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Oussama zenkOuar
PO R T FO L I 2024


Date of birth : 04/04/2001

Adress: Alhay aljadid Gourrama center

Currently in : Fez , Morocco

Phone number: +(212)623216479

Email : zenkouaroussama@gmail.com

LinkedIne: https://www.linkedin.com/ in/oussama-zenkouar-0b450b1a7/

Behance account : https://www. behance.net/oussama_zenkouar Instagram account : ouss_arc click to contact me

From a village called GOURRAMA in the middle of the ATLAS Mountains , I started my own journey to explore Architecture. And here I am now a Fifth year Architecture student in the very beginning of my journey In Architecture asking questions Leeds me to ask more , a field full of knowledge , contains all other fields , arts and techniques In this Portfolio you will discover some of my projects I designed in my third and fourth year hope this will be inspiring for you . Enjoy !!

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 1





License , UEMF university

Fez Morocco

Science baccalaureate Tarik Ibn Ziad school

Gourrama, Morocco


July 2021

July 2022

July 2023

INTERNSHIP (1month) YB Architects

Fez, Morocco

INTERNSHIP (1month) Sotalha SARL

Gourrama, Morocco

INTERNSHIP (1month), Province Tetouan

Tetouan, Morocco




Fez, Morocco









Fez, Morocco







Autodesk Revit




Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 2


Year :2021

Type : Housing /center for sailing and repairing used objects

Role : Design and Visualization

Status : Completed

Programmed obsolescence,, is a strategy employed by manufacturers to deliberately design and produce products with a limited lifespan. This approach ensures that the products become outdated, wear out, or become unusable within a relatively short period, compelling consumers to replace them with newer models. The concept of programmed obsolescence emerged during the early 20th century and has since been a subject of debate due to its environmental, economic, and ethical implications.

In architecture we have also this type of problems , we create spaces frozen in time that will not be adapted to the future needs .

The creation of a housing that will fit people needs not only in the present but also in the future will allow us to have a timeless projects that changes completely the definition of architecture .

axonometric view VOLUM EVOLUTION
4 master plan FACADE 10 20m ground
10 20m 10 20m
flour plan first flour plan

potographic report sections

Starting an architectural project with a thorough study of how people design their spaces is of paramount importance. Such an investigation provided me with invaluable insights into iors, and preferences of the intended users. By understanding how people interact with their environment, we can create designs that are not only but also functional but also aesthetically Get out of the classic framework of workshops to discover and study reality allowed me to start Engaging in conversations with people to understand their unique perspectives, preferences, and specific needs. Users may have valuable using the space, what functionalities are essential to them, and any challenges they face in their current environment. This information is crucial for creating user-centric designs that truly address the concerns and aspirations of the people who

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 5

into the real needs, behavpleasing and user-centric. insights into how they envision who will inhabit or utilize the space.

The question of evolution is not always easy in architecture, especially since buildings require the presence of fixed elements, in particular the structure .

I started my design with this structural frame which allows to insert different programs and different typologies . The addition of modules makes it possible to increase the surface if necessary and also to change the future of the building structure and moduls

HOUSING STRUCTURE center structure typologies

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 6
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 7 section

The exterior layout must be taken into ac count, the challenge this time was how to guarantee the adaptability of pub lic space to absorb different programs but by playing on the z the height to animate the space and avoid the problem of monotony

The answer to the question was based on mod ules but this time more important in terms of dimensions the thing that also allows you to have freedom while moving or sitting , and also not to disturb the movements of pedestrian

Each module has a different height which allows to have places where peo ple can sit while taking into consider ation the access of people with reduced mobility


Year :2022

Type : Housing

Role : Design and Visualization

Status : Completed


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 9


By describing the constituent elements of the city’s fabric, this analysis provides a clearer understanding of the urban landscape. It helps create a snapshot of the territory’s composition at a specific time , enabling the subsequent analysis of how the urban area evolves over time. This approach allows urban planners and architects to make informed decisions and develop strategies for sustainable urban development and preservation of the city’s identity.



axonometric view photographic report location plots levels morphology

Basing an architectural project on a comprehensive site analysis is essential for creating designs that are contextually relevant, sustainable, culturally sensitive, and safe. The site analysis process allows architects to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and design spaces that positively impact the environment and the people who will inhabit or interact with them.

