Community Magazine Marcia Hines FEATUREMAGAZINE.COM.AU Narangba | North Lakes | Mango Hill | Kallangur | Dakabin | Caboolture | Morayfield | Burpengary | Deception Bayy 2022SEP88ISSUE Going Electric in InspirationMoreton for Spring forBurpengary’sBoxingHaydenGardensEmmerson:toHisOwnBeatSanctuarySeniorDogs INSIDE: Hitting all the Right NotesH itting all the R ight Notes

2 FeatureSeptember 2022

 COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. The information in this magazine is for information purposes only. Feature Magazine and its editors, publishers and agents assume no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organisers or organisation without verification by us. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Feature Magazine or it’s publishers. Therefore, Feature Magazine carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon. INDEMNITY By advertising or submitting with Feature Magazine you agree to indemnify all participating contributors and supporting businesses such as graphic designers and printers against any claims. ABN 47 438 219 632
The only sanctuary of its kind in Australia, the love and compassion given to older dogs seeing out their days is amazing to say the least. Now running for 16 years and initially starting out on a smaller block in Burpengary, the sanctuary has been at its Morayfield location since 2016, helping more than 60 senior dogs in that time.
Here are some of the stories you will find inside: Mike Costantini: From Italia to Narangba When 95 year-old Mike smiles, the room brightens, and the day ahead seems to hold more cheer. And when he speaks, those near him lean forward, to better hear. He is a lively and engaging man. 10
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“The good news is that this step is complete. We’ve released the Thylacine genome which is basically a complete genetic blueprint or set of instructions on how to build a Thylacine.
“Since we published the Thylacine genome in 2017, advances in genome sequencing technology now provide many new options…”
According to Professor Trask, the first step in bringing back the Tassie Tiger is researching the genome.
Professor Trask wants the project to benefit other marsupials too.
“…the work along the way will be of immediate conservation benefit for marsupials, as well as developing the technology necessary to bring back an iconic Australian animal that we hunted to extinction.”
PUBLISHER Feature Magazine 07 3886 9040 PO Box 105, Narangba Qld 4504 EDITOR & ADVERTISING Darren More 0416 430 BUSINESS HOURS: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm CONTRIBUTORS Sheree Hoddinett Marnie Birch Bruce MoretonGabrielleVanessaGiddingsBragdonTurnbullAllBody Care Lawrie DISTRIBUTION: MangoNorthDeceptionDakabinDownsMurrumbaPetrieKallangurNarangbaBurpengaryEastBurpengaryMorayfieldCabooltureBayLakesHill Booking and copy deadline: September 20, 2022 ADVERTISING: For advertising rates, conditions and bookings please contact our team at or Darren More on 0416 430 792 or visit out website EDITORIALS: Send all story ideas and articles to: Be Seen in our Next Edition: OCTOBER 1, 2022 “It probably sounds stupid but the truth of the matter is, back in the day, I never thought I’m going to be a star, I’m going to be this or I’m going to be that..." - Marcia Hines ON THE COVER: MARCIA HINES Marcia Hines, Hitting All The Right Notes Page 16 INSIDE: TigersBack Words: Bruce Giddings
Now a scientist from Victoria believes he can build a Thylacine, a real one, from the ground up, using borrowed genes and crispr, a cutting edge gene editing technology. In a move that sounds like it came directly from the hit movie Jurassic Park, Professor Andrew Pask, a marsupial evolutionary biologist at the University of Melbourne, has has just received a $5m donation from a philanthropist, and intends using the funds to bring back the TheThylacine.Thylacine
A Dog's Life
"Thylacines would have helped control the spread of this deadly disease in Tasmania, and could have helped prevent the now near-extinction of the Tasmanian devil...”
The ‘de-exstincted’ Marsupial would not be created in a test tube, but through the use of a surrogate mother. Professor Trask says they now have “the sequence for several species which represent the Thylacine’s closest relatives, which includes the Dunnart or marsupial mouse.
Page 18 Tonyi the Worm Jasmin Thomas' experiences in the garden has lead to empowering Australian children to support soil health and biodiversity. Through experimental play and an interactive toy, she teaches young kids the simple practice of worm farming and how to recycle food waste that would otherwise be disposed of in landfill.
Professor Trask said that “de-extinction efforts for marsupials have a distinct advantage over other mammals. All marsupials give birth to tiny young which complete development in the pouch while suckling milk.
was known as Australia’s only marsupial apex predator. Our country’s modern apex predators – which now includes the likes of saltwater crocodiles and the dingo – form an extremely important part of the food chain and are often responsible for stabilising ecosystems," Professor Trask wrote in Science Matters in March 2022
TASMANIAN TIGERS (THYLACINES) have been reported roaming around Queensland and other mainland locations for many years now, despite being officially extinct for 86 years. The last thylocine, named Benjamin, died in a Tasmanian zoo in 1936. At the time the zoo management believed they would be able to secure a replacement, but no more animals were found.
Despite the extinction status, hundreds of people have reported sighting a thylocine since that time, many of them in south east Queensland. Sightings of the shy marsupial have been reported in Tasmania, and in every mainland state however no high quality photographs have emerged. Nobody has yet caught a Thylocine, or even obtained any DNA, not even a single hair.
“To date, the Thylacine represents the highest quality extinct genome for any species (and before you ask, yes, that includes the woolly mammoth and the dodo).

Oscar has been turning heads ever since. The natural caramel tone of the lightened fur, coupled with Davina’s attention to detail, Oscar looks like he could naturally have these incredible markings! “I have been stopped in the street so many times with people asking What breed is he? Sometimes I joke around and reply with He is a rare new Oodle breed called a Tigoodle” Davina laughs. “I love spending time with my dogs and this is one way we bond as Oscar just loves it. And it is such a compliment when people think Oscar’s fur is naturally striped!”
CSC Group is delighted to welcome Danny Finch (pictured bottom left) as the new Chief Executive Officer for the organisation. Danny is a highly experienced and respected senior leader in Queensland’s club industry. His most recent role was General Manager for Rockhampton Leagues Club Ltd. Danny is excited to be taking on the role, “CSC Group, including our venues and sporting sub-clubs, holds a special place the local community. I’m looking forward to working with our staff and stakeholders to build on the strong foundations in the group and provide outstanding experiences for our members and guests”.
Davina Dewar, the owner of Stylist to the Dogs a grooming salon in Narangba, is the creative artist behind Oscar’s new do.
AFTER AN 18 year tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Kelvin Patch (pictured top left) is moving on from the CSC Group. His departure completes a remarkable chapter for the organisation, which is now recognised as the largest Community Club Group in Queensland.
4 FeatureSeptember 2022 Have You Seen Narangba's Tiger?
Kelvin’s many achievements include the development of North Lakes Sports Club, and well as the purchase and re-branding of Sports Central Caboolture. He also won Club Queensland’s ‘CEO of the Year’ award on two separate occasions, while the Group has won many awards over the years, including ‘Club of the Year’ for Caboolture Sports Club in 2019 and 2020, and ‘Club of the Year’ for North Lakes Sports Club in 2022.
CSG Group Welcomes New Chief Executive Officer
Davina has been a professional groomer for over 15 years. Davina has a passion for dog grooming, but most of all loves doing unique, different styles on dogs and making them look incredible. Davina has showcased her creative grooming talents on the Channel 7 dog grooming reality TV show “Pooch Perfect” as a contestant, and she also grooms dogs in theme for weddings for her business Paws at DavinaWeddings.loves
“I want to thank all of our members, stakeholders and the local community for their trust, loyalty, passion, commitment, support, laughs, memories and friendship. I’m proud to be leaving a legacy of providing for the provision of sport and community within our region”, says Kelvin.
If you see Oscar the Tiger walking around Narangba, don’t be alarmed! He is the friendliest tiger and he would love a pat!
IF YOU SEE Oscar the tiger walking around Narangba (pictured) you will want to look twice! Oscar is actually a Shihtzu x Maltese x Poodle that has been groomed spectacularly to resemble Rajah, Princess Jasmine’s tiger from the Disney film Aladdin.
“Oscar is actually an all-black dog!” says Davina. “I love doing creative grooming and entering creative grooming competitions. My dog Oscar loves the attention he gets when being groomed and I wanted to find a way I could use him for a creative grooming competition. But being an all-black dog it is difficult to colour the fur and make it stand out!”
Kelvin was also instrumental in the significant upgrade of the facilities at the Caboolture Sports Dog Obedience Club, Caboolture Sports Cricket Club, Caboolture Touch Association and Rugby Union Club, as well as Caboolture Sports Football Club. There have also been countless charities and local organisations that have benefited from the CSC Group returning up to $2 million per year back into the community under Kelvin’s leadership.
competing and has placed 2nd in 6 grooming competitions and has finally taken out 1st place and best in group just last month in Coffs Harbour. But her favourite part is being creative and making eyes turn at the uniqueness of her “Oscargrooms.was lightened using a pet safe product from Opawz (a specific brand for pet-safe colouring). It is very important to me that the dogs are safe and comfortable when being groomed. Oscar absolutely loves the attention he gets from Mum and gets jealous when I am grooming client’s dogs!” says Davina. “I dyed Oscar’s coat over 4 sessions, so that he would always love the process and can have breaks when needed. I was so stoked with the end result! We came home with 2nd place for the event!”

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RECENT HIKES IN household expenses like rent, groceries and electricity are straining household budgets across our region, hitting many householders hard.
Mark Sullivan can be contacted on 0402 041 147 during business hours or by visiting his website,, anytime.
IN A BID to meet Queensland’s growing demand for trade apprentices, students from Caboolture State High School took a behind the hoarding tour of the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Hostedproject.
Beating the Budget Blues
“We want to show students there are careers in construction to suit many different interests and skill sets – it’s not just roles for people who are good with their hands or enjoy physically intensive “Ourwork.”industry is evolving rapidly, and it’s an exciting time to enter construction; with the opportunity to access world class CSQ-funded training here in Queensland.”
The CSQ team offered students information on a variety of career options and training opportunities that the construction industry presents to help make an informed decision about their career. To find out more about CSQ initiatives, visit
“Project site tours give participants a glimpse of the building and construction industry,” said CEO of Construction Skills Queensland, Mr Brett Schimming.
by Lendlease in partnership with Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ), the day was a catalyst to start conversations about careers in construction, providing students an opportunity to view first-hand some of the trades working on the project.
Prostate Cancer Support Group Celebrates Ten Years
One of the group’s objectives is to promote awareness of the need for early testing to as many men as possible throughout the Moreton Bay region which has the highest rates of death from prostate cancer in Australia.
8 FeatureSeptember 2022
Charities like Lifeline, the Salvos and Foodbank Queensland are now reporting a surge in calls for help from all over the state. Not everyone will face standing in a queue outside a local charity or food bank. Still, most people are certainly scratching their heads as they calculate ways to adjust their household budgets to accommodate the increased costs of rent, food, petrol and It’sutilities.noteasy, and the process of finding those savings is producing new stresses for many householders, especially those with families. Some loan providers advertise an easy way out, and their offers can look very attractive to those suffering household budget stress. Usually, the deal involves refinancing credit cards and other debts. But getting rid of existing commitments by replacing them with a new debt can be unwise, according to Federal government website “GettingMoneysmart.anewloan or varying an existing loan to pay out a number of other loans comes with some risk…
Words: Bruce Giddings
“The main downside of a consolidated loan is that it usually takes much longer to repay –and that means it may cost more in the long “Makerun… sure that you check the fees, charges and interest rate of the new loan – it may work out more expensive in the long run than if you just kept paying off your multiple Insteaddebts.” of looking for a quick fix, many families are searching for a genuine longterm strategy for achieving financial stability. That pathway can sometimes be littered with obstacles and diversions, making change
Thedifficult.road to improved control over finances usually involves an examination of well-worn habits and a strong desire to make a change for the Mark Sullivan has been working with individuals and families in the money education space for years and has seen clients achieve remarkable results. He says the path to achieving that dream of family financial security is well worth the effort and not as difficult as many people “Often,think. I see people surprising themselves with what they can achieve. Gaining that financial knowledge is well worth the effort.”
The group meets at the YMCA building at Mango Hill on the second Thursday of each month (except January) and provides psychological, social and compassionate support for men with prostate cancer and their partners.
THE MORETON BAY Regional Prostate Cancer Support Group recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. Recently retired Group Leader, Mr Fred Travis, cut the anniversary cake in front of a crowd of fifty plus members, which included some of the group’s original foundation members and key personnel involved in the group’s formation in 2012.
For more information of the group and its meetings, check out our website at or contact Tim McNickle on 0435 119 628.

We are hiring! ENQUIRE TODAY 07 5495 4233 ext. 103 Alternatively, contact our Facility Manager on To apply, please visit our website and apply via our careers page: We are looking for Assistant Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses. (Conditions Apply) Based at Caboolture, Sunnymeade Park is a modern comfortable Aged Care Community with a friendly team and and family operated organisation committed to employing organisational philosophy and values.

