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Community Magazine
OPPORTUNITY Morayfield Youth Fundraises for Guide Dogs Queensland
Riding the Type 1
What to Plant This Month
November 2020
" I think that the majority of Australians see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture as an Australian culture." - Seth Dunn Engaging Indigenous Businesses and Workers for Local Projects, Pg 12
THIS MONTH Freezing Their Way Through Meal Prep:
A hive of activity fills the Burpengary Meals on Wheels kitchen every weekday in preparation for delivery of up to 80 hot and cold meals. The construction of a walk-in freezer is a welcome addition to a bustling space. p16
Smash Hit for Narangba Tennis Lovers:
Narangba residents will be shouting “c’mon!” with construction of a new $3 million tennis hub soon to get underway at the Harris Avenue Sports Complex. p30
Riding the Rollercoaster of Type 1 Diabetes: Whilst Amy and Aaron knew there
was a chance their children could have Type 1 Diabetes, they never expected it so early on. While their eldest son Blake (8yo), has so far shown no signs, their youngest son Dylan wasn’t as lucky. p20
A Paw-fect Opportunity : Alita Huyton, a
bubbly eight-year-old from Morayfield, is using her love of dogs in her role as a 2020 Guide Dogs Youth Ambassador to help raise money to go towards future guide dogs to aid those with vision loss. p18
From the Editor... Congratulations to Steve from Beachmere and Brenda from Rothwell who won last months giveaway prizes. We have more Giveaways this month, and we look forward to your entries. You may have heard about the filming of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's new television series, Young Rock, in Strathpine. Whilst The Rock remained in the United States, Screen Queensland has confirmed that they are finding Moreton Bay to be an easy double for many parts of the world. The Moreton Bay Regional Council is part of the Screen Queensland's Film Friendly Council Program allowing film makers to take advantage of our diverse landscapes and making filming in Moreton Bay easy for production houses, filmmakers and crews. Screen Queensland's location scouts are keen to hear from those in our community about spaces and places which we feel would make great movie locations. Properties, old buildings such as sheds and factories, historic houses both inside and out, amazing gardens and the like. We are very much aware of the vast number of photographers and other creatives in Moreton Bay who have an excellent eye for spotting the movie potential in an 'everyday' location. If you know, or see, a great place, simply send a photo with a short description to screenqld@ Darren More
To Enter: Simply send a photo of yourself holding this edition of Feature Magazine to editor@
Conditions: In submitting your selfie you agree for it to be used on our social media, online and print forums. Entries Close: Email entries to editor@featuremagazine. Entries 5pm 12 onth 15th Mother’sclose Day Sunday May November. Winner will be notified via email on 16th November.
Morayfield Shopping Centre, MORAYFIELD Morayfield Shopping Centre, MORAYFIELD
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PUBLISHER Feature Magazine 07 3886 9040 PO Box 105, Narangba Qld 4504
ADVERTISING: For advertising rates, conditions and bookings please contact our team at ads@featuremagazine. or Darren More on mobile 0416 430 792
EDITOR & ADVERTISING Darren More 0416 430 792
EDITORIALS: Send all story ideas and articles to: editor@
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
November 16, 2020
CONTRIBUTORS Sheree Hoddinett Nadia Chapman RSPCA Qld Bunnings Warehouse Jayden Johnston Monica Shanahan Susanne Jones Richard Lancaster Moreton All Body Care
Send y to editor@our letters to the or post tofeaturemagazine.cEditor PO Box 1 Letters to the E 05, Nara ngba Q 4 ditor 504
DISTRIBUTION Caboolture, Morayfield, Burpengary, Narangba, Dakabin, Kallangur, Petrie, Murrumba Downs, North Lakes, Mango Hill, Deception Bay and online at www. COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. The information in this magazine is for information purposes only. Feature Magazine and its editors, publishers and agents assume no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organisers or organisation without verification by us. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Feature Magazine or it’s publishers. Therefore, Feature Magazine carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon. INDEMNITY By advertising or submitting with Feature Magazine you agree to indemnify all participating contributors and supporting businesses such as graphic designers and printers against any claims. ABN
November 2020
North Harbour Marina precinct COULD BE QUEENSLAND'S NEXT PDA Plans for a massive $2.74 billion marina and recreational precinct for Queensland’s Moreton Bay region will be significantly advanced if the State Government backs a new council push to declare the project a Priority Development Area (PDA). North Harbour proponents have applauded the Moreton Bay Regional Council’s unanimous decision this week to seek a PDA from the Government, which would be the culmination of a long-held vision to create a world-class integrated development for the thriving region. The marina precinct at Burpengary East is a joint proposal by two major private developers, North Harbour Holdings and Trask Land Corporation. It includes a 400-berth marina with associated marine industries and a substantial marina village with retail, tourism and entertainment uses. The precinct will also provide 600 new apartments 600 detached homes as part of the marina village, 800 dwellings in a canal estate, an extensive 319 hectares of recreational and regional open space, and 7,735 jobs in the construction phase. “This is tremendous news for our project, which has been rightly described by the Council as an economic and community ‘game changer’ for the region,” said North Harbour Project Director Bryan Finney.
$882 million annual economic contribution and the delay of $300 million in Unitywater infrastructure – a major saving for ratepayers. “The wider community will benefit from an incredible new network of parkland and pathways, a heritage precinct and a water sports precinct on 12km of prime riverfront land that has been in private ownership for the past 160 years. Trask Land Corporation Managing Director David Trask said the Moreton Bay Regional Council, Mayor Peter Flannery and Division 2 Councillor Mark Booth had provided great leadership in advocating for a PDA. “We have had strong support from all levels of government,” Mr Trask said. “Local MP Chris Whiting has also been a strong champion of our project and his support has been essential to creating 7,735 jobs over the life of the project. “With key enabling infrastructure already in place, we are ready to create this vital legacy project for Queensland once appropriate planning approvals are received.” More detail about the council decision is available at News/Media/North-Harbour-Marina-CouldBecome-a-Priority-Development-Area.
“The North Harbour Marina PDA will be worldclass landmark destination that advances the identity, ecological health and prosperity of South-East Queensland,” said Mr Finney.
On November 11, a Commemorative Service will be held at the Burpengary Anzac Memorial marking the 102nd anniversary of World War One. This COVID Safe Event will be hosted by the Burpengary Community War Memorial Committee and will commence at 10am. “We ask all attending to complete the safe tracking form on entry and abide by the Qld Health Requirements,” said a spokesperson for the Burpengary Community War Memorial Committee. “If you are suffering from any symptoms, please do not attend the Service. Should you become unwell during the Service, please make your way to the area set aside behind the Memorial.” World War One Armistice saw unprecedented levels of carnage and destruction. By the time the war was over, more than 16 million people—soldiers and civilians alike—were dead. Despite being declared as ‘the war to end all wars’, millions more have lost their lives to World War 2, The Korean War, The Malaysian Confrontation, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and more. “Those who were sent home were affected by the horrors of war. Many suffered from what was then called “Bomb Happy” more commonly known today at Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) some of whom have taken their own lives to escape the horrors,” “On November 11, we will remember those who have suffered and are still suffering the horrible effects of war along with their families, thanking them for their sacrifice.”
“The declaration of a PDA will also deliver additional huge benefits, including a marine industry boom that will attract a significant slice of Australia’s $68 billion marine industry to Moreton Bay.
For more information about the Commemorative Service, please contact Mr. Trevor Rackley, Vice President of the Memorial Committee on 0412410612 or trev.rack40@
“It will also provide 8.9% of the new jobs needed in the Moreton Bay region, an ongoing
November 2020
Every life is an amazing story >YP[L `V\Y Ă„UHS chapter and be remembered the way YOU want by pre-arranging your funeral with Alex Gow.
Pre-arranged Funerals Phone 3888 3535
... still family-owned
IN BRIEF DATE CLAIMER: AUSMUSIC T-SHIRT DAY 2020 Ausmusic T-Shirt Day, to be held on Friday 20 November 2020, is a massive nation-wide celebration of Australian music that reminds us how lucky we are to have such a strong local music scene, with many highly talented and successful artists across all genres of music.
It is also an opportunity to help raise desperately needed funds to meet the ever growing demand on Support Act’s services, with requests for Crisis Relief having increased by 883% since the pandemic began, and calls to the Support Act Wellbeing Helpline having increased by 52%. So start planning your wardrobe! Support Act has developed a Premium T-Shirt range with exclusive, limited edition designs from Amy Shark, Ball Park Music, Briggs, Cold Chisel, Dope Lemon, Kate Miller-Heidke, Kylie Minogue, Midnight Oil, Paul Kelly, Ruel and The Teskey Brothers, with 100% of net proceeds donated to Support Act. For the first time, there will also be an official Ausmusic T-Shirt featuring The Binz. Show your support for Australian music this Ausmusic T-Shirt Day, held during ARIA Week, and celebrated across triple j and the ABC as part of Ausmusic Month. Proudly brought to you by Support Act, triple j and ARIA.
Chairman Dave inspecting the new vehicle with the Morayfield Lions and Nicole from Braking the Cycle Program.
CSC Group and Morayfield Lions have partnered to help Caboolture PCYC purchase a second car for their Braking the Cycle community program.
Morayfield Lions saw the program and knew it was the perfect way to extend a helping hand, alongside the CSC Group, to support young men and women in the area.
$9,500 raised by CSC Group’s 2019 annual Charity Golf Day, contributed to the car purchase to help local young people access a free driving mentor and registered vehicle to complete their logbook hours.
“We are so pleased to be able to see Caboolture PCYC’s dream of a second vehicle come to life thanks to the generosity of Morayfield Lions,” commented Tony Clarke, Sports & Community Manager.
Find out more by visiting www. PCYC’s Braking the Cycle program provides a platform to support to learner drivers with access to a supervisor and a registered vehicle to complete their logbook hours.
“The addition of a manual car to the Braking the Cycle Program will enable even more locals to gain their manual license and potentially widen their employment opportunities!”
The aim of the Program is to provide young people with increased employment opportunities, community connection and driver education.