KASBAH DAR DEBIBEGH located in the north est of the site will be certainly a source of inspiration to build our architectural project These squatted spaces are often the result of occupants’ adaptation and creativity in the face of limited resources and constraints. By studying them, we can better understand the essential needs of the inhabitants and the solutions they have found to meet those needs.


The urban public space is a material space, an essential component which materializes the need of the human being and which is that of taking to leave home to take a walk in the crowd one, an asset which sometimes testifies to the spaces of meeting and human interaction . And sometimes in geographical spaces open to the public climbing on the facade, on the roof of a building, or browsing the enigmas of a wall, the vegetation is dazzling and abundant in the kasbah which makes it possible to find a climate breaking with that of the city Public spaces in architecture play a crucial role in shaping the fabric of a community and fostering social interactions. These spaces are the heart of a city, town, or neighborhood, providing a sense of identity, belonging, and unity among its residents. They serve as platforms for various activities, bringing people together regardless of age, background, or social status

The spaces play a vital role in shaping the lives of individuals and communities. They facilitate social interaction, encourage a sense of community, and contribute to people’s physical and mental well-being. Inhabited spaces also have the potential to evoke emotions and create lasting memories, becoming an integral part of people’s lives.

Architectural creations by people without formal training often reflect the local culture, traditions, and values of a community. By studying these spaces, one can gain a deeper understanding of the cultural context, historical influences, and the lifestyle of the inhabitants. Architectural creations by non-professionals are often driven by the actual needs and preferences of the users. This user-centric approach can provide insights into how spaces can be designed to cater to the specific requirements of the people who inhabit them.

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 11 Site evolution 2 4m
2.5 5m
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 12
the old kasbah
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 13
PLAN DE RDC GENERAL ECH 1-200 4 8m section colages A M E C - 0 20 40m master plan
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 14 OUSSAMA ZENKOUAR GR G N PLA US AM Z N OU R GR G N O PE E H 1-1 0 ground flour plan O SS MA Z N O A R G O P C D U T 1- 0 P A E 1 r et g E H 1- 0 5 10m first flour plan O U S S A M A Z E N K O U A R G R G E C H 11 0 10mvolum evolution typology section typologies 5 10m west facade



Year :2023

Type : Housing

Role : Design and Visualization Status : Completed

The challenge of the project is to transform part of the Hilton hotel in Tangier into collective housing, a project that includes the different typologies of the social reaching up to the hot standing.

The monotony of the facade makes the walk in the street

overwhelming the solution is to animate with a game of full and empty but which will be accentuated by loggias Each loggia will be endowed with a different function which makes the building alive, a kind of small district with its mosque, its shops and its cultural spaces The project is located above the extension of commercial space, the thing which allows to have a continuity and which will animate the ground floor and link the project with its surroundings

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio
0M 10M 20M 30M 40M COCEPTUELS axonometric view 0M 10M 20M 30M 40M 10 20m

The architectural project in a Medina aims to preserve cultural heritage and urban identity while avoiding museumification. By seamlessly integrating new designs into the existing urban fabric, the local economy is supported, encouraging sustainable development and a more authentic experience for residents and visitors. The responsive approach promotes the long-term viability of the medina by responding to the changing needs of the community while preserving its dynamic character

With its longest pedestrian route in the world, the sport vocation is already present in the Medina of Fez but it must be reinforced by architectural projects that will REVIVE the inner space of ruined walls and will preserve the charm of the patio an important element in Islamic architecture

