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Prayers for those who seek peace in the storms God of the Waves

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Irish missionary Amy Carmichael knew what it was to live through life’s storms: poverty, illness, chronic pain, persecution. Having weathered so many hardships with God’s help, she reflected, “God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; again and again we have proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm ”

Perhaps Peter had a similar revelation when he stepped out of his fishing boat and onto the stormy sea� Imagine being there with him, blown about by the wind, buffeted by huge waves and blinded by stinging spray (SEE MATTHEW 14:24). And then to see Jesus calmly walking towards you— on the same swirling waters that threaten to hurl you to the depths (V. 25)�


If the storm terrified Peter, how much more awesome Jesus must have suddenly seemed—He who couldn’t be touched by it. The overwhelming storm could not overwhelm its Creator. Even when Peter then began to sink beneath the waves, Jesus “reached out his hand and caught him” (V. 31)�

If you are facing storms which feel far too big to handle, set your gaze instead on Jesus, to whom they must all submit. You’ll find the courage, peace and perseverance for today’s challenges in His presence. Even if you feel you are sinking, know that Jesus stands ready to hold you so that you will not be overcome�

Chris Wale

A Prayer for Peace in the Storm

Jesus, You reign over every thunderstorm and wave I endure. The floods of life are threatening to wipe out my peace, my joy and my witness for You. But You are Lord over everything. Thank You for not allowing me to sink. May I feel Your hand holding me tightly today. Lord God, You are in complete control. I put my trust in You again today. Flood my heart with Your peace. Amen

A Prayer to Keep Clinging to Christ

Heavenly Father, sometimes my soul is like a turbulent sea. I can’t seem to find my balance, so I worry and stumble. Keep me clinging to those wonderful words Jesus once spoke to the storm surrounding His disciples, “Quiet, be still.” For my striving and straining melt away as I let Him hold me through every trial. He is here, so I need not fear. Amen

A Prayer to Hear the Lord in Trials

Heavenly Father, thank You that Your voice is over the waters. When all I hear are mighty torrents of chaos and disaster around me, speak Lord, speak. Help me to hear Your voice and follow where You lead. I cannot handle these things alone; but I thank You that I don’t need to. Thank You for being my peace, even in chaos. Amen

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