PCYC Braking the Cycle is an award-wining community initiative that has helped over 4,471 young people obtain their driver’s licence through a network
of over 780 volunteer mentor drivers and the support from more than 50 government, community and corporate partners. The addition of the manual car increases the Program’s log book hours from 25 to 50 hours per week. PCYC are always looking for more mentors to join the volunteer driver mentors team; even if it is just an hour a week! For more information about the PCYC Braking the Cycle program or to sign up as a driver mentor, visit
WOOLWORTHS INTRODUCES RECYCLABLE PAPER MEAT TRAYS Woolworths has launcheed new recyclable paper meat trays across a selection of its Own Brand beef nationally, the latest milestone in an ongoing program to introduce more sustainable packaging. Keith Urban repping Troye Sivan - Ausmusic T-Shirt Day 2020.
The redesigned packaging - made up of a paper tray and fresh seal film - now uses 75 per cent less plastic
than the previous packaging and will eliminate 2.2 tonnes of plastic from the supply chain each year across seven popular beef cuts. Unlike some meat trays, customers can recycle the new paper trays in their curbside recycling bin by simply peeling back the vacuum films used to seal the meat in fresh.
To help make recycling easier for its customers, Woolworths includes simple, easy to follow recycling labels developed by Planet Ark on its Own Brand products. These show how each element of packaging can be discarded either through kerbside recycling, by returning to the store for recycling, or as general waste.
Burpengary Intersection Upgrade Following strong community feedback and support, Mark Ryan MP and Shane King MP have announced that the Department of Transport & Main Roads is progressing important safety improvement works at the intersection of Gleeson Road and Morayfield Road, Burpengary. These improvement works will include the installation of traffic lights to provide safer turning conditions as well as the installation of wide centre line treatments to reduce the risk of head-on crashes, the provision of on-road bike lanes, and rehabilitation of the road surface on Morayfield Road between Paradise Road and Graham Road. Geotechnical work occured during October 2020 with construction commencing in 2021.
November 2020
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Words: Sheree Hoddinett
From its beginnings as a luxury mansion to its role as one of our first War Veterans’ Homes, Fernhill is deeply rooted in its origins, built on a tradition of care and respect with close ties to the broader Caboolture community. The Fernhill community has been a constant evolution from 1947 until now, and the future Fernhill continues to inform the changing face of care. Designed with greater needs in mind, the new Fernhill will continue to maintain the highest standards of safety, governance and oversight while providing residents with truly considered, contemporary aged care. A forward-thinking design offers contemporary, accessible rooms created with comfort in mind. Innovative supported-living neighbourhoods encourage a sense of community and connection while providing security and safety for residents to enjoy the ample peace and privacy of their own home. Fernhill offers two room types – Premium Plus and Superior. Each room provides freedom of choice, with moveable built-in joinery and a range of other personalisation options for creating comfort and familiarity. Premium Plus rooms come complete with a spacious bathroom, modern built-ins, a multi-function electric bed, seating for guests and the latest technology including flat screen TV and WiFi access. Modern finishes and ducted air conditioning with individual room settings, as well as windows encouraging natural breezes and light, will enable residents to optimise their environment for personal comfort. Superior rooms have a balcony and views of beautifully landscaped gardens. With layouts from 35sqm, features include modern built-ins, multi-function electric bed with over-bed table, guest seating with additional balcony seating, plus the latest technology including a large flat screen TV and WiFi access. Residents will enjoy the premium finishes of carpet in the bedroom and a fully tiled ensuite. Ducted air conditioning with individual room settings and windows encouraging natural breezes and light will enable residents to optimise their environment for personal comfort. All rooms can be configured to suit couples, so moving into residential aged care doesn’t mean having to live separately. The Newman Memory Support Centre is designed with the latest enabling technology and world class dementia care, the Newman Memory Support Centre provides a home-like environment that is socially, physically and emotionally safe. Short corridors and nooks, intimate dining and activity spaces, a secure rooftop garden with places of interest and wayfinding support, encourage independence and participation in activities throughout the day. With a focus on healthy and active ageing, Fernhill’s Shaw Wellness Centre offers a range of activities, including pain management therapies, group exercise classes and individual programs. Our specialist team of allied health professionals, physiotherapists and occupational therapists are on hand to help residents remain active, mobile and independent. A Day Therapy Centre to support independence, a salon providing a wide range of hairdressing and beauty services along with it's very own Jacaranda Cafe, Fernhill's new look is a perfect mix of past and future.
“We have always been imaginative since we were children,” Shannon says. “It’s only now that we are both mothers that we can tap into that childlike creative side again. It really is fun and therapeutic in a way to build and construct.” Inspiration to create the space came about after the sisters discovered Fairy Way in Deception Bay. They have plans to expand further through the lane, and Christmas time will see the creation of a wonderland theme. Enchanted Lane even has a mayor! “Nate, my 4-year-old son, was dubbed our mayor after he spent countless hours with us painting and designing fairy homes,” Shannon says. “He visits regularly to help with maintenance and give suggestions on what’s to come.” Enchanted Lane likes to upcycle as much as possible and repurpose old recycled materials with the aim to show children what you can come up with by using a little imagination and sparkle. They are always looking for old papers/ car tyres/glass jar lids; wood offcuts and zip ties. Feel the magic for yourself – Enchanted Lane is at the end of Aspect Place, Narangba. Follow Enchanted Lane on Facebook.
Jaime Wicks, an administration officer in the Crime and Intelligence Command, unveiled a Red Bench at the Moreton Bay Lions Football Club last month. She was joined by Acting Superintendent Paul Ready, Acting Senior Sergeant Arriann O’Keeffe, Betty Taylor from the Red Rose Foundation and Mr Shane King MP to unveil the bench which was donated by the Caboolture Men’s Shed. Miss Wicks said the installation of the Red Bench at the football club raised awareness regarding domestic and family violence and provided an opportunity for the important social issue to remain highly visible. Miss Wicks gave a big thank you to partner organisations including the Red Rose Foundation and the Caboolture Men’s Shed.
To find our more contact the Fernhill team on 1300 22 11 22
sprinkle of fairy dust, a little magic and some hard work has brought Enchanted Lane to life. Created by Narangba locals and sisters Shannon Viertel and Emma Flannery, the project came about as a way for the pair to get creative.
November 2020
Seth Dunn’s contribution to the indigenous community within and around the Moreton Bay Region and beyond is making waves. As an indigenous man himself and as the Contract Administrator for BADGE Construction, Seth has been instrumental with the involvement of indigenous companies and workers on numerous local projects. Outside of work, Seth is also Director for the Australian Indigenous Football Championships and spends his time helping the Nungeena group to further his learning within the indigenous culture. With NAIDOC Week 2020 happening November 8-15, Seth reflects on his achievements so far within the indigenous community and what is still yet to come. 12
November 2020
After initially being brought up in a mostly non-indigenous environment, Seth, who is Aboriginal from his mum’s side of the family, only reconnected with his indigenous roots just 4 years ago and is still learning a lot about his culture and background. “I come from the Dharug people,” he says. “They are in the Hawkesbury River region in Greater Sydney, although I have lived in Queensland most of my life. “I’ve had to go and do a lot of research and connect with family I didn’t know I had. Probably the biggest thing I’ve got out of it so far, which I didn’t really expect, was from the moment that I formally became an Aboriginal is that all of a sudden I had all these Auntys and Uncles, cousins and nieces and nephews. Everybody treats you like you’re family, even if you’re not blood family. I think it’s one of the things that has helped Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people survive through all the things in history that have tried to make them not survive. It’s pretty much made the culture much stronger and that continues on now, which I think is great.” Seth may call the Sunshine Coast home, but he is very much ingrained in the Moreton Bay Region and spends weekdays commuting to work on large scale construction projects. Over the duration of about 15 years, Seth has been coming and going from the Caboolture (and nearby) area contributing to the following projects: • • • • • • •
St Eugene’s at Burpengary Stage 5 Grace Lutheran Chapel Bell Tower in the Chapel – Rothwell First Choice Liquor at Morayfield Tavern Grace Lutheran College Library Caboolture Police Station Lee Street Special School Caboolture Watch House project
Reconnecting with his culture and working on large scale projects enabled Seth to start the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This created an opportunity for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members within the construction industry to come on board and boost their skills and confidence. This, so far, has resulted in: • • • •
8768 employment hours for 10 Indigenous people. 96 training hours for 2 Indigenous people. $1,230,381.82 in procurement from 3 Indigenous businesses. A project-total Indigenous economic participation value of $1,629,261.82.
