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Issue 55, SPRING 2023 AFRICA M A G A Z I N E Plans Underway for CT PRIDE 2024 Meet the Extraordinary Kat Gilardi Flying the Flag at Copenhagen Pride ABSOLUTELY


Cover: Kat Gilardi (Photo Errol Stroebel)

4 - 7 Durban Pride 2023
Mag 1
Gearing up for Pride 2024 4 Durban
was a huge success 8
Drag 12 FEATURE:
14 FEATURE: DIVA’S One Night Only 22 Flying The Flag At Pride In Denmark 27 Guy Candy - Men & The Rainbow Flag 30 FEATURE: Uganda Update: South Africa fails to uphold human rights 32 Confidence is Sexy 34 Important Numbers 36 Innovation & Passion at Galactic Spirits 38 Meet the Real Carrie Bradshaw 40 Navigating Gender Fluidity in Dating 43 BOOKCASE: Sasha Velour’s Big Reveal 44 MUSIC MOVES: Kylie’s Padam Padam is an Anthem 46 OUT ENTERTAINMENT: The Popularity of Vogueing 48 OUT HEALTH: Mental Health Awareness 50 OUT HEALTH: The Yellow Dot Campaign
2 Editor’s
Pride 2023
Diva Extroadinaire - Kat Gilardi
44 4 8 38


Welcome all

Following from the huge success of Cape Town Pride 2023, the Pride team are already busy putting Pride 2024 together - this is a hectic time, as venues need to be booked, sponsors need to be approached and all the necessary licences for the event to take place need to be obtained - a time-consuming and daunting task ....

The first event on the calendar will be the Launch of Pride 2024 which will take place at the Sea Point Hall this year. At the launch the Pride team will release the Pride 2024 calendar of events with performers on the Pride Launch stage as well as a market day where you will be able to browse and buy your Pride goodies to prepare for Pride Festival and Parade.

In this issue we are highlighting the enormous popularity, talent and expertise of the city’s drag culture, celebrating in particular one of our most cherished an accomplished performers, Kat Gilardi.

The South African government are failing this country in so many ways, but most notably as far as Section 9 of the constitution ... a constitution they all, particularly the President, swears to up hold. Our President instead, has chosen to turn his back on the fundamental clauses relating to and protecting the rights of all citizens including same sex relationships. He ignored these basic human rights when he welcomed and decorated the tyrannical President Museveni of Uganda, who has recently made being gay illegal in his country. The BRICS conference wined and dined human rights abusing nations, especially in regard to LGBT+ people - China and the World pariah, Russia! It seems that what this country stands for means very little to those who lead it ... but there is an election coming up and we can voice our disapproval.

We also feature pictures from Durban Pride, which once again was a huge success.

One of Cape Town Pride’s most ardent supporters is Tine Ros, who travels to Cape Town every year to take part in our Pride... we feature Tine as she proudly waved the Cape Town Pride flag at Copenhagen Pride recently.

With Cape Town Pride making huge strides in becoming one of the World’s most sort-after Pride events... we are getting

emails from abroad asking for dates and preferred places ... so keep up the good work Cape Town!

The winter is almost overtime to slip in to your sexiest swimwear (see page 18)

Stay safe, and have a great summer!!

ISSN 2304-859X


P.O. Box 397, Sea Point 8060 Cell: 082 562 3358

E-mail: outmagafrica@telkomsa.net outlet@telkomsa.net

ADVERTISING SALES: Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358

MANAGING EDITOR: Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358

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The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by those providing comments in this publication are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of OUT Africa Magazine or any employee thereof. OUT Africa Magazine and Patterson Publications cc., will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in any information contained in the publication. Copyright: All
interviews and other materials in OUT Africa Magazine are the copyright of the publication or are reproduced with permission from other copyright owners. All rights are reserved. No materials may be copied, modified, published or otherwise distributed without the prior written permission of OUT Africa Magazine.
articles, stories,


It’s full steam ahead with plans for Cape Town Pride 2024 and the organsors promise an even bigger event that Pride 2023. Hundreds of enquiries are coming in from LGBT tour groups, particularly from the United States requesting dates and preferred accommodation, venues etc.

Cape Town Pride this year was undoubtedly the best and biggest Pride in the 14 years Pride has been held in the city.

This year the Pride Launch event will take place at the Sea Point Hall instead of the Belgium Consular Residence, making it easier for people travelling from far to attend. The Hall also has a stage where you will be able to experience as sampling of some some of the acts appearing on the main Pride 2024 stage.

The date set for the launch of Pride 2024 is Saturday 25 November - so note that in your calendar as a date not to be missed. The Pride launch will also geature a number of market stalls where you will be able to get all our Pride 2024 paraphernalia.

Each year Pride gets bigger and one of the aims is to establish Cape Town Pride as one of the world’s premier Pride events and with the support of the people of Cape Town, sponsors, the City and Provincial Administration we are making huge strides in this regard.

You will be kept up to date through Facebook and Instagram as well as the website ...

For updates please visit: Website: https://cptpride.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/capetownpride

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Pictures: #Durbanpride

Cape Town Pride Director Wentzel April and had this to say in a Facebook post This past weekend at Durban Pride for me. I’ve always been stuck to ultimate pride. Yet what I didn’t realise was pride” Over the past few years that I’ve done wear, who’s going to look at me, how many etc. forgetting all about the true purpose

The march at Durban Pride was incredible! sung, posters remembering and commemorating taken away from us for just wanting to live feel the spirit of Martha P. Johnson and those

Bear in mind, Durban is rife with homophobia bravely and courageously marched through THIS to me was a PRIDE event!

