Give Us This Day (Vol. 10)

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A devotional that explains God ’s Word through engaging stories. With devotions that children can connect with and questions to get them thinking and talking, this 31-day devotional will encourage families and their young ones to spend time in God’s Word and draw closer to Him.

Give S I H T US DAY ad e r B y l i a Our D and Kids s for Familie



This Book Belongs To:

WRITER S: Alina Teo (AT), Charmaine Weng (CW), Esther Eio (EE), Emily Lim (EL), Jasmine Goh (JG), Karen Kwek (KK), Ke Meifeng (MF), Leslie Koh (LK), Alan Lim (AL), Liu Meiying (MY), Ng Wei Joo (NWJ), Ruth Wan-Lau (RW), Sophia Huang (SH), Stephen Chan (SC) EDITORIAL: Asia Pacific Content Development Team DESIGNER S: Mary Tham, Joshua Tan Scriptures taken from Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Images used under licence from © 2021 Our Daily Bread Ministries®. All rights reserved.

Hello! Have you ever wondered: What is the relationship between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit? And who is the Holy Spirit? Why do we need Him? In this booklet, we hope to help you know more about God, and draw strength from His Spirit to walk in a manner that’s pleasing to Him. We pray that as you read the Bible, you will come to love God and love others more, and start new habits that will help you follow Jesus every day. Here are some tips on how you can use this issue of Give Us This Day to enjoy meaningful moments with God: • Set aside a specific time every day to spend time with God. • Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Word. • Read the Bible passage. • Read the devotion. • Reflect on the questions. • Pray and ask God to help you apply His Word to your life. God is waiting to meet you every day! What are you waiting for? Let Him speak to you through His Word today! The Our Daily Bread team

Three in One ay Verse of the D

was the In the beginning ord was with Word, and the W d was God. God, and the Wor —John 1:1


John 1:1–4


hy does it say ‘three in one’?” asked En, reading off the sachet she had just emptied into Mom’s mug. “Isn’t it just coffee?” En and her elder brother Rong were helping Dad make breakfast as a treat for Mom on her birthday. “Coffee powder, milk powder, and sugar,” Dad said. “Three ingredients in one packet.” En’s eyes grew round. “Is God like three-in-one coffee?” Just then, Mom appeared, rubbing her eyes sleepily. “What?” As they ate, En explained: “At Sunday school last week, we read in John 1:1 that the Word was in the beginning, with God, and that the Word was God. Teacher Susan showed us that the Word is Jesus (v.14), and that, in Genesis 1:1–2, God’s Spirit was also present in the beginning. But how can three people be with each other and also be one person?”


Pra yer “Instant coffee isn’t a good illustration,” Rong declared. “Jesus isn’t one-third of God, and neither is the Spirit. It’s more like this.” He drew a diagram on a piece of paper:





Lord , th send ank You ing J for es us, a nd Yo us to sav e ur Sp live i irit to n all who Him. tru Help me r st in obey e ad an Your W d I wil l kno ord so t hat w an more d lo and more ve You .

Mom agreed. “God

the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each fully God, yet different from one another. Maybe there is no perfect illustration and only God is three in one in this special way.” Dad grinned. “It’s okay that we don’t fully understand it. Even the brainiest Christians can’t completely explain it. But we know that Jesus is the source of life (John 1:3–4). He died and rose again to save us from sin and give us life with God forever. That’s why the gospel is light. It offers real hope to all people.” —KK

tion Reflec , your feel to know that Jesus How does it make you know life? How can you get to Rescuer, is the source of Him better?


The Proof ay Verse of the D ifies

lf test The Spirit himse at we are with our spirit th Romans 8:16 God’s children. —


Romans 8:14–17


randpa, how do I know I’m saved?” Caleb asked. Grandpa was busy giving Cookie, the family dog, a bath. However, this important question caught his attention, so he listened to Caleb carefully while scrubbing the dog. Caleb told Grandpa that he had received Jesus as his Lord and Savior at last weekend’s church service, but he didn’t feel any different. “What’s the sign that I’m saved?” Caleb wondered. Grandpa wrapped Cookie in a large towel, then said: “You know, Caleb, when we adopted Cookie from the animal shelter, your mom got him something special. Do you remember what it was?” “Oh yes! Mom bought Cookie a dog collar. She engraved his name on it, and even put our phone number on it,” Caleb replied. “That’s right,” Grandpa nodded. “That dog collar was a sign that Cookie belonged to our family. Likewise, when any of us receives


Pra yer Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are given a sign that we belong to God’s family. But this sign is not a thing that we wear; it’s a person.” Grandpa closed his eyes and recited Romans 8:15–17 from memory. Then he explained: “In this passage, we are told that we receive the Holy Spirit when we

Lord , I’m amaz learn ed that your to Spiri Ho tl I acc ives in m ly ept J e wh esus en Lord as m and y Sa to le t the vior. Hel p me S lead pirit me i g n You uide an d r wa ys.

join God’s family. The Holy Spirit is the proof that we are children of God and can call Him ‘Father.’”

“Caleb, you may not feel different right now, but as you continue walking with Jesus daily, you will sense the Spirit in you, guiding and leading you. Let me share with you how the Spirit has led me in my life.” —RW

tion Reflec ng s sensed the Spirit guidi Ask an adult how he ha d in the life. What have you rea and leading him in his you to has the Holy Spirit guide Bible recently and how t God’s ways? understand and live ou


Only One Way ay Verse of the D truth and d the “I am the way an mes to the the life. No one co rough me.” Father except th —John 14:6


John 14:1–7


a, Su Yen told me that just thinking about going home to Penang during the holidays motivates her to study hard for the exams,” Tracy said. “But she’s not really looking forward to the bus journey. It takes 10 hours!” Mom nodded. “I’m sure she must be very excited about going home. And yes, Penang is over 700 kilometers away from Singapore.” “Isn’t that very far?” Tracy asked. “Can’t she go home by another way?” “Yes, Su Yen can fly or take a train,” Mom replied. Then she added with a smile: “Do you know that in the Bible, Jesus talked about the only way to go home—to heaven?” Tracy looked puzzled. Mom explained that in John 14:1–7, Jesus told His disciples that He was going back to heaven soon. But He assured them that He


Pra yer Lord would prepare a place for them there, , You ar way and come back for them. When the to He e the on ly aven me t disciples asked, “How can we know . Hel o pu p t my in Yo trust the way?” Jesus answered: “I am the u. way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” “What this means is that we can only get to heaven through Jesus, by accepting Him as our Savior and Lord,” she explained. “And just as Su Yen motivates herself to work hard by thinking about going home, Jesus

encourages us to focus our minds on our heavenly home and not let our hearts be troubled by earthly things .” Tracy thought for a while, then said: “Tomorrow I will ask Su Yen if she knows that believing in Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.” —NWJ

tion Reflec aven? us is the only way to he Do you believe that Jes d as your personal Lord an Have you received Jesus Savior?


bor h g i e N r u o Y e Lov ay Verse of the D yourself. or as Love your neighb 8 —Leviticus 19:1


Leviticus 19:9–18


om’s heart swelled with pride as she read the message from an unfamiliar number on her phone: “Hi! I am Rachel’s mom. Rachel told me she is sometimes teased at school and Kayla speaks up for her. Thank you!” That night, at the dinner table, she told Kayla about the message. Kayla just shrugged her shoulders and went on munching her food. Mom said: “I am glad you were mad at the mean remarks made about Rachel’s stutter. She told her mom she has a friend in school.” “She did?” mumbled Kayla. “I shall ask her to go for recess with me on Monday.” Then, she frowned and added: “I can’t stand what the bullies were doing to Rachel! She puts on a haughty front because she’s afraid people would laugh at her stutter. She really wants a friend.” Mom couldn’t stop smiling as she replied: “I’m proud of you,