The Costantinis are well known around modern Narangba, and their story is depicted on the founding family pathway steps, in the park in Main MusicStreet.hasbeen a vital ingredient in Mike’s life, and he continues to sing. After leaning singing and the accordion for 22 years, he recently released a CD of original music. In addition, he has just authored an inspirational book about his life entitled “Still Singing”, available online through
As part of his contract for assisted passage to Australia, Mike was sent to remote Roto, a tiny railway outpost west of Broken Hill. Here he suffered insect bites to the eyes that temporarily blinded him. After recovering he worked on the Burrinjuck Dam upgrade for 2 years. He was put in charge of a gang of six migrant workers, two Irish, two Scots and two Italians.
Mike had loved singing and music since childhood, and while at Burrinjuck, he bought his first piano accordion. He played by ear while learning to read music. Simultaneously he honed his skills in wine making.
Mike Costantini
There were 10 spots available across the 70 towns in the region. At the time, things were hard and “there was no food, nothing,” Mike Againstsaid. the odds, he secured a spot. His father was against the move, and Mike was unsure too. At 24, he had never been outside his Hehometown.worked as a barber on the voyage over, although none of the 900 passengers had any money. “But I met a lot of people,” he says.
From Italia to Narangba
“I didn’t mind work,” he says, noting that Betty and the kids worked hard too. He bought a one ton truck and would rise at around midnight to cart his produce down to the Roma Street Markets for sale. Vegetable prices rose and fell. Mike laughs about the time there was an oversupply of potatoes. They were worth almost nothing. “For six months we ate potatoes, nothing else.” The chagrin in his voice indicates some continuing mixed feelings about the sight of potatoes on his plate, even today.
In 1957 the young couple bought 10 acres at Narangba and started building a home. Mike grins as he remembers. “No water and no electricity for the first few years.” They built a tiny single room out of besser blocks, with a few loose sheets of corrugated iron for a roof, and immediately moved in.
On a sunny morning early in 1952, Mike was on the family farm pruning grapevines when an old family friend dropped by and asked if he wanted to apply for a passage to Australia.
Above: Mike and Betty
In the 1970’s Mike and Betty built large sheds and began growing up to 14,000 meat chickens on a contract basis. This turned into a bumpy ride for Mike when the contracted company, Red Comb, went broke, leaving him with thousands of chickens. The chickens kept growing and eating, nearly sending Mike and Betty’s business to the wall.
Mike and Betty grew strawberries, pineapples, potatoes and other small crops on their land.
Mike took his wine, music and song to Mt Isa where he got a job in the mines, and soon found a wife. Betty became his life-long love, mother of his five children, and work partner on the farm.
Mike recalls that Narangba in the 1960’s consisted of a railway station, bank, post office, shop, and the school. All five of the Costantini children attended the Narangba State School in Main Street.
The roads around Narangba were rough and winding tracks back then, says Mike. “Whenever we drove up to Caboolture, we took an axe with us, to lop overhanging or fallen branches.”
The voyage had begun 44 days earlier in Italy, which was still in ruins from World War Two. Mike’s hometown of Ari had been occupied by the Nazi’s and bombed by the Allies, turning the residents into refugees. Mike’s family had lived in a cave for two months, returning to a farm pock-marked with bomb craters.
When 95 year-old Mike smiles, the room brightens, and the day ahead seems to hold more cheer. And when he speaks, those near him lean forward, to better hear. He is a lively and engaging man.
BIASE MICHELE COSTANTINI (Mike), Narangba resident of 65 years, stepped off the ship San Giorgio onto Australian soil in April 1952.
Mike laughs as he recalls a Chinese gentleman buying some of the overgrown chickens from him. A discussion revealed that he had good contacts in the Chinese community down south. Mike and Betty were very relieved to see the remaining 6,000 hungry chickens sold and trucked out the following week.
At 95 years of age, and with 64 of those years as a naturalised Australian, Mike has plenty of memories of a life well lived. He remains full of energy and charm, and enjoys recounting a story or two.
Words: Bruce Giddings Photo: Contributed
10 FeatureSeptember 2022
On arrival, Mike was sent to a migrant camp at Bonegilla, then back to Sydney for a job in the railways, although he could not yet speak English. ECL 69471 Solar Installation | Air Conditioning All Residential and Commercial Work 'With over 25 years experience in the industry, turn to Karma Electrical for advice on all of your energy solutions. For affordable and reliable Repairs, Inspections and Installations contact Karma Electrical.' Powered for Innovation Call Michael on 0409 260 974

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) under this initiative are open until 31 October, 2022.
"Little wonder with more than 85 per cent of the population living within 50km of the coast that almost 1 in 5 households in a State like NSW can have a boat or watercraft.
“I am so pleased to see this new program because it is another way to open up more homes for Queenslanders.
The data report 1 in 10 Australians have a boat licence 925,000 registered boats 90,000+ personal watercraft 18,500+ new registrations over the year of boats are under 6m 75% of the fleet is less than ten years old 62% of boats are aluminium 33% of Have MarnieBirch With a cosy sense of elegance, eclectic crockery and inviting seating, this dog-friendly cafe is a cut above the rest. Relax under cover of the outside area in a wing-back velvet armchair along with your pooch and let the friendly staff create a farmto-plate gourmet feast for you and a puppucino for your fourlegged guest. Just some of the diligently crafted culinary delights that change seasonally include Roasted Cauliflower, Slow roasted Chicken Maryland with braised capsicum, and smoked garlic, Ratatouille or Beef Bourguignon Pot Pie. Follow that with desserts and home-baked goods all made in-house by chefs for that touch of decadence. your menu choice with locally roasted singleorigin coffee or a full flavoured chai and you'll be tempted to stay all day. Gluten free and vegan options are available.
• 85%
“Help to Home is a win-win for tenants and property owners. We have secured the first 18 properties in Beenleigh under this program, and I want to see more opening up here in our community,” said Chris Whiting.
CHRIS WHITING MP has applauded the new Help to Home initiative which aims to unlock 1,000 homes by partnering with the owners of those properties through a two-year head leasing arrangement.
THE BOATING INDUSTRY Association (BIA) recently released its state of the industry data report revealing national turnover at $9.55 billion for 2021-22. BIA Vice President Adam Smith launched the report on day one of the Sydney International Boat Show in Darling
"OurHarbour.industry has seen growth in total revenue over the past year of 8.1 (per cent to $9.55 billion, in NSW revenue is up almost 10 per cent over that period. Across the last five years, that growth has been 15 per cent, with the challenges of COVID included " Smith said.
card shows: •
The new $40 million Help to Home initiative has been designed to encourage investors sitting on vacant properties to sign up to a head lease with the Queensland Government. Rental home owners receive a guaranteed rental income for two years, paid three months in advance, and then every quarter subject to the terms of the lease.
Applications from property owners will be considered on merit and evaluated in the order they are received. Interested property owners can find out more information by visiting or by emailing:
a Boat Licence Words:
"There are now 26,000 people directly employed in the boating industry nationally with many thousands more in contractors supporting more than 2000 businesses. Seventy-five per cent are in small, family businesses, employing local workers and supporting local Thecommunities."boatingindustry includes boat builders, retailers, marinas and boat storage operators, tourism and training providers, representing a wide range of local and global brands and providing services to a growing boating "Boatingcommunity.isa great escape and over the past two years demand for all things boating accelerated with boating licences and registrations up across the
registered •
The program also helps people on the social housing register to secure safe and affordable housing and will target areas of high demand. Social housing tenants who are allocated Help to Home properties will pay the same income-based, affordable rent as they would in other types of social housing.
Help to Home Unlocks More Homes to Rent
“We know there are a lot of vacant properties out there, and we want to get them back onto the rental market.”
12 FeatureSeptember 2022
boats are fibreglass The BIA boating industry data report card is available at industry/industry-data Find more Fishing and Boating articles, including Tide Times, on pages 41 to 43 of this magazine. One in Ten Australians
Open from 7 am every day. The Hideout Cafe 22 Main Street,
"People of all ages, gender and ability can participate in boating across paddle, sail and power for leisure and sport."
“Every day as a local MP, my staff and I are working to get vulnerable and homeless Queenslanders into homes,” said Chris Whiting, MP.
Australia has more than 2.5 million people with a licence to drive a powerboat and close to 1 million registered vessels and a countless number of non-motorised craft (such as small paddle and sail craft) which do not require registration or licensing.

“It’s an emerging field, but current digital interventions for fear of recurrence either don’t use the cognitive behavioural strategies that we know are particularly effective in reducing fears or haven’t been designed with as much input or feedback from cancer survivors,” he says.
A self-guided digital intervention is showing promise for helping cancer survivors manage their post-treatment uncertainty.
Throughout five bite-sized modules, participants complete interactive exercises about goal setting, attention training and mindfulness, giving them a range of practical tools to assist in reducing unhelpful thoughts about “Worriesrecurrence.aboutrecurrence are rational and normal, and it’s important to understand that they can’t just be eliminated,” says Dr Smith. “The iConquerFear approach is about changing how people engage with their thoughts about recurrence. It’s about helping them to not get caught up in the negative thoughts that impact their wellbeing.”
14 FeatureSeptember 2022 iConquerFear
In addition, face-to-face isn’t always a treatment model all patients like to, or are able to, engage in, Dr Bamgboje-Ayodele says. “So, there’s a growing need for more scalable digital interventions to address this significant gap.”
“Getting help to cope with a fear of cancer recurrence is a cancer survivor’s top unmet need, above pain, fatigue and other physical symptoms,” Dr Smith says. “This fear causes considerable distress and impacts quality of life, disrupting their ability to engage with day-to-day activities, loved ones and planning for the future.”
The team recently conducted a study to investigate the potential of the iConquerFear intervention. It found that most of the 54 breast cancer survivors who participated showed a decrease in fear of recurrence severity immediately after participating in the program and three months post-intervention. About a quarter of the participants also reported clinically significant improvements in their reduction of fear of Althoughrecurrence.participation in later modules of the program declined somewhat, Dr Smith says the initial uptake and engagement with iConquerFear demonstrated its promise as an effective intervention tool for fear of recurrence.
Cancer Institute NSW Career Development Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at South West Sydney Clinical School, UNSW Medicine & Health, and Dr Adeola Bamgboje-Ayodele at the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research led a national team of clinicians, researchers and cancer survivors to develop a digital intervention to help survivors manage their post-treatment fears.
The goal of iConquerFear is to empower survivors with different strategies and techniques to manage the fear of recurrence and develop actions that align with their values.
“We saw strong initial uptake and engagement and promising reductions in fear recurrence – equivalent in size to what we saw in the face-toface,” Dr Smith says. “It suggests that digital interventions can actually improve access to psychosocial support and facilitate self-management by survivors.”
The project is also attracting international interest from therapeutics companies. Blue Note Therapeutics, a US-based digital therapeutics prescription company, recently licensed the iConquerFear and ConquerFear programs to develop a product for the North American “Wemarket.are open to exploring commercial models with partners that would maximise the accessibility and impact of iConquerFear in Australia and beyond,” Dr Smith says.
“Participants feel like they’re managing their fears and are being supported to do that as they go through these activities and get tailored feedback,” Dr Smith says. “The program is designed with relatable examples to engage users while supporting behaviours such as selfexamination and follow-up that could help minimise the risk of their cancer coming back.”
According to Dr Smith, self-guided digital interventions have significant promise to address unmet fear of recurrence-related needs and deliver timely, accessible treatment unconstrained by patient location. But many existing digital interventions have demonstrated limited engagement and efficacy to date.
ONE OF THE most common worries cancer survivors have after treatment ends is that their cancer will return. For many, this fear can be debilitating and can significantly affect their wellbeing and ability to enjoy life. Now, a team led by UNSW Sydney researchers is investigating ways to increase access to much-needed treatment for fear of cancer recurrence through Dre-health.BenSmith,
More than 50 million people are living with and beyond cancer worldwide. Approximately half of all cancer survivors experience clinically significant fear of recurrence associated with psychological distress, poorer quality of life and greater healthcare use.
In their next study, the team is partnering with Ovarian Cancer Australia to conduct a pilot randomised control trial to investigate iConquerFear’s effectiveness further before embarking on a full-scale rollout.
The program, iConquerFear, is a self-guided online tool for managing fear of cancer recurrence. It is an adaptation of ConquerFear, a therapistdelivered treatment for fear of recurrence – originally developed by the Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group, a national cancer clinical trials group – which has been shown to be effective in reducing psychological distress.
Various therapist-delivered interventions for fear of recurrence have demonstrated effectiveness in helping survivors manage their worries. However, such services can have many barriers, including distance and “Existingresourcing.interventions, while effective, are inaccessible to many Australian cancer survivors, particularly those in rural and remote areas,” Dr Smith says. “The health system is also under a lot of strain to address the mental health burden with insufficient resourcing.”
Dr Bamgboje-Ayodele says, with its focus on user experience, interactive exercises and personalised feedback, iConquerFear has the potential to service fear of recurrence-related needs, be more accessible and more scalable than existing treatments. Fixed rate with no hidden fees Fully licenced Property Manager Personalised service tailored for you Regular routine inspections with photo reports Flexible owner payments, and same day statements Strict property application processes with thorough tenant checks Limited number of managed properties to ensure top quality service NOT GETTING THE SERVICE YOU DESERVE? Give us a call today and let us help you! (07) 3491 We are ManagementdifferencetheinProperty Mention this ad and receive the 1st months management fees free!