Year :2022

Type : Sport hall

Role : Design and Visualization

Status : Completed


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 17
1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 perspective technical details POUTRE

This project was an opportunity for me to confront myself with the technical process of an architect, each student was supposed to work on the electrical plans, roof plumbing, walls and also on the detail of the carpentry and of the layout, these plans by nature of building differ from the other contemporary ones the context of the Medina obliges the student to take into consideration other standards which come into force

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 18 4 a wall offered to the public location old plans new technical plans ground floor seconde floor SITUATION دولجوب باب 10 min En pieds لسعل و نمسل ةع ق first floor 5 Site عقوم Site عقوم Foundouk قدنف Mosquée دجسم Habitation ن س Hôtel – Maison d hote ةفايضلا راد Parking تارايسلا فقوم Boutiques تلامح
PLAN DE LA TERASSE AVEC COTATIONS N 10m PLAN DE RDC N 10m 0m يضرلأا قباطلا PLAN R+ لولأا قباطلا N 10m 0m ground floor first floor seconde floor عطقم COUPE Cables apparents Nouveaux dispositifs Fissurations verticals carellages


Year :2023

Type : Ptrimonial palace

Role : Design and Visualization

Status : Completed

. The Qasba of Gueddara, one of the main military KASBAHS surrounding Meknes, is a military base built in the 17th century, with massive ramparts and administrative buildings serving as storage. Today, the Qasba of Gueddara is a popular historical site, testifying to the military architecture of the time.

The project comes to give life to this historic site but with the minimum of intervention at the architectural level A development that takes into consideration the needs of the inhabitants, the current state of the site, and of course its history which offers an architectural walk reviving its forgotten history

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 19
axonometric view
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 20 program


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 21
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 22 5 10m
5 10m 5 10m 5 10m 5 10m
section 2 section 1 south facade east facade


Year :2023

Type : Urban planification /landscape

Role : Design and Visualization

Status : Completed

Today the problem of global warming is a very important factor for the development of future territories

The territory of GUIGOU which stretches over 30 km located in of the province of Boulemane, in the region of Fez-Meknes. Today suffering from this phenomenon which threatens its future practices

Our role as land planners is to minimize the effect of this phenomenon and to take full advantage of the potential of this territory while taking into consideration the needs of the population, their history and their social practices.

As we know the role of green corridors is to create linear natural spaces to promote biodiversity, ecological connectivity, and the well-being of urban populations. Used to connect existing green spaces, restore natural habitats, and provide pathways for the migration of wildlife, thus contributing to nature preservation in urban areas and the fight against climate change.


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 23 photos de village sequences a traiter zone d’intervention photos de village sequences a traiter zone d’intervention photos de village sequences a traiter d’intervention village d’intervention cimetiere 3 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 18 photos de village sequences a traiter zone d’intervention cimetiere 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 integration potagers zone sportive jardin/ exposition jardins potagers espace d’attente jardins semi prives lavoire phytoepuration espace d’exposition
housing volum evolution

etat de l’existant zenkouar oussama

etat de l’existant zenkouar oussama

etat de l’existant zenkouar oussama

etat de l’existant zenkouar

The ridge of GUIGOU is spread over about thirty kilometers with an altitude which varies between 1400 and 2000 m different villages are established either around wadi GUIGOU or along the provincial road 7235 that connects the N13 with the R 503 this territory is characterized by its potential in terms of agriculture and also with its natural landscape consists of the atlas mountains