Cape Town Pride lacks this!!! Let’s stop worrying woman/GNC individual you’re going home why we march. Why we have the freedom countries around the world, our fellow brothers and killed.

This march of freedom and celebration runs outfit.

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#Durbanpride - Facebook

April aka Wendy La Rosa was there this year post ...

Pride has definitely been an eye-opener to the notion that Cape Town Pride is the was that as Capetonians we’re the “party done the march, I was blinded by what to many people have to take pictures with me of Pride and why we march.

incredible! The unity, the songs of freedom being commemorating queer folk who were brutally live their authentic selves; you could truly those who fought for equality.

homophobia and transphobia, yet these folks through the streets knowing the dangers.

worrying about our outfits, what man/ home with! Think of the true meaning of freedom to be ourselves meanwhile in so many brothers and sisters are being ostracized runs deeper than your next Mr. Price

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The annual hit show, ABFAB DRAG, returned to Artscape with a bang on 11th and 12th August 2023.

With fine feathers preened, false eyelashes fluttering and sequins glittering, the fiercely feminine/masculine are gathered to celebrate the world of “lip sync”, with ambiguous seduction and gender identification.

Cape Town has a scintillating DRAG tradition that dates back to the thirties, especially in vibrant District Six. Today the pageants, the parties, the hair dressing salons, and the fabulous drag queen “balls” still flourish across the City. However, it`s often hosted in underground clubs, catering to a select few who know where to find them. ABFAB DRAG endeavours to put the crème de la crème of DRAG centre stage – and what a night it was at the city’s most glamorous venue.

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The Abfab Drag Show returned this year to Artscape Theatre with Cape Town’s biggest drag names in full swing again. Kat Gilardi, Manila Von Teez, Jayde Kay Johnson and Vida Fantabisher, and introducing a new cast member on live vocals, Mitchell Darling.

The Abfab Show celebrating queerness was directed by Basil Appollis.

Choreography was by the very talented Mr Nkosinathi Sangweni waka Mtshali. Musical direction by Ivan Pots assisted by Blythe Linger with the Legendary Soli Philander as Host/MC.

The show celebrates the Women’s Humanity Festival within the Women’s Month Celebrations at Artscape with the theme this year of “MILESTONES”... Celebrating, Supporting, Empowering Women of Yesterday”.

The show was everything you expected it to be and more. Glitz and glam with both laughing and crying moments. The show featured an inside look into the personal stories of the performers and for some people in the audience the crying lasted throughout the show as the storylines delved into some of their most traumatic moments. But there were the happy, stand out occasions, which for most performers was the awakening of their drag personas and craft.

Standing ovations were given both nights to this amazing and experienced cast, with powerful performances throughout the show from the opening number, which featured past drag legends being flashed across a front stage screen to Ru Paul’s “Now Sissy That Walk” - paying homage with acknowledgement and respect. As the number ended the screen disappeared and the cast came on stage in black costumes and diamantes belting out “Seven Rings” by Ariana, which set the tone.

The opening left the audience screaming for more!... The Cell Block Django was probably one of the best full cast numbers from Riri’s “ You Know Some Guys Just Can’t Hold Their Birthday Cake” (played by Kat Gilardi) to Nicki Minage’s “So I Said To Her—I said” and “You miss this change one more time!” And she did (performed by Manila Von Teez).

These defining moments had the crowd in stitches and on the edge of their seats wanting to find out what the next character was going to do.

We all love an Abba moment, and the closing song did not disappoint. As the lights dimmed, background singers, showed off beautiful vocals accompanied by a live piano, the show’s Divas appeared on stage in long white gowns with the dancers. Kat Gilardi said after the show, “Seeing the audience’s obvious enjoyment of our queer stories, intertwined with song, it was important for me to receive their respect, and the recognition of the Artform of Drag.”

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Kat Gilardi who was one of the Diva’s at ABFAB Drag is a Cape Town-based cabaret entertainer. She is well known in the city’s drag culture having participated in and won titles in some of the most popular Pageants. She has won, Ms Cape Town Pride, Ms Gay Cape Town and Sovereign Western Cape (formerly known as Ms Gay Western Cape), all in one year, making her one of the city’s most celebrated Pageant Queen’s.

But its not all about pageants, Kat has also featured in two documentaries, “Counter Culture” for SABC and “Glitterboys & Ganglands”, which won best LGBTIQA+ documentary at the San Diego Black Film Festival Awards in USA, 2012.

She is also part of one of the most popular and successful Drag groups in South Africa - 3 Divas which has been delighting crowds for the past 13 years. In fact the Group received The 2023 Hero’s Award for Consistent Service in Entertainment by Cape Town Pride this year.

Kat has also performed as a solo entertainer and has some creative, successful projects under her belt.

She has opened and performed with Ru Paul Drag Race Stars Jujubee, Shangela, Mayhem ,Latrice and Detox. For the past two years, Kat has been hosting her popular “Thursday Night’s with Kat” at Zero21 Social Club. The show features “Sing along Thursdays” with both new and seasoned queen’s delighting the crowds who come out, rain, or shine to support her.

She also does regular shows with Manila Von Teez. Their successful Duo show has been running for almost 2 years at the Bay Market Harbour, Hout Bay. In fact some critics naming the Duo performance as the best in the drag entertainment industry, so much so that they have been able to add shows at Tiger’s Milk to their repertoire.

Definite highlights in her career have been her involvement with #Abfab Show running at Artscape during The Women’s Month Celebration over the last 5 years. She achieved a dream when earlier this year she was invited to perform on the MSC Sinfonia Cruise Ship with Manila Von Teez.

For the past 11 years, Kat has directed, and is the brains behind the highly successful “Divas One Night Only” cabaret show which brings Drag Divas from all over South Africa together for One Night only. The show which helps unknown performers break in to the industry, has been called “DRAGTAINMENT at its best”.

