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Poor Sleep is Dangerous- Make Restful Sleep a Priority: 3 Tips For Better Sleep
BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT BY FARYAL ALI Poor Sleep is Dangerous- Make Restful Sleep a Priority: 3 Tips For Better Sleep NEED WINDOW BLINDS & A re you having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? You are not alone. 70% of Americans are sleep deprived affecting Cornell Medical College says the easiest way to getter better shut-eye is to darken the room. Here’s How: DRESS YOUR health, concentration, productivity, safety, energy, Room Darkening Blinds & Drapes: and happiness. Poor sleep can cause weight gain Hunter Douglas, the world leader in winand increase disease risk in both children and dow blinds, has introduced “light lock” and adults. Our waking hours are crowded with much mental and physical activity. We need “Blackout” systems which darken the room 100%. Channels on either side of the window seal GOOD MORNING sound, restful sleep to recharge. out light. This helps keep the room cooler and Best ZZZZZZZZ….. darker. They are available in Blackout Roller SUNRISE OPEN VANES 1: Reduce Blue Light from computers shades or Honeycomb shades and come in excitand smartphones. Blue light tricks your brain ing textures and colors to match your décor. into thinking it’s daytime when it’s not. Many CORDLESS- for child safety mobile phones have a “Night Shift” setting. The blinds are available with cordless childThere are also apps available on laptops and PCs safe features and remote controls. No cords such as f.lux that help block bluelight. At night, are a much safer option for children and are limit exposure to very bright lights that disturb excellent for nurseries to groom babies into a our circadian rhythm. Use dimmed lights for sleeping pattern. relaxation and preparation for rest. SOUNDPROOF DRAPES 2: Reduce Caffeine intake Before Bedtime. External noise from traffic or neighbors FREE Caffeine stays elevated in our bloodstream for 6-8 hours and can stimulate your nervous disturbs the tranquility of your room. Beautiful Windows can design and install noise-reducing UPGRADES system preventing your body from relaxing drapery. For added comfort, a motorized track SAVE$$$ naturally at night. 3: Optimize your bedroom environment. can be added. BLACKOUT DRAPERYMake your bedroom a Sanctuary. Cool is better Visit showSecret revealed- cozy, insulating, blackout drapes keep the room wonderfully dark and room for Set your thermostat to 70 Fahrenheit or 20 cool. We can use any fabric you like to create a Celsius or cooler for more restful sleep. Relax the senses details. total blackout effect. Even with ceiling to floor blackout drapery, n To learn more visit Beautiful Windows’
Lavender essential oil or clary sage used in your room may get light bleed at the top. To showroom and let their team of experts FREE UPGRADES SAVE$$$ DON'T MISS THIS AMAZING SALE ON SHADES & BLINDS! --- - --- I I $150 INSTANT Pirouette ® Vignette ® Silhouette ® I I I I $350 INSTANT Pirouette Vignette ® Silhouette I Luminette ® I I Luminette a diffuser increases the amount of slow, and deep-wave sleep. Drapery & Blinds: Dr. Daniel Barone, a neurologist at Weill prevent this, install a custom cornice to create a light block at the top of the drapes for a true blackout. help you create a perfect sleep sanctuary. Beautiful Windows is located at 10220 State Road 84 in Davie. 954-499-1000 I I Duette ® One reba e per item; *check store for details Not to be combined with other offers. Exoi res 8/31 /20 -- - ... - - - - - I I I I One Not - Visit showroom for details. Duette ® rel:5ate per item; *check store for to be combined with other offers. Expires 8/31 /20 ---------