Pra yer Kayla! Your actions reminded me of God’s instructions on how His people should conduct their lives. He commanded them not to make something wrong appear to be right nor favor one person over another. God is love, and He wants us to reflect His heart. As

Lord , pl me t ease hel o refl p ect Y love o u and comp r Give assio me c n oura spea ge to . k up for th and e we enla r ak, g e my to ca re fo hear r the t distr poor esse d. and

God’s people, we ought to do what Leviticus 19:18 says: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ You showed

me how I can love my neighbor, too!” “Huh?” Kayla looked up in surprise. Mom laughed and said: “I can show kindness and compassion to one colleague whom everyone avoids at work. Do you want to hear more about it?” Kayla nodded, giving Mom her full attention. —MF

tion Reflec ur school who may need yo Do you know anyone in you ow sh u do for him or her to friendship? What can yo care?


e Spitting Imag ay Verse of the Dd so

e Go Dear friends, sinc ought to loved us, we also r. love one anothe —1 John 4:11


1 John 4:7–12


hat was a lovely party!” Mom said. “Yes,” Tracey exclaimed. “The food was so good!” “I’m glad you got to meet my colleagues,” Dad said. “Thanks for attending my office party, everyone.” “Many of your colleagues said Tracey is the spitting image of me,” Mom said. “Spitting image? What’s that? Does that mean we spit the same way?” Tracey laughed, pretending to spit. “No,” Mom smiled. “The term ‘spitting image’ means you look like an exact copy of me, as if someone photocopied me and that photocopy is you!” “Aren’t I lucky to have two beautiful ladies to live with?” Dad said cheekily. As the family sat down at the dinner table, Dad took out his Bible to start family devotions. They had been reading


Pra yer through the New Testament for the past few months. Dad continued: “You know, we expect to see strong family likeness between a parent and child. You are Mommy’s child, so of course you’d look like her. This reminds me of what we

Lord , I wa nt to fami s ly lik enes how lovin s b g oth y ers t You he w love ay me.

read yesterday. First John 4:7–12 says that God is love. Since we are His children—we have been born of Him and know Him—John reminds us to show family likeness by loving others.” Tracey nodded thoughtfully. “I am Mommy’s child, so I look like her. I am God’s child, so I love others, just as He does!” Dad smiled. “That’s right. Let’s read more of the Bible now, then discuss how we can show family likeness by showing God’s love to others!” —RW

tion Reflec lings, ow God’s love to your sib What does it mean to sh you’ll do ends? Name one thing parents, teachers, and fri love to them. more of to show God’s


cted e n n o C t e G ’s Le t ay Verse of the D

es to prayer, Devote yourselv d thankful. being watchful an —Colossians 4:2


Colossians 4:2–6


ee you next week!” Mrs. Fernando, the Sunday school teacher, said as she gave high-fives to all the children. As Arthur passed Mrs. Fernando, who was busy packing up the electronic keyboard, she called out cheerfully, “Don’t forget to invite your friends to the evangelistic event next month!” When Arthur heard this, he buried his face in his hands. “Did I say something wrong, Arthur?” Mrs. Fernando asked gently. “No,” Arthur replied. “I really want to invite my best friend, Ian, to the evangelistic event. But he’s not interested in church.” Mrs. Fernando could tell Arthur was feeling discouraged. She thought for a moment, then said, “Arthur, do you know why there’s no sound when I press the keys on this keyboard?” Arthur looked at the keyboard carefully. “This keyboard is not ‘on.’ It’s not connected to the wall socket.”


Pra yer “That’s right. This keyboard needs to be connected to a power source before it can make beautiful music.

Lord , help me t abou o t all thing pray are m s . You y pow and I wan er source t to c conn ons ec I ma t with Yo tantly y shi ne fo u so that r You .

In the same way, we need to be connected to God, our power source, before we can do what He made us to do—shine for Him! One way to connect with God is through prayer. Spend time asking God

to give you the right words to say to Ian. Ask Him for courage. The more you pray, the more you’ll rely on God, not your own strength. Even if Ian says ‘no,’ don’t give up. God is using you to encourage your friend to think about Him, and that pleases Him.” Arthur smiled. “I definitely need to pray before inviting Ian to church next month. Will you pray with me too?” Mrs. Fernando gave Arthur a hug. “Definitely!” —RW

tion Reflec u have u’d like to pray for. Do yo Make a list of things yo in the to church? Include them friends you could invite to invite them. list and ask God for help


lly u B h t i w g n i l Dea ay Verse of the D ph. ith Jose The LORD was w —Genesis 39:23


Genesis 37:19–28


ait a minute,” said Rachel. “Joseph’s brothers sold him? That’s so mean!” “That’s right,” said Aunty Julie, the Sunday school teacher. “And Joseph ended up being a slave in Egypt.” “Wasn’t he afraid being all alone?” someone asked. “Well, he wasn’t alone,” replied Aunty Julie. “God was with him all the time, protecting and helping him. Genesis 39 says several times that ‘The LORD was with Joseph’ (vv.2,21,23). So, even when Joseph was caught in bad situations, he succeeded in everything he did. When we have God with us, we can trust Him to help us when people are unkind to us or bully us.”

Motioning to the class to be quiet, Aunty Julie continued: “One day, Joseph’s brothers showed up in Egypt hoping to buy some food because there was a famine in the land. By this time, Joseph had become the second-in-command in Egypt.” 16

Pra yer “Yes! Payback time!” shouted Lord , he to be lp me n Tommy. “Joseph can take revenge by ot a when fraid or a letting them starve!” ngry peop unki Aunty Julie smiled. “No, Tommy. nd to le are me, b to sh ut Romans 12:19 says we should never ow t hem kind l o ness ve, take revenge!” , and just f o l i r k g e Jes i Tommy was confused. “Huh? us ta veness, u g h Then what did Joseph do?” t us. “Well,” said Aunty Julie. “Jesus taught us in Matthew 5:44 that we should love our enemies and pray for those who bully us. Joseph not only gave his brothers food, but he also invited them and their father to live with him. Joseph responded to their bullying with love and kindness, and, as a result, his brothers felt ashamed and sorry for being so unkind to him.” Ending the lesson, Aunty Julie concluded: “Remember, children, we don’t have to be afraid of bullies, but we don’t take revenge, either. We show them . . .” “Love!” chorused the children together. —SC

tion Reflec Talk to u know being bullied? Are you or someone yo w you school teacher about ho your parents or Sunday t pleases God. can respond in a way tha


es s n e v i g r o F t a e Gr ay Verse of the D pray for s and Love your enemie ute you. those who persec —Matthew 5:44


Matthew 5:43–48


ark was asked to write about three people he admired greatly. He made a list: 1. Nelson Mandela ended apartheid in South Africa after spending 27 years in jail for what he believed in. 2. Corrie ten Boom helped the Jews in Holland during the Second World War, but was imprisoned in a concentration camp with her family. 3. Phan Thi Kim Phuc survived a bombing as a little girl in Vietnam in 1972, and grew up to help other children victims of war around the world.

“That’s great!” Dad said, peeping over Mark’s shoulder. “Do you know what they all have in common?” he asked. “Yes,” Mark answered. “Nelson Mandela and Corrie ten Boom were Christians, and so is Kim Phuc.” 18

Pra yer Lord “That’s right,” Dad said. “But they had , pl to fo ease hel something else in common, too.” rgive p othe me as Yo “Really, what’s that?” Mark asked. r s jus u ha t ve fo me. rgive Dad replied, “They all chose to n forgive those who had caused them great harm.” He continued, “In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells us to ‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’ As God’s children, we are to show His love even to

those who seem undeserving of it.”

