OurNarangba & Burpengary Magazine June 2015

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Beyond 2015: A Glimpse into Narangba’s Future

App Watch

Narangba Valley Vipers Head to State Championships

June 2015 Edition

Think Local, Buy Local, Be Local!









Letter from the Editor Wow! Our third edition. Has that gone quickly or what? We certainly couldn’t have done it without the support of both our contributors and Narangba residents alike. This month’s focus is the future of Narangba and developments in the local area. Accordingly, we took to the streets with Councillor Bob Millar and Councillor Peter Flannery to discuss the 2031 Development Plan released by Moreton Bay Regional Council. The suburb is certainly set to grow over the next ten years! We also analyse the latest apps available for Narangba residents and explore the future of local business in the area. As well as all your regular column favourites, we welcome our new financial advisor Lee Bowden, whose first column on the end of financial year is set to get you ready for tax time. On another note, our website is constantly updated with stories you may not see in the magazine. For instance, our fitness guru Mel Toroya, is challenging all of Narangba to break their bad habits whilst improving their lifestyle, using two of our team members as examples. Who will come out on top, Katy or Renae? Follow their progress and read other columns and articles via our website, www.ournarangba.com.au. Our free app will be released this month, making it much easier for you to access online stories on-the-go. So if you are not already following our Facebook, you may wish to do so in order to not miss out on the app release announcement! The ourNarangba PR team is also well and truly underway with Darth Vader visiting last month and a free GREASE teaser show coming to Narangba in June! As always, we welcome your feedback, and aim to bring you a quality, community-focused magazine every month. If you see something within our pages that you think is not quite up to scratch please let me know via the Facebook page or the email address below. Likewise, if there is an event or an issue you think we should cover, get in contact.

THIS EDITION L E T T E R F R O M T H E E D I T O R 3 B E Y O N D 2 0 1 5 5 A Glimpse Into Narangba’s Future T H I N K L O C A L - B U Y L O C A L - B E L O C A L












Getting More Bang For Your Buck This Financial Year REAL ESTATE WRAP UP WITH DARREN GRIMWADE








A Calorie is Not a Calorie DIY Terrarium THE LOCAL WAGON WITH ELLE PIEPER Pawfect Pet Parlour


I N R E V I E W W I T H J A D E M I T C H E L L Partials Sequence




W H A T ’ S O N








Until next time, Jackie Smith ADVERTISING For advertising rates, conditions and bookings please contact our team at ads@ournarangba.com.au or contact Darren More via phone on 0416 430 792. BUSINESS HOURS Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm DISTRIBUTION ourNarangba is available to residents and businesses within the Narangba area or online at www.ournarangba.com.au COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. The information in this magazine is for information purposes only. ourNarangba and its editors, publishers and agents assume no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organisers or organisation without verification by us. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of ourNarangba. Therefore, ourNarangba carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon. INDEMNITY By advertising or submitting with ourNarangba you agree to indemnify all participating students or contributors and supporting businesses such as graphic designers and printers against any claims. ABN 47 438 219 632 COVER IMAGE: Artist impression of the Narangba Town Centre 2031. Contributed by Moreton Bay Regional Council.

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Editor: editor@ournarangba.com.au Advertising: ads@ournarangba.com.au Events: whatson@ournarangba.com.au Subscriptions: subscribe@ournarangba.com.au Story Ideas: katy@ournarangba.com.au

www.ournarangba.com.au Copyright ©2015 ourNarangba. All rights reserved.


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9th June 2015 4-6 pm

Parents of current Year 6 students are invited to attend Narangba Valley High School’s Faculty Showcase afternoon on Tuesday,





provides an opportunity for future parents and students to tour through our school, meet some of our exceptional teachers and learn more about the subjects on offer in 2016. Our Enrolment Officer will also be present on the day and enrolment papers can be collected.

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Beyond 2015: A Glimpse Into Narangba’s Future by Katy More, MBCC Inc Member

The upgrade of the Narangba Train Station was just part of the Narangba East Strategy adopted by Moreton Bay Regional Council on November 20, 2012 and if the station’s facelift is any guide to go by, the future is bright for our community. The finalised strategy provides Council, State Agencies, land owners, developers, and the community, with the policy provisions to transform the Narangba East District from a fragmented rural residential area into a thriving community. The development potential of Narangba East has been recognised from as early as the 1988 Strategic Plan prepared by Caboolture Shire Council. However, development and growth within the Narangba area has since occurred predominantly only in surrounding Greenfield areas (Narangba Valley and North Lakes). ‘Existing and future rural residential development is an underutilisation of land, considering the proximity of the Narangba Rail Station and the opportunity to establish a significant Transit Oriented Development’, states the Narangba East Local Development Area Plan: Phase 5 Final Planning Report. It goes on to state that ‘mixed use development within a 400 metre to 800 metre catchment around the Narangba Rail Station would create higher density living that would provide opportunity for greater self containment with a range of retail, commercial and community uses supported by a higher density residential catchment.’ ‘The ability to supply sewerage to these developments is the main driver for future developments and stages,’ Councillor Peter Flannery said, regarding the development plans for the Division 2 area. ‘A large portion of Division 2 is also covered by the “Trigger for Further Investigation” area which is due to the distance from the Narangba Industrial Estate on the eastern side of the Highway. Any development in this area will require extra investigations and reports on potential impacts.’ The Structure plan for this area now gives potential developers a guideline as to how this area could be developed and progressed while providing choices for the community wishing to move into this growing corridor. Our front cover displays an artist impression, provided by Moreton Bay Regional Council, of part of the 2031 Narangba East plan which proposes a local centre with a mix of shopping, business, local employment, leisure, community services and urban residential living including apartments, townhouse style development and small lot housing. ‘The plan will be implemented over time as Narangba grows and the needs arise,’ said Councillor Bob Millar. ‘It is an aspirational view of the area so we can grow and develop over the next twenty years or so. There is effectively no timeframe as to when the development might occur. It is heavily dependent on the private development industry, but what it does is put in place the framework for how Narangba should grow.’ The two-decade plan includes an expansion to the exiting centre (known by the community as Narangba Village) with overpasses to connect pedestrians to the train station safely. The railway crossing could potentially close with Oakey Flat Road providing a west connecting flyover. Over the last several years, Moreton Bay Regional Council has gone into a more detailed planning approach to ensure the end result has the correct infrastructure, road network, local centres and jobs. With Narangba’s population expected to grow by around 14,000 residents over the next twenty years a new primary school is also proposed. ‘The new primary school could be twenty years away depending on Education Queensland’s own planning priorities,’ Cr Millar informed. ‘We have simply identified that it might be needed and a location

