OurTown Magazing Gwinnet January 2011

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The Gwinnett Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine

Our Town January 2011

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Lilburn l Lawrenceville l Snellville l Grayson

Meet. Lynn Robinette of Wishes 4 Me Foundation See cover story on page 5




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in Give-aways, Cocktails, and Hors Hi everyone, my name is Karen and I have been seeing Dr Gravante for 14 months as of this January. My anniversary date of October 2010 found me in a very different place from one year ago! I have lost 30 pounds and regained my energy and zest for life. At my first appointment with Dr Gravante, I remember her telling me that I would likely lose some weight with her program and that change could be possible! I felt weight loss would be a bonus – I only wanted to have energy, and stop my downward spiral of poor health! I was plagued with abdominal pain, IBS symptoms, hormone imbalance, increasingly elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Chronic fatigue and poor nutritional habits were also a big problem for me. After extensive testing and evaluation with my physicians, nothing unusual was revealed. I felt completely hopeless and depressed until I decided that maybe better nutrition could help me with at least some of my symptoms and chronic problems. I was fortunate enough to talk with a neighbor who referred me to Dr Gravante’s upcoming nutritional workshop. The night I attended the workshop, I decided to become a patient and it changed my life! My symptoms and chronic problems have all but disappeared, I am on no prescription medications and I have lost 30 pounds. Now instead of thinking ‘am I going to die soon?’ I am thinking about how to plan my day to fit the most in, which exercise class to take, where to go for a long walk, traveling with my husband, experimenting with new styles of cooking and enjoying life in general – I have a new lifestyle! Dr Gravante’s customized nutrition plan of action was exactly what I needed and she was always ready to listen – this made all the difference for me. Thank you Dr Gravante and to her staff – you hold a special place in my heart! With Sincere Gratitude, Karen Bicknell

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The Gwinnett Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine

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Publisher/Editor D. Flores Norma Flores

Cover Photography D. Flores



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Contributing Writers: Susan Cadley, LPC Sagdrina Jalal, BS Ed, CPT Cassidy Johnson Althea Lawton-Thompson, CPT Ryan T. Sauers Carol Chandler-Wood

Jules Williams

JANUARY 2011 IN THIS ISSUE… About the Cover.........................................................................5 Counselor’s Corner: Think Big in 2011......................................6 Calendar of Events.....................................................................7 Fitness: Local Success Story........................................................8 Finance: Halcyon Times - Greed.................................................9 Education Corner: Success in the NewYear...............................11 Wellness Corner: Revising Resolutions....................................12 January Crossword....................................................................12 Crossword Key...........................................................................14

O ur T own M agazine , I nc .

P.O. Box 644 l Snellville, Georgia 30078 Telephone: 404-824-5396 www.OurTownMag.org For reader comments or questions, please E-mail us at life@ourtownmag.org

Community: Five Forks Academy............................................15 Business: 9 Characteristics of Marketers................................16 Pet Page: Dog Play Pens..............................................................17 Recipes......................................................................................18

Our Town is published and direct mailed monthly to prestigious homes in the Gwinnett Area. Opinions expressed by the editorial staff are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Our Town reserves the right to edit and or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our Town is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents copyright 2011 by Our Town. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher.

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Lynne Robinette

ust like Martin Luther King, Jr, my mom’s dream was to see a world where all people had an equal opportunity to live in a world with equality. She had a dream to make day to day life easier on individuals with physical challenges.” -Robin Cheatwood

Meet Lynne Robinette, mother of two and founder of the Wishes 4 Me Foundation, a non profit organization that provides information and resources to help those with disabilities live safer, healthier, and fuller lives. “I have two children, Robin and Steven Cheatwood. My daughter passed away 2 years ago, and my son is 27 years old,” Robinette said. “At ages 12 and 13, they were both diagnosed at the same time with Friedreich’s ataxia which is a progressive neuromuscular disease. I started the Wishes 4 Me Foundation because of my own personal situation and the challenges that I continue to be faced with in finding resources for my children as well as putting them in a position to be successful in the community if I were no longer around to oversee their care.” Robinette started Wishes 4 Me in 2002. She believes in the importance of an individual’s independence, whether they are disabled or not. “Robin was in a wheelchair for 9 years before she passed away, and Steven has been in a wheelchair for 3 years, but they have both been very active in the community and very sociable,” she said. “Steven does volunteer work for the Foundation as well as for the First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville. He is a volunteer in the bimonthly blood drive, he tutors children in the after school program and he plays board games three times a week with his friends.” Robinette and the Foundation have even purchased homes so that those choosing to live on their own may do so. “We provide housing for disabled adults; we currently have two homes in Lawrenceville,” she said. “We help individuals with disabilities find resources, caregivers, doctors, etc. I’ve also assisted families in assessing their homes to make them more accessible as well as providing families with different options to meet the needs of their disabled family members.”