“But sometimes I can’t help holding grudges against others,” Mark said. “It’s not easy,” Dad said, nodding. “But we remember that just as God loves us and has forgiven us, we are also to love and forgive others.” “You’re right, God forgives me when I do wrong,” Mark declared. “I think this assignment has taught me an unexpected lesson!” —MY

tion Reflec How find difficult to forgive. Think of someone you His view this person through would God want you to t as u forgive the person, jus eyes? Ask God to help yo God has forgiven you.


God Hears ay Verse of the Dd and has tene God has surely lis Psalm 66:19 — . heard my prayer


Psalm 66:16–20


ake was only eight when his father died. Although he knew that Daddy had gone to be with Jesus in heaven, he didn’t understand why his father wasn’t healed of his brain cancer. “Why did You take Daddy away so soon?” he asked God. One day, after a church service, a stranger approached Jake and his mother. The man wept as he said, “Hearing about your Daddy’s life story moved me so much that I turned back to God.” It was just one of the many stories that Jake would hear later, about how his Daddy’s life had inspired many people and brought them to Jesus. Hearing these testimonies brought great consolation and comfort to Jake. “God took Daddy home because he has completed God’s mission for him on earth,” he told Mommy. Jake realized that God had heard all his prayers and understood


Pra yer Lord how he felt. And He had brought these , You ar too f people to meet Jake and give him ar or e never too b hear comfort and assurance that his Daddy usy t m o liste e. Thank ning was much loved by God. You for to m y pra The writer of Psalm 66 also yers. cried out to God when he did not understand what was going on. God heard his prayer (v.20) and answered it, and showed him that He loved him. So the psalmist could say: “God has surely listened and has heard my prayer” (v.19).

God heard the psalmist’s cry for help, and Jake’s

silent cry of agony. When you call out to God, He hears you, too. No cry is too soft to be heard from heaven. —CW

tion Reflec God n to for help? How has Whom do you usually tur d helped you before? answered your cries an


ts r a e H n O d e t n Pri ay Verse of the D d

ds an Bind [my comman ur fingers; teachings] on yo e tablet of write them on th erbs 7:3 your heart. —Prov


Proverbs 7:1–5


ad, Dad!” Alan ran excitedly towards the sofa and plonked down next to his father. “Do you know who first massprinted the Bible?” “A printer?” Dad answered cheekily. “No!” Alan rolled his eyes. “It was a German inventor called Johannes Gutenberg.” Alan continued: “I just watched a video about him. In 1450, he invented a new method of printing that allowed books to be produced much faster than ever before. In 1455, he produced the first printed Bible!” “Now we know how we got this,” Dad said with a smile, holding up his leather-bound copy of the Bible. “I’ve heard that before mass printing, Bibles were painstakingly hand-copied, taking scribes up to a year to produce.” “Hand-copied!” Alan looked horrified. “I’m glad Mister Gutenberg invented mass printing.”


Pra yer “Me too,” Dad said, “Otherwise, we wouldn’t have the Bible readily at our fingertips today.” Dad continued: “Alan, do you see that we have been given the privilege of having direct access to God’s truth?

Lord , he know lp me to Y intim our Word ately a in th e wa nd to liv e y You desir e.

We must use it well. The writer of Proverbs tells us to treat God’s instructions as something to be cherished, as ‘the apple of your eye’ (Proverbs 7:2), to ‘bind them on your fingers’, and ‘write them on the tablet of your heart’ (v.3).” “That means we ought to read the Bible and remember what God says,” Alan said. “That’s right,” Dad replied as he opened the Bible and ran his finger across the verses. “As we seek to understand the Bible and live according to His words of wisdom, we are printing God’s Word on our hearts, to be taken with us wherever we go.” —JG (adapted from Our Daily Bread 9 Sep 2020 article, by Kirsten Holmberg)

tion Reflec heart? have you stored in your Which verse in the Bible Word for you to treasure God’s What would you it mean of your eye”? and treat it as the “apple


Don ’t Gossip ay Verse of the D

lse reports Do not spread fa the crowd . . . Do not follow in doing wrong. —Exodus 23:1–2


Exodus 23:1–3


hloe’s mom is the Sunday school teacher, so she must have peeped at all the answers beforehand!” Jane’s friends were talking after a Bible quiz in Sunday school. They were unhappy because Chloe had been topping the class for the weekly quiz. “That’s so unfair! She shouldn’t be allowed to take part,” Jane said. But as soon as the words left her mouth, a sense of guilt came over her. Jane knew that Chloe was the most diligent in reading the Bible, so it wasn’t surprising that she kept winning the quiz. No one in class knew the Bible as well as Chloe. But, at that moment, Jane struggled between agreeing with her friends or standing up for Chloe. After church that day, she talked to her mom about it. “Do you know for certain if Chloe really saw the answers?” Mom asked.


Pra yer Lord Jane shrugged. “I don’t think Chloe , gi bold ve me would cheat.” ness to al spea way “Well, we shouldn’t speak falsely kt guar he truth, s against anyone, especially when we d my and mou again t h st go have no evidence,” Mom said. “God s mali cious sip and instructs us in Exodus 23:1–2 talk. that we shouldn’t spread lies or rumors. And we shouldn’t join others when they are not telling the truth. Gossip and malicious talk not only break trust and hurt feelings, they also erode love among God’s people, and that’s exactly what the devil wants to do.”

Mom added: “God is love and it delights Him when our words build up rather than tear down (Ephesians 4:29). And God is truth, too. As His people, we have to speak the truth, even if it goes against what the majority is saying.” Jane nodded. “I’ve done wrong to Chloe. I shall put things right next week!” —CW

tion Reflec talk? n we avoid unwholesome As God’s people, how ca when a way that pleases God How can you respond in g? your friends are gossipin


ic s u M s i H g n i k Ma ay Verse of the D

g We all . . . are bein his image. transformed into 18 —2 Corinthians 3:


–18 2 Corinthians 3:17


hen Arianne Abela was young, she spent much of her time sitting on her hands. Why? Because Arianne was born with fingers missing or fused together on both hands. She also had no left leg and was missing toes on her right foot. She hid her hands because she felt ashamed of them. Arianne loved music and she loved to sing in the choir at university. One day, her choir teacher asked her to conduct the choir— which meant that she had to show everyone her hands. That was when she discovered that she had a talent conducting a choir. She went on to conduct church choirs and became a full-time choir director, and today, Arianne serves as director of choirs at a university. “My teachers saw something in me,” she says. Isn’t this an inspiring story? Perhaps you, too, can ask yourself: What does God, my holy Teacher, see in me? What does He see beyond my limitations?


Pra yer And, do you know, God also sees Himself in you? Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created each of us in His own image. That means that as His glorious “image bearers,” when others see us, we

Than k You ,G maki ng m od, for e in imag You e. appl Help me r yt to my li his truth fe. to al l of

should reflect God.