Artists impression of the new look planned for Narangba District

has been marked for Callaghan Road near Morgan Road. Naturally there has to be population growth before it would be considered for further planning and then construction.’ The rejuvenation plan for Narangba Village could deliver new retail and business spaces and additional job opportunities. ‘In the local centre we would like to see a mix of businesses such as hairdressers, solicitors and cafes. – all the services deemed essential for building a community,’ Cr Millar shared. ‘It is our hope that this will also increase employment in Narangba. We have a strong commitment to local jobs so people who live in Narangba do not have to travel long distances for work. Council has set a longerterm target to have 70% of the Moreton Bay Region’s workforce working locally,’ he said. ‘All of the planning framework has been adopted by Council and is ready for private construction projects as opportunities arise.’ As the area between the highway and railway line fills in over time, keeping the green spaces have been a priority ensuring the environmental spaces and parks that makes Narangba so special are continued to be provided for the community. Narangba residents can be assured that the new plans will not do away with the traditional ‘green feel’ of Narangba with the plan recognising identified bushland habitat and enhancement areas, primary and secondary habitat corridors and linkages, koala habitats, bushfire hazard, waterways and flood prone land as environmental values and physical constraints that need to be maintained free from encroachment of urban development. It responds to these environmental values and constraints by predominantly including these areas within the proposed green space network. For those with more questions about the 2031 Narangba East Plan, subscribe to PDNews via www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/newsletters/ . The full Narangba East Strategy is also available for download from the Moreton Bay Council website.


Mark Ryan MP State Member for Morayfield


P 07 5343 5100 morayfield@parliament.qld.gov.au

PO Box 991 MORAYFIELD Q 4506

www.markryan.com.au Authorised by M. Ryan 3/67 Morayfield Road Caboolture South Qld 4510

Your independent councillor representing residents across 600km of Moreton Bay Region from Mt Nebo to Narangba.

Council Services: 3205 0555 Email: mbrc@moretonbay.qld.gov.au www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au Twitter.com/CrBobMillar | Facebook.com/bob.millar.92

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Think Local – Buy Local – Be Local! by Katy More, MBCC Inc Member and Elle Pieper

Local businesses are an integral part of Narangba’s distinctive character. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun – staying local is what makes Narangba home. However, being a local business owner could perhaps be rated as one of the most stressful and time-consuming jobs. Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally-owned business, rather than nationallyowned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms which in turn will continue to strengthen the economic base of the community. You not only support local business but also local families. As the largest employer of Narangba residents, local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers as they are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in Narangba’s future. We took the time to speak with some of our local business owners about why they took on the challenge of owning a local business: Integrity - Phil started his business, Not Just Electrical, this year as he wanted to bring old fashioned quality and personal service back to the Narangba community. ‘There are so many bad tradie stories,’ Phil said. ‘I want to change the perception of tradies back into something more positive.’ Value - Owner of Thread’s Embroidery, Cathy Martin, was motivated by the idea of making more affordable gifts.

‘I had this idea to give my friends and family personalised aprons as Christmas gifts one year but when it became apparent that small volume orders were really expensive in the shops – too expensive for many people to consider – my little motto “I can do that myself” kicked in, and a business idea was born,’ said Cathy. Convenience - It was the opportunity to network with other local businesses whilst providing convenience to Narangba locals that sparked Karen Jones from Pawfect Pet Parlour to take the step at a local business owner. ‘I opened the business to fill the gap in the Narangba area for pet grooming, so that locals didn’t have to travel too far away from home.’ said Karen. ‘My location has also enabled me to network with other local businesses as there are so many nearby.’ As you can see, there are many well-documented benefits to Narangba when residents choose local, independently owned businesses. The future plans for growth in Narangba will see many more local businesses in the area and whilst it is not always possible to buy what you need locally; Narangba residents are strongly encouraged to think Local FIRST!

