OUT Africa Magazine

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Pride Even Pull-Ots u insid t e


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hen some gay people still question the relevance of celebrating Pride, the In Whom Can I still Trust exhibition at the Cape Town Holocaust Centre, which highlights the oppression of gays in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, should shed some light as to why we need to remember our history. Unfortunately our story as a marginalised, abused, discriminated against, threatened community is all too often repeated from Moscow to Kampala, as well as in our own townships. It is important to remember those whose efforts and sacrifices allow us to enjoy the many freedoms we have today. We should celebrate these achievements. But we should also bear in mind that society has a long way to go treat us as fully equal. Whilst it is true that we have the law behind us, society often lags behind. We can be happy that gay South Africans are protected by our Bill of Rights, in theory at east. But we have to remain vigilant. So long as women get raped for being lesbians and so long gay Africans on the rest of the continent are persecuted, none of us can truly be free. The British House of Commons and the French Parliament have both recently voted to allow gay marriage though the House of Lords and Senate still have to ratify. Meanwhile our columnist John French, as always with his finger firmly on the pulse, writes about gay weddings in this issue. We also commemorate The Men with the Pink Triangle – gays who were persecuted by the Nazis; celebrate gay icon Dusty Springfield, and share some success stories from the Pride House. And it’s also our Pageant Queen issue, with interviews with Miss Gay Western Cape, Mr SA Leatheman and a feature on Mr Gay South Africa. And that’s just some of it….Enjoy! Evan Tsouroulis MANAGING EDITOR: Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358 ISSN 2304-859X published by: Patterson Publications P.O. Box 397, Sea Point 8060 Tel/Fax: 021 418 3039 E-mail: outmagafrica@telkomsa.net evan@outafricamag.co.za Advertising Sales: Robert Simpson 072 266 7051 Evan Tsouroulis 072 905 8489 Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358


Daniel Dercksen Glenn de Swardt John French John Henry Gary Hopkins Jarred Plu’g Very Dre Sweet Gareth Dallas Lex Lovemore Ryan Lourens Printed by ABC Press, Cape Town

Copyright: All articles, stories, interviews and other materials in OUT Africa Magazine are the copyright of the publication or are reproduced with permission from other copyright owners. All rights are reserved. No materials may be copied, modified, published or otherwise distributed without the prior written permission of OUT Africa Magazine. The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by those providing comments in this publication are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinionsof OUT Africa Magazine or any employee thereof. OUT Africa Magazine and Patterson Publications cc., will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in any information contained in the publication.

4 JASON ROGERS: 10 fascinating facts 6 ZILIN ZHANG - “If the shoe fits... put it on” 20 JOHANN JOOSTE - Mr SA Leather 2013


39 WORD PERFECT 44 OUT TO LUNCH: Eating out 45 OUT ON DVD 46 OUT ON FILM: What to miss on the circuit...and what not to! 47 MUSIC MOVES: What’s hot & what’s not... 48 ON STAGE: The performing arts all over South Africa

4 24

FASHION 14-15 69 NOT JUST A NUMBER - Funky underwear from 69SLAM

SCENE OUT 28 - 32 Who’s been spotted out and about on the party scene...

FEATURES 1 EDITORS COMMENT: 6 THE BUZZ: News, snippets & gossip 8 AUDI A3: Lex Lovemore looks at the pro’s and cons of the new Audi 10 SETTING YOUR GOALS & SUCCEEDING: Keeping in shape with Jarred Plu’g 12 THE ART OF BEDROOM EYES ON THE DANCE FLOOR: John Henry’s take on getting laid 16 WE DO: John French takes a look at gay marriage 18 DUSTY SPRINGFIELD: The Queen of white soul is our icon 22 NAME OF THE GAME: Exposing our not so National Symbols 23 PRIDE PULL OUT CALENDAR OF EVENTS 26 BLOW YOUR WHISTLE: Safety in the gay village 26 DOROTHY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING PRIDE 27 THE SECRET IS OUT: Zer021 Lounge 33 THE GAY CHURCH HAS A NEW HOME 34 MEN WITH THE PINK TRIANGLE: Discrimination from Nazi Germany to now GAY PRIDE 35 IN WHOM CAN I STILL TRUST: A look at the Holocaust Museum’s Exhibition CAPE TOWN on homosexual persecution in Germany 36 A PERFECT FIT: New sex toys on the market 37 JANUARYONE’S TOP 10 DANCE TRACKS 36 THE VERI SWEET LETTERS: KZN’s latest gossip 40 MEN’S HEALTH ISSUES: DRUG RELATED HARM REDUCTION by Glenn de Swardt

16 23




10 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT JASON ROGERS Jason Rogers was crowned Mr Gay South Africa 2012/2013 on 8 December last year. The 23-year old was born and raised in Pretoria. He is also a medical technologist working in Centurion. Here are some interesting things to know about him: 1. Jason loves the Great Outdoors. He used to be an avid sailor. Giving him some food and a tent the wild makes him very happy. 2. He sometimes bakes as a way to de-stress. Brownies, cookies and muffins are a big passion and he used to make some extra cash by selling them at high school. 3. He is not afraid of much but he hates geese who “are evil and guard the gates of hell!” He’s not too fond of spiders either but you will never catch him anywhere near a goose. 4. Whilst on a family holiday to the beach as a young boy he was bitten (yes bitten) by a blowfish, resulting in his parents promptly giving him the nickname “Hootie”. (After the group Hootie & the Blowfish) 5. Jason and his mother were born in South Africa but his father was from New Zealand. Although he has a lot of supportive family in New Zealand, he is 100% behind the Bokke every time they play the Kiwis. 6. He has a great relationship with his mother. “Yes, I am a Mommy’s boy”, he admits, and “I couldn’t be happier to have her full support in whatever I do”. He has a brother but unfortunately his Dad passed away when I was about 10. 7. One of Jason’s big dreams in high school was to become a marine biologist and he has a large fascination with sharks, which resulted in his other nickname “Sharkman”. He has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm which is a tribal pattern of a shark. 8. He was a Boy Scout, obtaining the Springbok Award, the highest accolade in Scouting. This is where his enjoyment of camping comes from. Being a scout taught him self- discipline and to care for others by doing community service from a young age.

10. Jason is a proud Gay Christian, having given confirmation classes whilst at school as well as playing in the youth band at church. He says that “I would never force my views on anyone else. I just wish people wouldn’t hide behind the Bible to promote their bigotry.” Jason will be representing South Africa at Mr Gay World in Antwerp, Belgium, in August. Mag 2

Photo courtesy Ryan Lourens

9. Jason finally accepted that he was gay in January 2010, in his third year of studies. By mid-2011 he was out, even to his family who accepted him the way he is. He feels lucky and thankful not to have had any negative reactions.

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2013/02/15 4:15 PM

“IF THE SHOE FITS... PUT IT ON” Interview with ZILIN ZHANG Three years ago, 25 year old primary school teacher Zilin Ayoki Zhang from Mitchell’s Plain, had never put on a pair of heels before. In November last year, she was crowned Miss Gay Western Cape, the country’s most glamorous and prestigious drag pageant. OUT: Tell us something unexpected about yourself ZZ: That I’m actually male & I don’t always appear in drag. In the main I’m a normal jeans and T-shirt kind of guy. Most people think I’m in drag all the time. OUT: Tell us what not to wear this summer ZZ: Fleecy tops! Please, it’s summer, however I’m not a slave to fashion so I’ll suggest that you wear what you feel most comfortable in. OUT: What item in your closet can you not live without? ZZ: I don’t go anywhere without my heels; even if my feet are aching I have to take the pain. OUT: What’s in your handbag? ZZ: You do not want to know. You will get lost in there. Anything from make-up, phone, shoes, snacks, everything. It’s a portable closet OUT: When did you discover your inner drag? ZZ: How funny. I went to watch The Miss Gay Western Cape Contest in 2009. I didn’t really know anything about dragging. I knew that drag queens existed, and we knew them as moffies, as they were called. I knew about men dressing up as women, but I didn’t know that there were cabarets or drag shows. But I did know about Miss Universe and Miss World. Those beauty pageants were my thing, my dream. So sitting there in the audience at Joseph Stone Hall, I made a vow that one day I would be Miss Gay Western Cape. I thought I could do it from just watching these pageants all the time, by looking at the finer details. I know what works and what doesn’t. I am a perfectionist and I got lots of inspiration from watching these pageants. I have achieved my goal in three years. It has been a long struggle, but if I reflect back on it, it has been worth it. OUT: Who is your inspiration or role model? ZZ: I draw strength from many people, whether they are a president, a monarch or an ordinary person in the street. If they have done something good or remarkable then that makes them my role model. I have always lived by the saying “you don’t have to be phenomenal to create phenomenal things”. OUT: Which famous person, dead or alive, would you like to have dinner with? ZZ: Probably Queen Elizabeth II. She is such a symbol of continuity. She has stood the test of time and she is still much loved across the world. Mag 4

OUT: What is the most attractive feature of a man? ZZ: Lol! He has to have athletic, sexy legs, and let’s just leave it at that.... Lol! OUT: What’s the most attractive feature of a drag queen? ZZ: Probably her eyes, because they will tell you if she has a good spirit. OUT: What’s your best quality? ZZ: I would have to say my brain which gives me the ability to think or reason. Nobody can take that away from me... “I think therefore I am”. OUT: Love or money? ZZ: Both, Lol! Love conquers all. Money just makes it so much easier.. OOOH, I’m gonna regret this. I think a girl just wants it all, so both if possible. OUT: Chocolate or vanilla? ZZ: Lol!. I have a sweet tooth so I eat choc anything, lol! OUT: At some of the Pageants I have attended over the last couple of years, you have introduced yourself by saying that you are from Mitchell’s Plain, the gay capital of South Africa. Explain? ZZ: Because it is so densely populated, you will always find a gay sister or brother. I think where a lot of people live you will always find a hip swinging sister or a butch girl. Pageants allow people to come out & express who they are in a free society. Obviously there are struggles within it, but in the main you are fee to be yourself. OUT: Drag Pageants are very popular in the broader Coloured Community. Does this mean that there is less homo-prejudice in this community? Or is it a vestige of Carnival when troupes of minstrels were traditionally led by a “moffie”? ZZ: In my opinion Drag pageants are symbols of extravagance and people within the coloured community see it as a form of entertainment; similarly to that of a soap opera, the notion of “I know it’s not real but let’s pretend that it is” is a more layman’s way of putting it. This could be due to the fact that many females especially coloured females enjoy the company of a “moffie” friend, and in so doing will go and support her friend at a pageant. I think there is less drama within a female/”moffie” friendship than in an inter-female friendship lol but that’s just my opinion. However in retrospect, the art of drag has become more accepted within the coloured community, so people are more openminded nowadays and therefore venues are packed for drag pageants in Cape Town. OUT: In the documentary “Glitterboys & Ganglands” you say that pageants are your sport and it seems that there is a drag pageant somewhere in the Western Cape every weekend. Are these Pageants a form of escapism from the harsh realities of life? ZZ: I am very competitive so wanting to win is natural, as it would be in any sport. Pageants do have the mechanism to escape reality and lose inhibitions. I am an introvert by nature, but when I’m Zilin I’m very flamboyant & you wouldn’t say I’m the same person.

OUT: Is drag a political statement? ZZ: It could be if you want to portray a certain message. I use my drag as a platform to send a message of goodwill, hope & encouragement to others. Remarkably a lot of people come up to me and say I’m an inspiration to them, so I must be doing something right. As most of our basic freedoms have been achieved, drag is less politicised than what it was 40 years ago, but it still carries an all important message of freedom of expression. OUT: What was your first reaction when you realised that you won the Miss GWC title? ZZ: Tears of joy, but I still never expected to win. I was in total shock and I’m still on cloud 9. OUT: When you went to school on the Monday after winning your title, your pupils gave you a standing ovation. How did that make you feel? ZZ: My colleagues gave me an ovation and my kids went ballistic. For me that was the highlight. At school we are a family and I’m one of the youngest on staff. Some colleagues were upset that I didn’t tell them I was competing, but some were actually in the audience to cheer and support. OUT: Latrice Royale, star of “Ru-Paul’s Drag Race”, cohosted MGWC. Did you get to spend any time with her? ZZ: Ah Latrice, I love her to bits and she has a heart of gold. We had supper with her the night before the pageant. None of us were in drag and we had a relaxed time. I miss her and hope she gets a chance to visit soon. OUT: How will you use your title to improve the quality of life in your community? ZZ: My message has always been about education; because I’m a teacher. I believe that anybody irrespective of class, race or orientation deserves an education. You will always have your education to fall back on when talent and beauty fades. OUT: What do you hope to achieve during your reign? ZZ: To create awareness on various issues that stand in the way of us moving forward as a society, to bridge the gap between what is seen as mainstream and underworld. I want people to love each other, to appreciate each other and to stand united in their diversity. If I get just two people to do this then I will have fulfilled my obligation during my year. OUT: What advice do you have for aspiring Pageant Queens? ZZ: If the shoe fits, put it on, come out and do your thing. I did an injustice to myself waiting so long: if I knew then what I know now I would have started dragging sooner. Mag 5

THE BUZZ Ragdollz with Manila von Teez


he RagDollz have been the talk of the town since their debut performance at the Miss Gay Western Cape Pageant in November, where they accompanied the thrilling Manila von Teez in an explosive performance. As a result, this sextet of hi-energy dancers, consisting of Wentzel Ryan, Darion Adams, Jayden Davids, Kyle Lind, Keelin Fransman and Derek Bowers ended up as back up dancers for the Vegas based Britney/


Gaga impersonator Derrick Barry at MCQP’s Fairytale Fantasy. “It was a pleasure working alongside Ragdollz” said an impressed Barry. “I was amazed with the choreography these talented dancers came up with in a short amount of time”. The Ragdollz were later seen performing with Manila von Teez at the Carnevale New Year’s Eve Party in Cape Town, delivering another fiery routine. Students and graduates of UCT Dance School, this troupe is going places!