“I am a single mother, and we have no relatives in Georgia. I was trying to find resources to take care of my children while I worked during the day, but it was very hard to find these resources. Over time, I did find Medicaid waiver programs that provided caregivers for my children while I was at work so that I would not have to quit my job to take care of my children,” she said. “With the disability that Robin and Steven had, if someone was not with them, then they were at risk for going to a nursing home; that was not an option for me. They needed to be very active in the community.” “My mom wants the best for me. She wanted me to be around other people because she knows that I love to be around other people. I thrive on being around others; living with others, growing with others, and learning from others. This is not an option... it’s just my way of life.” -Robin Cheatwood To help put in perspective just what sort of finances it takes to maintain a household for an individual with a major disability, Robinette shared some numbers: $4,000-$5,000 = the monthly cost of a 24 hour caregiver, which is not always covered by Medicaid waiver programs $40,000 = the cost of a wheelchair accessible van, required to transport individuals confined to a wheelchair, which (unlike the wheelchair itself) is not covered under Medicaid or Medicare $47,000 = the cost of in home renovations to allow for an individual’s disabilities (power lift, handrails, etc.), which the average family cannot afford. $674 = the maximum amount of monthly income a disabled individual can receive from government assist programs

“Most young people cannot wait to turn 18. This is every young person’s dream. It just took a while for this dream to come true for me. But I am just like any young person moving into their own space and place. I want to be away from my mom.” -Robin Cheatwood “I have taken my daughter’s death and my children’s disabilities and tried to make something positive out of the community with it. The position that I work with the Foundation is a volunteer one; I have a full time job. Wishes 4 Me is something that I do after hours. So if I can do it, anybody can do it,” Robinette said. “I think giving back to community is something we all need to look at; not just financially but with time and helping people that are not able to take care of themselves.” If you know someone who is disabled, contact Wishes 4 Me at admin@wishes4me.org so that they can receive an evaluation to make sure they are receiving all the benefits they are entitled to. Lynne Robinette is a volunteer with the State of Georgia Developmental Disabilities Group, a co-leader of the Greater Atlanta Ataxia Support Group, and has spoken at several support group meetings both to people with disabilities and to their caregivers.

Ten to fifteen percent of Americans have a major disability. So how can we help?

“I would like to say thank you to the many many people who have helped make this dream come true. My mother, who had this dream; all the way down to the people who keep this dream in the future. Even the smallest things people can do to help will mean the world to me and others who have it just a bit tougher. Thank you so much!” -Robin Cheatwood

“Financial donations are definitely needed; we need another automobile- an additional one to help transport residents who do not need a wheelchair accessible van,” Robinette said. “We always need volunteers to help do yard work or maintenance on the homes. We desperately need financial funding for our homes because the cost of the rent which we charge our residents does not cover the full cost of maintaining the home.”

This article includes excerpts from “Robin’s Speech” which Lynne Robinette’s daughter, Robin Cheatwood read on the day the first Wishes 4 Me Foundation home for disabled adults was completed. I encourage you to read the whole thing. Her full speech can be found on the website www.wishes4me.org. Click the link “Our First Private Residence for Disabled Adults” and then click “Robin’s Speech.”

Wishes 4 Me

The homes are equipped with necessities such as roll in showers, handrails adjacent to the toilets, and power lift equipment. Most recently, the Foundation was awarded a wheelchair accessible van.

“It’s a 2010 Ratan, which we got through AMS Vans in Norcross,” Robinette said. “The grant for the van was funded by the Gwinnett County Community Development Program. So we are now able to provide transportation to disabled individuals in the community.”

These are major milestones for the Foundation, and they did not come easy. Robinette knows firsthand just how difficult it is to support an individual with a disability- she supported two!

The Foundation’s goals for the new year include building additions to the homes in order to accommodate more residents as well as purchasing more homes in the area. Writer, Cassidy Johnson

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Counselor’s Corner

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Think By Susan Cadley

BIG in 2011!

“We have more possibilities in each moment than we realize.” 404-824-5396


~Thich Nhat Hanh



e’ve crossed over into a new year which can bring a sense of renewed hope in changing our lives and our world. The last few years have been difficult for many people, and yet reflecting back, it’s important to take inventory of the successes, no matter how small. This helps create a sense of hope for the future as it allows you to build upon any positive momentum that has occurred.

