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Summer Fun Starts In This Issue
Summer Fun Starts In This Issue
The CDC recently announced that more than half of American adults have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. After the “lost” year of 2020, we are all eager to get back to our “normal” lives. This is especially true with families with young children. Finding and planning summer activities can be especially challenging this year. Luckily, we’ve got you covered! Be sure to check out Our City’s Summer Camp Guide in this month’s issue.
We have included a carefully curated reference of the area’s day camps, academic enrichment programs, and sporting activities with options for children of all ages. Whether your child is an avid cheerleader, a soccer star, a budding actor, or a future scientist, Our City’s Summer Camp Guide has something for everyone and every interest. To make choosing the perfect program, or programs, even easier, we’ve designed the Summer Camp Guide to allow parents to match summer activities to their kids’ interests.
When it comes to making the most out of school breaks, Our City has got you covered. But, we are also your go-to resource for children’s activities throughout the school year. Be sure to look for our special Back to School Guide in the August issue for a detailed listing of after-school programs, athletic activities, and artistic enrichment pursuits as well as area preschools and private schools.

Sincerely, Christy & Terry Jaillet
Christy & Terry Jaillet Publishers

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