1 minute read

THE PRAYER OF a betrayed friend

It’s one thing having enemies; but it’s heart-breaking when that enemy was once a trusted friend.

David understood perfectly. “If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it,” he wrote. “But it is my companion, my close friend.”


David remembered times of sweet fellowship as they worshipped at the temple together. But now, his friend had turned against him. He was tormented by the pain of betrayal. He even felt his life was in danger. David wished what we all do during painful seasons, “Oh that I had wings! I would fly far away and be at rest.”

Escape, however, was not possible. He had to find a way to endure—and even overcome—the anguish and fear he was feeling.

David’s prayer is a swirling jumble of thoughts, emotions, desires and distress. But ultimately, he chose to pour out his pain, confusion, fear, anger—everything he was feeling—to God.

An amazing thing happens when we give our burdens to the Lord; our perspective changes. As he prayed, David’s heart began to lift as he remembered the goodness and faithfulness of God. “As for me, I trust in You.”

Betrayal is painful. But David understood the secret to overcoming: “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you.”

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