Out & About Puerto Vallarta Summer 2021 Health and Wellness Guide

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Summer 2021

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H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e



H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e


EQUIPO Publicista y Socio Propietario Jerry Jones Jerry@outandaboutpv.com Publicista Asociado y Socio Propietario Benjamín Camarena García Benjamin@outandaboutpv.com


Medical Tourism Draws Visitors to Puerto Vallarta For Many Reasons


Putting Pride In Business


Ayahuasca Experience Shines Light on the Unconscious


Puerto Vallarta’s Personal Assistant Puts PRIDE into His Work

Peter Travka (Luis Ochoa story)


Get a Boost with IV Therapy and Aesthetic Treatments in Old Town



Makal Restaurant is an Experience of the Senses


Dental Tourism Booming in PV: Most Sought-After Procedures and Prices

Ventas y Relaciones Públicas Gerwin Rutten Gerwin@outandaboutpv.com Diseño Gráfico y Publicitario Saúl Santos fsdemianhades3@gmail.com Portada Model: Luis Ochoa, fotografía by Guillermo Huerta Model: Dr. Valeria Lizaola, fotografía by Guillermo Huerta Makhal cover photo by Pablo Haro, @HaroStudio Contribuciones: Alejandro Chavez, Guillermo Huerta Contribución Fotografía

Out & About PV, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Out & About Puerto Vallarta Constitucion 285 A, Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta 48380 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico

ACERCA DE NOSOTROS Out & About PV es una publicación de O&APV, S. de R.L de C.V. Publicación trimestral gratuita de Puerto Vallarta con contenido LGBT de Puerto Vallarta y áreas colindantes. Out & About PV es un estilo de vida enfocado a información de viaje, eventos, negocios y noticias locales para LGBT. O&APV es gratuita, y distribuida en Puerto Vallarta, disponible en línea en todo el mundo en Outandaboutpv.com

OPORTUNIDADES Out & About PV, S. de R.L de C.V. admite escritores, fotógrafos y videógrafos voluntarios durante todo el año. Si estás interesado en contribuir a nuestra publicación, envía un correo electrónico a editor@outandaboutpv.com, con currículum, información de contacto y muestras de tu trabajo. El trabajo de voluntarios es sin goce de sueldo, pero los contribuidores reciben crédito por su trabajo en nuestra publicación, impresa y en línea. Recomendamos ampliamente solicitar a aquellos buscando prácticas en periodismo o comunicación



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Medical Insurance A Necessity When Visiting or Living in Puerto Vallarta New Bars and Restaurants Open in Zona Romantica


Vallarta Pride 2021 Calendar


Pause Clinic Provides Psychology Support for those Transitioning


Local Business Directory

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Medical Tourism Draws Visitors to Puerto Vallarta For Many Reasons

Accessibility and cost are driving factors By Guillermo Huerta With a million and one reasons to visit Puerto Vallarta, including warm weather, beautiful beaches, delicious food and the friendly locals at the top of the list of most, there’s another reason why travelers from other countries might take a second look at our port. It’s the medical side of Mexico that has been a long time relief for foreigners seeking accessible costs, humane treatment and readily available appointments. Cities like CDMX, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Juarez, Mexicali and Tijuana are well known as medical travel destinations and receive most of the market share for this segment but it’s only recently that Puerto Vallarta has been gearing it’s efforts towards attracting more of this type of tourism. While it’s easy to see why Puerto Vallarta is a paradise for most sunseekers and it’s these exact reasons that could help set it apart from its larger, more cosmopolitan competitors. Dr. Odile Desage, a French-Canadian doctor who has been living in PV for over 20 years and now runs her own medical center, shares with us, “Puerto Vallarta has paradise like russoundings, there is the beach, Mexicans are recognized by us foreigners as welcoming, friendly, attentive, things that the coldness we have in the Canadian medical system does not allow.” She goes on to share with us that patients thrive in places like this because it gives them a sense of calm and relief, they’re in a safe place where they can relax and rest while they take care of themselves. Food is also an important component as meals in Mexico are made with more natural and fresh ingredients and it’s easy for a foreigner to go out and have a healthy meal when they’re not in a position to cook for themselves. “I believe that medical tourism focuses on an accessible medical service in Mexico. Here in Vallarta the foreigner (Canadian) has accessibility to a medical service to which in truth they do NOT have accessibility in such a short time as in Mexico, they have access to specialists whom they could never see in such a short time, the health system in Puerto Vallarta is also economically attainable,” Comments Desage on the subject. And while it’s difficult to imagine that a country like Canada would have it’s residents looking elsewhere for medical treatment, it’s a harsh reality that most might have ailments that only worsen while they wait even up to five years to see a doctor for a hernia. In Mexico, cases like these can be treated immediately in first class private hospitals with a very warm and caring service from the personnel. 6

H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e

Summer 2021

Medical Tourism Draws Visitors to Puerto Vallarta

Summer 2021

2021 Health and Wellness

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2021 Health and Wellness

Medical Tourism Draws Visitors to Puerto Vallarta

Another interesting factor for those coming abroad is the wide acceptance of foreign insurance. Why would anyone seek treatment outside of a country, like Canada, that has free universal healthcare? Well, because they can see a specialist almost immediately and because it becomes just as affordable when their insurance is widely accepted. This process is also facilitated by hospitals and doctors who have prior experience dealing with these cases and who also have the certainty that their client’s insurance will pose no issues for them. We talked to Omar Hernandez, a Doctor originally from Mexico City who now resides in PV and makes house calls mostly for a foreign market, and he had the following to share about insurance. “There are several ways you can use your health insurance,” Hernadez said. “The first is to pay your medical bill and medications, and then send them to your insurance to request reimbursement. The other option is to use your insurance directly. In hospitals, medical expenses insurance is widely accepted, but to be valid you usually have to be hospitalized for more than 24 hours. What is suggested is to verify the coverage of your policy, taking into account that some insurances may request the payment of a copayment or a deductible.”

Most of the cases of travelers seeking medical attention when they are already in Vallarta account for sprained ankles, diarrhetic issues, or maybe just treating a bad hangover. In the case of medical tourism this changes. Individuals looking to come and have more specific and planned procedures like bariatric, orthopedic, and cardiac surgical procedures in addition to vision correction and dental procedures. Cosmetic procedures are also very popular and with this pandemic these procedures have gone up 10% and the number of men who have procedures done grew from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 due in part to something called “zoom face envy”. The accessibility of Puerto Vallarta also plays a key role in the growth of medical tourism. Even though it’s not as close to the US as other cities, it’s ever growing connectivity through economical and frequent flights brings it closer to many more people, especially those who would rather take on flight and be done with it than have to deal with border crossing ordeals. As Vallarta grows, it’s safe to say that the medical services offered here will also continue to grow and expand creating a safe haven for those looking for humane, affordable and readily available treatment. One more reason to come to Puerto Vallarta, not that you needed any more, but this one can be life changing.

In the case of Dr. Puerto Vallarta, Dr. Hernandez’s company, they accept Canadian and European insurances, as well as some American insurances, directly and in the event that there is no agreement, they send an official invoice or receipt and will do all the required paperwork and documentation so that the expenses generated are reimbursed.

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Summer 2021

First Time to Puerto Vallarta?

Summer 2021

2021 Travel Guide

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2021 Health and Wellness


PRIDE in Business LGBTQ Business Owners Share Their Experience and ‘Best Advice’

By Jerry Jones Puerto Vallarta is no stranger to LGBTQ owned businesses – from small retail shops, entertainment venues, property management, restaurants and bars, there are probably (and this is a guess) more than a hundred LGBTQ owned businesses here. We don’t have the space to profile all of the LGBTQ owned businesses here, but in honor of Pride and celebrating things that we have pride in, we talked with a few small business owners about what drew them to Puerto Vallarta and how they are putting PRIDE back into the local community. If you’re a LGBTQ owned small business, share your information on our Facebook page so our readers and followers can support you!

