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Prayers for those who seek peace of mind His Peace

For several months, I coped with intense workplace politics and intrigues. Worrying is second nature to me, so I was surprised to find myself at peace. Instead of feeling anxious, I was able to respond with a calm mind and heart� I knew that this peace could come only from God�

In contrast, there was another period in my life when everything was going well—and yet I felt a deep unrest in my heart. I knew it was because I was trusting in my own abilities instead of trusting God and His leading. Looking back, I’ve realised that true peace— God’s peace—isn’t defined by our circumstances, but by our trust in Him.


God’s peace comes to us when our minds are steadfast

(ISAIAH 26:3)� In Hebrew, the word for steadfast means “to lean upon.” As we lean on Him, we’ll experience His calming presence. We can trust in God, remembering that He’ll humble the proud and wicked and smooth the paths of those who love Him (VV. 5–7)�

When I experienced peace in a season of difficulty rather than ease, I discovered that God’s peace isn’t an absence of conflict, but a profound sense of security even in distress. It’s a peace that surpasses human understanding and guards our hearts and minds in the midst of the most difficult of circumstances (PHILIPPIANS 4:6−7)�

Karen Huang

A Prayer for a Steadfast Mind

Father, help me to keep a steadfast mind. Root my thoughts in Your truth and Your goodness. Fortify my mind and heart with the promises of Your Word. Thank You for the perfect peace that comes to me when I choose to trust You. Lord, I affirm again today that my faith is in You, not my own efforts and instincts. Amen

A Prayer to Stand on the Rock of Christ

Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus has overcome this world. When it threatens to overwhelm me, help me run to the Rock that is higher than I. He is never overwhelmed; He is never shaken; He never loses His footing. My salvation and peace are held safely by Him for all eternity. Praise His wonderful name! Amen

A Prayer for Freedom from Negative Thoughts

Lord God, I submit my thought-life to You. Unchain me from the worries and anxieties that constantly invade my mind. Replace negativity and uncertainty with rejoicing in the assurance of Your presence. Nothing I face can undo Your Word or the work of Christ on my behalf. Help me to read and reflect on Scripture so that it takes a deep root within me. Transform me by the peace that comes simply from knowing You are here and You are King. Amen.

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