© Bass Photography



App Watch by Katy More, MBCC Inc Member

The digital world of apps has made interacting via mobile technology even easier, yet did you know there are a number of apps particularly useful for the Narangba community? No, we are not referring to health, finance, Facebook or gaming apps. Rather, we are talking about apps that help you actively participate in ensuring Narangba continues to be a great place to live! Unity Water Customer Request App This app will allow Unitywater’s customers to report issues with their water or sewage services. The app allows the user to classify the category of issues, add some descriptive text, capture the location of the issue either via GPS or manual street address entry and then the user can optically add photos using the camera or accessing existing photos in the camera roll. By using the user request submission option, the request is automatically sent to a Unitywater email address. Moreton Bay Regional Council Request App This app enables users to quickly and easily advise Council of road and footpath damage, tree or park maintenance, vandalism, animal matters, overgrown properties, bin replacement requests and missed collections. Available for Android, iOS (Apple) and web, the next time you see something not quite right, don’t ignore it, report it using this helpful app. ourNarangba App This app, only released last month, allows users to access all things Narangba in one easy application. News, Park Locations, Coupons, Business Locators and What’s On features along with the ability to interact with the ourNarangba team via Facebook and peruse the photo gallery of Narangba Locals doing what they do best. Is your photo in there?

eCoffee Card App This apps enables you to order a coffee on the run from our very own Valley Coffee, located in the Narangba Village Shopping Centre! If you haven’t already enjoyed the great coffee from Valley Coffee perhaps this is the perfect excuse to give it a go! Simply order via the app then whiz in to collect a lovely brew prepared by Terry and the team just for you!


Narangba Councillor Divisions

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So why not jump on your phone now and explore these great new applications?

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All of these Apps are available for free download via Google Play and iTunes!


Councillor Peter Flannery - Div 2 Phone (07) 5433 2959 Mobile 0417 772 397 Councillor Julie Greer - Div 4 Phone (07) 3480 6705 Mobile 0409 274 517 Councillor David Dwyer - Div 7 Phone 3480 6625 Mobile 0418 878 514

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Like Minded Businesses Connect with Narangba Business Group by Katy More, MBCC Inc Member

Back in early December 2014, a group of businesses in the Narangba industrial and business area met to explore the value of ‘local connections’ and collective opportunities. Fast forward to today and the group, now known as the Narangba Business Group, includes a diverse group of timber manufacturers, waste management specialist, education publishers, printers, land developers, power equipment specialists, engineering, manufacturing and catering.

Member, Mr Michael Kennedy, Kennedy Timbers. ‘They also employ more than 50 apprentices and trainees. In addition many local businesses proactively participate in assisting numerous local charitable organisations, schools and sporting clubs.’ Narangba Business owners are encouraged to visit a Narangba Business Group meeting to determine if it is of interest to them. ‘By joining the Narangba Business Group local businesses are able to network with other local businesses and work together on job sharing opportunities, collaborative government projects and group buying arrangements. They are also able to showcase the high class positive work each business does,’ said Mr Kennedy.

‘The main benefit for me in the group is to better understand what other businesses nearby are up to and where we can benefit from one another,’ said Narangba Business Group member Mr Will Smith, Emtek Furniture. This collaboration, facilitated by Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay, is one of 55 organisations funded through the Australian Government to promote regional economic development. The group is focused on identifying and exploiting the co-location opportunities for businesses within the Narangba Industrial Estate located between Boundary Road in the South, Burpengary Road to the West, Mackie Road to the North and across the Bruce Highway to Deception Bay Road. ‘This coverage area is flexible,’ advised Regional Development Australia spokesperson, Mr Anthony Dow. ‘Local business in Narangba play an important role in providing long term stable employment,’ said Narangba Business Group

‘Typically business Networks and collaboration tend to generate more employment, better productivity, higher levels of innovation and attract more investment. They offer an environment that allows individual businesses to address common problems, develop opportunities and improve their competitive position,’ Mr Dow expanded. The group is currently working across a variety of areas, including (but not limited to) bulk Purchase / Collective Procurement opportunities; Alternative Energy Sources; Branding and Marketing Narangba; Workforce Development and Lobbying & Political engagement. To find out more about the Narangba Business Group contact Anthony Dow, Business Cluster Manager, Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay Inc. anthonyd@rdamoretonbay.org.au

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Petbarn Thanks Community For Saving 66 Pets! by Petbarn, North Lakes

The staff and animal charity partners of Petbarn North Lakes are extending their heartfelt gratitude to the Narangba community for helping save the lives of 66 pets, enabling Petbarn to reach a milestone 10,000th pet adoption over the weekend. Since the pet adoption program launched, Petbarn stores across the country, including Petbarn North Lakes have been finding the perfect home for pets in need through the Petbarn Adoption Centres. In partnership with local animal charities, the lives of 10,000 pets including dogs, cats and rabbits across Australia have been saved from being euthanised after being adopted. ‘We at Petbarn are passionate about pets and would like to see a future where every animal has a loving place to call home. We just really want to thank Narangba locals for their ongoing generosity to help us reach this fantastic achievement,’ said Janine Kitchen, Store Manager of Petbarn North Lakes. To ensure the success of the adoption program, Petbarn invests over $150,000 every year enabling each store to offer the highest standards of accommodation for the animals. This includes installing specially designed custombuilt enclosures and ongoing staff training to teach them to personally care for all pets up for adoption. Importantly, all adoption fees collected by Petbarn are returned to the partner charity. ‘In the past year alone, we have returned over $600,000 in pet adoption fees to local animal shelters and partner charities across the country. This would not have been


possible without the support of each and every person who adopted a pet at our store, we hope that they share our joy in knowing how many lives have been saved,’ added Janine. Petbarn will remain dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of pet adoption and encourage Narangba locals thinking about adding a furry friend to the family to consider adopting first. ‘We’re hoping local families will continue to open their hearts and homes to these gorgeous animals. Our Adoption Centre is always open and we welcome Narangba locals to come in and speak to one of our friendly staff about meeting some of the loveable pets that are looking for a new family,’ concluded Janine. To find out more about Petbarn’s adoption program, Narangba locals can go in to their local Petbarn store or call (07) 3181 3291.