She has also started the Ms. Humanitarian Award within the (MGWC Pageant), Ms Sovereign Western Cape (formerly


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Ms Gay Western Cape) which aims to shine a light on the LGBTIQA+ individuals within the community who do good work within their local communities.

Kat is now also the Assistant Director to Ms Sovereign Western Cape and Ms Cape Town Pride Pageant.

To many of us in the community it seems like this Diva’s star has always been shining, but she assures us that there are plans in the pipeline for other projects…

When chatting to Kat, she added, “I would also like to thank my husband of almost 20 years, Errol Stroebel, for never allowing me to quit when things got hard or I felt I was pushing but no one was watching or interested. I love you Mr Stroebel. And Barry Reid who together with my husband has encouraged me over the years, reminding me of my talent, almost every day.”

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La Rosa The fabulous 3D in action
Mag 14
Angel Lalamore


Anastacia Khan
Emogen Moore
Mag 15
The Trans- Formers


NIKU’S Jockstrap

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NIKU’S Soft Pouch Brief
NIKU’SPouchBrief Underwear
NIKU’SLongTrunk Underwear
NIKU’S Swim Brief



Tine Ros has visited Cape Town three years ago and had the opportunity to be here for the Pride Parade and Mardi Gras ... She had such a great time and was so impressed at the attendance, the “incredible diversity”, the outstanding performances on the Pride stage, and the “amazing inclusive vibe and tolerance” which surpised nher intially. But so impresssed she was that she has returned each year since. Last year she astounded the Pride working committee when she filled her suitcase with all sorts of rainbow paraphernalia, things that are not readily available here, which was greatfully used to decoraate the VIP/ Sponsors area...

Tine is a gem, a dedicated supporter of the LGBT+ community in general, but the community here in Cape Town especially.

She recently attended Copenhagen Pride, flying the Cape Town Pride flag proudly - reporting that it was joyfully received and created huge interest ... as a true anbassador for Cape town Pride we look forward to seeing Tine at Pride 2024, together with all her goodies and any of the people she met at Pride who she has convinced to visit our fabulous city!

Tine Ros, Cape Town Pride thanks you, and appreciates your support and commitment.

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Above: Tine at Cape Town Pride 2023

We are PRIDE Wealth, and we primarily provide Financial Service Solutions to the LGBT and Supporting Community!

Our vision is primarily to facilitate and provide a Financial Services solution for the LGBT and supporting community where their well-being and those of the community are our first objective.

Our Mission is to Equalize & Empower communities by Means of Inclusion that develops Miraculous Contributions on not only lives, but those of our Rainbow Nation.



Pride is a great opportunity to show your true colours!

Mag 27 Flying the Pride Flag
Anthony Mackie && Yahya Abdul-Mateen II lock lips in
Mag 29


Same-sex relations have been criminalised in Uganda since British colonial times. Sections 145 on “unnatural offenses” and 148 on “indecent practices” have been retained in the Penal Code since independence. “Carnal knowledge against the order of nature” between men carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

The so-called “Anti-Homosexuality Act,” which foresaw imposition of the death penalty for same-sex relations, was first passed by the parliament of Uganda in 2013 and signed into law by President Museveni in early 2014. It was invalidated by the Constitutional Court of Uganda on procedural grounds the same year. Rumours of a resurrection have been circulating ever since, with the death penalty foreseen not only for same-sex relations, but also for promotion and “recruitment” of homosexuality. In May 2021, the Parliament of Uganda passed the Sexual Offences Bill. Purportedly the Bill aims to prevent sexual violence, enhance punishment against sexual offenders and provide additional protection for victims, however, it also reinforces the ban on same-sex relations.

On May 29, 2023, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni signed the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Bill, one of the world’s toughest anti-LGBTQ laws.

Police regularly target, abuse, and arrest people on the basis of their presumed sexual orientation and gender identity, with forced anal examinations used against those detained, purportedly to gather evidence. Although the laws do not explicitly mention transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, law enforcement officials often conflate gender identity with sexual orientation, and, as such, trans people are detained and charged under the same laws.

Government officials have repeatedly shut down Pride events, LGBTIQ events and conferences, and raided LGBTIQfriendly social spaces. Films, TV shows, and radio programs have been banned for “homosexual content.” Violence from private individuals is also high and hate speech in the media is strong. Uganda has an enthusiastic and persistent LGBTIQ activist community, despite threats, violent attacks, and arbitrary arrests.

Out Mag recently received an appeal from Tom, the National Coordinator at the Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans Uganda (UCAA-UG).

I am from a religious background. I grew up hearing church and religious leaders preaching only bad things about people attracted to the same gender.


Having known from a young age that I was one of “those people,” I hated myself. I thought about committing suicide because I felt I was doing something bad against my family, my society, my church. When my family found out I was gay, they kicked me out of our home and said I was “a shame and a curse.”

If it wasn’t for joining UCAA-UG, I honestly think I wouldn’t be alive now. But when I joined, I found out that there are so many people who are like me in the world. I wasn’t alone anymore and I was able to accept myself as a gay man, a Ugandan, and a Christian. And that is why now I’m helping other people like me who grew up hearing the same things. Because those voices have only become louder.

After the Anti-Homosexuality Act was approved in Uganda earlier this year, our lives have become increasingly more difficult. Attacks against LGBT+ people are on the rise, but now with official support from our country’s laws and prominent religious leaders.

Under this new law, simply “promoting homosexuality” can be punished by up to 20 years in prison. There is even the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.” Everyone is afraid. So any readers who wish to support Tom and his organisation with a donation please log on to: https://allout.actionkit.com/go/92833 ?t=17&akid=86983%2E3626822%2EVF8q-7 and donate R5

Out Mag has also received a message from Bishop James Lubega Banda, from Uganda.

