5 minute read
Editor’s Comment
Welcome all readers
This is the Cape Town Pride 2020 issue of OUT Africa Magazine and to this end there is a special section devoted to all the Pride events. (see pages 24-28). This year’s Pride is set to be the biggest ever with more events leading up to the Pride Mardi Gras on the 29th February, and the biggest line-up of artists on the Pride stage than ever before. The Embassy of Sweden have sponsored Therése Neaime, a world-renowned singer/actor/motivational speaker and songwriter. Read all about this truly talented performer on page 18.
Cape Town Pride also have a number of items for sale, like T-shirts and Golf shirts. Turn to page 32 and find out how you can get your hands on your Cape Town Pride souvenirs.
You can also win tickets to Pride on page 32 so get your entry in soon to avoid disappointment.
Most Capetonians will be familiar with Silly Slaptsilli, find out more about her new show and where life is taking her on page 8.
With more companies and individuals being supportive of the LGBT+ community it comes as a shock when some are unwilling to give us their support especially when our community supports them. Find out who gets this issue’s Raspberry Award on page 4. There are also those who go the extra mile in support of the LGBT+ community and one of those people is Cape Town City Councillor Rob Quintas - he gets the Rose Award for his support. Well done Rob, its greatly appreciated.
All over the world the Rainbow Flag is waved at any LGBTI+ event and placed in shop windows to indicate a businesses support of the LGBTI+ people. Have you ever wondered where the Rainbow Flag came from? Turn to page 22 to find out more.
We have our regular features including what the best gay & Lesbian movies for your DVD collection are, as well as fitness and Men’s Health features.
Enjoy the read, have a blast at Pride 2020, but remember do not drink and drive, always have safe sex and be responsible, but most of all have lots of fun - with the great line-up of events and entertainment this will not be difficult!
Happy Pride!!! Regards

MANAGING EDITOR: Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358
ISSN 2304-859X
Published by: PATTERSON PUBLICATIONS P.O. Box 397, Sea Point 8060 Cell: 082 562 3358 E-mail: outmagafrica@telkomsa.net outmagazine@mweb.co.za outlet@telkomsa.net
ADVERTISING SALES: Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358 CONTRIBUTORS: Daniel Dercksen, Evan Tsouroulis
Printed by ABC Press, Cape Town
The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by those providing comments in this publication are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of OUT Africa Magazine or any employee thereof. OUT Africa Magazine and Patterson Publications cc., will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in any information contained in the publication. Copyright: All articles, stories, interviews and other materials in OUT Africa Magazine are the copyright of the publication or are reproduced with permission from other copyright owners. All rights are reserved. No materials may be copied, modified, published or otherwise distributed without the prior written permission of OUT Africa Magazine.

Has someone you know done something worthwhile for our LGBTI+ community ... or maybe not worthwhile ... Send them a Rose or a Raspberry and let the community know who supports us and who doesn’t ...


Internationally, H & M are world leaders when it comes to supporting LGBTI community events and indeed Prides around the Globe…..not so in South Africa…. quite the opposite in fact and very deserving of our TOP raspberry award for Cape Town Pride 2020. Despite several months of trying to get a meeting with the “decision makers” at H & M Cape Town and a total rejection of endless emails we finally decided to pay a visit on foot, face to face…not a very pleasant experience.. We were made to stand at reception and were not invited into the inner sanctum and a rather abrupt lady advised us that no budget was available for this type of event here, and with a ‘don’t call us we’ll call you attitude”
When confronted with the accusation that they had not supported the LGBTI community in Cape Town since they opened their doors more than 5 years ago….instead of correcting the statement she barked “how do YOU know” – the fact that we represented CT Pride which includes 23 LGBTI+ NGO’s, OUTREACH Africa and OUT Africa Magazine was of no consequence. When I left (or was ushered out) I felt like I had just experienced true homophobia – She could really benefit from some sensitivity training, and was told as much. In no way am I knocking the great work that H & M is doing internationally for the community …but with regards to H & M Cape Town you are the well deserving recipient of Pride’s Raspberry award for 2020

Clr Rob Quintas took on the task of persuading the powers that be to light up the Legislature Building in the City of Cape Town. Rob has worked tirelessly in over-coming all objections to facilitate this immense achievement - we owe him our deepest thanks and gratitude for persuading the powers that be to show the City of Cape Town’s support for our community.
Over the years Rob has been instrumental in helping the LGBTI+ community in Cape Town ... he is OUR man in the City!

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