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 24 hammam belvedere axonometric view etat de l’existant zenkouar oussama zooms sur villages bati terrains agricoles crete 3okm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 1km 2km 5km coupes etat de l’existant zenkouar oussama zooms sur villages bati terrains agricoles crete 3okm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 1km 2km 5km coupes zooms sur villages bati arbres oued terrains agricoles saguia crete 3okm limites et innondatios 1km 2km 5km coupes
crete 3okm 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 1km 2km 5km
crete 3okm 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 1km 2km 5km etat de l’existant zenkouar oussama zooms sur villages bati arbres oued terrains agricoles saguia crete 3okm 1km 2km 5km buildings river trees agricultur water canals
crete 3okm 2 5 6 7 8 10 9 1km 2km 5km
crete 3okm 2 5 6 7 8 10 9 1km 2km 5km zooms sur villages bati arbres crete 3okm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 zooms sur villages bati arbres crete 3okm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 limits and flloding collages village analysis 1m 5m 10m 1m 5m 10m 1m 5m 1m 5m 13 1m 5m 10m 1m 15
agriculture vues playgrounds between walls


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 25
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 26 isometrie sequences a traiter centralites a developper vues a degager integration de nature mobilite douce 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 19 integration serres agricoles isometrie integration serres agricoles


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 27 zenkouar oussama zooms sur villages intentions CORIDDORS VERTS 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Ait Hamza Timahdit Guigou Boulemane Ait Talt 1km 2km 5km reforestaion ditches wetland ecological cori=ridor floor to save agricultur to be saved strategy village analysis/strategy projection futur zooms sur villages analyse de village de ait hamza bati oued terrains agricoles saguia saguia CORIDDORS VERTS 1 2 4 5 Timahdit Ait Talt 1km 2km 5km 500m 250m 0m zooms sur villages analyse de village de ait hamza bati oued terrains agricoles saguia saguia CORIDDORS VERTS 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Ait Hamza Timahdit Guigou Boulemane Ait Talt 1km 2km 5km 500m 250m 0m
sur villages bati arbres oued terrains agricoles saguia
3okm 2 3 4 1km 2km 5km
buildings river trees agricultur water canals morphologie Ait Talt

demarche de projet

To understand the morphology of the buildings, a comparison with what surrounds it reveals the truth that these buildings follow all the possible limits that surround them, in particular the agricultural plots, the saguia or the water pipes, the banks of the wadi, the roads and the existing trails in an organic way, everything can be a possible limit so we have to draw ecological links that will structure the spread of these villages

The projected corridors will follow the existing limits, in particular the saguia and the river, these green corridors will take different forms, natural walks that follow the wadi, connections that integrate into the villages, future limits of the agglomeration and finalize connections that will link all previous types Future extensions will follow the organic logic but this time letting nature infiltrate public spaces, neighborhood units and private spaces

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 28 futur limits
urbain suivre le paysage limites probables
zenkouar oussama
urbain suivre le paysage limites probables
zenkouar oussama morphologie urbain corridors suivre le paysage limiter integrer connecter limites probables saguia Ait Talt 500m 250m 0m
demarche de projet
morphologie urbain corridors connecter limites probables saguia Ait Talt morphologie urbain connecter limites probables Ait Talt connections amoung buildings futur limits natural corridors
corridor types

The analysis of the typologies of the existing buildings made it possible to understand the functional logic of housing and also to understand their practices, to guarantee both the extension of the corridors in the built masses and also to keep the social practices existing houses analysis corridor sections

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 29 zoom zenkouar oussama zoom 10m 3 6 7 11 4 15 2
zoom plan rdc exterieur salon hall SDB cuisine sejour chambre zenkouar oussama 1m 5m 2m
zenkouar oussama
2 3 4 13 8 14 15 11 12 7 5 9 10 6 0m 5m 10 20m master plan
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 31
base model chair storage /chair


Year :2022

Type : furniture design

Role : Design and Visualization

Status : Completed

Since my childhood I used to contemplate how the parties and the funeral are organized, people used to borrow utensils and a chair and the tables of the neighbors, a kind of solidarity between the inhabitants, today no more accustomed to doing this kind of activity especially with the presence of party rooms especially in the cities, in my villages to soften the inhabitants have found a simple but effective solution it is a cooperative which will give this furniture with a guarantee in return , The problem is that at the level of the association center these pieces of furniture take an important place by preventing the use of space,