I’m also a gay man. So you can imagine how challenging life has been since the Anti-Homosexuality Act went into effect... Under this new law:

• If you’re charged with “aggravated homosexuality,” you face the death penalty.

• Participating in consensual same-sex acts with another adult can get you a lifetime prison sentence.

• If you “promote homosexuality,” you will face 20 years in prison.

• Letting someone use your premises for “acts of homosexuality” can get you 7 years in prison.

• And if you “fail to report acts of homosexuality” you could go to prison for 5 years.

In this moment of true emergency for LGBT+ people and human rights defenders in Uganda, an organisation that creates safe places is absolutely critical. That’s where the Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans Uganda (UCAAUG) comes in. They’re the reason so many of us found a place to belong, where we’re supported in so many ways.

What is happening in Uganda and other countries on our continent, Ghana immediately springs to mind, must be opposed by all people who believe in the value of the right of everyone to live their life as the person they were born to be. So where does our government stand with regard to Uganda ….

Eusebius McKaiser, in an article for Times Live hit the nail in its head when he wrote, “The South African government does not take the constitution’s foundational values of dignity, freedom and equality seriously. If it did, domestically, we wouldn’t have millions of people living in material conditions that render their lives undignified, that make them decidedly unfree and that lead to immoral levels of inequality within our society. Similarly, looking beyond the domestic landscape, if our government related to the rest of the world through the prism of our constitutional democracy, it wouldn’t be so cowardly in the face of human rights abuses in many parts of the world. The latest example of this is the deadly silence from the ANC-led government in response to a bill criminalising [those people] identifying as gay in Uganda.

Our President instead of upholding the constitution he swore to serve has rather welcomed the Ugandan President, describing the visit as “a great delight”, while he bestowed the tyrant with the prestigious Order of South Africa medal in recognition of his contribution to the liberation of South Africa from colonialism.

This is like a nightmarish theme park roller coaster ride. The only party to march on the Ugandan Embassy was the EFF!!!

The BRICS conference was held in Sandton in August ... The heads of state who were welcomed, given medals and wined & dined were leaders of some of the worlds worst human rights records, especially as far as LGBT+ people are concernedRussia, where gay people are arrested, beaten and imprisioned just for being who they are. China - whilst same sex relationships are legal, in recent years there is much resistance especially from conservative elements of the government, as various LGBT events have been banned.

In fact it is countries farther afield who have made threats or minor attempts to influence the tyrant Museveni to change the law.

The United States has imposed travel restrictions on Ugandan officials and threatened imposing limited sanctions, the World Bank announced it would provide no new funding for public projects in Uganda because of the law. With the EU issuing a weak statement to the effect that this law might have an impact on future dealings with the African country.

Museveni however remains obstinate saying that sanctions threats from donors amounted to “blackmail”. Uganda’s Information Minister, Chris Baryomunsi rejected the world condemnation stating “We do not consider homosexuality as a constitutional right. It is just a sexual deviation which we do not promote as Ugandans and Africans,” he told Reuters.

And a few days ago, Advocate Magazine reported that 4 men had been arrested for “acts of homosexuality” at a massage parlour.”

But the country which could have the most influence, South Africa, instead turns a blind eye to its own constitution, which reads under Section 9: The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth. Instead our Government chooses rather to honour the Ugandan tyrant.

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Ugandan activists implore the President not to sign the bill....



We all want a man who exudes confidence.

When thinking of a confident man, who imagines a beautiful, chiseled man with bulging biceps and a massive chest? Do we think of a guy with a deep voice, a proAminent bulge in his pants, and someone who floats when they walk?

It’s easy to get caught up in the physical aspects of what attracts us to men. But honestly, it’s how the man carries himself that we flock toward. Confidence is key, but at what point does it go too far?


A confident man does not need to tell others he is confident,

as it’s evident and apparent in almost everything he does. Men who are confident and secure with themselves are unbothered by what others do with their lives and time. These types of men are focused on their goals and abilities and are always looking for ways to improve themselves.

This type of man fills his time bettering himself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. He is never satisfied with less than his best and works tirelessly to provide his best efforts for himself and others. These men live authentically and have worked hard to learn who they are and what they want from life.

This type of energy is incredibly sexy, and we find ourselves drawn to and inspired by it every time. Sex with men like this is usually incredibly hot and satisfying. These men are givers by nature, so be ready for passion.

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Photo by Italo Melo Pexels. jpg


Conversely, guys who display a strong sense of arrogance are an instant red flag.

These types of guys often brag about their accomplishments and abilities. They put themselves on a pedestal for all to see and frequently use “I” language, often ignoring the help they received to get where they are. They talk over others and are incredibly dismissive and argumentative when challenged about anything.

The arrogant guys we meet feel the need to talk about everything remarkable they’re doing but rarely ever have anything of substance to show for it.

These guys should be avoided at all costs. They can be master manipulators and will try to pull you down into the dirt with them. Any sexual encounter with them will probably leave you feeling used. They are “takers” by nature, so your needs matter very little to them.

Who you surround yourself with says a lot about you. Always exercise caution and be sure to get to know who someone is at their core

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Photo by Murat Işik Pexels.jpg
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In the vast landscape of options available at your typical liquor store, it’s quite evident that not much has evolved in recent years. Choices remain uninspiring, bland, and devoid of creativity.

In light of this, two avid liquor enthusiasts from Cape Town embarked on a whimsical journey to create their very own liquor brand as a fun side project. Little did they know that this venture would soon transform into a full-fledged passion and profession.

