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Broward Schools To Reopen

SCHOOL NEWS Broward Schools To Reopen



In a tiny step toward normalcy, you might see some kids wearing backpacks this month. Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) announced a plan to reopen school campuses to onsite learning during October via a webcast featuring Superintendent Robert Runcie.

“The COVID-19 positivity rate in Broward County is trending downward,” said BCPS Superintendent, Runcie, “this positive news was mirrored last friday by Governor Ron Desantis when he chose to move Broward County to Phase 2.”

Broward County Schools closed school campuses

based on four “gating criteria”: • Disease Progression - • Ability to Manage Spread • Health System Capacity • District Safeguard Adequacy

Students and teachers will be given the option to return to face-to-face learning via a staggered approach. Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, gth and 9th grades will start on October 14th. All other students will start classes on October 20th. E-Learning

Families will continue to have the option of keeping their children in online education. However, a number of precautions are being put in place to make schools as safe as possible for returning students and faculty. The precautions include: • Daily Cleaning & Disinfections of facilities • Physical distancing signage will be placed throughout buildings and campuses • All students, faculty and visitors will be required to wear masks, physically distance and maintain hand hygiene

The plan will allow kids to remain in eLearning or transition to face-to-face learning. In addition, families have the option of the student receiving eLearn-

ing instruction either from home or by being physically present in the school. This is a continuation of Phase 1 BCPS eLearning with the following changes: • Teachers provide eLearning from the school classroom. • Students have the option to receive eLearning: Phase 2 from home OR from the classroom.

“The same criteria we used to close, is what we will use to reopen,” remarked Runcie, “We can’t let perfect stand in the way of good. There is no way to guarantee we’ll have a 100% COVD-free environment.”

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