Valley Voice Issue 79 (20 October, 2016)

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A Weekend Away returns in Valley Scene

Volume XXXVI No. 20 • 20 October, 2016

Measure K Returns to Kings County Ballot

Devon Mathis, left, and Ruben Macareno, right.

Mathis, Macareno Go One-on-One in Exeter Catherine Doe The debate was cordial -- but tense -- between Devon Mathis and Ruben Macareno at the candidates’ forum for Assembly District 26 on October 12. Assemblyman Devon Mathis is defending his seat after his first term in office against Macareno, former Tulare County Chair of the Democrat Central Committee and now publisher of Our Town Farmersville. The moderator, Paul Myers, posed half a dozen questions to the candidates then allowed the audience to ask follow-up questions. The forum was sparsely attended, but those who came were anxious to participate. The first question presented to the candidates concerned where they stood

on Proposition 64: the ballot measure that would legalize recreational marijuana. “I think the proposition is half baked,” said Mathis. He said that the biggest problem with the proposition is that it doesn’t address the level of THC in the product. “With alcohol you know what percent of alcohol you are getting in the product.” Mathis added that Colorado and Washington have had extremely high levels of children who are overdosing, “So I stand firm with our sheriff and DA and oppose Prop 64. I don’t think we need to have teenagers driving around with a stick of marijuana bubble gum.” Macareno said that those who support Proposition 64 see the potential for

The June, 2016 ballot initiative was close - it was really close. But, the implementation of Measure K, a ¼-cent sales tax countywide that would be used for public safety issue fell short, barely. By less than 1% of the two-third majority vote, the measure didn’t make it. In other words, Kings County voted 66.29% of the 66.67% needed – about 70 votes shy of passing. Measure K appears on the November ballot, again, because it was oh, so close. In theory the measure would not increase sales tax. With the expiration of Proposition 30 statewide sales taxation of ¼ cent at the end of this year, a new ¼ sales tax within the county should not be felt. Taxes would remain the same, with all Measure K funds going toward public safety. Prop 30, which passed statewide in 2012, included the ¼-cent sales tax providing temporary revenues for schools, and guaranteeing all funding for public safety services realigned from state

Nancy Vigran to local governments. Other sources for funding through Prop. 30, including an increase in personal income tax for individuals earning higher than $250,000 per year, remain in place for another three years. With this in mind, Measure K would not really “increase” the current sales tax, but rather keep it the same. Currently, Kings County’s sales tax rate is 7.5%. It is slated to lower to 7.25% on January 1. If Measure K passes, it will return to 7.5%. Measure K would be a “special tax.” It would not be placed into any general fund, but could only be deposited into a designated, “special fund,” tagged for public safety. Within the county, outside of the cities, funding would be split 50/50 between the Sheriff’s department and the Fire department, said Dave Robinson, Kings County Sheriff. Within the

MEASURE K continued on 9 »

FORUM continued on 10 »

Four Seats Up for Grabs in Porterville Six candidates vie for three positions; one seat has an uncontested candidate Nancy Vigran This November there are three regular-term Porterville City Council seats open, and one short-term seat. Only Mayor Milt Stowe’s seat remains intact, with his current term lasting through November, 2018. The short-term seat, a two-year term, has only one candidate running, long-time council member, Cameron Hamilton. This seat is currently held by council’s appointee, Monte Reyes, who filled the void following the passing of former member Pete McCracken. The three regular term seats, are currently held by Hamilton, Councilman Brian Ward, and Councilwoman Virginia Gurrola. Ward is seeking re-election to his seat; Gurrola is not. The candidates

for these seats include Ward, Reyes, Shelbie Akin, Martha Flores, Austin Drake Slater and Richard Stadtherr.

The Candidates

Shelby Akin is an events manager for a security technology company. She has served for the past four years on the Burton School Board of Trustees, and has been active in the Leadership Porterville Board since 2008, being the current board chair. She is also active within her church. She is married and has three children. Martha Flores was born and raised in Porterville. She is now retired, having worked for the Porterville Unified School District as an administrative assistant. She has been a regular

PORTERVILLE continued on 8 »

Michael Lampe, a Visalia attorney pursuing multiple cases against the Tulare Local Healthcare District, holds up a blown-up document showing an authorization to disburse the district’s $800,000 line of credit to a pharmaceutical company. Tony Maldonado/Valley Voice

Tulare Hospital Board Meeting Erupts in Controversy Over Loan Even by the standards of recent Tulare Local Healthcare District meetings, Tuesday’s meeting was heated -- almost made for television. And, since this show lacked commercial interruptions, it only lasted nine minutes -- with board member Dr. Parmod Kumar and Healthcare Conglomerate Associates CEO Benny Benzeevi absent. While the agenda was only to meet with legal counsel in closed session, local governments are still required to allow public comment on any agenda item -allowing some opponents of the board time to speak about items on the closed

Tony Maldonado session agenda -- which included a recently filed suit against the district, and a Public Records Act suit filed by Deanne Martin-Soares and Emily Yenigues. Michael Lampe, who is representing various plaintiffs in those two suits against the district, spoke first. In his comments, he revealed that the board had used a recently-approved $800,000 line of credit, in its entirety, to pay a pharmaceutical company.

TULARE continued on 9 »

2 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016 From the Publisher’s desk

Battle Hymn of the Heartsick

Mine eyes have seen the horror of the coming of the Trump; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of Truth ain’t plump; He has loosed the fateful lightening of a grope upon the rump, His “Truth” is lurching on. Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord, I hope he don’t achieve it! His “Truth” is lurching on. I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred migrant camps; ripping out all of the pages where their passports have been stamped; I can see him mocking women when they suffer menstrual cramps, His “Truth” is lurching on. Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord, I hope he don’t achieve it! His “Truth” is lurching on. I have read a birth certif-cate writ as plainly as can be; The president of this great land was born in Hawai’i; the man is an American, the same as you or me, His “Truth” is lurching on. Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord, I hope he don’t achieve it! His “Truth” is lurching on. He has sounded from the soapbox that a mighty wall shall rise, And that Mexicans will pay for it all right before our eyes. Oh! Be swift, my soul, to answer him, and say I’d be surprised. His “Truth” is lurching on. Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord above, I don’t believe it! Lord, I hope he don’t achieve it! His “Truth” is lurching on.


grief &the holidays

From the bosom of New York The Donald sprang into this life, slurping on a sil-vry spoon and poised to cause us strife; I surely hope The Donald never ever meets my wife While he is leching on. — Joseph Oldenbourg

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20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 3

Political Fix The Undecided Voter In the late afternoon of October 5 I sat on the edge of my bed wondering if I wanted to attend one more boring forum. I debated whether anyone would even want to read an article about it. The forum was for Tulare County Supervisor District 1 between Kuyler Crocker and Dennis Smith: one Republican man debating another Republican man over water, public safety and economic development. Blah, blah blah… My daughter’s boyfriend, Brendon Alexander, is a political junkie and it was only his enthusiasm that got my rear end out of the house and to the forum. Mr. Alexander was an undecided voter and wanted to go to the forum so he could decide for whom to vote. I thought, if he is undecided then there are many others, so I should roll up my sleeves and write an article on their differences. That’s when I realized the race was more interesting than I had thought. The most obvious difference is their age and experience. Mr. Smith pointed out during the forum that when he was Mr. Crocker’s age he had already been running his own business for two years. At 64, Mr. Smith is nearing retirement and is married with two grown daughters. Mr. Crocker, on the other hand, has not had the joys of raising a family, but his youth is seen by others as giving him a more flexible demeanor and openness. John Elliot, editor of the Kaweah Commonwealth and former Tulare County Supervisor candidate, endorsed Mr. Crocker and believes that “Mr. Crocker will move us forward.” He described Mr. Crocker as a “man with the infectious smile, quick wit, and a generous helping of youthful enthusiasm.” Former Exeter Mayor Ted McCauley said he supports Mr. Crocker because he would work well with the other supervisors. Mr. McCauley feels that Mr. Smith’s rhetoric about how the government is after our property rights and our water rights is way off base, and that Mr. Crocker is more in tune with mainstream voters and with what is going on in Tulare County. This leads us to the subject of official endorsements. Mr. Crocker also has the endorsements of the Deputy Sheriffs Association, Tulare County Firefighters, and former Tulare County Sheriff Bill Whitman. And, of course, of Supervisor Allen Ishida--who grew up in the same town, graduated from the same high school, and also comes

Catherine Doe

from a farming family. From the beginning Mr. Crocker was seen as the heir apparent to Supervisor Ishida’s seat at the dais. So where has the Republican establishment been hiding? Though Mr. Smith and Congressman Devin Nunes have always been on friendly terms, Mr. Smith leads the Central Valley Tea Party, an organization that on the national front has caused Mr. Nunes much grief, such as when they proudly shut down the government for two weeks in 2013. Our congressman is never going to endorse someone from the Tea Party, and Mr. Smith is not expecting him to. But I have to say a lot of us were waiting around for the establishment to endorse Mr. Crocker--and it never happened. I wonder if Mr. Crocker was waiting, too. Mr. Smith has not solicited the big endorsements but has concentrated on a traditional grassroots campaign. I met one constituent who voted for Mr. Smith in the primary solely because he received a personal postcard signed by the candidate asking for his vote. While most people thought Mr. Smith would land at the bottom of the pack in the primary, he in fact won the most votes through good old fashioned hard work. Mr. Smith has one endorsement, from former Tulare County Supervisor candidate Angel Galvez. Mr. Galvez is a longtime upper management employee of the Tulare County Health and Human Services (HSSA). I find Mr. Smith and Mr. Galvez quite the odd couple. Mr. Smith might have been the first candidate in Tulare County history to bring up the Agenda 21 conspiracy during a forum. As for Mr. Galvez, he is the first one to ever say Tulare County leaders need to support the LGBTQ community. I asked Mr. Galvez, who is not a Republican, why he endorses Mr. Smith. He said, “Mr. Smith has an excellent understanding of the county’s fiscal projections, government regulations, and policy, and that spoke volumes to me. He also has a really good understanding of economic development and that’s what Tulare County needs right now.” They met several times because Mr. Smith wanted to learn from Mr. Galvez how efficiently HHSA ran. Mr. Galvez said that Mr. Smith’s priority was worker productivity within such a large agency. Mr. Smith wanted to find out if the county was getting what it was pay-

ing for in terms of hours worked. Mr. Galvez said that in years past HHSA looked into that exact problem and found that productivity was very bad. HHSA has since taken remedies to fix the problem. I asked Mr. Galvez if he thought a conservative Republican would be able to protect the rights of the LGBTQ community. He said that Mr. Smith is more Libertarian than Republican, which makes him “live and let live.” “What about his belief in a right-wing conspiracy?” I asked. He said that Mr. Smith is just concerned that some elements of Agenda 21 don’t happen here in Tulare County. Looking at each candidate’s campaign finance reveals another big difference. Mr. Smith is neither soliciting big endorsements nor big donations. He has raised around $16,000, from mostly friends. Mr. Crocker, conversely, has raised $81,000. He has received donations from his friends, too, but the largest donations have come from major developers in the Central Valley. One major Fresno developer, who has his sites on Tulare County, gave $14,000 to Mr. Crocker’s campaign. What about the future? Mr. Smith will probably serve three terms, get his retirement and health benefits, and step away from the dais. Mr. Crocker is too young to stop at supervisor and will most likely use it as a stepping stone to higher office. If he is any good at holding public office, maybe we will be seeing Supervisor Pete Vander Poel and Supervisor Kuyler Crocker duel it out for the 26th State Assembly District in about 10 years. As for the undecided voter, Mr. Alexander? He left the forum carrying a Dennis Smith yard sign and promptly stuck it in his lawn right next to his yard sign for Congressman Devin Nunes. What is Agenda 21? I think I was in college when I first realized that as one goes further to the left they soon run into the extreme right. That kind of blew me away. The concept of conservative or liberal was always presented to me as being on one end of the political spectrum or the other. Not as being a circle, which is what it really is. Common wisdom says that communism is the ideology of the ultra left and fascism is the ideology of the ultra right. On paper they are different. But in practice the two extremes come together. Both communism and fascism

grew out workers’ parties. The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party started in 1912 and led to the Bolsheviks. Then, in 1920, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was the beginning of the Nazis. As their movements grew and took over their respective countries, nationalism, dictators, and militarism all became central tenets of communism and fascism, and individual expression and freedoms went out the window. Thirty years later, did I retain this important lesson about how the extremes meet in the middle? No, I did not. I heard about the Agenda 21 conspiracy in the early 2000’s and branded it as part of the extreme right. Then came along Rosa Koire, who wrote the book Behind the Green Mask, which is now a manifesto of sorts for those who believe in the conspiracy. She has been a Northern California Democrat her entire life. She is anti-war, gay, and a feminist. She says that Agenda 21 is “the action plan to inventory and control all human beings and resources on the planet.” In reality, Agenda 21 is a United Nations advisory document adopted in 1992 by 178 nations, including the United States. The plan gives an outline on how to build sustainable living, shopping, and working developments and reduce global poverty. It was a product of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and was named for the coming of the 21st Century. Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, believe that the United Nations doctrine Agenda 21 is just a veiled attempt at global domination that will lead to the complete loss of individual rights. When Mr. Smith complains about the state and federal water laws that have fallowed agriculture land in the Westlands Water District, he believes it is Agenda 21 at work trying to depopulate large swaths of the Central Valley. But is it true? I almost don’t care. I do know that a few seemingly very liberal pot heads are some of the most of the most conservative people I know, and that our conservative Republican presidential nominee says he is “leading a populist movement fighting to upend radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of the working people.” So where does that leave Mr. Smith--as a reactionary conservative or a liberal Democrat? I guess that depends on whether you live in Northern California or Tulare County.

4 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016

Hanford to Research Marijuana Cultivation Center Catherine Doe Hanford’s not ready to hit the brakes on a proposed medical marijuana cultivation center just yet. The Hanford City Council voted unanimously to conduct deeper research on how a facility might affect Hanford before it makes a final decision. Councilmembers instructed Hanford’s Community Development Director, Darlene Mata, and Hanford Police Chief Parker Sever to visit facilities both in and out of the state that run similar operations. The staff would bring back information so that the council can make an informed decision on whether or not to change the city ordinances governing marijuana cultivation in the city. A new ordinance would then need to pass to approve cultivation to begin. The proposed cultivation center would be located in the former Pirelli tire plant in Hanford’s Industrial Park on the far southwest side of town. The property is currently in escrow to be sold to Purple Heart Patient Care of Oakland. Mata and Sever will travel to Colorado and Washington, two states where both recreational and medical marijuana are legal, and then taking trips to Bay Area and Los Angeles cultivation centers, though exact trip details will be ironed out next week. In California, medical marijuana use was legalized in 1996, but 60% of the voters are in favor of passing Proposition 64, which would legalize recreational use at the state level. Marijuana remains illegal at the federal level. Mayor Justin Mendes said that the amount of work the city puts into research will be worth the headache because of the possible financial windfall to the city. While Mendes received feedback from residents that they did not want pot dispensaries in town, he said not everyone was against the cultivation center. “I’m okay with it in the heavy

industrial zone but nowhere else,” said Mendes. According to Keith Stephenson, manager of Purple Heart Patient Care, the operation could employ -- at full build-out -- 1,115 workers. Wages would be $15 per hour. At its full capacity, the cultivation center would be Kings County’s largest private employer. Stephenson said that the company would offer $25 per pound tax to the city, which could provide $14 million per year. The city’s annual general fund is approximately $24 million. But first the city of Hanford has to pass an ordinance allowing pot farming in the city limits. If the council likes what it hears back about other cultivation centers, it will direct the planning commission to decide on whether to allow pot cultivation within city limits. If the planning commission votes to change the ordinance, the city council will most likely hold a public hearing on the subject. The decision will ultimately rest with the city council, which could affect this November’s election. Two city council seats are being contested. Six people spoke during public comment about the medical marijuana cultivation center. Four were against and two were in favor. Maria Galante said that marijuana is illegal and that Hanford should support the federal government. She said that pot brings a bad element to the city and that Hanford should instead do research on how to rehabilitate those hooked on drugs. Michael Lamb, a former Marine who did two tours in Vietnam, said that there was a shooting a block from his house. The shooter was trying to steal marijuana from inside of a pot grow house. Lamb said he fought for our country and didn’t expect to be shot once he came home. Besides the large amount of water that it takes to grow pot, he pointed out that the social costs will far outweigh

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any financial gain. Lamb said that it is a proven fact that marijuana causes lethargy and diminished mental capacity and added that alcohol and tobacco weren’t much better. “Do we really need another drug?” he asked. Natham Odham spoke in favor of the cultivation center. He said that hemp is one of the most versatile plants in the world. He also listed a number of products that can be made from the plant, and also listed about 20 medicinal benefits of pot. Mike Lopez also spoke in favor of the cultivation center. He said that the good paying jobs will be a boon for Hanford, pointing out that the tire plant has been vacant since 2001, which represents a $2million loss every year for Hanford. “The taxes alone generated from occupancy of the plant would fix the roads around here,” he said. Vice Mayor Francisco Ramirez said that he refers to it as cannabis because of marijuana’s medicinal attributes. He said that his mother died of cancer and may not have had to spend the last two weeks of her life in a drug induced coma if she had access to cannabis. He was in full support of the cultivation center in the industrial zone if the staff’s research is favorable. Council member David Ayers said that as for the cultivation center the city should move forward with caution. But, he said, Proposition 64 is likely to pass so it’s in Hanford’s best interest to do the research. He also liked the idea of Police Chief Sever’s being involved in the research. Ayers said that the chief will need to come home and explain the entire process to the police. “The police need to feel comfortable with the cultivation center or forget it.” Councilmember Russ Curry said, “I don’t want to see any of it. I want to represent the 31% of the voters who are against Proposition 64.” He pointed out that the federal government classifies marijuana as a schedule one drug and that it is of no medical use. Curry said that no one is even sure of marijuana’s uses or the side effects of the drug. Despite his views on pot, Curry was in favor of further research on what problems Colorado and Washington have had with their cultivation centers, but he was completely against any cultivation in Hanford. Council member Gary Pannett

said that the old Pirelli tire plant is the perfect location because of the railroad tracks and the highway. What he was concerned about was security. “Are our police going to be the front lines of security? Then we should get ready to hire many more,” Pannett said. When the issue first came in front of the council in September, Stephenson said that the facility could be in full operation in 2017 and shipping product out by the end of 2017. Curry and Pannett weren’t biting. Curry said that Purple Heart Patient Care was throwing around a lot of numbers that did not make sense. Curry pointed out that California was not even going to be issuing permits for growing pot until 2018. Pannett pointed out that the number of jobs Purple Heart was promising was unrealistic. He said that locals will not be hired for the jobs pertaining to transportation, distribution and dispensaries. Pannett also questioned the validity of $14 million in revenues. He said that would be many years out. The Pirelli plant needs a new roof that will cost $8 million and the planting and harvesting will add another year. Purple Heart Patient Center has operated in Oakland since 2006, providing medical marijuana for those patients who legally qualify. This would be their first major foray into the cultivation of marijuana. According to its website, they “serve patients suffering from AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, depression, anxiety and other illnesses. Our dispensary operates in full compliance with California’s medical cannabis laws, as patients and vendors must provide a valid California cannabis card and California ID.” Stephenson said that there was an end of October deadline for the city council to make its decision. He has since said that deadline is flexible and he is encouraged that the council is moving forward with its research. In other business, Kings County District Attorney Keith Fagundes gave a presentation explaining the problems with Propositions 64 and 57. Prop. 64 concerns the legalization of recreational pot while Prop. 57 addresses the reduction of sentences for non-violent criminals to ease prison overcrowding. The city council voted to sign a proclamation against both propositions.


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20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 5

Tulare County District 1 Candidates Discuss the Issues Catherine Doe Tulare County Board of Supervisors District 1 candidates Kuyler Crocker and Dennis Smith went face to face during a forum October 5 at the Exeter Veterans Memorial Building. Moderator Paul Myers prepared a half dozen questions concerning the most pressing issues facing Tulare County residents today. Though both candidates are Republican, and born and raised in Tulare County, a few differences between them surfaced during the forum. Crocker and Smith agreed on how to handle most of the problems facing the county--ranging from the drought to public safety--but did not agree on how supervisors should receive raises. Myers asked the candidates how they would change the system and also pointed out the fact that supervisors make more Dennis Smith than double the average household income of the average Tulare County resident. “I don’t approve of the salary round robin way of getting raises,” said Smith. He was referring to the fact that when supervisors vote to raise the salaries of the sheriff, district attorney, and auditor controller, the supervisors then automatically receive a raise. This happens once a year when the supervisors approve the county’s budget. Crocker floated the idea of an independent commission, similar to what is used in Sacramento, for the state legislators’ salaries. He said that during the recession the legislators took a pay cut because the commission recommended it. “I would be very in favor of starting something in those lines so pay makes sense and that we are being good stewards of our finances.” Crocker said that appointing a commission could research what the supervisors’ pay should be and take the issue out of the board’s hands. “It’s positive because it is the people deciding , and puts it outside of the board’s control,” said Crocker. Smith did not agree with the idea of a commission. He said that a commission is just another level of government and wondered out loud why the government is “allowed to continue to grow, grow and grow? That’s a problem for me.” “I look at it from a constitutional point of view. I am more of a patriot than a career politician. When I see that senators have been in office for 30 or 40 years, that upsets me. That’s not right,” said Smith. In terms of how much the supervisors should receive in compensation, Smith said that each candidate needs to make his position clear on what they think his pay should be before the election. “I don’t know that I need $150k to live on during the course of the year. I think I can be a lot more frugal than that.”