Elixir Mixology Bar Elixir Mixology Bar, located at Basilio Badillo 419, in the Emiliano Zapata Colonia, opened in January 2021 and is owned by Elena Esquer Zolezzi, her wife Sarah Rose, and Laura Jaimes. It was a lifelong dream of Zolezzi and Jaimes to open a venue in Puerto Vallarta to welcome anyone, and to be a predominant meeting and gathering spot for the lesbian and queer women in the community. “I have spent over two decades working in the service industry providing top-level service and management at restaurants in cities around the world,” explained Jaimes. “And Elena’s two-decade journey in the industry includes working as a highly experienced server in top restaurants in Puerto Vallarta, and finally traveling the world on Carnival Cruise lines working as a professional mixologist. We’ve been able to combine our skills and knowledge to create a cocktail bar concept new to Puerto Vallarta’s Romantic Zone.” And even though the bar is LGBTQ owned, all are welcome, and the owners want to stress that anyone who comes in will feel like they belong. “It is very important to us that anyone and everyone always feels welcome and loved at Elixir Mixology Bar, explained Sarah Rose. Rose said the one important lesson that the three owners have learned is that “On-time” is not going to happen. “Stay patient, let things flow, and trust the process,” Rose said when asked about advice for others seeking to build a business in Puerto Vallarta.


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Summer 2021

Putting Pride in Business

2021 Health and Wellness

All Access Sports Bar All Access Sports Bar, located at Lazaro Cardenas 175, in the Emiliano Zapata Colonia, opened in September 2018 and is owned by James Sabatini. “While Sabatini is gay, he doesn’t market or identify the sports bar as a “gay bar”. He created it to create community and connection, for anyone to relax, be who they want to be, and enjoy Puerto Vallarta. “ All Access is for “all to access”. Sabatini and his staff create a community vibe for fun, for great food and for all to be who they want to be while enjoying Puerto Vallarta. His best advice to others looking to open a business? “Network and get to know the locals, and the other local business owners,” he said. “Community goes a long way in discerning what are the best options for hiring, what contractors to use, and the processes for legal and government.” Sabatini encourages anyone to come to the bar and meet him and his staff. He said they all genuinely love to get to know people, and he has great food!

Samson Waters Property Management & Vacation Rentals Samson Waters Property Management & Vacation Rentals began their Puerto Vallarta operations in June, 2019. The company had been operating for the previous six years in Playa del Carmen, Akuman, Tulum and Merida. In addition to those locations (and Puerto Vallarta) they recently added offices in Riviera Nayarit and Cabo. “The desire to open our Puerto Vallarta Operations had been strong in my heart since our company began,” said Josh Knox, managing partner-Puerto Vallarta. “Working with the strong and diverse LGBTQ traveler is something I longed to be a part of and help grow as part of the business community.” Knox echoed the same sentiments that Sabatini had offered when asked about advice for future Puerto Vallarta LGBTQ business owners. “There truly is a whole community of people willing to help with questions, struggles, and support along the way,” he explained. “Even those you might be competing for business with. I’ve found this community to be more than I could have hoped for.”

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Putting Pride in Business

La Chachalaca Bar and Restaurant La Chachalaca opened in July 2018 and is located on Francisca Rodriquez 136 (near the Pier in Old Town). Christopher Biles, one of the bar’s owners, moved to Puerto Vallarta from California after 30 years working in the corporate world. “I have loved PV for years, as many do, when I vacationed here. Finding the bar here and the ability to buy it was an amazing chance to do something for myself and live in one of the nicest places I’ve been to.” Biles said he’s learned so much about operating a business in Puerto Vallarta over the last three years. His best advice is to surround yourself with professionals who can help guide and provide advice, including an attorney, accountant and relator. His second piece of advice is to watch your cash flow and remember that you are making and spending pesos, not the US or Canadian dollar. “I see business owners come from out of the country and spend money based on the exchange, that may be ok, but when the capital runs out, an owner must realize they are making Pesos,” he said. “Therefore, spend like you’re making pesos or you risk wasting money. For example, let’s say a business wants to do an improvement that cost $10,000 USD, the owner may be excited because that is cheap compared to back home. What owners need to realize is that $10,000 USD is $190,000 Pesos. How long will it take to recoup the Pesos?” And while Biles identifies as gay and promotes La Chachalaca as a LGBTQ bar/restaurant, he said their clientele is a rainbow of people. “We want everyone to know that we love the entire community,” he explained. “We welcome everyone in La Chachalaca and are proud to be inclusive. Most nights we have a wonderful melting pot of people and that is who we are.”

La Tienda Grande Restaurant|Bar La Tienda Grande Restaurant|Bar opened in February 2021, in downtown Ixtapa Village, Juarez 172. It’s about a 25-minute car ride from the Old Town area of Puerto Vallarta. Salvador Carrillo, the chef and owner, opened it on the date of his grandparent’s anniversary (February 14) as a way of remembering and honoring them. Carrillo loves Puerto Vallarta, and the Colonia of Ixtapa, which is where he grew up. He has always dreamed of being able to return to his hometown and believes that it can be a reference as a global culinary market. Carrillo is passionate about his creations and believes food helps people come together, which is what he sees in his restaurant, a place for all types to share a common love. “Me, my business and every single place where I work show the same, respect,” he explained. “No matter who you are, what you do, or where you come from, food is important and it has a soul, and that’s what I share with everyone.” His advice for anyone looking to start a new business in the greater Puerto Vallarta area. “It’s not easy,” he said. “You need to give time, your own and place a bit of your heart in every project.”

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H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e

Summer 2021

Putting Pride in Business

Summer 2021

2021 Health and Wellness

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2021 Health and Wellness

Ayahuasca Experience Shines Light on the Unconscious Spiritual Sanctuary Helps Heal and Restore By Alejandro Chavez A Grindr chat and a desire to lead a fuller and more enjoyable life led Gerwin Rutten to seek an unusual, but very old South American form of natural healing, Ayahuasca. Rutten, who is sales manager for Out & About PV, has taken a spiritual journey that has helped him emotionally and physically, opening his eyes to a different world of natural healers. “It was November, 2020 when I was chatting with a guy on Grindr here Puerto Vallarta. We exchanged WhatsApp and started a friendship. He shared with me that he had used ayahuasca to treat a medical condition,” Rutten said. “I researched it and became quite interested.” That led to Rutten experiencing a cacao ceremony with magic mushrooms in December 2020. “That was an amazing experience and my friend shared that the ayahuasca experience was even greater. By January 2021 I knew that ayahuasca was calling me.” Ayahuasca is known as a spiritual medicine - a psychoactive brew used in ceremonies among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin - and is used to treat various ailments. It is also known as a medicine that expands consciousness and reconnects you with the here and now, as there are claims that Ayahuasca is capable of activating up to 99% of our cerebral activity. The Ayahuasca experience is not a recreational experience, but rather a very profound experience that requires a lot of work from one’s self. It is about finding out what has been holding you back. Think of Ayahuasca as a flashlight that lets us explore our unconscious.

We will return to Rutten and his story soon, but first you probably have doubts about Ayahuasca, so that is why O&APV talked to psychologist Víctor Fuentes Chong, an Ayahuasca ceremony guide and a promoter of consciousness development and of the use of indigenous people’s traditional medicine as therapeutic and ceremonial use. He discusses some of the important aspects that you want and need to know if you ever thought about taking Ayahuasca. What does Ayahuasca contain? Ayahuasca contains a chemical substance called ‘N, N-Dimethyltryptamine’, also known as DMT, a neurotransmitter that is already present in our bodies. Ayahuasca, or also known as Yague, is a potion made from two plants, Ayahuasca and Chacruna. It should be noted that none of these plants by themselves has a psychoactive effect since it is necessary to combine the two to achieve the potion with psychoactive properties. In combination with Liana Ayahuasca, which chemically contains an MAOI, chemically speaking it is the inhibitor of an enzyme (MAO) responsible for the degradation of DMT in the human body. Ayahuasca is known as the mirror of the soul because it allows us to see our interior through an expanded consciousness. Who would be a good candidate to take Ayahuasca? Normally, a person that is going to go through this experience is someone willing to let go of burdens of the past, resentment, traumas, fears, and attachments. This medicine is for those who are willing to live in peace. Many people do not want to live in peace because they like drama, so for those individuals that are not ready to let go of the past are not candidates for the Ayahuasca experience.

Photo of Rancho Vallejo 14

Rutten began his Ayahuasca journey one week before with a diet that eliminated meat, alcohol, dairy coffee, sugar and salt. He also had to eliminate sexual activities. He said on the day of his ceremony he had to stop eating eight hours before. “There are also some fruits and vegetables which are not recommended to eat,” he explained “But the ‘dieta’ depends as well on the healing center or shaman, so the best thing is to follow their instructions.”.

If you are thinking about doing this, go with the mindset of making a change, a willing heart, and the confidence that you will do a good job. Are there any health benefits? It brings relief to some ailments such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and according to a considerable amount of testimonies, it is also capable of curing cancer. H e a l t h a n d We l l n e s s G u i d e

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Ayahuasca Experience And afterwards? Rutten said it is almost impossible to put his feelings into words, but he’s definitely more relaxed, and he’s lost a desire to eat meat.

