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Message from DA Metro LGBTQI Chairman
Message from the DA Metro LGBTQI Chairman
The Democratic Alliance would like to wish all locals and visitors a warm welcome to the City of Cape Town’s annual Pride Festival.
The DA has a proud and long association spanning more than a decade with this event and historically have been the only political party to take part in a meaningful and committed manner.
Pride speaks to many of our party’s core values, and this expression of freedom, equality, inclusivity and diversity resonates deeply with who we are and what we stand for in the DA.
We are the first to admit that society still has a very long way to go in the real and lived acknowledgement of LGBTQIA+ rights and fair treatment, and we are committed to walking that walk together with all queer communities.
Gay rights are human rights, and we as the DA will stand by those rights for you and with you.
In the City of Cape Town and Western Cape where we govern, health and law enforcement agencies are sensitized to LGBTQIA+ issues and health services provide free PREP to M2M and sex workers at our clinics and hospitals.
Research also shows that LGBTQI residents of our City and Province feel safer here with our governments than in other parts of the country.
This speaks to our commitment to a safer, more caring society where we govern.
The festival which this year takes place over two weeks will cover many of the more poignant and burning aspects of queer life in Cape Town, and will culminate in the well loved and supported Pride Parade and Festival.
The festival is an opportunity to celebrate how far we as LGBTQIA+ persons from across many societies, cultures and racial groups have come, and gives us the opportunity to be present along with our straight allies without fear.
The DA Metro Region of Cape Town wishes you all a fun, safe and meaningful Pride 2020.