Pets to be Given Dignity & Respect by Pets Eternal Peace

The passing of loved ones is always hard, regardless of whether they were human or animal. Pet-owners who have lost their furry companions can take peace in knowing that new and innovative methods of pet memorial services are now available and accessible. Queenslander Jamie Kai recently lost her beloved little girl Jaspa Moon, a black Maltese cross. Jamie has no biological children, and considered Jaspa to be an integral part of her family. In July of 2014, after battling a long history of cardiac and bowel disease, Jaspa Moon tragically passed. Jaspa was left in the hands of a pet crematorium recommended by the local vet, however the heart broken Jamie was horrified with the service. ‘There was no compassion there. It was impersonal, like they were running a cold factory for the dead. It was terrible.’ said Jamie For Jamie, Jaspa was her beloved daughter and she believed Jaspa Moon should be shown all the love and respect any child deserved. In honour of Jaspa, a friend recommended Pets Eternal Peace, and Jamie held a ‘celebration of life’ complete with a celebrant, doves and butterflies. ‘It was a beautiful service with family and friends, we released a butterfly to signify new life and a single dove to guide Jaspa into heaven. By giving her an appropriate service, I feel content that Jaspa knew how much she meant to me, which in turn made it easier for me to accept her passing.’ Pets Eternal Business Manager, Alison Moore, says that they strive to make pet owners feel comfortable in the passing of animal

friends. ‘We’re seeing more pet parents like Jamie, who are seeking healing from their grief by giving their beloved pets a memorial service to remember them by. We believe that every pet should be treated with dignity and respect, and we at Pets Eternal are here to offer our services to ensure every pet is never forgotten.’ Grieving a loved one is a hard process, and Jamie maintains that just because your pet has passed, it does not mean your grief is not worthy. ‘People need to know that these services are available. In order to heal after the loss of those loved, one must first grieve. Holding a memorial service is important in recognition, and gives the chance to celebrate a beautiful life with those who support you. There can be peace in death.’ Pets Eternal encourages anyone from any walk of life to seek guidance after the loss of their loved pet. Not only can they cater for funeral services, but also offer grief counselling services to help families through these hard times. Look who did a great job on our uniforms!


Hannah’s Home Tip: Glass Jars Save those empty pasta bottles, jam jars and other glass empties! Glass jars can be used as trendy storage solutions and even inexpensive gifts. Almonds, raisins, biscuits all these products come in little plastic packets that look messy in your cupboard and despite promising they are resealable, are not, attracting bugs and letting your food go stale. Try storing these products in glass jars. Your cupboard shelves will look much more organised and neat. If you want it to look a bit quirkier, try using a variety of jars of different shapes and sizes, or making cute little labels for each one. If your kids have a variety of coloured pens, pencils and crayons all kicking around, try putting six pasta sauce bottles inside a shoebox. Separate the different types of pens and pencils into the jars. This way you can keep them all together but still organised into their different types. You can even let the kids decorate the box with paint or stickers. When storing pens or make-up brushes in old jars, I always pour a few centimetres of rice or decorative stones into the bottom. This will keep your pens and brushes standing up straight. Lastly, an empty jar full of their favourite lollies makes an easy and personalised gift for a friend. Tie a ribbon around the neck of the jar and attach a gift tag.


Brilliant Bathroom Makeovers on a Budget By Bunnings Warehouse

A great bathroom can be a luxurious retreat to relax and unwind in after a busy day, or a functional space for the family’s daily rituals. But updating the bathroom doesn’t have to be an expensive or timely exercise. With the right tips, tools and products, a bathroom makeover can suit any budget, whether it is a complete overhaul or small updates to spruce up the space. Bunnings National Bathroom Buyer, Adam Cole, provides his top tips on how to give your bathroom a makeover on a budget: • It is crucial to take measurements of the room and outline space requirements before purchasing and installing any new bathroom products. Be aware of existing fixtures that aren’t easily moved, such as the plumbing, and take current décor into consideration. • Create a budget and stick to it, as this will affect the products chosen and the updates made. Prioritise the changes that are most important to freshen the look of the bathroom and then choose products that reflect your chosen budget. • Look for inspiring images to help determine the desired look and feel of the new bathroom. The Bunnings website has an interactive brochure available to provide inspiration and product suggestions, available at www.inspiration.bunnings.com.au/showcases/bathrooms • A great bath can transform the look of the entire bathroom. A freestanding bath is easy to install and will make a strong design statement, particularly if used as a centrepiece for the room. • Freshen up the look of the toilet by replacing the lid and seat. This is an affordable and easy way to update the bathroom on a budget.

For inspiration on Bunnings’ range of bathroom products and accessories, please speak to an expert team member at Bunnings Warehouse Morayfield, located at the corner of Morayfield and Walkers Roads, Morayfield, or contact the warehouse directly on (07) 5495 9900.

• Replacing a tired old vanity is a great way to give the bathroom a quick makeover. Choose a vanity that will reflect the style of your bathroom and maximise storage options. • Change the smaller details, such as the tap ware and light fittings, to give the bathroom a fresh new look without breaking the bank.

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Talking Finance

with Lee Bowden

Getting More Bang for Your Buck this Financial Year The end of financial year is almost here. With a little planning, you can increase your chances of a healthy tax return and start the new financial year in top financial shape. Here are three tips to get you started:

Other things you can pre-pay for a tax advantage may include: Income protection insurance premiums Repairs and maintenance for investment properties Interest on investment loans.

