2 minute read
Dec 3:00pm Divine Mercy Adoration
Very Rev Sean Fernandez Dean and Administrator St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth
3 October 2021 marked the beginning of one of the most significant events in the modern history of the Australian church. The first Assembly of the Plenary Council was launched that day in our Cathedral church by Archbishop Costelloe, the President of the Council. People present in the Cathedral and viewing it on the web saw our Cathedral resplendent with colour, light and music.
I may be a little biased, but I can think of no better place to have begun the first Assembly of the Plenary Council. Our Archbishop, our Cathedral and Catholic Education Western Australia played a significant role in this event which, with the inspiration of the Spirit, will shape the Church in Australia for years to come.
Amongst the significant events celebrated in the Cathedral this year was the 175th anniversary of the foundation of Mercedes College. The Cathedral has a close pastoral relationship with the College, and we were delighted to be part of their anniversary celebrations. Mercedes is the first Mercy school in Australia, and we extend our congratulations and gratitude to the Sisters of Mercy and the College.

There are many people who play a leadership role in our parish. I want to acknowledge the newly commissioned parish councillors, Victor Hoa, the Cathedral Manager, and the other Cathedral priests - Fr Richard Rutkauskas, Fr CJ Millen and Fr Garner Vergara. So much has happened over the past year in your Cathedral: celebrations of thanksgiving, joy and of sorrow. Over the year, the life of the Cathedral is a rich tapestry. It can at times seem chaotic! However, the one who holds each thread in His compassionate hands never lets go, and grace is everywhere to be discerned.
The Cathedral draws everyone in - young people celebrating the end of school or embarking on married life; older people celebrating golden jubilees of marriage; baptisms, funerals and everything in between; the powerful of the earth and the little of the earth. We seek to be a home to all because no one and nothing is outside God's love and embrace. Thank you for your support which makes this possible.
Come join us for our Christmas celebrations or join in at a parish near you.
Let your heart be warmed by the child in the manger - the gift of our eternal Father's love.
I remain, your brother in Christ,

Fr Sean Fernandez Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.