MARCH 2022: (BLUE) Our Town Gwinnett Monthly Magazine for Gwinnett/NE Dekalb

Page 7

From the Publisher:

ddie’s Automotive Automotive Service Service EEddie’s

Ryan’s Remarks

By Ryan T. Sauers

770-381-7574 770-381-7574


Here I am writing this column for March 2022, and I want you to consider a few things that began occurring over two years ago. February 25, 2020: CDC Says COVID-19 is Heading Toward Pandemic Status; March 6, 2020: 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive; March 11, 2020: WHO Declares COVID19 a Pandemic; March 13, 2020: President Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency ( view/a-timeline-of-covid19-developments-in-2020) Wow. Okay, I will stop there. It is difficult for me, and I am sure for you, to read this and see these events were over two years ago. With that said, it seems like yesterday. This time period will be etched into our minds forever. For example, I first heard the term “pivot” regarding business in early March 2020 from a friend. I have since heard it thousands of times. We have likely experienced this pandemic in different ways. However, it is fair to say, we have all gone through a once-in-a-lifetime experience together. It has been tough, strange, weird, etc., to have so many things (even those trickle-down effect items) in a constant state of change. Continued on page 20

“Riding “Riding Into Into the the Sunset” Sunset”

Wanda Wanda and and I I love love this this community community and and will will miss miss the the day day toto day day interaction interactionwith withour ourcustomers customersand andfriends. friends.This Thisprobably probablyseems seemsall allofof aasudden suddenand andmaybe maybeshocking shockingtotosome, some,but butall allthings thingsmust mustcome cometoto an anend. end. Our Ourplan planwas wastotowork workfor foraafew fewmore moreyears, years,but butlooks lookslike likelife lifehas hasother other plans. plans.As Asmany manyofofyou youknow, know,we wedid didnot notclose closeduring duringany anyofofthe the pandemic. pandemic. That Thatalso alsomeans meansthat thatwe wehave havenot nothad hadany anytime timeoff offinin almost almost33years......I’m years......I’mkind kindofoftired. tired. AAcouple coupleofofmonths monthsago agoI Ilearned learnedthat thatthe thehip hipI Ihad hadreplaced replaced20+ 20+years years ago agoneeds needstotobe bereplaced replacedagain. again.I'm I'mnot notsure surewhen whenthat thatwill willhappen happenas as it’s it’sday daytotoday. day.I Iwas wastold toldI Iwill willbe bedown downfor foratatleast least22months. months.Our Ourkids kids have havegrown grownup upand andmoved movedacross acrossthe thecountry. country.Which Whichmeans meanswe we hardly hardlyget gettotosee seethem. them.Especially Especiallyover overthe thepast pasttwo twoyears. years. So, So,the thetime timehas hascome comefor forWanda Wandaand andI Itotoenter enterthe thenext nextchapter chapterofofour our lives livesand andwill willbe beretiring retiringlater laterthis thisyear. year.Wanda Wandaplans planstotostart startaablog blogso so we, we,(really (reallyshe), she),will willlet letyou youknow knowwhat whatMax, Max,Jett Jett and andus usare areup upto. to. We Wehave havebeen beentruly trulyblessed blessedby byall allofofyou youwho whohave havesupported supportedus usall all these theseyears. years.May MayGod Godbless blessyou youtoo. too.

March 2022 Our Town Gwinnett

Keep KeepYour Your Car CarRunning Running atatit’s it’sBest Best


Then Thenyou’ll you’ll Be BeReady Ready for forWherever Wherever

vehicles most most vehicles

22002222 Takes Takes You! You!

author authorEddie EddiePrice Price

We Wehave havesold sold“Eddie’s” “Eddie’s”totoour ourfriend friendPhil PhilPanos. Panos.Phil Philisisthe theowner ownerofof Capital CapitalSigns, Signs,located locatedjust justacross acrossthe theparking parkinglot lotfrom fromEddie’s. Eddie’s. We We have haveknown knownPhil Philsince since2008 2008and andhave haveworked workedon onhis hisvehicles vehiclesfor for years. years.On OnFebruary February20, 20,1988 1988I Istarted startedthis thisbusiness businessand andininjust justshy shyofof 34 34 years years we we have have grown grown itit into into what what itit isis today. today. “Eddie’s” “Eddie’s” will will continue continueon. on. And AndWanda Wandaand andI Iwill willstay stayfor forthe thenext next66months months and andhelp helpwith withthe the transition. transition.

5440 5440Webb WebbPkwy. Pkwy. GA Lilburn, Lilburn,GA



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5440 5440Webb WebbPkwy. Pkwy. Lilburn, Lilburn,GA GA30047 30047

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**Expires Expires03/31/ 03/31/2022 2022

770-381-7574 770-381-7574 Up Upto to55Quarts Quarts Conventional ConventionalOil Oil Additional AdditionalCharge Chargefor for Synthetic SyntheticOil Oil Not NotValid Validwith withany any other otheroffer offeror ordiscount discount Service AutomotiveService Eddie’s Eddie’sAutomotive Pkwy. WebbPkwy. 5440 5440Webb 30047 GA30047 Lilburn, Lilburn,GA 770-381-7574 770-381-7574


Ck CkWasher WasherFluid Fluid

Inspect InspectBrakes Brakes

Ck CkWipers Wipers

Change ChangeOil Oil&&Filter Filter

Ck CkP/S P/SFluid Fluid

(Up (Uptoto5 5quarts quartsconventional conventionaloil oil most mostvehicles) vehicles)

Ck CkDifferential Differential

Rotate RotateTires Tires

Ck CkTrans TransFluid Fluid

Lube LubeSuspension Suspension

Ck CkBelts Belts

Test TestCooling CoolingSystem System

Ck CkHoses Hoses

Test TestBattery Battery

Ck CkBrake BrakeFluid Fluid Ck CkAir AirFilter Filter

TestCoolant Coolant ..,,Test Ck CkTire TirePressure Pressure

Springbreak Springbreakisisjust justaround aroundthe thecorner! corner! PAGE 7

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