The Candidates Address GSAs

One of the last questions posed by Myers concerned the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA.) He stated that Tulare County is already a member of two of the three GSAs formed within its boundaries. All three have to work

together to come up with a plan for groundwater sustainability by 2020. He asked the candidates, “How would you foster a working relationship?” Smith said that working with Sacramento is not going to fix our water problem. He feels that the county should take the lead in forming the plan but he doesn’t think the county should take the lead in terms of trying to satisfy Sacramento. “In that I mean the liberals in the Bay Area while they try to tell us what to do with our lives and our property.” He said that the county needs to push back and build coalitions with the other Valley boards of supervisors. Smith is a member of a coalition involved with the irrigated Land Regulatory Program and the Kaweah Basin Water Quality District that is a member of a GSA. Crocker’s response to the GSAs was that it was a “terrible piece of legislation” but we need to make sure that the county is following the guidelines and securing the flexibility needed by the farmers. “Ground -water sustainability will never be attainable if we don’t have the surface water. Before the Friant Kern Canal we had overdraft issues and those were alleviated once we had surface water.” Crocker continued, “I have a track record of working with people from all different sides and all different areas. I’m proud to have the support from many of the county’s board of supervisors from Kings, Tulare, and Fresno, and of Eric Borba, chairman of the Friant Water Authority. These people understand water. We have to work together with our farmers, with our business owners, and residents to deal with this terrible piece of legislation. “ Both Crocker and Smith went to the water forum put on by Congressman Devin Nunes on August 31 that outlined the serious challenges facing the Central Valley’s farmers. Smith said that he is behind Nunes’ efforts “to get everyone together to stand firm and give a united front to confront the evil people who are trying to take our water away from us.” Smith said that Nunes predicted in 2002 that the government and environmentalists were going to dry up a million acres on the west side, then move to do the same on the east side. “Extreme environmentalists have pursued the goal to depopulate the targeted land. Their tactic has been water deprivation and it has been ruthless.” Smith said. “Folks, they think they [the environmentalists] have already won and they are packing up their bags and moving to Merced and Stanislaus Counties.” Crocker said that as a farmer he has worked with these groups, the Nisei Farmers League, Citrus Mutual, Farm bureau, and the California Cotton Growers. “Those are the types of individuals we have to get on board and have a unified voice. It’s not always easy or a given that it is going to happen but that is what we have and the stakes are too high for us not to try and do that…. Sacramento has had their way with us and its time we banded together and recover our voice and say enough is enough,” he said.

Candidates’ Differences Come Through in Their Opening and Closing Statements

During the candidates’ introductions Smith brought up the fact that by the time he was Crocker’s age he had already been running his own business for two years. Smith started National Business Supply when he was 27 years old and has been in business for 39 years. Smith said he pulled his business through a full-blown depression in terms of the building industry. “The reason we survived is because of my conservative values,” he said. He understands what businesses in Tulare County have to go through in terms of dealing with bureaucrats, regulations, permits and licensing. Smith added that the country might be headed for a slow down and he would be the one best able to tackle a bad economy. “I’m running for Kuyler Crocker supervisor because as I turn 64 I am backing out of my business and handing it over to the next generation,” said Smith. “I have been fortunate and blessed to be healthy and full of energy to work 10 to 12 hour days. And I plan on continuing that 10 to 12 hour day when elected.” While Smith is very well versed in water issues, Tulare County Supervisor Allen Ishida pointed out that “Kuyler has lived it.” Supervisor Ishida has endorsed Crocker and made generous donations to his campaign. Crocker and Supervisor

Ishida are both graduates from Strathmore High School and hail from longtime farming families. As a farmer in Strathmore, Crocker’s family farm and hometown is affected by the politics surrounding the Friant Kern Canal, which received zero allocations for two years in a row. In his closing statements Crocker said he was proud of the endorsements he has received from Supervisor Ishida, the Deputy Sheriffs Association, Tulare County Firefighters, former Tulare County Sheriff Bill Whitman and former Exeter Mayor Ted McCauley. “I will fight tirelessly against Sacramento and Washington from trying to run our life.” Smith said in his final comments that, “I have been a faithful voter having maybe missed one vote in my entire life,” alluding to the fact that Crocker had not voted in the last five years, or at lease had not voted during those years in Tulare County. “I am not running an establishment campaign where I have got tons of endorsements from all the political class in this county. I am running a grassroots campaign talking with people and knocking on doors sharing my vision and what I plan to do.” Smith ended with, “Being the top vote getter in the primary I am confident we will be able to carry that right through to the election and I appreciate your vote.”

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6 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016

Agriculture 32nd TCFB Youth Leadership Program Underway Tricia Stever Blattler, Exec. Dir. TCFB The newest class of the Tulare County Farm Bureau’s Youth Leadership Program was seated in September, and has 25 young adults from throughout the county. The TCFB’s Youth Leadership Program began in 1983 as a unique opportunity for high school students to develop their leadership skills. Since its inception, the program has trained 605 students. TCFA’s goal is to have juniors from each high school in the county participate in the program. The committee seeks to recruit young adults who have strong potential for developing leadership skills. Students are not required to have a connection to agriculture or the Farm Bureau, but should demonstrate an interest in developing leadership qualities and be able to take advantage of this program through active participation. Participants must commit to an eightmonth program with seminars that focus on county, state and federal government

process, visits to university campuses, leadership and team building exercises, participation in an ag careers panel, legislative workshop and community service. The program annually concludes with a Sacramento experience to visit the State Capitol, meet with state elected representatives and agency officials, and tour UC Davis. The 2016-17 class just began their journey with an overnight trip to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. During the trip the class participated in a team building exercise, received the results of their Myers-Briggs personality assessment tests, and toured the agricultural majors at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. In 2008, the Youth Leadership Program was nationally recognized as one of the top 15 “County Programs of Excellence” by the American Farm Bureau Federation. The TCFB gives special thanks to Suncrest Bank and Land o’ Lakes for their generous support of this year’s program, as major sponsors.

The 32nd Tulare County Farm Bureau Youth Leadership Program Class. Courtesy/Tulare County Farm Bureau

Students interested in this program may apply in the spring by May 1, by visiting the TCFB website www.tulcofb.

org. Students apply during the spring of their sophomore year for selection in the fall, when they will become juniors.

Succession Plans Can Assure Farms Stay in the Family Christine Souza, CFBF

Exactly how a family farm or ranch will be transferred from one generation to the next can be costly, confusing and difficult. Some families address this challenge as soon as children are born, but others just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Why the delay? There are many reasons people fail to establish a farm succession plan, including that it can be complicated and time consuming, fear of conflict, unwillingness to ask for help, cost concerns, and farmers simply don’t want to accept their eventual exit from the farm. Attorney John Guth of Yuba City, who specializes in estates and trusts, said being without a succession plan “could be disastrous for heirs when it comes to control of the assets and taxes.” That’s

especially true, he said, if dividing the estate could lead to conflict. “Saving taxes is one thing,” said Guth, who has developed estate plans for 44 years, “but to allow your children to be in a fight or litigation with one another is about the worst thing you can do.” Sib and Margaret Fedora—who farm walnuts, run a custom harvesting and hulling and drying operation with their sons, and own property in Colusa and Sutter counties—are very familiar with the estate planning process. Sib served as executor for several estates and Margaret worked for years as a legal secretary in an office that handled probate cases. The Fedoras developed their first estate plan more than 20 years ago, to protect the future of the farming business and secure assets for their sons Bri-

an and Chris—and now, for their four grandchildren. “This is the biggest challenge that people have to face, because they don’t want to give it away; they’ve worked hard,” Margaret Fedora said. “I’ve seen lots and lots of tears because estate planning was not done, it wasn’t done timely or correctly a lot of times, and the people suffered.” The Fedoras have set up a generation-skipping trust, in which assets are passed down to grandchildren rather than children, although the children may earn income generated by the trust’s assets. With this type of trust, Guth said, the children may change the terms of the distribution. “In our case, Brian and Chris have full control of the assets after we are gone, but then there are no taxes at that point until it goes to our grandchil-

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Margaret and Sib Fedora, center, at their Sutter County walnut orchard with sons Brian, left, and Chris, right, recommend farm families develop estate plans to address how assets will be distributed from one generation to subsequent generations. Courtesy/CFBF/Christine Souza

dren,” Sib Fedora said. For children who are working and contributing to the farm, it is important they have the control they need to avoid disputes. Sib Fedora said he knows of a situation where one brother remained working on the farm, while siblings worked off the farm. “The parents thought assets should be split up equally, so when they died, the sisters said, ‘We want our share,’ and the farming brother had to sell everything,” Sib Fedora said. “You need to consider these things.” For parents who want their children to be treated equally, but to keep the farm operational, Guth suggested the family set up the property in a corporation, a limited liability company or LLC, or a partnership, in order to establish who is the general partner, who has the majority interest and who is operating manager.

SUCCESSION continued on 8 »

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 7

Agriculture Orchard Wood Recycling Offers Disposal Option Kevin Hecteman, CFBF Your old almond orchard has given upward of 25 years of faithful service. Time for those trees to retire. But the biomass plant down the road is closed— put out of business as contracts with utility companies expire—and burning the pile will get you in trouble with air regulators. Now what? That conundrum got San Joaquin County farm advisor Brent Holtz to thinking some years back. What if, he thought, the wood chips from grinding up those trees could be recycled into the soil to enrich the dirt, push up the next generation of trees and eventually benefit the farmers? University of California Cooperative Extension, where Holtz works, demonstrated another way to recycle wood chips into the soil for an audience of growers and dealers last week at Tallerico Farms in Manteca. The recycling project is being paid for by the Almond Board of California. In February, UCCE held a demonstration in Chowchilla using an Iron Wolf machine. The most recent demonstration involved multiple machines, but held the promise of less expense and more coverage. “The Iron Wolf is just one huge machine,” Holtz said. “It’s a 50-ton rock crusher that basically drives forward and grinds up the tree, and then it drives backward. It reduces its head into the ground. It acts like a big rototiller and incorporates the tree.” Holtz said researchers compared that process to the one demonstrated in Manteca last week. “The Iron Wolf turned out to be slower than what we hoped,” he said. “It could do about two acres a day. The process we demonstrated here can do 15 to 20 acres per day, but there are five different machines involved in the process.” The multi-machine process also appears less expensive, according to UCCE—it runs about $1,000 per acre, compared to about $1,500 an acre when using the Iron Wolf. The machines include an excavator or backhoe to uproot the old trees; a front-end loader to transport the trees to the Morbark horizontal wood chipper; a spreader to distribute the chips on the orchard floor; and a rototiller to work the chips into the soil. The demonstration in Manteca involved the spreader and rototiller, operated by Randy Fondse of G&F Agricultural Services of Ripon, which handled the chipping and spreading work for farm owner Louie Tallerico.

A rototiller and spreader, were used to recycle wood chips from old orchard trees into the soil at a demonstration in Manteca. Courtesy/ California Farm Bureau Federation/Kevin Hecteman

“We’ve been delivering the wood chips to biomass plants for years now, but there’s been a shift lately into cheaper renewables like solar and wind,” said Kelsey Nilsson of G&F. “We still do work with three, four biomass fuel plants consistently. We’re just looking into another option for growers.” Nilsson described G&F as “initially apprehensive” about the multi-machine process, until Holtz described its potential benefits. “With this, you can see the nice, even spread, which is a really big benefit in comparison with other options,” she said. Brothers Surgit, Kuldip and Sarabjit Atwal traveled to Manteca to see and learn for themselves. They grow almonds, peaches and pistachios in Tracy, Merced, Madera and in Kings County. They’ve previously sent their wood chips to a cogeneration plant, but that’s getting to be a nonviable option. “We’d like to pull my orchard, so we’d like to see how to broadcast this thing,” Kuldip Atwal said. “It’s a new thing for us. I said, ‘Let’s see that, where we save that material on my orchard.’ For the nitrogen, all the nutrients, that’s a benefit.” The brothers said they liked what they saw and intend to run with it. We’re going to have the benefits coming, I think, for many, many years,” Sarabjit Atwal said. “We were grinding the peaches before—long time, last 20 years—(and these were) sent to the plant. Now, we like this new technology.” Holtz started his research in 2008 in Fresno, using an earlier Iron Wolf model to grind a stone-fruit orchard that was later replanted to almonds. “I looked at the long-term benefits of adding all that organic matter to the soil versus pushing the trees and burning them,” he said. “We had some very positive results from that trial. With a lot of cogeneration plants closing, there

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was interest to bring back this machine and look at how well it did in an almond orchard.” What if a retired orchard is plagued with pests or disease? “Most of the pests or diseases are probably in the roots—nematodes or fungi living on the roots—and we really probably get very few roots out from the old orchard when we remove an old orchard anyway,” Holtz said. “The woody biomass that we’re incorporating now is probably the upper part of the tree that doesn’t have a lot of fungi or nematodes growing on it.” Holtz added that scientists from UC Riverside and UC Davis are taking part in the trial to check for replant issues. He said his previous research shows

a cornucopia of positives. “In the previous study where we ground the orchard, we saw a lot of benefits: soil nutrient levels increasing, most notably nitrogen and potassium,” Holtz said. “We’ve also seen yield increases of as much as 200 meat-pounds per acre in the grind treatment versus the control, where we pushed and burned the trees. We think the economics of this process will pencil out.” (Kevin Hecteman is an assistant editor of Ag Alert. He may be contacted at This article reprinted with the permission of the California Farm Bureau Federation.

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8 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016

Succession Continued from p. 6

Another way to make non-farm children equal is through purchase of a life insurance policy. By purchasing an irrevocable life insurance trust, Guth said, the proceeds remain outside of the estate; parents would feed the trust every year with enough money to pay the premium, but when that is paid off after their death, it would be outside of their taxable estate and not subject to the 40 percent tax. People should also be aware of portability of the federal estate tax exemption between married couples. This means, Guth said, if the first spouse dies, and the value of the estate does not require the use of all of the deceased spouse’s federal exemption from estate

Porterville Continued from p. 1

attendee of city council meetings since 2003. Flores served on the Sierra View District Hospital Board for four years three years as the board vice chair. She has worked with a variety of non-profit organizations and been a small business owner. Current Councilman Monte Reyes is a 2010 graduate of Leadership Porterville, and is the immediate past chair of that organization. He has served on the Porterville Chamber of Commerce Board, was chair of the Porterville Arts Commission, and is serving on the Tulare County Economic Board of Directors, where he has recently been named vice chair. He said he feels he has a well-rounded view of how the city functions. Austin Drake Slater is vice president of Porterville City College’s Associated Student Body, with which he has been involved for the past three years. Through the college’s student body, he worked with the Porterville Area Coordinating Council to supply families in need with water. The 20-year-old’s candidacy platform is “One United Porterville.” He is a political science major. Richard Stradtherr is a long-time Porterville resident and a graduate of Monache High School. He served on city council from 2002-2006, serving as mayor for one of those years. In his work, he is a controller, who has a MBA in business administration. He is a cer-

taxes, the amount of the exemption not used for the deceased spouse’s estate may be transferred to the surviving spouse’s exemption. That way, he or she can use the deceased spouse’s unused exemption plus his or her own exemption when the surviving spouse dies. The Fedoras said it is worth it to hire a qualified estate attorney who is certified by the State Bar of California. “If you have a lot to lose, you have a lot to gain by getting it situated correctly and having it updated,” Margaret Fedora said. She added that she knows firsthand what can happen if a trust is not updated. In the case of her father, who died in January, she said he had looked into updating the trust in 2013, but hadn’t wanted to spend the money required. “There were some serious problems with the distribution and division of as-

sets,” she said. “There were a couple of pieces of property that could have been easily passed on or disposed of without a lot of additional attorneys’ fees and costs.” Developing an estate plan and keeping it updated can be challenging, said Josh Rolph, federal policy manager for the California Farm Bureau Federation, especially in light of changes in estate-tax law that could be proposed by a new administration and Congress, and a current proposal by the Internal Revenue Service that would change the way business assets are valued for estate tax purposes. Under current IRS rules, the value of inherited family business assets can be discounted or reduced because of a lack of marketability or a minority discount. The IRS proposes to eliminate a common practice of discounting stock of

minority shareholders in family-owned operations. The regulation, if approved, could make it much more difficult for family-owned businesses when assets exceed the current per-person limit, Rolph said. CFBF supports legislation pending in both houses of Congress—H.R. 6100 and S. 3436—to block the IRS proposal. Rolph said supporters want the measure added to an overall spending bill Congress must pass by Dec. 9. “We can’t let this regulation make it even more difficult to keep the farm in the family,” he said. (Christine Souza is an assistant editor of Ag Alert. She may be contacted at

tified public accountant and a certified internal auditor. Brian Ward moved to Porterville in 2005. He is a psychologist, who works with the Burton School District. Ward first ran for city council in 2007 and was elected. He has served on council ever since. He is very involved in his church, he said. Ward is married and has five children.

to maintain. I think that regulations at the state level have put local control at risk. I think we are being asked to do far more than we can afford to do but we’re stretching it as thinly as possible, to keep our service up to a high level. “I think that development - housing, economic and otherwise are also at risk. Without water, none of those things can be further developed. I think the quality of life is also at play, when you are talking about water. I think that a lot of people have had to make some concessions with the way they like to live – whether they like to swim in a pool or wash their car. I think that a lot of those things have come to a grinding halt, because of the water.” Slater looked at something different. “One of the major issues that I have chosen to focus on, in my campaign, has been jobs. Looking at the county, we have a fairly high unemployment rate of 12.3%. And, also when you look at education 68% of our population has a high school degree, but it only translates into 11% of our population having their bachelor’s degree. “I think we need to focus on creating jobs that aren’t geared toward college graduates. Now, as you know, government can’t create jobs, but it can use proposals that will help, slowly and surely, create jobs through the power of committees, through bringing up these issues to schools, to businesses, and helping us all grow, collaboratively, together.” Flores responded, “I believe we have to take into consideration all issues, because every member of this community

has one, or two, or several. I believe in the promotion of building economic opportunities to continue to retain existing businesses, and attract new business - to work in the heart of the city for the revitalization of the empty building and the vacant lots, with the infrastructure already in place. And, of course, to support new business development. “While we have to promote business development, we have to make sure that we promote public safety and that we have adequate safety for the annexation and the new businesses, as we continue to grow in business development and annexations.” “I believe water, probably, is our most important issue at this time,” Akin said. I have the opportunity, two years ago, to sit down and talk with somebody. They said that water storage is probably our biggest challenge and that was, of course, before the drought came right in our backyard. If we can work on that, I think it would solve a lot of issues. Community involvement, second to that, would address the economic issue – the buildings, the infrastructure, safety. If you get the community involved, I think, that would solve a lot of issues.” Lastly, Ward said, “As the other candidates have mentioned, we have an issue with water, and coming down the road is air quality. And, those two things affect everything in our lives including economic output of the community. So, one of the challenges we are facing is the EPA regulations that may come upon us because of, actually, the federal government fumbling the ball. And, if those regulations come upon us, then you are looking at tying up all of the economic components because of the power that they can put upon us in terms of ordering no-drive days, and suspending the ability of issue permits. “The other focus of the council has been clearly on the water issue. If you don’t have water, and water pressure, you can’t expand businesses. You can’t expand infrastructure. You can’t create new development. So, all of those things are tied to building and strengthening of the economic engine of the community.” It is clear that all the candidates feel water and economic development are important to the City of Porterville. It is up to the voters to decide, which candidates they feel are approaching these and other matters, in the way the voters want to move the city forward.

Porterville’s Biggest Issue

At a recent candidate forum, held at City Hall and moderated by PK-The Redhead from K-TIP radio, the candidates were asked, “What is the biggest issue in the city.” “The root cause, of just about all of Porterville’s problems, is economic development,” Stradtherr responded. ”Trying to figure out how do we bring more money into this town, than we send out. That affects just about everything we want to do – it affects the kind of infrastructure that we want. But, this town has to figure out how do we bring in more money than goes out – otherwise we’ll never solve any other problems for the people in this community.” “Right now, I feel the biggest issue facing Porterville is definitely water,” Reyes said. “I think water is the key to a lot of things that are ailing the city. With that being said, I think that the city is doing a great job at handling the water issue right now. I think we have taken control of it as best we can. “But that being said, local control is definitely very important for us to try

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This article reprinted with the permission of the California Farm Bureau Federation.