he 4th annual Cape Town Carnival is set to ignite the streets of Cape Town with another incredible journey of the imagination on 16 March 2013. This year’s theme is African Legends, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of not only the Mother City, but of the whole continent. Following last year’s success, this spectacular celebration of art, music, dance and cultural diversity, will once again be happening along the Fanwalk in Green Point. The Carnival Parade kicks off at 19:00. Flamboyant floats depicting various African legends from the Flying Dutchman to the Zambezi’s Nyami Nyami, from Queen Sheeba to the legendary drag queens of the Mother City, will make their way to the stadium in a riot of colour and music, culminating in a festive after party. If last year’s event is anything to go by, it’s going to be fabulous. More info on www.capetowncarnival.com Mag 6



panish director Pedro Almodóvar has not been giving away too much about the plot of his latest film Los Amantes Pasajeros other than saying that it is a light ensemble comedy set almost entirely on a plane. What he has done is leak a trailer where Javier Cámara, Carlos Areces and Raúl Arévalo, playing the parts of three air stewards, lipsynch to the Pointer Sisters’ I’m So


nyone travelling to London should not miss the retrospective David Bowie exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum. The extraordinary career of David Bowie, one of the most pioneering and influential performers of modern times, will be showcased in David Bowie Is, an exploration of the creative processes of Bowie as a musical innovator and cultural icon, tracing his shifting style and sustained reinvention across five decades. The exhibition will explore the






his year’s Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival will be happening from 1 to 5 May. For five days, the Garden Route town of Knysna will be transformed into a Wicked Winter Wonderland. Events include exhibitions, dance parties, beauty pageants, culminating in the Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday 4 May. For more information visit: www.pinkloerie.co.za

ladziu Valentino Liberace, the capering Prince of the Piano, mostly commonly known by just his surname, rocketed through the monochromatic 50s in a riot of colour, pomade and mascara. It was said that like Elvis’s gold lame suit, Liberace’s sequined jackets could be spotted from outer space. Camp was the name of the game, even in the post -war Puritan closet. Liberace was the camping, vamping gay man who never came out, securely trapped in pop culture glass closet. Everybody got

Excited. It’s hilarious, and clear that Almodóvar has forsaken the angst of his recent series of film to revisit the genre that made him famous. There are moments as absurd as any found in his legendary wacky films like Kiki and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. Almodóvar favourites Cecilia Roth, Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz make cameo appearances. The film will be released internationally in March broad range of Bowie’s collaborations with artists and designers in the fields of fashion, sound, graphics, theatre, art and film. More than 300 objects will be on show, including Ziggy Stardust bodysuits (1972) designed by Freddie Burrett; photography by Brian Duffy; album sleeve artwork by Guy Peellaert and Edward Bell; visual excerpts from films and live performances including The Man Who Fell to Earth; music videos such as Boys Keep Swinging and set designs created for the Diamond Dogs tour (1974). Alongside these will be more personal items such as never-beforeseen storyboards, handwritten set lists and lyrics as well as some of Bowie’s own sketches, musical scores and diary entries, revealing the evolution of his creative ideas. The exhibition runs from 23 March to 28 July it but nobody said it. Until 1982, that is, when Scott Thorson, his toy boy of six years shattered the illusion by suing for palimony. Thorson later wrote a memoir, Behind the Candelabra, which Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh has now made into a film of the same name. Matt Damon, in his first gay role, plays Thorson to Michael Douglas’ Liberace. It seems Hollywood still has some reservations when it comes to portraying gay content on the big screen and Soderbergh had trouble getting the film made. “We went to everybody in town. They all said it was too gay,” he said. “This is after Brokeback Mountain by the way, which is not as funny as this movie” But make it he did and it debuts on HBO in April. Out in the Dark



espite fears that a funding crisis would mean the end of the Out in Africa Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, now in its 20th year, the good news is that the show will go on…for now at least. OIA has come a long way since 1994 and most people have forgotten the public protests, pickets and outrage that accompanied the first Festival. A lot has changed in South Africa, but one thing that has not is that the Festival remains one of the few places to watch rare cutting-edge queer cinema from around the world in a safe space with like-minded people. One way to help the Festival out of the severe financial crisis it is facing is to nominate OIA as a beneficiary on one’s MySchool or Woolworths card. It’s easy to do - it takes just a few minutes to fill in a form (downloadable from www.oia.co.za) and costs nothing. Every time you swipe your card, OIA benefits. What a great way to help the Festival survive! The first leg of the festival takes place in Cape Town & Johannesburg from 12 to 21 April at Nu Metro Hyde Park and V&A Waterfront. Here are some highlights: Interior. Leather Bar - In the controversial film Cruising, detective Al Pacino goes undercover at a gay S&M bar in pursuit of a serial killer. It was pretty hard core for 1980 and 40 minutes of explicit footage were cut, never to be seen again. Dishy James Franco pairs up with filmmaker Travis Mathews to recreate what they imagine those 40 minutes showed. They use the film as a starting point to a broader exploration of sexual and creative freedom.

Out in the Dark The love between a well-heeled gay Israeli lawyer and a struggling Palestinian student serves to examine harsh realities in both communities in LA based Israeli director Michael Mayer’s textured drama. Pit Stop Selected for Sundance, Pit Stop tracks the relationship of two gay men in a blue collar small Texas town. Texan filmmaker Yen Tan’s film also encompasses dramatically rich subplots with a diverse range of supporting characters.

Pit Stop

Check www.ois.co.za and Facebook pages for full programme and updates! Mag 7


When you road test a car its rating is relative. While I’m sure the Golf I got a glowing review in 1976 – if it was released today it would most likely be considered the worst car on the market. Generally, cars are rated against two benchmark factors, firstly, its direct competitors and secondly, the car it replaces. The point I’m trying to get at, in a round about way, is that to accurately review a car you have to have at least a slight bit of knowledge about these benchmarks. If you work for a big glamorous car mag you spend your life jumping in and out of the world’s top manufacturers latest offerings - thus making an objective review of a car a fairly simple process. However, if we’re honest for a second - writing for a magazine that is better known for its drag queen interviews and pictures of semi- naked boys, means that the closest I’ve got to most of the cars I profess to have endless knowledge about, is at 4am in the BP garage, prying the plastic apart of some or other car mag to ogle at the latest sexy offerings, while waiting to pay for my pie and coke necessary to limit the next morning’s hangover. Mag 8


owever, when Audi Claremont graciously plonked the keys to the latest A3 in front of me I knew I was sorted. Not only has a friend of mine recently bought a new BMW 1-series which, at every available opportunity, I take great delight in pointing out that the back end looks exactly like a Polo, but parked in my garage is a 2008 Audi A3. Now, I LOVE my A3, and the fact that the model stayed in production for almost 9 years virtually unaltered, shows that the world loved it too. It was a funky young design for Audi, and aside from a couple of flaws (stupidly positioned handbrake comes to mind) it was an exceedingly competent car. This makes it a very hard act to follow and I jumped into the Glacier White TFSI A3 with very high expectations. Audi is known for its well sorted interiors, but my God, this car’s interior feels like it’s from a car worth twice as much. Gone is the sporty look of the old car, replaced with a far more elegant clean facia. The first thing you’ll notice is there is no radio/CD player on the dash. It’s all neatly and simply integrated into the Multi Media Interface (MMI) – better known to you as the cool pop up screen on the dash. The CD changer is hidden in the glove box and the MMI synchs with ease to your smartphone’s music. So that you don’t have to constantly toggle through screens on the MMI, if say you’re using Sat-Nav, there is a very

useful addition of another small rotary knob next to the main MMI dial which controls the volume and song selection. The only odd thing about this arrangement is that if the passenger wants to change a song they’ve got to reach around the gear stick to get to it, which aside from being awkward, can’t be the safest arrangement. Normally, test cars are loaded to the brim with extras, but I was very pleasantly surprised to see how much was standard on this car. There were no surprises in the extra list either. Obviously, as with any car, you pay more for leather seats than for a swanky 3 piece lounge suite, and for some odd reason paint still comes at an extra cost. But the MMI infotainment system was standard, as was the connectivity with your phone. The added extra that to me was the best value for money, was the rear park distance control. At R3632 it’s a bargain compared to what I’m going to have to pay to replace the bumper on my car after launching backwards into somebody else’s tow-bar! Driving this car one thing kept coming to mind: why would you spend a cent more on a bigger car? It is just about all any driver will need to completely satisfy their motoring requirements. At the touch of a button you can change the throttle response, steering weight and gear changes to the style that exactly suites you. The engine is sublime and the gear box is magnificent; you are never in a wrong gear. Here’s the thing though - this has to be a very good car. When the last A3 was released there really was little in the way of competition. The Mercedes A-Class was still a boxy mom-mobile and the 1-Series was a twinkle in BMWs eye. Mercedes is about to launch a completely new A-Class in a more traditional hatch shape and while it hasn’t landed on SA shores it’s receiving glowing reviews abroad and the 1-Series is now a very capable competitor. The A3 has grown up, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Will South Africans fall in love with it the way they did the previous version? Only time will tell. But on my part, when I handed the keys back to Audi Claremont’s Sales executive Marais van der Merwe, there was a definite pang of sadness. After only three days it had definitely pulled on my heart strings.

THE AUDI A3 AT A GLANCE Design and body: • Sporty, coupe-like lines with the B-pillars merging harmoniously into the window area • Lightweight body with ultrahigh -strength steels in the occupant cell; aluminum engine hood and wheel arches Interior and controls • Elegant interior with attractive colours and new materials • Intuitive control concept and superior build quality • Spacious rear seat; variable luggage compartment 365 to 1100L Engine and drivetrain • Four TFSI and a super efficient TDI engine, with power output ranging from 63 kW to 132 kW • All models standard with start-stop and recuperation

• •

technologies Front-wheel or quattro allwheel drive depending available S tronic with free-wheel mode as well as Audi Drive Select

Chassis and control systems • Efficient electromechanical power steering, four-link rear axle • Multifunction steering wheel standard • Wheels ranging in size from 17 to 18 inches, electromechanical parking brake Standard Equipment across the range • All engines feature a start-stop system and energy recovery • 16 -inch cast aluminium wheels • Rain and light sensor • Connectivity including: Voice Control and Bluetooth Connectivity and Multi Media Interface

• • • •

Front centre arm rest Air-conditioning Concert Radio with automatic fold-away colour LCD screen Driver Information System with Efficiency Programme Split rear seat

• Additional Standard Equipment for the Audi A3 • 5 year / 100 000km fully comprehensive Freeway Plan with 24h Roadside assistance

Mag Mag 93 9

SETTING YOUR GOALS & SUCCEEDING Keeping in shape with Jarred Plu’g At the beginning of each year we hope to reach new goals or old goals that were never met! But sometimes our intentions end at the excitement and never get to the doing. So instead of writing in my usual “story telling” voice, I’ve decided to go with my “Coach Carter” approach and write something more informative and structured as this is what you will need to help you plan for success.


he two most important things a person should know is WHO they want to become and WHAT they want to wake up and pursue for the rest of their days. In this you need absolute clarity; you need to think BIG enough that it scares you, and you need to be BOLD enough to never back down. If you are not confident in yourself or your dreams, you will never take the risks needed to achieve your goals. You need to make sure you’re consistently defining and refining your goals and dreams. Write and speak them out. Charge yourself up daily. If you fail to plan you are planning to fail. Make sure that your benchmark is always and only of the world’s best in what you want to do. Anything less is selling yourself and your potential short. Some people are pushing boundaries and advancing at such a rapid rate that most of us don’t even realise what it really takes to “make it.” We either does not get pushed hard enough, do not have the needed facilities or training, or we do not really take ourselves seriously. Learn to master the power of your mind and look for every potential opportunity to become better. Listen to mentors who can guide Mag 10

you in taking control of your strengths and weakness. Now to relate this to exercise and nutrition you need detailed strategies on how to reach your goals. Begin by asking yourself what you want to achieve. There are a number of essential goals and foundations to a journey in fitness,

such as ideal weight and body fat, or the time you want to beat on your next trail run and by when. This is for you to decide and commit to. The next step is the strategy is to understand what is required of you in terms of reaching your goals through daily or weekly routine that will assure your progress. For example if you had to break down a few of the above goals it would look something like this:

Maximising and sustaining performance You require symmetrical conditioning throughout your body. You also need to grow in various spheres of your fitness such as strength gains through Isotonic movement , Stability ( core strength), muscle endurance through isometric strength, control and endurance in time of fatigue (muscle memory), and higher fitness level (quick heart rate recovery). Injury Prevention By identifying and correcting your weak areas you are saving yourself a lot of potential harm, time and money. It’s not always exciting but it’s necessary. This is part of the “GO SLOW GO FAST” principle. By addressing this first you will fly when you get into the more fun training. Some common areas of concern you should be aware of are weak rhomboids, inactive glutes, undertrained hamstrings due to quad dependency and unconditioned ankles and knees. Aesthetic Appeal: A good Physique As a personal trainer, what is the first thing you would take note of? My physique. I generally don’t like to bring this up as it can easily be demoralising but there is no way to avoid the fact that

there is huge value placed on the “look” of a person, the shape and size of one’s body as well as their cleanliness. When you get the former right you set yourself up towards great aesthetic results, if they haven’t already begun to show as a by-product of correct functional and corrective training. You need to make sure your physique is a top priority and that your body is at its required healthy weight and shape. It makes all the difference. When you get this right you will come across as more attractive and confident which in return will attract more opportunity your way. It’s just the way it is. All of these issues should be addressed through periodised training programs that insure structure, consistency and progress that work on monthly cycles. The topic of weight and size brings me to the next part of this discussion: Nutrition There is no point in getting skinny through lack of nutrition. You will only damage your body. You will experience lack in energy, motivation, joy, and your performance will ultimately suffer. Nutrition is the facilitator of change. Exercise creates potential, nutrition releases that potential and turns it into results. Whether it is weight gain or loss you cannot do it without good nutrition. Good nutrition requires good lifestyle. I don’t believe in “diets” unless they are a tool aiding you towards a sustainable healthy lifestyle of good eating. Eat simple foods from the earth, i.e. vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, lean meats and so on. Eat smaller portions more often. Learn to graze. This is healthier on the digestive system and holds a higher metabolism. Drink lots of water (2-3 litres a day). Your body needs it to properly function. Avoid refined foods and sugar which produce excess insulin resulting in weight gain and disease. Don’t starve yourself! Your body goes into starvation mode leading to weight gain due to the slowing of metabolism.

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You need: a. Fibre, which insures good digestion and absorption of protein, vitamins, minerals. b. Protein – recovery of muscle fatigue, hold lean muscle, higher metabolism more fat burning. c. Carbohydrates give the body required energy for proper function of body and transportation of protein to muscles. Good nutrition will ensure weight loss through healthier digestion and a higher metabolism. It provides fuel for performance and energy for focus and strength of mind. It reduces the risk of heart disease and other illness associated with refined foods. You will sleep better and have healthier hair and skin. Consistent energy means no more “downers” As a part of setting up your goals I would suggest getting a wellness evaluation to understand your body and its needs as they are specific to your body. The one size fits all approach doesn’t work. Understand your metabolism and your body’s protein/ carb requirements according to your body type and chosen style of training. I sincerely hope this is the spark to keep you charged for 2013. Make it happen! Jarred is involved in the health and wellness industry as a trainer focused on the needs of athletes, post rehabilitation conditioning and weight loss. He is based in both Blouberg (Phase 3) and at Kranking Studio at the Waterfront. For more Information on wellness evaluations and training please contact him. Cell: 0835410359 email. jarredplug@gmail.com

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Mag 11



regard myself as a rather forward thinking, intellectual, sometimes witty, mostly not, therefor single member of society. Most of my friends will agree with the latter, but if there is one thing that they will all agree on is that the last months of summer bring out the worst in the single nation. Having paid homage to the Gay Saints of Disco in a very demanding economy, I do however know a few tricks of the trade. With the battlefield that is Valentine’s Day behind us, and the cold winter months looming, some reflection is required to ensure that the singletons of De Waterkant stay warm. Taking into account the Lion or Gazelle Concept of Shagging, where one is either a hunter or hunted on the sexual playing field, how does one survive the trauma of trying to get laid? Taking stock of the past summer, a few things become abundantly clear. A play by play guide that one needs to take into account before going hunting. Cape Town Mag 12

is much like my mother’s Tupperware collection – the bottoms always fall out when you open the cupboard, the tops however can never be found. Sadly, you can’t always run away from this truth – so sometimes international travel is required to seek out new possibilities, to gay-taxsafe-havens like London, Barcelona and then the old Promised Land, Sitges. In my travels to our other fair cities, I’ve learned that the same applies across the Grindr map sadly, so best factor this reality into your game plan. Furthermore, most desirable things that appeal to most homo-inclined-sapiens are either illegal, expensive, fattening or married to someone else. Far too many days have been spent with Aidan Dylan, not having the lunch we discussed, at Gucci making shop girls run around for outfits a size smaller for the weekend ahead. This weekend, like most, I’ll probably fall in love with about 47 boys. Give or take a dozen depending on roadblocks into the city hotspots.