“When I went through the process of doing my paperwork and getting fully recognised as an Aboriginal, I made a commitment with the elders that I would continue to try and use my skills to help others in the community,” Seth says. “I think there’s a real risk of culture being lost and that’s one of the reasons I really wanted to run with it. “It’s (RAP) actually been received a lot better than I could have ever imagined. I know there is a bit of stigma when it comes to some indigenous people not wanting to come to work. When I started signing up sub-contractors and workers to come onsite, I thought I would do a little something as an extra thing. So every morning before I start work, I’d go around and make sure they’re all there, say hello and welcome them to the job, so they feel part of everything. And just in my head too I would welcome their ancestors to the job as well. I Seth with his wife, Oluwaseun and son, Iverson. Photo by Mada Mueller
found all the indigenous workers that came to the job appreciated that. It worked out so well I decided to do it with everyone.” Quietly spoken and a little unassuming, you can hear the pride in Seth’s voice as he excitedly talks about his team’s latest project – the Caboolture Watch House. While the building itself is a massive achievement and set for possible completion in March 2021, it’s the finer details that Seth can’t wait for the community to see. A wall structure, still in place from the old police station building, will become home to a mural and a carpet snake installation, paying homage to the Gubbi Gubbi totem. “The mayor is behind it, the honourable Mark Ryan, the deputy police commissioner - they have all been down to have a look at it with me, so they’re all pretty excited about it,” Seth says. “So that is starting to get a lot of traction and we can’t wait to see it come to life. So watch this space.” Lee Street Special School will also keep Seth working in the Caboolture area for at least the next 12 months. In early October, BADGE Construction formally won the next stage for further building work at the school. The work is also recognised as an Indigenous Equal Opportunities Project, which Seth says he “really likes being involved with” due to the opportunities it creates for indigenous-owned businesses and workers. Another role Seth talks about fondly is as the Director of the Australian Indigenous Football Championships. Although this year’s tournament was cancelled due to COVID-19, Seth says they’re using the opportunity to spend some more time brushing up on the educational side of things. “We’re also going to engage some elders and storytellers to upskill us so that when all the young players and teams come from all around Australia, we can share a bit more of the local Gubbi Gubbi culture with all of the teams,” he says. While he works hard to integrate the indigenous culture within and outside his working life, Seth is also dedicated to his family and devoted to developing his culture. He has two daughters (aged 17 and 21) who also recognise themselves as Aboriginal, a young son just a few months old and a very supportive wife. Seth spends a lot of his spare time with the Nungeena group in the Glasshouse Mountains, a sentiment also shared by his family. “My family have met the elders and quite often come out to Nungeena with me,” he says. “We have a parcel of land out there that we’re currently looking at making some walking
tracks and storytelling areas. “All of our family are going to attend the education tours that we’re going to do at the end of the year/early next year and we’re hoping to get more skills and knowledge and do more storytelling ourselves once we have a bit more of that education.” As we approach NAIDOC Week, Seth says it’s a good way of recognising what others have done in the past, what they are achieving in the present and remaining hopeful for the future. “I think we’re at a point where people actually want to see reconciliation,” he says. “I think that the majority of Australians see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture as an Australian culture not just separated for the people. I think that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are starting to feel a bit more welcomed from the rest of the world, more included and inclusive. That’s been a bit of a challenge in the past.” Seth admits he has also experienced some racism due to people not realising he’s Aboriginal. “I do have white skin so I unless I tell people or they hear it from someone else, they don’t know,” he says. “I do hear a lot of jokes, and I used to brush it aside but not anymore. It’s kind of funny sometimes, someone will make a joke, and I don’t laugh because I am Aboriginal and when I tell them the colour in their skin actually changes. “I think the other part too is that part of society is changing too where it was once acceptable to say those kinds of things in the past. I think now some people make those jokes and don’t mean to be offensive but don’t understand how they make other people feel. I believe what I experience has made me more careful about how I treat other human beings.” Seeing the positive changes of the indigenous culture taking shape, Seth believes there’s always room for more. “I’d really like to see more indigenous leaders in Australia,” he says. “We have heaps of sports stars, some of our best sporting stars are Aboriginal, which is great to see. I’d like to see more and more develop up into a leadership role. “I’d also like to see more Australian people in general embrace the indigenous culture a bit more, particularly the spiritual side. I think it would be really nice for Australians to recognise all Australian culture, we do in a lot of other ways but I think we need to nurture it a bit more.”
COVID Cohort
Thumbs Up!
Dog Park Dilemma
Dear Editor,
Thumbs Up to the staff at Narangba Meats who I saw helping a senior customer by carrying her purchase to her car. It is wonderful to see that chivalry is not dead. Mark, Narangba
Dear Editor,
Thumbs Up to the young man assisting the 'trolley-boy' with a disability and was having difficulty with his trolley load. I am not sure if you are his carer or simply a passerby but either way, you should be commended for your generosity. Sue-ellen, Kallangur
With the vast majority of homes that have at least one dog, and the law preventing off lead walking, the dog parks located at Harris Ave and Stone Ridge are highly inadequate.
I am disgusted and bewildered about Grade 12 students at Narangba Valley High School being given an 'early graduation' last month. These students have put up with ATAR changes and being directed by teachers who don't fully understand the system themselves. Then there is COVID and the mass confusions as the academic world struggles to adjust. To celebrate their mismanaged Year 12 experience, whilst under the pressure of exams, they got a 'dummy' graduation. These students have put up with so much. In return for their efforts and resilience, they received a dummy graduation certificate at a graduation ceremony held before they even sit their end of year exams. How offensive! These students should not be disrespected simply because faculty would rather blame COVID than think outside the box. To the school, I ask, what do you have in place for those who don't pass their exams and are not able to actually graduate. An experience I am confident would be a huge knock to selfesteem. Yours faithfully,
COVID in the Community Dear Editor, I would like to remind people that even though we may not have many active cases of COVID in our community, many of us are still impacted by the death of loved ones from COVID.
Something needs to be done about the lack of dog park space in Narangba/ Narangba Valley.
Perhaps dog owners would be less inclined to risk having their dogs stretch their legs off lead if a decent sized park, similar to the one located at Kroll Gardens, Clontarf, was put in place. The Council has a huge block of unused land off Oakey Flat Road that would be ideal for a park like this.
It does.
Putting this vacant space to good use for the community and their canine kids would be a much better use of resources. It would make dog owners feel more comfortable knowing their dogs have their own space and not crammed into a pen like they are now.
Samantha P Caboolture
Trisha M Narangba
Please be thoughtful when you speak out loud in public about how COVID isn't real and/or doesn't affect us here.
Sonya Narangba
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November 2020
don’t know about you, but I think that COVID 19 should have Cryptic Critic run its race by now! But it hasn’t. Why? Simply because some of us don’t want to observe a set of simple rules. Also, we have as yet not found a suitable vaccine to kill off the virus. But more about the vaccine later and back to the rules. These rules are not complicated, they don’t require the brains of a rocket scientist to understand them. They are, observe social distancing, wear a face mask, wash our hands and if you are not feeling well, get tested.
Richard Lancaster
But those who choose not to observe them for a variety of reasons make it difficult for the rest of us. For example: with this pandemic killing thousands, I would have thought that it becomes a no brainer not to exercise one’s democratic right and conduct a demonstration. No matter how justified one’s cause is! Yes, we have a democratic right to demonstrate - but not at a time and in a manner that puts everyone’s lives in danger, including your own. That’s simply stupid! And then we have the troublemakers, the alarmists and some politicians who deliberately spread conspiracy theories, often for their own benefit. Everything from radio waves from the recently installed 5G network spreading the virus, to Bill Gates developing a vaccination program designed to microchip the entire world’s population. In fact, it has
been shown that well over 2,000 conspiracy theories, rumours and the like have spread over 87 countries in 25 languages worldwide since the virus arrived. But that is not the end of it. About the time of the virus’s arrival, the United States and China had commenced a trade war. Both parties saw a virus sent opportunity to use COVID 19, in a blame game which still continues today. The United States took the initiative by claiming that Chinese scientists at the behest of their government had deliberately released the virus as a biowarfare weapon against the West. China responded by reporting that the US military had imported the virus into Wuhan, whilst attending the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019. So apart from the thousands of untruths circulating around the world, we now have the two most powerful nations in the world engaged in a tit-for-tat blame game. No one benefits, least of all the already frightened millions who wonder who will save them from this awful scourge. Would it not have made sense for nations to have come together and co-operatively found an antidote to this pandemic. The virus has given us a unique chance for nations to unite for the common good. But that would require common sense being exercised in `the halls of power` and when that happens, pigs may fly.
WRITE TO US! Email: Post: PO Box 105, Narangba Q 4504 CONDITIONS: Please email a maximum of 150 words to Letters are published at the absolute discretion of the Editor. Feature Magazine has the right to reproduce letters submitted and accepted by the editor in print and electronic form. Letters may also be edited to fit. The views expressed are not the views of the publisher. No responsibility is taken for the views expressed in these letters. All letters to include a full name (first name and surname) and contact phone number (your contact number is not for publication).
What a Man! A cryptic shout out to Mr Fredric Gee of Elimbah who has sent a list of `annoyances` to be added to my list published in last month's edition. His list, by the way, was on a beautifully handmade card with a leaf attached and included, amongst other things, television representatives who start every second sentence with the word, ‘Now….'. I agree Fredric. Now.... what? Keep ‘em coming!!! The Cryptic Critic
Luke HOWARTH Federal Member for Petrie
Work ing for ȓ1 ".,,4-(38 CONTACT LUKE: 40 Hornibrook Hor Esplanade, Clontarf QLD 4019 07 328 3284 8008 luke.ho lukeho
Authorised by L. Howarth, Howar Liberal National Party of Queensland, 40 Hornibrook Esplanade, Clontarf QLD 4019.
ishing out tasty and freshly made meals has become a little easier to manage for the Burpengary Meals on Wheels team. Thanks to a COVID-19 Community Infrastructure Revitalisation Grant from Moreton Bay Regional Council worth $20,504, they have had a walk-in freezer installed in their kitchen, enabling the easy storage of a large volume of premade meals. The new freezer has replaced several standalone commercial and domestic freezers.
A hive of activity fills the Burpengary MOW kitchen every weekday in preparation for delivery of up to 80 hot and cold meals to some of the more vulnerable members of our community. The construction of a walkin freezer is a welcome addition to a bustling space. “We are extremely grateful to have received a grant from the council and to be able to have the freezer installed,” Burpengary MOW Committee Secretary Fred Hein says. “Having the grant meant we could sign off on the quote straight away and get things started, we didn’t have to worry about organising finances or anything like that. “For our group, it also means we can dedicate the funding we would have used to other areas within our group.” For MOW President and Kitchen Co-ordinator Ann Pickering, the installation of the freezer means even more organisation within the kitchen. “Everything is more organised and I can stack meals and other food in the one space, instead of across the multiple freezers we were using,” she says. “It was an exciting day for everyone when it was switched on.” While Burpengary MOW has always had a steady stream of clients, they have noticed a marked increase in 2020 due to COVID-19. “Since the beginning of the year we were making 1100 meals a month and now it’s up to about 1700 meals a month,” Ann says. “It’s definitely showing the impact the virus has had.” Division 2 Councillor Mark Booth says a total of $510, 933 was provided to community groups across the division as part of council’s COVID-19 stimulus package to help get the region back on track. “I’m really happy that we have been able to put this freezer in for Burpengary Meals on Wheels,” Cr Booth says. “It enables them to keep up with the 30% increase in demand brought about by COVID and also helps them to continue supplying members of our community with much-needed meals.”