In opening the door to this new year, what do you want for yourself, your family, your life? Do you want a rerun of last year? I’m a great believer in setting intentions and creating a plan as you’ll have a better chance of getting what you want than if you just wishing and hoping things will change. Do you want to take what comes along or create your future? In order to create something new in our lives, it’s important to open yourself up, to think outside the box of where you’ve been. To get you into this frame of mind, consider the word expansive. The Webster’s Dictionary definition of expansive: to unfold, to pen, characterized by a free and generous nature. I’ve noticed that when I stay open to other ways of looking at things, my world expands as new people, ideas, prosperity, work, creativity shows up.

in our thinking creates rigidity; it’s tight, constrictive, and doesn’t allow anything new in. When we open up and consider other ways of looking at something or even someone, we open to new possibilities. Consider how the world was thought to be flat at one time. Someone had to think bigger! And when they did, many new discoveries began to appear. In the 28 Day Soul Coaching© program I facilitate, we expand our thinking by examining our core beliefs. Our core beliefs are decisions we’ve made at important turning points in our lives. Even though events may have occurred in the past, these core beliefs often continue running our lives in the present moment. Take time to challenge your beliefs and think bigger for yourself. Warning; only consider this challenge if you desire more creativity, happiness, friends, a peaceful center, ideas, and a profound sense of fun to enter into your life!

Susan Cadley, LPC, CSC, Licensed Professional Counselor & Certified Soul Coach is available for couples/ adult individual counseling, Soul Coaching workshops, and book studies in Suwanee, GA. She may be reached directly and confidentially at 678-2961278; www.coachingforyoursoul.com.

When we stay small and hide, we get more of the same. Staying small

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JANUARY Calendar Christmas Lighting Show January 01 – 02, 2011 Location: Gwinnett County Fairgrounds Address: 2405 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 http://www.gwinnettcountyfair.com/ Shadracks Productions presents A Christmas Lighting Show. Snow Mountain January 01 – March 6, 2011 Location: Stone Mountain Park Address: 1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd., Stone Mountain, GA 30083 http://www.snowmountainpark.com/ Covered with acres of snow including a 400’ tubing hill and a 30,000 square foot play area, this fantastic family attraction has plenty for your whole family to do! Finalists Exhibition for The Hudgens Prize January 02 – February 19, 2011 Location: Hudgens Center for the Arts 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, GA 30097 http://thehudgens.org/ Juried exhibit of works by the Finalists for The Hudgens Prize Competition. “Biggest and the Best” Winter Nationals January 07 – 09, 2011 Location: SGAA Dual Deck Arena/South Gwinnett Park 2115 McGee Rd., Snellville, GA 30078 http://www.2hot4ice.com/ Inline Hockey Food & Shopping January 8, 2011 Location: Gwinnett Enviromental & Heritage Center 2020 Clean Water Dr., Buford, GA 30519 http://www.gwinnettehc.org/ We eat every day, so small adjustments to what and how we eat can make a big difference. Learn the meaning behind product labels that can help you make informed decisions and avoid greenwashing when you shop for food and other household items. Winter Bridal Show January 9, 2011 Location: Gwinnett Historic Courthouse Address: 185 West Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 http://www.gwinnettcounty.com Includes a fashion show, dance exhibitions and up to 50 vendors. Door prizes also, register in adavnce. World Spirit Federation Cheerleading: A- Town Championships January 9, 2011 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, GA 30096 http://www.gcvb.org Cheerleading competition Sirens January 13 – February 6, 2011 Location: Aurora Theatre 128 Pike Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 http://www.auroratheatre.com/new/ After twenty-five years of marriage, the passion in Sam & Rose’s marriage has ebbed. The cure seems to be a romantic

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cruise to the mythical Greek Isles. That is, until washed up songwriter Sam hears a siren calling, and chucks himself overboard. Embark on this captive comedy about finding one’s muse. “ABC’s of Planning a Family Reunion” January 14, 2011 Location: Atlanta Marriott Norcross Address: 475 Technology Parkway, Norcross, GA 30092 Planning session on how to plan a successful family reunion in Gwinnett County. Vendors, overview of facilities and more - complimentary lunch and reunion planning materials included. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory January 14 – 23, 2011 Location: New London Theatre 2485 E. Main St SW, Snellville, GA 30078 http://www.newlondontheatre.org/ Walk Like a Gwinnetian...People and Places January 20 – April 25, 2011 Location: Gwinnett Historic Courthouse Address: 185 West Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 http://www.gwinnettpark.com/ Artitst TJ Haugh brings his love of Gwinnett to life on canvas using local faces and places in and around Gwinnett County. Meet the artist at a reception prior to his exhibit on January 19, 7pm-9pm

