Our Hospitals Charity Newsletter - November

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Making the


Kidney Unit Reaches Target

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A charity bulletin highlighting how we support the NHS in Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland and Hambleton & Richmondshire

Children’s Emergency Department 04 Mackenzie Thorpe T-Shirt 17 Charity Golf Day 18 November 2021 ourhospitalscharity.org


TO OUR LATEST NEWSLETTER As always, I’d like to start by thanking all of our incredible supporters who have generously donated to the charity over recent months. During what remains a challenging time, it’s been inspiring to see the life-changing difference that fundraising is making to staff and patients across Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland, Hambleton and Richmondshire. In the attached bulletin you’ll be able to find out how your support is directly improving the health and wellbeing of over one million people in our region. We’ll also be looking at some of our latest news and events, including an update on The James Cook Kidney Unit Appeal, our partnership with Farewill and festive themed fundraising.

organisations to raise vital funds that help our hospitals go further.

We’re also delighted to welcome Lisa Meehan to the team as our new fundraising manager. Lisa will play a key role in bringing together the donations of individuals and

Ben Murphy Head of Our Hospitals Charity

DRIVING DONATIONS FOR A NEW LOOK KIDNEY UNIT Patrick Burton from Thornaby is celebrating after winning a brand new car worth £16,500 thanks to Our Hospitals Charity and Drive Motor Retail. The 62-year-old was delighted to be named the lucky winner of The James Cook University Hospital’s Kidney Unit Appeal car raffle, which was part of a fundraising effort that raised £500,000 to create a bright, modern and welcoming facility for patients. Before winning the new Vauxhall Corsa SE, Patrick did not have access to a car. He said: “It came as a great surprise. It’s absolutely marvellous; it’ll be a great addition to the family because I’ll be daddy’s taxi again.”

Our Hospitals Charity teamed up with Drive Motor Retail back in April to launch the virtual raffle after the company generously handed over the keys to the new vehicle. Rob Keenan, group joint managing director at Drive Motor Retail, said: “We’re delighted to handover a brand-new Vauxhall Corsa to Patrick. It’s been a pleasure to be behind this campaign that has helped raise so much money for such a worthy cause.”

He added: “I’m a great believer in charity, and I use the NHS quite a lot so I like to give back as much as I can, so it’s a bonus all around to win the raffle.”

As we head into Christmas and the New Year, we look forward to a positive future for us all, including our NHS heroes, patients and those closest to you.

RAISING FUNDS BY RAISING A CUPPA On Monday 5th July, teams across James Cook, the Friarage and our community nursing teams, took part in the NHS Big Tea to mark the NHS’ 73rd Birthday and reflect on a year like no other. It was great to see our colleagues raise a cuppa and a smile whilst raising funds for our hospitals.



CHILDREN’S EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT WELCOMES FIRST PATIENTS Thanks to generous donations, the new children and young people’s emergency department at James Cook welcomed its first patients in September. The purpose-built department is only the second of its kind in the North East and will provide emergency care to more than 25,000 patients a year, covering all age ranges from neonates up to 18 years. Through our amazing fundraisers and local business we were able to fund a number of specialist facilities in the new unit including: • • • • •


Treatment and resuscitation rooms Mental health assessment room Sensory room and therapeutic toys Breastfeeding room Bladder scanners

Mackenzie Thorpe also kindly donated 12 limited edition prints for the new unit which makes it much more welcoming for children. The first patient to be seen at the department was sixweek-old Harry Wright. His mum Victoria Franklin, from Redcar, said it was a nice surprise to be the first to be seen in the newly opened department. She added: “We think Harry has a cow’s milk allergy so we thought we best come and get him reviewed. The new centre is lovely.”


YOU’VE ‘BEAN’ AMAZING! We’re delighted to announce our James Cook University Hospital Kidney Unit Appeal smashed its £500,000 target! Patients, renal unit staff and the local community pulled out all the stops to raise the funds in less than 12 months, ensuring patients can receive outstanding care in a first class facility for years to come. Thanks to their efforts the renal day unit has been revamped to better utilise space, offer a welcoming environment and new treatment rooms. Dr David Reaich, consultant nephrologist, said: “The old facilities were aging and were getting really cramped. Thanks to the help of our patients, staff, Our Hospitals Charity and local businesses, including Drive Motor Retail, we now have excellent facilities that will enable us to see an increasing number of patients.” The unit was officially opened by patients Neal Waters and Sarah Eales. Neal said: “It’s wonderful to see the new unit. It’s bright, airy and will make such a difference for the patients. All the renal staff are extremely positive so they now have the facilities to back them up, it’s brilliant.”