Photo of Ayahuasca Puerto Vallarta Who shouldn’t take Ayahuasca? It is contraindicated for individuals with mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolarity. It is very important to find a responsible facilitator that knows what they are doing. A true healer cares about your health, your personal process, and one that is available to provide support if needed. Remember, this medicine is easy to get and anyone can administer it, but not just anyone can guide you with the heart. Why is a pre-ceremony diet necessary? This medicine acts at three levels: physical, mental, and spiritual. It is better to go into the ceremony with a cleansed body and free of conservatives, meats, and all these types of chemicals. This medicine being very strong and pure, will first go through your whole system and do a cleanse. This is also a purgative medicine, but it isn’t your typical purging when you’re sick, it’s a freeing purge. You will only purge if you have a physical, mental, or spiritual burden that needs liberation. Are there any risks? We are talking about a powerful medicine. The Ayahuasca plant is actually called the “grandma” of all plants, there is no comparison to any other plant. I could say that there are no risks, as long as the individual follows all recommendations. There haven’t been any deaths due to taking Ayahuasca, however, if you go with a tough shaman that does rough experiences that are not loving experiences, the individual will have a very hard time with the integration and have a negative experience. To get more information, you can contact Victor through their Facebook page ‘Ayahuasca Puerto Vallarta’. Rutten’s Experiences In the mountains of Nayarit, you’ll find Rancho Vallejo, which offers a wide set of activities focused on nature. Those activities include Temazcal, and sacred ceremonies such as Ayahuasca and Hikuri. Rutten joined a group of 40 people in a circle around a fire, connecting to himself and nature.

“And it’s interesting,” he added while describing what he’s gone through after the ceremony. “I feel less the need to go out till 6 a.m. partying in a club, I prefer to be more at home. I have now been to three ceremonies and I still feel like I am working on myself. The most important thing that I have learned is to live today, don’t look at the past, you can’t change that, don’t be afraid of the future because you don’t know what will happen, live in the present.” In addition to Ayahuasca, Rancho Vallejo offers Temazcal, a ritual that consists of a steam bath inside the sweat lodge, Rutten experienced that after his first Ayahuasca ceremony, which he said was amazing. Dafne, who is Rancho Vallejo’s conscience awakening events organizer, said Temaazcal provides many physical benefits. “The heat to which the body is subjected during the bath in the Temazcal therapy, reaches high temperatures producing a series of reactions, among them: it stimulates the superficial and deep circulation of the blood, accelerates the frequency of the heartbeat, increasing its strength,” she said. “It also generates the action of thermoregulation mechanisms and activates metabolism. It is an effective method to stimulate all internal organs, since by sweating in large quantities, we discard accumulated toxins. It significantly improves the functioning of the skin and kidneys, since it stimulates the discharge of toxic substances by opening and activating the pores of the skin.” The Temazcal ritual happens every Sunday and you can contact Dafne for more information regarding any of their activities. You can reach her at 32-2166-0600 or through their Facebook page “Rancho Vallejo”. Rutten’s Recommendations This spiritual journey is one that has to be an individual decision and Rutten said he does recommend it, as it’s helped him and opened up a new way of viewing the world. “I do recommend it but it’s not for everyone,” he said. “There are some medical conditions, like heart problems, that exclude you from the experience. And, not everyone will have a good journey. Every experience is different so it’s up to the person to feel the call.” Rutten said if you want to go be prepared, mentally and physically, and know what you hope to achieve and learn about yourself.

“It was a beautiful setting,” he said. “My intention was to be thankful for my life to be there and to experience it. And after what he describes as “an amazing journey of beautiful colours, I saw myself as a little child and a lot of emotions.” “During the ceremony the medicine music was beautiful to listen to, I could feel it in my whole body,” he said. “ It did make me a bit nauseous and as I did not want to purge all night, and I was fighting this. At the end of the ceremony the shaman asked if anyone needed to get rid of anything and I felt like that so I took some rapé from the shaman and two minutes later I purged all the bad stuff out of my body, which relieved me a lot.” 16

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artículo en español Photo of Ayahuasca Puerto Vallarta Summer 2021

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Puerto Vallarta Personal Asistant

By Jerry Jones During the summer, many parts of the world celebrate the success and recognize the failures of the LGBTQ community with pride festivals. O&APV wanted to take the opportunity with its summer issue to showcase one aspect of pride, the success of LGBTQ owned businesses. Luis Ochoa is an entrepreneur and small businessman, and he knows the pride that comes with owning one’s own business. Luis is Puerto Vallarta’s personal assistant, catering to a vast array of needs, with many of his clients’ members of the LGBTQ community. The journey towards his own business began five years ago, when Luis was living in Tel Aviv. An opportunity presented itself and Luis began working as assistant in a company working with guests and taking care of their needs. “Initially, to be honest, I was not looking for this job; the offer was made to a friend who could not accept it. My friend gave my contact information to that company and the next day I said I would like to have the job. I was hired on the spot and that became the start of my career as a personal assistant,” he explained with a laugh.

Puerto Vallarta’s

Photos by Peter Travka

Personal Assistant

That trial-by-fire existence included working 10 to 12-hour days for some very high-end clients. And while it was challenging, Luis said he loved the connection he made with people and knew this would be his passion. “The client and I always understood each other, and it became an easy job for me, and my clients were very satisfied,” he said. “This is when the hard work paid off as I could see the results - very happy clients!”

Puts PRIDE into His Work Luis Ochoa Builds Business One Client at a Time


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Summer 2021

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Puerto Vallarta Personal Asistant

Luis arrived in Puerto Vallarta in 2018, but that journey ended when he became too involved in the local party scene and he knew he needed a break and left. “I really believe that Vallarta can be your heaven or your hell and is up to you to choose your way,” he said when explaining his journey. “There is a phrase that a special person told me years ago and I always keep on my mind every day. ‘Vallarta can give you everything or take everything away from you’. He came back for a fresh start in 2019 but struggled to find his place. Finally, he saw the door to his future open when Morgan Granander, owner of The Swedes Restaurant, gave him an opportunity.

Photos by Peter Travka

“We should never forget who helped you to be where and who you are now,” Luis said. “Morgan, without knowing me, gave me the biggest opportunity to start building my life in Vallarta. Working at the Swedes was like opening the big door in the community; it’s a great place to network, has amazing food and great atmosphere. It wasn’t an easy job, but I learned so much about myself and in the end Morgan and I have built a life-long friendship


After working at the Swedes for two seasons, Luis knew he had to take the jump and start his personal assistant business.

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Summer 2021

2021 Health and Wellness

Photos by Peter Travka

Puerto Vallarta Personal Asistant

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Puerto Vallarta Personal Asistant

“That job helped me to build my life and connections,” he said. “But the most important part of the job, it allowed me to build a trust and reputation in the community and that’s the most important thing Morgan gave to me; a chance to build my own path.” And with that Luis started down his new journey in life, taking those connections and building new relationships. Luis, who is originally from Guatemala, says he has learned the most important part of his relationship with his clients is to build trust and “make the connection.” “We should have a great connection and ensure we completely understand the expectations between client and personal assistant 100%. I wish to build the mutual trust which is essential to a successful business relationship,” he explained as he discussed the philosophy behind his business. “I like to say that this personal assistant job is my hobby because I really enjoy doing it so much it does not even feel like work to me. I love to help and provide service to people, I think that is something that you just bring from within yourself, like a gift.” Luis says he provides a variety of services and can more than likely provide whatever the client needs – within legal limits, of course! “If it is possible, I can make it happen,” he said. “Every client has a different request, and I always will find the way to help and to make sure it goes just as the client wanted.”


Photos by Peter Travka

What is a personal assistant?

Summer 2021

Puerto Vallarta Personal Asistant

“I really believe that Vallarta can be your heaven or your hell and is up to you to choose your way,” he said when explaining his journey. “There is a phrase that a special person told me years ago and I always keep on my mind every day. ‘Vallarta can give you everything or take everything away from you’.

2021 Health and Wellness

Some of the services Luis offers (and this is just a limited set of examples) includes: • • • • • •

Errands such as shopping, decorating, cleaning, reservations, check in-/check-outs. Buying or arranging delivery of furniture Recommendations around town Traveling, organizing a day trip, getting flight tickets, hotels, transportation, essentially whatever one may need to help travel Property services include bill payments, supervising renovations, keeping an eye on the property, or a weekly freshening up. Visitors who want things ready when they arrive, services include preparing your condo with groceries, special items, flowers, etc

“Every day I may receive a different or new request and every day is a new challenge,” he said. O&APV salutes all of our LGBTQ business owners, and as you prepare to celebrate pride this summer, Luis reminds us that it’s a time where we can “just feel proud of who we are and get together in many ways and of course, support other ones in different conditions.”

