AOurDailyBread ttr,
December2024- February2025
Dear Friend,
ThisJune,we launchedthe'Bible Engagement forthe Next Generation'project to share the life-giving Word of God with children across theAsia Pacificregion.The Lord has used your generous partnership to connect tens of thousands of children with the Bible.
I want to highlight one brief storyfrom our team inVietnamthat illustratesthe workthe Lord has been doingthroughthisprojectso far (you'll find manymore stories on the back of this page).
Ayoung mother was soeagerto share the Bible withher 17-month-old daughter that theyjoinedVietnam's reading program on the bookofJonah.The program was designed for children aged 7 and above.This mother knewthat her daughter would not understand much of the content,but she was so passionate about her daughter engaging with God'sWord that theycame along anyway.You can see the girl in the picture below.I praythis girl grows upto knowChrist and delight in theWord likeher mother does! What I found most encouraging was this mother's longing for her daughter to be raisedimmersedin theWord.She embodies theheart of this project-to pass on a love for the Bible to the next generation.


Stories likethishighlight the vital importance of this work.While 70% of children inAsia Pacific are opento engaging with the Bible,only7% do so regularly.We also know that many adults desire to help children engage with the Bible but feel unequipped (Barna,2022; ODBM,2024). Our"Bible Engagement for the Next Generation"project is providing families and caregivers with the tools theyneed to foster a love fortheBible intheir children.We are pressing on withthis project into the next year,excited to see what the Lord will do next.
Yourpartnership in this work,throughprayer, financial support and sharing of biblical resources ishelping us nurture a life-long love forthe Bible in children acrossAsia Pacific.
Thankyou for joining with us.
Yours in Christ,
Netty Susanto SeniorVice President MinistryOperations,Asia Pacific
J.lerearehighlightsofhowtheLordis usingyoursupport
The Lord has blessed us with 40 children who are reading the story 1 "' -... •...•"...,r."-.,.. ofJonah together with the help of an illustrated devotional and videos. The children shared how they've been inspired bythe message of God's unrelenting grace.This is Lam Khai An (9 years old) joining the session and using the materials.
"Thankyou00BMVietnamforyourlovingcareto thenextgenerationandfororganisingthisprogram forourchildrentoengagewithGod'sWord."
We've partnered with 200 churches and individuals to help 10,000 children across Taiwan engage with God'sWord with the help of a devotional calledJesusWantsAllofMe. The pastor's wife of Taitung Happiness Church expressed heartfelt gratitude:
"Wearedeeplythankfulto00BMforthe incrediblesupporttooursmallruralchurch throughsharingJesusWantsAll ofMe.MayGod blessyouabundantlyinyourministry!"
We've been working toward our aim of sharing the good news ofJesus with 10,000 children in Singapore before theyturn 6.With the help of churches and families,we pray that as theWord is sown,the Lord will raise a generation who love and serve Him.We've beenblessed to see the Lord at workalreadyas we've run events and shared resources.
A father and ministry worker shared his feedback on one of these books: '2oeyand Robey's Big Fix isan excellentresourceforyoungfamilies. I'mexcitedtoseeyounglives connedwithandrespondtothe gospelmessagethroughthis imaginativeandwell-crafted resource!" DR.MORGANZHOU CHAIRPERSON, TRACBoardof Children'sMinistryMethodistChurch in Singapore
We praise the Lord for enabling us to share / 35,000 children's resources in Malay,Chinese : and English.We are so grateful for the way : He's using these to help children engage , with theWord and grow in their relationship \ withJesus.One kindergarten teacher shared her heartwarming experience of using the picture bookJustTeddywith her class:
"Thechildrenwerestruckbythestory.Itshowedhowtheteddy beartriedtochangeitselftolooklikeotheranimalslikethepenguin andpanda.Butintheend,likethebear,thechildrenrealisedtheyallare madebyGodandunique,andtheydon'tneedtoenvyothers.Theyjust , needtobethemselves-childrenlovedandknownbytheirheavenlyFather."