20 October, 2016


Continued from p. 1 Almost immediately after Lampe started his remarks, Bruce Greene, contracted counsel for the District, and Sherrie Bell, Chairman/President of the TLHCD Board, attempted to prevent Lampe from speaking. Greene, by speakerphone, stated that his remarks didn’t relate to the agenda, as required at special meetings. Bell repeated that statement. Lampe retorted, stating that his comments were indeed related to items on the agenda, and spoke about the September 1 special board meeting, in which the Board the line of credit. Lampe held documents in his hand, published below, that discredit statements that the board would bring any use of those funds to a vote. “Here’s how Dr. Kumar described it. I’ve got a certified transcript of his remarks on September 1,” Lampe said. “’This particular resolution, and, it is just a line of credit’ -- that is not true. I’ve got the note. I’ll show it to anybody here, and it’s going to be uploaded on the Valley Voice. It’s a term note -- it’s not a line of credit. It’s payable in 20 monthly installments of 20,000, plus accrued interest.” “’So if we do spend this money, they will bring that item to the board, to be voted on by the board, to be spent on a particular item,’” Lampe said, quoting Kumar again. “That is not true. I’ve got the disbursement authorization. I’ve blown it up, so everybody can see it. This is the disbursement authorization on the $800,000 loan. This was signed by Chairwoman Bell. It directs the entire $800,000, every nickel, to be sent to Cardinal Pharmaceuticals.” “And what’s really amazing about this, is this disbursement request and authorization for the $800,000: this was dated August 29, 2016,” Lampe said, as multiple audience members said ‘oh my god.’ One laughed. A statement from the “Sherrie Bell for Hospital Board” Facebook page has

Measure K Continued from p. 1

Sheriff’s Department that would allow the hiring of six additional officers, three for patrol and three for the jail, he said. On the Fire Department side, it would also allow for the hiring of additional firefighters. “So, for the county it will go straight to [an increase in] public safety staffing,” he said. Once those goals are met, additional funds raised through the measure could go toward rehabilitating or building Sheriff or Fire Department facilities, for replacement of equipment, as well as other potential public safety programs, as allocated through the Board of Supervisors. As for the cities of Hanford, Lemoore, Avenal and Corcoran, each would develop its own annual plan, allocating funds in similar ways to the county. Robinson said he feels this is of the

Valley Voice • 9 stated that the August 29 date on the loan agremeent was “is the date that the bank prepared the document[,] not the date it was signed.” It also states that Bell actually signed the document in “mid September.” The documents cited by Lampe, available below, call into question Greene’s response to a September 7 Public Records Act request by the Voice, asking for all documents relating to the line of credit referenced at the September 1 meeting. Greene did not send the Voice the full set of documents that Lampe referenced, instead only turning over the “Governmental Certificate” that was made public at the September 1 meeting. His response to the Voice’s request is available online. Lampe used the subject of the loan to segue to his next point: that members of the board, excluding Laura Gadke, were scheduled to be deposed in his office on the week of October 17. He was interrupted by Bell -- again acting upon Greene’s advice -- who told Lampe not to address the board members individually. “This is ridiculous,” Lampe said. “You’re paying that man $730 an hour, and he thinks I’m talking about a different lawsuit.” “It’s not on the agenda, Mr. Lampe,” Greene says from the speakerphone. Lampe continued after some quarreling between the two. “Now, your lawyers, they’re really nervous about this -- they don’t want you to come into my office, because if you do, you’re going to have to testify under oath to all of this, or, possibly take the...” Lampe said, before Greene stated that his four minutes was up. “Sherrie, this is nonsense,” Greene said, before giving Lampe 30 more seconds. “Okay, here’s the 30 seconds’ worth. Your lawyers have threatened to go to court and try to get an order stopping this deposition. It’s not gonna happen. Your lawyers are nervous; I get it, I understand that. But don’t waste taxpayer money on this motion, because you’re utmost importance for the County’s Sheriff Department, and as such, he is going door-to-door around the County including Stratford, Kettleman City and Armona to discuss Measure K with voters. Other Sheriff Department personnel are doing the same, on their off-time, discussing the issue while urging everyone to get out and vote. “We have great public services in this county,” Robinson said. “And, with the criticism that law enforcement is facing around the country, we have to continue to have funds for equipment, for training, and for facilities. With a little community support, we can make it even stronger.” The November Measure K initiative is exactly the same as the June Measure K ballot measure was – there has only been a slight change to the language, in order to make it even clearer that all funds raised through the measure will explicitly go toward public safety within the county.

Look for profiles of the Hanford City Council candidates in our November 3 edition

Sherrie Bell’s campaign states that she did not sign the document above until mid September, though the bank document states that the authorization is dated August 29.

gonna lose this motion,” Lampe said, ending his statements as Bell used her gavel to indicate his time was up. “The right thing to do is to raise your right hand, tell the truth, and swear to tell the truth, and do precisely that. You owe this to the public.” “Thank you for your advice,” Greene said. In a court hearing on October 17, attorneys for HCCA and the District successfully argued that Lampe could only depose Bruce Greene, since he is the most knowledgeable about the District’s approach to responding to Public Records Act requests. Alberto Aguilar, a former Bond Oversight Committee member and local activist, followed Lampe to comment. Aguilar excoriated the board for not following the recommendations of the Tulare County Grand Jury’s recommendations in its ‘Tower of Shame’ report, relating that to the current Public Re-

cords Act suit. “This has nothing to do with the business,” Bell told Aguilar. “Yes it does, Sherrie, if you let me finish. Stop interrupting me -- I don’t interrupt you when you talk. Let me finish talking,” Aguilar said. “How is it not reasonable to comply with the laws of the State of California,” Aguilar asked. “Didn’t you take an oath when you were sworn into office that you would obey and uphold the laws of the state.” “Sherrie, shut him down,” Greene told Bell. “Sit down, Alberto,” Bell said, talking over the rest of Aguilar’s statement. “Security, escort him out.” “In my opinion, you’re a disgrace to the residents of the hospital district,” Aguilar said as the guard at the meeting walked towards him, video of which is available online. “All right -- I’m gonna sit down.”

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10 • Valley Voice


Continued from p. 1 creating revenue and see the expense of criminalizing possession of pot. However, he said, as a family man, and a man from the community, he is not comfortable with his high school aged son being around pot. “What bothers me about the proposition is, how are we going to know that those using marijuana are over 21 years old? I know it’s used quite a bit for recreation and frankly I am on the fence on it. I lean towards against it,” he said. The next question addressed the fact that the California legislature just raised the minimum wage to $15 an hour, with full implementation happening in 2022. Mathis stated he disagreed with the legislation, stating it has been proven economically that raising the minimum wage does not work because raising the minimum wage results in higher bills and food costs. “We have seen minimum wage go up and up and up, and it doesn’t solve the problem. The problem is the cost of living,” he said. “My opponent’s buddies, the liberals in Sacramento, are making it tough for families to put on the table.” Macareno disagreed, stating that families not only need the minimum wage to go up, but cannot wait until 2022. He explained that from his point of view, an increase in the minimum wage is good for everyone because any extra money families make will go directly back into the local economy. “We have been behind the curve in terms of wages lagging behind the cost of living for a long time and wages need to catch up,” he said. “They will be spending it at the malls, restaurants, and local stores.” “We live in a district where we are economically depressed, where families have difficulty meeting their bills at the end of the month. [...] I’m not talking about liberal politics. I’m talking about everyday lives,” Macareno said. An audience member asked if the candidates felt it would be a better use of time and money to create more jobs than increase the minimum wage. “As far as bringing businesses here, one of us standing here is endorsed by the California Chamber, and one of us has been endorsed by the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, that would be myself,” Mathis responded. Macareno refuted the fact that Mathis has been endorsed by the California Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce saying that both organizations have a policy of not endorsing political candidates. Staying on the subject of wages, Myers asked the candidates their opinion on the recently signed overtime bill for farm workers. The bill states that farm workers, like other hourly workers, will be paid overtime if they work more than 40 hours a week or eight hours a day. Mathis said that AB1066 was written by one special interest group, a farm workers union, who represent only two percent of the farm workers in America, and said that when 98% of the farm workers oppose the bill you need to listen. “Every single other farm workers’ group opposed the bill. That should tell you something,” he said. “Don’t you think they ought to have their voice heard? That’s what I’m about, listen-

20 October, 2016 ing to the people and working hard for them. Maybe my opponent should get out of LA a little more and get out into the fields and actually talk to the people more often.” Macareno, who was the 11th child of 13, said he came from a farm working family and disagreed with Mathis. “When you are a farm worker like I was myself, and working under the conditions like being on your knees or being on a ladder or being exposed to pesticides and all the chronic diseases that come along with that, and the pain in your joints, I don’t see how anyone could challenge the fact that they deserve overtime. I can’t believe it.” He said that farmers have threatened to not give farm workers any more than 40 hours a week since the legislation passed. But Macareno said that there isn’t enough labor to follow through on that threat. “They know they do not have enough workers to work their fields,” he said. “I think the law was way overdue. They were the only category of workers who did not receive overtime.” The next question concerned what each candidates’ role would be in the local Ground Water Agencies. Macareno said that solving the water crisis needs to be a bipartisan issue. “I think my opponent is a good guy and that he has a good heart too. Let’s talk about how we are going to solve the problems together,” he said. Mathis responded that the State Water Control Board is the one in charge and that the board should not micro manage at the local level, “but unfortunately that’s what they plan on doing.” He said the problem is ground water recharge, and that we should be getting the money in Tulare County instead of it going to the state so we can recharge the water here. An audience member that attended the August 31 forum on water put on by Congressman Devin Nunes, said that Nunes had explained that it’s a cop out for local politicians to just support increased water storage -- such as the Temperance Dam -- and wanted to know what else the candidates were doing to get farmers their allotted water. Mathis said that he has pushed legislation to get more ground water recharge and that he ran a bill this year to take excess flood water and send it down to Central Valley farmers so they can use it to recharge the ground water basins. “We’ve done the legislation. I think the congressman ought to know that,” Mathis said. When asked the name or number of the legislation, Mathis responded that he’d let the person know afterward. Mathis added that “The problem is the state is controlled by Democrats. You already have a majority vote, they could vote to do ground water recharge, and they haven’t.” Macareno countered by stating that “again, our assemblyman blames the Democrats,” stating that it was Mathis’ job to work with the Democrats to try and solve the water crisis. “The water problem is real, the lack of jobs is real. The income discrepancy in the district is real. That’s what an assemblyman does as a representative of the people,” Macareno said. “He is our representative.” “When you can’t communicate with your opposition especially when they are the majority, you can complain about

them all you want. You can be the protest vote all you want. But what are you bringing back to the district?” Mathis responded by stating he’s backed by a record of bipartisan work. “My record stands for itself folks. As a Freshman Republican in a Democrat controlled state, I’ve got nearly 200 pieces of legislation, bipartisanly, through the assembly signed by the governor. As a freshman Republican. That’s doing my job. I have the best freshman Republican record there has been in the state in years and I am very proud of that,” Mathis said. “It’s always great to be the incumbent and have your record challenged.” Mathis’ staffer then handed out a flyer entitled Assemblyman Mathis’ 2016 Legislative Record that listed four bills he sponsored and four resolutions that were approved. “This is just a small piece,” Mathis said. “I have nearly 200 pieces of legislation.” Mathis went through each bill and explained their value to the 26th district, with which Macareno did not disagree. Macareno, however, pointed out that his bills brought no benefit to the district such as jobs, money or water. Macareno shared with the audience that of 44 key votes held in Sacramento since mid-May, Mathis voted no 39 times. “So I don’t know where this bipartisanship happened,” Macareno said, adding that Mathis only voted yes twice: one vote for his co-sponsored Assembly Resolution 137 to establish May 26 as John Wayne Day and Assembly Bill (AB) 718 authorizing sleeping in vehicles. “It’s my opinion that you are not doing your job,” said Macareno. Another audience member asked another question regarding partisanship, inquiring how successful Mathis would be in passing a water bill with a Democratic majority. Mathis explained that with 28 Republicans and 52 Democrats, any bill needs 41 votes to get a majority to pass. “So every piece of legislation that I have passed has been a bipartisan piece of legislation. That’s the reality,” Mathis. “As far as water legislation we have done several pieces. But when it comes time to vote on something that is important to the farmers, and this isn’t a lie this is just fact, the Democrats vote against it.” One of the last questions concerned Tulare County’s two failed hospital bond measures: Meyers asked both candidates about what role they believe the state should play in ensuring the hospitals meet earthquake safety requirements by 2030. Mathis said that was the reason he is doing a health summit in the coming weeks -- to deal with these issues. He said that he was looking into the possibility of a countywide hospital bond, where each hospital could get what they need out of it. A lot of controversy came from “why should I pay for something whim I’m not in the area,” he said. Macareno normally votes for bonds like those recently on the ballot, but said that he was opposed to Kaweah Delta’s Measure H and Tulare Regional Medical Center’s (TRMC) Measure I because of the lack of transparency and the fact that they were special elections, not on the November ballot. “They were not clear on how that money was going to be spent. That’s very important because we are taking

about our tax dollars,” Macareno said. The conversation continued down the path of healthcare with another question from the audience. “We believe the hospital board (TRMC) is inept and has not been held accountable and our healthcare is horrible. Why haven’t you said what we need to hear you say?” asked a Tulare resident. “I think you are referring to, ‘why don’t you do a big state investigation, an audit.’ Well when there are already investigations going on, you don’t try and go in and do another one. You stay out of it. You are told hey, the grand jury is talking about it, you have a lot of things in the works, and you don’t want to mess up an on-going investigation,” Mathis said. “So we stood back and said the local guys are doing this, let’s let them do it. Let’s not mess up what is already going on. Let’s not step on people’s toes.” Mathis added that “an outside organization was going to go and sue the hospital (TRMC). So I stepped in as my ability as your assemblyman to keep the hospital from getting sued because that is the last thing we need is another big lawsuit for the hospital to deal with wouldn’t you agree?” He concluded by agreeing, “I absolutely agree, their transparency sucks and I have told them straight up to their faces.” Macaraeno felt that if Mathis had at least called for an audit, even if the state had rejected it, it would mean he was participating in the process. He recounted a story about a Porterville Republican woman who didn’t know him, but was interested in voting for him, partly because Mathis did not follow up on filing an inquiry into the hospital. Macareno said that a former member of the grand jury claimed that Mathis was doing a political favor for TRMC by not filing the audit. “We have to gain the trust of our constituents. If the people want an inquiry then “it’s as simple as that. She felt that you lost that confidence.” Mathis countered, “You just don’t mess with ongoing investigations and that is why the DA got out of it as well. If my opponent understood the role of the assemblyman a little better he would understand what the actual powers are. There are already things in the works and I’m not at liberty to say more than that.” “The fact that you as a reporter don’t know means that the investigators are doing a good job,” Mathis continued, in response to a question from the Voice regarding any investigations done into the hospital. When asked if Mathis had received donations from HCCA or Benny Benzeevi, CEO of HCCA, he said “You can look up every single donation I have gotten on line.”

Their Final Statements

Macareno said that when you vote for someone, you vote for experience: if they are working for what is best for the district then it comes from their heart. “We also vote for judgment. I have a lifetime of public service from a child to a teenager to an adult. If this election goes my way I am proud to serve you. If it doesn’t go my way I will continue to be a servant of the public,” Macareno said. “I think it is important that we are all engaged to making our communities better. I can do the job. I feel qualified

FORUM continued on 11 »

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 11

Lindsay’s Mayor Unexpectedly Quits Dave Adalian

carpet for a lack of transparency. City spending was also at issue. These aren’t the only comings and goings at Lindsay City Hall. Brian Watson was appointed to fill the gap left by Mecum in August. Watson will start his first full term in November, as will another new face, that of Laura Soria Cortes. Councilwoman Pam Kimball will also serve another term. The trio ran unopposed for the three available seats.

Mayor Ramona Villarreal-Padilla has quit the Lindsay City Council. The announcement, which took her fellow council members flat-footed, came abruptly at the end of the October 11 meeting. After offering apologies for the coming surprise, Padilla dropped her bombshell. “Today will be my last day as mayor for the city of Lindsay,” she said. “I have a project that has come City Hall Turnover and fallen into my lap. It Staff at City Hall requires my full attention has also been churning. in order for me to accomThe Council hired Bill plish this.” Zigler as its city manTwo years remain on ager earlier this year. Padilla’s term. He began as interim in “My term is over July of 2015, a move in November,” she misforced by his predecestakenly said, “but I’m sor’s departure during done today.” the events detailed by She thanked friends the Grand Jury investiand supporters, expressing gation. Soon after that, her satisfaction over how the city’s longtime fithe city is now being run. Ramona Villarreal-Padilla, nance director, Tamera “I’ve been here six former Mayor of Lindsay Larkin, who had pilotyears, and there’s been ed the city through an really hard times, and there’s been real- assorted series of budget overruns and ly good times,” Padilla said, “and I re- fiduciary crises, retired. ally wouldn’t trade this experience for Now her replacement is gone, and the world.” he may have been fired. The departure of Justin Poore, who The ‘Nightmare’ Continues was hired as finance director this spring, Padilla did not tell her shocked lis- came to light the same day the mayor teners what the project is. Her resigna- resigned. While Padilla caught onlooktion follows that of fellow ers unaware when she council member Steven went, news of Poore’s Mecum, who quit his poparting from City sition via an email in July. Hall may have been Mecum and Padilla, more expected. along with Mayor Pro Tem “That was comRosaena Sanchez, were ing on. I don’t know a said in court documents whole lot about that, to have encouraged a forand it was on purpose. mer city police officer to I think he was let go,” file wrongful termination said Councilwoman charges to discredit LindKimball. “There were say’s former city manager. some issues. I think Sanchez, whose term exthat he was qualified for pires this year, is not seekthe job. I can’t really be Steve Mecum, former Lindsay ing reelection. more specific than that.” The incidents sur- City Councilman While she was rounding the officer’s lawaware of issues regardsuit were the subject of a Tulare Grand ing Poore’s employment, Kimball said Jury Report Nightmare in Lindsay. The she kept her distance so Zigler could report also called the Council on the do his job.

October 25 meeting. The Council could also pick the Cleaner Future for Lindsay Kimball is hopeful the new Coun- city’s new mayor that night. The position is ceremonial. cil will be able to work Eventually, it will in the city’s best interest. have to hire someone She expects they’ll coopelse to oversee finances. erate, which was not alWhile there were no outways possible given perward signs of discontent sonality conflicts prior to at City Hall, there have the recent departures. long been many indica“I think we’re going tions the city’s finances to be able to get along were in trouble. All, howreally well,” she said. “I ever, appears to be going think we’re going to be well there, at least until a positive council that the latest snags. Poore sees good things happen was hired to minimize in the community. We city spending, and all may not always be on Lindsay Councilwoman Pam seemed satisfactory until the same page about evKimball the parting of the ways. erything, but we’ll be on “We’re focusing on the same page about what’s good for the making cuts and going through each community.” The city already has some needed item, line-item by line-item,” he told the good news. Kimball said Self Help En- Council in March. “I’ve been working terprises will receive a $5.5 million state with every director that we have, reviewgrant for its Lindsay Village, a proposed ing every account, working through and 49-unit housing project. The grant helps kicking rocks over.” Zigler, who is currently on vacation, fund air-pollution reduction measures, praised Poore’s work at the time. including solar power and gray-water “My anticipation is these guys are recycling. Dinuba will receive a simgoing to have this thing drilled down,” ilar grant. he said. “It’s going to make sense.” Padilla, too, seems happy with how Decisions, Decisions... Lindsay is conducting its business as One of the first things the new she departs. council will have to decide is who will “I feel really comfortable with the replace Padilla. They should already have a list of candidates, along with the re- way is the city is run now,” she said. “We search into their qualifications following have some very dedicated staff.” their search for Mecum’s replacement. That move could come as soon as their

All photos courtesy City of Lindsay.

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Continued from p. 10 and I am very confident I can do the job for you.” Mathis said that his track record proves he’s the better choice. “Here’s what I can tell you, beside the record, and it is always hard to put it on just one sheet of paper, I’m going to continue to work. I’m going to continue to fight. I’ve shown you I can do it. I’ve shown you I have the track record of doing it,” he said. “I showed you that I am not afraid of getting in to the weeds of tough legislation and actually read it and know what’s in it and get it done. It’s easy for someone to say ‘Look at the record.’ We have seen rays of hope. We have worked extremely hard and we will continue to do that, because it’s what we do. “I have taken oaths to do my duty

to God and my country since I was eight years old and continue to do those oaths. I have raised my hand to defend the constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic. I did it for the National Guard and again as your assemblyman. I will continue to fight, continue to work hard. “I keep an open door policy because I believe in putting people over politics. I believe in representing everybody. My office door is always open, always willing to make appointments, always willing to talk and lay it on the table and come up with creative solutions. I am committed to building a better life for your children and your grandchildren. None of this is about me. This is about us as a community as a county, as a valley, and all the people here who are just trying to get by and put food on the table for your families.”

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mini-bell game wednesday, nov. 2 Freshmen game at 5:15 pm, JV game at 7:30 pm Admission will be charged

12 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016

Voices of the Valley The 22nd Congressional Race Nancy Vigran The 22nd Congressional District encompasses much of Tulare County and parts of Fresno County. Devin Nunes, a Republican from Tulare, currently occupies this seat, developed following reapportionment in 2013. He formerly represented the 21st District (in its former boundaries) for 10 years, which in 2013 was filled by David Valadao. Opponent Louie Campos is a Democrat, born in Dinuba, who currently resides in Visalia. While each feels they have nothing but the best in mind for their local community, they are deeply divided on issues concerning the Valley and the country. In the fiery battle for the White House, Nunes remains a supporter of Donald Trump. Campos, on the other hand, says he is appalled by Trump, his voice and his actions. Here’s what they had to say -

Incumbent Representative Devin Nunes

Devin Nunes has been involved in agriculture all of his life having grown up on a farm in the area between Tulare and Visalia. His family are Portuguese descendants, whose family came to the South Valley in search of farming opportunities and a good life. Nunes and his brother started a custom harvesting business for alfalfa and wheat, while Nunes attended College of the Sequoias. He later transferred to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, where he obtained his bachelors in Ag Business and his masters’ degree in Agriculture. He and his brother had saved up some money, he said, and purchased farmland in Tulare County to start farming alfalfa. He also ran his family’s dairy operation during this time. Nunes had always had an interest in and studied policies. His introduction to politics followed his return to Visalia.