Ann Pickering, Fred Hein and Cr Mark Booth feel the chill of the new walk-in freezer at Burpengary Meals on Wheels.
The food preparation, cooking, packing and delivery is all completed by a dedicated team of hardworking volunteers. It’s a team that is always willing to take on extra sets of hands. “Volunteering is an area where we always need more people,” Fred says. “At the moment there is a lot of volunteers carrying a heavy load. It would be nice to lessen that a little bit, particularly drivers and kitchen staff. We always have the same faces, which is good, but it would be nice to share it around a little bit more.”
November 2020
“It’s a nice happy place to be a part of,” Ann says. “I tell people they don’t have to pay their psychiatry fees when they come in here because we all get to talk to each other and be heard.” To become a volunteer no set skills are needed. You will need to complete an online food safety alert for kitchen work and police checks will also need to be completed if you help with delivery. To find out more, please phone 3888 3754.
A Paw-fect Opportunity Alita Huyton raises funds for Guide Dogs Queensland
Words: Sheree Hoddinett
Rolling around with some four-legged furry friends and being on the receiving end of a paw-five is one of many things Alita Huyton loves to do. The bubbly eight-year-old from Morayfield is also using her love of dogs in her role as a 2020 Guide Dogs Youth Ambassador to help raise money to go towards future guide dogs to aid those with vision loss. With the help of her mum, who runs Gayle Marie Photography, the duo have been busy running pet photo fundraisers within the community to reach Alita’s fundraising goal It was during lockdown (thanks to COVID-19) earlier this year that the Huyton family came across the opportunity to be an ambassador for Guide Dogs Queensland. Inspired by the work the Guide Dogs Queensland team do, Alita knew she wanted to help. “Doing this means the money will go towards giving guide dogs training so they can help blind people,” she says of her fundraising efforts. “They need equipment to help train the dogs and every bit we can get helps.” Once restrictions had eased, Gayle and Alita set about organising photoshoot opportunities where owners could bring their pets along, and all money they raised would go towards Guide Dogs. Dogge Avenue & Co Pet Spa Narangba and Barkley & Pips Cafe Bundamba are two locations that have seen many four-legged superstars barking it up for the camera.
“Instead of charging a session fee, we asked people to make a donation to Alita’s fundraising page,” Gayle says. “It’s all about helping Guide Dogs and the important work they do.” While Gayle focuses on capturing the perfect shot, Alita gets to help out behind the scenes and in the words of her mum “make friends with the dogs”. “While mum takes the photos, I stand behind her and make odd sounds to get the dogs to looking at the camera,” Alita says. “I love going along with my mum and of course spending time with the dogs - that’s the best part.” Guide Dogs Queensland Chief Executive Officer Michael Kightley said Guide Dogs Youth Ambassadors, like Alita, played an essential role in helping raise money for the training of guide dogs but also raising awareness in their community. “It takes nearly two years and costs $50,000 for each of our little pups to become life-changing guide dogs,” Mr Kightley explained. “More than 90% of our funding comes from generous sponsorship and community donations, including the incredible fundraising efforts of our Youth Ambassadors. “Our younger supporters are extremely passionate about helping other people, and we find the Youth Ambassadors quite often connect personally with the cause – not just to help these adorable puppies become life-changing Guide Dogs, but also to improve the lives of Queenslanders who are blind or living with low vision.” Setting her sights on a $1500 target, Alita is well on her way to achieving it. Once she reaches it, there’s a little bit of fun on her horizon. “I get to have a puppy play date,” she says with a big smile on her face. Help Alita reach her fundraising goal. Visit https://guidedogsya2020.
They need equipment to help train the dogs and every bit we can get helps.
November 2020
Words: Sheree Hoddinett
Needles, blood sugar checks, insulin and hypos and hypers are just part of normal everyday life for the Chapman family. Not one, but three members of the Burpengary family of four are Type 1 diabetics. While it may sound like a lot to deal with (and at times it is), this family take it all in their stride, because it’s what they know and what they’re used to. World Diabetes Day falls on Saturday, November 14. While it’s one day to help highlight the ups and downs and raise awareness of this widespread disease, it’s hard to truly comprehend what it all means unless you’re living with it. When you first meet the Chapman family, you wouldn’t know that Type 1 diabetes is lurking in the background. That’s because their life is pretty much like everyone else, just with a few differences – insulin taking up room in the fridge and a few extra medical supplies stacked neatly on a shelf. That’s not to take away the seriousness of this disease and the impact it can have, but Aimee and Aaron have worked hard to create a sense of normalcy within their young family. Aimee was first diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic when she was 10, Aaron was 5. While they knew there was a chance their children could also face the same diagnosis, they never expected it so early on. While their eldest son Blake (8), has so far shown no signs, their youngest son Dylan wasn’t as lucky.
We had to hold him down to do the infusion needle change because he would move a lot. It was horrible, but it has made a big difference.
“Dylan was 17 months old, he was just a bubba,” says Aimee. “I remember him being sick and drinking lots and wetting through nappies, but I just put it down to teething. In the back of my mind, I was thinking diabetes, but I was trying to fob it off. I was in a bit of denial. We knew, but we didn’t want to Dylan being cared for in the Pediatric Intensive know.” Care Unit the day after his diagnosis. Now aged 5, Dylan (who is also a coeliac) has settled into his routine of finger pricks, insulin doses and everything else that comes with living as a Type 1 diabetic. He’s also fortunate enough to have an insulin pump (donated by the Bribie Island Diabetes Support Group) which takes away the need for multiple needles a day.
“It was a bit hard at first and took a bit of adjustment,” Aimee says. “We had to hold him down to do the infusion needle change because he would move a lot. It was horrible, but it has made a big difference. “I did freak out initially thinking about something being attached to Dylan all the time. But after speaking to other parents with kids of a similar age and they said it’s nothing to them, they just get on with life.” One of the tricky aspects of three members of the same family having Type 1 is the constant need for insulin and diabetic supplies, which adds up quickly. While we are fortunate to have the National Diabetes Services Scheme in Australia to help cover some costs, it’s still an expensive disease to live with. An insulin pump outright can cost up to $10,000 and isn’t an option for many families who may not have private health cover. They also usually need to be replaced every 4 years. While things have changed a lot since Aimee and Aaron were diagnosed as children, Aimee believes more should be done to help families cover the cost. “It is an expensive disease to have,” she says. “Things like test strips you use all the time, and they need Dylan looking much happier five days after being diagnosed. to be replaced regularly. “Visits to the doctor or specialist also add up. We know we have to do these things, but there are so many families out there going through this. It’s a disease you have for life, it’s not going away.”
255,600 people are living with diabetes in Queensland.
When we say “tell us your story,” we’re looking for readers who will speak about the experiences that have made them who they are today.
283 people are diagnosed with diabetes each day.
We want to know how you’ve grown, what you’re working on and where you’re headed!
The main types are Type 1, Type 2, Pre-diabetes and Gestational.
Diabetes occurs when there is too much glucose in the blood. Source:
You can write the story yourself or we can write it for you however you must live in one of the following suburbs: Caboolture, Morayfield, Narangba, Burpengary, Petrie, Kallangur, Mango Hill, Noth Lakes or Deception Bay. Simply email a summary of your story, or the article you have written (max 500 words plus photo/s) to Dylan today with his insulin pump.
November 2020
Terms & conditions apply. Gamble Responsibly.
LOOK BEYOND THE BEARD Words: Monica Shanahan LaBella Day Spa + Clinic
Having an active lifestyle is the best way for a man to remain healthy. Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce and manage many chronic conditions and improve mental health. Exercise is vital for a healthy body and mind. Despite the positive impact of exercise on both physical and mental health, Australian men aren’t moving enough. More than half (51%) of Australian males don’t get the recommended levels of physical activity.
Have you ever heard people say: “Beauty salons are not for men." “Men don’t need skincare.” “Real men don’t need sunscreen.” “Skin products for men are just a pricey gimmick." I am sure you have! Maybe it was our father, husband or even our son’s reaction to our plea to do something for their dry patch, pimples, or sunburned skin. The reason is that for centuries the beauty industry has been shaped by gender stereotypes that women’s treatment is not for men. But this is only a myth … Today I am talking to the men. Take time to go to the mirror and look very carefully beyond the beard, what do you see? Skin. That’s right skin!!! We all have skin. It doesn’t matter if we are female or male, and we are all equally exposed to external and internal causes that can damage this precious organ.
The skin is the largest organ that we have and the most exposed. It is the one that everyone can see, so it makes sense to take care of it. Grooming is an essential part of life, for humans and animals alike. It is vital for keeping healthy, clean and hygienic and well as playing a pivotal role in social bonding. It doesn’t matter if we are female or male, we all need to feel cared for, and beauty treatments are a tool to provide care. It makes us feel good, which we all need from time to time. Do you “love” or at least like your car? Do you wash your car from time to time? Would you drive it without fuel, oil or the essential maintenance? To work properly, a car needs attention and care. The same applies to your precious skin. So let me answer you: Is it fine to wash your face with soap? NO Can you do anything about shaving irritation, razor bumps and ingrown hair? YES Do I really need sunscreen? YES
The Department of Health recommends that adults accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every week, including at least two strength sessions. That might seem overwhelming, but when you think about it, it’s only 30 minutes five times per week. If 30 minutes at a time sounds too much you can even break it down further and try doing 3 x 10 minute sessions every day and eventually build up. Remember something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore, and every little bit counts. Here are some tips for increasing your activity levels this Movember: • Grab a friend or your partner– working out with others increases adherence. • Take the stairs instead of the lift • Park further away from work or, if you can, walk instead of driving • Join a team – sports are a great way to stay motivated. Social touch footy, beach volleyball, park soccer. The options are endless and it is also a great way to expand your social circle • Get off the bus/train a couple of stations earlier • Just move – even if it’s just 10 minutes – every little bit counts
For more information contact Monica Shanahan at LaBella DaySpa+Clinic, Narangba on 0413 831 172
Movember Moustache Men have a life expectancy of approximately four years less than their female counterparts. Men have a higher mortality rate from most leading causes of death. 1. There are between 10,000 and 20,000 hairs on a man’s face and the average moustache has 600.