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Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness




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Summer 2021

IV Therapy and Aesthetic Treatments

2021 Health and Wellness

By Alejandro Chavez Aesthetic injectable and skin rejuvenation specialist Dr. Valeria Lizaola recently opened the doors to Renew IV Bar and Med Spa, PV’s own premier IV Bar in Zona Romantica. It specializes in IV therapy and aesthetic procedures that combat signs of ageing, rejuvenates, and refreshes skin. Some of Dr. Lizaola’s specialties include:

Botox / Dysport – Botox & Dysport are a routine, non-surgical cosmetic treatment that temporarily reduces and removes wrinkles, producing a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. Fillers – Dermal fillers typically contain hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural substance found in the body. It keeps the skin hydrated, plump and elastic. PRP - Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that promotes rejuvenation, collagen and elastin production. Threads - Thread lifts are a new form of non-surgical skin lift. If you have a loosening or sagging skin and you want a tighter, fresher more youthful look, without plastic surgery. Other services offered are Hifu Therapy, Coolsculpting, facial rejuvenation with laser, and microneedling.

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

IV Therapy and Aesthetic Treatments

What Is IV Hydration & Vitamin Infusion Therapy? Only 20% of vitamins and minerals taken orally get absorbed, and these are essential for the proper function of the cells, tissues, and body processes. When nutrients are not delivered or absorbed properly, they can cause a number of health conditions and early signs of aging. IV Therapy is much more effective as it provides 100% direct absorption. IV vitamin therapy includes the administration of essential micronutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are used by our bodies to fight free radicals, slow down the aging process, and provide optimum health. “The IV administration process is simple and relaxing. At Renew, we have an extensive nutritious IV Therapy menu. Its nutrients are administered directly into the bloodstream skipping digestion, making it as effective as it is!” says Dr. Lizaola.

Available IV Drips at Renew

REBOOT IV Drip (1,000 ML) This cocktail will help you get rid of that nasty hangover quickly. This formula has the perfect blend of Vita Complex, Mineral Blend, and may include anti-nausea medication to help you get back on your feet.


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IMMUNITY IV Drip (500 ML) Designed to help your immune system, prevent illnesses and make you feel better faster after sickness, such as the flu, cold, Covid-19, or other types of immune compromising illnesses. This IV kit includes quality compounds, such as Glutathione, B Complex, and Vitamin C that can help improve immunity and promote optimal wellness.

Skinny IV Drip (500 ML) The Skinny Drip is the world’s most powerful antioxidant pharmaceutical cocktail that generates intense weight loss and aesthetic benefits, even from just one to two sessions. Metabolizes fat molecules, uses stored fat for energy, and boosts muscle recovery to reduce fatigue.

Summer 2021

IV Therapy and Aesthetic Treatments

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2021 Health and Wellness


IV Therapy and Aesthetic Treatments

GLOW IV Drip (500 ML) Designed to help bring out radiance and natural glow, this kit includes highly effective compounds believed to provide the perfect balance between body and mind, increase your immune system, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.

FITNESS IV Drip (500 ML) The IV Drip is designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability. It includes premium-quality compounds that can help promote improved performance and overall wellness. The formula will give you more benefits than any energy drink, or nutritional supplements without the side effects of harmful additives.

QUENCH IV Drip (500 ML) A comprehensive blend of B Vitamins, minerals, Vitamin C is the key to your rehydration, PH Balance, proper muscle function, and immune support. Absorb and transport 100% of the nutrients, stabilize blood pressure, and moderate the amount of fluid in the body.

MEGA -C IV Drip (1,000 ML) This drip is created to supercharge your immune system, prevent illnesses and make you feel better faster after certain sicknesses. It’s a powerful antioxidant and has protective benefits against coronary heart disease, strokes, cataracts, gout, heavy metal toxicities like lead, as well as the prevention of various forms of cancer.

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IV Therapy and Aesthetic Treatments

2021 Health and Wellness

Renew will also be adding new stem cell IV drips to their IV Therapy menu soon and additional services starting in May of this year. The new services include laser hair removal, laser face rejuvenation, tattoo removal, and spray tan. If you can’t make it to their office, Renew offers mobile IV service to patient’s home, hotel, or office. For groups of four or more, they offer special rates. Renew IV Bar and Med Spa is located in Basilio Badillo #330, in the same building as Act2 Stages. You can reach the office by calling 322-286-7630, and you can also look for them in Facebook or Instagram as @renewspapv, or by checking out their website www.renewspapv.com

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photographer Instagram: harostudio_

2021 Health and Wellness

Makal Restaurant is an Experience of the Senses

New Hotspot will take taste buds on a gastronomic tour of Mexico Lazaro Cardenas 311, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Mexico, CP 48380


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photographer Instagram: harostudio_

Makal Restaurant

By Guillermo Huerta Puerto Vallarta is home to a variety of visitors from all over the globe. Some seek adventure, others are in search of the perfect beach to have endless margaritas on and there are those who want the perfect tan for their next Instagram post. But what about the world traveler who is in search of an unforgettable dining experience? Sure, Vallarta has many restaurants who cater to a foreign crowd and which surely will make you feel that you are, after all, in a Mexican beachside resort town. For most people this is enough to check off their dining experience off their list, but for those in search of a high-end meal, they need look no further.

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photographer Instagram: harostudio_

The recent trend of dedicated foodies leads them to a google search for the best cities to dine in and putting Puerto Vallarta on the map is Makal. Having recently opened its doors in the heart of Puerto Vallarta’s Zona Romantica, this new hot spot offers something new to locals and visitors alike, Contemporary Mexican cuisine.

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2021 Health and Wellness

Makal Restaurant

The moment you walk into Makal you know you’ve momentarily stepped out of the hustle and bustle of Zona Romantica and you’ve been transported into a space like no other in the area. Before you even step inside you notice it’s clean white exterior and large windows which give a glimpse into its colorful interior. Once the sliding door is opened for you, you’re greeted by their host and by the warm lighting that bathes the restaurant. After the now traditional temperature check and hand sanitizing procedures your eyes are immediately drawn to the right-side wall where a larger-than-life mural of local cacti emblematically stands and brings the whole space to life. The mural is the latest piece by local artist Misael, if you’ve been to this city before then you’ve probably seen his work and perhaps even unknowingly posted it unto your social media. The mural depicts different species of cactus and their fruits represented in bright Mexican colors. Even though Makal has a serene feeling to its ambiance, these colors bring life to the whole restaurant. The same colors are reflected unto the rest of the space by their chairs and oh those chairs. Once you are seated, you’ll find it hard to want to get back up and it’s obvious they meant for you to be comfortable, especially since you’re in for an experience of the senses and what’s a great meal without a comfortable throne. The fun starts when you order your first drink. Their award-winning mixologist is a magician, conquering up exotic concoctions, all with Mexican spirits. This is a very bold choice by Makal but they stand by their decision to only serve mezcal, tequila, raicilla, charanda, sotol and Mexican gin. Makal isn’t trying to be anything but Mexican. The drinks are all special, but a personal favorite is Ah Mun Makal, prepared with mezcal, squash and poblano chile, the glass is rimmed with burnt tortilla and garnished with, wait for it, a savory cricket. Whichever you try, if not all- after all you’re probably in walking distance to the best nightlife in town- it’s sure to loosen you up socially and open your appetite. Here come the goods, starting off with the appetizers which will only leave you wanting more. Their empanadas made with marlin and pressed pork rinds are a favorite of most guests 32

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photographer Instagram: harostudio_

Makal Restaurant

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Makal Restaurant

photographer Instagram: harostudio_

2021 Health and Wellness

and every bite tastes like authentic Mexican food should taste. Their mushroom ceviche is an unexpected surprise, forget everything you know about ceviche and give into this flavorful vegetarian delight. If classical ceviche is more your thing than worry not, they have a different variation every week so if you’re in town long enough you’ll never have the same ceviche twice. We’re finally unto the big leagues.


