Prayers forthe New Year

Prayers for those who need a fresh start
Prayers for those who face an uncertain future
Prayers for those who are seeking freedom from their past
Prayers for those who want to draw closer to God 16
Prayers for those who long for change 20
Prayers for those who have big plans for this year 24
Prayers for those who must enter this year without loved ones 28
Prayers for those who feel worn out before the year has even started 32
The crowd in London counts down to Big Ben chiming� The ball drops in New York’s Times Square. Sydney Harbour erupts in fireworks. There’s something exciting about welcoming in a new year and the fresh start it brings. On New Year’s Day we push out into new waters. What opportunities might we find?
For all its excitement, though, a new year can be unsettling. None of us knows the future or what storms it may hold. Many New Year’s traditions reflect this: fireworks were invented in China to supposedly ward off evil spirits and make a new season prosperous. And New Year’s resolutions date back to the Babylonians who made vows to appease their gods� Such acts were an attempt to make an unknown future secure.
When they weren’t making vows, the Babylonians were busy conquering people—including Israel. In time, God sent the enslaved Jews this message: “Do not fear � � � � When you pass through the waters, I will be with you” (Isaiah 43:1–2). Later, Jesus said something similar when He and the disciples were caught sailing in a violent storm. “Why are you so afraid?” He told them before commanding the waters to be still (Matthew 8:23–27).
As we cross the threshold into the new year, we push out from the shore into new, uncharted waters� Whatever we face, the promise of Scripture is that God is with us—just as He was with His first disciples—and He still has the power to calm the waves�
It is our hope that these reflections and prayers will help you step into the new year alongside the Lord who holds each of the next 365 tomorrows in His hands� He will give you the hope and strength you need for each one�
When Bryony turned thirty, she was sad to still be in a sales job she’d never liked. She decided it was time to stop procrastinating and find a new career. For David, New Year’s Eve had him looking in the mirror vowing this would be the year he lost weight. And for James, it was watching another month pass without a decrease in his angry outbursts� Next month, he promised himself, he would try harder�
If you’ve ever vowed to change at the start of a new month, new year or a major birthday, you’re not alone� Researchers even have a name for it: the fresh start effect. They suggest that at calendar points like these we’re more prone to assess our lives and try putting our failures behind us to start over. Wanting to be better people, we long for a fresh start.
Faith in Jesus speaks powerfully to this longing, offering a vision of what our best selves can be as “God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved” who are clothed “with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12). And faith calls us to leave our past selves behind (vv. 5–9). It offers this change not by decisions and vows alone, but by divine power. When we believe in Jesus, we become new people, and God’s Spirit allows us to “put on the new self” as He works in us to make us whole (v� 10; Titus 3:5)�
Salvation in Jesus is the ultimate fresh start. And it doesn’t need to wait for a special calendar date� It’s a brand-new life with God we can enjoy each day�
Sheridan VoyseyA Prayer to Surrender the New Year to God Gracious Heavenly Father, I stand at the threshold of a new year. It is a blank page with no sins, failures or mistakes; and that is exciting and terrifying. I know that as soon as I step over into a new day, I will bring my imperfections with me. But I place my life in Your hands once again at the beginning of this year. I pray that it would be a year of growth, a year of depth and a year of fruitfulness in You. Search my heart and show me any areas that need surrendering afresh. And may Your light burst through the cracks and flaws in my life to bring healing and wholeness. Amen
A Prayer to Press On Mighty God, what a blessing it is to know that You are for me, not against me! Thank You for loving me. I give my life to You afresh. I pray You would give me the grace to let go of the things in life that are holding me back. Like the Apostle Paul, I want to forget what is behind and press on towards the goals You have for my life. I let go of my guilt, my regrets, my shame, my pride, my judgemental thoughts and all bitterness. I come humbly to Your feet and lay down all I have. I am Yours and You are mine. Thank You Jesus. Amen
A Prayer to Become All that God Intends Merciful Father in heaven, may today mark the beginning of a new season in my life. May the pains and mistakes of yesterday give me wisdom and compassion to see others through Your eyes. May the regrets and sins of the past be forever nailed to the cross where Christ has carried them. May the worries and unknowns of tomorrow be in my faith-filled prayers rather than anxious fears. Today, I give You myself: spirit, soul and body. May I become all that You have destined me to be that You may be honoured and glorified in my life. Amen
1Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion Psalm 103:2-4
2Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength� They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint� Isaiah 40:31
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day� 2 Corinthians 4:16
If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Everyone born of God overcomes the world� This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith� 1 John 5:4
Six ducks waddled up the hill into the woods behind our home in the Lake District� Moments later, a ruckus of squawking and quacking brought five ducks scrambling back down the hill. They’d met a hungry fox. To my amazement, just a few hours later I saw the five ducks waddling back up that hill� Dashing outside, I rounded them up and led them to safety�
Psalm 23 shows that we have a similar relationship with God; He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep� Sheep, like ducks, are not famous for their wisdom or clear sense of direction. As with them, left to ourselves, we are prone to wander to places that seem good to us, but may actually hold hungry foxes�
The psalmist writes that the Good Shepherd always “guides me along the right paths” (Psalm 23:3)� As we listen to His voice and follow where He leads, He provides our souls with good, nourishing refreshment (v� 3)� Even when He takes us “through the darkest valley”, His presence is the comfort and reassurance we need (v 4) Ducks, sheep, people—they all can find it hard to stick to the right paths. Just as I had to steer those ducks, Jesus takes the responsibility to guide us. We don’t have to figure everything out for ourselves; we need only to stay close to our Good Shepherd�
Debbi FralickA Prayer of Submitting to the Good Shepherd O Lord, You are my Shepherd and I am Your sheep. I am so grateful that I don’t need to try to figure out the right pasture, fight the roaring lions or try to change the hearts of the other sheep! Forgive me for wandering away from You, for trying to fight my own battles by myself, and for trying to manipulate and control others. I trust You to lead me. I trust You to fight for me. And I trust You to do Your work in the lives of those I love. Thank You Jesus for watching over me. Amen
A Prayer for Wisdom Almighty God, our Father; I am at a crossroads. I do not know which way to turn. I feel enormous pressure to make the right choice so I don’t make a mess of things, but I only have limited wisdom. I can’t see into the future and know how everything will turn out; only You can do that. You have promised that if we need wisdom, we can come to You and ask, fully trusting that You will give us what we need, and You will give it. Give me wisdom, Lord. Help me to know which way to go. I trust that Your sheep hear Your voice and You will guide me. Thank You for never leaving me. Amen
A Prayer Asking God to Lead the Way Gracious Father, our world seems to be unravelling. There is so much instability, uncertainty and fear; and although I know You’re in control, it’s hard not to be anxious for the future. As much as I try to have faith, I find myself worrying time and again. I’m tired of feeling anxious about a future I cannot control. Whatever happens, You are God. You are good and You care for me. You can be trusted to walk before me wherever I go, even through the valleys of life. I choose to have faith in Your goodness, Your faithfulness and Your love for me. I entrust my future to You now and pray You would help me to keep trusting You every day. Amen
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things� 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
1� What should we do when we are anxious (v. 6)?
a. When should we do it?
b. How should we do it?
2� What will be the result (v. 7)?
3� List the things we should actively think about. Spend a moment thinking about what each one means for you in your walk with Jesus (v. 8).
4� Why do you think we should think on these things?
5� List each of the things you learn about peace in this passage�
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You that I do not need to carry the heavy weight of worry and anxiety� Help me to bring everything—large or small—to You in prayer� Help me to choose to set my mind on good things� Thank you for the peace You bring� Amen�
WHERE NEXT? If you have time, read Isaiah 26:3 and 1 Peter 5:7 and write down what you learn about God’s peace.
A BIBLE STUDY TAKE-AWAY! Why not see if highlighting all the action words and specific instructions can help you personally apply other passages in the New Testament letters?
Back in 1779, Charles Simeon’s interests were horses, games and fashion. But an upcoming communion service at his Cambridge college would lead to him considering God’s Word�
He discovered in the Old Testament that God’s people had placed their hands on sacrificial animals’ heads to transfer the guilt of their sin (see Leviticus 4:15; 16:21). The Holy Spirit showed him the connection between this action and Christ’s sacrifice. "May I transfer all my guilt to another?” he wondered. “Has God provided an offering for me, that I may lay my sins on his head?" That day he laid his sins “upon the sacred head of Jesus”.