After extensive planning and brainstorming, Galactic Spirits was born in 2022, introducing three dazzling, space-themed premium glitter beverages into the world. These included a captivating gold-glitter brandy, a mesmerizing purple-glitter gin, and an electrifying green-glitter vodka. Later, they expanded their lineup with smaller, convenient 200ml mini bottles and, more recently, an enticing red-glitter agave drink.

As a proud 100% gay-owned business, Galactic Spirits has always held a special place in their hearts for Pride events. These occasions are a celebration of both the vibrant LGBTQ+ community and the diverse people who attend them. Surprisingly, until recently, the brand had not created something specifically tailored for Pride.

Fueled by a desire to have fun, contribute to their community, and give back, Cape Town Pride and Galactic Spirits have united forces to infuse more excitement into the world of Pride drinks. Galactic Spirits has officially joined the ranks as one of the esteemed sponsors of this year’s Pride festivities.

As a gay-owned distillery, Galactic Spirits is unafraid to

authentically embrace and represent the LGBTQ+ community. This bold stance will be unmistakably evident in their eagerly anticipated upcoming Pride Edition range, set to be unveiled later this year.

With this launch, Galactic Spirits aims to capture the core of Pride, an inclusive celebration where people from various backgrounds unite to honor their shared humanity.

It’s a commitment to sustaining the momentum of unity and recognition that Pride instills in the hearts of millions. Each sip from this collection becomes an affirmation of acceptance, a toast to the struggles overcome, and a tribute to the battles yet to be won.

In a world of choices, it’s essential to remember the significance of supporting small, local, gay-owned businesses. By doing so, we not only embrace diversity and individuality but also actively contribute to the empowerment and growth of our LGBTQ+ community. Cheers to Galactic Spirits, a beacon of creativity, authenticity, and inclusivity, and to all those who choose to drink with them in this booze-filled journey

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Leading local show promoter and producer, Showtime Management is bringing iconic author and creator of Sex and The City, Candace Bushnell to South Africa in her acclaimed one-woman show “True Tales of Sex, Success and Sex in the City” for four special performances in both Johannesburg and Cape Town.

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Starting at Montecasino’s Teatro on Friday, 22 September at 8pm followed by weekend performances on Saturday 23 September at 3pm & 8pm and Sunday 24 September at 3 pm; thereafter the show then moves to Artscape Theatre Centre for four shows beginning on Friday 29 September at 8pm; Saturday to 30 September at 3pm and 8pm ending on Sunday 01 October at 3pm. Tickets are on sale at www.showtime.co.za and www.ticketmaster.co.za

In True Tales of Sex, Success and Sex in the City, the original Carrie Bradshaw takes us on a whirlwind tour of New York City, from Studio 54 to Sex and The City to Lipstick Jungle and beyond, sharing her remarkable philosophy through stories of fashion, literature, and sex while pouring Cosmos in Manolos. From her arrival in New York City alone with $20 in her pocket, to working her way up the ladder, to secrets behind the creation of SEX AND THE CITY and finding herself single again in her 50’s ... the always provocative Candace Bushnell shares her fabulous philosophy through stories of fashion, literature, sex, and New York City, while pouring Cosmos in Manolos.

“Through her books and television series, Candace Bushnell’s work has influenced and defined two generations of women. Her story is a witty, wise, entertaining look at sex, dating

Her successful one-woman show premiered at the legendary Bucks County Playhouse to rave reviews, sold-out shows and standing ovations. The show moved to off-Broadway at the Daryl Roth Theatre in 2021 to rave reviews followed by touring performances in 2022 and 2023. Bushnell’s work has famously appeared in Vogue, Esquire, The New York Observer and many other publications.

For every woman who ever dreamed of love and a great pair of heels, it’s time to grab your cosmo, go on line and make a booking for Candace Bushnell - True Tales of Sex, Success and Sex in the City.

and friendship in New York City at the age of fifty. We invite audiences to meet the “real Carrie Bradshaw”. says Hazel Feldman, from Showtime Management.

Candace Bushnell is the critically acclaimed, international best-selling author of ten books, including Is There Still Sex in the City, Sex and the City, Summer and the City, The Carrie Diaries, One Fifth Avenue, Lipstick Jungle, Trading Up, Killing Monica and Four Blondes. With each book, she has deepened her range, but with a light touch that makes her complex literary accomplishments look easy. In August of 2021, Sex and the City, published in 1996, celebrated its 25th anniversary. The book was the basis for the HBO hit series and two subsequent blockbuster movies. Lipstick Jungle became a popular television series on NBC, as did The Carrie Diaries on the CW. Bushnell is the winner of the 2006 Matrix Award for books (other winners include Joan Didion and Amy Tan), and a recipient of the Albert Einstein Spirit of Achievement Award.

Tickets on sale at www.showtime.co.za and www. ticketmaster.co.za. Ticketmaster is the exclusive ticketing agent. Patrons are encouraged not to purchase tickets from any other outlet as tickets purchased from a third party will not be valid therefore no refunds. #SexintheCitySA #IsThereStillSex.


JOHANNESBURG: Montecasino’s Teatro.

Friday, 22 September at 8pm; Saturday 23 September at 3pm & 8pm; Sunday 24 September at 3 pm.

CAPE TOWN: Artscape Theatre Centre

Friday 29 September at 8pm; Saturday to 30 September at 3pm & 8pm; Sunday 01 October at 3pm

TICKET PRICES including VAT R300, R400, R500, R600

Mag 39


Hey there, fabulous daters! Let’s dive right into the rainbow waters of modern dating. You see, it’s not as simple as “gender between the ears and sexuality between the legs,” as some might want to believe. The dating scene has evolved, and honey, if you haven’t caught up, it’s time to do a quick shimmy and adapt. It’s all about understanding, inclusivity, and shaking off any outdated notions. So, let’s break it down!