Christian parents inJapan are often overwhelmed bythe challenges theyface raising their children.We launched a website that addresses everydayparenting scenarios, showing how the Bible provides wisdom for us andinvites us tofind rest and peace inJesus. One parent shared:
"Thewebsiteimmediatelygrabbedmyattention.The parentsinthescenariosfacethesamestrugglesasIdo, especiallyastheonlybelieverinmyfamily.However,asIfollowed thestoryandsawthewisdomthatBaba(grandma)foundthroughthe Bible,IwasinspiredtoreadtheBiblemore.Ilookforwardtomore contentlikethis."
We're thrilled that children are becoming our ministry partners. This year we visited a church in North Kalimantan to talk about the'Be-A-Light' project,which distributes solarpowered lights and biblical resources in isolated communities.TheSunday school children were so inspired bythe project they committed to helping their peers by donating their pocket money. In one month,they raised 200 USO! We're overwhelmed bythese children's desire to share the Bible and the light of Christ with other children their age.
ministryworkforkidstheirage,theywere movedandwantedtogetinvolved.Wepray theircontributionswillbless00BMwork andimpartyourongoingmissionprojeds." RENY,GAiTarakanSundayschoolteacher
In Hong Kong,we launched"Drawing forJesus·:an initiative to encourage families to read the Bible together using the picture bookJesus WantsAllofMe (a children's version of MyUtmostforHisHighest).Children are invited to meditate on a Bible passage and express their learning by drawing what the Lord is teaching them.We hope to motivate children to join in byselecting some of the best drawings for use in our annual desk calendar.
"Thankssomuchforthiswonderfulcampaign. Itreallyhelpedtoengagemychildinthebiblical truthsandJesus'love."
We've been helping children connect with God's Word bysharing biblical resources.We received a moving story from a young mum.During a family devotion,her sonsurprised her bysaying,"I want to
beSatan"."Why do you want to be Satan?" the mum replied.The son said,"If I wereSatan,I would saysorry to God because God is a forgiving God.I would change my way. Iwant to be at peacewithGodand Iwant totalkto God'.'This boyis just 8 years old.This boy's simple but inquisitive faith inspires us that the Lord is at workin theheartsof manychildren in Myanmar,even amidst the challenges we face.
Everychild shouldhave thechance to connectwith God's Word,butwhat iftheyare unable to read,likethe DumagatTribe children ina remote mountaincommunity in the Philippines?The Lord's provisionhas enabledus to share illustration-basedresourcesthat don't use words but still communicatethe messageof the Bible.It's been so encouragingto make God's Word understandable and accessible to everyone!
We're thrilledthat manyschoolteachers andchurches are usingourA Dayin the Land
Down Underpicture booktosharethe message of God's loving care for theworld He
has made.The Lordhasusedit to reach manybelievingandnon-believing children.
"It'sprovidedawonderfulchance totalkwithmychildabouthow Godmadetheworld.Therearen'tmanyChristiankid'sbooks aboutAustraliaandNewZealand,soithelpschildren connedto theBiblethroughthingsthey seeeveryday.It'salsosuitabletoshare withmynon-believing friendsand theirkids." AyoungAustralianmum
We'd love you to consider partnering with us in this work. Visit to donate.
We are a donor-supported,global ministrydedicated to nurturing a lifelong love forthe Biblesolives aretransformedthroughthe power of God'sWord.We are not funded or endowed byanygroup or denomination.It's your friendship,prayers,and financial giving that enables us to make the Bible a vital part of everydaylife for people worldwide.
1. Praise the Lord for the work He is doing acrossAsia Pacificdrawing all generations,especiallychildren,to know His love for them.
2.Askthe Lord to give parents,families and caregivers a passion for the Bible andthe desire to share it with children.
3. Praythat the Spirit willcontinue to workinchildren'shearts and bringthem to know Christ through HisWord.