“Anybody who says accolades and awards don’t mean anything, they’re not telling you the truth, it’s probably because they haven’t ever received any – that’s probably a mean thing to say but it’s true,” she “Winningsays.
“There’s a character that’s all innocent and he walks into the world of burlesque, a circus, a disco, little bit of naughtiness here and there and he’s looking to find himself,” Marcia says. “Through the music and the dance, he does. That’s all I can tell you because otherwise I’d have to kill you…. you have to come and see the Althoughshow!” she doesn’t look it, Marcia is 67 and looks amazing for her age. She credits good genetics, taking care of herself and a love of sleeping. But she admits that once she’s out in the world, she doesn’t hide herself, instead taking the time to talk with listen to people.
“I live to record and to perform, I do live for many other things but those things are top of my list when it comes to being an artist. You want to stay as relevant as you can and bring joy especially with all this stuff we’ve gone through in the last couple of years.”
Gaudi was my hero. He was the master of mosaics in Barcelona, in the world really. I haven’t been to Barcelona yet, so I’d like to go and see his work. Mosaics are a very interesting art form and my friends say if you stand still long enough I’ll mosaic you.
In Velvet Rewired, Marcia is joined by Joe Accaria as The DJ, Craig Reid as Hula Boy and a cast of internationally acclaimed circus, dance performers and vocalists in a fusion of flawless glamour, glitz and jaw-dropping circus skills! So what is Velvet Rewired all about?
fell in love with me so why not stay? I am so aware of the career that I’m having and that I’ve had, I never take any of that for granted but I’ve worked hard for it and how else do you get what you want?
As one of Australia’s well-known artists, Marcia is part of the Aria Hall of Fame, she has an Order of Australia Medal and regards winning the Queen of Pop as one of the most favourite highlights in her career.
“I think I would, because so far, so good. I’ve had a recording career, I’ve had a theatrical career. I’ve had a career as a live performer, I’ve been on television, so no I don’t think I’d change anything,” she says.
“People ask what would I tell the 16-year-old Marcia? As if she’d listen!
I wouldn’t change it, I’ve had really good management, I’ve had really good people around me, I’ve been encouraged properly. When things have gotten crazy I’ve always had people to grab me and tell me to put my feet back on the ground and I think that’s important to have in this industry and any industry, but especially this one.”
“He’sVandross.passed away now, but one of my favourite songs of his is Dance with My Father,” she says. “I listen to him a lot and he sings a great rendition of A House is not a Home. He’s just one of those great crooners, I love listening to him. Every time I listen to him I learn Lifesomething.”without regrets is something we all like to strive by, but if she had her time over again, would Marcia do things the same?
“I also had great people around me when I was growing up who encouraged me greatly, including my mother. She also taught me many valuable lessons, including you can’t like everybody and everybody can’t like you.”
“I love hearing their stories. I take the time because you should be a gracious star if you’re going to be one,” she says. “There’s no need to have people around me saying no she can’t talk, I can talk for myself. I learnt that very early in the piece from my manager who I’ve had for my whole career. People always come to you in a loving way or in a way that they have a story to tell you and I want to hear their stories. When Marcia Hines first stepped foot in Australia as a fresh-faced 16-year-old, she never would have imagined she’d end up where she is today. Her role in the musical Hair was just the beginning of a wild ride that has culminated in more than five decades (and still going strong) of performing in Australia’s entertainment industry. Her latest role is that of The Diva in Velvet Rewired, a production that is described as a fusion of discotheque, nightclub, burlesque and carnivale resulting in an insatiably flawless disco inferno.
She’s bold, beautiful, dazzling and incredibly talented, but there’s no denying that Marcia is extremely humble when it comes to talking about herself and the career path she’s worked incredibly hard for. Excited to be back performing on stage after a couple of crazy years (thanks to Covid) Marcia can’t wait to wow audiences with Brisbane the first stop on the Velvet Rewired tour.
Don’t miss you chance to catch Marcia as The Diva in Velvet Rewired. The tour kicks off in Brisbane in the Raine & Horne Wynnum Spiegletent at the Wynnum Fringe from November 16. Tickets available at
Proving that she’s just as human as the rest of us, there’s more to Marcia than a life of singing and “Iperforming.loveart,”she says. “When I have time and space I create mosaics.
means your peers and the general public want you to know that you’re adored and I think that’s a lovely thing. Like I’ve said before, sustaining or maintaining a career is a beautiful thing. It means people still want to hear you and see you.
“If you’re an artist, you’re an artist. I was taught that by Reg Livermore, he said if you’re an artist in one way, you’re an artist in another way.” Believe it or not, she even has a favourite singer as well - Luther
“It’s incredibly exciting,” she says. “I'm trying to be cool but there’s really no need to be cool. The industry has been on its butt for the last couple of years now so we’re all very excited and I just enjoy doing “AsVelvet.The Diva (no I didn’t name myself), I kind of watch over everybody and help when it’s needed, but I get to wear the most incredible costumes and sing the most incredible songs and work with an incredible bunch of people.”
“When I’m on stage doing my own show, my own concerts, I often refer to what I hear in the streets from people. I’m quite aware of how blessed I am to have had a career this long and it seems to still be going strong and once again that’s management, the choices that we Whenmake.”itcomes to making choices in life, Marcia truthfully admits she didn’t know she wanted to be a star from a young age. It was taking the job of a lifetime with Hair and the encouragement from those around her that gave her the support she needed to pursue the career she has today.
I’m quite aware of how blessed I am to have had a career this long and it seems to still be going strong and once again that’s management, the choices that we make.
“It probably sounds stupid but the truth of the matter is, back in the day, I never thought I’m going to be a star, I’m going to be this or I’m going to be that,” she says. “I got a gig in Australia in a show called Hair and I was smart enough to take the gig and then you move on one step at a time. I came to a country that I really love and Australia
SALLY WAS THE lucky dog that started it all for Karen Goullet and her husband Jamie, the two-legged human component of this mainly fourlegged furry space. Karen was working full-time and fostering dogs through Peninsula Animal Aid when she received a call about a big old Staffy who wasn’t doing too well.
Karen has had a love for dogs since she was a child and that sentiment is shared by her four children as well. Life with a house full of dogs is always busy with each day following a general routine, including time out in the yard exploring and most importantly, rest time for everyone. But there’s definitely no favourites in the bunch.
Although told not to get too attached to her by a vet, Karen says Sally lasted more than two years before crossing the rainbow bridge. Karen admits it was Sally who truly opened their eyes to the fact there were so many old dogs out there who needed a home.
Words: Sheree Hoddinett Photos: Contributed Their stories pull at the heart strings, but it really is a dog’s life at the Sanctuary for Senior Dogs Brisbane. The only sanctuary of its kind in Australia, the love and compassion given to older dogs seeing out their days is amazing to say the least. Now running for 16 years and initially starting out on a smaller block in Burpengary, the sanctuary has been at its Morayfield location since 2016, helping more than 60 senior dogs in that time. But as with many stories, it all started with just one.
Above: Josie, when she first came to the Sanctuary for Senior Dogs.
The dedication, passion and love that Karen and Jamie pour into the sanctuary is evident in the paw-some group that follow them everywhere they go. They were even lucky enough to receive a visit recently from Dr Harry Cooper and Better Homes & Gardens, so watch out for them on screen soon.
To hear the horrible things these dogs have been through is enough to bring tears to anyone’s eyes. But as Karen admits, you can’t focus on the bad side, you have to put all your energy into making a better life for the “Indogs.16 years, I’ve heard it all,” Karen says. “We never concentrate on the people, just on the dogs. It’s about giving them a home. It’s about helping them and getting the care they need. If I focus on the human, the dogs miss out.”
“No, there is no favourites! There are ones that get to me a little bit more but never a favourite, you just have to make sure they all get the same love, care and attention all day, every day,” Karen says. “Everyone gets a cuddle and that’s important to them as it is for us as well.
“It never gets any easier,” Karen says. “We had to say goodbye to Josie recently, she was blind and deaf and it was tough. She came to us with no hair, her skin was bleeding and she had scabs all over her body. We actually didn’t even know what kind of dog she was.
“We didn’t want to do fostering, it would be too hard on the dog for them to come and go again. For an old dog consistency is important,” Karen says. “So we thought they would come to us and stay for what was left of their lives. We didn’t want money from the public, we wanted to do it ourselves, that was important to us.”
If there’s one thing that is still difficult to deal with is when one of their pooches passes away.
18 FeatureSeptember 2022
“We’ve never had to rehome any dogs in the 16 years we’ve been doing this and there’s been over 60 of them and it’s just so important that they know this is their home.”
“But we got her the treatment she needed and her hair started growing back and she came out of her shell. But unfortunately within a year she was diagnosed with diabetes and when dogs get diabetes and have to have insulin, they go blind.
“She was already deaf so she lost her sight as well, but that dog had the best nose in Brisbane, she could find me anywhere I the house. She ended up with dementia as well, so it was time. We buried her out in the little cemetery we have.”
To find out more about the Sanctuary for Senior Dogs Brisbane, check out their Facebook page where they also showcase older dogs you can adopt.
A Dog's Life
Above: Karen Goullet with Josie
“I went in there after work and she was sitting there in the cage, I can still see it so clearly,” Karen says. “She had her back to the door and her head down and she was pushing against the cage and I just thought ‘oh dear’. The staff there told me she was a bit nippy but I went to her, put her head in my hands and told her she was coming home with me. That’s how it all “Westarted.could see there was all these old dogs out there in the shelters or in the pound, they were being euthanised straight away. We realised there was this huge need, so we knew we had to do something to change that.”

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He adopts a faraway yet determined look about him as he describes future plans for several other similar cafes, all designed as an integral part of an educational experience.
"We are just excited for people to come in and experience dining out as it should be - joining friends for a delicious, satisfying meal made from vibrant, local, from scratch ingredients, and without feeling bloated at the end. So many of us are used to leaving a café or restaurant feeling heavy or a bit off, but it doesn't have to be that way. Food should make you feel goodand not just while you are eating it," explained "EntireKurt. families or groups can come in for breakfast or lunch, knowing a range of diets are looked after. They can focus on enjoying the meal together, not searching for somewhere that suits everyone, or combing through a menu to find one or two things that might be safe for them."
New inDestinationCafeMoreton Words: Bruce Giddings Photos: Contributed
Project Salubrious is an integral part of another vision, a food education partnership with the new early childhood centre right next door. The new Montessori early childhood education centre, Absorbent Minds, is owned by Kurt's wife, Anita Wilson, together with two of her sisters. It will develop to offer 141 places, catering for children aged six months to school Kurtage.
Kurt and his team are especially enthusiastic about their partnership with Wolff Coffee, a niche market coffee roaster long established in Hendra. The specialist brew is a treat to sip while sitting on the verandah and gazing out over the 18 hectares of green landscape that forms CREEC reserve.
Kurt has channelled a long-held passion for locally sourced, pure, healthy food into his recently completed enterprise, Project Salubrious, located on Rowley Road However,Burpengary.he is adamant that the new eatery is not a 'health food café'.
AS A CHEF, Kurt Lovell (pictured) has worked internationally, is a passionate food educator and has recently added a new dimension to Moreton Bay dining, bringing 25 years of experience spanning several European countries, including work in a Michelin-starred kitchen and a stint as head chef at Brisbane's famous gourmet eatery Mondo Organics.
Inside the beating heart of the newly built cafe, Kurt has gathered together a remarkable team to work alongside him. The kitchen is open plan and interfaces with a bright and airy dining area featuring a natural timber look. His style as team leader is on show as collegial and engaged, making the kitchen atmosphere upbeat and cooperative, unlike some infamous restaurant kitchens shown on free-to-air television. The positive and friendly vibe spills into the dining area, as Kurt occasionally pauses to chat with diners.
will be using some well-honed skills as a food educator, helping children become enthused about pure and healthy food choices that will benefit them for their whole lives. He brightens as he talks of food and education, two passions that clearly form an important part of his identity.
With the café open, and the early childhood centre taking enquiries now, Kurt and his team are getting busy and loving it.
substantial early publicity in Urban List and the Courier Mail, Kurt's team has welcomed some keen foodies from Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and beyond. Moreton Bay locals have also been arriving to try the new cafe experience.
20 FeatureSeptember 2022
"I love food, talking about food, and sharing that with others. We're really looking forward to bringing back our cooking school." Kurt said.
lights up as he describes the partnerships he is forging with local suppliers like Jacki from Blue Dog Farms at Oceanview, who provides salads, and Sarah from herb supplier Basilea at Burpengary. He sources fruit and vegetables from Wamuran, including strawberries from Ashbern farms.
For the moment, though, Kurt is relieved that Project Salubrious is finally open. The 5,000 square metre block of land was acquired in 2019, and he says it has been quite a journey through the two years of pandemic challenges.
Pure food, free of grains, dairy and refined sugars, is an important part of the offer for customers at Project Salubrious. Kurt keeps the food miles low by buying locally wherever Hispossible.face
"We get to work with great people and are excited to bring them on the journey with us," Kurt Aftersaid.obtaining

