OutClique Magazine May 2017

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OUT CLIQUE Volume 1, Issue 6 May 2 0 1 7










South Florida's LGBTQ Lifestyle Magazine & Destination Guide

TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1, Issue 6 | May 2017

Cover Story

Christian Talks 40 Andrew Sex, Power, & Freedom

Photography by Adept Studios Photography

6 4 Steps to Fitness Success



10 Derek Boltz talks to OutClique

County LGBT 28 Broward Property Rights

14 The photography of Cristobal

34 South Florida Gaybohoods

16 Vegetable Proteins

38 Say Cheese

22 The Future of Wilton Manors

48 Sharon Needles & Jinkx Monsoon



By Bobby Jackson, BA, CSCS

Every year millions of people start the month of January with the idea that this will be the year that they finally get into shape. Unfortunately, it is widely understood within the fitness industry that 3 out of 4 people will be unsuccessful with their New Year’s health and fitness resolution. Follow these 4 simple steps to ensure that you will finally see success in the gym. 1. Quantify your goal(s). Is your goal to lose some weight? Are you planning on toning up? Avoid using vague phraseology like this when describing your goals. Every day I meet with potential clients who say that they would like to lose “a few” pounds. They usually refer to how their old clothes fit now and about how thin they used to look. That’s why my first step is always a physical assessment of the client. Once your current weight, body fat, and lean mass have been calculated, then and only then can your true needs be assessed. All too often “a few” pounds turns into 25 pounds once they see their real measurements. The good part is that the more specific you are about your goals, the more accountability you will have to your results. This will make you much more likely to achieve your goals. If you don’t know where you really are, then it is impossible to know where you are going and how to get there. 2. Recognize bad habits. No matter the goals, I see the same bad habits inhibiting the success of almost every struggling gymgoer. First and foremost 06 | OutClique.org

is poor nutrition. With that being said, I don’t expect any of our clients to have textbook perfect eating habits. Luckily, it usually only takes minor tweaks to a client’s nutrition to begin seeing serious results. Want the top 3? Stop skipping breakfast, focus on lowering your sugar intake, and increase your daily protein intake. 3. Select a program. This is the only step that varies based on your fitness level. At the beginner level, or someone who has been out of the gym for a while, you should be looking for a workout program that focuses on the fundamentals. Be sure you are warming up and cooling down properly, using basic movements, and executing correct form. At the intermediate level, the intensity and diversity of the exercises needs to be increased. This is the stage when your initial progress has begun to slow down or has stopped entirely. At the advanced fitness level, your program should begin to emphasis specific weaknesses. This may be muscular imbalances between your right and left sides, performance conditioning for sports, or individual muscle

group development (i.e., biceps, chest, or legs). 4. Stay consistent. The most important rule of all is to stay consistent with your training. Even more so than which training program you choose, you need to give your body enough time to fully respond and adapt. This could be weeks, months, or possibly more than a year based on your fitness level. Don’t let periods of slow results discourage you from continuing towards your end goal. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. A healthy lifestyle, at any level, involves being active. This requires activity week after week, month after month, year after year. Even I must reevaluate these aspects of my own fitness journey on a regular basis to refocus my energy on achieving my short and long-term goals as efficiently as possible. Don’t let 2017 be another year that your health and fitness dreams slipped away. This system has already proven effective on myself and countless clients over my years as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist. I am confident that it will work for you too.

Bobby is a graduate of Minnesota State University with a degree in Biology, emphasis in Health and Medical Sciences. Certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Bobby is the owner of The Custom Fitness Institute in Pompano Beach. Facebook.com/TheCustomFitnessInstitute.