So the solution will be to design a piece of furniture which will be a storage unit in the center and will be transformed into tables and chairs so that we will guarantee more space and different uses of the same object and the most important thing is to keep the links between the residents

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 32
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 33

Renders in architecture are invaluable tools that bridge the gap between imagination and reality. These realistic visual representations breathe life into architectural designs, allowing us, clients, and stakeholders to envision the final product before it’s built. By providing a detailed and immersive experience, renders help refine and communicate design concepts effectively, enabling better decision-making throughout the project’s development.

Renders elevate the architectural design process, enabling creativity, informed decision-making, and effective communication. They serve as powerful tools that not only shape the final outcome but also enrich the entire architectural journey, ensuring that innovative ideas and designs can be shared, understood, and appreciated by all. But for me a rendering must arouse a feeling in the person who contemplates it, let it enter a world of contemplation of the shapes of shadows and light


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 34


Handcrafted models hold a significant place in the journey of an architecture student, offering a multitude of benefits that extend beyond digital techniques. These tangible creations serve as an essential means of understanding spatial relationships, proportions, and form in three-dimensional reality. As students meticulously craft each element by hand, they develop a profound sense of craftsmanship and attention to detail, fostering a deeper connection with their designs.

The act of crafting models by hand promotes a deeper appreciation for the art of architecture, connecting students to the discipline’s rich history and traditions. It instills a sense of pride in the physical manifestation of their ideas and a realization of the impact their designs can have on the built environment.

While digital tools have their place, the importance of handcrafted models lies in the unique blend of artistry, craftsmanship, and spatial understanding they cultivate.

Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 35
plaster model
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 36
plaster model corridor model rietveld chair

The essence of simplicity in photography lies in its ability to distill a powerful message with minimal elements. By eliminating distractions and focusing on the core subject, simple photographs possess a timeless and universal appeal. They allow viewers to connect effortlessly with the emotions and narratives conveyed, making the image more memorable and has better impact . Embracing simplicity in composition and aesthetics, photographers can create visually striking and emotionally resonant art that transcends cultural and language barriers.

With their visually appealing nature, reels offer a unique opportunity to raise awareness, inspire, and make a significant impact on a large scale in my account Instagram am showing how architectural elements can reflect life in it’s process , how simple elements can give a sort of a definition of a city ,and how we can animate them to interact with the public in order to revive our walls and give them a second interpretation by users


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Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 38 click to watch click to watch click to watch click to watch click to watch

I am filled with immense gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering support and encouragement I have received from my family , this esteemed institution, my revered professors, and my dear friends. Today, as I present my architecture portfolio, I am keenly aware that its realization wouldn’t have been possible without the contributions of all those who believed in my potential and guided me along this trans-formative journey.


Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 39
Zenkouar Oussama-Portfolio 40 THANK YOU !!

From a village called GOURRAMA in the middle of the ATLAS Mountains , I started a journey to explore the architecture. Honestly, I only knew the name of an engineer, the one who designs buildings . I did not differentiate even between an Architect and other types of Engineers. The first Architect i met was my Grandfather and secondly my uncle They are the ones who built our house in the village of mud, soil and water, and how strange it was, how they were able, without formation, to draw in their minds the house flour plan, which was overlooking the garden. Believe it or not. We had a saguia (a water canal) under our house and I was always waiting our turn in watering to enjoy the sound of the water that revives the house. after a while we moved to a new house built with forced concrete , I Discovered the value of our previous ,the value of the fresh air between its walls ,the value of the heater that gathered our family , the value of the reeds on the ceiling, which were helping me by counting them to sleep, yes while you had sheeps I had the ceiling reeds .

Here I am now a fifth year Architecture student and i still wish to be as my Grand- father ,smart and know- ing how to deal with spac- es , light , shadow, privacy

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