COS Trustee & Bush Appointee

When he returned home from San Luis Obispo, and started farming, he was asked to run the campaign of a man running for the COS board of trustees. But the day before the filling deadline, he and another candidate both backed out, Nunes said. “Well, look, why don’t you just run?” Nunes said he was asked. “And they put me up as a sacrificial lamb,” he said. “Nobody thought I was going to win – I was 22 years old. And I won.” Nunes sat on the COS Board for six years prior to running for congress. In 2001, he was appointed as the State Director for the US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Section by former President George W. Bush.

A Rising Politician

About six or seven months later, reapportionment occurred, following the 2000 census, and new congressional districts were formed. This opened up a new seat in the Valley. “I decided I was going for it,”

Nunes said. “My main interest in policy has always been water and trade issues,” he said. “I focused a lot on water when I was in high school and college. “It’s not a new issue, not at all, unfortunately, it just keeps getting worse. I knew it was going to be a problem – I knew it was going to be a limiting factor to our economy here, so I always had an interest in it. I figured I might as well stand up and do something about it – no reason to sit on the sidelines and complain.” He was elected to the 21st Congressional District, and won subsequent re-elections. His district changed with the 2013 boundary changes and when he was elected it was to hold the 22nd District seat. The bulk of his constituents remained the same; others remained in the 21st District, currently filled by Representative David Valadao.

Concentrating on the Issues

In Congress, Nunes serves on the Ways and Means Committee and chairs the Trade Committee. He also serves as Chairman of the Congressional Intelligence Committee. “I try to take complicated problems and study them, and build out solutions in legislative form,” he said.

wanted it to, but I feel like we’re a long way down the road, and we’ll likely be passing a major overhaul to the tax code, for really the first time. This will be the first replacement bill, hopefully, knock-on-wood, that will get rid of the income tax and replace it with a cash-flow tax. It will revolutionize the tax system for the United States of America. “Instead of having a big, complicated return, and it would make filing taxes a lot easier, what is your income and what are your expenses. Right now, we Devin Nunes have complicated depreciation schedules, complicated tax credits, as we do business activities in the United States. So, what this does, it basically says, what is your income, what are your expenses? And, that’s what you

Believe it or not, California has a plentiful water supply – all you have to do is move it, and most of that infrastructure has been built. We’ve lost 16 million acre-feet this year alone to the ocean – remember I said we need 2 ½ million?I’d even take a million-and-a-half, would solve a lot of our problems, two million would put us in good shape.

Devin Nunes “I have focused on a lot of issues over my career – but water and trade were my initial [focus] and I still work on those a lot. Trade is immensely important to this Valley – exports and imports are very, very critical to the success here, because we grow things here, and build things here in California, that are not grown or built around the globe.” Nunes cited almonds, pistachios, walnuts, grapes and various types of citrus as some of the items to which he was referring. “I’m not saying they don’t grow anywhere else,” he said, “but in terms of large production, competitive, being a low-cost producer, the specialty crops are really tough to beat outside of California.” “The tax reform bill, I would say is one of my major accomplishments to this point,” Nunes said. ”The tax code, I think, is really inhibiting the growth in the United States, and we’ve come up with a solution to this problem. My main core, the ABC Act, which switches us to a cash-flow tax, was incorporated into what we call our Better Way Agenda that Republicans have in Congress. “At the core of economic growth is my tax policy, that I have spent all most a decade working on and perfecting. And, the reason why is because it is complicated and you have to build coalitions. It has taken a lot longer than I ever

pay - whatever is left, you pay tax on it, for all business activity. So, it can be a lemonade stand, or IBM computers. “I only looked at the business activity, because that is basically the core of economic activity . . . Once you harness all that, that is what the people of the United States are consuming. And, by doing that, you hit most of the economy. “On the wage side, we simplify it down to three rates. But, that’s not mine, my proposal was taking all business activity and creating a cash flow tax. That’s what’s taken me all most a decade.” It is, however, all in one bill.

Where’s the Water?

“Water issues continue to be a struggle. It’s just sad, honestly,” Nunes said, “Because, I think we’ve made a strong case, but we can’t get the Senate to move on any legislation. And, the White House blames global warming.” Nunes said, the poor quality of water in some locations in the Valley, is a “symptom of not having enough water. Dilution is a solution, which means you need a lot more water into the region.” Before 1992, water wasn’t a problem for the Valley, he claims. This is what really peaked an interest in politics for him, he said. “Watching the debacle in 1992, when the federal government took over one million acre-feet of water away from

this Valley - that’s what really honed in, because I realized at that point that where we were farming in the south part of Tulare County – that water policy was going to lead to no water being available to the South Valley, which is basically where we’re at now. “So, we’re looking at a million acres of farm ground coming out of production within the six-county region – some has come out of that, but there’s going to be a lot more if the senate doesn’t pass a bill. We’re roughly about 2 ½ million acre-feet short of water between Madera and Bakersfield. The solution is using the infrastructure that we have – that gets back most of the water, and then building Temperance Flat. It’s only federal laws that have shut the pumps down – nothing else. “We’ve presented plans out there to do it. We’ve passed legislation out of the House, but at the end of the day, we haven’t had support from our senators, or our governor, or the president. “This is water that just goes out to the ocean. Believe it or not, California has a plentiful water supply – all you have to do is move it, and most of that infrastructure has been built. We’ve lost 16 million acre-feet this year alone to the ocean – remember I said we need 2 ½ million? I’d even take a million-and-ahalf, would solve a lot of our problems, two million would put us in good shape. Two-and-a-half million acre-feet, we’d farm every acre in this Valley. “It’s easy for me to speculate and it is only speculation, but I believe that the extreme environmental groups want this land idled. That’s what they’ve told me. And, I’ve said this several times – when I was first running for office. To be precise, they said, 1.3 million acres needed to come out of production – so they’re almost at their goal, because they are going to get about a million, if we don’t do anything.” This area is known for good soil and was recognized by the early pioneers, he said.

20 October, 2016


Continued from p. 12 “This year, we’re not in drought,” he added. “If we would have been at ’92 pumping levels, we would have farmed nearly every acre on the west side [this past year]. Because, the way the system is built, it is built to take water when we have a good supply. Even if you are slightly below normal – even at 80% of the average - we’re still moving a lot of water. These reservoirs were all built to withstand five years of drought. Pretty much every acre would have been farmed [this year], if we were at ’92 pumping levels. “I say Temperance Flat is needed because those pumps don’t necessarily get the water to the eastside. Which is why you need Temperance Flat, to be able to catch the water in the big, heavy years, and move it into the different water basins between Madera and Kern County. That’s what the eastside needs.

Global Warming – Fact of Fiction?

Nunes said he does not believe in global warming. “No. I think the climate changes,” he said. “We know historically, if you look back at data going back several thousand years, you can tell that the climate has changed. It’s gotten warm; it’s gotten cold; it’s gotten warm. Just in my lifetime alone, when they said we were going into a global cooling trend and that we were all going to freeze to death – that was in the late ‘70s, early ‘80s. Now we’re in global warming, supposedly, but now they’ve changed the rhetoric to climate change, to meet their objective, which is, I think, it is an attack on development. “If you really think climate change is the world’s biggest problem, you can build nuclear power plants, which produce massive amounts of clean energy – but, this state’s not doing that. This state’s shutting down all the nuclear power plants – they’ve just announced that their reactors are going to close in seven years, eight years. So, this is not people that really believe in climate change, because if you really thought the oceans were going to rise and that people were going to be decimated, you’d be doing everything you could, not only to keep those two reactors running, but even building more. Just those two reactors alone are like, 10%, of the state’s energy. “That tells me there are probably different variations of thought, that go through one’s mind when they’re pushing these extreme ideologies. But, the bottom line is that this mostly goes back to they don’t want a lot of this land farmed, and they don’t want people on a lot of the land. They don’t want people up in the forest and they’re all extreme environmentalists, and unfortunately, have control over the Democratic Party.”

Reaching Across the Aisle

“If one deals in reality and is honest about negotiations, then of course you can work together,” Nunes said. “But, as I pointed out, you asked the question about global warming, if the governor of this state, and the senators were really worried about global warming, then why would they be proposing a policy to close down the nuclear power plants? I don’t think those are people dealing in good

Valley Voice • 13 faith, or being honest with the American people, or the people of California. “I would have total respect for one, if they said, ‘Oh, gosh, global warming is the number one issue,’ which basically we’ve heard basically everyone in the democratic party say - that it is the number one issue facing America today. So, OK, then why wouldn’t you be coming up with a plan to produce as much clean energy as possible? “I would say on the intelligence issues, as it relates to the Intelligence Committee – I chair it and my ranking member [Adam Schiff, D-Burbank], we’re both from California, and we both have a very good relationship – we agree most of the time – not always, probably 80-90% of the time. We try to work in a bipartisan manner. “I have no problem working with people - I don’t care what party they are, but, we’re going to deal in fact – factbased legislating, not rhetoric. And, I’m not being critical of just, of course the extreme environmental groups that control the Democratic Party, that’s a big problem, but I’ve got people in my own party that do the same thing.” Nunes said he is running again because he wants to keep America safe. “Which is what I do every day with the Intelligence Committee,” he said. “It’s one of the biggest honors you can receive to be trusted by your colleagues to be put in this position – one of the most important positions in the United States. So, that has just been such a tremendous honor and there is so much work to be done there, as the world becomes a more dangerous place every day. “Second - the water fight goes on. You can never give up – whoever the members of congress are from this region, we have to continue to fight for water. “And then, I talk about the tax policy – it has taken a long time to develop, but you also take what I believe to be the nation’s biggest problem is our debt. We have $20 trillion in debt now, and we have about $100 trillion in unfunded

of others around the country. “What’s the most important job of the federal government is to protect the people - it’s to have a strong national defense.”

On a Personal Note

Nunes admits he doesn’t know what his future will bring. But, for now, he’d like to continue to work in Congress. “Every day, in this job, there Louie Campos is not a shortage of problems to deal with, and so I get up every day and go to work on the most important issues at the highest levels – every day, all day, and I enjoy it.” Nunes’ wife, Elizabeth, and their three daughters continue to live within the district. Elizabeth Nunes also grew up in the South Valley, and the couple was dating when Devin Nunes we first elected. They were married about a year into his first term in congress. Devin Nunes admits that it is not easy living part-of-the time away from his young family, but “that’s what we signed up to do.” Having a large, supportive family helps, he said. Nunes said he does not have a lot, if any hobbies, outside of his work. He keeps his hands in agriculture with a small ownership in a winery in the Napa Valley. He enjoys watching NFL football and NBA basketball, as well as the Fresno State Bulldogs. He also enjoys spending time with his daughters, who are currently into Star Wars. “Tax reform is a big hobby of mine. National security is a hobby. Yep, so there’s never a shortage of things to do,

We were able to build an atomic bomb in less than four years. Amazingly, where some of those minds came from, was this state – California was home to a lot of those scientists, who were able to do that. So, you can’t tell me that we don’t have the mental capacity, in this state, in this country, to really seriously address these problems, if we recognize and accept the fact that, yes, this is a problem. I would fight to do that.

Louie Campos liabilities, at the federal level. And, those are only going to be fixed by economic growth, and reforming health care and social security – so reforming the entitlement programs. “This president hasn’t wanted to deal with those, but clearly the American people have to ultimately deal with what they decide. So, the American people voted to put someone in who says that global warming is the number one challenge to America – not what I think it is - but you have to make your case as best you can in the legislative government. “I think what people want here in the San Joaquin Valley is to live their lives free, and government is best run by the locals and the state. The federal government needs to stay out of our lives here, and they need to stay out of lives

which is kind of nice,” he said.

Opponent Louie Campos

Louise Campos was born in Dinuba. He is passionate about the culinary arts, civil rights and political activism. Campos’ family has roots in the Tulare, Fresno and Kings counties, dating back more than 80 years. His dad’s family had settled in Dinuba – his great, great, great grandmother is buried there. His mother’s family settled in Ivanhoe. They were immigrants, he said, so they moved around following the crops, but their home base was Ivanhoe. During his high school years, Campos began working in restaurants. His interest in the culinary arts took him to

Kettleman City, Bullhead City, Arizona and Laughlin, Nevada. “I was doing culinary work, and you want to get exposed to different kinds of stuff – so, I decided the best thing to do, was just go there,” he said. “The culinary arts were an artistic outlet. I just really liked the ability to be creative, so I tried different things.”

Activism & Unions

His education and experimentation took him to a position at Corcoran Prison, where he worked in the kitchen and oversaw inmates working in the culinary field. He found himself gaining further interest in unions and activism. “I started in politics when I was with the SEIU 1000 in 2000,” Campos said. “I was a union steward at Corcoran Prison. When I was working in the kitchen there, I was supervising inmates – I did a lot of representation and helped people out with things.” Ultimately, Campos lost his job as a result of his activism. “I witnessed an assault by a supervisor on another employee. I reported it, and the investigation said that I didn’t see what I saw,” he said. Actually, Campos was one of four men who came forward, each with similar accounts of the alleged assault. “As a result of the investigation, they said that we were not telling the truth,” he said. “He put his hands on another employee, and the investigation by the prison determined that we did not see what we saw. There were four of us, who saw this. The three of us who worked at Corcoran, ended up getting terminated – the one who worked out of a different prison, his institution wouldn’t discipline him for it. He was there [at the time] as a union rep.” Following this job loss, Campos had a renewed interest in returning to school while continuing to help people. “All that time I had always been an activist, starting when I was with the union,” he said. “I was one of the original group of people who did the Occupy Visalia, Visalia’s own little version of Occupy Wall Street. I was among the original founders of Tulare County for Families – initially they were doing a lot of stuff around immigration reform. Now, they are focused on trying to get people in touch with the history of Tulare County, and the role that the Latino culture has

RACE continued on 14 »

14 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016


Continued from p. 13 played in Tulare County, among other things. I’ve been involved with LGBTQ rights – I’ve been a supporter, actually an admirer, of that movement. “At Corcoran – I was a job steward, and then I became a bargain union rep, where I was a liaison between the bargaining team, in Sacramento and the Locale, I was with. The district I was in covered Avenal, Corcoran, part of Fresno County and part of Kern County. I also used to be the deemer for the janitors of the DMV, here. “That’s when I found out I had an inclining for being an activist, and helping to represent people. If someone were to come to me with a work-related issue – be it health and safety, or a scheduling issue, or even as a disciplinarian – I was able to learn a lot about our own system, as well as be able to provide a little comfort, with some place for someone to go for a fellow worker. “I enjoyed that, and I realized that there is a need. You know, when you’re working in a prison, especially in ours, we’re not CO’s [correctional officers] we’re cooks, and a lot of times we were out there by ourselves. There could be a bunch of inmates and there would be a few CO’s, but there is only one cook out there, so who do you talk to?” Campos is currently majoring in philosophy at College of the Sequoias and plans to advance onward through law school. He is involved in a program, offered by the California State Bar Association that helps with tuition funding for minorities, in some law schools, universities and community colleges, he said. If elected, he feels he would still attend school, part time, to follow those ambitions as well.

Why Run, Why Now?

Until now, Campos had not run for a public office. He attributes his role as an activist, for attaining experience for a role in Congress. “As an activist, I have been involved with a few different things,” he said. “I’ve been able to, over the years, get a real grassroots feel for what I think are the needs of the people in this area, and this community. We’ve got a unique thing over here. It is hard to find anything like it in the rest of the nation, even in California, it’s hard to find it. So, a lot of times, we feel a little bit left out by what is going on in Sacramento, and even more so by what is going on in Washington. “I just feel that being on the ground floor – talking to people, going door-todoor, knocking on doors, and talking with people – I’ve learned, and I’ve got a better sense of, what is going on here and what people’s aspirations are, what they are capable of, and what their expectations are with their government. I don’t think that a lot of their needs are being served right now. “We’ve got a lot of issues. We’ve got water issues, we’ve got to deal with climate change – we feel the brunt of that stuff here, whether the people who represent us believe it or not. These things

are still affecting us, whether you believe it’s real, or not. “Why don’t we just take an objective look at this thing, and start addressing the problems?”

More People, Fewer Jobs

“We’ve got a growing population. Our economic base is still, and will always be, in agriculture, but frankly, it’s not able to sustain the amount of people we have here anymore, on its own. There are fewer agriculture jobs this year than there were last year, and fewer than the year before. Efficiencies, and what they are doing, have taken a lot of jobs and we cannot expect them to not. “Nobody is out there dragging a sack, picking cotton anymore. And, we wouldn’t expect to see people doing that anymore, either. So, we’ve got to start looking at ways to diversify this economy and I say, with the combination of what is ailing us and what is good in us, we can start putting people to work. We can use ingenuity. We can start working toward fixing our problem with the drought. How will we capture more water? How do we recharge the aquifers? “When we feed the nation that’s a national-level topic. I just think our current congressman has missed the boat on a lot things – he didn’t agree with the stimulus program, but that was money that could have been here, and put people to work here – addressing some of the problems we have now, here - taking a principled stand. We are all out here parched to death in the frickin’ desert, and trying to make a living. That’s really nice of you to be principled, but we can’t feed our families on your principles. “And, I think we are capable of doing that – I think we have the ability to do that.”

A Long Shot

Campos admits that a Democrat running for the 22nd Congressional District, a traditional Republican stronghold, may be a bit of a stretch. “The shot is long, but that is not a reason not to take it,” he said. “I’ve developed a great affection for the people whom I have come in contact with here, and have great admiration for what they’ve been able to do and how they’ve been able to manage to eek out a living, and, in a lot of ways, prosper. I want to be an ally for that – I’ve always wanted to be an ally for that. I want to do what I can to help fix our problems. “Playing the partisan game – you’re under water, as a Democrat. Being a Democratic candidate in CD 22 [Congressional District 22] makes it a long shot. “Incumbency can be a daunting thing, but I think that, increasingly, the voting population is getting more and more disgruntled with incumbents, and it is no longer as sure a bet as it once was. It’s more a matter of getting your people out to vote - recognizing who is representing their issues, telling your story and listening to the stories. “And that’s another thing - I have heard a lot of stories, before, about what goes on here. I’ve heard a lot more since I started running, because I have

talked to a whole lot more people. I’ve gone to places that I hadn’t really visited that much before – areas in Clovis, and they’ve got a whole lot of different issues there than we have in Visalia and Tulare County. It’s interesting to see how we are all clumped together here [in this district] as one group. “When you take a representative from LA … you can throw a rock from one end of the district to the other. Out here, it’s wide open, and every little town is its own universe. It’s interesting to see all the different dynamics work.”

Wages & Water

Campos feels he could be effective in Washington because of his experiences and his motivation through the people who live in the district he would represent. “I can speak as to what my aspirations are, and what I represent, and what I would try to work for - to make sure that somebody who does a hard day’s work, gets paid what they’re worth. I don’t see the problem with raising the minimum wage – working people need to have money to spend, too. I would work to do that. “I don’t understand why, after 80plus years, how we haven’t addressed that the issue of the FLSA [Fair Labor Standard’s Act] isn’t extended to farm labor workers. I would work to address that. I think that is something that needs to be fixed, needs to be remedied. “I’d work at ways that we could apply federal funds to help address some of our water issues here in the Valley. I don’t think it is just the Valley that has them. But these are just the ones we know, because we are living them. And, I know that that kind of money does exist. “We were able to build an atomic bomb in less than four years. Amazingly, where some of those minds came from, was this state – California was home to a lot of those scientists who were able to do that. So, you can’t tell me that we don’t have the mental capacity, in this state, in this country, to really seriously address these problems, if we recognize and accept the fact that, yes, this is a problem. I would fight to do that. “I would fight to do something about education – making it to where it is affordable. I don’t like the dichotomy that they say, ‘I am paying for someone else to go to school.’ No, we are investing in our country. This is an investment in our country. “We’ve got to let people know to stop looking at every tax as a tax. Some taxes are investments in the future. And, I look at things that go toward education as just that. Things that go toward fixing our infrastructure, are just that – they are investments in our future. Yes, you are paying some money to go fix that road, but you are going to make 100 times that, transporting your goods across that road, so let’s maintain it and keep it up.”

Climate Change is Real

“It’s important to acknowledge that climate change is real,” Campos said. “Somethings are not subject to opinion anymore. I can see the moral argument, and the moral struggle, with something

Don’t forget to vote!

like capital punishment or abortion – reasonable people can disagree, and there are legitimate moral things on both side of those issues. It’s not just two sides, there is a whole in between. But, when we are talking about something like climate change – that’s an objective – true. And, you can call it global warming, or climate change, I don’t care.” If Campos should lose the election, he will continue on with his education, and his activism. “I will still be advocating on things that I’ve been doing anyway,” he said. And, he plans on keeping options open for other possible ways to make a difference. “Honestly, two years ago, if you had asked me if I could see myself doing this, I would have said no,” he said. “But, here I am. “I’ve looked at the problems that we have here, and I see that a lot of them are not getting any better and they’re not getting addressed. How long can I sit here and say, ‘Someone needs to do something,’ before I say, ‘I need to get up and do it.’