Happy New Year! The Princess and the Pea, Y’all January 22, 2011 Location: Aurora Theatre 128 Pike St, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 http://www.auroratheatre.com/new/ Children’s Playhouse. Puppeteer, Lee Bryan Pride of Dixie Antiques Market January 22 – 23, 2011 Location: North Atlanta Trade Center 1700 Jeurgens Ct, Norcross, GA 30093 www.northatlantatradecenter.com/ Shop hundreds of booths with antiques, collectables, unique home decor, estate & costume jewelry, furniture, artwork and more, all in one large climate controlled building. Bailey Jack and Dennis Primm January 22 – February 26, 2011 Location: ART Station Address: 5384 Manor Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 http://www.artstation.org/ Showcasing works from ART Station’s member artists 7th Annual ALA Conference January 23, 2011 Location: Performing Arts Center at Gwinnett Center 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, GA 30097 http://www.camphighharbour.com/ Leadership rally for teenagers and their families.

Dance Lessons with your Sweetheart January 27 – February 10, 2011 Location: Gwinnett Historic Courthouse Address: 185 West Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Learn to dance the salsa before Valentines Day! Three classes will have you cha-cha-cha-ing your way across the dance floor. Great for a girls night out too! Minimum 5 to make class The Revolve Tour: Dream On January 28 – 29, 2011 Location: Arena at Gwinnett Center 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, 30097 Don’t miss Dream On, the 2011 production of The Revolve Tour! We’re coming to the Duluth area on January 28-29, 2011. Join us at the Arena at Gwinnett Center for awesome music, real-life stories, drama, and a ton of fun combined in a high-energy, inspirational, encouraging 2-day weekend event for teen girls!

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Funny Fridays January 21, 2011 Location: Aurora Theatre 128 Pike St, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 http://www.auroratheatre.com/new/ Categories: All Sponsored by McCray’s Tavern 2011 Atlanta Crown Gymnastics Invitational January 21 – 23, 2011 Location: Suwanee Sports Academy 3640 Burnette Rd NW, Suwanee, GA 30024 http://www.atlantacrown.net/ Artistic gymnastics competition Featured Artist January 21 – February 12, 2011 Location: Tannery Row Artist Colony 554 West Main St, Buford, GA 30518 http://www.tanneryrowartistcolony.com/ welcome/ Katina Radwanski and Dennis Primm. U Expo Atlanta January 22, 2011 Location: Gwinnett Place Mall 2100 Pleasant Hill Rd, Duluth, GA 30096 http://www.simon.com/ U Expo is an informative event that brings together students, parents and universities with a mission of educating and motivating Hispanic families to pursue higher education. U-Expo’s goal is to assist Hispanic students and their parents in identifying and accessing educational resources and opportunities....

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Local Mom offers Inspiration to those with Fitness Resolutions By Sagdrina Jalal


here’s truly something about Mary. You may have seen her; on any given morning she is doing lunges around Just Fitness adding definition to her enviable quads. You also might have noticed her doing shoulder presses or abdominal curls in the midst of bodybuilders. Gym equipment is intimidating to many; but not to Mary. The fact that Mary was born with an underdeveloped arm does not slow her down. Mary is on a mission. “I started working out for the first time in January of 2010 to get ready for my wedding in May. By the wedding I had lost 24 lbs and 23.75 inches. After that, I was hooked.”

Mary feels like she has struggled with her weight all of her life. “ Obesity runs in my family and I have always been concerned about the effects it has on a overall health.” Carrying excess weight is hard on major organs and joints. It can make the simplest of tasks challenging. When asked how she compensates in the gym for her birth defect, she shrugs her shoulders. “A lot of my workouts are trial and error. Sometimes I have to adjust the way it is typically done. To work my arms I use free weights, strapping a weight to my right arm. I also do cardiovascular exercise regularly.” Now that the wedding is over, what are her current fitness goals? “ I’d like to gain more muscle and continue to reduce my percentage of body fat. I enjoy the overall health benefits I receive from working out.” What are her plans for 2011? “ I am looking forward to taking my workouts to a whole new level. I am considering training for a 5k.” Mary feels the key to her success is simple. “I am very strong willed. If set my mind to do something, I do it. That about sums it up!”

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By Sagdrina Jalal, BS Ed, CPT, Fitness Consultant, Inner Strength Fitness, 404-271-0071 www.innerstrength-fitness.com

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FINANCE Halcyon Times– Helping you enjoy smooth financial sailing. By Glenton Ashby

Greed i$... Y

ears after the movie “Wall Street” came out, the line everyone still remembers from it is “Greed is good!” That may have fit into the context of the movie and its storyline, but it does not fit into the context of real life for individuals or families (or corporations for that matter). What is greed? Greed can be defined as “excessive desire for more of something than is needed, especially for wealth or possessions.” So having things or wealth is not bad in and of itself. What is bad is when the desire for things or wealth is excessive or out of control, when it overwhelms common sense and good judgment. What is one of the outcomes of greed in our personal lives? Debt.