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For anyone questioning whether the record attempt is all above board, Ted wants to reassure everyone, it’s all being done properly. He’s even spoken to local councillors (Sandra Ruck) and politicians (Chris Whiting and Luke Howarth) about coming on board.
With shirts being made for the day, a barbecue on the menu following the record attempt and many other helping hands involved, Ted is grateful for the support and assistance he has already seen from others in and around the community. A big nod also goes to The Plumbdogs for their support.
“It’s all free to be a part of but we have so many people helping us out and taking care of so many things,” he says. “Pride Mobility Products Australia, they did up posters for us for nothing. Rehab and Mobility – they have donated a hamper for scooters with bits and pieces including covers. Debbie Gee – she’s going to help out if someone breaks down and we’ll have a few others helping out with that as well. We also have Bob (Ted’s mate) cooking sausages. I’ve got everything covered.”
For Ted, getting around on his mobility scooter has become part of his life since a change in his eyesight meant he could no longer drive a car. The idea to break the record was initiated after a friend mentioned to him a long time ago about a mobility scooter run he had been a part of. Ted liked the idea and saw the potential to make something happen locally.
22 FeatureSeptember 2022 A WHEELIE BIG RECORD ATTEMPT
WHEN TED BAKKE sets his mind to something, it seems he becomes very determined to make it happen. His current mission is to break the Australian record for the longest convoy of mobility scooters and on Monday October 3 (which just happens to be a public holiday), that could very well become a reality. Ted’s Wheelie Challenge will get rolling from Deception Bay Library and travel through to the PCYC with all wheelies not only welcome, but very much encouraged to join in. Although the current record is sitting at 126, Ted is hoping to well and truly break it.
With interest coming in from across the region and even further afield, it seems the advertising from Ted’s mate John is starting to be “Johnnoticed.hasa big banner on the back of his scooter, which we were fortunate to have made for us and he’s been travelling around Deception Bay and even all the way down to Redcliffe,” Ted says.
When Ted first started researching for his plan, he discovered the Australian record from 2010 was 126 mobility scooters “I’m hoping for 130, if I come under that I’ll just go do it all again next year. I’m just going to keep trying until I break it,” he says. “I’m a bit like Thomas the Tank Engine, I think I can I know I can, I just keep going until I make something happen.”
Nothing perturbs me at all,” he says. “I like to have a joke and a laugh and just get on with life.”
Words and Photo: Sheree Hoddinett
“I’ve even had a phone call from a guy in the Glasshouse Mountains, he has four mobility scooters, so he’s interested in being a part of it all. That’s what we want, people who are keen to give it a go and have a bit of fun as well.”
“We have to have the hierarchy to make sure we do it all correctly, cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s,” Ted says. “Each person, before they leave the library on their mobility scooter, need to leave their details (name and phone number) as confirmation they’re part of it and all that will go with all the official paperwork we submit.”
Above: Ted Bakke is aiming to break the Australian record for the longest mobility scooter convoy.
For those who have met Ted, they would know he has a cheeky sense of humour and he’s a true Aussie larrikin with a can do attitude. He’s also very much a handy man. He used to fix lawnmowers and now makes different structures or objects to keep himself busy, including a guitar in the shape of a pizza and an old wheel hanging in the kitchen holding pots and pans.
One lucky participant will also win a brand new Pride Pathrider 10 in a kindly donated scooter giveaway. For further information about the upcoming record attempt, contact Ted on 0458 955 170.
There are multiple records for longest fingernails, and records are held by both men and women. Some records measure the longest nails across two hands, some across a singular hand, but only one record for the longest singular Shridharnail.Chillal is the proud grower of the world’s longest fingernail, with a thumbnail measuring the total length of 6 ft 4 in (197.8 Ifcm).you want to see the nail, it is on display at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! in Times Square, New York, USA.
“I thought that’s a really good idea and it could work,” Ted says. “I lost my wife a few years ago and because my eyes weren’t 100% anymore I also couldn’t drive, so I decided to get myself a mobility scooter. So I thought I’m going to have a go at this record and started planning and then of course Covid kicked in and it all went by the wayside. “Now we’re back on track and going ahead with it and we’re hoping to have 130-140 mobility scooters running down the street.” Trish Springsteen is a multi international award winning mentor, Australia’s Leading Expert in Empowering Introverts, international award winning best selling Author, speaker coach. With over 20 years experience Trish can help you have 60 seconds of insane courage to step up, stand out trish@trishspringsteen.comwww.trishspringsteen.com0402 897 968 Book in for a FREE chat about how I can help you For Business Start-Ups and Those Wanting to Know How to Get Known Be SeenRepurposing and Leveraging to Market Your BusinessDo you have a fear of public speaking? Do you have a fear that you will forget your words? Do you worry about what to say? Do you have a business? Would you like more clients? Do you need to perfect your pitch?

A recent poll of over 3,000 Australian car-buyers by the Electric Vehicle Council indicated that 54% of those polled would consider buying an electric vehicle as their next car. But a much larger number, 92%, responded with a concern about the availability of charging infrastructure.
Many users make it a habit to top up the charge every night and so very rarely visit a charging station.
Moreton Bay motorists have charging stations available now, with more in the planning stages. Here are the numbers, according to Plugshare, courtesy of the Electric Vehicle Council.
A free smartphone app, Plugshare, can pinpoint every charge station in Australia and advise which stations are in use in real-time.
24 FeatureSeptember 2022 Going Electric IN MORETON
Some chargers located on major highways are fast, able to replenish an EV battery within about 20 minutes. Still, the more commonly found chargers will take about an hour to have the motorist on their way.
Extra planning is required for those using their EV on a more extended trip to guard against the dreaded ‘range anxiety’. Many more charge points are being planned or built, so the charging landscape will improve with time.
For motorists traversing an urban landscape and able to charge up at their own home, there is a way to get free power to their EV. They can save the environment while smashing the costs of running a vehicle. The answer is a standard household solar system with home battery storage.
Information on achieving the best result according to your individual circumstances is well worth pursuing. There are reputable local solar suppliers ready and waiting to help motorists and homeowners save money on fuel and energy bills.
EVs are usually charged at home, not at a charging station or service station forecourt. Even a humble 10 amp power point will completely charge an EV over a 30-hour period.
“In Queensland’s famously sunny climate, many home solar power systems will create more electricity than households use. When this occurs, the system’s inverter sends the excess electricity back to the grid.
Motorists could be forgiven for looking at the scant quantity and distribution of charge points and forming an opinion that Moreton Bay has too few charging stations. However, prospective EV buyers should carefully consider how they will use their car before deciding that the charging network is inadequate.
A better option than a regular powerpoint is a wall box, usually installed in the home garage. This is an extra cost option, but it hits the sweet spot for convenience, allowing the user to fully charge their vehicle overnight.
Words: Bruce Giddings
Electric cars have a range of between 250 to 550 kilometres, depending on the model and traffic conditions. This translates to a dozen trips or more between charges if the motorist lives in an urban area.
RACQ motoring writer, Ged Bulmer, made the proposition clear in his recent article published in The Road Ahead:
AFTER YEARS OF uncertainty and inaction, the Queensland government has recently stumped up a $3,000 subsidy for EV buyers and committed $10 million for more charging stations.
“This situation is causing homeowners to invest in battery storage solutions, which can store the excess energy generated during the day for use in their homes at night, and to charge EVs during the day.”
“However, because solar feed-in tariffs have fallen considerably in recent years, it’s becoming less economically viable to export excess solar to the grid, given that the electricity must be purchased back at night at a higher rate than the feed-in tariff.
The hum of electric cars on Moreton Bay roads has amped up in 2022, with new Electric Vehicle (EV) sales trending upwards nationwide.
Australians are ready for an electric future. The topic of EVs and how they can maintain a viable charge between the scattered charging stations on Aussie roads is being discussed around barbeque grills nationwide.

At Freshwater by Ingenia Lifestyle you can own the home you’ve always wanted and fill your days doing the things you love. With a resort-style community clubhouse and a social calendar full of activities to choose from, the only thing you’ll wish is that you’d made the move sooner! To book a tour of our display village, please contact the team on 3495 0192. Keep any capital gainsmaintenanceLowliving No exit fees or stamp duty Free moneyup A new way of life. 49 CREEK ROAD, BURPENGARY EAST BOOK VILLAGEDISPLAYATOUR

“Our revenue is generated through the sale of technology products and services and 50 per cent of our profits are donated to charities that are addressing digital poverty, the digital health divide and those that are impacted by natural disasters and need technology,” Ms Heesom said.
Mr Duncan said fatbergs and blockages were easily avoidable by ensuring anything other than pee, poo and paper were put in the bin.
Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer said this latest round of the Business Basics grants program represents $290,000 being invested in businesses across the Moreton Bay region.
26 FeatureSeptember 2022
“It’s not a nice job and doesn’t smell very pleasant, but somebody has to do it and we have the right crew for the job. “We’d love to be using the crews to do maintenance work elsewhere on our network.”
“We ask people to only flush the Three Ps – pee, poo and toilet paper,” he said.
Ben had always loved cars. European – fast. None of the local makes for him. His first car was a tired, local model. Safe, economical on fuel, got him from A to B. He hated it but it served a purpose. The world turns, and he achieves his dream. A new European car. Fabulous engine, shiny mag wheels, leather interior. So hard to stick to speed limits in this beast. Speeding fines were a minor blip on Ben’s radar. Driving was such an adventure. Sleep deprivation caught up with him one night. A bollard appeared suddenly in the middle of the road and Ben crashed headlong into it. Miraculously, he wasn’t hurt. He coaxed the car back home. The next day, looking at the mangled wreck of his car in the driveway and lighting up a cigarette, he ruefully pondered on how dreams could only take you to where you would let them.
“If people are flushing things that don’t belong in the sewer, it can block private plumbing and that can certainly lead to expensive personal plumbing bills.”
“The Business Basics grant will directly contribute to the development of our e-commerce platform which is our pathway to commercialising our product into the retail market. Once this is available, we will be able to exponentially increase our sales and in turn our contributions to charities on a profit contribution basis.”
Grants Back Small Businesses
WEIGHING IN AT over a tonne, it’s the biggest fatberg Unitywater has ever discovered in its sewerage network.
Member for Kurwongbah, Shane King said the grants are a vital support for small business owners in a diverse range of industries in the region.
“The same goes for the kitchen sink – fats and oils belong in the bin as these can clog private plumbing as well as wreaking havoc on the sewerage network.
Largest Fatberg in UnitywaterHistory
“Investing in these businesses will help improve and grow their operations and allow them to serve more customers and clients,” Minister Farmer said.
TechForGood Founder and CEO Stella Heesom launched her social enterprise and charity to create affordable technology solutions for other social sector companies.
Fast Fiction: Dream Snatcher
“I look forward to seeing how other Moreton Bay businesses such as Chilli Coffee in Burpengary, Temple Distillery in Warner and Abundance Dance, Everton to AgKonect, Pumicestone use these grants to grow their operations,” Mr King Ministersaid.Farmer said the Business Basics grants make a difference for all Queenslanders. “When we invest in small businesses, we invest in Queensland because their success and growth fuels the economy and gives us great options as customers to invest in our local Forcommunities.”moreinformation about small business grants visit www. or call 1300 654 687.
“There are so many fantastic businesses across the state being supported this round that demonstrate the diversity in our local communities, industries and economy.”
Unitywater Executive Manager Rhett Duncan said “it was an overnight job” to clear the messy problem from a sewage pump station in Brendale.
MORE THAN 50 Moreton Bay small businesses recently received grants of $5,000 to get their ‘business basics’ on track by investing in areas such as their website, marketing plan or business coaching.
Words: Charmaine Desilva
The smelly, congealed mass, pictured above, is a result of people flushing wet wipes and other items that don’t belong in the sewer.
“It took most of the night by the time our crews lifted the pump and dug the rags and fatberg off by hand and got it operating again,” he said.

GET SET FOR PREP 2023 Children commencing Prep at Jinibara in 2023 are invited to: Friday 18th RSVP:9:30-10:15amMarch14thMarchFriday6thMay9:30-10:15amRSVP:29thApril Open Morning Looking to enrol your child in Prep 2023? Come along for a tour and hear about Jinibara and our Prep program. 11th July –4th4thSeptember16thOctober–November Enrolment Interviews - Happening now contact us ASAP All students and parents must attend an enrolment interview. Enrolment packs are available at the office or here We will be in contact to arrange a time once your child’s completed enrolment form has been received. Session 1 12th 11thSession25thSession12thSession8thSessionAugust2September3October4October5November Prep Orientation – Transition Program All students should attend all 5 sessions to assist a successful transition to Prep. Time: 9:30 - 10:15am Future Preps have the opportunity to spend time in a Prep classroom and the Prep play area. They also become familiar with routines and rules which helps them successfully.transition Wednesday 9th November 5:30-6:15pm Prep Parent Information Evening Staffwill provide information about starting Prep in 2023 at Jinibara State School. Our team can answer any questions in preparation for commencing Prep. Jinibara State School Contact us today! 07 3491 1222

Even in small gardens, Jasmin insists worms can easily be ‘farmed,’ by placing scraps in a partially submerged upturned bucket, pot, or worm tower, (i.e. a tall PVC pipe with a lid), in the garden. The worm castings are distributed as the worms move around and then flow through to the soil every time it rains.
A strong believer in sustainability and utilizing what’s available, Jasmin then created an interactive toy worm from recycled materials, dubbed ‘Tonyi’, as a way to teach children the benefits of worm Unfortunately,farming.the first prototype went missing in storage.
For Tour guide, Jasmin Thomas, becoming a mum presented an opportunity to set down roots and cultivate a backyard garden. Little did she anticipate her experiences in the garden would lead to empowering Australian children to support soil health and biodiversity. Through experimental play and an interactive toy, Jasmin teaches young kids the simple practice of worm farming and how to recycle food waste that would otherwise be disposed of in landfill.
A peri-urban upbringing in Western Australia instilled in Jasmin a strong appreciation of the environment, but it wasn’t until she volunteered with a group of permaculture enthusiasts in Victoria, that her interest in worms and soil regeneration was kindled.
After she attended a council-funded workshop, Jasmin experimented with, ‘Lasagne layering,’ in her own backyard. This permaculture technique uses layers of carbon and nitrogenous material as a base on which food plants are grown. The cardboard doubles as a weed suppressant and layers of manure, blood and bone fertiliser, food scraps and straw are added on top. After several months, Jasmin noticed the ‘lasagne garden,’ was teeming with worms, the plants were thriving and the clay soil had been transformed into friable compost.
In saving her family’s food scraps to feed a worm farm, Jasmin began to think of worms as the heroes of her garden. “Not only do they capture the nutrition and energy from food waste, “their castings are phenomenal for improving clay soils.”
Wanted posters, stating “Have you seen Tonyi?” were even placed around the community, yet Tonyi was never found.
Determined not to let the concept die, Jasmin and her family recreated Tonyi, again using components sourced from the Every household and place of learning has a role to play in transforming waste that might otherwise go to landfill.
“These were the perfect conditions the plants have been waiting for,” says Jasmin who wonders, “Why it has taken 30-odd years to learn this?”
“Worms may not like too much onion or citrus, but they do like veggie scraps, love watermelon rind and will have a party on avocado skin.” Jasmin jokes, explaining how worms are more active in warmer, rainy weather and can eat 50 – 80% of their body weight, daily.
Words: Marnie Birch Photo:

In the future, Jasmin would like to see the saving of food scraps for worm farming integrated into every educational setting. With Tonyi’s help, she hopes a whole generation of kids will know how to regenerate soil life with worms, as well as how to deal more sustainably with food waste. With some Councils now offering rebates on worm farms, that might just be possible.
Photo by: Sharon McLauchlan
tip shop and recycling outlets; (the electronics are new).
Jasmin then commenced educational sessions for pre-schoolers, at a community library during story-time.
While Jasmin was aware that children can be obsessed with the weekly collections of the ‘bin man’, she understood that not all families chat with their kids about the implications of waste disposal for the planet. Tonyi the Worm teaches children how and why waste is separated and how it can be utilized, reduced and reused as a resource in a fun way. This knowledge aligns perfectly with Australia's National Food Waste Strategy, which aims to halve food waste by 2030.
In creating an interactive educational aid, the intention was to provide a community service rather than start a business venture. However, Tonyi the Worm proved so popular with children, Jasmin now offers worm farm education sessions for Preschool and Early primary-aged children, around Australia.
Using food cards and experimental play, Tonyi the interactive worm encouraged children to “feed the worms, not the bin,” enabling them to confidently identify everyday waste items suitable for worm farming, at home.
“Every household and place of learning has a role to play in transforming waste that might otherwise go to landfill. That might start at kindergarten by caring for the garden and the morning tea scraps.”
So far, Tonyi has visited over fifty child care centres, kindergartens and schools from regional Victoria to Cairns and is soon heading for the Top End. A GoFundMe page is set up specifically to fund presentations by Tonyi, to disadvantaged and more remote
“It’scommunities.areallylovely way of giving back and appreciating your place on earth.”
Find out more about Tonyi the worm at

30 FeatureSeptember 2022 Finance
What Expires?FixedWhenHappensYourRate
What are your options?
Switch to variable. Variable rates may be lower than the proposed new fixed rates and there may be advantages such as loan features and unlimited repayment options to help you get ahead. But if the cash rate increases, your interest rate may rise too.
Usually, there are no penalties associated with refinancing from a variable rate. What can I do if interest rates have gone up when my fixed rate ends?
The most important thing is to shop around to ensure you find a competitive loan that suits your financial circumstances and goals.
Consider all aspects of a loan product – not just the interest rate. What features can save you interest? How does one lender’s fees compare to others?
Consider all aspects of a loan product –not just the interest rate..
Remember, you may be able to find a more suitable loan with another lender. Get support & put a plan in place
ixed rate borrowers have been temporarily shielded from the Reserve Bank’s cash rate increases, but for how It’slong?estimated that almost 40 per cent of Aussies on low fixed rate loans will roll off them next year. This could result in a considerable increase in mortgage repayments for households that are already stretched with rising cost-of-living pressures.
With so much uncertainty around how much higher interest rates may climb, you have every right to be concerned. As interest rates rise, borrowing is only going to get tougher, so it is important to be on the front foot and take action sooner rather than later.
Split your loan. This is when a portion of your loan is fixed and the remainder is variable, potentially allowing you to benefit from both loan types. What if you re-fix then need to sell or refinance? If you do fix your interest rate and need to sell or refinance, you may have to pay break fees to the lender. Break costs can be expensive. The amount you’ll be up for depends on a range of factors, including the lender, the loan amount and the time left on the fixed term.
Contact your local broker if you need to review your mortgage and potential options
If you’re currently playing the waiting game wondering what will happen when your fixed rate term ends, we understand what a stressful time it might be.
Words: Vanessa Bragdon VB Home Loans
If your fixed rate is expiring soon, now is the time to review your home loan and make a game plan.
Once your fixed term ends, you can stay with your current lender or refinance to a new one. You could: Re-fix your home loan. With this option, you’ll know exactly what your repayments will be during the fixed term and can budget accordingly. However, it will be at today’s rate and fixed rates are now much higher than they were a few years ago. You may also be up for break costs if you end your fixed term early.

Recycling continues among contemporary artists, especially those at Art So Lively, following in the footsteps of the now famous. Is it worth contemplating how many potential masterpieces are hiding in our recycled canvases just waiting to be revealed…….sometime?
Recycling Revelationsand
Words: Gabrielle Turnbull, Art So Lively
Pentimento: noun pen·ti·men·to plural pentimenti in painting, “is the presence…of earlier images…that have been painted over.”
Deep in Cominos Arcade, Redcliffe, the Art So Lively students are painting up a storm on canvas. For some, it is their ‘maiden voyage’ on canvas, and they are very excited!! Someone examined the clean white canvas and exclaimed, “Hey, look what’s underneath! A figure!” As they held it up to the light, there it was.
Recycling is in my blood, so discarded canvases are routinely painted over for budding artists to experiment and practise easily. “If it doesn’t work, just paint over it” is or mantra. In my personal art practice, I have done this many times, reusing good (and costly) paper and canvas. Sometimes the painting underneath becomes an integral and beautiful part of the new work. Most artists I know do the same. Waste not, want not. And we are not alone in the history of art.
32 FeatureSeptember 2022 The Arts
Recycling is in my blood, so discarded canvasesare routinely painted over for budding artists toexperiment and practise easily." "
Recently in Scotland, an exciting discovery was made of a hidden self-portrait of the famous 19th Century Impressionist Vincent van Gogh. It had been painted earlier on the back of another painting known as Head of a Peasant Woman. Sophisticated infra-red X-ray technology made this possible. The impoverished van Gogh economised via recycling canvases, cardboard and other surfaces by painting on the back or on top of the earlier image. Interestingly, one early owner of this work was the father of Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond. Ian Fleming’s Dad sold it, unaware he had two measures in one! Vincent van Gogh was not the first or only early recycler. In 2011, a hidden self-portrait by Rembrandt was discovered on the reverse side of his masterpiece Old Man with a Beard. Italian artist Amedeo
Modigliani also sketched drawings on the reverse side of his 1908 canvas ‘Nude with a Hat’. Although such discoveries are relatively rare, other famous ‘canvas recyclers’ include Edgar Degas and Pablo Picasso. The 1890’s Degas painting ‘Portrait of a Woman’ contained the portrait of yet another woman hidden beneath the latter work. That research was conducted in Australia in 1997. Picasso’s popular painting The Blue Room depicts a woman bathing. It hides beneath its layers of blue oil paint, the portrait of a bearded man complete with a bow tie.

Despite their initial reservations (mainly his mum, who is now the loudest in the crowd), Hayden has a massive support base from his family, including his big sister Talia who has stepped in as a manager to help her baby brother out.
“The boxer I’ve looked up to the most would probably be Muhammed Ali, even though he was around a long time ago, he’s definitely the greatest of all time,” Hayden says. “The way he spoke and the way he was, he was very humble and confident which I respect a lot.”
IT ALL STARTED with one bout “for fun” and quickly grew into something more for Morayfield-based boxer Hayden ‘Hold My Beer’ Emmerson. The 21-year-old is still very much a rookie in the sport which he shows a great passion for, but plans to take it as far as he can, even heading overseas if the opportunity arises in the not too distant future. His path to pro level has been unusually short but Hayden is taking it all in his stride, even punching above his weight to make the most of each chance to get in the Althoughring. part of his life for many years, boxing professionally was something Hayden never really thought much about. Having played rugby league since he was young, Hayden reached a point where he knew it was time to hang up his footy boots because the risk of injury while working as a brickie’s labourer was too high. Instead the path to a boxing career presented itself and the young gun hasn’t looked back as a fitness thing when I was little and playing footy as well,” Hayden says. “I was playing rugby league and in the off season I’d go do boxing for fitness and cardio. I started working and footy wasn’t what it used to be, plus I thought if I get injured from playing I can’t make a living and that’s when boxing came into it.”
boxer’s intuition kicks in when you see a punch coming, your twitch reaction activates and you’ll start slipping some more punches, you know how to move. That’s why you have to train every day because if you stop doing it, that’s when you start getting slower and it just ruins all your hard work.”
“He’s done so well already and went from zero to 100 pretty quickly,” Talia says. “As soon as he had his amateur fights, he was straight pro, there was no question about it. We’re all really proud of how he’s going so far.”
Boxing To His Own Beat
As for the ‘Hold My Beer’ reference in his name, it was originally a joke that grew into something more and has stuck.
“It’s the Aussie thing going into a fight, you ask someone to hold your beer, so for me it’s I’m going in to the ring, hold my beer,” Hayden says. “I feel I wouldn’t be where I am without the name. People wouldn’t know me as much, it’s boosted me up.”
After just four fights, Hayden ‘Hold My Beer’ Emmerson is already making his name known in the boxing ring.
Words: Sheree Hoddinett Photographs: Contributed
You can follow Hayden’s progress via his Facebook page Hayden ‘Hold My Beer’ Emmerson.
“Probably too much,” he says with a laugh. “I’ve got my own personal trainer (Zhane Mu) down at World Gym Burpengary who looks after me with cardio, strength and conditioning. I do that every day after work and then head straight to boxing training after that at Xtreme Gym Burpengary with my coach Myles Collings.”
With a big background in rugby league, Hayden says he’s had many footy players that he’s looked up to, but in the boxing ring, there’s only one he can think of.
“I want to fight, I want to be active,” he says. “It’s a sport you can’t slack off with. You need to be dedicated otherwise it shows in the “Yourring.
Even though there’s still a risk of injuring himself during a boxing match, if you ask Hayden “a black eye or a busted lip” is a better option than breaking an arm or a leg. Currently in the Super Middle Weight (75.6kg) division, Hayden would like to be in Middle Weight (72.5kg) but isn’t too fussed over where he ends up, even undertaking a recent fight in the Light Heavy Weight which is 5kg above his normal weight. So how much of his day is dedicated to boxing?
Long-term, Hayden hopes to head to the likes of America, but for now has his sights set on lining up at least four more fights locally before the year is out. He openly admits he doesn’t have much spare time, but it’s essential in a sport like boxing to remain consistent.
“People ask about it and being sponsored by the pub (Burpengary Central Tavern came on board in December last year) now it makes sense too,” Talia adds.

I USUALLY DRIVE to Redcliffe twice a week in the morning. After several years of heavy congestion and delays due to roadworks, the run on Anzac Avenue from Rothwell through to Kippa-Ring is three lanes each way. Any delays usually only occur around schools. There is a mowed area with nicely spaced trees all the way down the middle of the road, which is well maintained.
A simple little gesture That’s worth its weight in gold I’m sure they have some stories Waiting to be told. So today and every day Put a smile upon their face Share a joke or yarn It will be a better place.
We all at times have problems Which some carry everyday Let’s try and change their focus With a mate and say G’day! A phone call is a start Keep in touch with those old friends A random visit will surprise them It’s time to make amends. Reconcile those differences Who are we to judge For we are not all perfect, Life’s too short to hold a grudge.
A little while back, I happened to be stuck in traffic on the other side of the road whilst on my way home when I realised I was looking across at a light-coloured high stiletto heel, upside down with the sole flattened onto the bitumen and the heel poking up very high, and this was in an area I hadn't spotted any shoes before as the first one I say was usually the black book which was further on, as it really stood out. So then, on my next trip down, I was on a mission to see how many other shoes I had been missing all that time. I only managed to spot one more as well as the stiletto, even though I kept trying.
Time has taken its toll, and the Mystery Shoes are diminishing in number. It is very sad. I can only see a couple, so my shoe search is less and less satisfying each week, but at least the stiletto is still standing proud. What is happening to them? Are they going to shoe heaven? Have the owners finally realised where their shoes have been hiding and have come to rescue them? Why did I never see two shoes the same?
My quest continues…..
R U OK? That is what we ask How’s your mate or friend Who is hiding behind that mask?
Family and friends are what defines us Inspiration and wisdom for all to share Ask them if they’re okay It will show them that you care.
After a few weeks, I had counted over fifteen different shoes spread out along the side of the road. Each trip was a bit of a competition to see how many I could spot, which continued for weeks and Eventually,weeks. the shoes started to disappear – just one or two every now and then while I kept trying to spot as many as I could each time I went past. The black boot was the easiest to spot as most of the sandals, slip-ons, and low-court shoes just seemed to get flatter and flatter as the weeks went by. Obviously, no one needs to clean that part of the road, and in places, there is a low fence – just white posts about 50cm high and a couple of strands of steel cable through the posts to stop vehicles from pulling over into the green area.
Don’t you think that sometimes We’re all focused to achieve We must try and better ourselves It is what we all believe. But what about those others The ones who fall behind Do you think they don’t have A successful life in mind? You see, they have a different goal Just to make it through the day The constant battle of rejection Where things are not okay. Being an under achiever Is not a burden or a curse It’s just a moment in their lives When things are in reverse. Try to keep that in mind Don’t treat them with contempt As under achievers are everywhere And you are not exempt.
Words: Len Newey
Listen with compassion Offer some advice But don’t leave until their smiling Some laughter would be nice.
A simple little phrase A question that which sparks an answer From any concerns that might be raised.
Generally, I slip over to the right-hand lanes early so I don't have to chop and change and push my way between cars to change lanes during the trip.
A few months ago, I noticed a couple of ladies' shoes lying just over the white line right at the edge of the bitumen, which I thought was a bit odd. So the next trip, I started looking harder and saw that it wasn't just a couple of odd shoes, but quite a few. They were spread over a kilometre or more, several metres or so between each one, and all different styles. No two were the same –from a very smart black ankle-high boot to the most casual low slip-n with glossy gold straps. It is impossible to watch for them all the time as the traffic is moving and you need to pay attention to the cars in front.
Words: Laurie Wilson
Are you okay mate?