The Personal Side

Campos is not married. He turns 44 this year. His parents and sister, along with a lot of other family, live in the 22nd Congressional District. He likes to read, and write, and is a Tolkien fan. He enjoys lifting weights and the Martial Arts. He also enjoys walking his two dogs. He’d like to travel and spend some time in the cultures of New Orleans and Jamaica. He also would like to serve the community in which he grew up and lives. “I come from this area, my roots are from this area, my family is from this area – my family still lives here,” he said. “The house that was my great grandfather’s, [in Dinuba] my aunt still lives there. The house that my [another] great grandfather owned– the original house had to be taken down, but on that lot is the house that his daughter, my great aunt, lives in. So, I’ve got a strong connection here. “It would be nice to see some of the values that I was raised with represented in congress. The values of this county, the values of this district, the values of the people who feed this country. I hear a person [Donald Trump] talking on the radio, or talking on TV about, ‘THEY send rapist, murderers and drug dealers … ’ – you know, when my great grandparents came here, both sides of them, Campos and Rivas, they both sent their sons to fight in WWII. Which one of them was a rapist? Which one of them was a murderer? Which one was a drug dealer? I am a descendant of these folks - he’s demonizing the people, I am a descendant of. “The values of hard work, standing together, working together, helping each other out, and the respect that that gives you - every person is deserving of that. I think that that is important. I think that we are forgetting some of that. “We need to live by our mission statement – ‘All people are created equal.’ We’re equal under the law and should receive full protection, under the law. That’s something to aspire to.”

Let your voice be heard — vote on November 8.

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 15

Comments & Letters Margee Fallert Statement on Tulare Council Race

Margee Fallert My son is a senior in high school and we are attending the preview day of his number one pick for a college. I want to tell all of you in attendance [at the Tulare Candidates’ forum] that I am a very active involved community member and want to see good things

happen in our community. After careful consideration for my time commitment to my family, my new business venture and committees that I currently serve on I feel that now is not the right time for me to become a council member. While my name will be on the ballot I am asking all of my supporters to

get behind positive change for our community and vote for Greg Nunley in District 5. I believe that Greg has the vision to move our community forward in a positive direction which I am completely in favor of.

Re: John Hipskind, MD Virinder K Bhardwaj MD I have known Dr. Hipskind for the last 6 years, as a member of the Tulare County Medical Society, as a board member of the Foundation For Medical Care of Tulare & Kings Counties, Inc., as a leader in the Kaweah Delta Emergency Department , and as a member of the Board of Directors at Kaweah Delta. Above all I have known him as a physician providing excellent care to the numerous patients of Tulare County. Dr. Hipskind has been a physician at Kaweah Delta Emergency Department and a member of our community since 1995. Dr. Hipskind is a two term past president of Tulare County Medical

Society. During his term he was responsible for making it a vibrant organization and recruiting many physicians. He has been a strong legislative advocate with good solid relationships with our state assembly and senate representatives. the State Assembly and State Senator. All this hard work resulted in him receiving the annual George Tiss MD award from the Tulare County Medical Society. As a director of Kaweah Delta Hospital Board he has numerous achievements to his credit. He has been a pioneer in teaching medical students and resident doctors at Kaweah Delta Hospital; he has helped promote clinical quality, patient safety and financial responsibility. Because of his vision and expertise

Kaweah Delta Hospital medical staff and patients have benefited. With all of his contributions and dedication to our community, I, as president of Tulare County Medical Society along with the Board of Directors, endorse him for re-election to the Board of Directors of Kaweah Delta Hospital. I have no doubt with his leadership on the board, the community, our hospital, and the patients he cares for will greatly benefit. Sincerely, Virinder K Bhardwaj MD President, Tulare County cal Society


Green Party Active in Tulare County Politics Steve Pendleton There is an alternative to politics as usual, and it’s active in Tulare county. You may not have heard of the Greens, at least in the Valley. There’s a reason-money. Greens as a national policy do not take donations from large companies or special interests, so we dont have the funds to spend on expensive propaganda campaigns. If you have seen our signs at demonstrations, you know they are handmade. At least they are from the heart and not some one-percenters pocketbook. This year the main activity of the Greens has been to promote the candidacy of Jill Stein for President. We look at the candidates of both major parties-and are disgusted. Neither one really focuses on the issues of survival that American families face today. The lack of jobs, the denial of access to higher education, the impact of foreign wars and the militarization of the police are all central themes, yet neither candidate has an understanding of or concrete ideas to solve the problems.

We also maintain ongoing activity in the American Civil Liberties Union. Yes, there’s a chapter in Tulare County. It is non-partisan, but very concerned about abuses of authority by any government or private agency. We are particularly concerned about the treatment of incarcerated persons, and the proliferation of prisons especially in Tulare. The houseless are a primary concern of the Green Party. for several years we have been involved with supporting programs in Visalia and Tulare. Unfortunately we have found that local politicians by and large have the same approach to this problem-do nothing, create ‘whitewash’ laws,and hope those people go away (or die). Greens feel that the solution for the houseless is for them to organize and use civic action to create the programs they need. It might surprise people to learn that there are quite a few progressives in Tulare County. Greens facilitate and support other progressive causes. Some of them are: The struggle of rural people to insure that insecticides are not sprayed too close

to schools; the improvement of care in Tulare District Hospital by supporting changes to its board; and the election of progressives to political office. Its true that in the 2016 election, the only named Green on the ballot was Jill Stein. The reason for that is due to the undemocratic open or ‘jungle’ primary. That system basically shuts so-called ‘third parties’ out of general elections-and is thus completely at odds with what is supposedly a just system of elections. Nevertheleass, we have given our endorsement to some candidates for office. Louie Campos is a Democratic candidate for Congress. Louie has been involved in progressive causes for years, and is a real representative of the people. Jose Sigala is a candidate for Tulare City Council, seat one (on the West Side). He is a candidate who is concerned with helping the people of that area gain services and representation. After all, that’s what the Green party is all about-the conservation of our local communities as well as the conservation of the environment of Earth.

All Five City Council Candidates Support Measure N We are a diverse group of five people, with two things in common: we are all vying to be elected to Visalia City Council, and we all support Measure N. For the future of our city we urge you to do the same. For just 5 cents on every $10 spent on goods like clothes, cars, and appliances, we can help raise $10.8 million dollars that will be spent to maintain our police, fire, and road maintenance services ... money that has to remain local and cannot be confiscated by Sacramen-

to to spend at the state level. Every cent of the money raised by Measure N will stay local. This is vitally important to our community. We believe the City Council has adopted a very comprehensive oversight program … one that includes ample opportunity for the public to have input, for the Oversight Committee to critique the annual Measure N budget before it is adopted, and for the Committee to conduct an audit on how the money was spent in the previous year.

Visalia has always been a community where the people who live here are willing to get involved to make Visalia better. Voting for Measure N is a way to keep Visalia vital today, and in the future. Please join us in voting Yes on N. Adam Arakelian Phil Cox Susanne Gundy Bob Link Adam Peck

Use your voice — send letters to

Veteran’s Corner Veteran Driver’s Licenses Scott Holwell

We are quickly approaching the one-year anniversary of Governor Brown signing legislation that allows California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to offer special driver’s licenses to veterans. The license has “Veteran” printed on it, indicating honorable service in the United States Armed Forces. In the first 10 months of this program, more than 34,300 veterans have received this new license, with more than 6,300 of those folks filing new claims for benefits. In order to receive your veteran driver’s license, you’ll need to do three easy things: 1. You’ll need a certified copy of your discharge papers (DD-214) showing you received an other than dishonorable discharge, or that you served in a Guard or Reserve component and were mobilized for federal active duty. 2. Visit your local County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) and complete the DMV Veteran Status Verification Form. The CSVO will verify the documents presented and approve/ stamp the application. 3. If you don’t have a copy of your discharge papers, the CVSO can order a copy and you’ll also have an opportunity to discuss the many federal, state, and local benefits you may be eligible for. The CVSO can also file an application for any benefits you or your family are eligible for. DMV recommends that you make an appointment to get your new license and there is also a $5.00 fee for the Veteran designation, along with the normal fee for your driver’s license. This new driver’s license will mean that veterans will no longer need to carry their discharge papers to show proof of military service. The Kings County Veterans Service Office can complete the DMV Veteran Status Verification Form for the new California Veteran Designation on your driver’s license and also issues Veteran I.D. cards to honorably discharged veterans. Contact Scott Holwell if you would like to receive periodic veteran’s information by email. There are many state and federal benefits and programs available to veterans and their dependents. To determine if you are eligible for any of these benefits, call or visit our office. We can and will assist you in completing all required application forms. You can get information on the Web from the Kings County Veterans Service Office webpage at Scott Holwell, retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, is the Veterans Service Officer for Kings County. Send your questions to the Veterans Service Office, 1400 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230; call (559)852-2669; or e-mail scott.holwell@

16 • Valley Voice

20 October, 2016

Tulare Chamber of Commerce Announces New CEO

Ivanhoe Boys & Girls Club members play soccer on a dirt field recently acquired by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sequoias to build a soccer field for the club members. The field is across the street from the Ivanhoe club. Courtesy/Johanna Coyne

Ivanhoe Boys & Girls Club Seeks Support for Soccer Field The town of Ivanhoe is well on its way to getting a new soccer field. The dirt lot across from the Ivanhoe Boys & Girls Club might well be the “only public green space in Ivanhoe” according to Executive Director Galen Quenzer. The organization has started the process of developing the lot and are looking for donation services and money to finish the project. The construction cost is about $86,000; the organization has raised about $43,500. The soccer field still needs irrigation, landscaping, trees and upkeep services for 2 years, signage and simple lighting. Quenzer said it’s an “exciting project”, and is happy about the outpour-

ing of support. He said, “If you drive around Ivanhoe, there are no green spaces, no places for kids to play. This green grass area will beautify the main street in Ivanhoe.” Still needed is curb, gutter, sidewalk to take the lot from being weed and dirt filled to that of a park space. The organization is also going to use funds to pay a part-time person to coordinate structured soccer events as well as sports and league activities. Donation cans are going into local stores and fund-raising events are being planned for the community. To support the Ivanhoe Boys & Girls Club soccer field, please visit www. or call 592-4074 and ask for Lynn Dodds.

At its Governmental Affairs Committee meeting today, Tulare Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Kerissa Chapman announced the appointment of Donnette Silva Carter as the organization’s new president and chief executive officer. “After conducting a thorough employment search, we are pleased to announce the hiring of Donnette Silva Carter. The Board and I are confident we have found the executive with the background and talent needed to partner with us and our membership as we grow and sustain the Tulare Chamber’s efforts for continued business vitality,” commented Chapman. “I am thrilled to accept the position with the Tulare Chamber of Commerce, and I look forward to partnering with

the Board of Directors to develop and execute a business plan to advance economic and community development, increase the return on investment to our members, and grow our role as an advocate for business. The opportunities for impact are countless,” stated Silva Carter. She also added, “Coming home to Tulare County, and specifically this community in which I lived during a period of childhood, is exciting. The lifestyle, traditions and values of this area are deeply rooted in its people and businesses. It will be a privilege to collaboratively work with the community leaders of the chamber, city and county to positively impact the future of Tulare.” Silva Carter is slated to begin her new duties with the Tulare Chamber of Commerce on November 16.

Donnette Silva Carter, middle, is the new CEO of the Tulare Chamber of Commerce. Courtesy/Tulare Chamber of Commerce

Valley Scene

20 October, 2016

New London Branch Library Opens to Celebration Oct. 15

Katie Taylor. Courtesy/Geri Goodale/Reminisce Photography

Woodlake Student Wins Playwrights Project Contest Staff Reports Playwrights Project will produce its 32nd annual festival of Plays by Young Writers, sponsored by the Sheila and Jeffrey Lipinsky Family Fund, at The Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre in the Conrad Prebys Theatre Center at The Old Globe on January 19 - January 29, 2017. The festival will feature winning scripts from its California Young Playwrights Contest for ages 18 and under. Contest winners were selected from 385 plays submitted by students from across the state. Four scripts will receive full professional productions, and two scripts will receive staged readings in this highly regarded festival of new voices. All 385 contest submissions were evaluated blindly by the Ed Delos Reyes (Contest Coordinator) and a pool of theatre professionals who volunteered their time and expertise. The top 70 scripts were reviewed by Cecelia Kouma (Executive Producer), who worked with the Contest Coordinator to choose 16 finalists whose plays were evaluated by Final Judges. Final Judges in the selection

process included Jennifer Thorn (Associate Artistic Director, MOXIE Theater), Danielle Ward (Literary Manager at the San Diego REPertory Theatre), Monique Gaffney (prominent local actor), and Ruff Yeager (prominent local actor/director/playwright/ producer and adjunct instructor at Southwestern College). Yeager (who is also serving as Festival Artistic Director) and Kouma chose the final plays for the season based on the judges’ feedback and interviews of top finalists. The selection criteria focused on creative ideas, intriguing and authentic characters, fresh use of language, a story that is revealed through dialogue and action, and a script that would benefit from further development in the production process. All contest participants who requested feedback received individualized written critiques. The Festival is divided into Program A (appropriate for ages 11+) and Program B (for ages 16+). Program B features a play written by Katie Taylor of Woodlake.

PLAYWRIGHTS continued on 24 »

Many celebrated the launch of the Tulare County Library’s Grand Opening of the new London Branch Library on Saturday, October 15, in London, California. The Grand Opening ceremony began at 11am followed by a ribbon cutting. Following the ribbon cutting, the London Library officially opened for check out, library cards, crafts, and story time. The event featured distinguished speakers including Tulare County’s District 4 Supervisor Steve Worthley, Library for London founder Robert Isquierdo, Author Gary Soto, Superintendent of Dinuba Unified School District Joe Hernandez, Superintendent of Kings River Union Elementary School District Sherry Martin, and others. Darla Wegener, County Librarian, had the honor of hosting this event welcoming everyone to the new London Branch. London, a community of 1,800, is

Staff Reports located off the beaten track and has few local government resources. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Robert Isquierdo and the County Library, the new branch is now able to provide a portal for residents to more information and resources. The approximately 1400 square foot new modular building will house books, DVDs, magazines, and computers to assist the London community with their informational, recreational, self-educational, and cultural needs. The Tulare County Library is proud of adding London to its library system. The Tulare County Library serves all the citizens of Tulare County with locations now in sixteen communities, four book machines, and an online presence at Like the library on Facebook or follow the library on Twitter

Many distinguished speakers came out to celebrate the launch of the London Library. Courtesy/Tulare County Library

Youth Orchestra Los Angeles to Perform in Visalia Donna Orozco The Youth Orchestra Los Angeles (YOLA) has a long tie with the Tulare County Symphony, as Music Director Bruce Kiesling directed YOLA for five years. Now, to celebrate YOLA’s 10th anniversary, a select group of YOLA students will perform at the L.J. Williams Theatre in Visalia on Thursday, Oct. 27 at 7pm, led by their current conductor, Juan Felipe Morano. The concert will be entertaining and include several videos showing the impact of music education on students. The event is designed for families to attend and be inspired by music, according to Kiesling. Tickets are $20 for adults, $5 for

high school students with student ID, and free for children 13 and under. Launched in the fall of 2007, YOLA is the LA Phil’s unprecedented initiative to establish youth orchestra programs in underserved communities throughout Los Angeles, inspired by Venezuela’s visionary El Sistema that nurtured LA Philharmonic Director Gustavo Dudamel. The El Sistema method uses music education to positively transform the lives of youth and their community. Kiesling has used the method to create string programs in Woodville and Earlimart. “Working with YOLA was an absolute delight during the five years I was their conductor,” said Kiesling, who still maintains connections with some of the students. “Certainly these are some of the brightest talents in the Los Angeles area,

and the group is quite accomplished. Their playing is very impressive for a group so young, and their passionate performances are always a thrill to witness.” With community partners, the YOLA program provides free instruments, intensive music training, and academic support to students, empowering them to become vital citizens, leaders, and agents of change. YOLA has performed under the baton of world-renowned conductors and with major recording artists, including Coldplay, Journey, Stevie Wonder and Gloria Estefan. Bruce conducted the Stevie Wonder and Gloria Estefan concerts. The students have also performed at major international venues, including the Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A., The Barbican in London, Suntory Hall

in Tokyo, Kresge Auditorium in Boston and The Hollywood Bowl. In honor of YOLA’s 10th anniversary, 80 of the most advanced YOLA students will tour as an orchestra for the first time. They will kick off the tour in Los Angeles and then will travel north, visiting Northridge, Visalia and Fresno, culminating in the historic Paramount Theatre in Oakland, where Dudamel will conduct their final tour performance. Their program will include Bernstein’s “Candide Overture,” an excerpt from Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” Brahms’ “Hungarian Dance No. 5,” a movement from Dvorak’s “Symphony No. 8 in G major” and John Williams’ Raiders March from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with narrative and video components.

20 October, 2016

18 • Valley Voice

Great Conversations The Loss of Innocence: Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” Joseph R. Teller Wha t would you do to save your sister from disease and death? In a world so often characterized by selfishness and decay, the bond between siblings can transcend sorrow and loss, reminding us that we are capable not only of great cruelty, but also of great love. It is precisely this sense of love and sacrifice that permeates the Victorian poet Christina Rossetti’s poignant and deceptively complex poem, “Goblin Market,” first published in Goblin Market and Other Poems in 1862. This 567-line work tells a story that on its surface is simple enough for a child to understand. Two girls, Lizzie and Laura, regularly visit a brook. But each evening, the “goblin men,” ethereal creatures who sell all manner of delicious fruit, entice the girls to “come buy, come buy…apples and quinces, / Lemons and oranges, / Plump unpecked cherries, / Melons and raspberries, / Bloom-downcheeked peaches.” Lizzie cautiously refuses to listen, but Laura, more open to excitement and novelty, succumbs, buys some fruit, and gorges herself. The sisters return home, but soon it becomes clear

that the fruit is a special kind of poison: and mock her, / [but] Lizzie utter[s] not Laura begins to waste away, even as she a word; / [Will] not open lip from lip / burns with desire for more. Lest they should cram a mouthful in.” One evening, the girls go again to Lizzie returns and Laura kisses the brook, but when the Lizzie hears the her, lapping up the juice and pulp that chant of the is smeared goblin men, across Lizzie’s Laura despairs face. Though because she it tastes like can no lonwormwood, ger hear them. it saves Laura They return from death, home, and affilling her with ter Lizzie goes the fire of life to sleep, Laura again: she stays awake, “awak[es] as “in a passionfrom a dream,” ate yearning, / and “light And gnashe[s] dance[s] in her her teeth for eyes” again. In balked desire, the final lines, and we[eps] / the girls are As if her heart grown women, [will] break.” married, and Laura’s hair they teach their grows “thin own children and gray,” and that “There is Christina Rossetti, in a portrait drawn by her brother, she “dwin- Dante Gabriel Rossetti no friend like a dle[s], as the sister / In calm fair moon doth turn / To swift decay and or stormy weather; / To cheer one on the burn / Her fire away.” tedious way, / To fetch one if one goes Eventually, distraught Lizzie decides astray, / To lift one if one totters down, to risk her own life and innocence to / To strengthen whilst one stands.” The help her sister: she goes to the brook to poem is thus a kind of extended metabuy fruit for her sister in the hope that phorical lesson: a steadfast sister through it will save her. But the goblins violently selfless love can save her sibling in times assault Lizzie, trying to force her to eat of great need. their produce. Lizzie refuses: they “maul But the poem is also much more

complex, much more deeply sensual and suggestive. After all, what do the fruit and the goblin men represent? The sensuousness of the poem’s descriptions of eating and the goblin men themselves seem to represent sexual temptation and/or a potential loss of innocence. Moreover, the poison is both deadly as well as suggestively life-giving: even when Laura first eats, she is “like a vessel at the launch, / When its last restraint is gone,” a fundamentally positive image of freedom. When Lizzie goes to purchase the fruit to save her sister, we are told “for the first time in her life / [she] began to listen and look,” hinting that Lizzie has been sheltered from—and even deaf and blind to—the world. And it is, in the end, the fruit juice coupled with sisterly love that cures Laura, imparting a “fire” that rekindles the dying fire in her heart. Whatever the tantalizing, dynamic, and sensual ambiguities of the poem, whatever the poem’s subtle lessons about innocence and experience, one thing is certain: Rossetti paints a picture of siblings deeply committed to one another, “Like two pigeons in one nest / Folded in each other’s wings,” girls who will become women whose sisterhood exemplifies a profound devotion in the face of a complicated, dangerous, deadly—and mysteriously beautiful world. Dr. Joseph R. Teller is a professor of English at COS. Email him at