7. In 1967 The Beatles gave away cardboard moustaches with their album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Seven out of ten Australian men are overweight or obese.
2. Albert Einstein sported his moustache for over 50 years.
8. On average a man with a moustache touches it 760 times a day.
Compared to women, men visit the doctor less frequently & have shorter visits.
3. A fancy way to say shaving is pogonotomy.
9. In Eureka, Nevada, USA, it is illegal for men with moustaches to kiss women.
One in seven Australian men experiences depression or anxiety (or both) in any given year.
10. Beards were dangerous in hand-to-hand combat. Alexander the Great made all his soldiers shave before the battle of Ardela,
Approximately half will experience a mental illness over their lifetime.
4. In a deck of cards the King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache. 5. The oldest recorded mustache dates back to at around 300 B.C. 6. The average one-month old moustache is capable of holding 30ml of liquid or 10 per cent of a glass of beer before leaking its contents down the owner’s face. Useful for spills.
11. Civil War era men who shaved their upper lips, like Abe Lincoln and John Greenleaf Whitter, the poet, did so for convenience in eating.
November 2020
Suicide is the leading cause of death for males aged 15 – 44. Men are three times more likely to take their own life than women.
WHAT IS HOLISTIC COUNSELLING? By Nikki Gorrick at Zen Chi Natural Therapies
Holistic Counselling is a personalised gentle and compassionate form of therapy aimed at providing you a safe space to explore your internal world, unlocking and discovering the truth of who you are enabling you to cultivate a true sense of inner happiness and peace of mind. As a holistic practitioner I am conscious of you in your totality and recognise the mind body and spirit as fundamentally interconnected. Taking this into consideration along with all aspects that make up your Self we look to find what it is lying within that is holding you back from being able to embrace your life for all you want it to be. Mentoring you on a ray of different strategies you can employ at any time to use with issues such as depression and anxiety, stress, loss and grief, self esteem, trauma and childhood developmental trauma, relationship issues, family, limiting beliefs, communicating effectively, feelings of lost/stuck, releasing anger and letting go as well as addiction. Holistic Counselling can also aid in you gaining: • • • • • • • •
Acceptance, compassion, and love for the Self Greater Self-awareness Enhanced emotional wellbeing Strengthened resilience and inner resources Break through limiting subconscious and conscious beliefs Higher Self esteem Improved inner peace A Sense of purpose and connection
90min Initial Consultation 60min Follow Up
$110.00 $ 80.00
Words: University of the Sunshine Coast
A $6.9 million global research project involving USC as the only Australian partner has developed a new monitoring and intervention system to slow or even reverse the progression of frailty among older adults. USC neuropsychology researcher Associate Professor Mathew Summers said the preliminary findings were exciting because they indicated that the IT-based tailored health care platform and program could help older adults live in their homes longer. The world-first approach is called MyAHA (My Active and Healthy Ageing). Dr Summers was awarded $496,000 by the National Health and Medical Research Council towards the four-year European Union Horizon 2020 consortium grant project that has just been completed.
Residents of Oak Tree Retirement Village Burpengary recently partnered with Burpengary State Secondary College to assist Year 12 Certificate III fitness students in completing their placement assessment. The program, designed by RTO Binnacle Training, focuses on providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver fitness programs within their school community and gain a head start before leaving school. “This program promotes a collaborative partnership between Retirement Living and Schools and demonstrates the positive impact that physical activity has on improving the health and wellbeing of older adults. Oak Tree residents loved interacting with the students and being a part of their learning process and are looking forward to incorporating the exercises they learnt from the program in their everyday life,” said a spokesperson for Oak Tree Retirement Village Burpengary Oak Tree Burpengary residents participated in three different sessions, where the students were able to practice their techniques on prescreening and body composition testing and tailored training sessions for seniors using everyday objects as equipment – perfect for seniors wanting to exercise in the comfort of their own home. Whilst attending the school, residents were spoilt with a delicious assortment of grazing boxes and delicious treats prepared by the Year 10 hospitality class preparing for the completion of their certificate III in Hospitality in senior. “It was heart-warming to see the interaction between the two generations, especially during these unprecedented times,” said a spokesperson for Oak Tree Retirement Village Burpengary. “The three sessions ran smoothly, with residents and students remaining safe and abiding by the social distancing rules and restrictions.” Residents were extremely impressed with the professionalism and expertise delivered by students from the school with some of the residents leaving wonderful comments regarding the program.
The Sunshine Coast was the only Australian site for the research, which recruited more than 40 older people between Noosa, Caloundra and the hinterland for an 18-month trial. Dr Summers was one of the project’s principal investigators, alongside colleagues from 16 other universities and private institutions across Europe and Asia. “This new IT-based platform is designed to identify and monitor older adults exhibiting early stages of frailty, then develop individually-tailored interventions that can slow the progression of frailty or even reverse it back to normal function,” he said. “We looked at all types of physical, cognitive and social frailty, such as problems with mental processing and memory, isolation and loneliness, depression and anxiety, nutrition and sleep.” More than 250 volunteers worldwide participated in the project ( They were split into two groups, with half testing the system and half acting as a control group.
Data from wristband sensors that tracked physical activity and from surveys of participants’ cognitive health, nutrition and moods was fed into a web-based platform and analysed for changes over time.
A.Prof Matthew Summers Neuropsychology Researcher USC
“We then developed algorithms to automatically identify patterns of change that indicated potential clinical changes in function,” Dr Summers said. “For each pattern, we prescribed interventions targeted towards those weaker areas.” Researchers visited participants individually in their homes and as groups in the community to assess and intervene. “While the results of the research are currently under peer review for publication, we can say we found a maintenance and slight improvement in quality of life for older people who received the intervention, and a significant decline in quality of life for the control group.” Dr Summers said the system supported older people staying in their own homes for longer. “When an older person lives at home, the biggest risk is a fall and the mostly likely trigger is their own physical frailty,” he said. “By targeting early indicators and halting or reversing the progression of frailty, the ongoing benefit is to reduce their risk of falls and increase their likelihood of living at home for longer period of time with minimal support.” Dr Summers said USC’s work within such a large international consortium gave it access to advanced technologies and leading researchers, as well as multilingual platforms for migrants. “The next step is to gain investment from companies to pursue commercialisation, to make the platform available more widely,” he said.
Depression and feelings of isolation or loneliness can be common for older Australians. More likely to experience physical illness or personal loss, our elderly sometimes struggle to ask for help. Whilst discussions around mental health are becoming more common place, some older people have never spoken about how they feel because it wasn’t normalised when they were growing up. Others, worrying that they will be treated differently or become a burden, keep feelings of sadness and seclusion to themselves.
Show you care: provides a number of conversation starters that encourage a healthy discussion about how your loved one is feeling. Take action: Work out what help you can provide. This may be a weekly phone call or helping with weekly tasks.
Normalising conversations around emotions can make it easier to identify risks, manage problems and reduce the stigma. But these conversations can be tricky. Here are some tips on how to ask if someone is okay.
Ask an expert: It is important to get expert advice. provides a range of free advice and information to help support your loved one. Speaking to a GP could also be beneficial.
Find a safe space: Find a quiet, safe space to have the discussion. Let them know that you are there to talk about how they are feeling, to listen and provide support.
Talking about isolation and depression can sometimes be a daunting task but starting a conversation can be the first step to better mental health.
November 2020
• • • • • • • • • • •
Bunnings Warehouse
How Long Does It Take Fruit Trees To Bear Fruit?
Gardeners all love planting. This month we are spoilt for choice. But in Queensland, palms are number one as they are ideal for the climate.
Lemon trees: 2-3 years
Plant them around pools, for their cool and calming effect or as a bold accent plant. There are varieties that also grow well indoors in pots.
Lemon trees have always been a popular choice, especially for those with a bit of room in the backyard. A lemon tree needs a lot of sun and good drainage, given the right conditions you should start to see fruit in two to three years. If you don’t have room for a fully grown lemon tree, you could just as easily grow one in a pot and prune as required. The ‘Eureka’ is a popular variety that fruits twice a year with its biggest crop in summer.
As a general rule, fertilise in spring, summer and autumn. Pop into store for advice about what to use on your palm. Water deeply and regularly when it’s warm and dry
Apple trees: 4-8 years
There’s nothing like the taste of a delicious, crunchy apple straight off the tree. If you’ve got the room and the patience, a standard apple tree can grow over nine metres tall and produce fruit in four to eight years. Semi-dwarf and dwarf apple trees don’t grow as tall but still produce standard sized apples. Generally a fruit that’s ready to harvest in summer, apple trees are relatively low maintenance. Planted in a sunny spot with good drainage, you can expect them to fruit in three to four years.
Orange trees: up to 3 years
Imagine enjoying a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice every morning. It’d taste even better when it’s from your very own garden. An orange tree that enjoys at least five hours of sunshine a day can reward you with spring fruit in as little as three years. Whether or not a tree bears fruit has more to do with growing conditions and age than it does with the height of the tree. As with some of the other fruit and citrus varieties, a semi-dwarf is a good option if you don’t have room for a fully grown orange tree.
Olive trees: 4-5 years
Olive trees have been grown for centuries and are highly regarded for their tolerance to the harsh Australian climate. In fact, the only place they’re not suitable for are tropical climates, preferring hot dry weather reminiscent of the Mediterranean. When planted in fertile soil that gets full sun for at least 6 hours a day, you can expect your olive tree to bear fruit in four to five years. Picking usually takes place from midautumn to early winter and olives need to be soaked, salted and preserved in oil to remove their bitterness.
Geraniums are another great choice. Known for their prolific and colourful blooms, they are, easy-care, hardy and tolerate full sun.
