1 minute read

THE PRAYER THAT delighted in God’s love

“But does God really care about me?”

Have you ever asked this? Perhaps it’s something you’ve wondered in your heart, even if you’ve never spoken the words out loud.


We often look in the mirror and see someone unlovable. And that affects our relationship with the Lord and our confidence in prayer. But Psalm 139 wants us to see ourselves through God’s eyes, not our own.

David wrote this Psalm revelling in one key truth: “You truly know me.” From hand-making us in the womb, to staying with us through every moment of our lives, the Lord is deeply committed to His people. There’s nowhere you can go where He won’t be right there with you. And there’s nothing you can pray that He won’t already hear before it’s left your mouth.

“Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,” David wrote, overcome with awe and thankfulness. Find joyful fuel for your prayer life as you meditate with David on God’s perfect knowledge of His very precious creation: you.

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