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 19

Lindsay Museum to Host Portraiture: An Exhibition where the past and present are all there, existing simultaneously. Portraiture goes back in time to the So what does that do to art and more stone ages (some to the point, por30,000 plus traiture? The anyears ago), and swer, in part, is continues all the that any and all way through to artistic styles are today. Images of available to draw the human face from. And now, have served as there are not any a vessel to carrules that claim ry ideas of who what is fashionwe were – and able or relevant. are – throughThe main objecout the centuries, tive of portrairanging from the ture, as best I can idealized forms figure, is to really of the Sumerians see ourselves – and Egyptians, to both physically the naturalized and emotionally, images of Greeks and hopefully and Romans and gain insight and back again to understanding Shane Guffogg “Vonn” oil on canvas, h: 10” x w: 8” stylized images inches, 2014 into what we of the Byzantine call the Human era, only to find a new idealized form of Condition. realism in the 1400’s, now commonly Portraiture is much more than capknown as the Renaissance. turing a likeness of someone. It goes Each style change was prompted or deep into our past like an underground accompanied by a change of ideas of how river, resurfacing as our future. The artthe people thought about their world ists I have chosen for the Portrait exhiand their place in it. By the beginning of bition at the Lindsay Museum add to a the 20th century, Picasso’s portraits had larger picture that is both a vision of our run the full gamut of every style that had reality and a psychological reflection of preceded him until he took his cue from what that reality is. I admire what these the new ideas of science (relativity) and artists are doing – making images- which began fragmenting his images, creating is a tradition and form of communicamultiple of views, simultaneously. tion that is as old as humanity itself. And then there is Andy Warhol Some of these artists tell stories, and his use of photography and screen others imply stories, others depict a moprinting to replicate the mid 20th cen- ment as fact. Some capture that moment tury’s world of images, showing us not with a gestural brushstroke that becomes only how we see but how the images a visual metaphor. In some, the colors are made. are pushed into a seemingly different diThat leads us up to today. But one mension. And some look like a strange big difference between where we are now scene from a film that was (maybe) versus where we were, even 10 years ago, never made. is that throughout history their have There is almost a 40 year span of been trends that get coined as an “Ism” art in this exhibition, with the earliest like French Impressionism. But in our works predating our information age technologically driven- information age, and the latest being so overwhelmingly there is no one style or idea that dom- enthralled with it that it smacks of a new inates the artistic landscape. In fact it iconography, steeped in the language of is just the opposite because now with a consumerism. They all add up to what I click on the mouse or keypad, virtually think of as a snapshot that is being drivany image from anywhere in the world is en by a need to understand and reflect available. I like to think of the computer about what it means to be human in the screen as a portal into a 4th dimension beginning of the 21st century. Staff Reports

More than 40 years in Downtown Visalia

37th Annual of Harvest of Handwovens Comes to Exeter It is time for the 37th Annual Harvest of Handwovens, presented by Handweavers of the Valley, on Saturday, October 22. This show and sale has become increasingly popular in recent years. It rivals big-city shows you expect to find in the San Francisco or Los Angeles areas. Original creations by local artists are featured. Demonstrations of spinning, weaving, felting, bead weaving, fiber preparation, color-blending techniques and dyeing of fibers and yarns will take place throughout the day. One-of-akind pine needle baskets and weaving integrated into gourd art will also be featured with basket making demonstrations against a backdrop of completed, award-winning work. Specialty yarns will be offered by Carole Dulitz of Springville. Bring your Christmas list to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase beautiful handmade garments, towels, rugs, throws, jewelry, scarves, baskets and other household items. A special area will be set aside for used equipment and discounted books, yarns and fibers. A raffle will be held for four handwoven scarves,

Staff Reports each representing a different season. Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Handweavers of the Valley is a non-profit organization of more than 100 weavers and spinners that spans a large portion of central California’s San Joaquin Valley from Bakersfield to Squaw Valley, including Three Rivers, Visalia and Porterville. The Harvest of Handwovens contributes to the guild’s goal of public awareness of the fine craft of handweaving and spinning, and serves as an educational experience for those wishing to learn more about these ancient arts at the Exeter Veterans’ Memorial Building, 324 N. Kaweah Ave. (Hwy 65) in Exeter. Admission is free, open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This very special event is unique in the Valley. It takes place in the Exeter Veteran’s Memorial Building, 324 N. Kaweah Ave. Admission is free. The hours are from 10am – 3pm. For more information, call Nikki Crain, (559) 561-4048 or visit

● 2245 S. Mooney - Visalia (559) 730-4475


316 W. Main St., Visalia, CA 93291

Certi�ied Gemologist Appraiser

The 37th Annual Harvest of Handwovens is coming on Oct. 22. Courtesy/Nikki Crain


● 1365 W. Olive - Porterville (559) 730-4492

● 1826 W. Lacey - Hanford (559) 730-4495

● 4931 N. Blackstone - Fresno (559) 730-4494

Be sure to like us, follow us & tweet us @spookyhallowsto * With minimum $50 purchase per person, per visit, per day. Cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount - other restrictions may apply.



October 2016 Lunch Lunch served 12-1 pm $4.0

Please call 713-4481. Reservations m


October 20: Marissa Nadler and Drab Majesty, 8pm At The Cellar Door, 101 W. Main, Visalia. Show is 21+. Tickets are $10. Doors open at 8PM, show start at 9PM sharp. October 21: Able Industries Awards Dinner/Dance, 6-9pm Able Industries, Inc. will hold its annual Awards Dinner/Dance at the Elks Lodge, 3100 W. Main, in Visalia. This year’s theme is Superheroes! Tickets for this event are PRE-SALE ONLY and will NOT be sold at the door and must be purchsed by Friday, Oct. 14 — $10 per person. Contact Kori Williams at (559) 651-8150. October 21: From Earth to the Universe, 7pm Tickets to the new high-definition From Earth to the Universe planetarium show will go on sale prior to the October 7 public program. Tickets for all scheduled shows are available at the Planetarium office only after 5:00 p.m. on show days. Prices for admission are $4 for adults and $3 for children 11 and under. For information on upcoming programs for students and the public, visit October 21: Porterville College CHAP; Abandoned America: Dismantling the Dream, 7-8pm In Abandoned America: Dismantling the Dream, Matthew Christopher continues his tour of the quiet catastrophes dotting American cities, examining the losses and failures that led these ruins to become forsaken by communities that once embraced them. For Christopher, if the creation of a structure represents the values and ideals of a time, so too does its subsequent abandonment and eventual destruction. This event is FREE and open to the public at the Porterville College Theater. October 21: Beatles Tribute Concert (Rescheduled!), 7:30pm The Beatles Tribute Concert starring Abbey Road has been rescheduled because of unforeseen circumstances. Those with tickets can either enjoy the concert on Oct 21 or receive a refund of the full purchase price if unable to attend. The Lindsay Community Theater apologizes for this unavoidable change in dates. October 22: West Hills College Coalinga Harvest Festival, 10am-2pm The festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Farm of the Future at 518 W. Gale Ave. and will feature a corn

maze and pumpkins for sale. Admission to the event is free while some activities are offered at a minimal cost. A walk through the corn maze, designed by WHCC students, costs 50 cents per person and is free for children under 5. Contact Alissa Trevino at (559) 9342703 for more information. October 22: VUMC Holiday Harvest Boutique, 10am-4pm The Women’s Ministry of Visalia United Methodist Church will hold a Holiday Harvest Boutique at the church, 5200 W. Caldwell Ave. The boutique will feature more than 20 vendors with homemade and retail items, along with entertainment and food booths. Children can shop at booths just for them, offering items for under $10. The event will also feature tricky trays and a silent auction. For information, contact Jana Petersdorf, 930-3759. October 22: Food Day at FoodLink for Tulare County, 10am-1pm On Saturday, October 22, FoodLink for Tulare County will officially open the doors to its new Exeter warehouse, at 611 2nd Street, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house. October 22: Harvest Holiday Boutique, 10am-4pm Hosted by the Women’s Ministry of the Visalia United Methodist Church at 5200 W. Caldwell Ave. at the corner of Akers and Caldwell in Visalia. Call Jana at 930-3759 for more information. October 22: 22nd Annual Sunrise Breakfast for WHAMOBASS Weekend, 6-9am Enjoy a warm breakfast and a front row view of the WHAMOBASS hotair balloon event at the 22nd annual Sunrise Breakfast on Oct. 22, hosted by the West Hills College Coalinga Child Development Center. The breakfast will be held at the Child Development Center on Cambridge Ave. from 6-9am, supported by donations of $5 or more per person. For more information, call (559) 934-2388. October 22: Magical Mooney Grove Held at the 4KBar Ranch in Exeter. Featuring Rudy Parris and band. Includes food, beer, a bounce house, and various vendors. For more information, email October 24: “Taste Treats in Tulare,” 6-8:30pm Take part in the Tulare Historical Museum’s biggest fundraiser, the 26th annual restaurant showcase. Tickets $50; for tickets, call 559-686-2074 or visit October 25: Our Hands in the Community, 6-8pm A fun event for all ages. Adults & Kids will be painting either a plate or an ornament for the holidays. Limit of 40 places. The cost of the event is $20 per person, which in-


5 Ground beef & with lettuce, toma- with beef, steamed cheese enchiladas to, condiments, rice, veggies, low- in red sauce, salsa pickle, chips, fruit sodium soy sauce, & sour cream with salad, fruit, cookie tortilla soup

3 Cheeseburgers

October 1-31: Exeter Scarecrow Contest The Exeter Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that “Scarecrows are Returning to Exeter” and will be on display for your viewing pleasure, at participating businesses for the entire month of October. Come to Exeter and vote for your favorite!


10 Grilled chicken patty on a brioche bun with lettuce, tomato, condiments, chips, fruit Monday

4 Asian stir fry


6 B brea bea roni

October 2016 Lunch 11 12 Crust less 13 I Lunch served 12-1 pm $4.0 Ground beef tacos quiche with ham, sag

with cheese, salsa, mushrooms, & asrico . Reservations m rice Please & beans call and 713-4481 paragus, country nico fruit potatoes, fresh nara fruit and muffin Tuesday Wednesday garT

17 3 Cheeseburgers

18 4 Asian stir fry

Spaghetti with with lettuce, tomameat sauce, to, condiments, garden salad,fruit pickle, chips, garlic bread and fruit

Parmesan encrustwith beef, steamed ed chicken with rice, veggies, lowbaked potato, vegsodium soy sauce, etable fruit, and fruit salad, cookie

5 Ground beef & 19

6 B 20 cheese enchiladas brea Meatloaf with Chic in red sauce, salsa with bea mashed potatoes & sour cream with tuce roni and gravy, vegtortilla soup gies, fruit and a sals roll and 10 11 12 Crust less 13 I sag Grilled chicken Ground beef tacos quiche with ham, 24 25 26 Beef & bean 27 ricoL patty on a brioche with cheese, salsa, mushrooms, & astostada topped laye Lemon pepper Pastrami & Swiss paragus, country nico bun with lettuce, rice & beans and with shredded letsau chicken with rice on marbled rye potatoes, fresh nara tomato, condifruit tuce, black olives, & pa pilaf, veggies, fruit with corn chowder fruit and muffin gar ments, chips, fruit green onion, rice, sar and a roll and fruit 17 18 19 20 salad brea Spaghetti with Parmesan encrustMeatloaf with Chic 31 Stuffed meat sauce,bell ed chicken with potatoes with Sweet treats or fruit will mashed be pepperssalad, with garden baked potato, vegand gravy, vegtuce served daily. ground turkey in garlic bread and etable and fruit gies, fruit and a sals tomato sauce with fruit roll and Items on Menu are subject rice, salad, fruit to change. and a roll 24 25 26 Beef & bean 27 L tostada topped laye Lemon pepper Pastrami & Swiss cludes 2 ornaments or a plate, sup- Registration from 8-9am at the Porterwith shredded let- Bring sau withserved. rice RSVP on marbled ryeAirport, plieschicken and snacks online: ville 1893 S. Newcomb. tuce, black olives, & pa pilaf, veggies, fruit with corn chowder your hot rod, truck, motorcycle, famgreenand onion, sar and a roll and fruit sITS/4685 and enter “Clay Café” in the ily car, or camel, enjoyrice, a pleasant salad brea comment box. If you have any ques- (though bumpy in places) ride while

tions, call 559.625.3822 ext.3 or seeing some California country. The run 31 please Stuffed bell Sweet treats or fruit will be email will be about 62 miles (back to the airpeppers with served daily. port is 90 miles) and will end by about ground in Mobile October 26: turkey Team Vidak 1pm. The public in invited to particitomato sauce with District Office Hours in Farmersville, Items on Menu pate are in subject the driving event. It costs $10 rice, salad, fruit 10am-2pm to change. for the 1st hand and $5 for each hand andFarmersville a roll At the City Hall. Mobile there after. For more information, call District Office hours are an opportunity Dave Smith: 559-539-2975 for Senate District 14 residents to meet locally with a Team Vidak representa- October 29: West Hills College Coaltive to hear more about Andy’s work inga Harvest Festival, 10am-2pm in Sacramento and the Central Valley, The festival will be held from 10 a.m. have their questions answered or get to 2 p.m. at the Farm of the Future at help with specific state-related issues. 518 W. Gale Ave. and will feature a corn maze and pumpkins for sale. Admission October 27: Wine & Shop at the to the event is free while some activiTulare Outlets, 5:30-8:30pm ties are offered at a minimal cost. A Soroptimist International of Tulare and walk through the corn maze, designed the Tulare Outlets are presenting Wine by WHCC students, costs 50 cents per & Shop at the Tulare Outlets on Octo- person and is free for children under 5. ber 27, from 5:30-8:30pm. Come out Contact Alissa Trevino at (559) 934and have a great time for a great cause: 2703 for more information. all proceeds will benefit human trafficking awareness. Tickets are $25 for adults October 29: Tulare-Kings UC Master 21 and over. For more details -- and to Gardener Plant Clinic, 11am-1pm Booth at Orchard Supply in Hanford. get tickets -- call 559-731-5693. October 29: Tulare-Kings UC Master October 28: Farmworker Women’s Gardener Plant Clinic, 11am-2pm Conference, 7:30am-3:30pm The 15th Annual Farmworker Women’s Booth at Hanford Garden Festival, Conference will be held at the Visalia Hanford Mall. Convention Center. The conference will be conducted exclusively in Spanish, with translators available for those who only speak English. For more information and registration, contact Lali Moheno at 559-733-4121. October 29: 12th Annual Rollin’ Relics Poker Run, 8am-1pm

November 2-3: Powering Sustainable Economic Development for the San Joaquin Valley West Hills Community College District’s premier public and private policy series— will continue on Nov. 2 and 3 with the fifth session in the series, Powering Sustainable Economic Develop-

h Menu / Visalia Senior Center 00 Dine In or Takeout & under 54 yrs: $5.00

must be made one business day in advance by 12 PM.


BBQ chicken ast with baked ans and macai salad, fruit

Weekly Salad Option:

Friday 7 Mustard & thyme rubbed pork tenderloin with rice pilaf, veggies, fruit and a roll

Taco Salad

— in taco

bowls with lettuce, chicken, black beans, corn with Mexican cheese and salsa

h Menu / Visalia Senior Center Italian sau14 00 Dine In Takeout & under 54salad yrs:—with $5.00 diced Chef steak ge, spinach andorSalisbury

cheeses, black olives, ham, otta-stuffed ma- with roasted potaand by hard must bemarimade one day intomato advance 12boiled PM. toes,business veggies, salad otti with eggs with ranch dressing a sauce, salad, and fruit Weekly Salad Option: rlic bread, fruit Thursday Friday

BBQ chicken 7 Mustard & thyme 21 Combination ast with rubbed pork tencken softbaked tacos pizza with Italian ans and macaderloin with rice h shredded let- sausage, salami, i salad, pilaf, veggies, fruit e, cheesefruit and black olives, onions, and pepper a roll and sa with beans bell d fruit mushrooms Italian sau14 ge, spinach and Salisbury steak 28 Halloween lunch Lasagna with otta-stuffed ma- with roasted potaBeef stew with vegers with of meat otti maritoes, veggies, salad gies, salad, fresh uce, mozzarella a sauce, salad, and fruit fruit and corn bread armesan, rlic bread, Caefruit salad, garlic 21 Combination ad & fruit cken soft tacos pizza with Italian h shredded letsalami, Dailysausage, Salad Option: e, cheese andChicken black olives, onions, Caesar Salad sa with beansavailable bell pepper and as a meal d fruit mushrooms replacement.

Southwest Chicken Salad With lettuce, corn, black — in taco Taco Salad beans, Mexican cheese, bowls with lettuce, chicksalsa andbeans, Ranch corn dressing en, black with Mexican cheese and salsa

Chef salad—with diced cheeses, black olives, ham, — Perfect Garden Salad tomato and hard boiled Field of greens with apples, eggs with ranch dressing

walnuts, dried cranberries and feta with raspberry walnut dressingChicken Salad Southwest

With lettuce, corn, black Asian Salad — beans,Chicken Mexican cheese, Crisp carrots, salsa romaine, and Ranch dressing cabbage, cilantro, peanuts, wontons, grilled chicken with peanut dressing

28 Halloween lunch Lasagna with Beef stew with veg- Perfect Garden Salad — ers of for meat ment the San Joaquin Valley. Tickets til 1pm. Includes costume contest for Field of greens with apples, gies, salad, fresh uce, aremozzarella available now for this unique two- most patriotic dog! $15/person, $20 for fruit and corn bread walnuts, dried cranberries armesan, day event.CaeTo register or for more in- twoand people includes free bandana feta--with raspberry wal- for salad, garlic dog! formation about the event, visit www. yournut dressing ad & fruit For quesNovember 5-6: Assistance League tions, contact Kathy Finster at kathyAsian Chicken Salad — Shopping Fundraisers Daily Salad Option: or 559-934-2141. Crisp romaine, Assistance League® ofcarrots, Visalia is having Chicken Caesar Salad cabbage, cilantro, peanuts,Boua shopping fundraiser at Chelsea’s November 3-5: West Hills available asCollege a meal wontons, grilled chicken tique and 1422 Downtown Visalia: NoCoalinga Rodeo replacement. with peanut dressing From Nov. 3 to Nov. 5, West Hills vember 5, 10:30am-5:30 pm and NoCollege Coalinga’s rodeo arena will vember 6, 12:00-5:00pm. 20% of all host competitors from 11 teams from proceeds for the two days will go to Asacross California and Nevada for a fall sistance League to help with the Operrodeo. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 ation School Bell® program which profor students 17 and under, and free vides new clothes for children in need.

for WHCC students with ASB cards and children under 10. The concession stand will be open. The rodeo arena is at 518 W. Gale Ave. in Coalinga. For more information, visit westhillscollege. com or contact Coach Justin Hampton at (559) 934-2702.

November 9: Vietnam Veteran’s Panel, 11:30am-12:30pm & 7am-8pm Vietnam Veteran’s Panel Presentation at the Porterville College theater. Admission is free and all are invited. Sponsored by the Porterville College Student Veterans Organization.

November 5: 23rd Annual Casino Night Fundraiser, 6-9pm This event helps raise funds used to promote the local agricultural community, to engage young professionals in leadership roles and networking opportunities, and to provide greater opportunities for involvement in the agriculture industry. Held at the Tulare International Ag Center. Tickets $35 pre-sale, $40 at the door; for more information, call the Tulare County Farm Bureau at 559-732-8301

November 9: Disney’s Approach to Quality Service The event will take place at the Visalia Convention Center. Registration is $425 for Visalia Chamber members (including members of other local Chambers) and $450 for non-members and includes all course materials as well as continental breakfast and lunch. Bulk ticket rates are also available for five or more tickets at $325 per person for Chamber members and $425 for non-members. For more information or to register, go to or call 559-734-5876. Seating for this event is limited.

