1 minute read
Mar 10am St Patrick's Day Mass
Participants at the morning tea prepare to fly their kites.

This year, the Archdiocese’s Safeguarding Office marked the occasion by holding a kite decorating activity, inviting Perth parishioners to be artistic. The theme for the occasion this year was:
‘Every child in every community needs a fair go.’
Acting Director of the Safeguarding Program Office, Barbara Blayney, said the Safeguarding Program works with the Church community to raise awareness and to provide guidance, protocols and practices for a safe and nurturing Church. “Our logo, the kite, was this year the impetus for our Child Protection Week activity. And the kite symbolises their connection to self and community while being guided by God, which is our kite tail and the kite guiding string” Mrs Blayney said. This year, parishes across the Archdiocese were encouraged to celebrate Mass in acknowledgement of Safeguarding Sunday, rather than just one main celebration at St Mary’s Cathedral.