Though Arianne was born without some of her fingers, it didn’t matter to God. He could see her beauty, deep within her. The same is true for all of us, too. Second Corinthians 3:18 tells us: “We all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image.” Like Arianne, we can lead our lives by Christ’s transforming power, offering a life song that sings of the glory of God. —adapted from Our Daily Bread 10 Sep 2020 article, by Patricia Raybon

tion Reflec bearer” t you are God’s “image How does knowing tha it help differently? How does help you to see yourself s with others? you in your interaction


n Not Forgotte ay Verse of the D e baby et th Can a mother forg ough she at her breast . . . Th not forget may forget, I will 5 you! —Isaiah 49:1


Isaiah 49:14–19


ight after the rhythmic gymnastics competition results were out, Amy dashed into the changing room and began sobbing. She told Mom: “We tried so hard, more than everyone else. I even prayed.” Mom put her arms around Amy to comfort her. “Mom, do you think God forgot about me?” asked Amy. “Why would you think of it that way?” Mom was surprised. Amy replied: “I tried hard for my studies, I tried hard for piano, and I tried hard for gymnastics. But I don’t get the results I wanted even though I prayed and worked hard.” “Difficult moments and disappointments are part and parcel of life,” Mom consoled. “But that does not change who you are in God’s eyes. We are His children, and He loves us dearly.” She continued: “You are not the only one who feels that way.” Mom then read Isaiah 49:14–19 from her Bible app.


Pra yer Lord As Mom read, Amy exclaimed: “You , help me t that mean the Israelites felt forgotten by o tru You a r e w ho n a Go st God too?” ever d Your f “Yes. And God told them that His child orgets m e, . Ev I face love for His people is deeper than a disap en when can b p e sur ointmen nursing mother’s love for her baby. t, e abou t me that You I Even though they are suffering, . care He has not forgotten them,” Mom explained. “How can I be sure of this, Mom? It certainly doesn’t feel like God cares about me,” Amy asked.

has engraved you on the palms of His hands. Every time He lifts up His hands, He will see your name and remember you. I’m sure God heard your prayers and is proud of you for trying

Mom smiled in reply and pointed to Isaiah 49:16. “God

your best. And so am I!” “Thanks, Mom,” Amy replied. “As long as I know God remembers me, I can be brave to keep trying.” Then she gave Mom a hug. —EE

tion Reflec od will gotten by God? Write “G What makes you feel for today palm to remind yourself not forget me” on your God’s thoughts. that you are always in


Mee h t i w e g a r u o Enc ay Verse of the D and sisters, warn hers We urge you, brot and disruptive, le those who are id the sheartened, help encourage the di with everyone. weak, be patient s 5:14 —1 Thessalonian


1 Thessalonians



ad, do you think this Covid-19 virus will ever go away for good?” Isaiah asked as he and Dad jogged around their neighborhood. “Many scientists are working hard to find a cure,” Dad said. “But no one really knows how long the virus will be around.” “Does that mean I can’t have a big birthday party for my 10th birthday?” Isaiah asked, dragging his feet behind Dad. “Well, cutting down on big events helps to prevent another big spread of this virus,” Dad said. “You know, we are fortunate that we’re just missing out on doing some things that we enjoy. Many people have lost their jobs and income, and are disheartened.” Isaiah nodded. “My classmate is very sad. He says his parents’ food stall has seen a big drop in customers because people are not eating out,” he said as he and Dad ran around a bend.


Pra yer “Is there something we can do to encourage his family?” Dad asked. “Remember the Bible verse from our pastor’s sermon today? First Thessalonians 5:14 reminds us to encourage the disheartened. ”

Lord , ope n my eyes to se e tho arou se nd dishe us who ar arten ed, a e me t nd g he o ive pp enco urag ortunity to e the m.

Isaiah thought hard as he panted up the slope. “For my coming birthday, can we buy 50 packets of hokkien mee from their stall and distribute to our neighbors?” he asked excitedly as his steps quickened. “It will encourage my friend’s family and also bless our neighbors!” “That’s a meaningful birthday wish,” Dad said. “Of course!” “I want to use my savings to help pay, too,” Isaiah exclaimed. “Let’s hurry home. I want to call my friend to tell him now!” Isaiah sprinted home as Dad chased to keep up. —EL

tion Reflec courage rson whom you can en Can you think of one pe ll do for wi gesture of care? What with words or a simple him or her today?


s r e t s i S d n a s r Brothe ay Verse of the D, “Where is your Cain The LORD said to don’t know, ” brother Abel?” “I my brother’s he replied. “Am I s 4:9 keeper?”—Genesi


Genesis 4:2–10


hate you!” Tommy shouted before storming out of his bedroom. Dad walked in just as Rachel yelled out in response, “It’s not my fault that you’re stupid!” “Hey! What’s this all about? Why did you say such a hurtful thing to Tommy?” Dad asked, frowning. Rachel replied: “Tommy’s just envious that my exam results are better than his. He got upset when I said you would reward me, but probably punish him.” Dad sat both of them down. He said: “There’s a tragic story in the Bible about two brothers called Cain and Abel. Cain was envious because God accepted Abel’s offering, but not his. Cain got so angry that he murdered his brother. When God asked him where was Abel, Cain said ‘I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?’ (Genesis 4:9). But God knew what he had done, so He punished Cain.”


Pra yer “I’ve heard this story before,” Rachel said, “but what does ‘brother’s keeper’ mean?” “‘Keeper’ means guardian or protector,” Dad explained. “As brother and sister, you are supposed to protect, not fight, each other. Don’t follow Cain’s way. But be

Lord , th the f ank You amil y You for given have me. H to ca e l p me re show for them ing l by ove, and respe kind nes ct, be m y bro s. Help m thers e to keep ’ and er. siste rs’

one another’s keeper instead.” Dad added: “Tommy, you will always be loved by Mom and I. Having poor results doesn’t mean we love you any less.” He turned to Tommy’s sister. “Rachel, doing well for your exams is no reason to be arrogant and rude to your brother.” “As a family, we celebrate each other’s success together and we help each other to improve. The two of you must be willing to forgive each other and be best friends again, because this is what God wants you to be—a brother’s keeper!” —SC

tion Reflec What do brother or sister a lot? Do you fight with your of some Instead of fighting, think you always fight over? lp each other. areas where you can he


Be Still & Know ay Verse of the D

sending you So now, go. I am ing my people to Pharaoh to br t of Egypt. the Israelites ou —Exodus 3:10


Exodus 3:1–10


om, how come God doesn’t speak to me?” Caleb asked as he got ready for bed. Mom had just read with him the Bible verses of God speaking to Moses in a

personal way.

“God speaks to each of us differently,” she replied. “In

Exodus 3:10, God spoke to Moses through a burning bush in the desert when He sent Moses to Pharaoh to bring His people, the Israelites, out of Egypt. You know, God spoke to me through you when you were five years old.” “Really?” Caleb said. “I had just been diagnosed with cancer and was waiting for the hospital’s test results on whether I needed chemotherapy treatment. I told God my anxiety about the treatment,” Mom said. “And God answered you?” Caleb asked, with eyes opening wide.


Pra yer Lord “Yes,” Mom said. “Auntie Swee Hwa , than k You bein sent me a phone message with the g so f perso or with link to the worship song ‘Still’, which n al us an d to us is about how God is with us through perso speaking thou n gh Yo ally, eve stormy times. Later that day, you n u are and migh so ho came to my room at bedtime and ty. ly sang the same song to me. God spoke to me through you both.” Caleb smiled and started belting out the song in gusto. “The song takes its inspiration from Psalm 46 and assured me that God would be with me through my chemotherapy storm,” Mom said. “That was the only time you sang to me during that period, but it was right when I needed it.” “You mean God speaks in such a specific way?” Caleb asked. “Yes,” Mom said. “We have a personal God,” Caleb said, humming ‘Still’ sleepily until he was finally still and sound asleep. —EL

tion Reflec gh words d speaking to you throu Have you experienced Go d some s, or another way? Spen of encouragement, song for it. moment and thank God time reflecting on that


The Lord ’s Day ay Verse of the D r and do l labo Six days you shal t the seventh all your work, bu to the LORD day is a sabbath u shall your God. On it yo not do any work. 5:13–14 —Deuteronomy



Deuteronomy 5:


ey Dad, I can’t make it for church tomorrow,” Matt said one Saturday evening. Dad looked at his son’s worn out face and asked, “Oh?