November 5: Trails for Tails, 9am1pm Benefitting Friends of Tulare Animal Services. Held at Live Oak Park/Santa Fe Trail. Registration begins 9am, walk at 10am, vendors & other activities un-

November 10: Valley Oak Quilt Guild, 10am Valley Oak Quilt Guild www.val- will meet Thursday, Nov.10, at Tulare Community Church, 1820 N Gem, in Tulare at 10:00 AM The mystery and challenge quilts for the year will be revealed. For information call: Nanette at 559-625-2541. November 11: Porterville Veterans Day Run, 7:30am The low cost entry fee is only $20 for runners and walkers. Plus, there is a discounted rate of $10 for veterans and those in active military duty. Register online at or in person at the Heritage Center, 256 E. Orange Ave., and Porterville City Hall, 291 N. Main St. Last day to pre-register is November 9. The price increases $5 on the day of the race. For more information, call (559) 782-7521. November 19: Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 21st Annual Installation and Awards Dinner Dance, 6pm-11pm At the Visalia Convention Center. Catered by the Marriott. For more information, head to

CONTINUOUS Sunday Nights: Barmageddon Tulareous Open Mic, 9pm-12:30am Our weekly open mic has a great selection of local comedians and musicians. Comedians will have approximately 10 mins of stage time and musicians get three songs. Sign ups start at 9 PM, Show starts at 9:30 PM, Ends around 12:30 AM. No Cover. Through November 12: Kings Art Center Exhibitions Common Threads Quilt Guild and Paintings by Maria Simoes will be exhibited at the Kings Art Center, 605 N. Douty, Hanford. The opening reception for both exhibits will be held Sept. 23, 5:30-7:30pm. Regular gallery hours are Wed-Fri 11-4pm, Sat-Sun 12-3pm. Admission is free, tours are by appointment, and for more information, dial 559-584-1065. Mondays: Bridge Club, 9:30am-2pm 210 W Center Street Visalia, CA 93291. Admission is free. For additional information call: Joan Dinwiddie @ 732-0855 Mondays: Knitters, 10am-12:30pm 210 W Center Street Visalia, CA 93291. Everyone is welcome. Monday Nights: Monday Karaoke at Barmageddon, 9pm-1am Get on stage and sing your favorite tunes on our one of a kind sound system. New Image has a vast selection of songs to choose, ranging from 70’s classic rock to modern pop. Karaoke Jockey Miss Sammi will be hosting from 9 PM - 1 AM. No Cover. Fridays: Women’s Morning Bible Study, 9am-Noon

210 W Center Street Visalia, CA 93291. For additional information call: 739-9010 Saturdays: Cup of Jazz, 10am-Noon At Cafe 210, at 210 Center street, Visalia. Free. Led by Richard Garoogian. Call 559.730.0910 for more information. Tuesday Nights: Barmageddon Trivia Thunderdome, 9pm-1am Challenge your friends to the ultimate trivia throw down. Earn some bragging rights in categories ranging from Saturday morning cartoons, classic video games, and pop culture films. Teams of 4 or solo players compete each round for the best scores. Winners of every two rounds will square off in the Trivia Thunderdome for great prizes. Free sign ups at 9:30 PM. 2nd Tuesday, Monthly: Yappy Hour, 5-9pm Well-mannered, leashed pets are welcome on the patio at the Planing Mill Artisan Pizzeria, 514 East Main Street, Suite A, in Visalia. A portion of the proceeds is donated to the Valley Oak SPCA. For more information, call 6511111. 3rd Tuesday, Monthly: League of Women Voters Meeting, 11:45am At Sue Sa’s Club House, 699 W. Center in Visalia. Reservations are required and the public is welcome. Contact or call 732-1251. Wednesday Nights: Barmageddon Game Night Come blow off some steam at our game night. Enjoy complimentary gaming on all consoles, TCG’s, Table top & board games. Happy hour will be from 6 PM8 PM. 1st Thursday Monthly through October: Diabetes Support Group, 5:30-7pm Kaweah Delta Health Care District will offer a free diabetes support group through October from on the first Thursday of the month at the Kaweah Delta Chronic Disease Management Center, 325 Willis St., Visalia. Information: 624-2416. 1st Thursday, Monthly: Veterans Support Group, 5:30-7pm Free support group for global war on terrorism & post 9-11 (Veterans Only) at the Tulare Public Library, 475 North M Street in Tulare. Facilitated by: Dr. Lance Zimmerman, Ph.D of veterans Counseling Clinic. “The transition from serving in a combat zone to civilian life can be a difficult one. Combat veterans commonly experience feelings of depression, isolation, alienation, guilt, anxiety, and anger following their service. If you’re experiencing these or any other emotional problems after serving in a combat zone, it’s vital to seek professional help.“ -Veterans Counseling Clinic.

20 October, 2016

22 • Valley Voice

Sports Rawhide’s Danny Angel Looks Back on First Season Stefan Barros Danny Angel is coming off of his first season as the radio broadcaster and Public relations director with the Rawhide. This was an introduction to baseball in the California League, with Angel coming over from the Carolina League’s Potomac Nationals. Angel enjoyed his first season in Visalia, though it was on short notice, as he was hired by the Rawhide back in March, just one month before the start of the season. Angel saw this season as a good learning experience for himself as a broadcaster. “There are always surprises in a season. Starting in March was a bit of a surprise, but was a good learning experience. The team on the field made it a better experience, and were a pleasure to watch. The coaching staff was easy to work with, though I wasn’t able to travel with them, but when I did work with them it made the environment that much better to work under.” Angel didn’t even know where Visalia was located prior to his hiring. He hadn’t heard much of anything about the city before he arrived here.

“My first trip came back, he lit ever to Visalia was it up, then he got hurt again unfortufor the interview. It was totally different nately at the end of than what I expectthe year. Something else that stands out ed. This whole year is that virtually the I’ve been learning about the commuentire lineup in the first half ended up nity, and seeing in Mobile (AA). just how much they love this team. They We only had one player that went team is also realdown, but player ly connected with movement like that the community. I found that interis great because it means the team was esting when I first playing well. We came over.” also had seven orgaIn a season that was filled with Danny Angel. Nancy Vigran/Valley Voice nizational all-stars.” The Rawhide winning, Angel has many memories from his first campaign season did end in disappointment last month after they were swept in the Caliin Visalia. “In April and May there was one fornia League Finals vs. the High Desert thing that stood out: It seemed like the Mavericks. This came after sweeping the bullpen had all of the wins, and the start- Bakersfield Blaze in the previous round. ing pitchers had none of the wins. Of Angel believes there was a some disapcourse in a year like this, there will be pointment, but thought all the games individuals that have good years. Marty were competitive. “Personally, the first two games were Herum is a guy that stands out to me. He started the year injured. But once he gnarly. An error in extra innings lost

us one of the games. The second game could’ve gone either way, and it ended 1-0. They just outpitched us. But it never really felt like we were out of anything. The games teetered, and neither team was that much better than the other.” Now with his first season in Visalia under his belt, Angel is looking forward to some things coming next season--watching more baseball. “I look forward to actually getting to watch the games. It’s the fun part of the day for me. A lot of the people that work here don’t get to watch the games. I feel lucky to be able to watch the games every day. “ Angel definitely believes that this year can help him going forward as a broadcaster, and knows he’ll feel more comfortable in his second season in Visalia. “This year helped me learn the field better. This is a great park, with the barn in right field. I’ll feel much more comfortable knowing the field next season. Next year I’ll know what to expect, know what Visalia does, knowing the hats they use. The experiences carry over, and I’m still learning. I’m just try to make myself more comfortable.”

Fall Rodeo Comes to West Hills College Coalinga Nov. 3 to Nov. 5 Staff Reports It’s rodeo time in Coalinga. From Nov. 3 to Nov. 5, West Hills College Coalinga’s rodeo arena will host competitors from 11 teams from across California and Nevada for a fall rodeo. The WHCC men and women’s rodeo teams will face off against some of the best teams in the West Coast Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association in nine different events ranging from bronc riding to barrel racing. “We are starting a great year and are looking forward to hopefully keeping the momentum going at our home event,” said Rodeo Coach Justin Hampton. “This is the first time in a while that we’ve had a Fall Rodeo. In the past, WHCC has had several successful Fall Rodeos so we are excited to bring it back.” Rodeo performances will be held on Nov. 3 and Nov. 4 at 6:30 p.m. and

feature rodeo clown Charlie Too Tall and CCPRA Announcer of the year Ted Dwyer and the sounds of Ryan HawkEye Odishoo. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for students 17 and under, and free for WHCC students with ASB cards and children under 10. The concession stand will be open. Slack competitions will also be held on Friday, Nov. 4 at 7 a.m. and Saturday, Nov. 5 at 8 a.m. WHCC is competing against a wide variety of college competitors from schools including Cal Poly SLO, Fresno State, Cuesta College, Feather River College, Lassen College, UNLV, UNR, Western Nevada College, UC Davis, Clovis Community College and College of the Sequoias. Following the beginning of the 2016-2017 rodeo season on Sept. 29 with a competition at Feather River Col-

Edgar Machado competes in a West Hills Intercollegiate Rodeo competition. Photo/Courtesy/West Hills College Coalinga

lege, West Hills College’s men’s team is ranked second in the West Coast Region and the women’s team is ranked third. The rodeo arena is at 518 W. Gale

Ave. in Coalinga. For more information, visit or contact Coach Justin Hampton at (559) 934-2702.

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 23

West Hills College Creates State of the Art Science Labs in Avenal, Riverdale Thanks to a partnership with West Hills Community College District, students at Riverdale High School and Avenal High School went back to school this year with access to state of the art, modernized science labs. WHCCD contributed $800,000 toward upgrading science laboratories at Riverdale High School, including new lab and lecture spaces. The construction of a total of five new classrooms, including three new science labs with classroom and lab space, was funded. “West Hills College is committed to the citizens of our community and the students we serve and this is just one more

demonstration of that commitment,” said Dr. Kristin Clark, President of West Hills College Lemoore. “These newly renovated classrooms are state-of-the-art and will better prepare students for transfer to college and careers within our community. Through this partnership, West Hills College Lemoore will also offer college-level courses in the evenings and weekends in an effort to reach more students within our community. ” WHCCD’s contribution to this project and a similar remodel in Avenal was made possible by the passing of Measure E in 2008, which generated an approximate $18.34 million in funding.

The new labs and the joint partnership between WHCCD and Riverdale Joint Unified School District were commemorated with a reception on Oct. 12 at 5 p.m. in the foyer of the Community Education Center in Riverdale. “This is an excellent example of how two public agencies are able to cooperate to provide a much needed service for the community, K-12 students and our adult learners,” said Jeff Percell, Superintendent of Riverdale Joint Unified School District. “There’s certainly a benefit to our students during the course of their daily instruction to have access to state of the art facilities.” WHCCD also contributed $2 mil-

lion toward labs at Avenal High School. In addition to the remodel of two existing science labs and storage and prep rooms, adjacent bathrooms and the main entrance were remodeled to meet current ADA standards. The complete remodel improved the lab design to allow for maximum collaboration between students and instructors, including complete co-laboratories and lecture space. WHCCD is also planning to offer evening or weekend college-level courses using these new labs at Avenal High School. Students at the high schools began using the upgraded laboratories this fall.

Arizona Sends Six Prospects and Coach With Ties to Visalia to AFL Staff Reports Major League Baseball has announced the rosters for the 2016 Arizona Fall League, which opened play October 11 and it included seven current and former members of the Visalia Rawhide from the D-Backs organization. The six players and one coach are Gil Heredia, INF Dawel Lugo, INF Jamie Westbrook, INF Kevin Cron, LHP Jared Miller, LHP Gabe Speier, LHP Josh Taylor. Gil Heredia, a former Rawhide pitching coach, is the lone coach representing Arizona. Heredia spent three seasons with Visalia from 2012-2015 as the team’s pitching coach. In 2015, Heredia was awarded Pitching Coach of the Year honors after a successful season of developing some notable young arms such as Anthony Banda and Zack Godley. After the 2015 season, Heredia made the jump from Single-A Advanced Visalia to Triple-A Reno. Arizona’s highest rated prospect heading to the AFL is 3B/SS Dawel Lugo, rated as the #12 prospect in the organization by Lugo, a 2016 mid-season All-Star, followed up a solid 2015 campaign with an even better one in 2016. Between Single-A Visalia and Double-A Mobile, Lugo posted an average of .311 with 17 homers and 62 RBI’s in 127 games. The Dominican Republic native signed as an International Free Agent with the Toronto Blue Jays in 2011 as the #6 ranked International Prospect. During the 2016 season while with the Rawhide, the 21 year old earned Cal League Player of the Week honors during the June 27th – July 3rd period. After coming a triple away from the cycle during that week on June 29th, he got another chance at it during the next week on July 5th, and made the most of his second chance by ripping a single up the middle in the top of the 9th to complete the feat. The other Top 30 prospect in Ari-

zona’s organization participating in the AFL will be #22 ranked 2B Jamie Westbrook. Westbrook spent his entire 2015 season with the Rawhide playing in 123 games while batting a very impressive .319 with 17 home runs and 72 RBI, earning him the right to start and play his entire 2016 season with Double-A Mobile. While with Visalia, the Arizona native had multiple All-Star selections including: Organizational All Star, Baseball-America High Class A All-Star, and Post Season All Star selection. In 2016, Westbrook nearly matched his 2015 game total with 122 games played, batting .262 with 5 home runs and 36 RBI with the Bay Bears. Rounding out the last of the position player taking part in the Arizona Fall League is former Rawhide 1B Kevin Cron. Cron, like Westbrook, also spent his 2015 season solely with the Rawhide. During his stint with Visalia, the 6’5, 245 pound first baseman logged 127 games while posting a .272 average with 26 homers and 97 RBI. In his 2016 season with the Bay Bears, Cron matched his 2015 season games played total with 127 while batting .222. Cron led the Southern League with 26 homers and was second only to Tyler O’Neill of the Jackson Generals with 88 RBI. Due to his successful season in Mobile, Cron earned a Post-Season All-Star nod following the 2016 season. LHP Gabe Speier will also be on his way to the AFL to represent Arizona. Speier has spent parts of his 2016 season with the AZL Diamondbacks, Single-A Kane County, High Single-A Visalia, and Double-A Mobile. The

southpaw was originally drafted by the Boston Red Sox in 2011 before being a part of the 2014 off season trade that sent Detroit starting pitcher Rick Porcello to Boston in exchange for LF Yoenis Cespedes, RHP Alex Wilson, and Speier. After spending a season in Detroit’s farm system, Speier was a part of another deal, sending Speier and LHP Ian Krol to Atlanta in exchange for CF Cameron Maybin. Finally, Speier’s final move to date was him going from Atlanta to Arizona along with pitcher Shelby Miller and Atlanta got in return RF Ender Inciarte, RHP Aaron Blair, and 2015 1st overall pick SS Dansby Swanson. In 2016 between all 4 levels, the Santa Barbara, CA native went 4-2 with a 2.62 ERA and struck out 49 batters in 58 1/3 innings pitched. Another pitcher on his way to the AFL that made his way through Recreation Park is LHP Jared Miller. Miller was drafted in the 11th round of the 2014 draft out of Vanderbilt by the Arizona Diamondbacks. Miller started his journey in 2014 with the Hillsboro Hops and stayed there for the rest of the 2014 season. In 2015 he picked up where he left off and was eventually promoted to Kane County, but not before earning a Mid-Season All Star Award and later adding a Post-Season All Star Award to go with it. In 2016 he earned a roster spot with the Rawhide out of Spring Training and pitched very well in a limited amount of time. The southpaw appeared in 12 games and posted a 1.88 ERA in 14 1/3 innings pitched while striking out 20. It wasn’t long before he would move on to Double-A Mobile and even making it as high as Triple-A Reno. In 2016, Miller went

0-2 with a 2.64 ERA while striking out 80 batters in 45 games. LHP Josh Taylor is the final player headed to Arizona for the Fall League with 2016 ties to the Rawhide. Taylor split time in 2016 between Class-A Advanced Visalia and Double-A Mobile, finishing with a 5-11 record and a 5.36 ERA. The 6-5, 225-pounder was originally a Phillies farmhand after going undrafted in 2014. He began his professional career with the GCL Phillies before moving on to the Lakewood Blue Claws in 2015 before being dealt to the Diamondbacks along with RHP Chris Oliver for future considerations in July of that year. 2015 saw Taylor finish 8-8 with a 3.96 ERA spanning two teams and two organizations and 24 starts. The Phoeniz, AZ native is ranked as the #25 prospect in the Arizona organization after a 2016 season that saw him struggle with Visalia, finishing 2-7 with a 5.65 ERA in 15 appearances and 78.0 innings pitched. Taylor performed better after being promoted to Mobile on July 5th and finished with a 3-4 mark in 54.2 innings over 11 starts. The pinnacle of his 2016 campaign was his first Double-A start against the Pensacola Blue Wahoos where he twirled a complete game, threehit shutout in a 10-0 victory for the Bay Bears. The gem earned Taylor his second career league player of the week award. 21 of the top-100 MLB prospects are currently scheduled to play in the AFL this year, up from just 12 a year ago. Each of MLB’s 30 organizations sends a contingent of at least six players to Arizona, where they play six games per week during a 32-game regular season that runs from Oct. 11 through Nov. 17. The two division winners will meet Nov. 19 in a one-game playoff for the championship. Joining the prospects from the Diamondbacks organization on the Salt River Rafters will be prospects from the Atlanta Braves, Colorado Rockies, Detroit Tigers and Milwaukee Brewers.

Cal Water to Host 90th Anniversary Celebration, Seeks 90 Year Olds

California Water Service (Cal Water) will celebrate 90 years of service to Visalia with a fall festival from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 30, at the Exhibit Hall of the Visalia Convention Center. The event is open to the public and will feature free A&W root beer floats and hot dogs, song and dance by local youth groups, face-painting, carnival attractions and costume contests for kids and critters, with prizes for the top three costumes. The Valley Oak SPCA will have animals available for adoption, and antique cars and Cal Water trucks will be on hand.

Cal Water officials will present donations to The Bethlehem Center and the Valley Oak SPCA, noted Eric Charles, acting assistant district manager of California Water Visalia. Imagine U and other local nonprofit organizations have been invited to participate, and Cal Water will offer water-conservation displays. “We are proud to have been a part of Visalia’s history for the past 90 years, and looking forward to being part of its future,” Charles said. “This celebration of community and partnerships is our way of

saying thank you.” Cal Water is also seeking local 90-year-olds to honor as part of Cal Water’s 90th birthday celebration fall festival from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 30, at the Exhibit Hall of the Visalia Convention Center. Cal Water will acknowledge seniors who are 90 years old (or nearly 90) with photos at the event and in other mediums. Seniors interested in being a part of the celebration can call The Lockwood Agency at 733-3737 for details. Photos can be emailed to laguilar@thelockwooda- Cal Water serves about 138,404 people through 43,000 service connections in Visalia. The company, which has provided water service in the area since 1926, was ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Water Utilities in the West” in 2016 by J.D. Power in its inaugural Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study. For additional information, visit

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • 24

Family Legacy Continues at COS from Superintendent to Volleyball Star conference record. The women’s season ended a little sooner than they wanted as Gabi Crookshanks is a sophomore they lost to Diablo Valley 3-0 in the first at College of the Sequoias but she and round of the playoffs. “We came with her family are no strangers to COS. our heads a little high and we thought Crookshanks is the great it was going to be easy,” granddaughter of former Crookshanks said. “LosCollege of the Sequoias ing was awful and we President and Superindon’t want to experience tendent, Dr. Ivan Crookthat again this season. As shanks who served at a team, we are going to COS from 1950 until his get first in league and do retirement in 1985. well in playoffs.” Ivan would certainRix believes Crookly be proud of what his shanks is a vital player great granddaughter did to the team with such a last season. In 2015, young core. “Gabi is so Crookshanks played in all good for our team and for 19 matches and finished our program,” Rix said. the season second in kills “She is so mature and with 162. However, if Gabi Crookshanks. Courtesy/ such a great leader. Outtook the special attention College of the Sequoias side hitters are your go-to of Volleyball head coach players. She’s going to be Kim Rix, to get Crookshanks where she even more incredible down the stretch of is today. “I didn’t have my mind set on this season.” anywhere. I wasn’t sure what I wanted So far this season Crookshanks has to do yet and Coach Kim called me and 104 kills and only 11 errors. She has asked if I wanted to play. That was prob- been a key contributor in leading the ably the best decision I ever made.” Giants to a perfect 6-0 conference reCrookshanks came to Sequoias from cord and she would like to continue her Exeter Union High School where she volleyball career at a four year university lettered her last two years. Crookshanks next season. COS Volleyball currently played in 150 sets and had 218 kills sits 9-3 overall and 6-0 in Central Valduring her time with the Monarchs. ley Conference play. The Giants will Last season was a successful one for next play at home on Friday, October Crookshanks as well as her team. The 21 at 6:00 p.m. at the COS Porter Field Giants finished 12-7 overall with a 10-4 House against Reedley College. Staff Reports

Katie Taylor and Plays by Young Writers Festival Artistic Director Ruff Yeager. Courtesy/ Geri Goodale/Reminisce Photography

Playwrights Continued from p. 17

Taylor’s play, Pros and Cons, is a clever farce about formerly incarcerated friends who reunite for a fresh start as they reenter society. Despite their altruistic efforts, old habits die hard and whacky escapades ensue. In the playwright’s words, “the road to comedy is paved with good intentions.” Katie Taylor, who penned the play, lives in Woodlake where she attends College of the Sequoias. Pros and Cons will be directed by Phil Johnson, and Ruff Yeager will dramaturg. About Playwrights Project: Playwrights Project advances literacy, creativity and communication by empowering individuals to voice their stories through playwriting programs

and theatre productions. Playwrights Project gratefully acknowledges support from: Sponsors: The Sheila and Jeffrey Lipinsky Family Fund, City of San Diego’s Commission for Arts and Culture, Macy’s, Mandell Weiss Charitable Trust, Kinder Morgan Foundation, San Diego County Community Enhancement Program, District 4 (Ron Roberts) and District 3 (Dave Roberts). Additional support provided by: Balboa Park Kiwanis Foundation, California Arts Council, Community Service Association of San Diego Unified School District, The Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation, Kiwanis Club of La Jolla, Kiwanis Club of Old San Diego, National Endowment for the Arts, The Arthur and Jeanette Pratt Memorial Fund, Qualcomm Foundation, and Torrey Pines Bank.

A Weekend Away Nonstop Flights Bring More Destinations Close to Home While the South Valley does not contain a megacity with a mega airport, it is close enough to take advantage of what Fresno Yosemite Airport has to offer, with flights to 11 cities, non-stop, making them within reach for a three- or four-day mini-vacation. The Winchester Mystery House. Courtesy/Jane Lidz/Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, 571113

Intrigue Persists at San Jose’s Winchester Mystery House Nancy Vigran The Winchester Mystery House has long been full of fascination – and now, yet another room has been located within the 161-room mansion located in San Jose. The house was built by Sarah Winchester in the early 20th century. In 1862, Sarah Lockwood Paradee was married to William Wert Winchester, who invented the Winchester repeating rifle and was Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut. In 1866, their infant daughter, Annie, died of a childhood illness, and Sarah Winchester fell into a deep depression, which she never came out of. Her husband died of tu-

berculosis 15 years later and her depression worsened. Winchester sought the help and advice of a medium in Boston. She was told, sources say, that she was being haunted by American Indians, Civil War soldiers and others, who had died as a result of Winchester rifles. She was told, it was those spirits that killed her daughter and husband and she was further advised that she would be next. The medium told her to move west, and that the spirits might be pacified if she built a large mansion for them. If she did, she may be spared.