1. Focus on deductions Whether you’re an employee or a business owner, chances are you’re entitled to tax deductions for workrelated expenses. These will be specific to the kind of work you do, so check the Australian Tax Office (ATO) website for details. This website also has a range of occupation guides that shows you what you can claim for your job as well as what you can’t.

3. Get the right advice While we all need to pay tax, nobody wants to pay more than their fair share. But Australia’s tax system is complex, so personalised advice can make a big difference. Without talking to an expert, it’s easy to miss out on concessions and deductions you may be entitled to. For example, your relationship and residential status, your assets and investments, even your insurance cover, can all have an impact on the tax you pay.

Remember, there are three rules for work-related tax deductions: You need to have spent the money. The expense must relate to your job. You need to have a record of the payment. 2. Spend ahead If you’re planning a major work-related expense, it may be worth considering spending the money this financial year rather than in the future (if you are eligible). For example, if you’re thinking of doing some work-related study at some point in the future, it might be beneficial to pay the course fees in advance, even if you’re not yet ready to hit the books. That way you can bring the deduction forward into the current year, and get the benefit of a larger tax return sooner.

While they can’t give you tax advice, it may be a good idea to talk to a financial planner about the tax implications of your investment decisions. By creating a financial plan that’s tailored to your personal circumstances, a financial planner can help you earn better after-tax returns and avoid nasty surprises at tax time. This information has been prepared by GWM Adviser Services Limited ABN 96 002 071 749 AFSL 230692, a National Australia Group Company, 105-153 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia.

Lee Bowden and MLC Advice North Lakes Pty Ltd are authorised representatives of GWM Adviser Services Limited trading as MLC Advice ABN 96 002 071 749, AFSL No 230692 (GWMAS), Registered Office at 105 - 153 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060. GWMAS is part of the National Australia Bank Group of companies. MLC Advice North Lakes Pty Ltd is not part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. National Australia Bank does not guarantee or otherwise accept any liability in respect of MLC Advice North Lakes or GWMAS. A116179-0515.


Real Estate Wrap Up

with Darren Grimwade

Sell Before Buy or Buy Before Sell? At some stage in our lives, every home owner will likely look to upgrade, downsize or move location. This raises the question of whether it is better to buy before you sell, or sell before you buy. This decision will be impacted by many personal factors as well as what is currently happening within the real estate market. But just to throw some more information into the mix, here are some insider views on the pros and cons for both sides of the debate. Selling Before Buying Some potential pros of selling before buying, with the most obvious being greater freedom, is the ability to negotiate a delayed settlement in order to give you time to purchase your new home. Another pro is the decreased pressure to find a sale before a certain date or deadline, negating buyers the opportunity to cash in on the fact that you REALLY do need to sell. Possible cons include the fact that you are at the mercy of what’s on the market at the time of your sale. If you are a little picky, you might also end up not finding anything suitable and end up having to move out with nowhere else to go. Prices might also go up after your own sale and could be detrimental to you finding your dream home for the right price.

Buying Before Selling If you are in the position to buy before selling, the pros involved could be worth the risk. It allows the freedom to find the right home without the concern of not having somewhere to live. It can also mean that in a rising market, you can potentially get more for your money and make more from your own sale. Lastly, it allows for the possibility to negotiate a longer settlement to give you time to sell your own property. Cons could include the stress of potentially having two mortgages or bridging finance. Conditional offers can also turn sellers off your offer – even if the price is right, and increase the possibility of forcing you to make a higher offer in order to convince an owner to ‘hold’ the property until you sort out your own circumstances – this can get messy at times. Either way you look at it, there are credible ups and downs to each option. The bottom line is, you need to do what you are comfortable with. Speaking with a mortgage broker and your local trusted real estate agent before you make any definitive plans can also assist in making your decision


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Using Logical Consequences to Change Behaviour by Allison Basha (Registered Psychologist – Youth Excel)

The third parenting strategy I believe is important to learn, in order to change your child’s behaviour, is logical consequences. Often parents are already using this strategy in some form without being aware of a name for what they are doing. Having a better understanding of this strategy can assist you in planning ahead of time and implementing the strategy in an effective way. When to use it: DO: When you are able to present your child a choice about what actions they can take and there is a related consequence (I.e. ‘You can choose to put your bike away or lose the privilege of using it’). When you want to teach your child to take responsibility for their actions. DON’T: Very young children – this is a strategy that requires your child to have an understanding of their actions and the choices they can make. When a logical consequence can’t be thought of for the specific situation. How to use it: PREPARE: Before starting to use this strategy I usually encourage a parent/s to sit down together and write up a list of the behaviours they are currently struggling with. Once they have this list they should then think of consequences that are related and appropriate for these behaviours. This might look something like: Behaviour Logical Consequence • Won’t switch off the TV Parent switches TV off and child loses when asked TV for the following afternoon • Won’t wear hat Not allowed to play outside • Splashes water all over Has to clean up bathroom floor bathroom floor after being asked not to splash • Arrives home after 10pm Has to stay home the following (agreed time) weekend When choosing logical consequences, keep these concepts in mind: Reasonable: The consequence needs to be an appropriate size for the misbehaviour. Don’t make them too hard or too long, consider your child’s misbehaviour. The consequence should seem reasonable to both you and your child. Related: The consequence needs to logically connect to the misbehaviour. Respectful: Communicate the consequence in a firm but kind way and ensure the consequence does not make your child feel shamed or blamed. Helpful: Consider what problem is being created by your child’s misbehaviour. What will help fix the problem the misbehaviour causes? I.e. If your child has hurt someone else the consequence may involve helping the other person feel better. Where possible, it is a good idea for your child to be aware of the consequence that will follow a given behaviour, in advance, so that they are able to make wise choices. I recommend that parents sit down and have a discussion with their child about specific behaviours and the consequences