With that comes a cold realization. We are forced to pick our loin-warmers from a very small pool. The choice must be made, either at dinner parties, out clubbing, online, the gym or bumping into each other in the cucumber section at Fruit and Veg City. And with that, I recall my summer frolics through the various playing fields in search of some summer sweetness. In preparation for the dinner party of the weekend, I pull myself towards the gym. Sporting my carefully selected workout outfit, I am welcomed by the smell of sweat and hunger. Pumping some midlevel weights like judgement day is coming, all I can focus on is the way my hair looks in the floor to ceiling mirrors. Through it all, I meet eyes with a rather dashing A&F Vest Wearer who winks towards the cloakrooms. Surely no one has times for such things, especially not with dinner a mere hour away. Yes, we are bound to the pretentious

dinner party scene, occupying mostly houses in Upper Green Point which conveniently becomes “Fresnaye” on a Saturday night where the patrons are all “over the scene” and would much rather discuss politics. I do however fear that as a singleton, one is quickly pushed to the side of the table in full scorn of the slightly older partner of the hot guy you have been eyeing. The best way to disperse such stares is to merely mention that it’s not bulimia when you haven’t eaten whilst said person is scoffing down their chocolate soufflé, before making your way to the balcony. Wait here for his much younger boyfriend to come find you and slip his number into your phone. As this is surely not the only special number being passed around the dinner table, the night soon leads into chatter of heading down to the strip. This mostly shortly after a mysterious unmarked car stops and drops at the front door… The same strip which was cast aside as the ultimate evil mere hours ago when dinner

a friendly get together. And yes, I love bare backing – along with eating raw chicken and running over the N2 blind folded during rush hour. If you do die because of the dessert dropped off by the unmarked car earlier, pray the Lord or your best friend clear your browsing history.

started, Sodom and Gomorrah, but just more fun...

crowd” and on the dance floor the “maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline…or maybe she went to Clicks and bought R80 foundation” crowd. Make no mistake – you need a proper fag hag or social queen (let’s call her Kerissa) or best friend (who’s ever got cash and still sober enough to spend it on you) for this time of night.

But before heading out to town, there is always that dead hour that separate the bears and from boys. This is mostly the relaxed time after dinner where everyone retires for some conversation, mostly with their cell phones looking at what the online community can offer. If Steve Jobs only knew what his i-phone would bring to the party… But sadly the online community mostly comes down to empty promises. And frankly, I demand that someone look at me when I roll my eyes at them for sending lame messages followed by a rather limp attempt at home made erotica. No, I will not join you and five other strangers at your house for

As the evening moves past the midnight hour, one has to start making your way either home to further the online search or head to the strip. Now, make no mistake – as much as the scene takes a beating for all its ills, this is your best bet of getting some sweet loving. This is of course if you stick to the selfimposed rules of gay flirting: No real eye contact. No smiles. Most importantly, no speaking to anyone who hadn’t spoken to you first. Once inside the watering hole, the room is filled with possibilities. Quickly filter through the options. On the right, the exclusive “we don’t mix with anyone

When finally standing right next to your prey, you have to fight every urge to speak to him in the hopes that he breaks the ice with something like “we’ve been standing next to each other for far too long – how about a drink?”. Hopefully it turns out that he is at the bar alone and lives not too far. This of course if he is not recognized by a casual friend, and pulled into an already existing nucleus of fags. Should this happen, it is trite within canon law to rip out the casual friend’s heart in protecting your pretty. So best stand your ground and pull your prey out before anyone else can. And so, the hunt comes to an end. You either walk out together can keep on that route, or give him a big hug on the street when you see his face in the cold harsh light of reality and take a cab home, alone. Whatever you choose, be sure that you feel a little more alive in the morning when you wake up and able to paraphrase Obama; “Yes, I had”.

John Henry is currently single, enjoys long walks on the beach, never follows his own advice and loves only Jocelyn Meier, Alexandra Lahey and Jack Daniels.

Whilst judging away at the various twinks rocking minimum wage outfit, you are sure to find something that fits into your back pocket. The secret is to not make too much effort, all while doing exactly that. Fighting your way to your prey, dismiss anyone not worthy with the gay favourite behaviour of quickly looking away when someone catches your eye. Mag 13

Mag 14

FUNKY UNDERWEAR FOR SUMMER 69SLAM was born far away from all formulaic and watered-down underwear brands. The will to create a fun and provocative, naughty and sexy, fresh and colorful brand to fight the boredom of the world. In just a few years, 69SLAM has grown into a modern brand of alternative funky underwear, swimwear, clothing and related products for men, women and children A range of 69SLAM men’s underwear is available at BOYZONE at 14 Cobern Street, de Waterkant in Cape Town...



Mag 15



In the old days everyone wanted a ‘gay’ wedding. Society dictated that young couples should strive to make their weddings as gay as possible. Every wistful bride or groom dreamed and hoped for a gay wedding where everything would be simply delightful, colourful and fun. What society did not want was a wedding ceremony where two people of the same gender sought to be united in front of God by declaring their undying love to each other.


ow far the world has come since then! Even the President of the United States recently pledged his support for gay marriage in his pivotal inauguration speech. President Obama made world history by becoming the first US president to use the word “gay” in his allimportant second inauguration speech. In his reference to the homosexual community and its marriage rights, the President proclaimed that America’s “journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.” Amazing! America’s first ‘black’ president, Mr Obama is tackling the issue of gay rights similar to how the black civil rights issue was tackled way back in the 1960s. But sweeping human rights developments are only made when rights issues are addressed on a broader national level. But as a community we were all greatly relieved and proud when the President expressed his willingness to put the issue of gay rights on centre stage in his second inauguration speech. Mag 16

Of course, much still has to be done to turn this presidential promise into a wider political reality. Not only do laws have to be changed, but we also need to influence society in such a way that they begin to see people of a different sexual orientation as equals. A deep mistrust of those who are different from the sociallyaccepted norm is still today deeply entrenched in so many societies. In many quarters, we still need to dispel the long-held religious myth that there is something morally wrong with homosexuality. Enlightened progressive gay protection laws are empty and powerless if larger society does not morally accept them. It is only when nations as a whole accept our gay community as equal will progress, freedom and true equal rights fully manifest itself. With the recognition of gay rights and legalised gay marriage in the US, comedians have been jumping on the hilarious pink wedding wagon. Conan O’Brien commented on the recent White House stance: “The White House is considering supporting same sex marriage. Experts are attributing the change to shifting public attitudes, recent court cases, and the President catching a recent episode of ‘Glee.’”

“Wedding planners can now plan their own weddings...” quipped the legendary talk show host Jay Leno. He followed with “You know who is really against the President’s position on gay marriage? Gay men afraid of commitment! Now they have no excuse.” Leno cleverly concluded with: “A California judge has overruled California’s ban on gay marriage. Finally gay men can marry someone other than Liza Minnelli.” “Soon we may live in a world where the only people opposed to gay marriage will be gay people who are married” observed Craig Ferguson. On the lesbian front, it was heard: “Gay marriage is now legal in California and yesterday, a lesbian couple who are 83 and 87 years old got married. Witnesses are describing the ceremony as ‘beautiful’ - and the honeymoon as ‘horrifying.’” (Conan O’Brien) Even the legendary Dolly Parton was drawn into the gay marriage debate and was asked whether she supports gay marriage equality. “Would you say that you are pro–gay marriage?” asked the interviewer, noting that Parton’s conservative background might suggest otherwise. “Sure” acknowledged the sassy Parton. “I always say, ‘why can’t they get married? They should suffer like the rest of us do!’” Then there were other views: “Dick Cheney said today, he supports gay marriage. I think he only supports gay marriage because he sees marriage as a form of torture, but anyway, he supports it” observed Craig Ferguson. “In California, the ban on gay marriage was passed. Gay people are furious. They stormed the State Capitol in Sacramento and caused $3 million in improvements to the city” added the wicked Ferguson. Gay marriage historical facts: 1. It’s an interesting fact that elaborate same sex ‘binding’ (not bondage) ceremonies can be traced as far back as the Ming Dynasty in China. This little fact may unfortunately not make your gay marriage as uber trendy and cutting edge as you would like it to be. 2. The Netherlands was the first country to officially accept same sex marriages back in 2001. Dutch queens are therefore very benevolent and clogs might have been the first gay marriage pumps. 3. Other enlightened gay marriage-approving countries include Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden and Nepal. 4. The American states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and Vermont have joined The Pink Club. (California opted out over Proposition 8). 5. Israel, France and the state of New York have complex recognition of same-sex marriage laws.

design, event planning and party throwing. Surely, your big fat gay wedding should then be the ultimate party, a romantic pink fantasy of unparalleled creativity and sartorial splendour? We also unfortunately know just how bitchy queens can be and how the gay community can strive and compete for glamour and the sublime. The gay population actually has the capacity and talent to take weddings to a level that would make Kate and William a little jealous. Everybody, dahling, wants to be queen for the day! Pink protocol could perhaps have the strictness of a bizarre leather contest. “When you’re a gay couple getting married, who gets the bachelor party? Who goes downstairs in the middle of the night to check on the noise? Who forgets the anniversary? Who refuses to stop and ask for directions? And which one of you will take forever to get ready?” wondered a bewildered David Letterman. For those who are confused as to who marries whom, and a whole lot of other gay wedding protocol, here is a humorous tongue-incheek pink guide of what could become of gay wedding etiquette if it was taken to the extreme: Gay wedding etiquette: 1. On the day of a gay wedding, it’s bad luck for the two grooms to see each other at the gym. 2. Superstition suggests that for good luck the couple should have something bold, something flirty, something trashy, something blue … ;-) 3. It’s customary at lesbian nuptials for the parents to have an open bar before and during the ceremony. 4. Gay wedding tradition dictates that both grooms refrain from eating wedding cake because it’s all carbs. 5. It’s considered bad luck for either of the grooms to have dated the priest. 6. During the first dance, it’s considered unlucky to use glow sticks, flags, whistles or handheld lasers. 7. For good luck at the union of a drag queen, the bouquet is always thrown in the face of a hated rival. 8. It is considered bad etiquette to make final adjustments to the flowers when you are walking down the aisle. 9. It is considered rude at a lesbian wedding to cut the bride’s cake in front of the guests. 10. The father of the bottom pays for everything!

Back in little ole Cape Town so many gay couples seem to be tying the proverbial pink knot in 2013. I know so many couples who are getting married. After the initial surge for the altar when gay marriage became legal in South Africa, the tradition almost seemed to wane a little over the last few years as the nuptial novelty wore off as did some of the breakthrough marriages. But now it seems that love is in the air again, and so many gay couples are busy celebrating their love and formalising their relationships. Straights do make a big fuss of wedding planning, but when it comes to gay weddings there is, I guess, far more perceived social pressure. Our gay community is synonymous with creativity,

At the end of the day, a marriage is not about politics, humour or pandering to the will of obstinate relatives or social groups. A wedding is the most sacred rite of passage where two human beings choose to join souls on their life journey and openly express and promise their lifelong love for each other. Love has no gender or hidden agenda. It is the ultimate expression of the Divine and should not be denied to anyone who chooses to search for it. As more and more countries open up and sanction gay marriage, as a community let’s take this right seriously and give marriage the commitment and sacred space it holds. I wish you well on your gay wedding day! Mag 17




ost of the Divas who we regard as Gay Icons are straight women, though one or two might have flirted with Sapphic tendencies. But one stands out as being as out as it was possible at the time: Dusty Springfield - cultural icon of the Swinging Sixties. Mention her name and the image that pops up is the famous beehive hairdo and the heavily mascaraed panda eyes that she wore in her heyday. This look, a combination of Euro-Trash Starlet meets The Ronettes meets London West End Drag Queens, along with the elaborate hand gestures she made while singing one of her signature dramatic ballads, has spawned a generation of drag impersonators. Rock World Magazine lists Dusty Springfield as one of the twelve First Women of Rock; Rolling Stone asserts her as “Britain’s best ever pop-singer.” Cliff Richard called her “the White Negress,” while Max Bygraves said she was “a trouble-maker.” All such labels inevitably fail to capture the unique essence of the British singer, who for nearly forty years, reigned as one of the world’s finest female singers. As one critic has noted: “What can you say about a vocalist who could master the rawness of rhythm and blues, the smooth, tricky sophistication of Bacharach and David, the false bravado of the Broadway standards, and the cunning simplicity of classic pop?” Like Elvis, there was nothing that Dusty couldn’t sing. From her own anglicised ” Wall of Sound” ( I Only Want to be With You) to Memphis Soul (Son of a Preacher Man), to the Pet Shop Boys’ techno-pop (What Have I Done to Deserve This?), Dusty Springfield left her mark on popular music’s unpredictable landscape. Throughout, Dusty maintained an artistic credibility unparalleled in the sphere of contemporary music Gay men took to her early in her career. You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me was the song which sums up why Dusty Springfield was a gay icon. It was released in 1966, a year before homosexuality was made legal in the United Kingdom, and it eloquently describes the limits of the clandestine romantic life of many gay men during that era. Her songs often made subtle references to a sexual and emotional life which went beyond the conventions of the time, and her over the top glamorous bordering on camp image made her a hit with gay audiences. Adam Mattera, editor of Attitude magazine said Springfield’s personal story had a

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huge resonance with gay men at the time: “When the rumours began about her sexuality, and she actually said that she was attracted to men and women, it was very significant. Her lyrics were all about secret loves, but instead of going into the corner and weeping, she stood defiant. There was a clever, knowing sense of camp. She was in on the joke, which separated her from traditional gay icons. She understood what made her popular in the gay community and played up to it. She broke the mould with her music, her sexuality, by refusing to fit comfortably into the music industry’s expectations. She was subversive”

expression, timbre, pitch or colour. It puts whoever listens to it in touch with their feelings. It is an instant conduit to joy, to pain, to laughter or to tears . . . Dusty’s vocal performances sear; they soar, sometimes triumphant, sometimes infinitely reflective. She sings and the sound becomes a mirror in which we see all the times we’ve felt just like her.” In 1997’s Charles Taylor noted in The Dusty Springfield Anthology, that in the 1960s Dusty forged “a brand of pop that was as steeped in the grown-up sophistication of singers like Sinatra and Peggy Lee (her idol) as it was in love with the energy

Of her sexuality, Dusty said, “it has never been a problem to me but I think it has been for other people.” In 1970, she told London’s Evening Standard: “I know that I’m perfectly capable of being swayed by a girl as by a boy,” Her statement was more than five years ahead of its time, making her the first artist in pop music to openly identify herself as bisexual. In actuality, all her relationships from there on were with women. But ultimately, it is Dusty Springfield’s music, and not her sexuality that make her a cultural icon. Dusty bridged the gap between old-school divas like Judy Garland and more modern artists. She paved the way for people like Gloria Gaynor and Donna Summer, through to Debbie Harry and Madonna, who took defiance further. Patricia Juliana Smith, author and editor of The Queer Sixties said: “She’s unique, an enigmatic amalgamation of black soul and Brit melodrama, private passions and popular myth, fantasy and reality. Who was Dusty? Did she ever really exist? What did it all mean? Now all we have is the music. Just listen to the music.”

and vitality of rock ‘n’ roll and soul.” The result of this fusion was something quite unique. Her contemporary, Petula Clark said: “The way she looked was easy to impersonate - the panda eyes and the bouffant hair. But the voice was impossible to imitate . . . Dusty was the perfect pop singer.”

