2 minute read

A Warm Welcome from The Dean


Very Rev Sean Fernandez Dean and Administrator St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth


St Mary’s Cathedral Perth is many things to many people.

During a solemn Mass a few weeks ago, my gaze was drawn to the back of the Cathedral, to the area near the Baptismal Font. Into the Cathedral, alive with a large congregation and with music, came someone in a hospital gown seated in a wheelchair pushed by family members. They stood at the back awhile, lit a candle and then left. I wondered what they made of all that was going on around them and why they had come. Many such moments occur during the week. People of faith or none, undergoing treatment for illnesses minor, or major, making their way across from RPH to pause a moment in the Cathedral. Sometimes we hear from them of the little bit of peace and hope they experience in the beauty of the space which speaks of transcendence and faith. The stewardship of the Cathedral belongs to all of us, and it is a Grace and privilege. Thank you for playing your part.

The building would be a dead thing without the people who pray in it, serve in it, work in it. I was reminded of this recently by one of our dedicated receptionists. She was joyful because a ‘client’ had turned a corner on his journey; he had been coming to the office regularly for three years to receive one of our food bags and to have a chat. She would listen, encourage and support him. Why the joy? Because this man had recently found a job, a home and reconnected with family members. Who would not share his joy? This too is part of the privilege of stewardship, to be able to support and accompany people who walk with us awhile. You will not find a photo of this man in the Cathedral magazine, but he is as much a part of the story of the Cathedral, as are all the other wonderful celebrations which have taken place in St Mary’s. The Cathedral has been able to continue this important work through the very difficult times we have been through because of the support of parishioners, friends and benefactors. COVID 19 has disrupted all our lives, but so many of you have continued to support the work of the Cathedral so that we could continue to hold the light of faith, hope and love in this glorious space.

We want to continue to be a space where all are welcome for all are truly welcome here.

May God bless you and yours. Your brother in Christ Fr Sean Fernandez Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.

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