that follow (give your child an opportunity to have input/ share their thoughts on these consequences). ACT When the behaviour happens, gain your child’s attention before giving a calm, firm and clear instruction. Make what you expect your child to do very obvious. I.e. ‘Joey, it’s time for dinner, switch the TV off now.’ If your child does not follow your instruction, in a reasonable amount of time, follow up your first instruction with the choice they can make. ‘Joey, I have asked you to switch off the TV. If you don’t switch off the TV in the next 5 seconds, you will miss out on your TV time tomorrow afternoon, it’s your choice!’ If your child does not follow through with the instruction, calmly and without further attention, follow through with the consequence without giving attention to your child’s protests or further behaviour. Tips to help you implement ­­­­­­logical consequences: The use of logical consequences is aimed at teaching your child to make wise choices – not forcing them to make a specific choice. Your child is ultimately in control of the choice they make, and hence they need to take responsibility for their choice. We want the consequence to help the child to examine their behaviour and choose more wisely in the future. For logical consequences to work you need to give your child a choice to either comply or have the consequence. Make sure you always follow through with the consequence if that is what your child chooses. If you don’t follow through, then this strategy loses its power, as your child will soon learn that the consequence never happens, so there is no reason for them to change their behaviour. With older children it is a good idea to include them in the decision making process regarding which consequence will accompany an associated behaviour. You’ll be surprised by the ideas they may come up with! If you can’t think of a logical consequence for a given behaviour, then a logical consequence may not be the right strategy for that behaviour.

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A Calorie is NOT a Calorie A Calorie is NOT a calorie! When it comes to the human body things aren’t that simple. Different foods go through different processes and pathways to gives us energy and nutrients. The source of your calories is more important than the number of calories a food contains. Yes, you could eat 500 calories of chocolate OR you could eat 500 calories of chicken, but the way your body breaks those calories down and uses them for energy is vastly different. The foods we eat can have a HUGE impact on the biological processes that govern when, what and how much we eat. If you were to eat a typical fast food meal of burgers and chips, you would probably consume the best part of 1000 calories! Massive amount of calories, but the big question is how much of those calories actually contain any nutrient value that your body can use for fuel or energy? Not many, so what happens? The refined carbohydrates lead to spikes in your blood sugar, which in turn leads to cravings and increased food intake. Bingo! Right back where you started, hungry again.

You also have the thermic effect of food, which is a measure of how much different foods increase energy expenditure, due to the energy required to digest, absorb and metabolize nutrients. To put it simply the calories gained from good protein sources are less fattening than calories from carbs and fat, because protein takes more energy to metabolize. Whole unprocessed foods also require more energy to digest than processed foods. Through processing our food, companies are removing the energy needs our bodies could be using to metabolize the food. This in turn makes it much easier for our bodies to store it straight to FAT. So what do you really need to look for? Yes, calories are important and it is good to be aware of what calories foods contain. However, the food source and how much ‘nutrient’ value your body will actually receive is more relevant. Food is Fuel, not an excuse to stuff yourself silly. Eat thoughtfully.

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Step 1: Place two or three centimetres of small stones in the bottom of your container. This will help with water drainage.

DIY Terrarium If I have learnt anything from all these popular home renovation shows – my guilty pleasure –it’s that the best way to bring a room to life is to add some plant life.

Step 2: Add potting soil on top and plant your succulents. You might want to add a little extra soil around the base of the plants. Use as many or as few succulents as you like; it really depends on the size of the container.

Be sure to place your terrarium in moderate to indirect sunlight and water by lightly spraying with water. I have mine on my desk by a window and I keep a little spray bottle full of water in my desk drawer, so I never forget to keep it hydrated.

I love having plants and greenery in my home but I’m certainly no green thumb and I really struggle with maintaining them. I’ve found succulents are the easiest plants to keep alive, so for this month’s DIY I’m going to show you how to create your own succulent terrarium in two easy steps.

You will need: • Potting soil • Small stones

Optional: Create a little world inside your terrarium by adding ornaments and left over stones and moss.

• Succulents • Moss (optional) • Activated Charcoal (optional) • A clear glass or plastic container

This DIY looks great in a kid’s room, with a miniature of their favourite superhero or animal inside. Also, remembering to water their terrarium gives them a little job to do each day.

You should be able to find most of these things at Bunnings, in any garden centre, or even in your own backyard. Be creative with the container you are going to build your terrarium in. You could use a fishbowl, apothecary jars, or antique glasses. Anything! Op shops are overflowing with options. use it before you loose it.pdf

Optional: Add the charcoal and moss over the stones to help keep the water clean.



12:14 am

If you’re still lacking faith in your ability to keep plants alive, this DIY also works with fake plants!










Pawfect Pet Parlour

some of the most passionate dog lovers you will meet, priding themselves on ensuring that your pets are as relaxed and comfortable as possible. So next time your beloved fur-child needs some tender loving care, take them to the local team of pet grooming professionals.

When it comes to choosing a hairdresser for ourselves or our kids, most of us are quite picky. We either go to the same hairdressers we have been going for years or we ask our friends and family for references. It’s not just a good hair cut that we are after but excellent service. So it is not surprising that we have also extended this search for exceptional service and care to a favourite family member: our pooches.

Pawfect Pet Parlour’s five tips for good pooch care: Brush Regularly: ‘No matter what breed of dog you have, long or short coated it’s important to regularly brush the hair.’ Karen explained. ‘Non-shedding dog breeds such as poodles, Maltese and Shih Tzu, even though their coat does not shed it does however mat very easy. Matted coats are very painful for dogs to remove.’