And what music and what a voice! As author David Evans has noted, “Dusty’s voice has never been equalled or bettered in British pop music for individuality,

From the start she was a “girl singer” who was determined to get replicate the exciting new sounds she had fallen in love with in the States. “I was asking

musicians to play sounds they’d never heard before,” she would later remark. “For instance, Motown hadn’t released any records in Britain but I’d heard them on tour in the States. I wanted to use those influences in a country where the only black music they knew about was jazz. They knew what I wanted but the last person they were going to take it from was a bee-hived bird.” Dusty’s love for black soul music ensured that she played a pivotal role in getting Motown artists recognized in Britain. She managed to get an assortment of artists from the Detroit-based label to appear on the cult British music TV show, Ready, Steady, Go! It also ensured that when Dusty toured South Africa in 1964 she stipulated in her contract that she would only perform before non-segregated audiences. Upon her arrival, the South African government demanded that she alter the contract. Dusty refused, and after playing a series of concerts in Cape Town to mixed audiences, she and her entourage where placed under house-arrest. “I wasn’t making any major statement,” she would later remark in her typically deprecating manner, “I just thought it was morally the right thing to do.” Dusty died of breast cancer in March 1999, two weeks before she was scheduled to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. When her friend Elton John eventually did the honours he told the audience: “I’m biased but I just think she was the greatest white singer there ever has been ... Every song she sang, she claimed as her own. Her influence in enduring. In the words of the music critic Christian Ward: “Most of the queer boy bands of contemporary rock music, as well as such androgynous or sexually ambiguous women performers as Annie Lennox, Allison Moyet, Chrissie Hynde, and even Madonna, demonstrate the musical, visual or aesthetic influence of Dusty Springfield, one of the first women in rock who dared to strike a pose.”



Events planner, fashion designer and marriage officer, Johann Jooste is the third winner of the Mr SA Leatherman title, inaugurated in 2009. About 300 people packed Beaulah Bar in early December to witness the 50 year old Capetonian earn the privilege of representing South Africa at the 35th International Mr Leather (IML) Contest in Chicago, Illinois, over the Memorial Day weekend at the end of May. OUT met with Johann to find out more about the man behind the title. OUT: Tell us a secret… JJ: I used to train models and therefore can do a killer runway walk in 6 inch high heels, better than most women. I can even dance (follow as well as lead) in heels. Is that secret enough? OUT: What item in your closet could you not do without? JJ: I’m not very fond of clothing and will go without if it wasn’t for “public indecency”, cold weather or the “fig leaf” incident in the Garden of Eden. However, I love a good jacket OUT: Tell us what not to wear this season JJ: Those bloody pants that hang halfway down your ass…what’s the point in that? Also a bad and judgemental attitude. OUT: Is leather a fetish, a fashion accessory or a lifestyle? JJ: Leather has become many things to many people so it could be any of or a combination of the above, depending on the individual. Leather is a headspace, a state of mind, an attitude, a mode of perception. We choose lifestyles that reflect our inner feelings and then create our experiences in and around those feelings. For those who dress in leather for the purpose of a certain look at a fancy dress party, it’s a fashion accessory. For those who dress in leather for a certain sexual experience, it’s a fetish that could also develop into a lifestyle from there. I think fetish/lifestyle goes hand in hand. If “wearing leather at all times”, defines it as a lifestyle, I don’t think our weather is conducive to that practice. Hardly anyone wears leather 24/7 due to the public perception of leather and therefore express their leather fetish/lifestyle only at certain events and /or venues. Some people wear leather just for the sake of wearing leather with no particular explanation for it. Mag 20

OUT: Is leather another form of drag? When a man puts on a dress, he loses his inhibitions and adopts a different persona. Is it the same for leather queens? JJ: Oops, I think you’ve just bruised the masculine ego by using the term Leather Queens. All clothing is signifying . . . I’m sure that for some it might be a platform to adopt a different persona and live out a certain fantasy, and that’s OK. For me personally, whether I’m dressed in my pinstriped suit or full leather, I’m still the same Johann Jooste. However, having said all of that, when you meet someone in a club or a bar dressed in leather, you do anticipate a certain type of play. There is also a masculinity and testosterone level attached to wearing leather that is a certain turn-on for some. Then again…that does not mean that all drag queens are bottoms. OUT: When did you realise you were drawn you to leather? JJ: When I was in a saddle on the back of a horse as a child. I always liked leather, but only recently started to express it publicly by wearing it more frequently. OUT: Do people in general, gay and straight, misunderstand the leather scene? JJ: Most definitely. Many of my friends and family, gay and straight, frown upon the idea of me liking leather and even taking part in the Mr SA Leatherman Competition.

Help Johann get to IML in Chicago. Donations and sponsorship welcome. Contact Johann at johann@jjooste.co.za or 083 269 7172 if you can help

OUT: How can misconceptions be changed? JJ: Misconceptions can be changed by being visible in the mainstream. It’s everyone’s right to ask questions about a certain group of people and their behavioural patterns, but at the same time, please have respect for their privacy. And by privacy, I do not mean secrecy. Hiding is the same as labelling oneself.

OUT: Who is your role model and why? JJ: My Mother…….She is a Tough Cookie. Through her good example, even through her mistakes, I have received guidance for my journey OUT: Which famous person, dead or alive, would you like to have dinner with? JJ: Mozart OUT: Love or Money? JJ: I think it’s unfair having to choose, don’t you think? A healthy and balanced combination of both has never done anyone any harm OUT: Boxers or Briefs? JJ: Briefs and often Commando

JJ: A very humbling experience and gratitude, mixed in a pot of joy OUT: How excited are you about representing SA at IML in Chicago in May? JJ: Over the moon, but humbled by the mere thought of the responsibility OUT: How do you rate your chances? JJ: When I think of IML, I see a picture that is so much bigger and more powerful than me. My chances and attitude are the same as for MR SA Leatherman ….Always positive, but never assuming anything. It would certainly be a personal achievement and a little gold star for the ego, and I would be the proudest South African if I had the honour of bringing the IML 2013 home. South Africans have

OUT: Chocolate or vanilla? JJ: CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE ! ! ! I EAT CHOCOLATE EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE OUT: What are you passionate about? JJ: Respect for others and of course yourself. The term “Human Right” often brings about the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to achieve. For some reason, some people think that it is OK to exercise ‘their’ human right at the expense of someone else’s. Respect has no room for that type of behaviour. OUT: Which talent would you most like to have? JJ: To sing Soprano OUT: What do you value most in your friends? JJ: Respect & Support OUT: What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? JJ: Rejection…..everyone wants to be Loved, Recognised, Desired and Acknowledged OUT: How important is it for the leather community to be visible? JJ: It certainly is of great importance to be visible and acknowledged as an integral part of society. Sadly, fear of judgement will always be the cause of hiding in the dark. Visibility will alleviate that fear. Make yourself heard & respected as a leather disciple. OUT: What is the first thing that came to mind when you realised you won Mr SALM?

brought Miss Universe, Miss World & Mr Gay World home. I think its time for IML to touch African soil. Most South Africans have never even heard of Mr SA Leatherman, so a South African IML could change all those perceptions and challenge mindsets in a positive way. OUT: What can the leather community teach the gay community as a whole and society at large? JJ: Camaraderie, Brotherhood and Respect for our fellow inhabitants of this planet. Don’t judge a book by its cover OUT: Tell us about your chosen charity? JJ: Charity work is always a sensitive issue for me as I would prefer for it to remain private. However, for the purpose

of this platform, I shall reveal some, but not all. I have a heart for the elderly as well as underprivileged children. I grew up in a very humble home, thus knowing what it means not to have. Yet as an adult, I’ve come to learn that having stuff is also not ALL that life is all about. Some people are so poor that all they have is money. I’m very grateful for the values life has taught me in times of not having. I endeavour to apply my efforts wherever I can, but my priority lies with Dibanani, a non-profit organisation devoted to the care of abused and abandoned children in Cape Town and committed to restoring the living conditions, dignity and selfworth of those in need OUT: What to you hope to achieve during your reign? JJ: To change mind sets and misconceptions within the LGBT Community as well as the general public. We are often asked and sometimes even challenged, about our involvement and contribution specifically towards the LGBT community, while at the same time being judged and ridiculed by our own. I would love for all the South African title holders to join forces and work together. By no means do I suffer from a naughty child syndrome, saying that “his ice cream was bigger than mine”. But please explain to me why Mr GSA and Mr SA Leatherman were announced on the same page of a “gay” newspaper, but the coverage was different. There was no mention of Mr SA Leatherman’s achievements or awards, nor any mention of the fact that he will also, as an ambassador, be representing South Africa internationally at IML in Chicago, competing against 56 other countries. No one made any effort acquiring any personal or relevant info other than copying information from the website. So, where does one start the attempt to change misconceptions and discrimination? By now, most people know that I am a man of the cloth who has won the Mr SA Leatherman title. That in itself has already brought about a significant shift in most minds. I strive to always bring Hope. I would like all people to know that there is always Hope and there is always Beauty in life. People should never live in fear! ”A life lived in fear is a life half lived”. This is a line from one of my favourite movies, Strictly Ballroom. OUT: What’s your motto in life? JJ: There is never a disaster, but always a new creation. Anything is Possible!!! Mag 21



n Saturday 6 October 2012, shortly after Jo’burg Pride held earlier that day, and on culmination of the GFSA Bus Tour, we received a Press Release from the Gay Flag of South Africa titled “SA Government approves official gay flag to fly”, which read in part: ‘The South African government had announced in their gazette that the image of the gay flag of South Africa was approved and accepted as South Africa’s official gay flag. This makes South Africa the first country on earth to officially recognize such a symbol. The Department of Arts and Culture through the Bureau of Heraldry designs and registers heraldic representations such as flags and is guided by the Heraldry Act, which governs the use and protection of national symbols which is currently under the authority of the Minister of Arts & Culture. “The Gay Flag of SA is now officially recognized and protected by the department of Arts and culture and the government of South Africa,” said Mava Mothiba from this department.”’ After an exhausting day at Jo’burg Pride not too much attention was paid to contents of this e-mail. After all, it was the latest in a series of Press Releases trumpeting some feat or other of the GFSA. One tends to zone out after a while. Surprisingly, (dare we say thankfully) it was also the last we ever received. GFSA has been conspicuously quiet of late. Some of the gay print and online media did run with this story. “We are world leaders in gay rights, NOW WITH OUR OWN FLAG” bragged Eugene “Huge’ Brockman, the designer of GFSA. But after all the hype, scepticism started to kick in. We contacted Marcel van Rossen, the Deputy Director of Bureau of Heraldry, in the Department of Arts and Culture, who took the time to send a detailed explanation as to what constitutes a National Symbol. Mr van Rossen confirmed that the Bureau of Heraldry was approached by the hitherto unheard of GLBTI ASSSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA during April 2011 for the registration of their Association Flag ( what we understand to be the so-called Gay Flag of South Africa or GFSA). He continued to say that “The proposed design was submitted to the National Heraldry Council for consideration and the Council ultimately gave its approval for the registration of the flag. A Notice of Application for registration was then published in the Government Gazette under notice no. 377 dated 11 May 2012. Since no objections were received a Notice of Registration was then published under notice no. 541 dated 20 July 2012. This means that the flag of the association now enjoys legal protection under the Heraldry Act as the Flag of the LGBTI Association of South Africa.” HOWEVER The flag is not a national symbol and it is not the “GAY FLAG” of South Africa as Government has not adopted a gay flag Mag 22

for South Africa. The flag is only the property of the GLBTI Association of South Africa. Any other association may also design and register their own flag. Van Rossen continued to say: “The use of the Y shape in heraldry is not restricted and may be used by anybody and is an international heraldic rule. In this case Mr Brockman took the Y shape which is similar to the South African National Flag and used it as outlines in combination with the internationally known colours for the gay movement”. Only the following are recognised as South African National Symbols: National Anthem, National Flag, National Coat of Arms; National Animal (springbok); National Bird (blue crane); National Fish (galjoen); National Flower (King Protea) and National Tree (yellowwood). NO gay flag or any other flag apart from the National Flag is included. And if you think about it, why would there be? Why would the government single out the emblem of one particular gay organisation over let’s say, Jo’burg Pride, for special recognition? Government may just as well recognise the flag of the Rhema Church, if they had one, or that of the Association of Rasta Skateboarders. What a shocking revelation! After all, Henry Bantjez and Huge Brockman, or the Flag Boys, as they have become to be known, are affable chaps who have been telling anyone who would listen how much they have achieved on our behalf as “Exhibitionist Activists”. Faced with this evidence we again contacted Mr van Rossen who was emphatic: “The flag is not a national symbol at all. It is not the gay flag of South Africa either. There is no such thing. It is only the flag of the LGBTI Association of South Africa. Any claim that it is a national symbol is false. Government at no stage claimed that it is a national symbol. Government never announced that it was a national symbol and Mr Mava Mothiba never announced that it was a national symbol.” GFSA sent us a response to our queries on Valentine’s Day, the same it day it launched an online propaganda campaign, after months of silence, in a crude attempt at damage control. They claim that they were under the impression that by registering with the Bureau of Heraldry, GFSA would have recognition as a national symbol and that their previous claims were “an honest misunderstanding.” They admit that it is true that GFSA is not a national symbol but “We are glad to say that we are on course and have a strategy in place to indeed get the Gay Flag of South Africa complete national symbol stage (sic)”. This is most unlikely. One can only wonder why these misrepresentations were made in the first place and which other stories we have been fed in the last two years are less than accurate.