The writer of Hebrews wants us to make this connection too. The sacrificial system was “only a shadow” of the salvation Christ would bring (Hebrews 10:1)� In reality, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (v. 4). But Jesus was born in a body prepared to bear the weight of our sin and guilt (vv. 5–7). “And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (v. 10).
Real freedom from sin, and from our past, is found in laying every shameful thought, word and deed on the bowed head of Jesus hanging upon the cross� He did what no animal or human can do: He “offered for all time one sacrifice for sins” (v. 12).
Chris WaleHeavenly Father, You know how many times I’ve failed in the past. I always seem to find excuses for going back to my old ways. But I desperately want to make changes. I want to stop destructive, sinful behaviours, and honour You in every area of my life. Help me to see my bad choices the way You see them. May I want what You want in every part of life. I surrender these areas to You now and ask You to help me remember that those bad habits and sins are crucified, and I have the life of Jesus living in me. He is never tempted by sin. May I walk in His victory. Amen
A Prayer to Trust Jesus’ Saving Work
Almighty God, my Saviour; thank You that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You that You do not keep a record of my wrongs. I choose to trust that You have forgiven all my sins because of Christ’s sacrifice. I trust that You see me through His righteousness. Help me to remember that I don’t need to try to add anything to what He has done; but to rest completely in His finished work for me. I receive Your forgiveness. I release myself from my own judgement and accept Your view of me; You are the only Judge, not me. Thank You Lord for saving me! Amen
A Prayer for Release from Deep Wounds
Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace; how I need Your peace and healing in my life. The deep wounds of my past seem to follow me through every door, reminding me of my worst days and nights, and making me wonder if I will ever have relief. I need to break free from the pain of the things in the past that I cannot change. Cut me loose from my bondage to the people who have wounded me; I choose to forgive them and release them into Your hands. I choose to receive Your forgiveness for the wounds I have caused to others. I release to You my burden of guilt and shame. Thank You, Jesus, for paying the full price to set me free. Amen
1Blessed is the one whose transgres sions are forgiven, whose sins are covered� Psalm 32:1
2As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us� Psalm 103:12
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace� Ephesians 1:7
It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast� Ephesians 2:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness� 1 John 1:9
Grandpa appeared at the bedroom door to look in on the two little girls. “I’ve told you twice already,” he said to my young daughter and her cousin, tucked up together in a double bed for their overnight sleepover “You need to be quiet and go to sleep�”
“But she keeps on talking,” my daughter protested�
Her cousin shot back, “That’s because she keeps on listening�”
The young boy Samuel kept on listening too� He’d been learning to serve God in the tabernacle but hadn’t encountered Him personally (1 Samuel 3:7). Not until the night he heard a voice calling his name. Samuel assumed it was his ageing mentor, Eli. But after three visits from the boy, Eli realised Samuel was hearing God and advised him what to do So the next time Samuel heard the voice, he said, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (v� 10)� Although the message was unpleasant to hear, Samuel obediently passed it on� In fact, he kept on listening to God, bringing his guidance and judgements to Israel, right into his old age�
When we long to hear God, Samuel’s words of welcome and obedience help focus our attention. They prompt us to still our thoughts and to listen as we start praying or reading Scripture� They can also help us to pause and pay attention to God through our day. Be encouraged that God will speak to you too�
A Prayer to Grow in Passion for the Lord Gracious Lord, how amazing that I can know You and have a relationship with You—the very God of Creation! I am ashamed when I think of how little I often value that most incredible privilege. For all the times I have put other priorities before You, I am sorry. I confess the coldness of my heart and pray for the fire of Your Spirit to set my heart ablaze for You. Keep me from giving my time and energy to things that draw me away from You. Fill me with Your Spirit that I might grow Your fruit. Amen
A Prayer to Prioritise God’s Word Jesus, Living Word of God, I pray You would give me a passion for Your written Word. May the Scriptures truly become my daily bread, a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. May Your words search my heart and comfort my soul. Help me to submit myself to Your truth, even when I don’t understand it; trusting that You know all things. Give me the grace to obey, even when it costs. Expand my faith as I humbly receive all that You have said. Amen
A Prayer to See the World through God’s Eyes Heavenly Father, I want to grow deeper in my relationship with You. I want to know You more, hear Your voice and feel Your heart. I want to love like You love and see the world as You see it. I know growing deeper will mean coming out of my comfort zone; I’m frightened, but I know it will be worth it! Keep me close to You, I pray. For Jesus sake, Amen
1Make time for God: It’s hard to form a meaningful relationship ‘in passing’. Quality time is always the hallmark of deepening intimacy. It’s the same with God. He is with us when we’re on the go; but it is also essential to have times where we simply rest in His presence and take our time listening to His voice in His Word� He invites us to “be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
Where is your quiet place you can go to be alone with the Lord?