First things first, let’s talk pronouns. Show your new love interest that you see them, truly. Ask about their pronouns, and start off on the right note. And if they’re of the genderneutral style, then when you’re strutting the streets hand in hand or enjoying a Thai feast, introduce them with ungendered terms like “Meet my sweetheart!” It’s all about embracing their identity. Oh, and if they’ve got a different name than what’s on their birth certificate, honor it. Deadnaming is a no-no!


Your genderfluid sweetheart isn’t your gender studies professor. Don’t grill them with questions like you’re prepping for a pop quiz. Curiosity is cool, but don’t expect them to deliver a PowerPoint presentation on their gender identity. If they’re open to sharing, lend an attentive ear. It’s all about respect.


Complimenting their looks? Proceed with caution, superstar. What might seem like a harmless “You’ve got Matt Bomer’s jawline!” could land in uncomfortable territory. Instead, opt for

a charming “I’m attracted to you!” Keep it straightforward and flattering.


Body talk is inevitable, folks. Your date may rock a masculine vibe, but like many genderfluid darlings, they might deal with dysphoria – a disconnect between their identity and their assigned sex at birth. Be mindful and compassionate. Your words hold power.


Of course, we’ll talk about sex. Consent and communication are crucial. Just like anyone else, your genderfluid date has preferences. So, before you dive into any escapades, have a conversation about what gets both of you going. And when you’re discussing intimate body parts, use neutral terms like “junk” or “bits.” Respect is the name of the game.


At the end of the day, remember that we’re all magnificent layers of complexity. The journey of getting to know someone new is where the magic happens. Embrace it, celebrate it, and keep your heart open to the dazzling spectrum of human diversity.

So, darlings, strut into the dating arena with confidence. You’re armed with knowledge, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to being your fabulous self. Embrace the beautiful multi-dimensional world of dating!

Stay fierce, stay open-minded, and let love light your path...

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Photo by koolshooters pexels.jpg


The latest offering from Ru Paul’s Drag Race winner, Sasha Velour. The book is both a personal memoir of her own developing queer identity, in and out of drag, and an overview of drag as both cultural expression and art form, its history. The prose is light and easy, and the book design is excellent.

“Drag embodies the queer possibility that exists within each of us—the infinite ways in which gender, good taste, and art can be lived.” – Sasha Velour

Good Reads describes the book as “a quilt, piecing together memoir, history, and theory into a living portrait of an artist and an art. Within these pages, illustrated throughout with photos and original artwork, Sasha Velour illuminates drag as a unique form of expression with a rich history and a revolutionary spirit. Each chapter strips off a new layer, removing one tantalizing glove and then another, to reveal all the twists and turns in the life of a queen. As Sasha recalls her own journey, from the women who raised her, to learning the craft of an artist, to success, disaster, and more, she also uncovers the history of queer life around the world that made it all possible. From shamans to “fairies balls,” empresses to RuPaul’s Drag Race (and beyond), The Big Reveal chronicles and celebrates our shared queer pasts. “If we want to be seen as legendary,” writes Sasha, “we have to weave ourselves into history.” From an iconoclastic drag queen comes an equally singular, thought-provoking manifesto that brings necessary and sparkling substance to our understanding of drag, queerness, beauty, and liberation.”

Sasha manages to tell her own story and relate it to the rich tapestry of drag as an art form. It’s beautiful, it’s funny, it’s informational and just everything we’ve come to expect from Sasha.

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Kylie’s latest offering “Padam Padam” has become the unexpected anthem of Pride Month 2023. Belting out fro DJ boxes from G-A-Y in London, to clubs in the USA as well as her home country, Australia. The catchy number is being lypsynched by drag queens accompanied by scantily clad dancers demonstrating their finest twinkography, the catchy tune is the hit of 2023. Featuring as an anthem for the LGBT+ community in several Pride parades, including the NYC Pride March, Pride in London, and the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The song was also added by William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales, to announce their participation at the London Pride

How did this happen? It all started on May 21, when Kylie debuted the track on the season finale of American Idol. Social media (Gay Twitter, in particular) went wild for the performance, which featured the singer in thigh-high leather boots alongside a squad of buff male dancers in skintight military-meets-sci-fi outfits.

It’s easy to see why “Padam Padam” is Minogue’s biggest hit in years, the song sounds futuristic, but also stands as a classic example of Minogue’s ability to reinvent that classic pop sound that has seen her topping the charts for the past 3 decades. Harpers Bazaar said, “It feels self-referential, but also fresh. And it’s impossible not to notice that queer people, particularly gay men, have been driving its meteoric rise.”

But why is “Padam Padam” a gay anthem? Firstly, and most obviously: The song is simply a bop. It’s a heart-pumping, sexy banger that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and don’t forget that Kylie has had a huge gay fan base for decades.

As a great supporter of her LGBT+ fan base we’ve seen the superstar headline WorldPride in Sydney, Australia in February. In 2019 she headlined Pride in Brighton, England, where the audience of 55,000 was treated to a 20-song set. And despite

never having sustainably broken through in the U.S. mainstream she maintains an active cult following among American gays.

The hit song “Padam, Padam” from her sixteenth studio album Tension.