CAPE TOWN 2013 EVENTS CALENDAR The Cape Town Pride Festival has another amazing 12 days of events lined up from 20 February to 3 March 2013. This year’s Pride Theme is Stand Up & Be Counted, and as always, it is a celebration of our wonderful diversity as well as highlighting issues impacting our community. Last year’s Festival was a critical and financial success, the result of which was that for the first time in several years, Cape Town Pride was in a position to make a financial contribution to its official beneficiary, the Pride Shelter Trust. A cheque for R15 000 was presented to the Shelter at the Equinox Spring Fair in September. So by supporting Pride you are not only celebrating who you are, but you re also supporting a good cause. Turn the page for the highlights!


R A D N TS E L N A E C V T E U E O D L RI L U P Mag 23





Shame Pool Party

Expect the hottest guys and the coolest vibes, courtesy of DJ Tony, The Italian Stallion, at another one of these legendary sexy summer parties. Bring your own towel. Hot men supplied. The Glen Boutique Hotel, 3 The Glen, Sea Point. 2pm to 8.00pm. Tickets: R100




Madonna to Gaga, Adele to Bassey Beefcakes. 8.00pm, R100. Booking essential. Call 021 425 9019



God Save the Queens.

From the same crazy bitches who brought you Bond Ambition and M.A.D (Monday’s a Drag), comes God Save the Queens, a Pride Comedy Night. Royal Command Drag Another evening of hilarity and Extravaganza. Featuring mirth featuring some of the Madones, fresh from the Mother City’s funniest queer Live Stage at MCQP, her comics will be hosted by Martin saucy side-kick Celeste, the Davis. He will be joined by the larger than life Victoria hilarious Kellyn Coetzee and Caballaire, the sinsational Shimmy Isaacs. Sheena Alexander, the cocky Beefcakes. 8.00pm. Genevieve le Coq, the sultry R60.00. Samantha Knight and the Call 021 425 9019 to book. vibrant Vida Fantabisher, God Save the Queens invades the stage at Beefcakes for a the ultimate drag experience. These Dazzling Divas dig deep into their extensive repertoire to recreate our icons from Mag 24




Pride Beach Picnic.

Clifton 3rd Beach at Sunset in High Summer. What could be better

Prestwich School at NOON. The Parade continues down Somerset Rd towards Sea Point, pausing outside Beefcakes for the Official Ribbon Cutting. The fabulous floats and marchers continue to Glengariff Rd where they turn around to return to party in the Gay Village.

Pride Street Fair.







The legendary lesbian party night is back especially for Pride, with luscious lettie DJs Charita and Nickey behind the decks. Beaulah. 9.00pm. R30


Mr Manhunt Cape Town Pride 2013.

MANHUNT presents a bevy hunks from which Mr Pride will be chosen. Cape Quarter Food Market Precinct. Time: 6:30 7:00pm Tickets R50

As was the case last year, the after-Parade party happens around the Pink Block in cordoned off parts of Napier, Coburn and Liddle Streets. Two Stages will be showcasing some of the Mother City’s best and live entertainment, including Manila von Teez, Geneviève le Coq, Princess Pop, Roxy le Roux, Soneda B, Riri Rosenberg, Lady Magnolia & her Burlesque Beauties, Chey Rouge, Elario Griego, Lola Lou, as well as DJs Tony “the Italian Stallion”,Charl Zero and Groovy Q. Lots of bars, food stalls and retail therapy too. Please note that due to Liquor Licence regulations, no under 18s are permitted within the Pride Precinct. Time: 1.00pm. Tickets: R30




MARCH Information correct at time of going to press. For a full calendar of events and updated information visit www.capetownpride.org or Cape Town Pride Festival on Facebook. You can also follow on Twitter: #capetownpride. Call PRIDE on the dedicated call line: 0861- PRIDE



Pride Parade.

Departs in Napier St outside

Sunday 3 March Pride Celebration Service Give thanks for having survived another Pride with the Good Hope Metropolitan Community Church Venue: Central Methodist Mission, Greenmarket Square. Time: 6pm. Mag 25




he safety of the public in and around Cape Town’s gay village has once again come under the spotlight after the recent high profile stabbing of Lola Lou, proprietor of Bubbles Bar. In our last issue we reported that gay businesses in the area have been in regular meetings with SAPS, Metro Police, the Green Point Civic Improvement District (GPCID), etc, but that the police are already over-burdened. It seems that finding solutions will be left up to businesses and people who frequent them. Perhaps we can look at how communities in other cities are protecting themselves. San Francisco has the Castro Community on Patrol (CCOP), a grassroots organization dedicated to making the Castro neighbourhood a safe place to live and play. Like any Neighbourhood Watch, volunteers patrol the neighbourhood reporting violent and property crimes, as well as conditions conducive to that kind of crime. They are a visible deterrent who can alert the police when there is a problem. Another innovation has been teaming up with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, who are more than just a bunch of dizzy drag queens dressed in nuns’ habits. The CCOP has co-opted the safety whistle campaign that the Sisters started in 1989, where whistles are dished out to people on the street to attract attention in a crisis situation. The Whistle Campaign has proved to be very effective. This is just one example of one community which is positively responding to growing crime in their neighbourhood. It would be an easy enough model to replicate in Cape Town and elsewhere, but it would take some imagination and co-operation which sadly seems to be in short supply right now. Nevertheless, here are some Safety Tips to remember: • Walk with somebody to your car or anywhere else if you can • Be alert of your surroundings. Always keep an eye out for people that are around you. Act alert. Acting like you are unaware can make you appear like a potential victim. Checking your cell phone or listening to music on headphones distract you. So does being trolleyed. • Carry as little cash as possible and use your debit or credit card. Avoid using ATMs late at night in dark settings or alone. Don’t flash your cash or wear conspicuously expensive jewellery or watches. • Walk in well-lit areas. • Don’t be afraid to yell out if something happens and you feel threatened. This may scare the attacker away or it may grab others’ attention. Yell “FIRE” as crying “help” seems to repel people from coming to your aid. • Take a Self Defence Class. • Don’t buy your drugs on the street. Politely say a no thank you to the “car guards” or ignore them. Likewise with the pushy rent boys. • Remember to report crimes or incidents. Useful numbers: 24 Hour Emergencies - all emergencies: 107 From a landline- 021 480 7770 GP CID Patrol Vehicle 082 214 3228 Mag 26


o you’ve been partying three nights in a row and you’ve still got to get through the Pride Parade, the afternoon drinking- in- the-sun party and the afterparty! Here’s how to do it and coming up more or less smelling like roses on Monday: • • •

Sunscreen and a hat are essential. You may get away with a wig If you insist on wearing heels, bring a change of shoes Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Drink water and carry it with you on the Parade. We are made up mostly of water and weird things happen to us when we don’t get enough of it. But please note. Water is not: Jagermeister, Coffee, Tea, Red Bull, a drink on “the rocks” or orange juice. Water is Water and your body needs water. So if you’re drinking alcohol or consuming party favours it’s important to drink water in order to rid the body of toxins. We are what we eat, so if you don’t eat how can you be anything? (Other than a cranky bitch who doesn’t have the energy to make it the next party you promised your friends you would be at two hours ago). Have breakfast before the Parade. Take some biltong, nuts or energy bars with you so you don’t run out of gas. Don’t forget, there will be lots of exciting food stalls at the Village Fair after the Parade. If drugs (prescription or non-prescription) are a part of your Pride lifestyle, think about securing them ahead of time from trusted individuals that you have done business before. Waiting until the last minute can be stressful, humiliating and expensive and can even end up ruining your entire Pride. Remember, most party drugs are illegal in South Africa. Also drinks lots of water if you partake. Play Safe. Always use condom and water-based lube. Health4Men will be at Pride so collect as many free condoms and lube sachets as you need. You can also get them from most venues in the Pride Precinct. Be nice to the drag queens or you might get klapped.

Have a fabulous Pride!



he new Zer021 Lounge in Chiappini St has risen like a phoenix from the ashes that once was the popular Rosie’s. New ownership, management & staff have given the venue a fabulous makeover, allowing Zer021 Lounge to stake its claim as one of the hottest night spots in Cape Town’s gay village. As mixed as Cape Town and South Africa strive to be, you will find true diversity within this cozy and vibrant corner lounge. Whilst still predominantly a gay venue, Zer021 reaches out to all Capetonians looking for a good night out. The new owner Roberto de Faria promises that an open minded approach will be in effect. Zer021 will become a reflection of the urban gay community’s needs and wants. A variety of DJ’s serving up the best Urban & Local Music around keep the spirits up. And with a dazzling array of live entertainers, Zer021 Lounge is set to become the place where all tomorrow’s stars are seen today. Building on Rosie’s legacy, Zer021 hosts Sunday Live Drag Cabaret, featuring Manila von Teez, Cape Town’s very own “Nicki Minaj” and Riri Rosenburg, the First Black Jewish Drag Queen. On top of that, Zer021 Lounge’s tasty fast food menu makes the venue the perfect place to catch your two in the morning snack on the way home after a night of partying hard. So if you looking for a place where you can treat yourself to great music, drinks, food & eye candy, then Zer021 Lounge is definitely going to be the place to find yourself. Zer021 is on the corner of Chiappini and Waterkant Streets in Green Point. Call them on 0834769461 or 0839230406. Follow them on Twitter: @Zer021lounge Mag 27


Fairy Queens

Derrick Barrie does Britney

Ralf & Gerrie

Jungle Brothers

Wicked step-mother

Mary & Lindsay

Luan The furr

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Tyrone & Alfo

others -

Adriano, Luana & Lola Fine ShenFM

Dylan Mag 28



dones & P’e

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Beaulah barmaids

n Teez

Manila &

Jerome &

Miss Lola Fine!

Manila vo


3 Ragdollz

Crew barm


DJ Paul H


Crew Go Go

DJ Tony




Mag 29


The Top 5 finalists

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Frank Malaba, Odidiva & Luiz De Laja


Freddie from Bros



St Dude from Bros 4 Hos

Lola Lou

B4 Hos

- Johann

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Manila von Teez


Auntie Rose

John & Luana

Justin, Ivo & Reno Mag 30

evieve le Coq

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@ Backroo

Crew Bar’s Go-go Boy

Bubbles Barmen

Beefcakes Boyz

Another Cre

w dancer

Dayana Lima

Vida Fanta bisher @ Bubbles

More Beefcakes Boyz

Farai, Raee

s & Victor

Victor, Roberto & Silumka

CELEBS VISIT H4M Princess Stephanie

in Woodstock

Princess Stephanie & Glenn de Swardt in Woodstock

Glenn showing Tine Bille & Michael Ballack a large size condom at the Yeoville Clinic Photo courtesy Luiz de Barros

Mag 31


Goldenboy) &

Jacques (DJ-


Jarred Doyle & frie

Pabi Moloi

Bjorn Adam

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Runner-up Steve Williams, Mr Gay SA Jason Rogers and previous winner, Lance Weyer


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Babylon - Durban

Babylon - Durban

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Babylon - Durban QP

Jusin & Reno - MC

Mag 32

Percy & his wife - MC


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ood Hope Metropolitan Community Church (GHMCC), an inclusive and affirming Christian Church in Cape Town, has moved to its new home at Central Methodist Mission on Greenmarket Square in Cape Town. Good Hope MCC Worship services are held every Sunday evening at 18h00. Although Good Hope MCC serves a predominantly gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender congregation, the membership is diverse and goes beyond the social constructs of gender, beyond race and sexual orientation. Good Hope MCC traces its roots back to 1983, when a few Christians founded the “Gay Christian Community”. Subsequently Good Hope MCC became a member congregation of Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), an affirming Christian denomination with churches and ministries in more than 37 countries. MCC are at the vanguard of civil and human rights movements by addressing important issues such as racism, sexism, homoprejudice, ageism and other forms of oppression. MCC has been on the forefront of the struggle towards marriage equality worldwide and continues to be a powerful voice in the movement for LGBTI equality. Across the globe Metropolitan Community Churches are also known as the “Human Rights Church”.

There are places in the world where God’s light doesn’t seem to shine for everyone. But MCC is out to change that. Around the world, Metropolitan Community Churches work to ensure that all people have a spiritual place to call home. So, come join us.

www.goodhopemcc.org | welcome@goodhopemcc.org BE THERE. BE MCC. TRANSFORMING OURSELVES AS WE TRANSFORM THE WORLD.

Core values are Inclusion, Community, Spiritual Transformation and Social Action. Good Hope MCC recognises that people are not one dimensional and orientation, whether LGBTI or straight is only aspect of who we are ~ but for so many LGBTI’s, this can be something that deeply conflicts with our spirituality because of what is so commonly preached. It is GHMCC’s mission to serve God among those who are seeking and celebrating the integration of their spiritually and sexuality. We know that many have been deeply hurt by organised religion and GHMCC is a place, where people are able to have their faith and their love for God restored, whilst still being true to all of who they are, with no fear, no shame and no guilt. At Good Hope MCC, we know that we are created in the image of God. We also understand that God is not limited by our understanding of God. God is not bound by any of our cultural or personal biases. God is beyond gender, beyond race, beyond nationality, beyond any church or religion, beyond any culture or time. We are created in the image of God – we do not create God in our image. For further information, please visit www.goodhopemcc.org or e-mail welcome@goodhopemcc.org. Mag 33

The Pink Triangle is an international emblem of Gay Pride and is second in popularity only to the Rainbow Flag. A thought provoking exhibition about the persecution of gay men in Nazi Germany at the Cape Town Holocaust Centre reminds us of the origin of the symbol. All inmates of the concentration camps were forced to wear badges to identify


ermany is the home of the modern gay liberation movement. German lawyer Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, considered as the pioneer of the movement, came out to his family and friends in 1862! In 1867, he became the first homosexual to speak out publicly in defence of homosexuality when he argued for the repeal of anti-homosexual laws. Two years later, the Austrian writer Karl-Maria Kertbeny coined the word “homosexual”, and from the 1870s the subject of sexual orientation began to be widely discussed. In 1897, sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld founded the Scientific Humanitarian Committee, which aimed to defend the rights of homosexuals and to repeal Paragraph 175 of the German penal code that had criminalized homosexuality since 1871. Gays had enjoyed a measure of tolerance in Germany up to the era of the Weimar Republic. The liberal atmosphere attracted gay “refugees” from other parts of Europe to Berlin, which was a gay mecca. English writer Christopher Isherwood chronicled Mag 34

them. The best known is the yellow star that Jewish prisoners had to display. Gay prisoners were forced to wear a downward-pointing pink triangle on their jackets. Originally intended as a badge of shame, the Pink Triangle was reclaimed in the 1970s as a symbol of the gay rights movement and as a reminder to “never forget”. his sojourn in Germany in The Berlin Diaries, which formed the basis of the stage play and film Cabaret. This changed dramatically when the Nazi party came to power. Gay men and, to a lesser extent lesbians, were two of the many groups targeted by the Nazi Party and were ultimately among Holocaust victims. Beginning in 1933, homophile organizations were banned, scholarly books about homosexuality, and sexuality in general, were burned, and homosexuals within the Nazi Party itself were purged. In May 1933, Hirschfeld’s Institute of Sexual Science was ransacked and its archives publicly burned. By 1935, the mere suspicion of homosexuality was grounds for arrest. If charged, men could lose their jobs, their homes, their honour, their freedom. The Nazis regarded them as decadent “undesirables”. As was the case with the Jews, this persecution was possible on such a large scale because of the complicity of society. People reported their friends and colleagues to the police. Gays were thus forced into lying and secrecy for their own protection (as countless still are in many parts of the world, Africa included).