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Steven O. Evans, PhD

CEO & Editor in Chief Steven.Evans@OutClique.org

Darren Loli

Chief Information Officer Darren.Loli@OutClique.org

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Vice President for Sales & Marketing Alan.Beck@OutClique.org

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Sales & Community Outreach Dylan.Denmark@OutClique.org

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Director of Graphic Design Sach.Elore@OutClique.org

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National Advertising Rivendell Media

Contributing Writers

Holam Antonetti, Jameer Baptiste, Bobby Jackson, Marty Kiar, Dr. Beau Nelson, Denny Patterson, Jimmy Rodgers, Patrick Rogers, Gregg Shapiro A publication of OutClique, LLC 11900 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 840 Miami, FL 33181 OutClique.org Facebook.com/OutClique Facebook.com/Groups/OutClique

(954) 998-6429



elcome back! It is now time to meet Derek Bolt. A Fort Lauderdale native with a plethora of talents, Derek is an architect, model, bodybuilder, and freelance porn star – just to name a few. During his time at Virginia Tech studying architecture, Derek met his best friend his freshman year who helped him through some pretty tough times. Little did he know that this guy would end up being his future husband. The two recently celebrated their 5th year anniversary this past January by taking their first vacation together to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Currently, Derek and his fiancé live in Washington D.C. Derek works at a small architecture firm and continues to work in the adult industry on the weekend. In addition, he is training for his first bodybuilding

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competition, and is in the preliminary stages of writing a book. He feels extremely lucky for all the opportunities he has been given. Let me start off with the hard-hitting questions. How did you begin working in porn? [Laughs] I was bored in Florida living all by myself in a small town, so I thought, you know what, I work out all the time, I’m in really good shape. I should find a way to make that pay for me. You mentioned in our email correspondence that your fiancé doesn’t want to be associated with your porn work. How does he truly feel about it? It’s not his favorite thing in the world, but he’s pretty much accepting and open and supportive about it.

Photography by Images Male | www.imagesmale.com/derek

Well you must be doing something right considering you recently celebrated your fiveyear anniversary. How did you two meet? We met in college. I started at Virginia Tech and he was already in his second year there and we very quickly became best friends because we lived in the same dorm. It wasn’t until like a year later, he got me to accept the fact that I was gay and I was the last to know. My family and friends already kind of assumed. Why did it take you so long to accept your sexuality? I can be very oblivious when I want to be [laughs]. In late elementary school, early middle school, people would tease me about being gay, so I decided you know what, I guess I’m not. I don’t want to be that. I guess it stuck with me all the way to college. Has your work in porn been a strain at all on the relationship? No not really. I am out of town so very rarely for it anyway. You mentioned that you two were in an open relationship. Are you still open, or completely monogamous now? We are still open. Then what do you think is the key to being in an open relationship, yet stay committed to each other?

Definitely trust. We tell each other everything that goes on. Neither one of us is that jealous, so that’s not necessarily a problem. We trust each other enough to go fool around with another guy, but we’re still going to come back and love each other at the end of the night. What kind of guys do you go for? You know, if you would have asked me that question two years ago, I would have answered just your typical buff guys. Tall, 200 pounds of solid muscle, blonde hair, but since I started having a monogamous/non-monogamous relationship and being more open to it, I discovered that I have a much broader taste that I thought I did. There’s the mental component. Like do I get along with the person. Even if I’m hooking up, I would like to actually talk to the person. Like go get coffee first or after or whatever. That’s really important to me. I like shorter guys, really tall guys, guys who are lean, but maybe not beefy. One of your other passions is architecture. Tell me more about that. I always wanted to do architecture, ever since I was a little kid. Legos were always my passion. My parents still have boxes and boxes in the basement of stuff that I built. OutClique.org | 11

When they wanted me to clean it up when I went to college, I put them all in plastic bins and they are still there. That led me to taking architecture classes in high school, and by the time I was applying for colleges, I was looking specifically for architecture schools. 12 | OutClique.org

Do you have any dream projects? My own house would be a good place to start. What would you do to your house? Well first I’d build one [laughs]. I live in an apartment right now.