“Debt is bad!” I doubt there will be a blockbuster movie that causes that phrase to be on everyone’s lips. Maybe I should say too much debt is bad. One of Socrates’ famous phrases is sometimes rendered “the unconsidered life is not worth living.” Let’s rework his phrase to say “the unconsidered debt is not worth taking on.” For most of us there is some point in our lives where we have to take on debt - debt such as a mortgage to buy a house, an auto loan to buy a car or student loans to pursue higher education. These are debts with a clear purpose or need in mind (usually). Trouble comes when we do not properly consider how we will go about managing debt or paying off debt. The trouble is often worse when we take on debt to survive or debt that is not connected to a clear need or purpose. There are plenty of nightmare stories in the news about people with thousands of dollars in credit card debt or home equity lines of credit for which there is no overriding or longterm benefit and no plan or ability to pay the debt. How can we avoid getting into debt trouble? By making hard choices when necessary. Save up for things instead of buying impulsively then wondering how to pay for what you just bought. Force yourself to take time to reconsider before completing purchases. Be committed to long-term financial stability and stay away from the short-term thinking that leads to avoidable debt. Have a financial plan and financial goals. Be committed to the plan and to achieving the goals. Include a savings program in the plan so that there is money available to meet unexpected or unplanned expenses instead of having to go into debt. If you have debt issues, get started on dealing with them. Figure out which debt is smallest or can most quickly, easily or beneficially be eliminated. Work on eliminating that debt. Go for the small victory and show yourself you can do it! Then get to work on the next debt. If you need help with debt, get help! In the best of all financial worlds we would not need to take on debt. The next best thing is being able to handle the debt we do have and being able to pay it down and, in time, eliminate it altogether. If you want a minor thrill on a Friday afternoon, tune in to the Dave Ramsey radio program and listen to folks tell Dave how they have eliminated ALL their debt. Then listen to them yell over the radio “WE’RE DEBT FREE!!!” That is an achievable goal in many cases. Achieving the goal, however, requires commitment, focus and discipline. I heartily encourage you to strive to one day be able to say to family and friends “I’m Debt Free!” Today’s Ancient Wisdom: Solomon said “the borrower is slave to the lender.” Feedback and topic suggestions are welcome - HalcyonTimes@HalcyonFP.com, or comment at www.HalcyonFP.com/halcyon-times. Tweet @halcyonplanning. Glenton Ashby is the founder and owner of Halcyon Financial Planning, LLC, a fee-only financial planning and Registered Investment Advisor firm. Visit HalcyonFP.com.

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t’s a New Year and a new semester, so what can you do as a parent or guardian to help your children experience greater academic success in 2011? Following are three important principles which you can apply in your home, thus in your children’s lives.

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purpose of their efforts. Living with INTENT is important to success in all areas of one’s life. Without intent, there is little direction, and with little direction, there is no target at which to aim. If one intends to only pass a class, this is likely what he/she will do. However, if one intends to make an “A”, there is a higher likelihood this will happen. Teaching our children to live with PURPOSE is just as important as working with ambition. Being ambitious involves working towards one’s selffulfilling pursuits; whereas, living with purpose involves working with a broader scope and for something larger than one’s self.


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#2 Set a positive example of discipline and consistency for your children as it pertains to their school work and other areas of their lives. Remember, they mirror your attitudes and actions! If you find yourself being frustrated with their lack of academic priority, you must examine the messages you may be sending them about their education. For example, if you openly criticize a teacher whether warranted or unwarranted, it provides an excuse for them to not work up to their potential. They will likely blame the same teacher you are criticizing for their lack of success, rather than accept personal responsibility. If you tell them they must earn the privilege to participate in sports by working to their potential, and then they don’t, and you allow them to participate anyway, you have sent a message that sports is more important than their education. The discipline your children develop and demonstrate in their academics will “spill” over into other areas of their lives. The most disciplined students are usually reliable, responsible, and respectful in the classroom and even in their communities and involvement with others outside the realm of their academics.