Osteospermums are also sun lovers. They grow well in pots, or mass plant in the garden for good effect. They thrive in welldrained soil and for a longer blooming season, remove spent flowers. For a blaze of colour you can’t go past everyone’s summer favourite, petunias. Plant them in a sunny spot in the garden, in pots or hanging baskets. Azaleas and plumeria are also in store to plant too. Don’t neglect the vegie patch. It’s a good time to plant tomatoes, eggplants and capsicums as they really like the sun. Watermelons and rock melons will do well too and if you’ve got room put in a few pumpkins too. But remember the vines
spread so you’ll need some room. Plant cucumbers, lettuce, beetroot, silverbeet, beans and quick growing radishes.
In October there’s a flush of growth, so it’s the perfect time to get the pruners out. Remove spent flowers and tip prune grevilleas and callistemons as well as other natives. Pruning now promotes good shape and growth. Prune poinsettias and snow flake after flowering. Give the garden a dose of fertiliser. But don’t fertilise when the forecast is for hot weather. Remember to feed natives with a low phosphorous option. If you’ve got any questions about what to feed your garden, pop into store and ask the experts. Keep water up to shrubs such as gardenias, hydrangeas, and ixoras. They need water to put on their flower show. Before the heat of summer, is a great time to apply mulch. It helps soil retain moisture and protects plant roots. Lucerne and sugar cane are great options. As they break down, they provide valuable nutrients to the soil. Spread about 5-7cm thick.
November 2020
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DON'T LET YOUR PETS SUCCUMB TO SUMMER If you’re feeling lonely or are keen to make new friends, a trip to the vet or the dog park may be in order. Research* of pet owners has found that:
51% had met new people as a direct result of their pet
More than one in 20 (5.2%) credited their pet with introducing them to their partner
84% of people surveyed said they would rate animals as conversation starters
If forced to choose, more than a third (36.2%) of those surveyed said they would live with their pet over their current partner
An astounding 86.8% said they would choose their pet over their friends or flatmate
49% said their pet understands their moods best, while only a third (33%) said that their partner does
Almost a quarter of respondents wished their partner was like their pet. Pets don’t talk back, argue or criticise!
Research of almost 200 Australian pet owners conducted by RSPCA NSW
QUESTIONS FROM READERS WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I FIND A BABY BIRD? Every year scores of baby birds are taken to vets and RSPCA Qld’s Wildlife Hospital when in fact they should have been left where they were. “Sadly this happens all the time,” said RSPCA Qld’s spokesperson Michael Beatty. “People think they’re doing the right thing by “rescuing” chicks that are healthy and being looked after by their parents. They mean well but it often ends up very badly for the chicks.” First, you need to determine if the bird a nestling or a fledgling. Does the bird have feathers? If not, or if it has only fluffy down, then it is a nestling, and needs help straight away, as it cannot keep itself warm. If you find a nestling, please take it to a vet or bring it in to the RSPCA as soon as possible. If the bird has its flight feathers, then it is a fledgling. Before rescuing a fledgling, ask yourself: • Is the bird calling or making a noise? • Is the bird bright and responsive? • Can the bird perch on your finger? • Can the bird spread its wings evenly and flutter to the ground when encouraged to fly? If the answer to all of these questions is a definite “yes” then the baby bird should be able to be reunited with its parents. It is best for a baby bird to be reunited with its parents, as no human carer can teach a young bird all that it needs to learn to survive. To try to reunite the baby bird with its parents, place the bird on a low branch in a bush and watch to see if the parents come to feed it. You can also place the baby bird in a bucket with a few drainage holes. The ‘home-away-from-home’ will protect fledglings and baby birds from predators. Cats and dogs can kill and severely wound native birds and wildlife, particularly the young and flightless. Responsible pet ownership includes confining your cat/s and dog/s (particularly at night). Residents can further assist native birds by planting bushy indigenous shrubs and ground cover to provide protection and camouflage. This will help increase the survival rate of young birds, and will significantly reduce the injury and mortality rates of all wildlife species.
At this time of the year we are reminded about the summer health risks of the vulnerable, including the elderly, the young and the sick. However there is little thought given to those who are equally susceptible but can’t head warnings, identify signs or alleviate affects – our pets. Arguably, their inability to verbalise their thoughts or to voice their symptoms makes them needier. After all, a cat can’t carry a water bottle, apply sun screen or don a pair of sunnies anymore than a dog can’t turn on a fan, refrigerate food or keep medications cool. Thus, with summer before us and responsibility upon us, it is up to owners, neighbours and community members to ensure that the animals in our lives receive the same thought and care as the humans in our lives and ensure that our pets don’t “succumb to summer.” In particular the dangers of heat waves, hot cars, ticks and holiday travel. Heat Waves Every summer, too many pets suffer heat stroke due to their owners’ failure to provide sufficient shade and water. A dog can survive a few days without food, but in the heat it won’t last a day without shade or water. Exercising dogs in the middle of the day can also be dangerous. They tend to overheat very quickly. And once their temperature reaches over forty degrees they can die. If a dog is suffering from heat stress, it’s imperative to lower its temperature as quickly as possible. Hose it down with water, and place ice packs on its head and stomach. Hot Cars The temperature in a car can reach over fifty degrees in less than ten minutes and dogs have been known to die in less than six. Even when you think that you’ll be “just a minute” and that your pet will be safe while you’re gone, remember that any vehicle is hazardous and potentially disastrous for your pet. Be alert for a dog left inside a locked vehicle. Seek emergency help immediately. In a car park, notify centre management, phone the RSPCA Animal Cruelty Hotline (1300 852 188) or your local Police Station. Ticks The paralysis tick can act very quickly and cause severe impairment or worse. Owners should check their pets daily and be aware of the early symptoms of tick paralysis. An unsteady gait, a dry cough and even a slight change in your pets bark or meow could mean they’ve been affected. If infected, seek veterinary attention immediately. The sooner the antiserum is administered, the less chance there is of the tick poisoning being lethal. Prompt action will save lives. Holiday Travel It is important to make sure that all health checks and vaccinations are up to date and that all pets are microchipped. Notify your council, friend or a family member with holiday contact numbers, and make sure that your pet wears visible identification (tags) with holiday contact details. If you are leaving your pet at a boarding establishment, make sure it meets the code of practice for animal industries under the Animal Care and Protection Act (2001). If left in the care of another person, that person should be trusted and caring. You should also leave the carer with a holiday plan in case of emergency. The increased dangers associated with spiralling temperatures do not discriminate against size, breed or gender. By applying the same thoughts and actions to your pets as you would the elderly, children or the sick, you will minimise the risks associated with the rising mercury. You will also ensure that your pets have a healthy and happy summer rather than succumb to it.
November 2020
GrandCarers Have your say... Are you a grandparent and the primary carer for children and/or young people? If so, we would like to meet with you. We want Grandparent Carer voices to be heard, so tell us about your caring role and help us to improve service and supports for you. What works for you now and what other supports would you like to see in your caring role?
HOW: In person, over phone or video call — your choice of venue and method. Or, simply install your free QR code reader, hover your phone’s camera over the QR code and fill in the online survey.
We’d love to hear from you!
Working with Moreton Bay Creative Communities (MBCC) Projects Funding to provide more support in your caring role.
To find out more please contact Supporting GrandCarers Project Officer Vanessa Lynn at Intercept on 07 5428 1684 or email
Caboolture sports cricket club opens
STATE-OF-THE-ART CRICKET DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Caboolture Sports Cricket Club officially opened its state of the art cricket development centre last month located at the Grant Road Sports Grounds in Morayfield. Australian and Queensland government representatives joined with Moreton Bay Regional Council councillors and Caboolture Sports Club representatives to unveil the plaque and welcome in a new era for the Club. The new facility will help cater for yearround training for members and various cricket users and features a full-height tilt concrete slab that eliminates ‘bat on ball’ noise disturbance for neighbouring residences; LED lighting that can be varied to suit high-performance training squads and other users; fully air-conditioned facilities and a 50 panel/16.5kw solar electric system. “Unlike commercial indoor cricket centres that provide social competitions, our new facility’s focus is on cricket skill development and supporting cricket development pathways for emerging and talented local players,” said Caboolture Sports Cricket Club president, Steve Adams. “Cricket player success is about acquiring sound fundamental skills using quality coaching and continuing to develop
player’s skills to maximize their potential and ultimately have the best chance of gaining higher-level selections” added Adams. “We now have a quality dedicated cricket facility right here in Morayfield that will focus on skill development. This will not only assist our higher-level teams, but equally important, our juniors and new female players that are coming into the game,” added Adams. Constructed over 12 weeks by Brisbanebased Spaceframe Construction Pty Ltd, the Cricket Development Centre and other areas of the facility has received over $1.6 million in funding over two years and various levels of funding from Government and sporting stakeholders including Sport Australia’s – Community Sports Infrastructure Fund; Queensland Government’s Active Community Infrastructure Fund; Queensland Cricket’s grant via the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund; Moreton Bay Regional Council through its Regional Communities Projects Grant; the Australian Government’s Community Energy Efficiencies and Solar Grants Program; and Caboolture Sports Club’s Major Development Fund. With the facilities now upgraded, the club is set to have its senior mens and womens teams to be ready to compete in the Brisbane Premier grades by 2023/2024.
SMASH HIT FOR NARANGBA TENNIS LOVERS Narangba residents will be shouting “c’mon!” with construction of a new $3 million tennis hub soon to get underway at the Harris Avenue Sports Complex. Moreton Bay Region Mayor Peter Flannery said the joint funding investment with the State Government would deliver six new courts, a new clubhouse and pro shop, carparking, lighting and infrastructure. “BBN Constructions aced the tender process and will get work underway next month on the new $3 million tennis hub," he said. "This is especially thanks to the Queensland Government's $2 million contribution through its Unite and Recover Community Stimulus Package for Moreton Bay Region. “We all know the value of sports infrastructure after going through lockdown, so this will be a great boon for the Narangba region, which is an emerging community. “Moreton Bay Region has the best sports infrastructure in all of southeast Queensland and we want to make sure we’re continuing to upgrade our facilities with population growth. “That’s why Council has increased its investment into sports infrastructure by more than 40% in this year’s 2020-21 Budget, up from $34 million last financial year to $49 million. “It’s not only a great way for us all to stay fit and healthy but to keep mentally fresh as we all deal with these tough times.”
