3 minute read
Editor’s Comment
Welcome all
Summer is here and in South Africa it is the time for Pride celebrations in Gauteng. Turn to page 6 for pictures of this years Pretoria Pride.
Johannesburg Pride went off, despite a security scare issued by the US Embassy the day before which kept a lot of people away. Hat off to those of you who defied the security alert, refusing to give in to homophobes and haters who want our community off the streets. To all those who attended Jo’burg Pride 2022 - well done - that’s the way to fight back! - See the pics on page 26
Cape Town Pride is holding their Pride 2023 launch event on the 26 November, hosted by the Embassy of Belgium in Cape Town. The Embassy of Belgium is a firm supported of LGBT+ rights and hosted the event last year - turn to page 3
In this issue, and on the cover, we feature the Director of Cape Town Pride 2023, the well-known, exhuberant & delightfully mischievous, Wentzel April. Go to page 14 to find out more about what gets Wentzel going every day. The fashion spread in this issue celebrates our long hot summers with awesome swimwear from Bulge & Bum ... turn to pages 22 - 25.
We are weeks away from one of the World’s largest and most watched sporting events, the FIFA World Cup which is being held in the homophobic regime of Qatar. Well-known Gay activist Peter Tatchell was recently arrested in Doha protesting the plight of the LGBT+ people in that country. We must stand up and highlight this nations appalling human rights record! - go to page 16. HAtred towards our community is alive and thriving in this country as well. One of the more high profile haters is singer Steve Hofmeyr ... go to page 42 and support Out Wellbeing in their campaign to make him account for his hate! Coming Out can be a difficult time for many LGBT+ plus people, especially those who live in conservative or religious communities. Go to page 34 and read the advice and experiences from some people who have been through the experience and are now out & proud. On page 46 we look at some of the famous horror movies featuring LGBT+ characters in leading roles. Halloween is over, but if you like to be frightened out of your wits ... check out a couple of these.
Have a great summer ... see you at Cape Town Pride 2023 in February & March next year. Till then ... Stay safe...
ISSN 2304-859X
Published by:
P.O. Box 397, Sea Point 8060 Cell: 082 562 3358 E-mail: outmagafrica@telkomsa.net outlet@telkomsa.net
Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358
Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358
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