January 2010
22 there to here
Brussels identities from A to Z
Philippos Papadimas was born in Athens, but grew up in Thessaloniki, a broiling city and the birthplace of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. But that is where all comparisons between the two end. Philippos, for instance, does not have a great plan, he prefers to go with the flow. And he also allows himself to be led by nostalgia. “Ah Thessaloniki! The children used to play on the street there, instead of with Play Station… I passed twenty years of my life there, it’s a different world. A world that today perhaps doesn’t even exist anymore, except in my memory.” Having lived in Brussels for a few years, he is now on his way to Beirut. Just before his leave-taking, he offers some musings on Brussels and what enamoured him to the city: its jazz and its filth.
Philippos in his favourite biotope, at the Ixelles ponds
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