#3 Set parameters; i.e., rules, for your academic expectations and clear consequences for their lack of being responsible, and then adhere to these parameters. Children need discipline and boundaries. Having these provides a sense of security for children, while developing their own ability to rationalize and problem solve. Expect that they will step out of the boundaries you have set at times as this is a normal part of development; however, they need you to stop them if they step outside of what is considered the safety zone. Teenagers have actually shared with me that they were grateful their parents did not allow them to make bad decisions and demonstrate poor judgment because, if left to follow their own inclinations, they would have and then suffered the consequences! Remember, the frontal lobe of a person’s brain, which is responsible for decision making, judgment, and problem solving, does not usually fully develop until one reaches his or her mid to late 20s! I hope 2011 is a most successful year for your children as they live with greater intent, set academic goals and priorities, follow your example in action and attitude, and adhere to the parameters set in your home regarding educational priorities and expectations! Happy New Year! You may e-mail Carol Woods at ccwood@bellsouth.net or visit company’s website, www.totallearningconcepts.com.

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Weekly meetings:

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ep, it’s that time again. January… the first month of a new year. Time for us to make fresh starts, get rid of old unhealthy habits, and renew our resolutions to improve our lives.

Over the last couple of years, though, I’ve noticed a trend away from New Year resolutions. Why? Various rationales exist, but I can’t help thinking about the popular phrase – “A failure to plan is a plan to fail.” But, is the problem really with the resolution or with the parameters around the plan? Maybe a little of both in some cases, but I’ve decided that, overall, we need a totally new approach to our concept of setting yearly goals for self-improvement.

2. 3.


Think back on resolutions you created for yourself in past years. Evaluate which ones you succeeded in achieving, which ones are still in process, and which ones didn’t make it past March. Examine and record why each resolution fell into the category of success, in process, or mission aborted. All of the items listed in the first two categories of success and in-process should be your focus areas to continue in 2011. Write them down, say them to yourself daily or weekly, and read about other’s successes in this same area. You don’t want to lose what is already working for you by focusing solely on what isn’t. The reasons listed in your “mission aborted” category are the items for you to work to overcome while you continue to pat yourself on the back in step #3. Don’t worry about the overall resolution, look to overcome the obstacles that prevented your success in the past - one at a time - and the end result will be achieved without your realizing it.

In January 2009, I decided to 1) be more attentive to my business accounting, 2) clean up the clutter in my house, and 3) spend more time with my kids. I succeeded in #3, #1 was a work in process for two years, but #2 – house clutter – simply could not be achieved. Three months ago, I decided to analyze WHY I couldn’t eradicate stacks of old receipts, bank statements, bills, kids’ school work and papers, pamplets, CD covers, shoe boxes, etc. from around my home. I listed 3 very good reasons: 1) Not enough time to do it, 2) Every time I clean up, mess comes back, and 3) lack of support. Therefore, I made up my mind to clean up a small area of the house – a corner of the kitchen table for instance – every day. It only took 5 minutes each day and over the course of 3 months, I could see major improvements around the house. I also set daily activities for the kids to handle their paperwork and designated storage bins for school work, magazines, and the mail. I didn’t try to tackle all the clutter at once, I simply created systems to overcome the obstacles to my success. Take time each day, week and month in 2011 to revel and bask in your strengths and successes while you seek to overcome – one thing at a time – the obstacles to self improvement. That’s the best resolution. Althea Lawton-Thompson, Certified Fitness Expert, is the owner of Aerobics, Yoga & More Fitness Studios in Lilburn, GA & the Fitness Coordinator of the Johns Hopkins Youth Obesity Program in Baltimore, MD. See classes & workshops she offers at www.AYMFitness.com.

Page 12


1. Flexible mineral 5. Aspersion 9. Drum 14. Black, in poetry 15. Tethered aircraft 16. Acrylic fiber 17. Appropriately he or she 20. Accessory 21. Biblical birthright seller 22. Shrek, e.g. 23. N.Y. neighbor 25. “___ be better in the morning ...” 27. Bills, e.g. 30. ___-friendly 32. Accommodate 36. More smooth 38. “Cool!” 40. ___ v. Wade 41. Velveta 44. Abbr. after a name 45. Enlarge, as a hole 46. Hand warmer 47. Very, in music 49. Greek city 51. British tax 52. Heavy, durable furniture wood

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54. “Cast Away” setting 56. Falling flakes 59. “Mona ___” 61. Saved on supper, perhaps 65. French queen 68. Milky gems 69. Prom attire 70. Regrets 71. Growths 72. Back talk 73. Goals


Down 1. ___ mortals 2. Surefooted goat 3. Stallion, once 4. Anti order 5. Schuss, e.g. 6. Makes more interesting 7. Indian Tribes 8. Fixed 9. “___ bad!” 10. Historian Toynbee 11. Web diary 12. Overcast 13. “Green Gables” girl 18. Chinese “way” 19. Same old, same old