Why’s that?” “I’ve been training hard for my fencing competition. And I’ve been staying up late working on my science project. Anyway, I have to meet my project team for a discussion tomorrow, and then go for extra fencing training,” Matt answered. Dad replied gently, “That’s a lot on your plate, I’m not surprised you’re so tired. But, son, the Bible tells us to work for six days a week and to rest on the seventh day (Deuteronomy 5:13–14). God called it the Sabbath day, a day to rest and spend time with Him.” Matt uttered in surprise, “I didn’t know the Bible would tell us when to work and when to rest!”


Dad answered, “In His wisdom, God knew we’d need

Pra yer a day of rest. When we spend time with Him, and pause from our regular activities, we refresh ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually. It strengthens us to face the new week ahead.”

Lord , he a day lp me k eep o refle f rest an d ction , to r my b echa ody, rge m spiri i n d and t, so that You I ca and o thers n serve week in th ahea e d.

“Wow, it’s like God has already planned our time in the most optimal way for us—when to work, when to rest, and when to have fellowship with Him,” Matt said thoughtfully. “Exactly! So, what do you think you should be doing tomorrow?” Dad asked. “I will go to church and spend time with God. Then, I’ll meet up with my project team mates. But I will put off the extra fencing training so that I could rest physically, mentally, and spiritually.” “That’s great!” Dad said, giving Matt a big smile. —AL

tion Reflec t you activities better, so tha How can you plan your harge? have time to rest and rec



Deep and Wide ay Verse of the D oted and ing ro I pray that you, be ve, may have established in lo p how wide power . . . to gras and deep and long and high t. ris is the love of Ch –18 17 3: s —Ephesian



Ephesians 3:14–


ncle Sam the explorer was coming for dinner. He had just scaled the highest mountain, Everest, and Mom and Dad were throwing a party to celebrate. The doorbell rang. “Uncle Sam!” Johanna rushed to the door and hugged him. Uncle Sam was a big, muscular man. He picked Johanna up and swung her in the air. “Too high, too high!” screamed Johanna. “Not as high as Everest!” boomed Uncle Sam. Over dinner, Uncle Sam regaled the family with tales of his travels. He had trudged through snow, endured icy blasts of wind, aching legs and frostbite, to reach the summit. Besides conquering the highest mountain, Uncle Sam had also journeyed to the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. But his favorite adventure was sailing around the world in a yacht.


Pra yer Lord “Why do you go on adventures, Je to kn sus, I wa Uncle Sam?” asked Johanna. n ow Y ou m t Plea Uncle Sam beamed. “To ore. se he lp expe understand how much God loves us!” rienc me e much just h Johanna stared at him, puzzled. You love ow I ma me yb “In Ephesians 3:18, the apostle love. e rooted , that in Yo Paul prays for Christians to know ur how wide, how long, how high, and how deep the love of Jesus is. After climbing the tallest mountain, reaching the deepest sea and going all around the Earth, I understand that better! “You are 1 meter tall, right? Everest is 8,850 meters high. Imagine if I lined you up head to toe. It would take 8,850 of you!”

love for you is higher than the tallest mountain, deeper than the deepest sea, and wider than the Earth! Now that’s a deep truth!” —SH

“But guess what?” Uncle Sam continued. “God’s

tion Reflec out God loves you? Think ab How much do you think us to u by sending His Son Jes what He has done for Yo die on the cross for you.


r Cheerful Give ay Verse of the D cided

ve de Give what you ha ve, not gi in your heart to der compulsion, reluctantly or un eerful giver. for God loves a ch 7 —2 Corinthians 9:



2 Corinthians 9:6–


rica shared sad news as she walked in the door after school. “My classmate’s family lives in Mindanao,” she told Mom. “Today’s earthquake was the third to have hit southern Philippines this month. Many people have been injured and buildings have been damaged. I don’t know how to help, Mom.” “Well, an announcement has just gone out from our pastor—look.” Mom passed her phone to Erica, who read off the screen: “‘Our church will be taking a collection for churches whose meeting places need repairs or rebuilding after the recent earthquakes. Please pray for our friends in Mindanao and consider making a donation.’” “Great—how much should I give?” Erica asked. Mom opened her Bible app to 2 Corinthians 9. “At the time that Paul wrote this letter to believers in the city of Corinth,” she explained, “Christians in Jerusalem were in need. Paul


Pra yer Lord and his friends collected money from , help me t with churches in other places and took it og out c a l t culat ive h e cos to Jerusalem. He did not expect the ing t in a way. selfis Corinthians to give what they did not May h m othe rs so y gifts he have or until they became poorer lp that You th than than their Jerusalem friends. The ks an ey give d pra ise. point was for everyone to give generously and willingly, because God is pleased with such giving.” “Why does giving freely please God?” asked Erica.

Pointing to verses 8 and 11, Mom said: “Everything we need

in order to help others comes from God. When we give happily, we are sharing with others what God has so generously provided for us!”

“I see!” Erica exclaimed. “Mom, could you help me transfer some of my savings to the collection account?” —KK

tion Reflec w does ewhere is in need? Ho Who around you or els nerously? courage you to give ge 2 Corinthians 9:6–11 en


ds n a t s r e d n U d Go ay Verse of the D mighty in

D and Great is our LOR rstanding has no power; his unde 7:5 limit. —Psalm 14


Psalm 147:1–11


fter his family moved to a new home, Ryan had to attend a new school. As he prepared to go to school each morning, Mom would encourage him, assuring him that she understood that change was hard. But one morning, Ryan felt especially grumpy, and Mom could see it. “What’s bothering you, Ryan?” she asked. Staring out of the window, Ryan shrugged. “I don’t know, Mom. I just have too many feelings.” Mom nodded understandingly. “I know, the move is hard for all of us,” she replied. Then she reminded Ryan that God understood how he felt. “Even if we can’t explain our frustrations, God knows everything, and He’s always right by our side,” she added. She took out her Bible and flipped to Psalm 147. The writer, she explained, also experienced overwhelming emotions. But he trusted that God, the all-knowing Maker and Sustainer of all, would heal our broken hearts, and comfort and strengthen us (vv. 1–6). That was why 42

Pra yer he was able to continue praising God for the ways He provides and put his hope in God’s unfailing love (v. 11).