HAVE YOUR SPORTS STORY FEATURED Simply email your story idea and contact details to
This Unite and Recover Community Stimulus Package project is a joint initiative of Moreton Bay Regional Council and the Queensland Government. Construction is due to begin in November and be completed by July 2021, weather permitting.
November 2020
Words: Nadia Chapman
f you’re a film buff who wants a unique and minimal-effort movie night, Backyard Big Screen in North Lakes might just be the service you’re looking for. Launched by Sarah Phegan in 2019, Backyard Big Screen aims to bring the cinemas to you — with three different packages that the whole family can enjoy. “About this time last year my daughter and I were discussing her upcoming 10th birthday. She wanted something different, something ‘epic’,” says Sarah. “We looked at several different options, but everything was either too expensive or time-consuming.” “[But then] I thought about the huge cinema events they had in the park and wondered if I could find something on a smaller scale to have in the backyard,” says Sarah. This idea came to a halt when Sarah wasn’t able to find much with a quick Google search. Though, to her surprise, she did find equipment that she could use to create a backyard cinema experience for her daughter’s birthday instead. “So, after months of researching and writing a business plan, Backyard Big Screen was launched!” Sarah quickly realised that the projector is incredibly versatile, and movie nights aren’t the only thing she could offer to her future clients. “[The projector] gives many options from watching a movie on Netflix or plugging in your gaming console to watching live football/TV or using a USB to show a PowerPoint presentation, the list is endless.”
needs. On top of this, Sarah has shared that she has recently signed on to be a silver sponsor for the North Lakes Eels AFL Club for 2021. “I’m really proud to be a sponsor for a local sporting team,” says Sarah. “We also had [another] great expansion, where we added a snow cone machine to our offerings in September for our summer clients.” Backyard Big Screen offers three packages that start at $250 for overnight hire. All packages come with a 100’’ inflatable screen, speakers, projector, Blu-ray DVD player and a digital invitation. For a bit extra, you will get a popcorn machine with 10 serves of popcorn, a deluxe Ferris wheel lolly bar and a 6’ trestle table with a table cloth. “We also have a brand new date night package priced at $280 for overnight hire, which includes the basics, as well as a picnic rug; super comfy couples bean bag, graze table and fairy lights.” The booking process is simple, as Sarah will finalise all the nittygritty a week before the event. Not only does Backyard Big Screen offer overnight hire, but Sarah will come and chat with the host on the day of the event and begin set up wherever the client would like the screen. “I will talk the host through how to work the projector and speakers, and if they are using a USB, show them how to plug it in and view their movie of choice.” Sarah will also go through any common troubleshooting problems and how to work the popcorn machine — taking the whole set up process around 30-60 minutes.
Backyard Big Screen first launched with one screen setup that included one popcorn machine and a lolly bar, to having expanded to three screen setups with two popcorn machines and two lolly bars.
Backyard Big Screen caters to the Northside suburbs of Brisbane, with free delivery and setup for suburbs within a 30km radius of North Lakes. There is a fee for bookings outside of these requirements.
From one screen to three screens, Backyard Big Screen has seen growth that allows them to offer more services to suit their client’s
You can find out more by visiting
SUDOKU #51 Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.51)
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November 2020
Writers: Freelance With Us! To be invited to join our team of paid freelance writers, you must be able to demonstrate the ability to: - professionally contact and interview key sources, capturing their story accurately; - thrive in a deadline driven environment; - identify potential stories, sharing leads, sources and opportunities within the team; and - produce a well constructed article in accordance to the editor's guidelines. Will you be the next freelancer to join our fun, relaxed yet professional team? Email a sample of your work and a bit about you to
Local Dining Guide For advertising enquiries call 07 3886 9040.
November 2020
IN REVIEW Lisa's Willow Tree Cafe | Morayfield
Great value, delicious food and relaxing atmosphere.
This owner operated cafÊ could easily be overlooked when driving along Morayfield Road but once you know it’s there, it will definitely be on your regular coffee stop list. You can expect freshly made hot food and coffee along with an entire cabinet of sweet treats which will tempt you. Possibly our favourites are the British Pork Pie and Cornish pastries. You can purchase local hand made gifts as well as local honey, Australian made relish and jam sauces for your home pantry. A pefect spot for your next high tea or 'me time', you can visit Lisa and her team on their Facebook page to find out more. @lisaswillowtreecafe
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TRADES & View Feature Magazine online at
Meet Your Local Lumberjack Lumberjack (Qld) Pty Ltd was established in December 1995 by current Managing Director Phil Armitage, to provide tree lopping services for private householders before expanding into the powerline industry With more than 30 years of experience and a skilled team of employees, their level of expertise has grown and they are able to provide a full range of services. They specialise in providing quality, cost effective vegetation management services from as far south as the NSW border, as far north as Rainbow Beach and as far west as Toowoomba. Lumberjack have been providing their clients with a comprehensive range of tree management services within South East Queensland for the past 20 years ranging from tree felling and removal, to woodchipping and stump grinding. Their team of qualified and experienced arborists are trained in modern techniques and have the best equipment to tackle the job safely with-out causing damage to surrounding property and infrastructure. Priding ourselves on their reputation for delivering their vegetation management programs within budget and on time, all work is fully guaranteed. The experienced team of arborists and plant operators are dedicated to getting the job done quickly, effectively and completed to Australian Standards. Lumberjack clients include private property owners, local councils, schools, day care centres, property developers, civil construction companies, and power service providers. With an excellent safety record and a history of providing excellence in customer care, they specialise in managing the balance between public safety, being environmentally responsible, and working hand in hand with the community to enable use to make a difference. Call them today on 0400 595 038 for a No Obligation FREE Quote. AGED CARE SERVICES
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November 2020
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How to Check a Tradie's Licence
Before you hire a tradesperson, it's important to know whether your job requires a particular kind of licence. Residential Building Work: In Queensland, Individuals and companies must hold a Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) licence to carry out: • •
Any building work valued over $3000 Building work valued over $1,100 where is involved Hydraulic Services Design
Registered architects are able to carry out building design work and perform building inspections on all types of buildings
Licences are issued by Queensland Building and Construction Commission Pest and Termite Management: In Queensland, there are three types of Pest Management licences: • A Pest Management Licence (excluding timber pests) • A Pest Management licence including timber pests • A Fumigation licence. Licences are issued by the Queensland Department of Health Plumbing, Draining and Gasfitting: In Queensland, Individuals and companies must have a licence to carry out
any work involving plumbing, drainage and gasfitting. Licences are issued by Queensland Building and Construction Commission Electrical Wiring: In Queensland, a business which provides electrical work services for others must have an electrical contractor licence.
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Licences are issued by Queensland Electrical Safety Office. How to Check: You can use websites such as www.qbcc.qld. to find out more about licencing requirements for your tradesperson and State as well as conduct licences checks to ensure your tradie's licence is valid.
MAN WANTS WORK AROUND THE HOUSE. Gardening and weeding, pruning trees & shrubs. Anything considered. Honest & reliable. Reasonable Rates - Ph 3285 6128 LAWYERS
SHORT + SHARP: Words: Jayden Johnston
He flips the cards around. “Now, pick one.” I shrug, and grab randomly from his hand. “Wait. What the—” This isn’t a normal card. I look back at him, but his face is slowly sinking back, falling unto itself like little grains of sand. The card shows… him, but it definitely looked normal before he flipped the cards around. I look down and recoil in horror. He has completely sifted down into sand, all of him but his eyes, which are following me around. The scenery changes. I barely have time to register it before a gust of wind blows his grains straight back at my face. Sneezing and coughing, I walk around the field, attempting to locate where on earth I have gone. I pick up a flower, but as soon as I do this, my world is thrown upside down. Now I stand on the ceiling of a house, upside-down. Watching people watching television. “Wait a second.” They’re my parents! Without me. They are sitting in silence, only the TV breaking through. I try to signal to them, but no sound comes out of my mouth. And I don’t think they would be able to see me anyway. “How does it look?” His breath is in my ear, his voice grating me down to my very bones. Nevertheless, I try to remain calm. “W-What do you mean?” I ask, my voice wavering, cracking due to my fear. “Life without you in the world.” “Do you mean—” “You’ve been dead for six months. And I… am Death.” I finally turn to look at him, and it’s the same magician. But, for some reason, his features look distorted. He’s shimmering in the lights of the living room. “Why are you doing this?” “Oh, a number of reasons. Everyone has a clock, you see.” As he says this the room vanishes, to be replaced by some sort of throne room. But instead of chairs and tables around the room, there are just— “Hourglasses.” So, this is what he meant by a clock. “Is this… everyone in the world?” “Yes. All 7.6 billion of you. I know when all of you are going to die. For example, your classmate, Julie—” “Don’t say it.” “—is going to live a long and happy life, up ‘til the age of eighty-six.” “Oh. Okay.” I wander around in awe, taking in the sheer size of the room that I have been taken to. “So, what was with that weird light show that scared the crap out of me?” “It was a test.” “Of course it was.” I shake my head, realising that I was insulting Death himself, and quickly shut up. “To see whether you are pure. And I have to say, you seem to be. Most people would have asked how they died already.” That probably would have been my next question. I hesitate, allowing Death to slip in and tell me, “You died in a car accident.” The world moves around us again, allowing me to see what is presumably the fatal accident. But I don’t feel the same connection to the scene. Death waits for my reaction, but when I just watch with interest, he whisks us away to yet another scene. “Where are we now?” “I’ve made my evaluation.” Death fails to answer my question, which doesn’t escape my notice. “And?”