2Let Jesus be your home: How do you know you don’t live at your friends house, or the supermarket, or at your workplace? Because home is where you go back to once you’ve finished visiting or attending these other places Home is meant to be the place where you can be yourself and relax� This is how Jesus asks us to see Him: “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). To “remain” in Jesus means to “stay close” or “make your home here”. Is Jesus your home, or just Someone you visit?
Give Him your heart: There are so many demands on our time and needs in our lives. Jesus knows this—but rather than trying to fulfil every desire and fix every problem ourselves, He says, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). It’s hard to grow close to God if our focus is on getting by in this world each day. What is your heart set on: getting more of God or getting more of what this world offers?
A generous friend once treated me to a makeover, buying me gorgeous clothes and arranging for a swanky haircut and new makeup� My friend knew how much I’d changed in becoming God’s new creation and she wanted me to feel beautiful not only on the inside but on the outside too. Of course, those who believe in Christ don’t need new clothes to reveal God’s winsome Spirit to others� When we submit our lives to Him, Christ shines through. But as the Apostle Paul wrote in many of his letters, after we come to salvation in Christ, we must continue to put off the old self and embrace the new� This process isn’t passive, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians� In the original language, Paul employs active verbs for putting off the old self, being made new in our minds, and putting on the new self (see Ephesians 4:22–24)� The apostle emphasises that we are important partners with God in being made a new creation. And that God changes us—as Paul wrote elsewhere, “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
This freeing message means that we can become more like Christ, moment by moment� We don’t have to be stuck in the mires of sinful patterns of behaviour, but through the Holy Spirit’s help, we can embrace a new way of living�
Dear Lord, I long to be transformed into Your image. I pray that You would turn my fear into faith, my stubbornness into willingness, my pride into humility, my stinginess into generosity and my judgementalism into love. Renew my mind, I pray, so that I might be transformed and learn to know Your will for my life. Show me the areas of my life that I need to submit to You, and give me the grace to do it. Amen
All-powerful God, You promise that the same power which raised Christ from the dead is at work in my life. Lord, may I experience this power for myself. You know the bad habits and sinful addictions which hold me prisoner. I choose today, in this moment, to put my hope and faith in the truth that with You there are no dead ends. Work for my good, even in the challenge I face, and show me Your power to raise the dead, to break chains, to light up the darkness. Only You can free me, Lord. Please begin today. Amen
A Prayer to Avoid Conforming to the World Heavenly Father, please keep me from the complacency and ease of simply conforming to the world around me. It is hard to walk on Your good path, but I know You give the strength and desire to do so; and Jesus is my ever-present help and safeguard. Keep me in step with Your Spirit so that my heart will yearn for You more and more each day.
I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want� 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law� 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like� I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control� Against such things there is no law� 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit�
1� What are the opposing spiritual forces at work in a Christian’s life (v. 16)?
2� What warning is given against the lifestyles of verses 19-21?
3� In what ways is “the fruit of the Spirit” opposite to the “acts of the flesh” (vv. 22-23)? Which of the fruit do you need most today?
4� How does being filled with the fruit of the Spirit remove the need for the law (referring to God’s law, not civil law)?
5� What do you think it would mean to “walk by the flesh” rather than the Spirit? List out some practical ways you can “walk by the Spirit”, “live by the Spirit” and “keep in step with the Spirit” (vv 1, 25)
PRAYER: Father, thank You for saving me through Your Son, and giving me Your Spirit to transform me. Sometimes it feels like real change takes a long time to happen, but I know Your Spirit is more powerful than my flesh. Help me to stay close to You� Amen�
WHERE NEXT? If you have time, read Ephesians 4:17-32 and Hebrews 4:12-16 and write down what you learn about what our new life with God can look like, and what our security is when we get things wrong�
A BIBLE STUDY TAKE-AWAY! Why not see if thinking of practical ways to live out biblical instructions can help you apply other passages from the Bible?