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24. Care for 26. Stick weapon 27. Dried coconut meat 28. Buenos ___ 29. Match game? 31. Foe 33. Thin ridge 34. Photography selections 35. Parenting challenges 37. Like “The X-Files” 39. High points 42. Quarterback assaults 43. Enumeration follower 48. Freely 50. Cat talk 53. ___ mode 55. PC linkup 56. E.P.A. concern 57. Auto parts giant 58. Face-to-face exam 60. Ancient colonnade 62. Toiletry case 63. Any thing 64. 1987 Costner role 66. Cousin of -trix 67. ___ and outs

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Five Forks Academy Gives Back


hilanthropy, stewardship, compassion, empathy, kindness, thoughtfulness and community service are big words for little children. However, they are important words and concepts for children to learn. Five Forks Academy engages in something very special every Holiday Season. The center chooses a community service project that will benefit our less fortunate neighbors living in Gwinnett County. With the help of the parents and staff, we teach our children about the “Gift of Giving.” We incorporate the concept and practice into our daily lesson plans by talking about different charities, ways that family’s practice stewardship and what other ways a child can be “charitable” to others. Parents assist by allowing their child to choose a toy or valued item to give to another child. We set out a large decorated Donation Box where children can put the item they are donating. We teach our children

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to be kind to each other because kindness is considered the most simplistic form of charity. This year, we chose the Gwinnett Children’s Shelter. The “residents” age 5 to 17 have been removed from their own homes because they are suffering from abuse, neglect, abandonment or family crisis. The children will be spending the Holiday Season separated from their families. Several deliveries of unwrapped presents were made to the facility before Christmas Eve. Our children learn to be compassionate and empathetic learning about the children at the shelter. Our hope is that the children at Five Forks Academy induced “tears of joy” Christmas morning for the children at the Gwinnet Children’s Shelter. See our ad on page 11

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Page 15

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BUSINESS 9 Characteristics of Great Marketers! By Ryan T. Sauers

Now more than ever, all organizations are looking to the discipline of marketing, for help in

curing their organizational woes. With that said, excellence in marketing is more important than ever. Thus, the top marketing professionals, in all types of organizations, are looked to for leadership and also share common character traits. As it is always easier to remember an odd number, you will find I have listed 9 characteristics of great marketing professionals below. Here they are #1-9.

1. The highest degree of personal values, ethics and integrity. Superior ethics may not always win the marketing battle but most always win the marketing war.

2. Continual positive outlook and enthusiastic vision. This is a key separator between great, good and poor marketers.

3. Use of creativity to differentiate yourself from the competition. When products or services appear the same to the customer-- creativity by the top marketing professional in approach and positioning makes all the difference.

4. Reliability, consistency and dependability. These three traits separate the average marketer from the superstar marketer. Enough said!

5. A sense of being “human” that builds brand loyalty. Being human and using humor makes your efforts and campaigns likable, and people like brands that make them warm and fuzzy.

6. Unyielding belief in your organization and yourself. Real winners KNOW there are no shortcuts and that they will “win” in the end by doing the little things correctly.

7. Creative posturing that differentiates you and makes you clearly known by all of your stakeholders. Superior positioning reduces competition-- which is a great and value added bonus for doing your job well.

8. Passion to excel and to be the best at what you do. This is a personal characteristic that is evident to others. There is no sense in striving for second best. So… don’t!

9. Push the envelope. The marketer who appreciates the past, is dedicated to the present AND pushes the envelope with a vision for the future is the one that will achieve success. So, remember the discipline of marketing is more important than ever in 2010 and beyond… and it is the job of the top marketing executive, to exhibit the highest degree of excellence in all that s/he does. Have you seen such great marketing in action? If your desire is to market better- we can help

Ryan T. Sauers is President/CMO of Sauers Communications. He has a Masters degree in Organizational Leadership; is an MBTI Certified Practitioner and a Certified Marketing Executive. He is a frequent writer and speaker at a number of business conferences. For more leadership, communications, and business insights visit www.sauersblog.com.

Page 16

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PET PAGE Dog Playpens: Why Should You Use Them?


our dog or puppy needs a safe space where he can play, exercise and roam around. One way of ensuring the safety of your pooch while he’s outside your home is by using a dog playpen.

