Genesis 6:11-22
Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord. - Genesis 6:8
In an old African story, four fingers and a thumb lived together on a hand. They were best friends. One day, they saw a gold ring lying next to them and wanted to take it. The thumb said it would be wrong to steal the ring, but the four fingers called him a coward and stopped being his friend. That was just fine with the thumb; he didn’t want to be a part of their plan. This is why, the story goes, the thumb still stands apart from the other fingers.
This story makes me think of the times we may feel we’re standing alone when our friends are doing wrong things and we hang back, not wanting to join in. When Noah was alive, the earth was filled with violence; every thought in every mind was “only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). Yet “Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord” (v.8). Noah loved God and obeyed Him by building the ark. God, in His love, kept Noah and his family alive in the flood.
God has shown us grace too by His Son Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. We have lots of reasons to love Him and stand up for Him every day. He is always with us, so we never really stand alone. His “ears are attentive to [our] cry” (Psalm 34:15).
By Jennifer Benson Schuldt
1. What did God decide to do, and why (Genesis 6:11-14, 17-20)?
2. How did Noah respond to God’s warning and instructions (Genesis 6:22)? Do you think it was easy or difficult for him to do this, and why?
3. In what ways is God commanding you to be different from everyone else around you, like Noah was in his day? How have you responded, or how will you respond to God’s command?
Father, it’s hard to stand up for what’s right when my friends all want to do something wrong. Please help me to be brave and remind me that You are always standing with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.