And you’re writing a book? I haven’t quite started that yet. It’s still an idea. Well what kind of ideas do you have for it? It would be a book on working out, training. and nutrition. Just a way to get my thoughts down on paper on how I went from being a 160-pound skinny little guy in high school to being a buff body builder. And I’m co-writing that with a friend. You truly are a jack of all trades. Talk to me about body building. I’ve always been physically fit. When I was a kid, my parents enrolled me in all the sports and stuff. It really picked up when I started Taekwondo when I was 10 and earned my black belt when I was 16. I started lacrosse, those two actually overlapped a lot throughout the end of high school. Then I started powerlifting in college and I was getting a lot stronger. You know, when you’re in high school, you kind of work out but have no idea what’s going on. I got really serious and started to apply the analytical portion of my mind to lifting and it really paid off in terms

of strength. I continuously pushed myself and learned more and worked hard and learned more and worked even harder. It’s a selfreinforcing process. So your love of bodybuilding is what’s sparking the book idea. Yes. To look like a cover model, you can do it in a lot of different ways, but lifting weights is probably the fastest path to go. You can look great by running, doing yoga,Taekwondo, but in order to build the muscle to look like someone on a magazine, the fastest and most efficient path is by weights, in my opinion. What is the long-term goal for you at this moment? Oh, I have a bunch. At some point, I am going to get my architecture license. It’s a really long process. You graduate with a professional degree after five years, then you need 3-5 years of internship experience, then there are six exams you must pass. I plan to start the exams this summer. It’s a long process and I’m a little over halfway there, but if it’s something you love and want to do until you’re 80-years-old, then it’s worth it. Want to be a feature story and photoshoot for OutClique? Apply at www.ImagesMale.com/cover OutClique.org | 13



ristobal Herrera is an artist who knows how to turn a memory into a masterpiece. A World Press Photo award-winning Cuban photographer and photojournalist who specializes in news, weddings, and portraits, his images combine technical proficiency, patience, intuition, and unique artistic sensibilities. In September, he will be a featured artist at the Key West to Cuba Festival, an LGBT art & culture revolution produced by DeLucca Events and presented by the Event Title Sponsor, Havana Air. OutClique had the pleasure of chatting with Herrera about his passion for photography and what we can expect to see at the festival. Basically, September is going to be epic. How does it feel to be a featured artist at the Key West Art Festival in September? It feels great! This will be my first contact with the gay community since I shot the Transvestite Essay in Cuba in 1999. I spent a lot of time doing other photo essays and assignments after that, but I haven’t gone back to that particular story until Wendy DeLucca asked me if she could include some of my pictures in the Key West to Cuba Festival. At that moment, I realized I had an incompleted story about this era in Cuba. I ran home right away to find the film negatives which I had just remembered existed. I found all the frames, but just about 25 percent was conserved. So, it feels great to be featured at this event and I am glad that I discovered some useful photos and will have the opportunity to show them in an exhibition. Wonderful. So the images that will be featured are from the Transvestites Essay? Yes, the

event will feature a minimal part of the photo essay I made in 1999 about the lives of the Transvestites in Cuba. This is an uncompleted essay. Where did your passion for photography come from? My passion, and it really is a passion with a capital P, came from my other passion for collecting memories, adventures and friends. I used all the cameras I found to capture moments until the day I got my own camera. I studied painting and design, but for me, this form of expression is very slow. So I exchanged the brush and fountain pen for that “light keeper” artifact. What are some of your favorite subjects to take pictures of? My favorite subject? The kids, of course. They have all the freedom in the world to express their imagination!

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Why don’t you tell me a bit more about your time photographing for the Travesty Essay. The focus was on Cuba’s transvestites and transgender people? Yes. My time photographing transvestites and transgender people in Cuba was very short. No more than a week. I just started to do that project when I had to accept an assignment about the reduction of the sugar industry in Cuba. After that assignment, I started to work in a press agency and totally forgot about the story. I have forgotten about many projects I have started, but the good part of this is, I can surprise myself when I find those photos. How are LGBTQ people treated in Cuba? Is homosexuality accepted or frowned upon? I can only talk about Cuba before 2004. At that time, LGBTQ people were treated much better than years before. I believe from the premier of the 1995 movie Strawberry and Chocolate, the LGBTQ community in Cuba was more accepted by the government and by the general population. I believe that the LGBTQ community in Cuba has almost the same challenges that the LGBT community faces around the world.