Most playpens for pets are easy to mount and assemble. Some are made of light materials, which allow you to move it from one place to another whenever necessary. Dog playpens come in a wide array of sizes, designs and models. The type of playpen you choose should match the size of your dog. Ideally, the height of the structure must be about 2 meters higher than the height of your dog or puppy. This will prevent your dog from jumping over the playpen and escape. Various benefits can be acquired from using dog playpens. One primary benefit is that it provides your canine a spacious area for exercise. It can serve both as a safe shelter or a spacious play area for your dog. Your dog will get all the necessary physical activity and exercise while he’s staying inside the pen. Dogs, like any animals, need to move and run around. Playpens can provide a comfortable and airy space for your doggy to roam when you don’t have time to take him for a walk. A playpen can act as a protected zone of containment. So even if you leave your dog in the yard alone, you don’t have to worry about his safety and the possible dangers in the surroundings. It’ll prevent your doggy from crashing through your neighbor’s lawn or getting attacked by wild animals. Another benefit of using dog exercise pens is that it can be an effective tool when teaching your dog the proper way of urinating or pooping. With the use of a playpen, you can train your puppy to hold his urge to defecate until he is outside of the enclosed area.

PET OF THE MONTH Available for Adoption:

Pablo is a very handsome two-year-old

Domestic Short Hair kitty with the most beautiful dilute orange coloring. This sweet boy was abandoned after his family moved away. Pablo is a very friendly and playful guy. He is not shy and warms up quickly to new people. Pablo loves to have a warm lap to sit in and really enjoys being petted. This brave boy even does well with dogs! Pablo is sure to be a wonderful lifetime companion for one lucky adopter! Atlanta Pet Rescue is open Tuesday – Friday 11am-4pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm. For more information about Atlanta Pet Rescue or how to adopt Pablo or any of our 80+ dogs, cats, puppies and kittens looking for homes, visit our web site: www.atlantapetrescue.org

Benji is a sweet one-and-a-half-year-old

Schnauzer mix who weighs 17 pounds. He has a little bit of hair loss due to fleas on his legs and rear end. Benji is friendly, lovable, and playful. He gets along well with other dogs and loves getting attention from his person. Benji sure can run fast, so he will need to go to a home that will give him regular exercise and a chance to kick up his heels and run.

Moreover, a dog that is kept in an enclosure usually has a well-mannered behavior. Boredom and the inability to get out and follow natural instincts are the usual causes of dog behavioral problems. Since you can carry the playpen anywhere you go, your dog will be able to run and run around and feel that he’s part of the family. Most dogs who enjoy spending time in these dog playpens tend to have fewer behavioral problems such as excessive barking or chewing. So whether you need a safe place for your dog or simply prefer a spacious area in which you’ll be able to leave your pooch while finishing off an important task outside, then buying a playpen is the way to go! Pet Article courtesy of http://pet-articles.blogspot.com.

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Atlanta Pet Rescue is open Tuesday – Friday 11am-4pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm. For more information about Atlanta Pet Rescue or how to adopt Benji or any of our 80+ dogs, cats, puppies and kittens looking for homes, visit our web site: www.atlantapetrescue.org

Page 17

RecipeS Chicken & Corn Chili

Italian Cheese Stuffed Pork Chops

6 Servings Prep Time: 15 MinCook Time: 12 HrsReady In: 12 Hrs 15 Min

Prep Time: 10 Min Cook Time: 15 Min Ready In: 25 Min Servings: Yield 4 servings

Ingredients 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1 (16 ounce) jar salsa 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder salt to taste ground black pepper to taste 1 (11 ounce) can Mexican-style corn 1 (15 ounce) can pinto beans Directions Place chicken and salsa in the slow cooker the night before you want to eat this chili. Season with garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Cook 6 to 8 hours on Low setting. About 3 to 4 hours before you want to eat, shred the chicken with 2 forks. Return the meat to the pot, and continue cooking. Stir the corn and the pinto beans into the slow cooker. Simmer until ready to serve. No nutritional information available.

Ingredients 4 (6 ounce) bone-in center cut pork chops 1 cup Sargento® Fancy Shredded 6 Cheese Italian Cheese 2 tablespoons crushed garlic croutons or Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme leaves or parsley 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon paprika or smoked paprika 1/4 teaspoon pepper or hot paprika Directions Cut a horizontal pocket in the side of each pork chop (or ask your meat retailer to do this for you). Combine 3/4 cup cheese, croutons and thyme; stuff into pockets and pinch edges together to close pockets. Combine salt, paprika and pepper; sprinkle over chops. Heat a 12-inch ovenproof skillet (wrap handle in foil) coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat until hot. Add chops; cook 3 minutes per side or until browned. Sprinkle remaining 1/4 cup cheese over chops. Transfer skillet to a preheated 375 degrees F oven. Bake until chops are no longer pink in center, 8 to 10 minutes depending on thickness of chops. Nutritional Information Amount Per Serving Calories: 360 | Total Fat: 22.5g | Cholesterol: 93mg

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