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Their main courses, like the rest of the menu, are a gastronomic tour of Mexico. You may be in Puerto Vallarta, but these plates beg to differ. Their take on cochinita pibil is a tribute to one of the most popular food destinations in the country, the Yucatan. They have achiote delivered from the peninsular state in order to keep true to the original recipe. Their Short rib is also a must, with mole poblano, you’ll instantly be transported to the city of angels, no, not L.A. but Puebla, another important food capital of the country. The taste in every bite will

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Makal Restaurant

2021 Health and Wellness

make you never want to leave and again those comfy chairs make it tempting to want to stay. And why wouldn’t you? From Thursdays to Sundays their resident DJ is making sure all of your senses are active, not just your taste buds. The music starts with a calm vibe and as the drinks flow and your finish off your meal you’ll realize that you are dancing in your chair, laughing across the table and maybe even checking out the jet set crowd that surrounds you. Makal is a place where you can come as you are, after all this is Puerto Vallarta and it’s all about easy living. Their high-end food may be comparable to places like Pujol in Mexico City, but there is zero pretentiousness to be found. Guests can come in dressed as they please, and you will only be brought back to reality when you get the check.

photographer Instagram: harostudio_

Another great differentiator between Makal and other high-end restaurants in the area is the fact that it’s affordable to all. Makal truly is an experience of the senses, every aspect of your experience has been carefully thought out by their team in order to make it a night you will never Forget.

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2021 Travel Guide


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2021 Health and Wellness

Dental Tourism Booming in PV: Most Sought-After Procedures and Prices

By Alejandro Chavez According to Patients Beyond Borders, Mexico and Costa Rica are the most popular destinations for dental care, cosmetic surgery and prescription medicines. The industry has been booming in Mexico as travelers seek care at a lower cost than in their home country, saving between 40% and 65% at Mexican medical centers. Within Mexico, the top hot spots for medical care for foreigners include Mexico City, the Cancun area, and the border towns with the US. Puerto Vallarta, however, is not too far behind. Within the last few years, dental professionals around PV have seen an increase in tourists seeking to have dental work done and most claim that demand is increasing mainly from American and Canadian tourists. Dr. Oscar Brizuela, with Dental Integra, tells us that most of their patients are foreigners. “Even though our clinic has open doors for anyone that needs dental care, approximately 95% of our patients are tourists or residents in Mexico and only 5% are nationals,” he explained. “This gives us an idea of the great popularity of dental treatments among foreigners that seek treatment in Mexico”. Dr. Orlando Godínez, Dental Life Puerto Vallarta, tells us a similar story. 38

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Dental Tourism Booming in PV

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“We attend to locals and foreigners, although 70% of our patients are Canadian, American, and European tourists,” Dr. Godínez said. “For them it’s the same quality of work as in their home countries yet at a more reasonable price”. Dr Arturo Pereyra, Dental Solutions Puerto Vallarta, receives tourist patients mainly from western states like California, Oregon, and Nevada for its relative proximity to PV and direct flights.

service in the US could cost $75 USD ($1,500 pesos) on the low end. Dr. Godinez’s office offers this service at just $25 USD ($500 pesos).

“For eastern states, many prefer to go to Cancun for their dental work,” he said. “In regards to Canada, patients come from all parts of the country; being older people, they prefer the calmness that Puerto Vallarta offers, they like that a lot”.

“I did a full set of veneers, a bridge, and other issues,” he said. “After 55 years, I finally smile with confidence! I paid $12,000 Mexican Pesos for all my work. The quote back in the States was $38,000 USD. It was a 10-day process but you are not there every day. Each tooth is handcrafted out of porcelain. I was able to eat almost immediately after each session.”

The most sought-after procedures in dental offices around Puerto Vallarta are veneers, dental crowns, and dental implants. According to the Consumer Guide to Dentistry, traditional veneers in the United States have an average cost of about $925 to 2,500 USD per tooth ($18,500 to $50,000 Mexican pesos) and No-prep veneers starting at $800 USD ($16,000 pesos). In Puerto Vallarta, you can find reputable dental services that charge half of that. “Depending on the material the patient selects, prices for veneers and crowns can go from $8,000 to $9,500 Mexican pesos per unit ($400 - $475 USD)”, Dr. Brizuela says. For Dr. Godínez, the most common procedures are esthetic veneers, with a price of about $350 USD ($7,000 MXN), dental cleaning and dental whitening. An average dental cleaning

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Nick Vannello, an American visiting Puerto Vallarta, received extensive dental work in Puerto Vallarta and says he now smiles with confidence.

Seasonal Puerto Vallarta resident Gavin Garner says he was satisfied with his dental procedures in Puerto Vallarta. “I had a permanent bridge done and the basics like dental cleaning and x-rays. Back in Seattle, one single crown is $2,500 USD,” he said. “So this would have set me back $7,000 USD, but here in Vallarta I paid $1,050 USD total and they did it on two appointments instead of four. The work was excellent, I must add”.

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2021 Health and Wellness

Medical Insurance A Necessity When Visiting or Living in Puerto Vallarta

By Jerry Jones If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that life can surprise us at any moment and planning for the unexpected just might be a good idea. If you’re planning a trip (or a move) to Puerto Vallarta, you may want to explore options for medical and travel insurance just in case one of those little surprises pop up. It may shock you to find out that your US or Canadian health insurance may not cover you when traveling out of the country. You sure don’t want to have to set up a Go Fund Me page to cover an unexpected medical emergency. For individuals on U.S. Medicare, they may be surprised to learn that it more than likely does not cover if you are outside the U.S. Major medical problems can drain a person’s finances, and the reality is that planning for the unexpected should be an important part of your budget when you are looking to visit or relocate to Mexico. Mexico is the third ranked country in the Americas with the highest cost of healthcare (US 1st and Brazil 2nd) and the price difference between minor and major medical problems in Mexico is significant. Additionally, hospitals in Mexico require that patients leave a deposit upfront, even if their insurance company has a direct-payment contract with the hospital. The reason is that the hospital doesn’t know if the patient has coverage for the medical problem that put them in the hospital, or if the patient has a deductible to meet, or if the sum insured won’t suffice, etc. Once the insurance provider and hospital have agreed to the payment, the deposit is released, and the patient is only responsible for their deductible or copay if applicable. And it can get expensive – if you are admitted and in the hospital for more than 24 hours, that credit card hold we just talked about could run in the range of $3,000 - $5,000 USD (even if you have insurance). If you don’t have insurance, you will be required to pay for the service in cash, credit card or wire transfer prior to discharge.

Again, pricing on these policies will depend on a variety of factors, and the type of coverage that an individual thinks they may need. But be aware that these policies don’t normally cover you if you return to the United States (coverage does vary and check with an agent on this). Some things you may want to look for in a provider are (and this is really personal preference): Does the company offer bilingual assistance? Do they have policies that allow for your choice (or a wide choice) of doctors and hospitals? Do they provide direct payment benefit to the hospital? Do they have a policy structure that is simple to understand? So, plan and research this before you travel or move. If you’d like more information, we encourage you to reach out to the two companies that advertise with O&APV. Their contact information is listed below and you can check out their ads in this issue or look for them in the business directory. Antonio Trejo General Manager, Guardian Insurance USA/Canada: (844) 346 2946 www.guardianinsurancemx.com trejo.a@guardianinsurancemx.com Brett LaMar Insurance Agent for Expat Health and Life Insurance +52.322.274.0391 Mobile or WhatsApp BrettLaMar.com brett.l@expatinsurance.com

There are really two different main types of medical insurance available for those traveling to México – one is short term for tourists and visitors who plan on a short stay - typically 180 days or less. The other is a long-term plan that is designed for those expats living in México. Travel medical insurance is really designed for accidents or medical emergencies, and typically will only cover the stabilization expenses. If you need additional treatment, that treatment normally won’t be covered under this type of plan. You would need to go back to your home country or pay out of pocket. Travel insurance policies will vary in price based on your needs, deductibles, coverage maximums, etc. Policies for expats living in Mexico are designed to cover emergencies and major medical issues. They provide options for guaranteed coverage for any conditions that develop and can be renewed each year as long as you keep the policy in effect. 40

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2021 Health and Wellness

New Bars a n d R e s ta u r a n t s Open in Zona Romantica


A few new bars and restaurants have opened in Zona Romantica, and our O&APV photographer has captured these photos of these great additions to Puerto Vallarta.