Mom said: “When we’re

struggling to make sense of how we feel, we don’t have to feel alone

Lord , You unde how rs I fee l eve tand I can n ’t w own describe hen my feeli ngs. You Th for c aring ank emo a tio bo need nal and p ut my s. hysic al

or discouraged. We can rest in the love and unlimited understanding of our unchanging God.” Then Mom suggested making plans to meet Ryan’s new classmates over the weekend, so that he could get to know them more. This made Ryan feel a little better, so before they left for school, they stopped to pray to God for comfort, and thanked Him for understanding them even when they had “too many feelings.” —Adapted from Our Daily Bread 5 Sep 2020 article, by Xochitl Dixon

tion Reflec needs, t God understands your How does knowing tha feelings at th your feelings? Wh help you to trust Him wi and place into God’s mighty do you find difficult to merciful hands?


s a l l e r b m U g n Throwi ay Verse of the D

ed and saw a When Jesus land d compassion large crowd, he ha e they were on them, becaus t a shepherd. like sheep withou —Mark 6:34


Mark 6:30–34


eavy raindrops started to fall on the car windshield. “Drive safely, Grandpa!” cried Penny. The car reached a red light beside a worksite. Four construction workers were digging up the road. They were going to get soaked. “Stay here,” Grandpa Graham commanded. He stopped the car, grabbed four umbrellas and ran through the rain. Penny looked through the window and saw Grandpa handing umbrellas to the workers one by one. Then he ran back to the car, dripping wet. “Why did you do that, Grandpa?” asked Penny. “You’re all wet!” “It’s okay, Penny, the workers need the umbrellas. They work long hours, rain or shine, for very little money. It’s the least I could do.” “But now we don’t have an umbrella,” whined Penny. “Do you remember the story from the audio Bible we just listened


Pra yer Than to?” said Grandpa. “Jesus and His k You , Jesu for b disciples were tired and hungry after s, eing o a u n r kin d car preaching and healing sick people all d ing Plea se he Shepherd day. They went away to a quiet place lp m . kind e and to rest, but people kept following comp to be too. assio them!” nate , “Why didn’t Jesus tell them to go away, Grandpa?” asked Penny. “When Jesus looked at the people, His heart went out to them,” replied Grandpa. “Mark 6:34 says: ‘He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.’ They had no one to shelter and take care of them, just like the workers. Jesus has been good to us, Penny. Just look at this car you’re sitting in. It keeps out the rain and lets you stay dry and comfortable. Now, we can do good to others too.”

“Although we’re caught in this downpour, we can still show compassion to others, just like Jesus did even though He was tired and hungry.” —SH

“You’re right, Grandpa,” said Penny.

tion Reflec u? you and been good to yo How has Jesus blessed aners, n bless the workers, cle ca u yo ys wa me so of Think u. and others who serve yo


cope s o d i e l a K ’s d Go ay Verse of the D ay see

at I m Open my eyes th in your law. wonderful things —Psalm 119:18



Psalm 119:97–10


iyen was totally absorbed as she peeped into the kaleidoscope, gasping in wonder as she twisted and turned the toy this way and that. “Mom, every time I think I’ve seen all the colors and patterns, I see new arrangements. How does that happen?” Liyen asked. “You are looking into a kaleidoscope—a toy that uses light and mirrors to reflect objects and create repeating patterns. Different kaleidoscopes create different patterns, but all of them work by catching the light at different angles to create unique reflections,” Mom explained. “Wow, I’ve never really experienced anything quite like this; I can spend hours on it, Mommy,” Liyen said. “Well, you do look into a spiritual kaleidoscope every day,” Mom said.


Pra yer “What do you mean?” Liyen asked. “When the psalmist asks God in Psalm 119:18 to ‘open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law’, he was asking God to help him see marvelous truths each time he reads God’s Word. For the psalmist, reading God’s Word is like your kaleidoscope experience; he could read it all day,” Mom explained.

Lord , plea se eyes as I r open my ead y Bible ou c regu arefully a r lar nd see w ly, so tha t o I ma y in Yo nderful t hing ur W s o r read ing. T d with ea hank ch You.

She added: “What this means is, the longer and the

more you look into God’s Word, the more He will help you see His Word with fresh, deeper understanding.”

“Wow!” Liyen said. “I never saw the Bible as a spiritual kaleidoscope the way you described it. Now I am even more excited to read it to see how I may gain deeper understanding of the same verse after I read it a few times.” —NWJ

tion Reflec m again Bible verses? Read the What are your favorite g. u a deeper understandin and ask God to give yo


ly d a e D t u B y t t Pre ay Verse of the D the father r and [The devil] is a lia 44 of lies. —John 8:


Genesis 3:1–7


ah, what a pretty insect!” Binhua and Bingbing were watching a TV documentary on insects, and they were captivated by images of the spotted lanternfly. “Kor (Chinese dialect for elder brother), look at the wings!” exclaimed Bingbing. “It’s full of polka dots, and it’s bright red inside!” Binhua wasn’t usually keen on insects. But even he was struck by the lanternfly’s colors. “It looks a bit like a Ferrari sports car!” he said. Dad agreed. “But look, it’s pretty . . . deadly!” Bingbing’s eyes opened wide as the images showed lanternflies eating up plants, then leaving behind a sticky goo that caused mold, damaging the trees. These beautiful flies, they learned, were pests. “Ha, just like the apple that Adam and Eve ate,” remarked Binhua. “It wasn’t an apple!” interrupted Bingbing. Dad shushed her and gestured to Binhua to continue. “Why do you say so?”


Pra yer Jesus “Well, doesn’t the Bible say that the ,p the w lease giv fruit”—he looked at his sister and rolled e is what dom to k me his eyes—“looked delicious? But it now is go o and what d for me turned out to be a deadly sin.” is no than t. A kY Dad nodded, impressed. “You’re alwa ou that I nd ys ca right. Satan told Adam and Eve that prote rely on Y n o c u for tion. the fruit would make them ‘be like God’ (Genesis 3:1–7).” “But why did he do this?” asked Bingbing. “Because Satan ‘is a liar and the father of lies’ (John

“He makes certain things and people very attractive to our eyes to lure us to disobey God.”

8:44),” replied Dad.

“Then what can we do?” Bingbing asked. “Don’t worry,” Binhua said. “We have Jesus! If we stay close to Him and keep His Word, He will help us avoid the beautiful but deadly things!” —LK

tion Reflec that s of things (or people) Think of some example adly attractive, but can be de might look beautiful or l if they are harmless or to you. How can you tel dangerous?


A Mean Cut ay Verse of the D d, gracious g Go You are a forgivin , slow to te na io and compass ing in love. anger and abound —Nehemiah 9:17


Nehemiah 9:17,



saac, did you argue with your classmate Calvin recently?” Mom asked during dinner. “No,” Isaac said in between mouthfuls. “But I don’t like how he talks so loudly.” “Does that give you the right to use a pair of scissors to cut his hair?” Mom asked. Isaac’s face turned bright red. “Your teacher called me today. He said that he caught you snipping your classmate’s hair in class,” Mom said. “Why would you do such a terrible thing?” Isaac looked down and poked at his vegetables. “I only cut off a few strands of hair. I didn’t hurt him.” “The scissors is a sharp instrument. You could have accidentally cut him,” Mom said sternly. “Remember that I told you last night about reminding Calvin to speak more softly to you? I’m disappointed that


Pra yer Lord you not only didn’t listen, but did such a , than k bein mean act instead.” g for You for givin for lo g an Isaac swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, vi to be ng me. H d Mom. Can you forgive me?” el q forgi uick to s p me e v e “Do you remember last Sunday’s e done ness whe k Your n I’ve wron sermon on Nehemiah 9:17?” Mom g Your love , and not asked. “The Israelites stubbornly for g t rante ake d. refused to listen to God and failed to remember the miracles that they saw God perform. But God is a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. He did not give up on them. There is never a wrong so big that God cannot forgive.

Likewise, there is no wrong you do that will stop me from loving you and forgiving you. But I definitely need to correct you.” Isaac sniffed quietly. “I will listen to you from now on.” “I’m glad to hear that. Finish your dinner and we’ll talk about how you will apologize to Calvin tomorrow.” —EL

tion Reflec family or anything wrong to your ne do or id sa u yo ve Ha l Him ongdoing to God and tel friends? Confess your wr that you are sorry.