Even if LGBTQ rights are improving, the transvestites and transgender people you photographed more than likely live troubled lives, don’t they? Of course. All the transvestites I know live troubled lives. Since they dream to have another gender, they all think that their life is a big mistake. Since they are unable to make the change that they want, they reflect their frustration to the outside world. When did you move to the United States? I moved to the U.S. (Broward County specifically) in May 2007. Why did you leave Cuba? I had to leave Cuba in 2004, and I moved to the first place that was accessible at that moment – Costa Rica. I had to leave Cuba, mainly, because I took two pictures of Fidel Castro. One in 2001 when Fidel fainted in public after more than five hours of speeches, and another in 2004 when he fell after a rally. Both photos considered Castro to be in a “nonmacho man” posture. What would have happened if you didn’t leave? I have no idea. The members of the Secret Service in Cuba, like all countries, have a prolific imagination. Do you think the United States offers more opportunities for your work? The opportunities for my work are around the world, even in Cuba. The opportunities for my kind of work to survive in the U.S. are of course bigger than in Cuba. My work is to take all the pictures that I can. The entire world has given me that opportunity. Do you currently have any projects in the works? Of course! I have lots of projects that I am currently working on, but as a detailed and intense photographer and writer, I prefer to show the finished product instead of talking about it.

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ost people associate the word ‘protein’ with a meat source, and they are not necessarily wrong. However, did you know that many bodybuilders and sport enthusiasts out there are actually vegetarian or vegan? Yup, it’s true! Now more of a reason to eat your veggies. Why? 16 | OutClique.org

Say it with me, “Because they are excellent for me and I’ll live longer and stuff.” Great! Now that we are all on the same page, below are the top 10 sources of Plant Protein with some added benefits. Eat up and give those darn chickens and cows a rest!

2. Kale:

The garnish that turned Superfood! This bad boy is 45% protein: 1 cup cooked = 2.5g / raw = 3g. It strengthens the immune system, is a cancer preventer, and purifies the blood. 3. Broccoli: This green powerhouse has a plethora of benefits! It is also 45% protein: I cup cooked = 4g / raw = 2.6g. These baby trees fight cancer, has a ton and a half of antioxidants, contains essential vitamins like vitamin A, and is a fiber beast!

4. Cauliflower:

The other white tree. LOL. These, usually overlooked, silent gangstas are 40% protein: I cup cooked or raw = 2g. They contain choline omega-3, most of the B vitamins, folate, vitamin K and are a cancer reducer. Hmmm. I doubt they will be overlooked now.

5. Mushrooms:

You fungicides out there need to relax! Yes, it'’s a fungus, but an O’ so good

one! Just like there is good bacteria, there are good fungus’s. Theses capped beauties are 38% protein: I cup: shitake = cooked 3.5g / raw 4.4; oyster = cooked 5g / raw 4.9; and portabella = cooked 5g / raw 2.2. They contain selenium as well as other minerals, vitamin D, and are vital in detoxifying cancer causing compounds.

6. Parsley:

Another garnish that is overlooked except when making pesto; and who says a salad must be made with just lettuce? You’d be amazed on how a parsley salad tastes! This Italian lovely (no, not all parsley is Italian, but I am so go with it) is 34% protein: raw 1.8g. This guy improves circulation, cleans up congestion, and promotes healthy gut flora to name a few.

7. Cucumbers:

Besides in a salad, in your water at a fancy spa (or at home), or over your eye bags, these babies are 24% protein: I cup cooked = 1g / raw (peeled) .8g.

8. Green Peppers:

I must admit I am not a fan but most of you are and that is OK. I eat for me and you eat for you! They contain 22% protein: 1 cup cooked = 1g / raw = 1.3g. Regardless if you enjoy the taste of these cuties taking over the rest of your food or not, they are loaded with fiber, vitamins C and E and zeaxanthin, which keeps your eyes healthy and

usually does for most. Protein upkeep can happen throughout the day by snacking and such. Keep in mind that our body can only process so much protein in a day, women 46g and men 56g to be exact, and the rest becomes a waste (literally) and goes down the toilet. Also keep in mind that too much protein is harmful. It’s all about balance.