He grins. “Welcome to Hell.” November 2020
Brisbane Bar Tide Times – QUEENSLAND LONG 153° 10’ E Nov 2020 High and Low Waters
0302 0858 1514 2110
0.19 2.27 0.25 2.45
0340 0951 SU 1611 2151
0343 0944 1605 2154
0.14 2.39 0.24 2.36
2 0407 1024
17 0429 1059
0421 1030 1655 2238
0.14 2.46 0.29 2.21
3 0435 1058
18 0508 1146
0458 1117 1746 2323
0.17 2.49 0.38 2.02
4 0505 1134
19 0548 1235
5 0535 1211
20 0050 0633
6 0008 0611
21 0151 0725
7 0058 0657
0536 0.26 1205 2.45 1840 0.50
0.32 2.28 0.54 1.97
0.33 2.30 MO 1647 0.57 2222 1.88 0.36 2.29 TU 1722 0.62 2254 1.79 0.42 2.26 WE 1759 0.68 2328 1.69 0.49 2.21 TH 1840 0.74 1.60 0.58 FR 1254 2.16 1930 0.79
0350 1012 MO 1647 2218
Out and About 2020
0.15 2.60 0.37 2.01
0338 1004 TU 1635 2201
0.20 2.61 TU 1740 0.43 2307 1.87
2 0409 1040
17 0449 1129
3 0442 1117
18 0529 1214
4 0517 1156
19 0030 0612
5 0000 0556
20 0119 0657
6 0052 0645
21 0214 0750
7 0155 0744
0.34 2.40 0.61 1.80
0.36 2.40 WE 1713 0.63 2237 1.76
0.28 2.55 WE 1834 0.51 2357 1.73
0.40 2.38 TH 1753 0.66 2316 1.71
0.40 2.45 TH 1930 0.60
0.46 2.35 FR 1835 0.69
1.61 0.55 FR 1325 2.31 2029 0.67
1.66 0.53 SA 1239 2.32 1923 0.70
1.54 0.69 SA 1420 2.19 2128 0.70
1.63 0.60 SU 1328 2.28 2017 0.69
0407 1044 WE 1733 2254
at Halpine Lakes Reserve, Mango Hill
with Robert Constantine
0.25 2.65 0.47 1.81
0.32 2.59 TH 1821 0.52 2342 1.75 0.42 2.49 FR 1907 0.58
1.70 0.54 SA 1257 2.36 1953 0.64
1.66 0.67 SU 1341 2.23 2038 0.68
1.64 0.79 MO 1427 2.11 2125 0.69
0011 0614 1255 1940
1.82 0.38 2.36 0.62
0104 0658 1351 2051
1.63 0.52 2.25 0.71
1.52 0.66 SA 1347 2.12 2035 0.80
22 0304 0833
1.62 0.67 MO 1423 2.25 2118 0.65
22 0317 0853
0213 0754 1456 2206
1.49 0.67 2.15 0.72
0208 0802 SU 1452 2151
1.48 0.73 2.11 0.75
23 0418 0952
0309 0858 TU 1525 2220
1.66 0.72 2.23 0.57
23 0425 1007
0339 0912 1609 2315
1.46 0.77 2.09 0.67
0338 0924 MO 1603 2301
1.53 0.74 2.15 0.63
24 0523 1107
0426 1015 WE 1629 2319
1.79 0.72 2.21 0.48
24 0529 1121
0501 1.54 1039 0.78 1717 2.08
10 0458 1045
1.67 0.68 TU 1710 2.22
25 0007 0617
10 0534 1131
1.97 0.68 TH 1732 2.18
25 0622 1227
0012 0604 1152 1814
0.59 1.68 0.72 2.11
11 0002 0602
26 0049 0701
11 0015 0635
26 0038 0709
0059 0653 1250 1902
0.51 1.83 0.65 2.13
12 0055 0658
27 0126 0741
0.46 0107 0.30 27 0121 12MEDIUM 0751 2.26 0730 2.35 Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.51) SA 1351 0.55 SU 1414 0.74 1943 1.80 1927 2.08
0137 0735 1337 1942
0.44 1.97 0.59 2.14
13 0144 0749
28 0201 0818
0212 0811 1419 2017
0.39 2.07 0.55 2.12
14 0228 0838
29 0234 0854
0243 0846 1458 2051
0.36 2.16 0.53 2.09
15 0310 0925
30 0306 0929
0312 0919 1535 2121
0.33 2.23 0.53 2.03
8 9
0.50 1.87 WE 1157 0.59 1809 2.29 0.37 2.07 TH 1303 0.49 1903 2.32 0.26 2.26 FR 1404 0.41 1954 2.30
0.18 2.42 SA 1500 0.36 2043 2.24
0.15 2.54 SU 1554 0.35 2131 2.13
1.52 0.81 SU 1521 2.09 2226 0.68
1.59 0.86 MO 1623 2.03 2320 0.63
1.71 0.85 TU 1722 2.00
0.57 1.86 WE 1211 0.80 1813 1.99 0.49 2.01 TH 1304 0.74 1857 1.98 0.43 2.14 FR 1351 0.68 1937 1.97
0.38 2.24 SA 1435 0.64 2015 1.94
0.34 2.32 SU 1517 0.61 2051 1.90
0.33 2.38 MO 1556 0.60 2125 1.85
0.38 2.16 FR 1244 0.62 1831 2.14
1.66 0.89 TU 1518 2.00 2214 0.68
1.73 0.95 WE 1615 1.91 2305 0.64 1.85 0.94 TH 1713 1.86 2353 0.58 1.99 0.89 FR 1808 1.82
puzzle solutions
0.52 2.14 SA 1324 0.81 1858 1.81
Puzzle D 2 (Medium, V difficulty rating 0.46) I W O O 6 4 3 9 1 2 8 7 5 1 3 9 7 L 4W O 2 R 5T H6 S 8 0200 0.41 0156 0.24 L A 0822 1 2.50 2 8 0831 7 2.36 3 5 9 4 6 4B 8 2 6 5 1 C7 3 9 U SU 1452 0.49 MO 1500 0.68 2025 1.80 2022 2.01 9 7 5 6 4 8 2 3 1 5E 6 7 9 N 3B 8 I R 1D 4 2 0238 0.38 0241 0.21 T H I R T Y 0909 2.42 0911 2.61 8 3 6 4 7 1 5 2 9 7 9 1 4 8 3 I2 5 6 MO 1549 0.45 TU 1543 0.64 E T M O N E 2106 1.80 2114 1.94 2 9 4 5 8 3 1 6 7 8 S 5U M4 M 2E R9 S 6 I 3 7 1 0325 0.22 0315 0.36 0958 R 7E N 7 2.66 5 1 0947 2 2.47 9 6 4 8 3 6 2 3 1 5 C 9H A8 N 4T TU 1642 0.45 WE 1623 0.62 G L E E S O N 2205 1.88 2146 1.80 5 8 9 3 2 7 6 1 4 3 4 8 5 2 9 6 1 7 I M P 0352 0.36 1025 2.49 3 6 TH 2 1704 1 0.61 5 4 7 9 8 2 1 5W 8 6O 7 O 4 9 O 3 2226 1.81 4 1 7 8 6 9 3 5 2 9 R 7 6 A 3 D1R 4I V 8 I N2 G 5 E T S I O E N F 5 (Medium, Puzzle 4 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.52) Puzzle difficultyErating 0.56) Puzzle 1 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.61) Puzzle R difficulty V Arating 0.66)O X I 2 (Hard, 4 6 Last1 Quarter 3 7 9 5 2 8 5 N 7 1M 8 I 6 U 9 2 4 3 6 7 9 4 3 2 5 8 1 5 3 4 8 2 6 7P E9 T 1 8 3 2 4 6 5 7 1 9 3 A 6S B4 E 7S T2O S 1 8 9 O5 1 4 3 8 7 5 6 9 2 6 N 9 8 L 7 A1 M 3 2 4 5 7 9 5 2 8 1 4 3 6 2 8 9 3 5 4 1H O7 M 6E C A B O O L T U 2 8 5 9 6 1 7 3 4 1 2 7 5 4 9 R 6E 8 Y 3 2 5 6 9 4 8 1 7 3 6 E 9 5N 4 7 S 2 3 8 1 3 9 6 2 1 4 8 5 7 3 8 5 1 9 2 4L 6 7Y 9 4 8 7 1 3 2 6 5 4 1 8 6 3 5I 7P 2 9O 7 2 4 3 5 8 1 6 9 4 1 2 6 7 H 9 F3 A 8U M U5 L C 1 7 3 5 2 6 8 9 4 7 2 3 9 1 8 6 5 4 A I 5 1 8 7 9 6 2 4 3 7 6 9 4 3 8 5 1 2N 5 1 9 8 3 2 6 4 7 1 4 T7 E 2 6 E 5 A3 8G N 9O N 8 3 1 6 2 9 4 7 5 8 4 3 9S 7N 5 1 L2 6 3 2 7 6 5 4 9 8 1 9 5 2 1 8 3 4 6 7 9 6 2 5 4 7 3 1 8 9 P 7A R6 M 2I 8 S E 1 L 3F 5 I E4 6 8 4 1 9 7 3 5 2 8 3 6 5 O 4 7 9 T1 2 4 5 7 1 8 3 9 2 6 2 5 1 3 6 4 8 7 9 M A R I N A A M A Z I Puzzle 7 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.51) Puzzle 8 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.57) Puzzle 4 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.67) Puzzle 5 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.64)
The Bureau of Meteorology gives Bureau of Meteorology no warranty of any kind whether de express, implied, statutory or C +10:00) otherwise in respect to the accuracy, First availability, Quarter Fullcurrency, Moon
completeness, quality or reliability of the information or that the information will be fit for any particular purpose or will not infringe any third party Intellectual Property rights. The Bureau's liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from use of, or reliance on, the information is entirely excluded. Copyright of the tidal prediction tables is vested in the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology.
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Puzzle 9
Puzzle 6 39 4 7
Say Hello to Freedom Downsizing is not about saying goodbye… It’s about saying hello. Freshwater by Ingenia Lifestyle is a welcoming over 50s community with resort-style facilities, thoughtfully designed homes and a social calendar of activities run by the onsite Community Manager. Living at Freshwater gives you the freedom to choose the things you love, your way. Say Hello to life on your terms: • No stamp duty • No exit fees • Capital gains are yours to keep
Call Jemma on 3186 8443 to discover more 49-67 CREEK ROAD, BURPENGARY EAST 4505� Terms and conditions apply. Price is based on owning your home and leasing the land and is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.