While You Can ay Verse of the D epared in

be pr Preach the word; season; correct, of season and out t urage—with grea rebuke and enco ful instruction. patience and care —2 Timothy 4:2


2 Timothy 4:1–2


om, are you going out after dinner?” Dan asked. “Yes, Dan. I’m going to church for a prayer meeting. Tonight, we’ll be praying for persecuted Christians around the world,” Mom said, dishing food onto Dan’s plate. “What does per-see-cute-ed mean?” Dan asked. “It’s when Christians are cruelly or unfairly treated because of their faith,” Mom replied. Then she added: “Dan, your Sunday school teacher emailed me to say there’s an evangelistic event coming up in church. She reminded me to encourage you to invite your friends.” Dan whined, “Aw, Mom, I invited my classmates the last time, but only one person came. Do I have to invite them again?” “Well,” Mom said thoughtfully, “you should invite them while you can. We’re blessed to live in a place where we’re not being persecuted. Our Bibles are not being taken away, the crosses outside our churches are not being destroyed, and our church


Pra yer services are not being stopped.”

Mom continued: “The Bible

encourages us to reach out to people at all times. Second Timothy 4:2 tells us to be ready to serve God in both

Lord , give m cour age t e the o inv othe ite rs good to listen to n whil ews of Je the eIh s us ave t he ch ance .

good and bad times, to correct people’s mistakes, to warn them, and to encourage them with words of hope.” “It’s a blessing that we live in a place where we can freely invite others to listen to the good news that Jesus has died for our sins. In places where Christians are being persecuted, people may not get the chance to hear this, so . . .” “ . . . so while I can, I should invite others!” Dan finished Mom’s sentence, nodding. “That makes sense, Mom! I’ll invite my classmates tomorrow!” —RW

tion Reflec ace, d that you can live in pe Say a prayer thanking Go to church urch, and invite others ch to go le, Bib the d rea y for unfairly treated. Then, pra without being cruelly or nce und the world to experie aro ns tia ris Ch ted cu rse pe tection. God’s presence and pro


e Never Too Lat ay Verse of the D

s friends and Then he calls hi er and says, neighbors togeth I have found “Rejoice with me; Luke 15:6 my lost sheep.” —


Luke 15:1–7


ryan! Remember me? It’s Sandra! Colin is here too!” Bryan turned towards the familiar voice, then smiled as he recognized the faces. “Hey! It’s been a long time,” he

replied. “Yes,” said Sandra, “we haven’t seen you in church since the children’s camp a few years ago. Where have you been?” Bryan shrugged. “I was busy with school. I had lots of assignments, exams, and soccer training. I was so tired that one Sunday I just decided to skip church.” “So?” asked Colin. “Why didn’t you go the next week?” “It was the same every week,” said Bryan sheepishly. “After skipping church a few weeks, I didn’t feel like going anymore.” “Well, it’s school holidays now. So why not come back to church?” Sandra suggested. Bryan mumbled, “I haven’t picked up my Bible in years.”


Pra yer Dear “Remember the story of the Je for n sus, than shepherd who has a hundred sheep ot gi k You ving us w and one goes missing?” asked Sandra. u p on hen we d and rift a let o Bryan thought for a while, then way ur s hobb ies, a tudies, his eyes lit up. “Yes! I remember nd fr beco iend me m learning that in Sunday school o than re im s Yo p years ago! You’re not saying I’m respo u. Help u ortant s n that dumb sheep, are you?” retur d to Your to n to c all a You. nd to Sandra laughed. “Luke

15:6 says that the shepherd was so happy when he found the sheep, he exclaimed, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’”

“And verse 7 says that all of heaven throws a party when a lost sheep returns!” added Colin. “See, God never gives up on us.” Sandra nodded, “Yeah. So will we see you this Sunday?” Bryan smiled. —SC

tion Reflec you from t seems to be keeping Is there something tha scuss ding time with Jesus? Di going to church or spen activities you can organize your with your parents how can grow closer to Him. differently so that you


Being Godly ay Verse of the D ned

ve lear Whatever you ha ard from me, or received or he t it into or seen in me—pu ians 4:9 practice. —Philipp



Philippians 4:8–


ing was in the living room practicing her dance routine for an upcoming school concert. As she twirled around, she raised both hands and leapt into the air to execute a dramatic move. Suddenly, she heard a piercing squeal. “Waaaaaaaah!” Ling had hit Ban Ban, her younger brother. When Mom rushed over, she noticed Ban Ban had a huge bruise on his forehead. “Ling!” Mom said angrily. “Be more careful! Watch out for others!” Ling knew that she could have been more careful. But she felt so ashamed of injuring her brother that she couldn’t bear it, and became defensive. “It’s his fault for coming so close to me! How can I practice with this silly toddler around? Go away!” Ling shoved Ban Ban as she stomped off, making him cry again. Later on, Mom went to Ling’s room. “Mom, I’m so sorry,” Ling said before Mom spoke. Mom could tell that Ling was sincere.


Pra yer “I’m glad you’re sorry, Ling,” Mom Lord ,w some hen I do said. “When we do something wrong, thing I ten we sometimes react by denying it, or d to wrong, d enyin react by blaming others. As natural as such othe g it or bl a rs. Fo reactions seem to be, God wouldn’t rgive ming help m me t want us to behave this way.” o rea e, and that c p t l in a ease Mom continued: “In wa s You more y Philippians 4:8, Paul encourages . believers to think about whatever is true, noble, and right. Then, he adds: whatever you’ve seen or learned from me, ‘put it into practice’ (v.9). The more you practice your dance moves, the easier they become. Likewise, the more we practice thinking and doing what is right, the easier it becomes to please God.

While we can brush this minor incident off, let’s take the chance to discuss how to practice more godly reactions, okay?” Ling nodded, and hugged Mom. —RW

tion Reflec sing cted in a more God-plea How could Ling have rea or ing ny time you reacted by de way? Think of the last re Godn you do to practice mo blaming others. What ca pleasing reactions?


er Promi se-keep ay Verse of the D , Abraham ntly After waiting patie as promised. received what w —Hebrews 6:15


Hebrews 6:13–20


want that strawberry ice cream!” Penny pleaded with her mom as she walked past the store window displaying a row of rainbow-colored flavors in the fridge. “Sure, but only after our lunch,” Mom promised without pausing a beat. Groaning, Penny looked longingly at the ice cream as they walked away. After a scrumptious lunch, Penny and her mom left the restaurant. Smiling, Mom took Penny by the hand and led her back to the ice cream parlour. “I actually forgot all about the ice cream, but you kept your promise!” Penny said.

we keep our promises, we reflect what our God is like. He is a promise-keeper and we can trust Him wholeheartedly ,”


“Why, of course! Promises are meant to be kept. When

Pra yer Lord Mom reminded. , than k bein “Does God keep every single g a p You for romi keep sepromise He has made?” Penny asked. er trust whom I Mom replied: “Yes, He does. ca .G faith ive me th n t e Remember the Bible character o prom cling on ises t o You Abraham? God had promised to and to fu r w l a fi i t for l the bless him with a son. Hebrews m. You 6:15 tells us that ‘after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.’ Abraham waited 25 years for Isaac’s birth. There were moments when he doubted. But God showed himself faithful. He never forgets His promise. At the right time, He fulfils it! Just as you were patient and obedient in waiting for ice cream, you received what was promised.” Pushing open the glass doors, Penny chirped: “Thank you for modelling who God is to me, Mom. I have a better understanding of God as a promise-keeper who has the best for me now!” —AT

tion Reflec to you. God kept His promises Think back on the times peace simple like giving you It could be something you were lming your fears when when you prayed or ca afraid.


Pass It On ay Verse of the D they may that Hear my words so as long as e learn to revere m nd and may they live in the la eir children. teach them to th 4:10 —Deuteronomy



Deuteronomy 4:


harlene sobbed as Ye Ye’s (paternal grandfather) coffin slid into the cremation furnace. “Mom—I miss Ye Ye already,” Charlene cried as Mom hugged her. At bedtime that night, she asked: “Mommy, how can I remember Ye Ye forever?” “That’s a good question and the Bible has a good answer,” Mom replied as she took out the Bible and read Deuteronomy 4:9–10.

“Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let

them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them

to your children and to their children after them. Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, ‘Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children’.” 60

Pra yer Lord Charlene asked: “What do the verses , th bless ank You mean?” fo ing m e wit r peop Mom answered: “Tell me. What do h le to be who tea you remember about Ye Ye?” ch m a go e od C Help hrist me t “I remember him as kind, i an. or them by pr emembe generous, always reading the r a they ’ve ta cticing w Bible to me and praying with me, ught hat me. especially the night before my exams,” Charlene said. “That’s a good way to remember Ye Ye. He was passing on God’s teaching to you just as God instructed in Deuteronomy 4:9–10. Ye Ye hopes that you will trust in God like he does, and to live a God-pleasing life. You remember Ye Ye when you practice what you’ve learned from him. For example, if you pray with brother Ben, you are passing on what Ye Ye has taught you, and remembering Ye Ye,” Mom explained. Charlene said: “Thanks, Mommy. I will try my best to remember Ye Ye in this way. And I will pass on the faith to Ben just as Ye Ye did to me.” —NWJ

tion Reflec cher? as a good mentor or tea Who do you remember d rne do with what you’ve lea What do you intend to from this person?



Jo Fini shing the ay Verse of the D work in

good He who began a on to completion you will carry it Christ Jesus. until the day of —Philippians 1:6



Philippians 1:3–


ow was the sleepover?” asked Dad, carrying Yixing and Yiming’s overnight bags to the car. The children had spent the night at their cousins’ brand-new apartment. “Lots of fun,” Yixing chirped. “Everything from their old place is there, plus new bunk beds in Jed and Fiona’s room, and new shelves for all their books, toys, and games!” “But Uncle Stanley wouldn’t let us play in the study,” Yiming said. “It looked a real mess, with unpainted walls and wooden planks everywhere. Why did they move in before the workers finished fixing it up?” “They had to leave their old apartment,” Dad explained, “and the renovation took longer than planned. It will get done eventually.” “Aunty Lily was sure about that, too,” Yixing recalled, fastening her seatbelt. “Something about a contract—an agreement made with the workers—for them to finish the job.”


Pra yer Lord “And before lights out,” added , th savin ank You Yiming, “Uncle Stanley and Aunty for g me and on to Lily read to all of us cousins from g o fi work nish You ing r Philippians 1 about the change in m e retur ns. P until Jesu that God begins in believers. They lease s wisd give om t taught us that it’s a sure thing that m o choic e make es th between the moment we first at br good hono ing Y r. ou believe in Jesus and the day He returns to earth, He will finish His job of making us like Him (v. 6).” “How did that promise make you feel?” Dad asked as he started the car engine.

“Glad!” said Yixing, and Yiming nodded. “It’s cool knowing

for sure that God doesn’t leave us ‘half-finished’, but will make us complete and perfect in time. It means I can now ask Him every day to help me understand what goes on around me and make decisions that please Him.” —KK

tion Reflec ways you think and behave in How do you feel when ns th? How does Philippia that God is not happy wi to respond to God? 1:3–11 encourage you


Make Me Bold ay Verse of the D

that whenever Pray also for me, ay be given me I speak, words m lessly make so that I will fear ry of the gospel. known the myste —Ephesians 6:19



Ephesians 6:19–


om, why do you share about Jesus with people? Don’t they think you’re weird?” Russell asked earnestly. Studying Russell’s face intently, Mom gently prodded: “Now, before I answer you, tell me, why did you ask this question?” Looking away, Russell muttered: “At soccer practice today, Peter suddenly turned to me and sneered, ‘You’re so strange for believing in Jesus. He isn’t even real!’ I didn’t know how to respond to him. I felt like a loser!” Placing a comforting hand on Russell’s shoulder, Mom nodded. “It must have been hard to hear that. However, do you feel strange for believing in Jesus? Is He real to you?” Thinking carefully, Russell replied: “Jesus is real to me as I’ve experienced His presence. I know He loves me and died for my sins.” Mom beamed with joy. “There’s your answer, Russell. Jesus is very


Pra yer real to me, too. He is deeply involved in my life, every day and in every moment.

Lord , th lovin ank You for g me . Hel to be p m b in te rave and e lling bold othe You. rs ab out

I share about Jesus with others because He means a great deal to me. Whether or not someone finds me strange, doesn’t change the fact that I love Jesus and I want others to enjoy knowing Him too.”

Mom continued: “In Ephesians 6:19, Paul asked God to give him the words so that he would ‘fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.’ Now, when Paul wrote this, he was actually in prison for boldly sharing about Jesus. He simply could not keep the good news to himself! Likewise, we can be bold in sharing about who Jesus is to those around us.” Russell nodded. “Thanks, Mom! I won’t be afraid to tell Peter next week about how good and mighty God is!” —AT

tion Reflec Write en God was real to you. Think about one time wh l have this list and soon, you’l it down. Keep adding to at He out who Jesus is and wh many stories to share ab has done for you.


Can you find the right line that connects to the headphone? 1 2 3 4 5

Bring your cares and worries to God, who listens and hears your prayers.

While revising for tests and exams, it is important to still have enough rest and sleep. Take a break from your books when you don’t have the energy to focus anymore. Relax, talk to God, or do an activity you enjoy for a short while. You will find three fun puzzles here, each containing a message for you. As you solve each puzzle, remember to read the message carefully!

God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. (Go

—Psalm 66:19 20






to read the devotional on Psalm 6


Oops, our note to you has got jumbled into a mix of pictures and letters! Can you decode the message?

_ who HOE - O = ___ __ good ___ ___ ___ a _ __ _ __ = N + BEE - E + G + A ___ ___ ___ WOK + R = ___ _ y ou PIN - P = ___ __ _ ___ ___ ___ WELL - E + I = __ _ it _ ___ ___ ___ __ CAR + R + Y = __ ___ ___ CORN - C - R = completion 2 - W = ___ ___ e ___ ___ ___ th _ __ _ __ = L + I SUN - S + T + ___ ___ ___ of HAY - H + D = _ Jesus _ ___ ___ ___ __ __ = T + S + A CHAIR -

Write out the message here.

(Go to page 62 to read the devotional on Philippians 1:6.)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble,

whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy

—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or

received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. —Philippians 4:8–9 We have hidden 15 wo rds from Philippians 4:8 –9 in the puzzle. Can you find all of the m?





D M I R A B L E M I L Z P P R A C T I C E X T W U N J T H A V Y N O L R I L G R F B W A D B E G E O N U N P B G C L R X G V L E B I W P T E C F R E J K X M F I S E T E A L P A Q D Q Q L H C R Y Y I G H T G L I E N W U N F K A Z E N I E Z O O A C E B N K V D N U J Y E O F T W E G J X O A I S E E N D I Z M G (Go to page 56 to read the

devotional on Philippian

s 4:8 –9.)

Hooray, you’ve solved all three puzzles! Did you read the three messages carefully? Remember, you are a child of God. He knows you, hears you, and loves you. Choose one of these messages to memorise and remind yourself that whatever you are going through, God is with you.

Journey with Peter and see how he was transformed from an unpolished, untrained, and uneducated fisherman to become the spokesman of a group that would turn the world upside down.

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A devotional that explains God ’s Word through engaging stories. With devotions that children can connect with and questions to get them thinking and talking, this 31-day devotional will encourage families and their young ones to spend time in God’s Word and draw closer to Him.

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