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New Bars/Restaurants Open in Zona Romantica

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2021 Health and Wellness

Vallarta Pride



For the most up-to-date list of events, visit www.vallartapride.org

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Pink Dinner - Pride Kick Off Check event calendar for time Kick off Vallarta Pride at the Pink Dinner a top the Almar Resort with stunning ocean views and incredible food. We’ll be honoring drag sensation SHANGELA with our first ever “Pink Vanguard Award” for her work in the Vallarta community. Special appearance by BIANCA DEL RIO and a performance by American Idol’s EFFIE PASSERO. Hosted by Billboard Recording Artist BRIAN KENT! - The Top @ Almar Womxn-Only Welcome Cocktail Party 7p.m. Elixir Mixology Bar Meet and greet local and visiting womxn! Tickets and information @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ Entradas e información @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/

Thursday, May 27 Womxn-Only Lesbian Dinner Party Cena privada en OCULTO Tickets and information @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ Entradas e información @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ Time TBA OCULTO

Friday, May 28, 2021 Womxn-Only Pool & Sunset Party/ Pool & Sunset Party Solo Para Mujeres Come get wet and wild with us at a beautiful open-air villa. Pool, cash bar, mixology classes, tequila tastings and much more! WOMXN-ONLY EVENT. / Ven a mojarte y a divertirte con nosotras en una hermosa villa al aire libre. ¡Piscina, barra de bebidas en efectivo, clases de mixología, degustaciones de tequila y mucho más! EVENTO ÚNICAMENTE PARA MUJERES.

Saturday, May 29, 2021 The Main Event

Join us for a night dancing on the beach you won’t soon forget!! DJ’s BEN BAKSON and ENRICO MELONI take the stage with a special performance by Billboard Recording Artist CRYSTAL WATERS and a special surprise guest performance you won’t want to miss! 7pm Mantamar Beach Club Beach Tommy Love @ Industry Nightclub Keep the party going at Vallarta’s premier gay nightclub, Industry with international superstar, TOMMY LOVE! 12am Industry Nightclub

Tickets and information @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ Entradas e información @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ BIANCA DEL RIO performs at our VIP cocktail reception to welcome our visitors from around the globe and to cut the ribbon as we open this extraordinary new venue. Hosted by SUTTON LEE SEYMOUR and special performances all night. 7:30pm Eden Garden @ Almar 44

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Vallarta Pride 2021 Calendar

2021 Health and Wellness

Sunday, May 30, 2021 Beach T-Dance DJ’s DAN SLATER and BRIAN KENT bring you an epic classic tea dance on the beach with a surprise performance and fireworks display! A perfect way to end Pride Weekend! 3pm Mantamar Beach Club Beach Womxn-Only Lesbian Dinner Party/ Cena en OCULTO solo para mujeres Tickets and information @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ Entradas e información @ http://pinkandproudpvr.com/ Time TBA OCULTO Womxn-Only Closing Cocktail Party / Fiesta de Cóctel de Cierre Solo Para Mujeres Close off Pride week with your new and old friends while sipping on delicious craft cocktails, house wine and local & artisanal beer. 7pm Elixir Mixology bar

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2021 Health and Wellness

Pause Clinic Provides Psychology Support for those Transitioning By Jerry Jones Puerto Vallarta has a great new service for those individuals who identify as transgender and are looking to transition. With patients seeking treatment at Pause from a national and international population, the service is a natural part of the other services that Pause offers its transgender clients. Since January 2020, Puerto Vallarta became the first municipality in Jalisco where a transgender person can change their birth certificate without the need for an Amparo. This move mirrors Puerto Vallarta’s international recognition as one of the main tourist destinations for the LGBTQ community. Psychologist Lic. Jannine Oceguera, who has a master’s degree in Sexuality, offers guidance and support for comprehensive management of those transgender patients who are seeking or in transition. Oceguera is a specialist in comprehensive sexual education, and is a recognized expert giving workshops and talks on topics that include same sex couple relationships, the prevention of gender violence and the psychological accompaniment of trans people and couples of the same gender who begin fertility procedures to have children. She works with Dr. Cinthia Becerra, who is one of the precursors in Mexico of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy which, as opposed to traditional medicine, represents a less aggressive treatment for gender dysphoria. Both play a key role from the beginning of the process and help identify needs and help create a path forward. In addition, both professionals assign each of their transgender patients a mentor, someone from the LGBTQ + community who has already gone through the same process and can support them and share her/his experience. 46

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Pause Clinic Provides Psychology Support for those Transitioning Oceguera explained that the psychological therapy is part of a comprehensive part of the transition process, and involves listening, identifying and developing solutions to the person’s needs before, during and after the transition process. “Initially, an interview is carried out with the doctor who is in charge of the hormonalization process,” she explained. “That doctor will explain everything related to the biological aspects of what will happen to the body, and then we have a psychological session to resolve doubts, express emotions and feelings around the beginning of the transition and hormone procedure.” But she stressed that the journey is different for every person, and the needs of each person is different, and each treatment plan is a tailor-made suit to fit the needs of that individual. She added that the process includes an exploration of the life history of the person, along with a psychological assessment and to discuss financial implications of going through transition, and how practical approaches for life will need to be addressed. “And then we talk about the possibility of integrating family members into the person’s psychological support and to discuss having family educational sessions on sexuality,” she said. Currently the service is only offered to individuals of legal age, but Oceguera said they will work with parents who may have children who are struggling with transgender issues, and sessions can be set up to address education and psychological perspectives with the parents to help lay the groundwork. If you are interested the first step is to have a psychological assessment, which would also be conducted during and after the transition process. “The person who receives this assessment will have the full freedom to express their feelings in a space free of prejudices,” she said. “We welcome and open our arms to all.” For more information: Pause Anti Aging & Wellness Edificio Heza, Groundfloor. Río Paraná 222, Fluvial Vallarta (322) 373 1741 info@pausemexico.com Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pausemexico/.

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D e s t i n a t i o n P u e r t o Va l l a r t a

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2021 Health and Wellness

Local Business

Directory Healthcare Dr. Aurelio Jimenez – Doctor at Home PV Dr. Jimenez makes house calls! Yes, if you’re feeling ill and need medical assistance, Dr. Jimenze and his associates offer a home consultation service so that you can be attended to quickly and professionally from the comfort of your home, hotel or apartment so that you have a speedy recovery. Dr. Jimenez, creator of Doctor At home, is a general practitioner who graduated from the University of Guadalajara in 2016 (professional ID 11526687), since then he has worked as a general practitioner and has extensive experience with the diseases that afflict the Puerto Vallarta tourist. www.doctorathomepuertovallarta.com Blanca Villaseñor Blanca Villaseñor is one of the leading nutritionist experts in the area and is highly experienced in pre-surgery weight control and post-op nutritional care. She is also certified in ketogenic dieting which is a great program for visitors who have a short amount of time in town but still want to lose some weight, whether it be for an upcoming surgery or a better beach body. Blanca speaks Spanish, English and French and can see you at the office or at your home in PV. Her services range from $450 MXN up to $700 MXN for house visits. This includes a full evaluation and nutritional treatment every time. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/VitaNutrire Expat Insurance Got insurance? Don´t become a GoFundMe campaign and make sure you have insurance. Brett LaMar is an insurance agent who represents multiple insurance companies offering Health and Life Insurance options for expats living abroad or for travelers outside of their home country of passport. Get a free quote at BrettLaMar.com or email: Brett.L@expatinsurance.com Farmacia Union PV Farmacia Union is located at Basilio Badillo 216-Int. 1 and has all the medicines (prescription and over the counter) that you may need while visiting. Guardian Insurance As an expat, one of the main problems you will face is finding a health insurance provider in Mexico that fits your unique wants and needs; Bilingual assistance anytime you need it, free election of doctors and hospitals, direct payment benefit and a policy structure simple to understand. At Guardian Insurance MX, we have personally resear50