We all like spinach in some way (be honest), and Popeye sure helped me growing up to like it more. This green lovely is 49% protein: 1 cup cooked = 5.3g / raw = 2.6g. It contains glutamine and amino acids for muscle growth and endurance. This must be eaten in moderation because too much inhibits calcium absorption.

JIMMY SAYS : Each meal doesn’t have to consist of a “protein”, or dinner I should say doesn’t have to include an abundance of meat, as it

1. Spinach:

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might reduce your risk of age-related eye disorders.

9. Cabbage:

I love my cabbage. Its crunchy, has a light taste and is in more than you all know. This is 22% protein: with a whopping 16g per head, cooked; and 1 cup raw = 1.1g. These bad-asses improve the liver, gall bladder, and kidney function.

10. Tomatoes:

You say tomatoe, I say tomatoe (it’s better said outloud.) I have a bowl full of the cherry or heirloom tomatoes always at my arms reach in the kitchen to snack on as I walk by. They are 18% protein: I cup cooked = 2.3g / raw = 1.3. They are lycopene filled (cancer, cardiovascular help), have vitamins A, B, C, and K and also contain tons of minerals.

Just in case you were wondering…

· Beef: is 25.8% protein and 3oz cooked has 24.8g. · Chicken: is 23% protein and I cup cooked has 43.4g. · Eggs: are 12% protein and 1 boiled egg has 6g.

Feeling Super Yet?

Jimmy is a Holistic Health Coach who received his training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. He is also board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and provides continual support in the areas of food, nutrition, and lifestyle to locate the balance needed to achieve any personal health and wellness goals. SuperJWellness@gmail.com www.SuperJWellness.com 18 | OutClique.org

DEFEAT PROCRASTINATION By Beau A. Nelson, DBH, LCSW All of us have experienced it. We can’t seem to get things done. We know they are there, we know we “need” to do it, but we just cannot seem to get ourselves off the couch to do anything about it. There are many things that can be on our list, it can be a task like cleaning out the closet, it can be something interpersonal like calling a friend, or it could be work related like completing a report. Regardless of what kind of thing you need to tackle, there are some ways you can motivate yourself to start on anything.


o, what can you do to get “un-stuck?” There are several things that can help to get over the hump and see your todo-list shorten rather than lengthen. Take a moment to think. What is stopping me? Are you afraid? Do you think it is too much? Are you digging in your heels, refusing to do it? One of the first places I begin with patients in my practice is to determine what is stopping them. It is often not a question of motivating ourselves, it is more about learning to stop de-motivating ourselves. We begin our actions in our head (we think about it and then comes the action). What you are telling yourself that makes it harder to complete the problem at hand? Take some time to look at what you are telling yourself, share with a friend, or think what would I tell someone who wanted to get this done (giving advice is so much easier than taking it). You can often turn your thinking around by looking at it from a different angle. So, try and talk to yourself like a coach would to a player, give encouragement, think about how good it will feel to get it done. You can even test your thinking in an effort to beat procrastination. Just write down how satisfied (out of a 100%) you THINK you will

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feel completing a task. Then do it (remember there is action in experiments). Now write down your actual satisfaction after it is complete. Is the number now more than you thought? In the end you may feel better than you think you would, and this helps to reinforce the benefits of getting things done. That’s motivating right there, “I am going to feel better once this is done!” Here are some other little tricks to get you working on that list. 1. Break a larger task into smaller pieces. Remember the old saying “you eat an elephant one bite at a time, don’t try to swallow it whole.” Break down something that feels overwhelming into smaller manageable tasks. Once you start, you will actually feel more motivated, it’s a psychological phenomenon of how our brain works, once you start something you have more drive to finish it. 2. Put on some music. I love 70’s disco. Whether it is exercising or cleaning the house, I enjoy the music and it gets me moving and I feel more energized. Believe it or not, it even helps me do my taxes (I just don’t turn it up too loud).

