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Celebrating Volunteers


15 MAY 2022
Celebrating Volunteers
Volunteers share in the very Spirit of God, reaching out to others to impart – and at the same time discover – that in the love of God, we are never truly alone. This message was part of a homily delivered by Bishop Don Sproxton at a special Mass to mark National Volunteer Week (16 – 22 May) – a Mass attended by volunteers from parishes and Catholic organisations throughout Perth. The Church in Australia, Bishop Sproxton noted in his homily, employs 220,000 people, making it one of the largest employers in the country, but it’s true reach could only be measured by including the many people who gave of their time voluntarily to help their fellow humans in need. “You can see what a mighty impact our people have on the life of this country. Today, in this Eucharist, we are honouring those who among us give of their time, and give in many, many ways to those in our society who are in need…and the need might not just be material – the need, many times, is that need of friendship," said Bishop Don. Bishop Sproxton prayed a prayer of blessing for all volunteers at the conclusion of the liturgy. Attendees also had the opportunity to pick up a copy of the ‘Volunteer Handbook’, published by Catholic Social Services Western Australia (CSSWA), detailing how someone might get involved in volunteering for a Catholic agency or outreach in Perth. The booklet includes details of 24 member organisations whose volunteers are doing good works throughout the community – works around homelessness, migration, companionship, fighting human trafficking, and bettering human and environmental ecology, among many others.
The volunteer handbook is available from CSSWA at csswa@perthcatholic.org.au or 9220 5950.