In an interview for Variety, James Masterton, a chart analyst, and historian says the success of the single is significant because Minogue has “bridged a generation gap with a hit record that is reaching out both to her loyal (and ageing) acolytes but also a new generation of music fans”, the latter attracted thanks to the TikTok platform that “contributed to the explosion of Kylie’s single; [...] bypassing all traditional media avenues”

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Kylie with sister Danni Minogue at Sydney World Pride

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A Brief History of Voguing

There is a dangerous myth that queer life did not exist in a public way until the 1960’s – the assumption being that LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) identified people were “closeted” in isolation and invisibility. This could not be further from the truth. Historical scholarship has unearthed a world of saloons, cabarets, speakeasies, rent parties, and drag balls that existed since the late 1800’s as spaces where LGBTQ identities were not only visible, but openly celebrated. Some of the most influential residential enclaves for these communities were in New York, one of the most notable being Harlem.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a distinctly black LGBTQ culture took shape in Harlem. The Harlem Renaissance (1920-1935) was particularly influential to this process. The intellectual, cultural and artistic movement took the neighbourhood by storm, bringing with it a flurry of literature, art, and music that centred black life. Many of the movement’s leaders were openly gay or identified as having nuanced sexualities including Angelina Weld Grimké, Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, Wallace Thurman, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Alain Locke, and Richard Bruce Nugent among others.

The movement offered a new language that challenged social structures and demonstrated the ways that race, gender, sex and sexuality distinctions were actually intersecting, fluid and constantly evolving.

Over the years, Harlem continued to be a vibrant site of LGBTQ art, activism and culture. So it should come as no surprise that Harlem was the birthplace of “vogue”, a highly stylized form of dance created by black and Latino LGBTQ communities.

Between the 1960’s and 80’s New York drag competitions known as “balls” transformed from elaborate pageantry to “vogue” battles. As part of this ballroom culture, black and Latino voguers would compete for trophies and the reputation of their “Houses” – groups that were part competitive affiliation, part surrogate family. Named after the famous fashion magazine, vogue took from the poses in high fashion and ancient Egyptian art, adding exaggerated hand gestures to tell a story and imitate various gender performances in categorised drag genres.

Through dance, drag queens showed how gender is a performance – they pretended to put on makeup or “beat face”,

style their hair, and put on extravagant clothes. This creative performance through voguing was even used to peacefully settle disputes among rivals in an environment that assumed a degree of mutual respect and compassion. Using dance and pantomime, the voguers would “read” each other. Ultimately, the winner would be the person who “threw the best shade.”

With time, vogue changed from the “Old Way” (which emphasized hard angles and straight lines) to the “New Way” in the late 1980’s (which added elements like the catwalk, the duckwalk, spinning, bussey and enhanced hand performance).

Today, New Way is characterised by more rigid movements and “clicks” or joint contortions. Vogue Fem uses similar “New Way” elements but focuses on speed, flow and stunts. Regardless of the style, voguing shows the courage of black and Latino LGBTQ communities to make an art form that goes beyond creative expression. Vogue offers a sense of identity, belonging and dignity in a world that does not fully value their lives.

This iconic film by Jennie Livingston was a portrait of some of the most prominent voguers in New York’s ballroom scene and the challenges they faced along the lines of race, gender, class and sexuality. Although it is widely celebrated as an invaluable piece of documentary history on LGBTQ communities of colour, the film remains controversial. The voguers in the film were working-class, poor and/or sex working. Some were even battling homelessness and HIV/AIDS. Yet they had to sue to be paid next to nothing for their participation in the film.

Feminists like Bell Hooks believe that Livingston was not critical of her position as a white filmmaker. Hooks goes on to argue that without references to any subversive process that might be taking place, voguers seem to imitate the very structures that marginalise them. Other scholars maintain that the imitation used in vogue creates a black imaginative space where aesthetics and LGBTQ life can be explored in all its complexity.

These complicated issues of race, representation, and appropriation in relation to vogue continue today. They are important to address to keep traditions that are at once black, brown and LGBTQ and debunk the myth that LGBTQ lives of colour were never publicly lived.

Taking its cue from Paris Is Burning, Pose bust on to our TV screens, once again, exploring the guts and glamour of New York’s ballroom scene.

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The documentary Paris is Burning captured a snapshot of the history of vogue in the mid-late 1980’s.
Paris Is Burning Pose


Today there are still vogue nights happening, and the trend is alive and well and very popular right here in the City of Cape Town! A vogue ball was part of the 2023 Pride calendar and feature in Pride month 2024 as well.

On the 9 September 2023 Fame After Dark will present VOGUE NIGHTS CAPE TOWN. With intricate movements and fashioninspired poses, voguing showcases the creativity and skill of dancers. Vogue Nights provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ communities, particularly those that are marginalised or underrepresented in mainstream culture. They are an important part of LGBTQ+ culture and history, as they allow individuals to express themselves and challenge societal norms. Join us at Vogue Nights to witness the energy, talent,

So if youdont have your tickets log on to: www.fameweekafrica. com

Be qick though, event runs from the 3rd September to the 9th September ...

Tsione Wolde-Michael, a writer at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture said, “Experience the vibrant and inclusive world of voguing at Vogue Nights! These events celebrate the dance style and culture that originated in the ballroom scene of New York City in the 1980s. With intricate movements and fashion-inspired poses, voguing showcases the creativity and skill of dancers. Vogue Nights provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ communities, particularly those that are marginalized or underrepresented in mainstream culture. They are an important part of LGBTQ+ culture and history, as they allow individuals to express themselves and challenge societal norms. Join us at Vogue Nights to witness the energy, talent, and diversity of this iconic dance form.

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Whilst a month has been earmarked to draw attention to mental health awareness, this is something that needs to be addressed all year round ....

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group marks July as Mental Health Awareness Month. OUT LGBT Well-being (OUT) believes it’s an important opportunity in which to reflect on the mental health challenges faced by the often forgotten and marginalised LGBTQ+ and men who have sex with men (MSM)* communities.