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ched and evaluated the options in the market, and we have chosen only companies that can match and exceed your insurance expectations in every way. You can rest easy, knowing that every program that we offer is one put to the test by us, a team of expats and nationals working together towards the same goal: your satisfaction. For more information visit: guardianinsurancemx.com Pause Anti-Aging & Wellness This is Puerto Vallarta’s first-ever clinic that specializes in Bio-Identical hormone replacement. Working with the transgender community, this clinic provides personalized treatment and care, to provide a more stable hormonal management. Staff also specializes in Andropause for men and Menopause treatment for women. www.facebook.com/pausemexico Renew IV Bar & Med Spa Renew IV Bar & Med Spa is Puerto Vallarta’s brand new premier wellness clinic conveniently located in Puerto Vallarta’s Old Town (Zona Romantica). If you are looking for ways to feel younger and healthier, or have a need to boost your immune system or recharge your body, look no further. Renew offers highly effective, affordable IV Therapies and safe, personalized aesthetic treatments in a comfortable, relaxing environment. With a primary focus on anyone to be able to take control of their health & wellness by using safe and results driven products with highly-trained professionals. For more information visit: www.renewspapv.com SETAC SETAC provides health services programs for LGBTQ residents of Puerto Vallarta. SETAC Wellness Center has a comprehensive and integrated health services program that includes educating and disseminating information about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). SETAC has three locations, Aldanaca 178, Int. 4A, on the corner with Viena, in Colonia Versalles; the Wellness Center in Zona Romántica, located at Calle Lázaro Cárdenas # 379 C in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood; the “Rapid Connect” information booth in Parque Lázaro Cárdenas aka Parque de los Azulejos. For more information visit: setac.com.mx Doctor Luis Dominguez Zuniga Anti-aging, nutrition, fitness and more! Dr. Zuniga is a wellness professional offering a variety of services including facial rejuvenation with botulinum toxin. Take care of wrinkle removal and lines of expression. Want to look and combat aging? Get your botox treatments in Puerto Vallarta by a certified doctor. Visit Facebook: Dr. Luis Domínguez Zúñiga Vallarta Medical Center With modern facilities and cutting-edge medical equipment, Vallarta Medical Center’s healthcare staff is ready to provide medical, surgical and hospital care. Focused on maSummer 2021

Local Business Directory king you feel the best during your stay, the medical center has a group of nationally and internationally recognized specialists. With bilingual medical professionals, the team is a specialist in stabilizing and treating patients in any emergency. vallartamedicalcenter.mx/en/home

Restaurants and Bars All Acces Sports Bar All Access Sports Bar is located at Calle Lazaro Cardenas, half block from the beach and offers a terrace setting with view of #Plazalaza. It is gay owned and has local fun and gay-friendly staff, this is the place to be to watch sports on the screens or to enjoy live music. Watch their Facebook for the events. www.facebook.com/AAsportsbarpv Arriba Bar and Restaurant Arriba has this unusual and delicious American Classic, Fried pickles! Found only in Arriba Puerto Vallarta. With food from a classic American breakfast to more adventurous Mexican dishes (including our favorite Coconut shrimp), you’ll be able to find what you’re hungry for at Arriba, located on Olas Altas 443 A, Emiliano Zapata. Arriba is a Restaurant Bar where you can find Mexican-American food, national and international drinks, a place to be with friends and enjoy a pleasant time full of flavor and entertainment. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/ArribaPV

Summer 2021

2021 Health and Wellness Candy Bar Restaurant CandyBar Restaurant, a new LGBTQ bar and restaurant in Zona Romantica, has something for everyone, with its team wanting everyone to feel welcome and to “come and taste the rainbow.” Walking into the beautifully decorated bar and restaurant, you are immediately struck at the beauty of a welcoming mural, painted by local mural artist Misael. The bar has intimate seating areas for you and your friends to catch up, and an open-air patio to enjoy the beautiful Puerto Vallarta evenings. You’ll find CandyBar at Lázaro Cárdenas 388 in the former space of La Hacienda De Carlota, and a massive remodel project has transformed it into a fun and colorful area that reflects the name. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/candybarpvr Elixer Mixology Bar Elixir Mixology Bar, located at Basilio Badillo 419, in the Emiliano Zapata Colonia, opened in early 2021 and is owned by Elena Esquer Zolezzi, her wife Sarah Rose, and Laura Jaimes. It was a lifelong dream of Zolezzi and Jaimes to open a venue in Puerto Vallarta to welcome anyone, and to be a predominant meeting and gathering spot for the lesbian and queer women in the community. And even though the bar is LGBTQ owned, all are welcome, and the owners want to stress that anyone who comes in will feel like they belong. Visit https://www.facebook.com/elixirmixologybarpv for more information.

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Hamburger Mary’s Did you know that Puerto Vallarta is Mary’s winter home? Of course it is! Nestled in a three-story building on Basilio Badillo 283, Hamburger Mary’s Puerto Vallarta has amazing burgers, incredible drag shows, and a full bar, right in the heart of the romantic zone! It boosts two outdoor patios for safe social distancing while you dine with the divas! For more information visit: www.facebook.com/hamburgermaryspvr Lix Ice Cream Lix has multiple locations in Puerto Vallarta and they offer delivery service. This homemade ice cream is some of the best, and with unique flavors sure to capture your taste buds. Lix Homemade Ice Cream’s magic lies in its authenticity. We use only the freshest, highest quality ingredients to make everything from scratch in our beautiful production kitchen. Without any artificial colors or flavors, everything is made in small batches each week to ensure the most delicious frosty bites possible. For more information visit: www.lix-pv.com Makal Restaurant Offering authentic regional Mexican cuisine, Makal is located on Lázaro Cárdenas 311, and it’s a restaurant that brings to life the traditional flavors of Mexico. The chefs are on a constant search for not letting their Mexican roots die, and have created a space of fusion and sensation. Makal has good vibes and good food. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/makal.gastronomia Lazaro Cardenas 311, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Mexico, CP 48380 Facebook: @makal.gastronomia One Six One One Six One is the newest LGBTQ bar/lounge located in the Romantic Zone in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. An upscale environment with a ‘living room lounge’ ambience, One Six One offers live DJ’d house music, craft cocktails, an outside patio and a rooftop. Enjoy happy hour daily from 5 to 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/onesixonepv for more information. Tony’s Please Restaurant & Bar Established in 1978, this Mexican restaurant & bar is a Puerto Vallarta favorite. Located on Calle Lazaro Cardenas # 440, you’ll find authentic made from scratch Mexican dishes along with a wide range of international food including fantastic steak and seafood, along with select Italian dishes. Tony is everyone’s friend and would love to see you. It’s a must while you are in Puerto Vallarta. tonysrestaurant.restaurantwebexperts.com Vallarta Food Tours Vallarta’s number ONE tour with more than 2,600 five-star TripAdvisor reviews. It was recently awarded the number four food experience in the world by TripAdvisor for 2020! Pick from ten different food tours, almost anything to fit your taste! Vallarta Food Tours mission is to help visitors and residents alike enjoy the best that Vallarta has 52

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to offer by highlighting off-the-beaten-path, “non-touristy” food and drinks along with a local insight of its treasures. Their love of Puerto Vallarta and Mexican culture has inspired them to create the city’s finest culinary tour. vallartafoodtours.com Verona Seafood and Bar At Verona Seafood and Bar, located on Olas Altas #499 in Col. Emiliano Zapata. Who said that healthy food is not delicious? Come meet the staff at Verona who delight you with a menu that combines the health of fresh seafood with organic fruits and vegetables, making a fusion of flavors that explode on your palate. Are you vegan? With us you will find rich nutritious options. Are you a carnivore? We have the ideal cut for you. Come and discover our concept! Natural, fresh and with a great flavor! Verona offers a nice terrace that allows for outdoor eating. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/Veronaseafoodpv Yamada Located in the same building as ACT 2 Theater, Calle Basilio Badillo 330-C Emiliano Zapata, this Japanese Restaurant welcomes you to enjoy fresh sushi rolls or a hibachi meal. The owner and chef studied under Mr. Yamada for 20 years and honored him by naming his restaurant after him. Open every day except Sunday from 3 to 10 p.m. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/Yamadapv Rosie’s Kitchen Formerly called “Can’t stop cooking for the whole village” this restaurant, located in Plaza Romy, Ignacio L. Vallarta 228, Zona Romántica, Emiliano Zapata, provides home cooked meals for pickup or delivery. Rosie, Blanca and Carlos will deliver great service with delicious meals and the specials you love and cherish. Place your order by WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/cantstopcookingandbaking

Spas and Fun Spartacus With more than 4,000 square feet, Spartacus is a men’s only gay sauna/bath house located in the gay district of Puerto Vallarta, Zona Romantica. Four floors with a large rooftop terrace, pool, dry sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, showers, and so much more. www.spaspartacus.com Hamam Turkish Spa By appointment only Hamam Turkis Spa is a boutique authentic hamam spa that provides an oasis of tranquility and revitalization. Choose from a comprehensive range of turkis bath Hamam rituals, body scrubs with Vichy shower, and massages. This indulgent time can be share with up to two people at the same time, and arrangements can be made for men only, ladies only, or couples. www.hamampv.com

