7 minute read
When Life Gives You Lemons…Raise $80,000
When Life Gives You Lemons…Raise $80,000+
Take one passionate organization, I Care I Cure (ICIC), and add another, Alex’s Lemonade Stand
Foundation (ALSF), mix them together, toss in a golf tournament, and it is the perfect recipe to raise funds to find a cure for childhood cancer.
I Care I Cure (ICIC) recently merged with
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) in an effort to make a larger impact to find a cure for childhood cancer. Sadly, both were founded by parents who suffered a loss of a child to cancer. Each organization has a deep understanding of the needs for better treatments and more cures for all kinds of cancer. By Beverly Perkins
Wes Holston & Steven Greenbaum, Co-Chairs of I Care I Cure’s Leadership Counsel. This year has been an extremely challenging to raise funds for every charitable organization. But cancer does not care about a pandemic or take a break, so the fight must continue. Today, ALSF is one of the leading funders of pediatric cancer research in the U.S. and Canada raising more than $200 million so far, funding over 1,000 research projects, and providing programs to families affected by childhood cancer.
Last month I Care I Cure hosted its annual golf event at Grande Oaks Golf Club (the site where Caddyshack was filmed twenty years ago). The Club, all golfers, vendors, and volunteers had to abide by the strictest COVID-19 precautions per Broward County rules and procedures.
The 4th annual event began with lunch, a shotgun start with one golfer per cart, followed by a 19th hole socially-distanced cocktail hour and awards dinner. Long drive champion and trick shot artist, Rocky Shipes, also made an appearance after a one-year hiatus.
“I Care I Cure’s 4th annual golf outing was a smashing success, raising more than $80,000 to fight childhood cancer,” said Wes Holston, Co-Chair of I Care I Cure’s Leadership Counsel. Mr. Holston added, “The weather was terrific, allowing our masked and socially-distanced Brad & Beth Besner, attendees to enjoy Co-Founders of I Care I Cure. a fantastic day on the links, thanks to our wonderful sponsors and supporters.”
Proceeds will help fund research for targeted and less toxic cures and treatments for childhood cancer.
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This year husband, at home going from being working 2020 has parents to teachers, to full time parents and been for full time husband and wife. and enjoy good quality family time, to value sure an unseen, Every day was a new challenge but as all we have, to think about new desires, unpredictable, and each day passed I started to enjoy my family priorities or goals in life and be excited and unexpected year for all of us, especially due even more and more, I started looking at ready for the good things to come. to COVID-19. my children with a mindful heart again, we Thanks 2020. Even though it was difficult
One day we were living our regular lives started to play game boards again, spent for millions of people, through the trials you and another day we saw on the news time doing crafts and working on things we taught us to stop and really appreciate our something about a new virus that was never had time for before. We finally had lives and the world around us. It was defispreading really fast and then suddenly: the whole day just to be at home together nitely an unforgettable year full of learning no more schools, we were making lines at without the rush of our previous life. experiences! the supermarket and desperately trying to learn how to make our way through online grocery shopping. Most of us were forced to stop working and with that followed, no more soccer games, no more dance classes, Of course this pandemic brought hard times for all of us, losing our jobs with bills to pay, being enclosed and unable to visit our loved ones or losing a loved one, not having the freedom of going out without ⊲ Amelis Lopez has been a resident of the city of Weston since 2009 and a mother of 3 children ages 6, 12, and 18 years old. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and has more than 15 years experience in the no more group activities indoor or outdoors. being scared of getting seriously sick and field. Her passion for children drove her to We all started new routines or had no routine at all while forced to stay at home. As a mom of a 1st grader, a 6th grader, of course having the uncertainty of the near future; all the plan that people had just went away. Yet, through all of this new experience, work in Early Education when she became a mon and now has over 8 years of experience working in Preschool and has earned her Director’s Credential & National Administrator and a Senior, our world was shaken we received the gift of time practically Certificate. She became a part of the Tiny completely leaving all of us, including my coming to a halt, we had time to reconnect Planet Preschool family in 2016.

family owned & operated

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