• clothing, shoes or jewellery feeling tighter than usual.
Physiotherapy for Lymphoedema Physios who treat patients with lymphoedema have good success in helping them relieve discomfort, get better joint movement in the affected area, and become more physically active. In particular, lymphoedema-trained physios are able to manage patients’ lymphatic drainage with compression or massage, and prescribing exercises to help them get back to their normal work, study and physical activity routines which are so important to overall quality of Dependinglife.on your stage of lymphoedema your physiotherapist will be able to work with you to develop an individualised management plan.
Early signs of lymphoedema can include:
• swelling that comes and goes or is more noticeable at the end of the day.
• not being able to fully move the affected limb.
Early intervention for lymphoedema can provide the best long term outcomes for patients. If you are unsure whether any symptoms are an early sign of lymphoedema, contact a lymphoedema practitioner.
Lymphoedema is the accumulation of fluid (lymph) in the body which causes uncomfortable swelling, impaired mobility and recurrent infections. It most frequently affects the arms and legs, but can also be present in the groin, head and neck Primaryregions.
For more information about Lymphoedema services at Moreton All Body Care please contact us on 38886699 or 38869470.
Signs of Lymphoedema
lymphoedema is a congenital condition in which the lymphatic vessels and nodes are not fully formed. Secondary lymphoedema is more common and occurs after damage to the lymphatic system, such as trauma, surgery or radiation therapy (often associated with cancer treatment). The condition is chronic and requires ongoing monitoring and selfmanagement supported by qualified health professionals. Many women who undergo treatment for Breast Cancer are at risk of developing lymphoedema as a result of treatment.
Health Words: The Moreton All Body Care Team
• feeling of tightness, heaviness or fullness.
• aching in the affected area.

stiffness • Rehabilitation
Therapeutic massage is not just for humans. Did you know that your furry friends can also benefit from massage? of Massage for Animals mobility and flexibility for sport and working lameness, or after injury or surgery quality of support of behavioural and temperament changes, it is a relaxing way to bond with your pet while enhancing your own health
• Benefits
• Improving
and •
Ear Rub Lightly hold your pet’s ears between your finger and thumb. Starting at the tips of the ears circle gently working towards the base of the ear near the skull. Keep repeating the motion over the whole ear.
Another therapeutic spot to massage on your pampered pet’s head is their temple. Gently use a soft circular finger to rub in the little skull dent on the outer sides of your pet’s eyes.
Animal Massage
Simple Back Rub Gently use your thumbs to create circles either side of your pet’s spine. Start at the base of their tail, around the hips and circle in an outward motion moving upwards to their head.
Head Rub A head massage can be extremely relaxing for your fur-baby. It can help relieve stress and calm nerves. Start with a open palm and stroke from your pets nose, travelling back over the top of the head. Using your fingers, massage in circular motion your pet’s forehead.
• Enhancing
Here are three easy techniques for you to use on your pampered pooch or fluffy feline:
• Enhance performance
dogs • Alleviating age-related conditions • Reduction of
Words: Deborah Howcroft-Miles
life • Positive

While spring is a major time for enjoying optimum displays of flowering gardens, in every month Roma Street Parkland is ablaze with seasonal colour and diversity. Here you will find so many informative ideas as to how to design, develop and manage your own home garden using the wealth of native and exotic trees, shrubs, ferns, palms, lilies, annuals, perennials and ground covers displayed.
Actinotus helianthi
All the plants are suited to growing in our local climate – it really is a world of subtropical gardening. To learn so much more, why not take some of the guided walks offered each day, each themed for a specific interest like Rainforest and Bush Tucker, Horticultural Heritage, the Spectacle Garden and others. Just look up the Roma Street Parkland website and register for your preferred free walk.
Native Bedding Plants
38 FeatureSeptember 2022
Roma Street Parkland in the heart of Brisbane is a relatively new, extensive and inspirational landscape that demonstrates how you can bring the world of the subtropics to your own garden. Although section of the Parkland was first developed in the mid 1800’s then known as Albert Park, it was not until the late 1900’s that it was redeveloped and expanded to sixteen hectare by adding the old railway yards, and opened in 2001 as Roma Street Parklands.
Make sure this September to spend a day walking the many pathways through the diverse landscape and gardens which range from dry rocky ridges, to lakeside wetlands with a range of more than fifty specialised gardens and special plant collections located in between throughout the lower and upper parklands.
Ptilotus exaltatus Xerochrysum bracteatum Anigozanthos hybrids Ptilotus exaltatus Xerochrysum bracteatum
Two extensive garden areas in the Parkland have been planted for a special display of native plants this spring and should not be missed. The meandering ‘Garden of Native Cultivars’ in the Spectacle Garden, and the gardens of ‘Bottle Tree Ridge’ have both been planted with a range of native bedding plant cultivars including Paper Daisies Xerochrysum bracteatum, Flannel Flowers Actinotus helianthi, Mulla Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus, Kangaroo Paws Anigozanthos hybrids, and a range of others. These native plants have similar requirements to the exotic annuals like Pansies and Snapdragons etc, and as a result they are best planted each year in winter for a remarkable spring flower display, however they will continue on for several months providing colour under trees and beside shrubs. These very decorative plants are all from the arid landscapes west of the Great Divide and usually grow on dry sandy gravelly soils, providing the carpets of colour that attract tourists to see the magnificent annual displays, particularly amazing after wet summer seasons such as we have endured this year. There are many other native and exotic plants that will also be in flower around the Parkland. So you will be rewarded with a very dramatic and colourful experience that will be long remembered.
Words: Lawrie Smith AM, Landscape Architect Inspiration for Spring Gardens

The Perfect Storm
Iwas planning to do an editorial on uranium glass or silverware when I was hit by what I would say is the “perfect storm”. I was already in the middle of a flood recovery for the insurance industry from a La Niña weather pattern when I got inundated by church projects due to Covid 19. The churches have been abiding by government guidelines by cleaning with disinfectant and providing parishioners with hand sanitiser. As a result, the alcohol in the sanitiser has potentially removed the polish from the Wepews.then need to order shellac, which is used in the restoration of pews. Due to a broken supply chain, the price for shellac has increased from $860.00 per 25kg in March 2022 to currently $1,550.00 per 25kg bag at the time of writing. Due to the war in Ukraine, linseed oil increased from $58.00 to $85.00 for 4 litres. Items such as paint stripper, lacquer, stain and steel wool followed suit, rising due to inflation and rising fuel costs.
If you have a shop, you must trade under the State Government’s Second–Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act. Firstly, you need a $35.00 annual criminal check by Queensland Police when you renew your $500.00 per year licence with the Department of Fair Trading. Then you need a police book with stock numbers, names & addresses to provide traceability of where you purchase your stock. Your stock is then subject to GST and income tax on its sale. You then have to rent or buy a shop and pay all outgoings. Antiques
The number one question I have been asked over the past month is, “Where have all the antique and second-hand shops gone?”
Online second-hand goods platforms have been instrumental for unlicensed dealers to buy and sell. As a licensed dealer, I currently have over 180 items listed on Gumtree and my business website www. I also own the site au. I built the last website a decade ago for the last of the remaining licensed dealers to promote them to the Brisbane population for buying and selling. So, if you need help to sell an item or do house clearances, go to the Brisbane Antique Trail for help.
About three weeks ago, something I had never seen before happened. People started to visit my shop with all sorts of antiques and collectables to sell so they could put fuel in their cars, buy food and pay for energy bills. The public decided they could no longer pay for storage sheds for their second-hand goods. The elderly started ringing to fast track their down-sizing and the sale of their furniture, china and other belonging to help their grandchildren pay their mortgage Thenrepayments.tomy amazement, antique furniture started to sell throughout our industry. This is because expensive painted cardboard furniture has now become very expensive due to inflation, and antiques haven’t. So the last few weeks have been very hectic as I struggle to have the energy to “save the day”.
Then there are the unlicensed dealers that trade at antique and collectable fairs along the east coast. We call them “Gypsy Dealers”.
The best advice I can give you when buyingjewellery is to look at the seller's credentials. "
The churches have been abiding by government guidelines by cleaning with disinfectant and providing parishioners with hand sanitiser. As a result, the alcohol in the sanitiser has potentially removed the polish from the pews.
This has been a real problem as “saving the day” is what I do best.
I got inundated by church projects due to Covid 19.
Hence many dealers have opted to trade illegally from their backyard sheds or under their houses. We call them “Backyarders”.
Words: Meade Murphy Murphy's Antiques & Restoration

From thereon, it was all downhill for the indigenous inhabitants. Serious skirmishes resulting in mass killings and kidnapping of Aboriginal women and children by colonists resulted in a fierce, savage backlash by the tribes. This period would be called The Black War, officially commencing in November 1828, when Governor George Arthur declared martial law on the island. This law effectively gave legal immunity for the killing of Aboriginals. The governor even offered rewards for the capture of indigenous people. It is recorded that over 200 colonists and nearly 900 Aboriginals died in the conflict.
thnic cleansing is a terrible tag regularly bandied about today when discussing countries such as Myanmar, Rwanda and Bosnia. Many people ignorant of this evil practice consider it a relatively new phenomenon. 75 years ago, Hitler’s dream of the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish nation from Europe is now, thankfully, but a distant nightmare. But the practice of ethnic cleansing started long before that. In 149BC, the first recorded reference to ethnic cleansing was found during The Third Punic War’s Battle of Carthage, when the Roman army destroyed Carthage and enslaved 50,000 people. Carthage and the Carthaginians were no more. From thereon, the pages of world history were filled with instances of this cruel, inhuman practice. But we in Australia have little to be proud of regarding our record of ethnic cleansing. European settlement in Australia is stained with a shameful history of this practice. None more so than the horrific total eradication of an entire indigenous people and its culture in Van Diemen’s Land, now Tasmania. Early records of the 1800s show that the Aboriginal population of the island numbered between five and seven thousand people. It was a vibrant, healthy nation consisting of several tribes, all of whom spoke unique dialects quite different from the indigenous languages on the mainland.Only54years after the establishment of European settlement, only sixteen indigenous people out of the total island Aboriginal population had survived the onslaught of ethnic cleansing. The last of this race, a woman named Truganini, died in 1876. The last male Aboriginal was William Laney or King Billy, who predeceased her by 22 years. This sorry tale began in the late 1790s when British seal hunters traded with the island’s indigenous people. In September 1803, the colonial governor of New South Wales established military outposts on the island to counter a perceived French invasion threat. In February 1804, London appointed a governor, thus establishing Van Diemen’s Land as a British colony. European settlements started to spring up around the military outposts.
Words: Richard Lancaster
In the mid-1830s, an attempt was made to stop the genocide by moving the last 200 or so Aboriginals to Flinders Island. Less than a dozen years later, what remained of the Flinders Island internees were brought back to Van Diemen’s Land, where they scraped out a miserable existence before dying, thus bringing European Australia’s successful attempt at ethnic cleansing to a close.
Ethnic Cleansing E
Many people ignorant of this evil practice consider it a relatively new phenomenon.
40 FeatureSeptember 2022 The Cryptic Crittic

