2 minute read
Italian Community Mass
President of the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre, Cav. Enzo Sirna AM, kindly shared his thoughts regarding this year’s Mass.
“Each year, the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre organises an Italian Mass for the community as part of the Italian Week celebrations recognising the founding of the Italian Republic on 2 June 1946. This year was particularly significant because the Italian community not only celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Italian Republic, but it also celebrated the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre, a respected peak organisation in the Italian community.
During the Mass, the Consul of Italy in Western Australia, Dott. Nicolò Costantini gave a brief overview of the founding of the Italian Republic and the President of the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre, Cav. Enzo Sirna AM, provided an overview of the key role played by the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre in the community which provides services across many areas including the aged, welfare, cultural and education sectors.
In the early 1970s, it founded the first Aged home for Italians in Western Australia and a bilingual Child Care Centre. Currently there are over 10,000 students in its primary Italian language courses offered in many Catholic Primary Schools, including regional and remote areas of Western Australia.
Coordinated by Ms Tina D’ Orsogna, the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre provided a generous donation for the Baptismal Font at the Cathedral as part of its contribution to the conservation and redevelopment of the Cathedral. Tina’s father, Tommaso D’Orsogna, was a founding member of the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre in 1956. He became its first Treasurer, and it is lovely to note that his daughter Tina is also on the Board and currently its Treasurer. An open invitation is provided to all Italian organisations to participate in the Mass and as noted, many chose to attend to represent their individual associations with their banners proudly displayed. This included many religious associations and the “Associazione Dei Carabinieri”, with representative Italian Carabinieri in their formal, traditional ceremonial outfits. The well-loved and respected Emeritus Archbishop Barry James Hickey was invited to celebrate this special Mass. He is fond of the Italian community and in turn, the community is fond of his continuous pastoral, affection and love of the Italian culture, its people and its traditions,” said Mr Sirna.