Pawfect Pet Parlour is a locally-owned small business opposite Narangba Station who specialises in just this – excellent service.

Clean eyes and ears: You can buy specific wipes for this job or simple use warm water and cotton wool to help prevent infections. Honestly, who likes blocked ears and dirty eyes? Check for lumps and bumps regularly: ‘Checking your pets for unusual lumps and bumps could save your loved ones life,’ Karen pointed out.

‘Many clients take advantage of the convenient location by dropping their pooch for a pampering while they get a bit of pampering done by the local Narangba Hairdressers,’ said Pawfect business owner, Karen Jones.

Check your garden for harmful plants: ‘Plants in your garden that you may think look pretty may end up being poisonous for your pets,’ Karen explained. ‘As a default, if the plants have a combination of purple and green leaves/flowers then they are generally bad for your pooch.’ Regular Baths: Washing your dog regularly will not only help with the dreaded doggy smell but promote a healthy coat. Karen recommends getting your pooch used to having baths as it helps control any weeds or bugs that may have gotten caught in their coat.

The Pawfect Pet Groomers – Jamie-Lee, Sarah and Mia–are

Pawfect Pet Parlour Dog Grooming & Doggy Day Care 14 Main Street, Narangba For Booking & Enquires call 0450 852 225 or 3385 7988

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Partials Sequence This week I spent my spare time listening to a series of audiobooks by Dan Wells. As someone who loves reading, but spends a lot of time travelling (I live in Brisbane and commute to uni on the Sunshine Coast), audiobooks have been a great investment for me. Sometimes the story is good, but the narrator isn’t that great. In those cases, if I like the look of the book, I read it hardcopy. Sometimes the narrator is good but the story isn’t, which is just unfortunate. But… if you’re lucky, the narrator and the story are both good. Thus we have Partials, the first book of the Partials Sequence, written by Dan Wells and narrated by Julia Whelan. Wells portrays humanity on the brink in a world recovering from the devastation of a war. Ravaged by a deadly virus, barren from the eruption of nuclear power plants. Wells characterisation is perfect. In situations such as the one Wells presents - the world as we know ended, giving way to something born of nightmares - it’s important to keep the characters realistic. There’s that wonderful balance of strength and fault in the characters, enough change as they grow - or don’t grow - on their journey. The other thing I love about Well’s work is that, even though I found parts of the book a bit predictable in plot, I couldn’t help but read on. I was sucked into the story quickly and completely, falling in love not only with the world and the characters, but also with the questions that arose from such a scenario.

All Of My Christmases Came At Once At 4 PM, the arranged time, Gerald tugs at his jumper’s sleeves—inner left, outer right, inner left—and glances around the coffee shop again. Gerald sighs, feeling clichéd … but that isn’t the source of his agitation. Unlike most people he’s met, Gerald doesn’t loathe clichés, nor call them overused. To him the so-called overuse of clichés means they’re trustworthy and adaptable; his two favourite adjectives. What’s agitating Gerald is that today truly is the most important day in his pocket-sized personal organiser. Today, Gerald is meeting his biological father for the first time. At 4:05 PM he recalls a conversation with Mother. ‘Mother, are you Santa?’ ‘I’ll always be whatever you need me to be, honey.’ Even as a child Gerald was mindful of clichés. Back then he thought unconditional parental love was the biggest one; a parent couldn’t protect their child from disappointment forever. He still remembers frowning over that thought as Mother pulled his doona up to his chin with her small, soft hands, the way he always liked her to do it before he developed the gumption to do it himself. ‘Not funny, Mother.’ ‘I’m not being funny, Ger-bear.’ ‘Then answer my question properly: yes or no.’ ‘Maybe.’ ‘No … yes or no?’ ‘Maybe,’ Mother responded before turning off the light. At 4:10 PM, he recalls the brief conversation he had with Mother earlier this afternoon while she was bleaching her short hair as best as a petite woman with macaroni arms could; although she had covered the front and sides adequately, the back of her head largely remained untouched. ‘Well, I’d best be off, Mother.’ ‘Good luck, honey. Try not to be disappointed if he doesn’t live up to your expectations.’

One in particular struck a cord with me, especially in light of all these doomsday scenarios popping out of every nook and cranny lately, is the concept of whether or not the human race should be preserved at any costs. Do we, if we do not retain our humanity, deserve to continue as a species? Or is our survival the only thing that matters? If you’re into the doomsday theme, I definitely recommend picking up this winner.

Out of ten, I rate Partials and it’s sequels: Plot - 9/10

Characterisation - 9/10

Setting - 8/10

Predictability - 6/10

Sequels - 8/10

Overall rating - 8/10

My recommended apocalyptic scenario reading list: 24

• Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins • Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion • The Road by Cormac McCarthy

At 4:30 PM, Gerald is reminded of an unsavoury cliché: the child waiting to meet a father who never arrives. At 4:30:17 PM, when Gerald decides to leave, he feels someone staring down at him. He looks up. Despite being handsome in a clichéd way—strong jaw line, short, bleach-blond, tousled hair; skin emanating expensive aftershave—the man seems uncomfortable, as though his shoes are three sizes too small, or his petite body makes him an impostor of a man. A loaded spring, Gerald stands and tugs at his jumper’s sleeves—inner left, outer right, inner left—before offering his left hand to the man. The man shakes Gerald’s hand with his smaller, softer right hand. The movement isn’t as vigorous as Gerald was anticipating due to the man’s macaroni arms. Still, Gerald concludes as they both sit, Mother needn’t have worried. His biological father matches his imagined father perfectly: different, yet indescribably familiar.