It’s increasingly accepted that members of minority groups, such as the LGBTQ+ and MSM communities, are more likely to face mental wellness issues due to what’s been dubbed “minority stress.” This is a result of increased lifelong exposure to stressors such as institutionalised prejudice, discrimination, and stigma, which have been linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, and substance use.

OUT, through its Engage Men’s Health (EMH) programme, which is funded by USAID and PEPFAR through the EpiC project, is putting an increased focus on mental health in its provision of free sexual health services to MSM in Johannesburg, Nelson Mandela Bay, and Buffalo City.

Between June 2022 and January 2023, OUT ran a pilot project funded by Gilead Sciences to screen 2,040 MSM in Johannesburg for common mental health disorders using a short questionnaire. The project found that 2 out of 5 (40%) MSM screened positive for possible problematic anxiety, almost a third (27%) for depression, more than half (53%) for harmful alcohol use, 30% for harmful drug use, and almost 1 in ten (8%) for suicide ideation or self-harm.

“This is a real crisis. The homophobia and marginalisation

experienced by MSM contribute to a unique sub-culture that requires tailored, comprehensive health and social services, including services for mental health conditions,” says Dawie Nel, Director of OUT LGBT Well-being.

While the MSM community is acknowledged as a priority group in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Nel argues that not enough is being done to address the mental health challenges its members face, which, in turn, impact their sexual and health-seeking behaviour.

“Sexual health cannot be addressed in isolation,” says Nel. “Supporting mental health is a key component that should be included in HIV prevention and treatment programmes that are targeted at key populations, such as the MSM community.”

OUT plans to continue to integrate mental health interventions in its LGBTQ+ and MSM programmes wherever possible but this effort must be supported by public health stakeholders and funders to have a wider and more meaningful impact.

“It is critical to address the mental health challenges faced by LGBTQ+ and MSM individuals in South Africa,” says Nel. “This includes increasing public awareness about the stigma, discrimination, and homophobia faced by these groups, improving access to affirming mental health and social services, and creating more safe spaces for them to connect, reflect, and receive information and support.”

*The term MSM encompasses gay and bisexual men, as well as other men who have sex with men but do not identify as gay or bisexual.

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Photo by Inzmam Khan _ pexels.jpg




Cape Town Pride in conjunction with OUTREACH AFRICA is a registered NPO (157-896 NPO) serving the needs of the LGBTI+ community in Cape Town, South Africa



The Nkoli House* Project, so named in honour of the late Simon Nkoli, a gay activist and anti-apartheid campaigner, who fought tirelessly for freedom, equality and social justice.

We have identified the need for a community centre aimed at providing a home and safe space for our diverse LGBTI+ community to gather, meet and mix with like-minded people – with special emphasis on the often-over-looked needs of the silver seniors in the community.


We are currently in negotiations with the City of Cape Town, to secure the premises which have been ear-marked and exist. However, the premises are in dire need of renovation in order for it to be fit for purpose.

To achieve this goal in getting the Nkoli House Project up and running we NEED to raise funds...

To this end we appeal to both local & the international LGBTI+ funders for their help.

It does not matter how small your donation is – every amount matters.

We hare hoping to have this funding in place by 31 December 2023

We are currently looking for a suitable premises, a few options offered by the City of Cape Town have, for various reasons fallen aside ... if you can helpplease do



Please pay using your credit or debit card to our paypal account at:



Branch Code: 200909, Account Number: 63064198758

First National Bank (FNB) South Africa Branch Code: 201809, Account Number: 63012725165

Account Name: Outreach Africa, Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ


Our Ref: Nkoli House Fund (+ your Name)

or pay on line by EFT to: Cape Town Pride & OUTREACH AFRICA, P O Box 397, Sea Point, South Africa 8060. 86 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, Cape Town, South Africa 7441


Your gift is tax deductible!!
Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels


One of the current camapigns being supported by the Anova Health Institute is the Yellow Dot Doctor Campaign. The Yellow Dot Doctor initiative is an innovative approach of reaching doctors in private practice with education, sensitisation and awareness of MSM health information. The goal of the campaign is to ensure the uptake of services of MSM patients and ensure that doctors are appropriately screening, diagnosing and retaining MSM patients in care. The campaign is also on an awareness drive to inform MSM that these Yellow Dot Doctors exist, that can cater to their specific needs.


Yellow Dot Doctors are medical professionals within the Private Sector who are sensitised to sexual health needs of men who have sex with men (MSM).

If you’re a man who has sex with other men you can have a professional consultation with a Yellow Dot Doctor. You will not have to be wary of being judged and can feel assured that you will be treated with respect and dignity by a professional who understands some of the challenges that life can throw at you.

The Anova Health Institute ensures sensitisation by providing practical guidelines for communicating with MSM patients on responsible sexual behaviour and HIV prevention and other health factors that are pertinent to men. These medical professionals are then listed on the Yellow Dot Doctor website where you can find the nearest one to you.


We understand that men who have sex with men have unique lifestyle challenges and sexual health needs.


Yellow Dot Doctors undertake to provide a judgement-free zone to allow you to be comfortable enough to receive the best healthcare services.


Yellow Dot Doctors understand that you’ve been brave enough to be honest with them and no matter what you tell them –they’ve heard it and seen it all before.


With 298 doctors in the Yellow Dot Network situated in Gauteng, Bloemfontein, Durban, Qqebca and Cape Town, there will be a doctor near to you.

Visit their website at: www.yellowdotdoctor.co.za to find out more information and get in touch with one of these wonderful medical professionals who are dedicated to supporting the LGBT+ community and who will treat you with dignity and respect ...

Mag 50
www.spursteakranches.com Customer Care: 086 000 7787 People with a taste for life LGBTQIA

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