The kidney unit appeal was launched in November 2020. Since then, we’ve been inundated with generous legacies and kind donations from patients and their families. Fundraisers also took part in a series of sporting challenges including pulling on their trainers to join their fellow ‘runner beans’ in a 73 Mile Challenge to celebrate 73 years of the NHS. Others signed up as ‘jumping beans’ and completed a sponsored tandem skydive!

Funds were given another boost when Drive Motor Retail donated a Vauxhall Corsa SE to the appeal for a bumper online raffle. Ben Murphy head of Our Hospitals Charity said: “I want to say thank you to every one of our fundraisers. To raise this amount of money in under a year is a fantastic achievement and it’s going to benefit kidney patients for years to come.”


PAY A CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE TO LOST LOVED ONES We’re inviting people to remember their loved ones this Christmas by purchasing a personalised bauble to hang on our memorial Christmas trees. South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s specialist palliative care team is offering people the opportunity to pay tribute to their loved ones, or friends, who died within their hospitals by selling personalised ‘love baubles’. The baubles can be bought online via the Memorial Christmas Tree JustGiving page. Each bauble, which will feature a white feather and a personalised tribute, will be hung on either the dedicated memorial Christmas tree at James Cook or the Friarage.

receiving end of life care to help them cope at such a difficult time. Laura Devereux, Macmillan palliative and end of life support sister, said: “Last Christmas we were blown away with the amount of support and feedback we received by local families. We know that Christmas can be a very difficult time for those who have lost someone special so we hope our memorial trees go some way in offering comfort.”

All the money raised will go towards buying items for the palliative care team’s Dragonfly Scheme comfort bags and memory boxes. These are given to the relatives of patients

LEAVE A LEGACY, MAKE A LASTING DIFFERENCE We’ve teamed up with Farewill to offer 60 free wills. For generations writing a will has been slow, expensive and inconvenient. But, Farewill are making the process easier, faster and fairer than ever before. So much so, you can even write a will from the comfort of your own home. Ben Murphy, head of Our Hospitals Charity said: “After everything we’ve all been through and all the support we’ve had in the last 18 months we really wanted to give something back to our community. “If you get one of our free wills, I’d like to stress that there is no obligation to leave anything to the charity. However, if you do choose to leave a gift to Our Hospitals Charity, we know that is the greatest honour


we can receive and your help can make a lasting difference. “Some of our recent legacies have enabled us to create bereavement rooms, update our children’s emergency department and support our staff’s health and wellbeing. “The process is straightforward and our charitable status could reduce the overall amount of inheritance tax you’re liable to pay. No matter how big or small, your will can help leave a legacy that makes a lasting difference to our NHS heroes and those closest to you.” Visit our news page on the trust’s website for more information.


BIG CHALLENGES FOR LITTLE LEGS A big well done to 8-year-old Sofia Dowson, who is raising money for the neonatal intensive care unit at James Cook. Sofia is raising money to say thank you to the nurses who cared for her brother earlier this year. Sofia has climbed up Eston Hills, persuaded her step dad and aunt to shave their hair off and is thinking of her next challenge! Well done and thank you Sofia.

CLOCKING UP THE MILES 10-year-old Oliver has raised over £1400 by cycling more than 100km during lockdown last year! Oliver wanted to raise funds for the children’s critical care unit at James Cook, as a thank you to the care his brother Toby has received for the last 15 years. Money raised has enabled the unit to purchase a much needed weighing slide and number of DVD players for children to use on the unit. A big happy 15th birthday to Toby too!

WEARING THEIR HEARTS ON THEIR SLEEVES Redcar Athletic Reds Under 7s football team has been proudly raising awareness for Our Hospitals Charity by donning our logo on this season’s training tops. The team is also planning on holding fundraising events throughout the year to further support those closest to us. Best of luck for the season!