WINCHESTER continued on II »

Dallas, TX

American Airlines offers twice-daily flights from Fresno to Dallas, the largest metropolitan area in the south, and a city rich with history and attractions. No trip to Dallas would be complete without a visit to The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, a museum dedicated to the life and legacy of John F. Kennedy at the place where Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president. The “John F. Kennedy and the Memory of a Nation” exhibits gives visitors an overview of the events leading up to, throughout, and after the assassination, including a chance to view a recreation of the “corner window” space, the scale model of Dealey Plaza created by the FBI in 1964, and cameras used by assassination eyewitnesses. Through November 13, the museum is also hosting “A Time For Greatness: The 1960 Kennedy Campaign,” showcasing campaign materials, photographs,

Tony Maldonado and movies from the museum’s collection, windows into presidential campaigning and politics from the 1960s. The museum is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10am-6pm, and Monday from 12pm-6pm. Tickets for adults are $16, seniors 65+ $14, children 6-18 $13, and children up to 5 free. For more information, visit Autumn at the Arboretum, a yearly fall event hosted by the Dallas Arboretum, is hosted through November 23, and was named the #1 “Trip to Put on Your Fall Bucket List” by travel website Orbitz. Those traveling with children can also take part in a “Night-Time Trick or Treating” event, held in the arboretum’s children’s garden from October 2830, and other children’s events include all-October exhibits on the Monarch Butterfly. The Pumpkin Village at the arboretum features an arrangement of over 90,000 pumpkins, gourds, and squash, bales of hay and cornstalks to create pumpkin houses. The village stands alongside blooming fall foliage including firebush, ornamental grasses and

FLY continued on IV »

Explore California’s Red Rock Canyon State Park Nancy Vigran Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean the family can’t get out and explore for the weekend. In Red Rock Canyon the desert meets the southernmost end of the Sierra Nevada. Aptly named for its colorful 300-foot curtained red rock cliffs, Red Rock also displays unique scenic desert cliffs and buttes, along with the unusual rock forms. Many photographers have dubbed this area as one of their dream locations. Early morning sunrises and evening sunsets offer especially great times to photograph the shadowing afforded by the landscape. While the colors are fascinating, dramatic black-and-white images portray this location in a whole different dimension. California’s Red Rock Canyon should not be confused with Red Rock in Nevada. It is located just 25 miles north of Mojave. This 27,000-acre park is part of California’s State Park system. Red Rock was once home to the Kawaiisu Indians, who some descendants of are now enrolled in the Tule River Indian tribe. Petroglyphs and drawings from the Kawaiisu, who inhabited the El Paso Mountain, are now protected. Desert flora and fauna are well represented including Yuccas. Wildlife includes a variety of birds including hawks and roadrunners, as well as lizards and

squirrels. Following a rainy winter, stunning wildflower displays are the highlight of spring. There are miles of trails open for day use. Some are fairly easy and accessible for the whole family such as the onemile loop trail, Red Cliffs Trail, which is open through the fall and winter. This is a great walk to see some of the magnificent rock formations and, in good weather, there are further unofficial trails and washes to explore. Geological slumping and Red Rock Canyon is a photographer’s dream. Courtesy/Wikimedia user PDTillman sonal to the rock formations. of natural resources and public safety. It possible faulting is For those in shape and seeking is open, like much of the park, for day evident here providing in-person visual a longer trail, the Nightmare Gulch horseback rides. geology lessons. For those who enjoy off-road drivLikewise, the Hagen Trail is an easy Overlook Trail offers a chance to see an 1.2 mile trail with the path winding close abundance of wildlife along with rock ing, there are other opportunities, such to the red rock sandstone cliffs. A film formations. The trail offers little, if any, as the moderate Last Chance Canyon site, this area was home to more than 100 shade, so is best utilized in the fall and trail, which is 18.8 miles offers pointfilm backdrops including Jurassic Park, winter. It is, in fact, closed from Feb- to-point driving through the desert. This Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Zorro ruary-June due to protection of raptor road is open and accessible November and a multitude of Westerns. Again, in breeding areas. Once a site for off-road through March, and highly recommendgood weather, there are an abundance of vehicles, this trail is under a temporary ed by off-road enthusiasts. It is also open off-trail sites to explore up close and per- closure order for vehicles for protection

RED ROCK continued on III »

20 October, 2016

II • Valley Voice

Take Part in Zip Line Tours, Just a Day Trip Away Staff Reports If you’ve been thinking about zip lining – here is some information to either settle, or unsettle your nerves. A zip line, or aerial runway, consists of a pulley on a suspended cable. Zip lines were originally used as a method to get around, generally in mountainous areas. But in the last decade or two, they have become an entertainment feature and tourist attraction found either over a natural wildlife setting, or some other view, even above a big city, such as New York. They are found over rainforest canopies in Costa Rica and South America, and in Australia, as well as around the US. The world’s longest zip line (as of the end of 2015) is reported to be Parque de Aventura Barrancas del Cobre in Copper Canyon, Mexico at 8,350 feet in length. The steepest is reported to be in Planica, Slovenia. It is 1,857 feet long with a 663 foot vertical drop. Yikes! For many potential zip line riders, it is testing their strength to overcome the fear. For others who are more comfortable, it is the beauty of the view. Before you spend a lot of time and money venturing around the world for the ultimate zip line experience, there are some pretty nice ones quite close to home. In Mariposa, Yosemite Ziplines and Adventure Ranch offers two hour, sixstage guided tours through the mountains with views of downtown historic Mariposa. Participants must be eight

years old, and weigh at least 70 pounds and no more than 250 pounds. Visit for more information. In the Gold Country foothills, off Highway 49 and close to the Moaning Cavern’s Visitor’s Center, Cave & Mine Adventures offers twin zip lines, side by side, along a quarter mile long. Zip line speeds may reach up to 40 mph. Regular zip line riders must be 70 pounds and under 285 pounds, with a waist size of less than 55 inches. There is also a tandem zip offered, generally aimed at one adult with one child – the pair must have a combined weight less than 280 pounds. Visit http:// zip-lines-moaning-cavern/ for more information. Over near the coast and Santa Cruz, Mount Hermon Canopy Tours takes visitors for a tour above the coastal redwoods. Tours of up to eight are led by two certified guides along six lines up to 150-feet high. Enjoy an evening tour only available this time of year! The minimum age is 10 years with a minimum height of 52 inches and a weight between 75-250 pounds. Visit http:// for more information. If you have a fear of heights, this may be a big emotional investment to make, but the beauty afforded on these tours is worth overcoming the fear. Advance and early reservations are advised for all of these zip line tours.

Let your hair flow in the wind while you zipline! Cave & Mine Adventures offers twin zip lines. Courtesy/Jason Smith/Cave & Mine Adventures


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A door to nowhere at the Winchester Mystery House. Courtesy/Wikimedia User ‘Spiel’

Winchester Continued from p. I

Turning Depression into Action

She moved to the Santa Clara Valley late in the 19th century and began work on an old farm house, which she purchased in 1884. Money was not a problem, she had plenty of it through shares of stocks in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, as well as millions of dollars in cash left by her husband. She received even more shares of the company following the death of her mother-inlaw. She earned $1,000 a day, according to various sources. Winchester was said to be generous to her employees, as well as donating to local charities. Yet, she became a recluse, had a tall hedge planted around her property, and kept her face covered by veil. She fired employees if they had caught a glimpse of her face. She hired carpenters, who worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week, turning the eight-room farmhouse into a seven-story mansion. During the 37 years living in San Jose, prior to her death at the age of 82, 161 rooms with 13 bathrooms and six kitchens, and some 2,000 doors, 10,000 windows, 47 stairways and 47 fireplaces had been built. The latest find, the 161st room in the attic, is said to have boarded up since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The story goes that Winchester had been trapped in the room following the quake, which she thought was the work of evil spirits. The Mystery House preservation team found a pump organ, Victorian couch, dress form, sewing machine and paintings in the room. This attic room has now been added to those available for viewing by the public.

Eccentric . . . Maybe

To say that Mrs. Winchester was a bit eccentric and odd may be an understatement. The true reasons for her continuous work on her mansion may never be known. Following her husband’s death and her move to California, she was never interviewed. She did not keep any sort of journal, at least to date nothing has been found. Any stories were brought to light by the families of the workers who developed the mansion, and of those with whom she sought guidance in maintaining the spirits that haunted her. In the center of the house is the Blue Room, where Winchester supposedly went nightly to commune with the spirits. It is said that she never slept in the same room two nights in a row, as to confuse the evil spirits haunting her. Those who lived close by claimed they would hear bells ring at midnight and

again at 2am, every night, which may have been the timing of the arrival and departure of spirits. Winchester died of heart failure in 1922. Her massive fortune and properties were left to her niece, Mrs. Marian Merriman Marriott. However, the mansion and surrounding farm were not mentioned in the will. It was purchased, at auction, by a local investor for more than $135,000, and then leased for 10 years to John and Mayme Brown. The Brown’s eventually purchased the house, and the house was first opened to the public five months after Winchester’s death. Mayme Brown was the first tour guide. In 1924, Harry Houdini visited the mansion, and the newspaper account of his visit, called it the Mystery House – the name stuck. The Winchester Mystery House is now owned by Winchester Investments LLC, a private company representing the descendants of the Browns. The oddities of the house are great, such as staircases that lead downward only to then ascent to higher floors. The number 13 looms large with a candelabra that was originally made to hold 12 candles, but altered to hold 13; a web-patterned stained glass window which is colored with 13 different stones; and the multitude of 13 clothing hooks in various locations throughout. There are secret passageways, hidden doors and trap doors. There are also doors that open to brick walls, and stairways that lead to nowhere.

Visiting Facts

The Winchester Mystery House is located at 525 S. Winchester Blvd. in San Jose. Access to the mansion is by tour only and there are a variety of tours available, costing $22 and up. The Halloween Candlelight sells out early, but some tickets may still be available. Tours last from 45 minutes to 2 ½ hours, depending upon each tour. Friday the 13th of any month is always a special day. No photography is allowed in the house, however is permitted in the garden area. There have been numerous reports of paranormal activity within and surrounding the Mystery House, by guests and employees. There are three spirits currently residing in the mansion, according to psychics. A new film is in the making, a thriller titled “Winchester,” starring Oscar-winner Helen Mirren as Sarah Winchester. The Winchester Mystery House is a California state landmark, San Jose landmark and is listed on the National Archives of Historic Places. It is only a few hours from the South Valley by car. For more information visit www.

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • III

Take Advantage of Sequoia National Park This Winter National Park Service Reprinted with the permission of the National Park Service Winter is a great time to experience these parks, whether you come for snowplay or a wilderness trip. Winter driving in the mountains can be challenging and tire chains are often required in snowy weather. Be sure to check with the current edition of the park newspaper for additional ways to safely experience these gigantic landscapes.

If you have only a few hours:

Entering via Highway 198 (Ash Mountain Entrance): Stop at the Foothills Visitor Center and explore the hands-on exhibits about California’s fascinating and diverse oak chaparral ecology. In all of North America, only the Central American rainforest has a richer array of plants and animals than California oak chaparral. A one-hour drive takes you up to the Giant Forest Grove of sequoia trees, including the General Sherman Tree, the largest living thing on earth. Note: The Giant Forest Museum and the Lodgepole Visitor Center in this area may be closed or have limited hours in winter. If the Generals Highway between the parks is open, you may continue on to Grant Grove in Kings Canyon National Park (one hour). From there you can exit the park on Highway 180. Entering via Highway 180 (Big Stump Entrance): Stop in Grant Grove Village at the Kings Canyon Visitor Center to view exhibits and a 15-minute

Sequoia National Park is only a short drive away. Courtesy/Visalia Convention and Visitors’ Bureau

video about three areas in Kings Canyon National Park: giant sequoia groves, the canyon environment, and the High Sierra. Walk the Grant Tree Trail to see the General Grant Tree, the Nation’s Christmas Tree. If the Generals Highway between the parks is open, you may continue on to Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park (one hour). From there you can exit the park on Highway 198 (one hour). Allow at least 2-3 hours for the drive between entrance stations on the Gen-

erals Highway (red road on map at left), plus additional time for your activities. Be prepared for possible delays due to hazardous winter conditions or road construction. Always bring tire chains, layers of warm clothes, and emergency water and food.

If you have a day:

Entering via Hwy 198: Sled, ski, or snowshoe at the Wolverton Snowplay Area. Rent snowplay gear at Wuksachi Village. Allow at least a 2-3 hour drive time on the Generals Highway loop — or longer depending on winter conditions. Always bring tire chains, layers of warm clothes, and emergency water and food. Entering via Hwy 180: Sled, ski, or snowshoe at Big Stump or Columbine near Grant Grove Village at the Visitor Center and buy your ticket for a Grant Grove Village Market. Allow at least a 2-3 hour drive time between entrance stations on the Generals Highway loop — or longer depending on winter conditions. Always bring tire chains, layers of warm clothes, and emergency water and food. In Giant Forest, stand among the giant sequoias on the Big Trees Trail.

If you have a couple of days:




Entering via Hwy 198: On your way up to see the General Sherman Tree and the Museum in Giant Forest, stop at Hospital Rock to see the Native American grinding stones and pictographs. Entering via Hwy 180: Come for a free snowshoe walk in Grant Grove Vil-

Red Rock Continued from p. I

for hikers, and drivers should be aware and share the roadways. Red Rock Canyon does have one camp site – Ricardo Campground – with 50 primitive campsites, potable water, pit toilets, fire rings and tables. There are no RV hookups or showers here. Campers must bring their own firewood, or can purchase it at the Visitor’s Center – fires are only permitted within the metal

lage. Watch for wildlife track on one of the trails around Grant Grove Village. Stop at the Redwood Canyon Overlook (just south of Grant Grove Village). Redwood Canyon is home to the world’s largest grove of sequoias. At Wuksachi Village, join a ranger walk. In the Foothills, hike one of the trails near Ash Mountain. If you’re staying in Wuksachi Village or the campground in Lodgepole Village, hike one of the trails in Giant Forest.

If you have a week or more:

The Sequoia Field Institute offers a wide variety of programs-both indoor and outdoor. Learn to cross-country ski, snowshoe, or camp in snow. Enjoy park campgrounds without summer crowds. Campgrounds open in the winter include Potwisha (near Ash Mountain) and Azalea in Grant Grove Village. Strap on your skis or snowshoes and journey to the Pear Lake Winter Hut high above Wolverton. Note: Reservations are required at Pear Lake Winter Hut. Do not assume that it will be open. From Ash Mountain or Grant Grove Village, allow 1 1/4 hours to the Wolverton Trailhead, plus however long you plan to stay in the wilderness. If you’re prepared for winter wilderness travel, stop at a visitor center for a permit for an overnight trip to the splendid snowbound High Sierra. For additional activity ideas, check the park newspaper or ask at a visitor center. fire rings provided. All natural resources are protected and cannot be taken from the site, or used for firewood. There are no reservations – camping is first-come, first-serve. Dogs are allowed in the campgrounds and on many of the park’s trails, but must be kept on a six-foot leash at all times. Owners are expected to clean up after their dogs. There is no onsite facility for horses, and horses are not permitted in the campground. For more information on Red Rock Canyon State Park, visit www.parks.

20 October, 2016

Valley Voice • IV


Continued from p. I chrysanthemums. The arboretum is open daily 9 am-5pm, with hours extended to 8pm Wednesday evenings through Oct. 26. Admission for adults 13-64 is $15, seniors 65 & over $12, children 3-12 $10, and children 2 and under are admitted for free. For more information, visit The Frontiers of Flight Museum, located at Dallas Love Field, features a wide cross-section of aircraft on display, including a replica of the Wright Flyer. One of the museum’s key attractions is the Apollo 7 Command Module. The museum also includes the “History of our Heart” gallery, dedicated to Southwest Airlines, the discount air carrier which is based and founded in Dallas, and has significant operations at Love Field. The gallery includes a Boeing 737-300 “Spirit of Kitty Hawk,” the first of the model that the airline flew, opened to visitors and filled with art and items from the company’s founder, Herb Kelleher, and President Emerita Colleen Barrett. The museum is open Monday through Saturday, 10am-5pm, and Sundays 1-5pm, though it is closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day, and New Year’s Day. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors 65+, $7 for children 3-17, and free for children under the age of three. For more information, visit

Portland, OR

Alaska Airlines offers a daily nonstop flight from Fresno to Portland -condensing a 12-hour drive down the I-5 into two hours, leaving plenty of time to explore all that the neighbor to the north has to offer. The Pittock Mansion could be considered Portland’s down-scaled, more modest version of Hearst Castle. Commissioned by Henry Pittock, then the publisher of the Oregonian, the 16,000 sq. ft. home was built in 1914. The mansion was saved from destruction after a community campaign led to its purchase by the City of Portland in 1964, and a renovated Pittock Mansion opened in 1965 to the public. The building was later added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. The mansion regularly hosts exhibitions highlighting Portland history, and yearly holiday exhibits. From November 21 to December 31, the mansion will host a “Symbols of the Season” event, adorning the home with seasonal decorations and hosting local musicians playing seasonal favorites. On November 12, visitors are given the opportunity to receive a Behind The Scenes tour for $19, offering the chance to see the mansion’s underground hallways and Pittock’s private den on the mansion’s third floor. The mansion is open daily from 11 am to 4pm, though it will be closed November 18-20, Thanksgiving and Christmas Days, and the entire month of January. Admission for adults is $10, seniors 65+ $9, and children aged 6-18 $7. Children under 6 are admitted free of charge. For more information, head to The Portland Art Museum is the seventh oldest museum in the nation, and the oldest in the Pacific Northwest. Stocked with 42,000 objects across

The rear view of the historical Pittock Mansion in Portland. Courtesy/Wikimedia/Chrismiceli

112,000 square feet of gallery space. The expansive museum is a “must-see” for anyone headed to the city. Current and upcoming exhibitions include “Andy Warhol: Prints from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation,” running through January 1, containing approximately 250 Andy Warhol prints; “CCNA: Restoring the Breath—Sacred Relationship,” which runs from through February 26, an exhibit by the Center for Contemporary Native Art that showcases Coast Salish weaving, and “Corita Kent: Spiritual Pop,” running through January 29, containing 50 prints ranging the career of “Sister Corita,” a nun turned artist-activist. On Saturday, November 5, the museum will also host the Wordstock Book Festival, featuring more than 100 authors, pop-up events, freeform readings, a book fair, and performances throughout the festival day. Advance tickets are $15, and day-of tickets are $18. The museum is open Tuesday through Sunday, 10am-5pm, closing at 8 pm on Thursday and Friday. Admission is $19.99 for adults, $16.99 for seniors and college students, and free for children 17 and under. For more information, head to The 2016 Holiday Ale Festival gives drinking-age visitors the chance to take part in what organizers bill as the “premier winter beer tasting venue on the West Coast,” with more than 50 craft beers. Taking place over five days from November 30 - December 4 at Portland’s Courthouse Square, there’s no need to worry about finding a designated driver: the festival’s location is directly on Portland’s MAX regional transit line. Advance general admission tickets are $35, and include a festival glass, 14 beer tickets, and expedited entry. Advance VIP tickets are $100, include a festival glass, 30 beer tickets, a bottle of water, and access to VIP-only beer lines and vintage bottle/draft sections. Organizers also offer the chance to take part in a Sunday Beer Brunch on Sunday, December 4 from 11am - 1pm for $75. For more information, head to www.

Salt Lake City

Delta Airlines offers three daily flights from Fresno to Utah’s capital city, Salt Lake City, Sunday through Friday, and two on Saturdays. Temple Square is Utah’s most

popular tourist attraction, a 35-acre area hosting Mormon history, Salt Lake City history, and genealogy resources. Home to the largest genealogy library in the world, the Temple Square facilities offer two free services: the FamilySearch Center, geared for dipping your feet into the genealogy waters, and the Family History Library, holding data and records on over 3 billion past ancestors. Starting the day after Thanksgiving, the Temple Square grounds are transformed to celebrate Christmas, featuring daily concerts and decorations. For more information, go to www. The Tracy Aviary is situated on 8 acres of land at Salt Lake City’s Liber-

ty Park, and is America’s oldest public aviary. Get the chance to see hundreds of birds, some rare and endangered, and attend daily bird shows and pelican encounters. Admission is $7.95 for adults and children aged 13 and older, $4.95 for children 3-12, and $6.95 for seniors 65+, students, and military. The aviary is open 9 am-4 pm, with $1 admission every Wednesday, November through March.

Booking Your Flights & Accomodations

For some of the best pricing and availability of flights, visit Google Flights at To find the some of best prices on hotels and lodging, check out

California Hot Springs Resort & RV Park

Full RV hook-ups with water, sewer & electric. Tent campers welcome with restrooms & natural hot spring-fed water for showers. Full service deli for breakfast and lunch with indoor dining area. Located on privately-owned property surrounded by the Sequoia National Forest at approximately 3.150’ elevation. Fall hours - 9-4 weekdays; 9-5 weekends We will be closed Nov. 26; Dec. 16-26; Jan. 1

(661) 548-6582

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