s Cloth · 978-1-9356840-1-5 · 130 pages In Proud to be Chickasaw, the Chickasaw master artist, Mike Larsen, and his wife, Martha Larsen, have again teamed up to offer insights into and insider perspectives on the lives of two dozen tribal elders, including a storyteller, a longtime contributor to music education in Oklahoma, and a World War II code talker. This book follows the critically acclaimed They Know Who They Are, which exhibits Mike Larsen’s first twenty-four paintings in the series, each accompanied by a biographical sketch of the elder by Martha Larsen. THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE Elders of the Chickasaw Nation By Mike Larsen and Martha Larsen $29.95s Cloth · 978-0-9797858-4-9 · 144 pages In August 2004, Oklahoma Centennial project artist Mike Larsen approached Chickasaw Nation leaders with an idea to honor living Chickasaw elders— sages of his own tribe. He wanted to learn about their families and hear their stories, and he wanted to connect with their Chickasaw strength and spirit. Larsen’s vision was to paint a series of portraits of these elders. They Know Who They Are is a stunning collection of living Chickasaw elders.


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