A MAKEOVER INSPIRED BY LOCAL LANDMARKS The Tocketts Ward at East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital has undergone a makeover thanks to generous charitable donations. A welcoming dining room has been inspired by local landmarks of Saltburn and Loftus, alongside a beautiful colourful balcony with stunning views and a front room that creates a nostalgic feel for patients.



HAIRCUTS, TEA AND A LONG OVERDUE CATCH-UP Well done to Joyce Cowley, 75 years-young from The Orchards in Brompton, who has raised over £350. Joyce wanted to thank the respiratory and CDU (clinical decision unit) staff at the Friarage, as well as Dr Spence who had saved her life twice.

CLIMBING BACK FROM GBS A huge thank you to Ben Pearce for his kind donation for the care he received at James Cook. Ben, who has been an outdoor enthusiast for most of his life, was left shocked and surprised when a rare disorder resulted in him being ventilated in intensive care and unable to move anything other than one eye. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), is a serious condition that affects the nerves, causing problems such as numbness, weakness and pain in the feet, hands and limbs. It has now been six months since Ben fell ill and he is recovering really well. He’s not quite back to where he was but he has summited Lake District mountains, been rock climbing on Cornish sea cliffs and kayaked on lakes and rivers. Ben is also back at work and normality feels like it is returning for him! Ben said it has been a privilege to be treated by the team at James Cook. Their dedication, care and support is humbling which was why he wanted to give something back to the team that has cared for him.


Joyce held a sponsored haircut and afternoon tea to raise funds. After a lovely conversation we discovered that Joyce had gone to school in Bedale and to her amazement, Judith from Our Hospitals Charity, knew her old teacher, Shirley Donaldson who she said changed her life. Judith rang Shirley who was absolutely delighted and we got them together again after 60 years — there were tears of joy and some wonderful memories. Thank you to Amanda and the staff at Broadacres for making this occasion so special.

A MAMMOTH CHALLENGE FOR A SPECIAL CAUSE A huge well done to Steve Denton who hiked a mammoth 60 miles through Northumberland on the Race to the Castle event. Steve managed to raise an amazing £2773 in aid of the Scott Suite Breast Service at the Friarage. He said: “Earlier this year my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and the support that they have given us during this difficult time has been amazing. Even during lockdown, there was always someone to talk to and when necessary, to go and see them.” Thank you Steve, your donation will make a huge difference.


FIRST CLASS SETTING FOR FIRST CLASS HEROES The Project Wingman wellbeing bus has been supporting South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust staff on board its fully customised double-decker bus, offering a safe space for staff to talk about their experiences, relax over a tea or coffee or just have some time away from the work environment. During the outbreak of COVID-19 and into lockdown, airline crews from across the industry came together to form the project, with the aim to support the well-being of frontline NHS staff both during the pandemic and into the future. The bus, which visited James Cook, the Friarage and community hospitals in our region, offers a lounge setting similar to those enjoyed by first-class passengers at airports.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO RACHEL FORRESTER We’d like to give a special shoutout to Rachel Forrester who has a rare disease called Microcystic Lymphangioma, and has been receiving treatment at James Cook. Last year, Rachel was in the paediatric critical care unit in a coma after her first round of treatment. Rachel said: “I can’t thank the team enough for everything they did for me and my family while I was going through this incredibly tough time.” To give back, Rachel would like to raise money for new equipment and kit that can help other children. She has high ambitions, pledging to fund an ultrasound machine if she reaches her £20,000 target. The machine would allow the hospital to help so many more children like Rachel undergoing Bleomycin treatment. One of Rachel’s recent fundraising events was at her local gym where she raised over £1000! Rachel has set up a Facebook page called Rach’s JCU Hospital Fundraising where you can follow her journey and fundraising activity. Well done and thank you so much Rachel.



SPRUCING UP GREEN SPACES Thank you to Middlesbrough Environment City and their team of volunteers for helping to renovate our garden at Trinity Holistic Centre so it’s a nice relaxing space for our patients to enjoy at James Cook.

HELPING THE ICU GARDEN PROJECT BLOOM Thank you to Claire and Karen who presented us with a cheque in memory of their mum, Pat Routh. Pat sadly passed away very suddenly in June this year after spending three days in ICU at James Cook. When the sisters heard about the ICU garden project and the difference it will make to patients and their relatives they wanted to support in memory of their mum.

