2 minute read

The Prince of Peace

When John’s cold turned into pneumonia, he ended up in the hospital. At the same time, his mother was being treated for cancer a few floors above him, and he felt overwhelmed with worries about her and about his own health�

Then on Christmas Eve, when the radio played the carol “O Holy Night,” John was flooded with a deep sense of God’s peace. He listened to the words about it being the night of the dear Saviour’s birth: “A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!” In that moment, his worries about himself and his mother vanished�


This “dear Saviour” born to us, Jesus, is the “Prince of Peace,” as Isaiah prophesied (ISAIAH 9:6). Jesus fulfilled this prophecy when He came to earth as a baby, bringing light and salvation to “those living in the land of the shadow of death” (MATTHEW 4:16; SEE ISAIAH 9:2). He embodies and gives peace to those He loves, even when they face hardship and death�

There in the hospital, John experienced the peace that passes all understanding (PHILIPPIANS 4:7) as he pondered the birth of Jesus� This encounter with God strengthened his faith and sense of gratitude as he lay in that sterile room away from his family at Christmas. May we too receive God’s gift of peace and hope.

Amy Boucher Pye

A Prayer for the Peace Which Transcends Understanding

God of peace, when I’m anxious and fretting about many things, help me to turn to You and receive Your gift of peace. Thank You that I don’t have to understand it to receive it. I need only draw near and rest in Your unchangeable truth. Thank You that Your peace does surpass understanding and circumstances. For as You are mightier than whatever I go through, so too is Your peace. Fill my heart with peace today. Amen

A Prayer of Thanks During Trials

Heavenly Father, Your Word directs me to pray in thanks, even when my heart aches. So Lord, I come to thank You: I thank You that You are with me. I thank You that You understand exactly what I am going through and You know exactly how I feel. I thank You that I can open my heart to You any time, day or night. I thank You that Your strength never fails. I thank You that this season will end and one day You will wipe every tear from my eyes. Thank You that I have so many reasons to give you praise, even when life hurts. Amen

A Prayer to Rest in God’s Presence

Thank You, Father, for describing Yourself in Scripture as my stronghold, my refuge and my hiding place. Give me the ability to fix my eyes on You so that I can simply come and be still before You. Tune my ears to hear Your gentle voice that reminds me of who You are. Renew a sense of joy in my heart. Help me to rest in the comfort that comes from laying all my burdens at Your feet through prayer. Amen

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