What's The Big Deal With Theology?

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What’s the big deal with theology?

What is so different about what these two believe? Well, the mormons believe God was once a man, that the Son of God had not always been, that Jesus lived on earth, and because of His good works became God when He died…and likewise everyone has this opportunity to someday be a God (...and I'm just getting started). THIS is entirely contrary to the scriptures, the Word of God.

by Don Barber

I offer the story of Bob and John. It was Bobs first day at his new job and everything was going well, when lunch time rolled around he made way to the cafeteria. Looking for a place to sit, he noticed a man bow his head and pray before eating. He worked his way over there, introduced himself to his new friend John, and the two talked while eating. Bob mentioned is faith in Jesus and John said he too believed. As time passed their relationship grew, and soon the two ate, read the bible, study, and prayed all through lunch. This new job had worked out just fine, and this friendship was quite a bonus.

You see, John had put his faith and trust in the wrong jesus. The foundation of his faith was built on sand, and any goodness displayed was nothing more than an effort to gain salvation through works. The truth is his jesus could not offer John salvation, for there is only one “way the truth and the life” (John 14:6). There is a way that seems right unto man (Proverbs 14:12), and John has embraced it big time…he is on a wide road that leads to hell (Matthew 7:13).

“The thing is, there are folks in your church that live their life trusting in Jesus Christ for their salvation and just like John have nothing.”

Several months passed and Bob’s apartment lease was coming to an end. He started looking for a new place to live and found one close to work. The next day he told John about it and was excited to learn they would be living near each other. With Bob’s church being 40 miles from the new home it was time to look closer and asked John where he went to church. John replied, “Oh, I’m a member of the jesus christ of Latter Day Saints church on 2nd street”. “John was a mormon, how can this be?” Bob thought. His heart sank; over the realization that they had been praying to two different Gods. He knew right then this relationship would change with the further discussion of theology.

The thing is, there are folks in your church that live their life trusting in Jesus Christ for their salvation and just like John have nothing. (A lot of these folks have been in church year after year being taught in error or not taught at all till one day they teach. Yikes!). There are many reasons for this, but I maintain it is due to bad doctrine and theology being taught by lazy, ignorant, or unregenerate pastors. It is high time the Gospel is preached correctly…the good news AND the bad. Souls are on the line!


It is time for the church to glorify God, edify the body, AND equip the saints. Stop the non-sense of catering and entertaining the lost, the church isn’t for them. The church is for a peculiar people, the hungry believer that’s eager to eat. A place where the believer can be fed with correct doctrine and theology, and be equipped so they can go in to all the world and preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15). Come on pastors, come on church, bring it! What’s the big deal with theology? It is everything. Bad theology is a dealbreaker that can cost you your soul.

the price for sin. Out of obedience to His Father, Jesus gave His life as a living sacrifice (Acts 8:32), the payment for our sin. His payment is not credited to your account until you “repent and trust Him” (Acts 20:21). You see, you've been living in rebellion to God and you have to turn from it…you have to die to self in order to be born-again. It is a change of the mind that results in a change of action. The realization of what Christ did for you should cause such heartwrenching sorrow and conviction that with a humble heart and a contrite spirit (Psalm 51:17) you beg for forgiveness from your creator. You die to self, proclaim your faith in Him, and remain faithful. That is, out of love and devotion to the one who paid your debt, the now born-again believer makes every effort not do the very thing he was found guilty of… as he lives his life being faithful to his Savior.

What’s the Gospel? Well, the following is something I wrote a while back and will provide the basics thereof. One fast overview of the Gospel. Here we go… There is a God, He created the heaven and earth as well as provided laws for man to live by (Exodus 20:2–17 & Deuteronomy 5:6–21). When you break one of those laws, it’s called sin. God created the Bible using the pen of man (2 Timothy 3:16), and in it we read “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). There will be a day when we will be charged for the laws we broke (Rom. 2:16) and the penalty is death (Rom. 6:23). Wait there’s more…the price for your sin is the shedding of blood of something pure, and that’s not us. We have nothing acceptable to God that will pay the penalty of the sins we’ve committed.

So that’s the Gospel, and if this is the first time you've heard it…spend some time pondering it. All the information needed to get right with God, to be forgiven, to be found righteous on the day of judgment, to have everlasting life is found right there. The scripture says faith comes from hearing (Romans 10:17), so look up these verses and spend time reading them. Over and over - till God gives you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. Over and over - till the eyes of your heart are enlightened. Over and over - till you know what the riches of

The good news is…In the Old Testament a spotless lamb was sacrificed in order for sins to be forgiven (Leviticus 4:32). God loved us so much He sent His son Jesus to earth to pay the price for our sin (John 3:16). Jesus was the only man that lived a totally sinless life (2 Corinthians 5:21), He was pure; He IS our spotless lamb…the only living thing worthy to pay


His glorious inheritance is. Over and over till God saves you…and provides your assurance. And don’t stop till He does, for He will. May God bless you in your studies and the search for Truth.


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