PLANTING POSITIVITY Thank you to our amazing volunteers who have been busy gardening in our children and young people’s unit garden at James Cook over the summer. You’ve helped to make the garden a welcoming, relaxing and vibrant outdoor space for our children and young people.


WEAR WITH PRIDE Artist Mackenzie Thorpe has designed a limited edition t-shirt to help raise funds for hospitals in our region. The design is based on Mackenzie’s ‘Duffle Coat Child’ and the bespoke ‘People’s Medal’ pin badge he created for South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mackenzie said: “I’m so happy to be supporting this fantastic cause so close to my heart. Now more than ever, Our Hospitals Charity needs all the help it can get. So I hope as many people as possible pick up a t-shirt and wear it with pride.”

The 100% organic cotton t-shirt is available in white, grey and black, with a children’s version also available. They’re available to buy online or from the charity hub at James Cook and the charity office at the Friarage.

Purchase T-shirt





Chloe and Liam from Dottie’s Fund have raised an amazing £31,000 in memory of their daughter Dottie who sadly passed away. With the help of family and friends, they have been fundraising to develop a bereavement room at James Cook which will allow parents to have a separate entrance to the central delivery suite.

We held our first charity golf day at Middlesbrough Golf Club in August. Throughout the day there were opportunities to donate to the charity, including beat the pro, longest drive, nearest the pin, a raffle full of donated prizes and a silent auction. We even had a hole in one on the 4th hole from Russell Smith!

A huge thank you to all the companies and individuals who supported us and took part in the day, we couldn’t have done it without you.



As well as soundproofing, the room will contain a fully fitted kitchen and high quality bathroom. There will also be seating areas where relatives can visit and a comfortable bed where parents can spend time with their baby in a quiet, private space. This will make a huge difference to bereaved families and without Dottie’s family and friends help, this wouldn’t be possible.


Thank you to Mackenzie Thorpe for donating a beautiful sculpture of the Transporter Bridge, called ‘With Me Dad’ for our charity golf day. We held a silent auction on the day, which alongside our raffle and on-course competitions, helped raise over £5000!

Huge thank you to Middlesbrough FC and manager, Neil Warnock, who donated over £5,000 from the club’s friendly at Bishop Auckland just before the season started.

The money raised will go towards supporting the new children and young people’s emergency department at James Cook.

This will make such a difference to our patients at James Cook and the Friarage.


SETTING THE WHEELS IN MOTION Well done to a group of cyclists from British Steel who raised over £3000 in memory of their friend and colleague, Richie North. Richie died suddenly last April from complications related to COVID-19. The group cycled from Redcar to the Whale Bone Arch in Whitby and back again. Funds raised will go towards creating an intensive care garden at James Cook, that will offer patients and their relatives a tranquil place to spend precious time together.

ON THE RUN FOR OUR NHS Congratulations and well done to everyone who took part in this year’s Great North Run, especially those who ran for Our Hospitals Charity — you were all amazing! Together, you managed to raise an impressive £40,000 for Our Hospitals Charity.


PEDALLING FOR OVA Three friends have pedaled their way through the region to show their support for the nurses who looked after one of their partners.

Darlington woman Steph Bowes was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last December and has been undergoing treatment at James Cook. Lee Williams cycled 190 miles to raise money for OVA the Rainbow, a support group for women with ovarian cancer, which is run by South Tees Hospitals and was set up by two of the nurses involved in Steph’s care. Lee said: “They have been absolutely fantastic. If we felt unsure about anything or needed someone to talk to they were there. They have been brilliant to all of us. We can’t praise them enough for what they have done.

HITTING THE VIRTUAL ROAD Our Tour de Trinity was a huge success with plenty of people registering to take part in the virtual cycling challenge. People were challenged to cycle 300 miles during September and October with all funds going directly to the Trinity Holistic Centre. One lucky winner also won on a Rockhopper mountain bike worth £550 courtesy of Bike Scene, in Guisborough!


FLYING HIGH FOR THE HAEMATOLOGY DAY UNIT Thank you to Loftus West Road Invitation Pigeon Club and Geoffrey Brundle for their kind donation of £2000 to the haematology day unit at James Cook. The donation was a thank you for the excellent care Geoffrey and other pigeon fanciers across Teesside and East Cleveland have received over the years.