The Nazis considered German gay men as part of the “master race” and so tried to force them to conform to the “German norm”. More than one million gay Germans were targeted between 1933 and 1945, of whom at least 100,000 were arrested and 50,000 were serving prison terms as “convicted homosexuals”. Most of these men served time in regular prisons, but an estimated 5,000 to 15,000 of those sentenced were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps. Gay internees suffered unusually cruel treatment as they faced persecution not only from German soldiers but also from other prisoners. Many were beaten to death. Additionally, gay men in forced labour camps routinely received more gruelling work assignments than other non-Jewish inmates, under the “Extermination Through Work” policy. The marginalization of gay men in Germany was reflected in the camps. Nazi doctors often used gay men for scientific experiments in an attempt to locate a “gay gene” to “cure” any future Aryan children who might be gay. These experiences can account for the high death rate of gay men in the camps as compared to the other “anti-social groups.” A study by Rüdiger Lautmann found that 60% of gay men in concentration camps died, as compared to 41% for political prisoners and 35% for Jehovah’s Witnesses After the war, the treatment of homosexuals in concentration camps went largely unacknowledged. The Nazis’ anti-gay policies and their destruction of the early gay rights movement were generally not considered suitable subject matter for Holocaust historians. It was only after Holocaust survivors began writing their memoirs (Heinz Heger’s Men with the Pink Triangle) and plays such as Bent were produced that there was some mainstream exploration of the theme. Because of the attitudes that prevailed in society, gay men were largely unable to talk about their experiences. Reparations and state pensions available to other groups were refused to gay men, who were still classified as criminals. Although both East and West Germany liberalized their criminal laws against adult homosexuality in the late 1960s, the Nazi-era law was only repealed in 1994. Some men were even re-arrested and imprisoned based on evidence found during the Nazi years. Many gay men did not feel safe to come forward with their stories until the 1970s and 1980s when any so-called “sodomy laws” were repealed. It was not until the 1980s that governments began to acknowledge this episode. In 2002 the German government finally apologised to the gay community. In 2005, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Holocaust which included the persecution of homosexuals. By the end of the 70s the Pink Triangle became part of the gay consciousness and was much used. In 1995, after a decade of campaigning, a pink triangle plaque was installed at the Dachau Memorial Museum to commemorate the suffering of gay men and lesbians. The 2000 documentary film Paragraph 175 recorded some of the testimonies of the gay men in the camps. The pink triangle is the basis of the design of the Homomonument in Amsterdam, the Gay and Lesbian Holocaust Memorial in Sydney, the Pink Triangle Park in San Francisco’s Castro and memorials in Barcelona and Sitges. ACT UP adopted an inverted pink triangle along with the slogan “SILENCE = DEATH” as its logo in the 80s. Whilst the Rainbow Flag persists as a symbol of celebration, The Pink Triangle remains a potent memorial of the men who were forced to wear it. Lest we Forget!



s the Mother City once again prepares itself for Pride, it is fitting that an exhibition at the Cape Town Holocaust Centre (CTHC) will be exploring the largely untold history of the persecution of gays in Nazi Germany. The exhibition, In Whom Can I Still Trust, was designed by IHLIA (Homodok/Lesbisch Archief Amsterdam) and makes use of archive photographs, personal testimonies and video clips and relates the historical narrative to the prejudices still facing homosexuals today. Through additional panels, the exhibition, which has been redeveloped for South Africa, aims to highlight the progress made in ensuring the protection of sexual minorities in South Africa. Despite South Africa’s Constitution and Bill of Rights, which safeguards the rights of all to be protected against any form of discrimination, homophobia and prejudice towards members of the lesbian and gay community is still widespread in our society. Attacks on lesbian women and gay men are frequent and school learners, whose sexual orientation is other than heterosexual, encounter terrible prejudice. Videos from the ‘IT GETS BETTER SOUTH AFRICA’ project will form an important part of the exhibition. A diverse group of high profile individuals, ranging from struggle hero Ahmed Kathadra to track superstar Oscar Pistorius, have teamed up with students from the University of Cape Town and University of Pretoria to create a collection of videos that discourages homophobic bullying. Through its programmes, the CTHC is committed to using the platform of History to engage with contemporary issues. It is to this end that the Centre is hosting the exhibition and providing the public with an opportunity to discuss and raise public awareness of discrimination based on sexual identity. In Whom Can I Still Trust runs in Cape Town from 12 February until 21 March 2013 and will feature an ancillary programme of workshops, panel discussions, public talks, films and a youth symposium. The exhibition will travel to Durban in April, and to Johannesburg later in the year.

The Cape Town Holocaust Centre


he South African Holocaust Foundation, of which the CTHC is part, is dedicated to creating a more caring and just society in which human rights and diversity are respected and valued. Its centres in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, serve as a memorial to the six million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust and all victims of Nazism, including homosexuals. They aim to teach about the consequences of prejudice, racism and discrimination and promote an understanding of the dangers of indifference, apathy and silence. The CTHC is at 88 Hatfield St, next to the South African National Gallery. Closed Saturdays and Jewish holidays. Entry is free but. When visiting the Holocaust Centre, please bring along an ID for security purposes. For more info: www.holocaust.org.za

Mag 35



s PERFECTFIT changing the face of the Male Adult Toy Industry? Looking at (and especially experiencing) their newest innovative product; a nifty little device, which they call “COCK ARMOR”, one may very well think so.

PERFECTFIT, originally a Canadian company, which was established in 2011, now conducts its international operations from headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the US. The company, already the recipient of numerous awards, has started off 2013 with a slew of nominations. In 2012 their FATBOY won the prestigious “Top Product for Men” category at the “O” Sex Industry Awards. This year it is nominated in the same Category for the Top honors in the Industry; the “AVN Awards” Their first product, the FATBOY, took the market in adult toys by storm and established the credentials of this manufacturer for innovative design and clever marketing. Using an unique space age material, called ‘SilaSkin”, which ensures incredible feel and stretchability, they re-defined the concept of a cocksleeve. The FATBOY adds significant girth where it counts, but the pliability of the SilaSkin ensures, what can only be described as …. a “perfect fit” for both partners. The product also has some ‘stimulating” features which makes for the ride of your life. The design team, lead by the already acclaimed designer Steve Callow, has now brought us COCK ARMOUR.Don’t think of the COCK ARMOUR as a cockring – its way, way, WAY different. While the typical cockring wraps around and hangs off your junk, COCK ARMOUR fits on

Mag 36

and around you...becoming an integrated part of your anatomy. Nothing pushes your junk out better, which makes for a very juicy package. The product comes in a Plexiglas case, creating an almost jewel like offering, which immediately becomes an object of desire. Not surprisingly, this product is up for several awards. Among so many intriguing products, which are offered to the Discerning Cock Connoisseur, by this unique outfit, is yet another new release, which demands our attention. It is simply called – THE RAM RING In the development of the RAM RING, PERFECTFIT called on the talents of the design team at Tribal Son Design Studio, a duo of master artisans known around the world for their silver jewelry designs. The highly styled ring can be used as a traditional cock ring or worn as a body adornment. The motif on which the design of the product is based, harks back to symbols found in the art and architecture of MesoAmerica, and would not have looked out of place around the cock-and -balls of an ancient Inca or Mayan noble. PERFECTFIT prides itself on the principle that “AMAZING IS THE STANDARD”. This company has indeed brought us a number of AMAZING products in a very short period. We are sure we can look forward to many more. The arm is not the only body part that rises to salute you.



ape Town based German DJ JanuaryOne is currently taking the South African nightlife scene by storm, having played all major party spots in the Mother City. He has shared decks with DJs such as Dean Fuel, Bruno Morphet, Gregor Salto and Crazy White Boy He is currently a Resident DJ at Asoka and Orphanage, who according to Drinks International are two of the finest bars on African soil. He is much beloved at Beaulah Bar and plays regularly at The Grand Café. Not only does JanuaryOne deliver world-class tunes from all over the globe, his incredible passion for electronic dance music drives him to set the floor alight at every single event. JanuaryOne lives, loves and lavishes dance music at every performance. Catch JanuaryOne every weekend at Beaulah. For more information on his brand of the Finest Electronic Dance Music visit www.januaryone. dj. For bookings contact him at bookings@ januaryone.dj or call 0792122614

1. Knee Deep in Louise (Original Mix) - Hot Since 82 2. Break Dose (Original Mix feat. Marco Faraone) - Luca Agnelli 3. Found Out (Deetron Sunshower Remix feat. Richard Davis) Noir 4. Sloth (Markus Homm Remix) - AFFKT 5. The Rules of Control (Original Mix) - Stefano Ritteri 6. DWTD (feat. Cari Golden & Tone Float) - Neil Quigley 7. Its Own Course feat. Stee Downes (Vocal Version) - Jay West 8. Backflash (Original Mix) - Kellerkind 9. One Step (Kolombo Remix feat. Rebecca) - Phonique 10. Flash of Light (Original Mix) - Luca C & Brigante

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I’d have the cost-effective, alcoholfriendly jam jar and a burgerand-another-burger-FREE (o.O) indulging in a flavoured fag in the form of Hubbly Bubbly for R60 plus 6 shooters! If it’s Sunday, get a large pizza and fishbowl for R90; convince local children it comes with real fish. Stretch the wallet, satisfy the soul – enjoy your friends company like it’s for free.

o here’s the deal – You want to know where to party hearty; I’d like to tell you where to go.

Durban is a village; get used to it. If you’re going to drop by for a week, a weekend or a bender all you need is your cell phone and latest copy of OutAfrica. We Durban queerfolk are in a small town where word travels ‘round. Since Closet Parties went out of fashion, word of mouth services you best. Your OutAfrica’s good for imagination and travel, so hold onto the pages and re-read prior issues. Better yet - SUBSCRIBE - to me and fellow Out writers – the soup spoon into South Africa’s queertainment specials.

I Write For the Hungry Yes, Durban has two frankly gay clubs – but I’ll be your naughty Private Arse if you spend two nights doing exactly the same thing in town. Being in Durban is episodic. Every scene has its characters; follow the right storylines into the next chapter. Change venue, find a café on the corner. Follow the noise – sniff out the weed or ask anyone where’s Aroma; your newest aim is to meet Durbanites! Waste away a perfectly good afternoon; there are places left and right, and the prices are almost always right. If you’ve ever stayed in Morningside, possibly that FABULOUS guesthouse I’m eager to get hot picx of - locate the Woolworths food store on Cowey Road. As we are today, queer, we drink and eat and recreate. Happy Hour is a most sacred time in our metrotown, and worship is at Aroma Restaurant and Coffee bar. R10 BEERS, halfprice cocktails and – scream and run away – flavoured TEQUILA R8 a shot. Fridays have a live band (for older and stiffer croaks), ladies get Thursdays when it’s Karaoke folks! (Scream and runaway? LOL)

Follow @aromaoncowey Thing is, Durban gay people seldom make grandiose entrances in the hetero-hood. Sad but true. If we had a street-long-gayvillage it would be a different story about the perfect city. All we have is a building. And every size, taste and closet case finds the building titillating. You keep going back because it’s got everything - only matters what kind of entrance you are craving.

The Lounge, The Lounge – it’s almost all about The Lounge Since Out Africa Issue 12, I’m to report that daytime cruising has been dropped from the menu. Sad but true. Maybe dark labyrinths and dead ends, glory holes, cottages and blue rooms… aren’t for you personally. But if you get mystery from a book and fantasy from film, why not have them pepper your sex life? So don’t give the Red Bar a miss, where the flirty talker is not forbidden – play pool with someone, don’t pretend to have a boyfriend, maybe you’ll make a real one-night friend. If you prefer the dance-floor for that spontaneous flirtation, choose from a selection of shirtless steaks marinating in sweaty gyration; maybe a passing poppers sensation. Personally, I like my brain cells un-fried. A chat with the ladies then a.k.a. cheerful lesbian time. As I park with a dop, we watch the delicatessen heat up. “If you can dance, you can shag”. Learn the local gay myths. Research which ones are true; like don’t bank on winning against most lesbians at pool. I’m not saying go every day (even though you actually can): I’m saying soak up culture, be your own part of the crowd. Because Death eventually finds you and doesn’t negotiate Time. So you see, you’re going to need me; although you may only find me here. I’ll give you the Lick and a little about dick… Fare Thee Well on the N3 to here. Blessed Days Signed, Veri Dre Sweet /

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WORD PERFECT The Stranger’s Child

The rest of the novel follows the fortunes of two intertwined families in a series of coincidences. As in all his novels, there is an open discussion of homosexuality, though somewhat less graphic than one has come to expect. Every male character seems to have dabbled in at one point or another. The mystery surrounding Cecil’s sexuality will prove to be of key importance in the re-and-de-construction of his reputation that takes place in the decades after his death. A story that begins with two boys having a guilty grope in the bushes ends with the openly gay modern day protagonists flashing wedding rings, demonstrating the huge strides forward in the acceptance of homosexuality in society over the last century.

Alan Hollinghurst, Picador, R114.00


lan Hollinghurst’s first novel The Swimming Pool Library, set in London’s gay demi-monde in 1983, struck a chord with me. In that year I was a wide-eyed Southern African gay boy spending a few crazy weeks in what I thought was the centre of the gay universe. The novel so accurately captured the spirit of the time that I became a great fan so anything new from Alan Hollinghurst is a treat. Hollinghurst’s new novel The Stranger’s Child, his first since the gorgeous The Line of Beauty in 1994, is a magnificent, century-spanning saga about a love triangle that spawned a legend. Like his other four novels, he explores the development of gay culture in Britain and the effects of memory and ageing on individuals and society. The story starts just before the outbreak of the Great War when Cecil Valance, a mediocre aristocratic poet of broad sexual tastes, spends a weekend at the family home of George, his Cambridge fuck buddy. In the course of his short visit, he drinks too much, stays up all night, repeatedly ravishes

the love-struck George, roughly kisses the BF’s sister Daphne by the rockery, and then writes a poem praising these “Two blessed acres of English ground”. When Cecil dies during the war, his poem becomes an anthem of a generation. “A first-rate example of the second-rate poet who enters into common consciousness more deeply than many great masters,” as one character puts it. If you think that all this sounds like a gay(er) Downton Abbey, you would not be too far off the mark.