What’s on? Mon 1

Tues 9

Narangba Craft Group FREE, 9am to 1pm 13 Mackie Road, Narangba

Narangba Valley State School Sports Day (Prep - Year 2) 9am - 3pm

North Lakes Blue Light Disco 7pm – 10pm

Narangba State School - P&C Meeting 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Wed 3

6.30pm Flabulous Boxing, Jetts Narangba $10pp

Leading with Confidence - Jacque Biddulph 7am – 9am, North Lakes Golf Club

Fri 5

Narangba Valley State School - Parent Forum 2pm – 3pm

Sat 6

Dinner and Show (Cash, Monroe, Presley) 6:30pm – 9:30pm, Mon Komo Redcliffe

Sun 7

Wed 10

Narangba Valley State School Sports Day (Year 3-6) 9am - 3pm

Greaser Teaser Free Family Show Narangba Valley Town Square 12.30pm - 2pm

Fri 12

Redcliffe Musical Theatre - Grease is the Word 7:30pm - 9:30pm, Redcliffe Cultural Centre

Sat 13

Redcliffe Musical Theatre - Grease is the Word Redcliffe Cultural Centre 11:30am-1:30pm, 3pm-5pm, 7:30pm-9:30pm

Wed 17


6.30pm Flabulous Boxing, Jetts Narangba $10pp

Fri 19

Jinibara State School – Disco 5:30pm-7pm (Prep - Year 3) 7:30pm-9pm (Year 4 - 6)

Mon 22

Ramp Up Freestyle BMX Clinic Morayfield Skate Park, Cnr Morayfield & Station Road, Morayfield 10 -12pm

Wed 24

Narangba State School – Senior Sports Day (Years 3-6) 9am-3pm

Sun 14

Ride to Conquer Cancer Fund Raiser 2pm at Norths Leagues Club Kallangur

Mon 15


Year 7 Showcase Narangba Valley State High School, 4pm - 6pm

6.30pm Flabulous Boxing, Jetts Narangba $10pp

Thurs 4

Hav e in N some a thin Em ail w rangb gh a a? hat son L ist it ppenin @o g for urn ara FRE ngb E ! a.

6.30pm Flabulous Boxing

Fri 26

Narangba Craft Group FREE 9am to 1pm, 13 Mackie Road, Narangba

Last Day of School Term 2! Narangba State School Under 8s Day

go to ourNarangba.com.au What’s On for more information on these events



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Narangba Valley Vipers Head to State Championships by Jackie Smith, MBCC Inc Member

Narangba Valley Vipers Harry Wood, Ben Horridge, Alex Martin and Issy Meunier, 12, will journey to Toowoomba in June to take part in the state championships for AFL in hopes of landing a place in the Under 12’s state Queensland team. The opportunity comes after participating in the regionals at Maroochydore earlier this year, a two day carnival where they had to play six games, in the rain, before being chosen for the probables versus possibles game. This ultimately resulted in the boys scoring their places in the 22 boy squad at the state championships. The boys have shown a keen interest in AFL, and are excited about playing in the state championships. Most have played for AFL Auskick from a young age, where they showed a flair for the sport before joining club teams when they were old enough. Though they one day hope to play professionally, they have no preference as to which team they play for. ‘I’d be happy to make it to AFL level,’ says Harry. A normal week sees the talented pre-teens engage in training with the Narangba Valley Vipers up to three times a week before games over the weekend. It is something of an understatement to say that they are dedicated. Naturally athletic, the boys are often seen out on the field and training for rugby league, Little Athletics, swimming and touch, such is their love of sport in general. However, when they do get some downtime, they enjoy playing with other kids in the neighbourhood, the Xbox or their iPad and watching their idols play the game they love the most. Being in the state championships means that they may have to forgo after school and club training for the next few months, and play in different positions, however they are ready to show the selectors they have what it takes for the state team. ‘I’m looking forward to playing as part of the Sunshine Coast regional team and playing AFL against some of the top under 12 boys in Queensland. Also getting to play AFL during school time!’ says Ben.

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Carmen Rides to Conquer Cancer by Katy More, MBCC Inc Member

The Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer is well known and this year, Carmen Simpson will be taking the cycling journey throughout Queensland’s scenic countryside. ‘It will be a challenge in a number of ways, but with my bike, my helmet, and the community’s generosity, a real impact will be made!’ said Carmen, who has lived in Narangba for over 12 years. The cause is close to Carmen’s heart; her dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer when she was nine years old. He was only 41. She recalled the ordeal of the treatment and the surgery he had to endure while he battled this awful disease. ‘Unfortunately, in August 1996 he lost his battle aged only 46. To this day I still miss him and wish he could be a part of my life, but this has taught me that life is short and to make the most of every day!’ Carmen shared. Taking on this challenge to honour her father, Carmen hopes that the money raised will help in finding a cure so her son, Oliver, will never have to deal with such an awful disease. ‘Since I was only able to complete 60km of the 2014 ride, I have re-registered for the 2015 ride and would love to be able to finish.’ ‘My goal is to raise $2,500 and I am 25 percent [of the way] there,’ Carmen announced. Appealing to those in the Narangba Community to contribute to this history-making event, Carmen is holding an afternoon tea on June 14th, 2015 at 2pm, North Leagues Club at Kallangur. Those unable to attend the morning tea can donate via the following webpage: http://br15.conquercancer.org.au/site/TR/ Events/Brisbane2015?px=1359710&pg=personal&fr_id=1180


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