The Bureau of Meteorology gives no whether purpose or will not infringe any third party Intellectual Property Therights.
warranty of any kind
The Snapper are on the bite at the 5-mile, 7-mile, 9-mile and 12-mile reefs. These reefs are like a string of what we call “Ribbon Reefs” facing north to south out from Caloundra.
Please ensure you adhere to size and bag limits when out on the water. You only have to look at the Snapper fishery to see that the increase in size limit from 30cm to 35cm and reducing bag limits with closure in their breeding cycle for a month has worked for this fish species. Currently, Spanish Mackerel is showing a decline in numbers. Still, there won’t be a change at this point in time to recreational fisher people for size or bag limit, but there will be a change to the commercial sector for this species.
Yellow Fin, Whiting and summer Whiting have started appearing at Bribie Island. Fish Skirmish Point on the flood tide and South Point for the run-out tide off the beach.
It is best to put your boat in at the Caloundra powerboat ramp. The new break-away bar appears to be an excellent crossing with a water depth on average of four meters. Make sure you check your flares before you go out and put your life jacket on when crossing any bar, whether deemed safe or not. When you get out, try your luck for a few slimy Mackerel off the reefs, they are the best fresh live bait for Snapper. If you can’t catch them, use large pieces of Mullet flesh, a whole Squid on a 6/os hook, or whole Pilchards on a 3 gang of 4/os.
There are a few large Snapper getting around, such as the one pictured above, caught by Mr Jeff Ahchay of Sunfish Moreton. This 83cm Snapper was caught at the 12-mile reef on slimy Mackerel, which I would like to add, was released back into the water. Jeff also bagged out on his reef fish bag limit with grassy Sweetlip and Parrot fish. Jeff prefers to use Octopus tentacles with the suckers stripped out, cut into rings and threaded onto a 2/o circle hook for best results.
Meade Murphy
The best bait is live worms using a 1.5-meter trace with a light 0 ball sinker with a number 4 hook.
The excellent news for all junior anglers is that the Junior Anglers Association is hosting their first competition since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic on Saturday, 15th October, on Moreton Island. Please go to this Facebook link for details:
South Queensland Amateur Fishing Club's Association
Moreton Island Classic and a land-based Moreton Island Classic in M.B.R.C foreshore boundaries. The sad news is that the Special School Competition is now a casualty of Covid 19. Stay warm and safe out on the water. BRISBANE LAT 27° 22’ Times and Heights Copyright Commonwealth of Australia Datum of Predictions is Lowest Astronomical Times are in local standard time (Time Zone Moon Phase Symbols New Moon 1 TH SEPTEMBER Time m 0000 2.14 0629 0.44 1240 2.03 1849 0.67 2 FR 0037 1.98 0703 0.48 1329 2.03 1943 0.78 3 SA 0123 1.80 0746 0.53 1430 2.02 2057 0.86 4 SU 0228 1.63 0847 0.58 1549 2.06 2232 0.85 5 MO 0400 1.53 1007 0.60 1713 2.16 6 TU 0007 0.73 0530 1.56 1129 0.55 1825 2.31 7 WE 0119 0.57 0645 1.68 1243 0.45 1926 2.46 8 TH 0215 0.42 0746 1.81 1347 0.34 2018 2.56 9 FR 0303 0.33 0838 1.94 1442 0.26 2104 2.59 10 SA 0345 0.27 0924 2.03 1530 0.24 2145 2.57 11 SU 0424 0.26 1006 2.11 1615 0.27 2224 2.48 12 MO 0459 0.27 1047 2.15 1657 0.34 2300 2.34 13 TU 0530 0.31 1127 2.17 1737 0.46 2333 2.16 14 WE 0558 0.36 1205 2.15 1817 0.60 15 TH 0005 1.96 0626 0.43 1245 2.11 1859 0.75 16 FR Time m 0038 1.76 0656 0.52 1329 2.04 1948 0.88 17 SA 0116 1.57 0732 0.63 1421 1.96 2056 0.97 18 SU 0213 1.41 0823 0.74 1530 1.92 2240 0.97 19 MO 0351 1.33 0938 0.81 1651 1.93 20 TU 0002 0.87 0533 1.40 1104 0.79 1758 2.02 21 WE 0054 0.75 0631 1.53 1213 0.70 1849 2.12 22 TH 0135 0.64 0715 1.66 1305 0.59 1932 2.22 23 FR 0212 0.55 0752 1.79 1351 0.49 2011 2.29 24 SA 0245 0.48 0828 1.90 1433 0.42 2045 2.33 25 SU 0318 0.41 0904 2.00 1514 0.39 2119 2.34 26 MO 0351 0.36 0942 2.09 1554 0.38 2152 2.31 27 TU 0423 0.32 1019 2.16 1634 0.41 2226 2.24 28 WE 0453 0.31 1058 2.21 1715 0.47 2300 2.12 29 TH 0523 0.33 1138 2.22 1758 0.56 2336 1.97 30 FR 0554 0.38 1221 2.21 1845 0.66 1 SA OCTOBER 0018Time 1.79 0630 0.45 1312 2.17 1945 0.76 2 SU 0111 1.62 0717 0.55 1415 2.13 2107 0.81 3 MO 0228 1.48 0825 0.64 1533 2.13 2242 0.76 4 TU 0409 1.47 0955 0.67 1656 2.19 5 WE 0000 0.63 0536 1.59 1122 0.60 1807 2.30 6 TH 0101 0.48 0642 1.77 1236 0.49 1905 2.39 7 FR 0151 0.36 0735 1.94 1337 0.39 1955 2.43 8 SA 0235 0.29 0821 2.07 1430 0.34 2038 2.41 9 SU 0313 0.25 0903 2.18 1515 0.34 2116 2.35 10 MO 0346 0.24 0943 2.25 1559 0.37 2152 2.24 11 TU 0417 0.26 1020 2.30 1639 0.44 2226 2.10 12 WE 0445 0.29 1058 2.31 1718 0.54 2258 1.95 13 TH 0511 0.34 1133 2.28 1757 0.64 2330 1.79 14 FR 0538 0.42 1210 2.22 1836 0.75 15 SA 0002 1.63 0607 0.52 1249 2.13 1920 0.84 Brisbane Bar TideSeptTimes2022
Snapper on the Bite
express, implied, statutory or otherwise in respect to the availability, accuracy, currency, completeness, quality or reliability of the information or that the information will be fit for any particular
Bureau's liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from use of, or reliance on, the information is entirely Copyrightexcluded.ofthe tidal prediction tables is vested in the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology.
On 3rd September, S.Q.A.F.C.A hosted the first Queensland Light Gear Titles at Bribie Island since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic. It was great to see some old faces from Q.A.F.C.A’s other divisions that comprise all 101 fishing clubs in Queensland. The Gold Coast Division ran the Offshore, the Boat Estuary and the Casting Competitions.

Words: Brisbane Yamaha
The console itself is compact, yet still has space for a multi function display and a stereo. The speakers are located in the forward-facing bulkhead of the front platform keeping them out of the way. The Top Ender also has a USB charger if you want to notify your friends of how your day is progressing.
The Top Ender range was originally designed for exactly that. Chasing barramundi in the most northern parts of Australia. And while chasing barra is where many of these boats went, their versatility could not be ignored, and southern lure fishermen bought them in large numbers for southern flathead fishery and estuary work. The 481 Top Ender is even capable of light offshore duties.
The Top Enders are available in a side console and centre console arrangement. They feature Quintrex's iconic Blade Hull for a smoother and more efficient ride. They perform as well as equivalent fibreglass boats. The aluminium construction is also tougher and far more durable in areas where getting close to a barnacle encrusted tree or rock wall is often the difference between taking home a feed or not. Fibreglass boat owners wince at the thought of parking on a snag, Top Ender owners merely seek to discover, ‘what can I catch in there’?
The Boat: If you are looking for plenty of space, the Quintrex 481 Top Ender delivers. It is a classic fishing boat with a side console pushed to the starboard side. While far more are sold like this, the 481 Top Ender is also available in a centre console configuration. The side console is a popular set up that delivers space and a freedom of movement that many anglers Thecrave.Quintrex 481 Top Ender is most suited to lure fishing with a front casting platform and under floor storage. The deep cockpit in the rear two-thirds of the boat lends itself to bait fishing too. With the addition of the optional Mega Chopper bait board, anglers are able to cut bait and fish from the rear of the boat using the rod holders located in the gunwales and bait board itself. A live bait tank sits to the right of the board as you look out the back of the boat. It is close enough to grab a livie and rig it safely on the board before putting it overboard. Once you've caught something, there is an optional large live well with divider, located at the rear of the front casting platform. This is an option most anglers will tick. As a result, this boat will lend itself well to tournament fishing. You can choose to have storage bins in the casting platform too, creating additional storage onboard. An optional rod storage locker is located on the port side for those looking to carry multiple outfits.
The 481 Top Ender has four separate pedestal mounts allowing seats to be moved around the boat. There is one located on the front platform and three in the cockpit. You can option up with additional seats or keep the space open with two.
Rounding out the optional extra and again, something any keen fisherman will add, is a Minn Kota electric engine. This allows quiet and
Quintrex 481 Top
Looking for versatility? The 481 Top Ender by Quintrex a favourite and for good reason. After owning multiple boats over the years, Aaron Goodchild of Brisbane Yamaha believes that this is the ultimate package. And while there is no perfect boat, this one comes pretty damn close. Ender
The console is purposefully designed to maximise floor space and as a result is open at the front. While storage space is lost, the floor space and ease of movement is hard to do without. The sounder can be mounted off the side of the console on a RAM mount, as was fitted to the boat during the boat test. A Humminbird Onix unit was installed by the boss on this boat in conjunction with the in-dash Furuno unit.

Overview: If you're chasing barra up north or flathead in the south and looking for the ultimate fishing rig, the Quintrex 481 Top Ender is a must see. This one has all the trimmings you would need to head straight from the dealership to the boat ramp. It's an excellent example of how to set up a good fishing boat. Not only can it handle inshore use, but it will really open up some offshore options too.
stealthy approaches to fish, holding snags and locations. A 55lb unit is more than enough on this hull. If you are looking to protect your investment, an optional wrap can be ordered from the Brisbane Yamaha dealership. This durable vinyl will protect against bumps and scratches from day to day use.
Power: For the boat test, the 481 Top Ender was rigged with an 80 horsepower Yamaha outboard. It offered excellent performance with quick acceleration and smooth power. This engine has been superceded and replaced with the all new F75 which has more power than the previous 80 hp. It is also 10 kilograms lighter using Yamaha's patented aluminium construction. It offers more power to weight than ever before. Brisbane Yamaha are the biggest when it comes to Yamaha engine sales and support. They are the experts when it comes to rigging and installing these outboards. We have since tested the Quintrex 481 Top Ender rigged with the Yamaha F75 through Brisbane Yamaha. The engine delivers a massive 1832cc of power and will push the Top Ender to a top speed of 60 kilometres an hour plus. The low end torque launches the boat onto the plane quickly and efficiently. Even with three large people on board, the 481 Top Ender doesn't miss a beat. The engine features the Yamaha High Output Alternator, crucial when running modern electronics. It is also extremely quiet and one of the most fuel-efficient engines in its class. The boat can be rigged with as much as a 90 horsepower. The performance of the Yamaha F75 suggests you will not need to go that far to have a powerful and efficient boat.
Construction:SpecificationsAluminum Length Overall: 4.96m Beam: 2.09m Max hp: 90hp Construction: Topsides 3.0mm, bottom 4.0mm Capacity: 5 people Weight on trailer: approx 950kgs Engine as tested: Yamaha F80hp Four Stroke Fuel Capacity: 70L
The side console is well placed and puts the driver in a great position while standing or seated. The grab rail over the top of the console is comfortably within reach. It provides a handy anchor point while driving standing if required. When it comes to fishing or stopping, the excellent balance between smooth ride and stability is obvious with little discernable lean in normal conditions.
On the water we were unable to find any really tough conditions, but even crossing wakes and small waves you get the feel for the unbelievable ride the Quintrex Blade Hull delivers. You can see that the spray is deflected well towards the rear of the boat.
Performance: The Blade Hull underneath the Quintrex 481 Top Ender is synonymous with performance. Using proprietary stretch forming techniques, Quintrex have no rival when it comes to the ride produced by this hull. It is smooth, soft and dry. Quintrex are able to produce a flared bow, not seen on other aluminium manufacturers.
Tow Vehicle: Quintrex make excellent aluminium trailers and this entire package sitting on one would weigh approximately 1,000 kilograms. This would be easily towable by most family vehicles.

44 FeatureSeptember 2022 5 8 6 8 4 3 9 2 1 3 7 1 4 2 9 4 6 7 8 8 3 7 4 1 4 1 5 8 7 8 Puzzle 22 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48) Generated by on Tue Jan 5 06:27:02 2016 GMT. Enjoy! SUDOKU CROSSWORD#72 6 2 5 1 4 9 2 3 8 5 3 1 9 6 8 6 7 4 7 5 3 4 2 7 2 1 3 9 1 2 8 Puzzle 22 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.64) Generated by on Tue Jan 5 06:28:27 2016 GMT. Enjoy! MEDIUM HARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Across 2 Chris Whiting MP has applauded new Help to ____ initiative (4) 4 Name of Narangba's Tigoodle (5) 5 The price of ____ rose signi cantly during COVID 19 (7) 6 ____ Home Loans (2) 7 Seasons Mango Hill has ____ Bedroom Apartments (5) 9 Fast Fiction Author: Charmaine ____ (7) 10 Lymphedema is the accumulation of ____ in the body (5) 11 Mark Ryan MP: On ____ Side (3) 13 Unitywater has Discovered the biggest ____ (7) 14 CEO of Construction Skills Queensland: ____ Schimming (5) 16 Mike Constantini was born in this country (5) 18 CSG Group's new CEO: Dany ____ (5) 21 ____ Cleansing (6) 22 Choice of ____ (5) 23 1 in 10 Australians have a ____ Licence (4) 27 ____ Antiques (6) 28 North Lakes ____ Club (8) 30 Tradies Need to Put Safety ____ (5) 34 Word used for recycled painting canvasses (10) 36 OKG has over 15 years ____ (10) 37 ____ and Mie Asian Restaurant (4) 40 Sunnymeade Park are ____ (6) 41 Hayden 'Hold my ____" Emmerson (4) 42 New Burpengary Café: ____ Salubrious (7) 43 Inspiration for ____ Gardens (6) Down 1 Red Rooster: Spicy ____ Burger (5) 2 On the cover: Marcia ____ (5) 3 Casual ____ Sessions at MSEC (9) 6 Marcia Hines stars as The Diva in ____ Rewired (6) 7 Name of Jasmin Thomas's Interactive Worm (5) 8 Great Northern ____ of Remembrance (6) 10 Shridhar Chillal has the world's longest ____ (10) 12 Brisbane Yamaha has Australia's ____ Brands (4) 15 The ____ Educators can help you budget (5) 17 Zen Chi provides massage for ____ (7) 19 ____ Café (7) 20 IConquerFear helps ____ survivors manage post-treatment uncertainty (6) 23 Commonwealth ____ (4) 24 Another word for Tasmanian Tiger (10) 25 Sanctuary for ____ Dogs Founder: Karen (7) 26 Freshwater is a New Way of ____ (4) 29 Clarity Pools: Filtration and ____ Packages (7) 31 ____ on the Bite (7) 32 Moreton Bay Regional Prostate Cancer Support Group turned ____ (3) 33 Jinibara State School is Ready for ____ (4) 35 EV Stands for ____ Vehicle (8) 38 Feature contributor: ____ McLauchlan (6) 39 Boat Review: Quintrex 481 ____ Ender (3) Puzzles SOLUTIONS ON PAGE 46 CABOOLTURE SPORTS CLUB With three dining outlets, there’s something for all taste buds & budgets at Queensland’s 2019 & 2020 Club of the Year Choose from The Mill Restaurant, Laneway Café or Tempo Lounge & Bar. Open Daily from 10am Ph: 5497 9711 19-27 Station Rd, Evergreen Centre 14 Discovery Dr North Lakes @Toldyousocoffee Pawsome Cafe Guide Reviewedby: MarnieBirch Rocks Cafe 1000 Dohles Rocks Rd Griffin @RocksCafe Stellarossa Expresso Cafe 31-35 Golden Wattle Dr Narangba @StellarossNarangba Aldo's 12/115-117PatisserieBuckley Rd Burpengary East @aldos.patisserie Motti's Deli-te Cafe 6/369 Morayfield Rd Morayfield @MottisDeli Two Swans Cafe 41 Bailey DeceptionRoadBay @twoseanscafe Degani Capestone 67 Capestone Blvd Mango Hill @DeganiCapetone Xander's North14EvergreenCafeCentreDiscoveryDrLakes M: 0493 060 405 Zesty Lemon Cafe 2/6 Bayview Tce Deception Bay M: 0435 211 220 Bold Bean Cafe 49 Flinders Pde North Lakes M: 0447 744 700 The Hideout Cafe 22 Main NarangbaStreet @TheHideoutAus