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Retail Stores Old Town Market This gay owned store has almost everything you may need! Looking for food or supplies to stock up your rental or hotel room? Need a quick run for some adult beverages? Located on Lázaro Cárdenas 315, Zona Romántica, Emiliano Zapata, 48380 Puerto Vallarta. @OldTownMarketPV www.facebook.com/OldTownMarketPV Xocodiva Handmade in right here in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, these custom chocolate treats start with the finest Belgian chocolate and the freshest local ingredients. All chocolate is all natural and free of preservatives. Each truffle is carefully and lovingly hand-painted or decorated and prepared with care and passion creating the finest chocolate truffles that are as beautiful as they are delicious! Xocodiva handmakes all of our other delightful products, from a huge assortment of mouthwatering creative barks to our hand poured bars. Check them out (Monday thru Saturday, 10 -6) at their production kitchen (A. Serdan #368), where you can watch the magic happen. www.xocodiva-pv.com Angels PV Store Looking for club, fitness and swim wear for men made in Mexico. Angel’s Store PV offers quality products made and designed in Mexico. Proud to support the local economy by buying and selling locally. Visit www.facebook.com/angelsstorepv Mercurio Swimwear Mercurio Swim was conceived and launched in 2018 by Paul Crist and fashion designer Todd Barnes with a mission to create men’s swimwear of high quality, excellent fit, and limited production for local guys and tourists. The swimwear line was designed in order to address several shortcomings they saw in the men’s swimwear available in local stores. At Mercurio Swim, we’re very serious about quality and quality control. mercurioswim.com

Real Estate Ryan Donner & Associates Ryan Donner quickly climbed the ranks of the real estate business in Puerto Vallarta. In 2018 he began forming his team of agents that work under him while he worked as a realtor himself. In 2019, Ryan formed Ryan Donner & Associates (Ryan Donner Y Asociados S de RL de CV). The company quickly began expanding and working with other real estate agents in Mexico that share the desire to work together to create a larger network that benefits real estate buyers and sellers. ryandonner.com David Hoffman, Real Estate Agent Tropicasa Realty David is a world traveler, but his heart and home is in Puerto Vallarta. He loves Mexico and its people. He’s bought and sold real Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness


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Summer Issue

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estate for many years - his own homes, rental properties, and his then-Puerto Vallarta vacation home. David is originally from the midwest (U.S.), and worked in corporate America for 20 years in progressively more senior roles. David served as President of a toy and gaming company in Seattle, where he designed a turnaround plan then led the company through a successful turnaround. After he sold the company to Paramount Pictures, he made a life change, and moved to Puerto Vallarta. David believes in knowledge, integrity, and trust and is looking forward to being your real estate partner in Puerto Vallarta. For more information visit: www.davidhoffmanproperties.com Monica Miller, Real Estate Agent Ryan Donner & Associates Monica was born in the San Francisco bay area and raised two sons in the Napa Valley. Monica’s background is personal and business finance. She has managed multiple investment real estate properties in the Napa Valley as well Vineyard Operations. Monica’s knowledge of the area combined with her finance background and her steadfast work ethic make her a trusted resource to a broad spectrum of clients. ryandonner.com/contact/monica-miller Timothy Real Estate Group Timothy Real Estate Group is a locally-owned and operated real estate brokerage with strategic sales office locations throughout the Bay of Banderas from the Romantic Zone to Sayulita. Because the Banderas Bay area has varying neighborhood personalities, we practice localized real estate. We believe neighborhood knowledge is a top factor in solid sales, and we know our communities well. timothyrealestategroup.com Alfredo Sanchez, Real Estate Agent Tropicasa Realty Alfredo has more than 14 years of experience with Tropicasa Realty, and is passionate to help you find your Puerto Vallarta or Riviera Nayarit dream home. Alfredo says “I understand that for most of you, buying or selling a property in Mexico is a completely new experience, but my goal is to simplify this process.I will support you through the entire real estate process so you can make an informed decision. “ Tropicasa Realty was founded in 1997 by Wayne Franklin, a former broker from California with over 25 years of real estate experience in the U.S. and Mexico. tropicasa.com/AlfredoSanchez

Places to Stay/Rentals Casa Tamarindo Casa Tamarindo is an adults only traditional styled villa, located in the Alta Vista neighborhood of Old Town Puerto Vallarta. Located just mere steps from Zona Romantica, dining, nightlife, the Malecon and beaches. Nestled on a hill, there are stairs to climb to reach the accommodations, but you get an incredible unobstructed view of Banderas 56

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Bay, breathtaking sunsets and panoramic city sights of Old Town from the rooftop deck and pool. casatamarindopv.com Hotel Mercurio Hotel Mercurio has been ‘home’ for LGBTQ guests for nearly two decades. Arriving for your stay with them, you’ll feel the warm and welcoming embrace of greeting beloved friends. Most of the staff have been part of the Mercurio family for many years, so our returning guests really do become our friends—an experience you may not enjoy at larger hotels or rental properties. Hotel Mercurio offers a popular breakfast every day, included in your room rate. Breakfast is 8 am to 11 am weekdays, and until noon on weekends (with free mimosas and bloody Mary’s!). www.hotel-mercurio.com Maxwell Vacation Residencies Welcome Home! Maxwell Vacation Residencies offers a new way to stay in Puerto Vallarta. Pamper yourself with resort amenities in the privacy of a luxury residence, all just steps from Zona Romántica. You’ll get the spaciousness of a private residence combined with the services, amenities, and quality guarantee you expect from a resort. With daily housekeeping and room service, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy al-fresco living on your expansive ocean-view terrace. Relish the exquisite sunset from our breathtaking infinity pools and indulge yourself at our full-service rooftop restaurant and bar. Savour time together in a space that feels like home, because it is a home. Visit https://www. maxwellpv.com/ and when you book, put in promo code O&APV to receive a $100 resort credit, pre-stocking of the fridge and bar (no including grocery cost) and a late check-out and early check-in. Rentals PV Offering apartment rentals in Puerto Vallarta, in the heart of the Romantic Zone, Old Town, just one block from the beach Playa Los Muertos. Offering different apartments for rent at with all located close to the beach. Concierge and free wifi connection in all units. One well-behaved dog is allowed in some units. Our staff speaks Spanish, English, French, German and Dutch. So please contact us if you are looking for a house or apartment for rent. www.rentalspv.com Samson Waters Samson Waters offers vacation rentals, concierge services, and property management. With a staff that prides themselves on an ability to understand its guests needs and provide an experience that will surpass all expectations. Samson Waters has offices in Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Merida and Puerto Vallarta, and caters to international individuals who wish to maximize their rental income or those looking for an exceptional vacation experience. samsonwaters.com

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

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2021 Health and Wellness

Local Business Directory

Specialized Services Guey Design Studio Are you looking to build your dream home in Puerto Vallarta and not sure where to start? Is the language a barrier? Not sure how to make a budget or a plan? The team at Guey Design Studio can help! With a creative, young and frank thinking, we seek to give a güey treatment to our graphic and architectural designs, that is, with daring ideas, outside the conventional, but always taking care of aesthetic canons and the reason for implementing them. Our vision is to be a benchmark design studio, and have fun in the process. (YHLQMDLG) *. For more information visit: www.gueystudio.mx Learn Piano! Salvatore Rodriguez Pianist and Piano Teacher Salvatore Rodriguez, professional musician and teacher, has played piano since age eleven, ultimately earning a degree in music at the University of Guadalajara. He has since played for some of the biggest names in music, including icons Juan Gabriel, Rocio Durcal, Lila Downs, Vikki Carr and many others. He is the only Mexican who has won the prestigious Yamaha Piano Award, and in 2016, he was named “Best Lyricist Pianist of Latin America”, an award given by Mexico’s Secretary of Culture. Learn how to play piano from this expert. Give yourself a chance. No obligation and totally free. Request an informative appointment at no cost. For more information call 322 533 12 13 www.facebook.com/ELPIANISTASALVATORE Luis Ochoa Personal Assistant Luis Ochoa is a young entrepreneur whose search for the perfect beach life and work balance led him to Puerto Vallarta, where he is offering his Personal Assistant services to local and visiting clients. Ochoa, whose experience includes clients from various countries and different backgrounds, is excited to work in a community that is as diverse and as plentiful as Puerto Vallarta’s. Why should you hire a PA? Luis will create a plan with you as a team; there are no language barriers and no exorbitant fees. YOU are Luis’s priority, always! No job is too big or too small. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/vipluisassistant Infinity Gabo Offering sensual, erotic and therapeautic massages, Marco brings massage to a new level to help your body and mind heal emotionally. As emotional beings, when we keep things inside and pent up, for fear, for not wanting to hurt, we hurt ourselves. Massage therapy of any kind helps remove blocks and emotions come out and your body starts to detox. For more information or appointment visit: Facebook: Infinity Gabo


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Summer 2021

Summer 2021

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