The Write Voice


ublished playwright Daniel Dercksen has been involved in movie and theatre journalism for more than 30 years. Following 19 years of developing the write attitude, Daniel’s The Writing Studio celebrates creative freedom and expression in South Africa, by organising workshops for aspiring writers and storytellers. If you are a creative writer, The Write Voice workshop, helping transform the mundane

At almost 600 pages, this is a seriously big book, but even as you want to quickly get to the end to find out what happens, the beautiful language and the twists and turns of the plot make you want the story to carry on and on … much like Downton Abbey! But good things do come to an end. Never mind, I found myself revisiting the novel time and again, and I expect I shall continue to do so. - ET

into the profound, takes place on May 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 2pm until 5pm. For those wanting to write for film, TV or the stage, The Write Journey workshop takes place on June 8, 22, 29 and July 6 from 2pm until 5pm. The workshops take place at the studio in Green Point Cape Town and can also be done via correspondence. For more information on these workshops visit www.writingstudio.co.za or email Daniel at: daniel@writingstudio.co.za

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very single day we all face countless situations that could, potentially, expose us to harm. In most instances the potential harm can be mitigated to some extent by our following a specific action. A driver can choose not to speed, not to overtake on a solid line and to wear a safety belt to limit injury in the event of an accident. Such harm reduction strategies generally include an element of protecting both ourselves and others from potential harm, as is the case with responsible sex: using condoms and appropriate lube when we bonk protects ourselves and our partners from spreading or contracting HIV and STIs. Harm reduction does make sense and has been proven to be effective. In the field of sexual health, harm reduction is often closely associated with the use of recreational drugs. We certainly can’t stop people from using street drugs and instead of moralising about it and making drug users feel alienated, we need to implement programmes designed to mitigate the harm associated with this behaviour. Such harm reduction programmes are certainly not new – their importance is recognised by international bodies such as the WHO, UNAIDS and USAID – but they’re certainly new to South Africa. Health4Men, a project of the Anova Health Institute, already at the forefront of providing innovative free sexual health services for gay and bisexual men, has initiated an innovative harm reduction programme in Cape Town. We’re all aware of high levels of recreational drug abuse among gay men, especially for the enhancement of sexual pleasure. If we don’t use drugs ourselves, we have friends, partners or colleagues who do. Health4Men conducted local surveys on the interface between recreational substance use and sexual risktaking, HIV and STIs and, in partnership with Amsterdam-based project Mainline, has developed a carefully crafted harm reduction project for gay and bisexual men in Cape Town. The project is funded by AidsFonds, a Dutch donor organisation. The multi-faceted programme is inclusive of men who use different drugs in Mag 40

by Glenn de Swardt

different ways and in diverse contexts. The overarching aim is to develop and refine a harm-reduction model that can be replicated elsewhere. It is designed to limit HIV and STI transmission and to prevent non-injecting drug users from adopting this exceptionally high-risk behaviour. The programme includes the dissemination of topical information to gay and bisexual men, with referral points for treatment and care and free harm reduction packs for people who use drugs. A main concern is the high-risk grouping of gay men who inject their drugs (colloquially referred to as slamming or spiking). In addition to HIV, sharing needles exposes drug users to blood infections such as hepatitis C which is prevalent among gay men in several Northern hemisphere countries and is yet to become prevalent locally. Injecting also stimulates rapid onset of addiction. The free harm reduction packs, with different contents for injecting and noninjecting users, all contain brochures entitled Drugs and Sex and Drugs and ARVs. Following is an extract from one of the booklets: “Many gay men associate drugs with sex. Some guys use drugs to make them feel more horny or to give them added confidence, others use drugs to make the sex feel more intense. Many guys use drugs to make the sex last much longer and some use drugs to get into kink, such as fisting or extended edging. Some guys even avoid having sex unless they’re wired on chems. Drugs often influence who we have sex with, what sex acts we get into, how roughly we play and the duration of the sex. Irrespective of whether you’re HIV positive or negative, the sex you have when you’re using chems can be very risky for your health.” In addition, the pack for injectors includes a 16-page booklet on safer injecting techniques (including information on preventing an overdose) plus new syringes and needles, alcohol swabs, plasters, a teaspoon and candle for cooking, cotton filters and sterile water. The non-injecting pack includes straws for snorting, chewing gum to stimulate saliva, tin foil and a candle, lip balm to sooth burns from

smoking and a card for cutting lines. All packs contain Health4Men condoms and sachets of water-based lubricant and contact numbers in the event of a medical emergency such as an overdose, plus contact numbers for Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and drug-related counselling and treatment services in Cape Town. Clients need to register with the programme, and used needles need to be returned in order to receive a fresh batch. Health4Men is emphatic that the programme, which is being very carefully monitored and evaluated, does not in any way encourage non-drug using men to start taking recreational drugs. On the contrary, we believe that by acknowledging the scale of drug abuse among gay and bisexual men, and addressing this by providing appropriate information to men who are already using recreational drugs we are encouraging responsible sex and better health outcomes. In the same way that it would be totally irrational to tell gay men to stop having anal sex because of HIV, it is unrealistic to expect gay men to simply stop using drugs. We address HIV by providing topical information on responsible anal sex plus condoms and lube; we can limit the impact of drug use by providing gay-appropriate topical information and the equipment needed by drug users to reduce their risks. Research has shown that harm reduction services as planned by Health4men have the potential to decrease drug use over time. I personally think it may take a while for drug-using gay men to start utilising the harm reduction project fully. Initially gay men had to develop trust in Health4Men when we launched our free sexual health services in Woodstock during 2009; we’ve successfully gained the gay community’s trust and respect, and this process needs to happen again. Recreational substance use remains illegal but I firmly believe that gay men will trust us to respect their confidentiality in this regard. Please call 021 421 6127, join the Health4Men page on Facebook or visit www.health4men.co.za for more information on the harm reduction project.

COME IN ALL COLOURS MARCH diary Friday 1st Leather Night Free entrance with leather gear · Friday 8th Long Schlong Night Free entrance for 20cm + · Friday 15th Fetish Night – Indulge your fantasies · Wednesday 20th Human Rights Day Party – Your Right To Party · Friday 22th Public Pigz Night Be a pig on the bar counter for an entrance refund · Wednesday 27th Full Moon – Celebrate hedonism with free libation wine · Thursday 28th Easter Exodus party – Come Get Some Before The Weekend · Friday 29th Good Friday Night – Being Bad Has Never Been More Wicked · Sunday 31 March Family Day Party – Free Entry to Fathers With Their Sons APRIL diary Friday 5th Leather Night Free entrance with leather gear · Friday 12th Long Schlong Night Free entrance for 20cm + · Friday 19th Fetish Night – Indulge your fantasies · Thursday 25th Full Moon – Celebrate hedonism with free libation wine · Friday 26th Public Pigz Night Be a pig on the bar counter for an entrance refund · Saturday 27th Freedom Day Party – Come Celebrate our Miracle · Tuesday 30th Workers Day Party – Free Entry to Communists MAY diary

Friday 3rd Leather Night Free entrance with leather gear · Friday 10th Long Schlong Night Free entrance for 20cm + · Wednesday 14th Valentine’s Day – cum be everyone’s Valentine · Friday 17th Fetish Night – Indulge your fantasies · Friday 24nd Fire Crotch Night – Free Entrance with Red Pubes · Saturday 25th Full Moon – Celebrate hedonism with free libation wine · Friday 31st Public Pigz Night Be a pig on the bar counter for an entrance refund

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STORIES FROM THE PRIDE HOUSE In April, the Pride Shelter Trust marks the second anniversary of the opening of the Africa’s first autonomous shelter and crisis centre for gay, lesbian, transgender and intersexed people in Oranjezicht, Cape Town. The facility provides a safe, nurturing and semi-structured environment for people in crisis needing temporary shelter. It also offers an impetus to help people get their lives back on track. This facility has come to the assistance of citizens of the Western Cape, as well as refugees from other African countries who do not enjoy the rights and protections offered to gay people by our unique and progressive Constitution. Yet some people within our community still question the need for such a place, despite the success stories. We asked a few individuals about how their experiences at the Pride House, as many now refer to it. Their personal accounts bear witness to some of the successes achieved. Gift’s Story You ask, “The Pride House. Now what could they do and why would a place like this be necessary “ My name is Gift and may I share with you my experience of the Pride Shelter I grew up in a middle class English home and enjoyed all the perks of a stable home life, good education, overseas travel and good jobs both as an employee and an entrepreneur. The new Millennium dawned and 2000 and beyond beckoned with promise, my business was successful and growing, a new relationship offered hope and encouragement. Life was good, no to be fair life was great. My partner suffered from severe ‘black depression’ as a result of having been sexually abused by his step brother. This robbed us of the joy and shared dreams that relationships offer as we daily tried to work through these intense spells. It was a bit like digging at a rotten tooth, very painful and excruciating at times, ending with my partner’s suicide five years ago. I never begrudged him the peace and escape from the painful existence he led, through death, so my mourning was filled with understanding and empathy. Little did I realize the impact that lost dreams, and the emotional strain of rationalizing grief would have on my life. The years that followed where filled with loneliness, partly furnished apartments, empty beer bottles, sleeping on friend’s floors and joyless hours trying to keep busy at some form of work. Mag 42

I arrived at the ‘House’ found a caring respite for my de-motivated, battle wary soul. Here I was offered a clean bed with fresh linen, wholesome meals and folk who took an interest in who I was, nurturing and re-kindling the hope as well as the joy that was so nearly extinguished in my life. I am still processing my grief, yet am no longer angry. I have a job which I don’t really like much, but it is tolerable and a step in the right direction. I am in the process of moving out of a second phase facility into my own apartment and taking back the responsibility I abdicated through loss and grief. I am at present retraining and will hopefully be winging my way to Brazil to teach English and enjoy the wonderment of living. … and that is what the Pride Shelter House was able to give me.

A & B’s Story Two months ago, having lost everything close to us, including family, jobs and possessions - and having nowhere else to turn to, we arrived at your door. Words cannot express how your support, love and guidance has helped us restart our lives, and given us hope in a future we would never been able to attain, had it not been for you. As we look forward, we shall never forget our time spent with you, and will without doubt continue to support the shelter as it has us. Once again, thank you. You have touched our lives far greater than even we can comprehend - and undoubtedly will touch many more.

Ursula’s Story There are some events in your life that take you places you never thought you would land up. Well I landed there twice... So my story is one of being so successful I had to go back to this wonderful place twice. NOT because they failed but because I did. I didn’t take their lessons and listen, nor did I keep to the values they instill, I didn’t even embrace and stick by their unconditional love... That’s why this amazing haven took me back… To give me another chance to get it right. I have just for today done this. I have always been a person to hit my head a few times before I get it!!! Today I am clean, happy and functioning as a “normal” member of society.... Thanks to Matron, Glenn and the tools you have given me and so many others to make me a better me!!! I will always hold dear and valuable the essential lessons you taught me, none more important than the next. However the one that I desperately needed UNCONDITIONAL love and acceptance... These are but three of the many testimonials. In every one, the matron Jan Richter was singled out for her dedication, warmth and compassion. Yet despite the extraordinary generosity of so many who have given, The Pride Shelter is still in need of assistance to keep the doors open. The fact that they are doing a good job is there for all to see. To donate financially see details on the advert on the opposite page. Donations in kind can be delivered to 1 Molteno Rd, Oranjezicht. For more information on this unique initiative visit: www.pridesheltertrust.co.za

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OUT TO LUNCH with Gary Hopkins


OUT put two Greek restaurants to the test and tried a couple more places to feed our food fantasies

Mykonos Taverna



343 Main Road Sea Point, Cape Town 021 439 2106

Dunkley Square, Cape Town 021 461 3333

Melrose Arch, Johannesburg 011 684 1616

We stumbled into Mykonos almost by accident when on a whim we tried it get into neighbouring La Boheme and found it fully booked. Depending on how long you have lived in Cape Town you may remember the eat-asmuch-as-you-like restaurant with the coincidentally the same name in the same spot. The original restaurant closed and was reopened by Dimitri, the son of the original owner two years ago. Just why the merits of the special place aren’t being broadcast all over Cape Town I will never know. Has eating out in the Mother City really become more about being seen in the right places, than the food? The modest blue and white decor does little to prepare you for the gastronomic delights that await you. The best way to enjoy this eatery is to round up 3 friends and order the mezze platter for 4 and one or two main dishes to share. I could write a short essay on how great the food is but I’ll limit myself to two items: The Aubergine Melintzanes and Peter’s Lamb Kleftiko. Be prepared, one mouthful and your life will change. I guess I should also mention their bottles of chilli. The chilli is delicious but be warned it can blow you all the way to Bantry Bay. Seriously though I cannot recommend this restaurant highly enough.

Judging how difficult it is to get a booking I was expecting great things from this establishment. The night we went was still and balmy so the outside area that spills into the square was full so we were seated indoors. Service was slow mainly because they make use of the menu on a blackboard system that needs to travel from table to table. When will restaurateurs realise that these boards are good for two things: tripping up waiters and annoying customers? For a Greek restaurant there are a lot of items on the menu that aren’t Greek. So if you order the mussels expect them to be served with pommes frites – Belgian style. There also wasn’t a lot of Greek been spoken in the kitchen and maybe this is why their spanakopita is deep fried. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that Afrikaners can’t make good Greek food but if anyone can point me in the direction of a good Greek Butcher that makes brilliant boerewors I’d be forever grateful.

When faced with the option of dining out on a Sunday night in Johannesburg my date and I chose Melrose Arch as an obvious destination hoping to take in some of the city’s buzzing nightlife. Arriving at Orient at a little after 8 we were reluctantly taken in by the manager who advised us that the kitchen would be closing soon. He must have asked the waiters to be as short and unfriendly as possible to ensure we didn’t overstay our welcome as this can only explain the level of service we received. We ordered a couple of starters and our mains expecting them to be presented in succession but no such luck. Our food arrived en masse although it is more accurate to say the plates were tossed on our table. It is purely academic to describe what we ate because to call it authentic Asian food would be an insult to a large part of the world’s population. I have to mention that we were not the only table dining there that night and we noticed that not one of the tables had a waiter in attendance. We certainly couldn’t find one to order a second round of drinks. When our waiter did come to clear our plates he asked if he could bring the bill as the kitchen was closed and no dessert orders would be taken. Overall a thoroughly unpleasant experience and one not be repeated.