Make Sure Safety Training Is Current According to WHS Regulations, all work activities involving construction, aka all trades, require SWMS. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are documents that outline high risk activities, the hazards that are involved with these activities, and how these hazards can be controlled.
Reduce The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Conditions
Encourage an environment of dignity and respect so that employees can share any concerning behaviour at an early stage; make it clear that you support open communication, and ensure you have processes and/or policies in place to deal with any issues. The subject of bullying should feature in your employee handbook. This way, all employees know the rules from the beginning, no exceptions.
Support Staff With Health Conditions Where necessary, and in collaboration with your staff, make changes to roles, rosters and/or working environment to enable them to fulfil their work duties. If an employee hurts themselves on the job, make sure they go home or seek medical attention. Don’t let their insistent pleas of, ‘I’ll be fine I swear’ and your want to complete a job on time cloud your judgement.
Put Systems In Place To Ensure Risk Assessments Are Done For EVERY Job A risk assessment is a process that identifies potential hazards at a work site and provides solutions to reduce or eliminate these risks. This should be the first thing your tradesman complete as soon as they arrive on site – no “if’s” or “but’s”. Make sure you have systems in place that ensure these are completed. Whether that be you or your admin staff checking the tradesman has completed it after each job or even incentives for those who perhaps complete a risk assess on each job for a month straight.
Monitor And Manage Workloads Encourage your team to speak up at an early stage and seek guidance if they need it. Make sure you are constantly aware of what each tradesman is doing throughout the week. If you are aware that there is a job coming up where a tradesman will need to lift heavy items, ensure they are up to date with the correct lifting procedures and/or send multiple tradies to the job (or hire outside help).
Speak openly about mental health conditions in the workplace and encourage others to do the same. Further to this, provide staff with information about looking after their own mental health. You could do this simply by sticking pamphlets with resources available in the tradies trucks, lunch areas or on the office notice board. These things create an open culture, where staff feel safe and confident seeking help when Itneeded.isimportant to ask your employees ‘R U OK?’ whenever you feel it’s necessary to check in on their mental health. However, this topic needs to be broached carefully in an environment where your employees feel safe responding honestly. Make sure you pull them aside, away from distractions or the ‘listening ears’ of others to have this conversation.
For more information on this, visit Australia Physiotherapy Associations website and get behind the movement by following the hashtag #tradieshealth.
F H O M E B O S C A R I S H E L L A C I N V B D T H R E E E E G M O D E S I L V A F L U I D N V R I N Y O U E D N T I B F A T B E R G O B R E T T N E N M S R O I T A L Y F I N C H N N A I C E T H N I C I N D I A Y M B O A T L E N A A H G O C L L Y N Z A Y O U E I S K L A U G H T E R F I R S T T A L E E N E C L A P A P E N T I M E N T O R P L N T I E X P E R I E N C E N A S I P E C S G H R T A T H I R I N G B E E R O I O P R O J E C T S P R I N G Words:
Prevent Bullying and Discrimination
46 FeatureSeptember 2022 HARD 1 6 4 3 2 7 8 5 9 4 1 9 7 5 8 2 6 3 6 2 8 4 9 3 7 1 5 7 3 5 6 1 2 9 4 8 5 9 7 2 4 1 3 8 6 3 4 1 8 7 6 5 9 2 2 8 6 5 3 9 1 7 4 4 8 3 1 5 9 7 6 2 2 4 8 7 9 5 6 1 3 9 3 1 8 4 6 5 2 7 6 5 7 3 2 1 8 9 4 5 1 4 9 8 7 2 3 6 8 6 2 4 1 3 9 7 5 3 7 9 5 6 2 4 8 1 6 8 1 2 3 5 9 4 9 2 1 5 7 3 1 5 8 3 2 6 4 7 6 3 9 8 4 5 2 3 4 7 9 8 1 8 1 6 5 4 2 7 5 7 9 6 1 3 8 Puzzle 16 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49) 5 8 1 2 9 7 6 3 4 3 4 7 6 5 8 1 2 9 9 6 2 1 3 4 8 7 5 2 5 4 8 1 9 7 6 3 7 3 6 5 4 2 9 1 8 8 1 9 3 7 6 5 4 2 6 7 8 4 2 5 3 9 1 4 9 3 7 8 1 2 5 6 1 2 5 9 6 3 4 8 7 Puzzle 17 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.50) 7 1 6 3 5 8 4 2 9 3 9 8 2 4 1 7 6 5 4 2 5 6 9 7 3 1 8 1 8 4 9 3 6 5 7 2 9 5 7 4 1 2 8 3 6 2 6 3 8 7 5 9 4 1 6 7 9 5 2 3 1 8 4 8 4 1 7 6 9 2 5 3 5 3 2 1 8 4 6 9 7 Puzzle 18 (Medium, difficulty rating 2 4 1 8 6 7 5 9 3 6 2 1 5 4 7 5 8 9 3 4 2 1 7 4 6 9 8 3 5 2 9 3 7 1 8 8 6 3 4 5 2 9 6 1 2 5 4 3 7 4 9 5 7 8 6 1 3 8 7 1 2 9 6 Puzzle 19 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48) 4 3 9 7 8 6 2 5 1 1 8 6 2 5 3 9 7 4 2 5 7 4 9 1 3 8 6 3 7 8 1 6 5 4 2 9 6 4 5 9 2 7 8 1 3 9 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 5 2 1 8 3 4 6 9 7 7 9 3 6 1 2 5 4 8 8 6 4 5 7 9 1 3 2 Puzzle 20 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.45) 4 6 8 9 7 2 3 5 1 9 1 5 3 6 8 4 2 7 7 2 3 4 1 5 9 8 6 1 4 7 6 2 9 5 3 8 2 3 6 5 8 1 7 9 4 8 5 9 7 3 4 1 6 2 6 8 4 1 9 3 2 7 5 3 7 1 2 5 6 8 4 9 5 9 2 8 4 7 6 1 3 Puzzle 21 (Medium, difficulty rating 2 8 9 6 1 5 4 3 1 6 7 2 4 5 4 5 7 8 3 9 6 9 4 5 2 8 1 3 1 6 2 3 4 7 8 7 3 8 9 5 6 2 6 9 3 4 7 2 1 5 2 4 1 9 8 7 8 7 1 5 6 3 9 Puzzle 22 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48) 3 4 7 5 2 6 1 9 8 1 6 8 7 9 4 2 5 3 5 9 2 8 1 3 6 7 4 8 7 1 4 5 2 9 3 6 2 3 6 9 8 1 7 4 5 9 5 4 6 3 7 8 2 1 6 8 9 3 7 5 4 1 2 4 2 3 1 6 9 5 8 7 7 1 5 2 4 8 3 6 9 Puzzle 23 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.53) 1 5 4 2 3 7 6 9 8 6 8 3 9 5 4 1 2 7 2 7 9 8 6 1 5 3 4 9 6 5 1 4 3 8 7 2 8 3 2 6 7 9 4 5 1 7 4 1 5 2 8 9 6 3 3 9 7 4 8 6 2 1 5 4 2 6 3 1 5 7 8 9 5 1 8 7 9 2 3 4 6 Puzzle 24 (Medium, difficulty rating 3 2 5 7 8 4 1 4 1 8 6 5 9 7 6 9 7 2 1 3 5 7 5 3 8 9 2 4 1 4 6 5 3 7 2 9 8 2 1 4 6 3 5 7 9 3 2 8 6 2 3 4 9 6 1 8 8 6 1 4 7 5 9 Generated by on Tue Jan 5 06:27:05 2016 GMT. Enjoy! MEDIUM Puzzle 13 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.68) 4 9 8 5 2 3 1 6 7 3 6 1 8 4 7 5 9 2 2 5 7 6 9 1 3 4 8 9 3 2 4 8 5 6 7 1 1 7 6 9 3 2 8 5 4 5 8 4 1 7 6 2 3 9 8 1 3 7 6 4 9 2 5 6 4 9 2 5 8 7 1 3 7 2 5 3 1 9 4 8 6 Puzzle 14 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.73) 6 2 5 1 7 9 4 8 3 1 4 3 5 8 2 7 9 6 8 9 7 3 4 6 1 5 2 5 6 9 8 3 1 2 7 4 3 8 4 7 2 5 6 1 9 2 7 1 9 6 4 5 3 8 4 3 8 6 5 7 9 2 1 7 1 2 4 9 8 3 6 5 9 5 6 2 1 3 8 4 7 Puzzle 15 (Hard, difficulty rating 8 6 1 2 5 7 9 2 9 4 6 1 3 5 7 5 3 9 8 4 6 6 1 7 5 4 2 3 9 4 2 8 3 6 7 5 3 8 7 9 1 4 4 8 6 3 2 5 1 3 2 5 1 7 9 8 1 7 9 4 6 8 2 Puzzle 16 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.67) 2 3 8 7 6 9 1 4 5 6 5 1 4 8 3 7 2 9 4 9 7 1 2 5 8 3 6 3 2 4 6 7 1 5 9 8 1 8 5 2 9 4 3 6 7 7 6 9 3 5 8 2 1 4 9 7 3 8 1 6 4 5 2 5 4 2 9 3 7 6 8 1 8 1 6 5 4 2 9 7 3 Puzzle 17 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.69) 8 1 2 7 9 5 3 4 6 3 7 9 6 1 4 2 5 8 6 5 4 2 3 8 9 1 7 7 4 8 5 6 3 1 9 2 9 2 3 1 4 7 6 8 5 5 6 1 8 2 9 4 7 3 1 3 7 9 5 2 8 6 4 2 9 5 4 8 6 7 3 1 4 8 6 3 7 1 5 2 9 Puzzle 18 (Hard, difficulty rating 8 4 7 1 6 9 3 1 2 5 4 7 3 8 9 6 3 2 8 5 7 6 8 9 7 1 4 5 4 5 2 6 3 8 9 7 3 1 9 5 2 4 2 9 8 5 4 6 1 3 7 6 8 9 1 2 5 1 4 3 2 7 6 Puzzle 19 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.71) 3 8 2 4 7 6 9 5 1 6 4 1 2 5 9 3 8 7 7 5 9 1 3 8 2 4 6 1 6 8 7 9 4 5 3 2 4 3 7 5 1 2 8 6 9 2 9 5 8 6 3 7 1 4 8 7 3 6 2 1 4 9 5 9 2 6 3 4 5 1 7 8 5 1 4 9 8 7 6 2 3 Puzzle 20 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.68) 3 2 6 1 5 7 9 4 8 4 5 1 8 9 6 7 3 2 9 7 8 4 2 3 5 6 1 7 4 2 5 1 9 6 8 3 1 8 3 7 6 2 4 9 5 6 9 5 3 8 4 2 1 7 5 6 7 9 3 1 8 2 4 2 3 4 6 7 8 1 5 9 8 1 9 2 4 5 3 7 6 Puzzle 21 (Hard, difficulty rating 2 8 5 6 9 1 3 6 9 4 5 7 3 2 3 1 7 8 2 4 6 8 7 9 4 3 6 5 5 6 3 2 1 7 8 1 4 2 9 8 5 7 7 3 6 1 4 8 9 4 2 8 7 5 9 1 9 5 1 3 6 2 4 Puzzle 22 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.64) 8 6 2 5 9 7 1 4 3 9 4 5 1 3 6 7 2 8 3 1 7 2 8 4 5 6 9 2 7 3 4 1 9 8 5 6 5 8 1 3 6 2 9 7 4 4 9 6 7 5 8 3 1 2 1 5 4 8 2 3 6 9 7 6 2 8 9 7 5 4 3 1 7 3 9 6 4 1 2 8 5 Puzzle 23 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.68) 2 6 9 4 8 1 5 7 3 7 8 1 5 2 3 4 9 6 4 3 5 6 9 7 8 1 2 8 9 2 1 4 5 6 3 7 5 1 7 2 3 6 9 4 8 6 4 3 8 7 9 1 2 5 1 2 4 7 6 8 3 5 9 9 7 8 3 5 4 2 6 1 3 5 6 9 1 2 7 8 4 Puzzle 24 (Hard, difficulty rating 8 1 4 3 9 7 5 6 7 9 8 2 5 4 5 2 3 4 1 6 7 2 4 7 5 3 9 1 1 9 8 7 6 4 3 3 5 6 1 8 2 9 7 8 5 2 4 1 6 4 6 2 9 7 3 8 9 3 1 6 5 8 2 Generated by on Tue Jan 5 06:28:30 2016 GMT. Enjoy! Puzzle Solutions SAFEWORK AUSTRALIA STATES that approximately 60% of all serious workers compensation claims are made by tradies. Ten tradies, every day, are injured at work and approximately one ins five workers are likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. With the stats this high, odds are that you, or someone you work with or employ, will injure themselves on the job or suffer from a mental health condition. So what can you do to improve the health and safety culture in your trade business?