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Remembering Our Friends and Brothers
The Hon. Bro. Dr. Felder became a member of Iota Alpha Chapter in 1950 and was most recently a member of Upsilon Sigma Chapter. He was a life member, and in 1995 was inductee #114 into the Distinguished Service Chapter, the Fraternity’s highest honor. He was a member in good standing for seven decades, and has now entered our Omega Chapter, making him a member of five chapters of the fraternity.
Bro. Randy Crumpton, Esq., joined through the Epsilon Pi Chapter at Southern Illinois University in 1986 and was most recently a member of Upsilon Sigma Chapter. He was an entertainment lawyer and served at the chairman of the Black prospective division of the Chicago International Film Festival. In 1990, Bro. Crumpton assisted Bro. Judge Carl Walker and Bro. Wayne Johnson with the founding of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s Zeta Zeta Sigma Chapter of Eastern Iowa

Bro. Arthur "Pete" Wilson became a member of Beta Chapter in Marshall, Texas, and was most recently a member of Upsilon Sigma Chapter He was an investigator for the State of Illinois Office of the Inspector General, and previously worked for the Illinois Department of Housing Services He also served as the President and CEO of The Wilson Group.
Hon. Bro. Justice Charles Freeman became a member of Lambda Chapter at Virginia Union University in 1954 and was most recently a member of Upsilon Sigma Chapter Hon. Bro. Justice Freeman became the first African American to administer the oath of office to a mayor in the City of Chicago when in 1983 he swore in our very own Hon. Bro. Harold Washington, the city’s first black mayor. Justice Freeman was elected to the Illinois Supreme Court on Nov. 6, 1990, as the first African American to serve on the Court. In 1997, he was selected Chief Justice, again making history. He retired from the Court in 2018.