CARRYING THE KINDNESS OF DONORS During Organ Donation Week we celebrated this dandelion sculpture at James Cook, which honours all organ donors, past, present and future. It’s a special commemoration to the kindness and generosity of our organ donors and their families, who decide in their darkest hours to help save the lives of others. The glass sculpture designed by Laura Johnstone was inspired by the dandelion seeds that are carried by the wind to start a new life, representing that as one life ends another begins.

BLOSSOMING THE CENTRAL DELIVERY SUITE Thank you to Iona from Hart and Hounds Illustrations for painting this beautiful wall art to brighten up our central delivery suite at James Cook.



Thank you to Tracy and customers of Poundland Billingham for donating chocolate and biscuits as treats for James Cook staff as a thank you for all their hard work.

Thank you to Kier Construction for their kind donation of £640 which will go to support our Guisborough Primary Care Hospital.


Iona said: “It was an absolute privilege to give back to the NHS, they’ve kept me alive since I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of three.” From holly in December and snowdrop in January, to rose in June and pond lily in July, each flower represents a month of the year.


GOING THROUGH THE GEARS FOR THE FRIARAGE 10 OUT OF 10 After a prolonged critical care stay, Steven decided to raise money for our ICU garden at James Cook. He walked 10 miles in 10 days which is no easy task for someone with a muscle wasting condition and raised an amazing £1950! Steven has a degenerative muscle wasting condition which made recovery even more difficult. When family were allowed to visit, he was wheeled out to the car park — not the nicest environment for the feel good factor — but even so he was over the moon to be reunited, especially with his dog.



Local artist Philip Meadows has designed a calendar to help raise money for the new children and young people’s emergency department at James Cook.

Thanks to our amazing fundraisers we were able to buy three TVs for the Zetland Ward at Redcar Primary Care Hospital.

Calendars are priced at £15 with all money going to Our Hospitals Charity. They’re available to buy from The Art House on Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough or from the charity office at the North Entrance of James Cook.

The Zetland Ward provides care for adult patients with a wide range of conditions, particularly those requiring rehabilitation and palliative care.

He raised the money as a thank you to the staff at James Cook, who he described as ‘the most brilliant and best team of physios in the world’.

A HEARTFELT DONATION SUPPORT YOU CAN BANK ON Thank you to Darlington Building Society for their kind donation of £1000 for our children and young people’s emergency care unit – this donation will go towards purchasing therapy toys and equipment. It’ll make such a difference to our patients!


Thank you Andy Ellis and everyone who attended the Retroford Rally at Tennants Auctioneers, Leyburn. They raised a fantastic more than £670 for our breast cancer charitable fund at the Friarage.

We received these beautiful hearts from year 5 pupils at Rosebrook Primary School in Stockton for the trust’s Dragonfly Scheme. The Dragonfly Scheme puts together small comfort bags for children who visit seriously ill relatives at James Cook. The packs contain information and small items to help comfort, entertain or remember their loved ones. We hope that these Rosebrook hearts send lots of love to those who need it most. A huge thank you to the children who gave up their own time to think of others.


DID YOU KNOW… Did you know each of Our Hospitals is supported by a league of charity partners. These are independent charities that work in partnership with Our Hospitals Charity at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. They provide support through volunteering or by helping to fund equipment for patients and staff. For more information about the league of charity partners at any of our hospitals, please contact OurHospitalsCharity@nhs.net and you will be put in touch with them.

HOW CAN YOU HELP? If you’d like to get involved and support us visit our website or call 01642 854160 to find out about upcoming fundraising events.



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Call 01642 854296 to donate by credit/debit card or get Call 01642 inspired with 854296 our range to donate of by credit/debit card or get inspired fundraising ideas. with our range of fundraising ideas. No matter how big or small your donation, you’ll be helping to ensure people in the Tees Valley and North Yorkshire can benefit from the best possible healthcare services and facilities. *If you’d like to be added to our mailing list to receive future bulletins please email OurHospitalsCharity@nhs.net call 01642 854160 If you would like to opt out please email OurHospitalsCharity@nhs.net



The James Cook University Hospital Our Hospitals Charity (north entrance) Marton Road Middlesbrough TS4 3BW

The Friarage Hospital Our Hospitals Charity (near endoscopy) Northallerton North Yorkshire DL6 1JG


Charity No: 1056061

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