Lion Corner Tavern

The lamb cooked in Ouzo we ordered can best be described as ‘n bord kos and for what they charge is it wrong to expect some finesse on a plate? The flavour wasn’t bad but nothing to smash plates over. The best thing about the meal was the Baklava cheesecake which was truly delicious. I believe you can have it as a take away which is how I would recommend ordering it so that you can avoid taking the more tradition starter and main course route to get to it.

when the kitchen wasn’t officially open but was treated to their new burger all the same. I use the word treat because there 205 Lower Main Road, Observatory is no other way to describe the plate of 021 447 5113 deliciousness that was put in front of me. It isn’t often you review an establishment Sorry Manhattan’s and Beefcakes, you do only to find it has closed days after the not serve the best gay burgers in town. review was published. Sadly that is exactly The sheer size and juiciness of the burger what happened to Lions Corner shortly will have size queens literally gasping for before New Year. Happily every cloud has breath and Will certainly has the knack of a silver lining and I am pleased to say that putting the zing into a patty. The surprise it has reopened under the helm of Will and treat was the fries wrapped in newspaper. Grace with Casper and Hardus very much The guys tell me they will be adding a in the picture albeit on the other side of the few more items to the menu like wraps bar. I popped in during their opening week and fish and chips, but will be keeping Mag 44

it simple. The tradition of braais on game days will also continue. The bar has always been one of my favourite places to hang out but with food like this there is even more reason to go back. C’mon guys we really can’t let this gem slip away again. Will and Grace need our support.

OUT ON DVD LET’S WATCH DVD’S WITH DANIEL DERCKSEN Wild About Harry. In the fall of 1973, 16 year old Madeline (Danielle Savre) and her 14 year old sister Daisy (Skye McCole Bartusiak) move with their recently widowed father Harry (Tate Donovan) to Cape Cod. Everything seems fabulous in this idyllic beach community until one night Madeline and her high school friends sneak out to an underground gay disco where they see something that will change their lives forever. Frankie go boom. This is a totally insane and wacky story about Frankie (Charlie Hunnam), a young man who has been tortured, embarrassed and humiliated on film for his whole life by his horrible brother Bruce (Chris O’Dowd). When Bruce makes and uploads a naughty video of one of Frank’s disastrous one-night-stands, it goes viral with a bullet and then things really hit the fan. Will Jack (Chris Noth), Bruce’s violent drug-fiend buddy finds out it’s his daughter (Lizzy Caplan) in the video and take hilarious revenge? Can Phyllis (Ron Perlman), Bruce’s transsexual computer hacker prison buddy get them out of trouble? Dirty Girl is an absolutely charming coming-of-age story about the friendship between the dirty girl of Norman High School in Oklahoma, circa 1987 (Juno Temple), and an innocent closeted gay teenager (Jeremy Dozier). When Danielle’s misbehaviour gets her banished to a remedial class, she is paired on a parenting project with Clarke and is determined to get to California to find the father she’s never met. Clarke is desperate to escape being sent to military school by his homophobic dad. Together, the mismatched misfits set out for California, and discover themselves and each other through a funny and serendipitous friendship. A Beginner’s Guide to Endings is one of the zaniest, must-see releases of the year. A comedy about a family with a few fatal flaws, it tells of three rebellious sons of a reckless, recently deceased gambler who make a shocking discovery that causes them to reassess their lives as they race to make the most of the precious little time they have left. The crackling script and imaginative vision of director Jonathan Sobol allows this poignant and hilarious human drama to explode. It’s got a great cast, with Scott Caan, Paulo Costanzo and Jason Jones in top form as the three brothers, with Harvey Keitel equally impressive as the father. Bronson is a shocking but masterful

portrait of a man imprisoned in his own madness and tormented by the demons that haunt him. Tom Hardy delivers an unforgettable and emotionally draining performance of a lifetime in Nicolas Winding Refn’s not-to-be-missed independent British film. It is a savage, wild and brutal journey into crime in prisons, the absurd reality of asylums for the criminally insane, inherent violence and malevolent evil that rots the soul and corrupts innocence. Dear Mr.Gacy. This terrifying psychological thriller will shock you to the core! It poignantly shows what happens when the obsession of an 18-year-old college student is realised and the quest of his passion turns into a nightmare he will never escape from. The film is based on the real life story of Jason Moss, who wrote a book The Last Victim based on his correspondence with notorious serial killers John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. It focuses on the correspondence between the young student, and Gacy, who is on death row for murdering 33 boys. Jesse Moss (no relation to the writer) is absolutely superb as the innocent young man whose soul soon becomes corrupted when he discovers that the only way to enter Gacy’s mind and score top grades, is to actually step inside the body and soul of one of the killer’s typical victims. Director Svetozar Ristovski keeps the pace tense as the young man descends into a hellish nightmare that will leave you on edge. Some Guy Who Kills People. A superb dark tale of revenge blended with a poignant father-and-daughter story. It features a great performance from Kevin Corrigan, playing a passive nobody who is fresh out of the mental hospital and works in an ice cream parlor in his small hometown. When a group of bullies who is responsible for his miserable life are gruesomely killed, he becomes a suspect. Things take a turn for the worse when his estranged daughter shows up, eager to meet her real dad. It’s great to see Karen Black back in action, playing his mother. Produced by John Landis and directed by Jack Perez, this crazy film is highly amusing with a superb twist. Visit Let’s watch DVDs on Facebook or visit www.writingstudio.co.za Mag 45

OUT ON FILM LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES WITH DANIEL DERCKSEN From the big top to the big screen, director Andrew Adamson and filmmaker James Cameron invite audiences on an all-new 3D adventure, Cirque du Soleil Worlds Away. Two young people journey through the astonishing and dreamlike worlds of Cirque du Soleil to find each other as audiences experience the immersive 3D technology that allows them to leap, soar, swim and dance with the performers. The Impossible is a powerful true life story based on one family’s survival of the mayhem of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Their true-life terror is tempered by the unexpected displays of compassion, courage and simple kindness they encounter during the darkest hours of their lives. Both epic and intimate, devastating and uplifting, this is a journey to the core of the human heart.

confrontation with the past leads him on a journey of redemption and discovery as he battles to save mankind.

Ewan McGregor Impossible

People like Us is a comedy/drama about family, inspired by true events. Chris Pine is a twenty-something who uncovers a startling secret that turns his entire world upside down as he puts his father’s estate in order and reconnects with his estranged family. The fantastical adventure Oz The Great and Powerful imagines the origins of L. Frank Baum’s beloved character, the Wizard of Oz. James Franco plays a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics who is hurled from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz. There he has to put his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity—and even a bit of wizardry— to transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard but into a better man as well.

Conducted by Daniele Gatti, the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD screening of Richard Wagner’s mystical Parsifal will see Jonas Kaufmann in his Met role debut as the title character with Katarina Dalayman as Kundry as the mystical woman who tempts Parsifal.


In the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD screening of Verdi’s Rigoletto, Tony Awardwinning director Michael Mayer transforms 16th-century Italy to Las Vegas in 1960. Leljko Lucic leads as the hunchback jester, Diana Damrau as his daughter Gilda, Piotr Beczala as the Duke of Mantua, and Stefan Kocán as the assassin Sparafucile. April releases In Shadow Dancer, a single mother is arrested for her part in an aborted IRA bomb plot in London. An MI5 officer offers her a choice: lose everything and go to prison for 25 years or return to Belfast to spy on her own family. In the comedy Seven Psychopaths, a struggling screenwriter (Colin Farrell) inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster’s beloved Shih Tzu. Written and Directed by Oscarwinner Martin McDonagh On a spectacular future Earth that has evolved beyond recognition in the futuristic epic Oblivion, Tom Cruise plays a man whose Mag 46

A mysterious young woman arrives in a small North Carolina town and reluctantly finds new love with a lonely widower in Safe Haven. This is a deeply moving romantic thriller from Nicholas Sparks, the best-selling author whose novels inspired the beloved films The Notebook and Dear John. Alfred Hitchcock was cinema’s “master of suspense” and an extraordinary film icon known for orchestrating some of the most intense experiences of menace and intrigue audiences have ever seen. Lurking behind the genius was a hidden side: his creatively explosive romance with his steadfast wife and filmmaking collaborator, Alma Reville. The brilliant Hitchcock stars Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren and takes you on a fascinating journey into the making of the spine-tingling 1960 thriller Psycho.

May releases Based on a true story, Michael Bay’s Pain & Gain follows a group of bodybuilders who engage in a campaign of kidnapping, extortion and murder in Florida and stars Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. From two acclaimed artists director Fernando Meirelles (City of God) and writer Peter Morgan (The Queen, Frost/Nixon) comes 360, a moving and exciting dramatic thriller that dazzlingly weaves together the stories of an array of people from disparate social backgrounds through their intersecting relationships. In Iron Man the brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?

Mark Wahlberg in Pain & Gain

From the uniquely imaginative mind of writer/producer/director Baz Luhrmann comes the new big screen adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. Luhrmann creates his own distinctive visual interpretation of the classic story in 3D, bringing the period to life in a way that has never been seen before. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role and Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway. Visit Let’s go to the Movies on Facebook or visit www.writingstudio.co.za

MUSIC MOVES by Gary Hopkins

The Swedish House Mafia - One last Tour. Live in Cape Town.


verything happens for a reason they say. So the recent strike by farm workers may be the best thing to happen to live music in Cape Town for a long time. The organizers of the SHM event decided to move the concert from Lourensford Wine Estate to the Ostrich Farm on the N7 which was also home to for Paul van Dyk in February last year. With memories of the 9 hour journey to and from Lourensford for The Killers I was hesitant to purchase tickets to say the least. Also having been warned about the sandpit conditions at PVD I anticipated the worst when on concert day the Cape Winds came to town. I am pleased to say that most of the logistical issues dogging Lourensford have been overcome. Most but not all. The gates opened a good 7 hours before the main event so access to the amply sufficient car parks was completely painless at 3pm when we arrived. A

massive area of the farm has been grassed so the desert conditions have been eliminated. Huge stretch tents had been set up to provide shade and there were more bars than the MCQP organizing committee could shake a stick at. Admittedly the drinks were a little pricey and the options a little limited. The line up for the day included amongst others Pascal & Pearce, Dean Fuel and DJ Fresh. With this caliber of support acts it was no wonder the place was already rocking (or maybe everyone just had good pills) by the time we muscled our way into the crowd. Speaking of muscles did I mention the eye candy? So to anyone asking why you want to go and stand in a field for two hours watching 3 men play records let me try and explain the SWH effect. For starters you are surrounded by thousands upon thousands of like minded souls whose only intention it is to party. Your ears are ringing with the most awesome beats and in front of you a LED display the size and scope would make the movie Avatar look like a newspaper comic strip. Throw in lasers, banks of lights

and even some fireworks and you have one of the most electrifying evenings of your life. Sure a lot of it is smoke and mirrors and you don’t really need 3 guys to push a few buttons but you wouldn’t want it any other way. By the time they got to their big hits (Save the World and Don’t You Worry Child) the crowd were euphoric. Especially when the guys hauled out their South Africa flags and started with their “Cape Town we love you’s!” At this point we high tailed it to our car. Ever tried to find your car amongst thousands of others in a dark field at eleven o’clock at night? Despite this we managed to get very close to the start of the queue at one of two exits and there we sat – for two hours. The cause of the delay was a row of taxis that had been allowed to park exactly where the two exit roads converged effectively bottle necking the process. Skrillex is due to perform at the same venue in March. If the organizers sort out the taxi issue we may have ourselves have a near perfect outdoor music venue. Thanks for that, striking farm workers.

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The multi-award winning Broadway musical, Jersey Boys makes its South African premiere at the Teatro at Montecasino on 3 April, followed by a season at Artscape. This smash hit features an all-South African cast and takes you on a journey across the seasons of life and behind the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Selling 175 million records before they hit thirty, these Jersey Boys became one of the greatest successes in pop music history.

Gideon Lombard, (pictured below) who delivered one of the best performances in The View in Cape Town in 2012, makes a welcome return in Special Thanks To Guests From Afar at the Artscape Arena for a short 10 day run by popular demand (April 9 to 20)

Cape Town audiences can expect over 20 of Elvis Presley’s timeless classics set to hip-swaying choreography in Sean Bovim’s new Rock-’n-Roll Ballet Private Presley : A Salute to the King, at Artscape Theatre from March 27. Based on Alexander Dumas’ classic tale, The Cape Town City Ballet’s sumptuous Camille, choreographed by Veronica Paeper and set to Allan Stephenson’s arrangement of Verdi’s La Traviata score, is on at the Artscape Opera from 2 to 12 May.

OPERA The spectacular international touring production of Otello at Artscape Opera (April 6 – 13) celebrates the Verdi bicentenary, with Lithuanian tenor Kristian Benedikt singing the formidable title role, and South African soprano Sarah-Jane Brandon returning from London to make her role debut as Desdemona.

MUSIC SCENE Metallica will perform at Cape Town Stadium on April 24 and at Soccer City Complex in Jo’burg on April 27; and the Bon Jovi Because We Can – The Tour is on at the Cape Town Stadium on May 7 and at the Soccer City Complex on May 11 Mag 48

Featuring a firecracker script and two grand pianos played with unparalleled virtuosity by Ian Von Memerty and Jonathan Roxmouth, the multi awardwinning hit show A Handful of Keys will be on at Theatre on the Bay from 27 March to 13 April, and at Montecasino, from April 16 to May 5. The nifty comedy farce Don’t Dress for Dinner is about double adultery and gourmet cooking and is on at the Montecasino Theatre from 3 March to April 14 and at Theatre on the Bay from 16 April to 11 May.



At the Joburg Theatre the dancers of South African Mzansi Ballet and guest artists will perform the feisty, funny story ballet Don Quixote from 8 - 24 March. For the first time in South Africa, the Essence of Ireland (16 April to 5 May) is a breath-taking journey of music, song and dance with a kaleidoscope of colour and a backdrop of extremely infectious high octane live music.


Athol Fugard’s masterpiece Master Harold and The Boys is on at the Fugard Theatre (March 4 to 30). At the Kalk Bay Theatre the dynamic husband and wife team Ash Searle and Vanessa Harris expose their personal truths about working in the performance industry as a married couple in Ash And Van Exposed (April 3 – 20). It features an expert mash-up of songs as well as their personal rendition of the Cell Block Tango. Gaëtan Schmid rants about the history and propagation of the English language, its idiosyncrasies and etymological quirks in The Dog’s Bollocks (April 21 – 27). Megan Furniss’ new comedy, Song and Dance (May 1 to 19) shows what happens when two burglars break into the wrong stylish apartment. The sizzling team of Keren Tahor and Paul du Toit star in Same Time Next Year (May 22 to June 23), a poignantly funny story of two ordinary people each married to another but who are the love of each other’s lives.

The Insanity League is a comedy movement comprising comic actors Aaron McIlroy, Ben Voss and – in a welcome return to the stage after an absence of a decade – John van de Ruit. The trio are teaming up to deliver a sketch comedy show which pokes, provokes and tickles in all the right places. It is a comic study on insanity unlike anything ever seen on a South African stage before. It runs at the Port Elizabeth Boardwalk Casino (March 5-9), the Guild Theatre in East London (March 12-16) and at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre in Durban (March 26 – April 28). It will also be seen in Johannesburg, Cape Town and at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown later in the year.



We are giving away tickets for one lucky couple in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Name one of Franki Valli’s hit songs ... send your answer and contact details to website@writingstudio.co.za before March 29, 2013 Visit Let’s go to the Theatre on Facebook or visit www.writingstudio.co.za

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