My mother shared with me how she chose not to attend university so she could marry my father in the 1960s, but she always held on to her dream of becoming a home economics teacher Three children later, though she never received a university degree, she did become a nutritionist aide. She cooked meals to demonstrate healthier meal choices—much like a home economics teacher� As she shared her dream with me after recounting the events of her life, she proclaimed that God had indeed heard her prayers and given her the desires of her heart�
Life can be like that for us. Our plans point one way, but reality goes another way. But with God, our time and lives can be turned into beautiful displays of His compassion, love and restoration. God told the people of Judah (Joel 2:21) that He would “repay” them for their lost or destroyed years—brought about by a “locust swarm” (v� 25)� He continues to work to help us in the challenges and unfulfilled dreams we face� For we serve a Redeemer God who honours and rewards our sacrifices for Him (Matthew 19:29). Whether we’ve got big dreams for this new year or we’re facing a devastating challenge, may we call out to the God who restores and give Him praise�
Katara PattonA Prayer to Give Your Dreams to God Dear Lord, You know the dreams in my heart; even the ones I’ve never spoken out loud. There are things I long to achieve; a type of person I wish I could become; a lifestyle I yearn to live. Compassionate Saviour, help me see where I am trying to use other things to fulfil my desire for You. I give You all my dreams, every last one; for I know You will do more with my life than I could even ask or imagine. Fulfil my dreams Your way, not mine. Amen
A Prayer for His Ways to Become Your Ways Father God, because You are gracious and merciful, so are all Your ways. Sometimes I don’t understand what You are doing; yet help me trust You still. May I stand upon the foundation of Your character, Your faithfulness and Your love, so that Your ways become my ways. May my hopes and dreams be filtered through Your goodness; help me to let go of what isn’t truly important, that I might cling more tightly to what is eternal and glorifying for You. Amen
A Prayer to See God’s Hand in Your Plans Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, as I bring my plans to You, I take a moment to remember that every breath in my lungs is Yours; every moment of life is Your gift. Who am I that You care for me so intimately? As I put my plans in place for this year, show Your hand at work that I might follow where You lead and set my heart after Yours. I belong to You alone, Lord. May my every breath, my every moment, bring You glory. Amen
1Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight� Proverbs 3:5-6
2Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails� Proverbs 19:21
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts� Isaiah 55:9
We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do� Ephesians 2:10
What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes� Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that�” James 4:14-15
As the taxi driver drove us to London’s Heathrow Airport, he told us his story. He had come alone to the United Kingdom at fifteen, seeking to escape war and deprivation. Now, eleven years later, he has a family of his own and is able to provide for them in ways unavailable in his native land. But he laments that he’s still separated from his parents and siblings. He told us that he has had a hard journey that won’t be complete until he’s reunited with his family�
Being separated from our loved ones in this life is hard, but losing a loved one in death is much harder and creates a sense of loss that won’t be made right until we’re reunited with them. When the new believers at Thessalonica wondered about such losses, Paul wrote, “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). He explained that as believers in Jesus, we can live in expectation of a wonderful reunion—together forever in the presence of Christ (v. 17).
Few experiences mark us as deeply as the separations we endure, but in Jesus we have hope of being reunited. And in the midst of grief and loss we can find the comfort we need in that enduring promise (v. 18).
Heavenly Father, my heart aches. My tears flow freely. I just desperately miss my loved one—and the thought of no longer seeing their face or hearing their laugh physically hurts. How can the world carry on around me? But You know Father. You see me in my distress and You promise to be close. I need Your comfort; wrap me in Your embrace. I don’t know how to get through today; be with me Lord and carry my heartbreak with me. God of all comfort, comfort me I pray. Amen
Lord, no one and nothing can fill the void in my life created by the person I am missing. You know the fears I have about stepping into this new year without them and the things I no longer know how to do. But I know You will be with me for each and every step. Hold me close, Lord, and meet my needs—from the practical worries to the heartache many experiences will now hold. Be present Lord, be my Companion, be the arm around my shoulders as I walk this road. Bring Your Light and hope at every turn. Amen
A Prayer for Hope
Sovereign Lord, death was never meant to be a part of the world You created. It feels like a thief who continually robs us of those we love. In my grief, I lift my eyes to Jesus. He alone sits on the throne; He has defeated sin and death; His resurrection is the victory and promise for all His people. Though I am in mourning, may I also have a heart full of hope—for death has no real power over those who trust in You; death simply opens the door for us to enter Your home. Thank You Lord that You stand waiting to wipe every tear from my eye. Amen
1Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants� Psalm 116:15
2The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law� But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you� 1 Corinthians 15:55-58
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles� 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him� 1 Thessalonians 4:14
I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling-place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them� They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God� ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes� There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away ” Revelation 21:3-4
There’s a home-improvement shop near me that has a big green button in one of its departments. If no assistant is present, you push the button, which starts a timer. If you’re not served within a minute, you get a discount on your purchase.
We like being the customer in this scenario who enjoys the speedy service� But the demand for fast service often takes a toll when we’re the one expected to deliver it� So many of us today feel rushed doing our jobs, working long hours, checking emails multiple times a day and feeling pressured to meet tighter and tighter deadlines. The customer service tactics of the home-improvement shop have seeped into all our lives, creating a culture of rush.
When God told the Israelites to keep a Sabbath, He added an important reason: “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt” (Deuteronomy 5:15)� There they’d been forced to work ceaselessly under Pharaoh’s excessive time constraints (Exodus 5:6–9). Now freed, they were to give themselves a whole day each week to ensure they and those who served them could rest (Deuteronomy 5:14). Under God’s rule, there were to be no flush-faced, out-of-breath people.
How often do you work to the point of exhaustion or get impatient with people who keep you waiting? Let’s give ourselves and each other a break. The start of a new year is the perfect time to pause and restfully recentre on the Lord. A culture of rush is Pharaoh’s doing, not God’s�
Loving Lord Jesus, You said that anyone who is weary and burdened is invited to come to You for rest. I’m not going to try to figure out how You’ll do it, instead, I come in faith and confess that I need that rest! I need rest for my physical body so I can have strength to meet life’s demands. I need rest for my mind which is always trying to stay a step or two ahead. I need rest for my heart, which is pulled in so many directions. But most especially, I need rest for my spirit so I can stop trying to work hard to earn the blessings You freely give to all who simply come and ask. Amen
A Prayer to Live in God’s Strength
Mighty God my Father, Your Word declares that You give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. You promise that those who wait upon You will renew their strength. I come to You weary, but with faith that You will keep Your promise. You are the ultimate source of power and strength. You set the stars ablaze and spun the worlds into space; all power comes from You! I am in awe of Your works, and humbled that You want me to come and spend time with You. Waiting on You is a privilege beyond measure. Amen
A Prayer for Rest
Father, at this moment I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Things in my life feel like more than I can handle on my own. I come to You as I am and lay all of my cares at Your feet. I come to dwell—to rest—in the shelter of the Most High, saying with the psalmist, “You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.”
As I hand You my troubles, and breathe in Your presence, may I know—truly know—the peace that surpasses all understanding. You are with me; You are for me—of what should I be afraid? Praise You, my Lord and my God. Amen
4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you� No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me� 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches� If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing� 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you� 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples�
Who is “the vine” and who are “the branches” in the illustration Jesus gives (v. 5)?
2� What must we do to bear fruit for Jesus (vv. 4-5)? What sort of fruit do you think he wants us to produce?
What do you think it means to “remain” (some translations say “abide”) in Jesus?
4� How can you ensure Jesus’ “words remain in you” (v. 7)? How does setting our hearts and priorities according to Scripture affect our prayers?
5� What does Jesus’ fruit in our life show to others (v. 8)?
PRAYER: Father thank You that it’s not up to me to bear Your fruit. My role is to stay close to Jesus, my source of life, so that He will bear His fruit in me� I am sorry for trying to live by my own strength; I willingly and joyfully submit to You instead� Amen�
WHERE NEXT? If you have time, read Galatians 5:22-23 to see what fruit Jesus wants to grow in you.
A BIBLE STUDY TAKE-AWAY! Why not see if breaking down the story components can help you better understand Jesus’ other illustrations and parables?
For all its excitement, a new year can be unsettling. None of us knows the future or what storms it may hold.
As we cross the threshold into the new year, we push out from the shore into new, uncharted waters. Whatever we face, the promise of Scripture is that God is with us—and He still has the power to calm the waves, part the waters and carry us through the fiercest storms.
It is our hope that these reflections and prayers will help you step into the new year alongside the Lord who holds each of the next 365 tomorrows in His hands. He will give you the hope and strength you need for each one.
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