3. Get a friend to help. We often work better as a team than as a lone wolf. This is why exercise classes feel so motivating, we aren’t just dependent on ourselves to get it done. If you don’t have a task that needs another pair of hands, think about an accountability partner, set some goals together, and then stay in touch about how you are doing towards completing your goal. 4. Set aside time to work on one thing. Your list may be long, but don’t try to start too many projects, so that you have so many going you burn out. Set aside time and work on one thing. Make as much progress as you can in that one or two hour block of time. Most of us do not realize that we overestimate the time or effort in tackling a problem and are pleasantly surprised when it is usually far less painful to just do it.

5. Take away the distractions. When I was in school and I had to write a paper, I found I got a lot more done when I went to a coffee shop and just took my current work with me. I did not allow myself to browse the internet. I just worked and it was so much more productive for me. When I am at home I easily go make a snack, sit on the couch, pick up the phone, and it is three hours later and no work is done. You may even have to turn off your phone or hide the TV remote to keep your focus on the task at hand. With practice, you can overcome procrastination, at least for now. Watch your self-defeating thinking, identify your hurdles, then pick some helpful new approaches to your work, and voila! You may have a very short list when you wake up tomorrow.

Dr. Nelson maintains a psychology practice in Fort Lauderdale where he helps people be more productive and overcome obstacles to happiness. More information about Dr. Nelson is available at improveyourmood.com or you can email him at drnelson@improveyourmood.com.

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By Michael A. Ferrara

Have you been to the supermarket lately? When shopping for men’s haircare, there seems to be an endless assortment of putty, paste, wax, gel, mousse, and pomades, along with a zillion different brands to choose from! These choices, once seen as a convenience by purchasing the exact product you want, suddenly feels like a chore sifting through endless bottles, pucks, and tubes that begin to look the same. I’ve gathered the most popular men’s hair products and will review when to use each one because I’d like to solve this dilemma once and for all! Let’s spend less time shopping for the right product and more time showing it off!

POMADE Pomades are extremely versatile, adding shine with a medium hold. This product is best for thicker and textured hair types and perfect for sophisticated, well-groomed styles. Pig Pomade is so versatile. It can also give shine and separation to longer hair types and has an amazing clean mint scent! How's it work? 1. Apply a small amount to your fingertips and avoid using palm of your hand. Rub fingers together until product gets warm and smooth.

2. Work product through slightly damp to dry hair beginning in the back, then working toward the front.

WAX Waxes are similar to pomades, but offer a much stronger hold. Ideal for adding ultra shine and control to short hair and is perfect for very thick hair. Try Butch Wax by Blowmei. It is made from actual beeswax! How's it work? 1. Apply a small amount to your fingertips and avoid using palm of your hand. Rub fingers together until product gets warm and smooth. 22 | OutClique.org

2. Work product through completely dry hair, beginning in the back, then working toward the front.

CLAY, MUD, & FIBER A clay is the choice when maximum control is needed especially for finer hair types. I use Cruising Clay, which is great for giving texture to short and clean, or messy and unruly styles. Most clays give hair a matte finish (low to no shine). How's it work? 1. Apply a small amount to your fingertips and avoid using palm of your hand. Rub fingers together until product gets warm and smooth.

2. Work product through completely dry hair, beginning in the back, then working toward the front.

PASTE & CREAM Styling pastes are best for the most flexible hair types that seem to style themselves. A better paste product like Blowmei’s Party Paste will not weigh your hair down. It will add shine, control flyaways, and be your new “go to” product to give short hair a neat finish. Use this paste to also add separation and texture without adding weight to longer hair types. How To Use: 1. Wash hair and smooth cream into wet or dry hair.

2. If you have fine hair, use a very small amount to avoid a greasy look.

HAIRSPRAYS Hairsprays are the best for guys with thin hair! (Don’t be ashamed guys, I use three different kinds!). I refer to hairsprays as “smoke and mirrors” because they create an illusion of volume while locking in that perfect style. Most men should avoid using heavy or defining hairsprays which add unnecessary weight, and instead pick a lighter formula like Headliner by Blowmei. How To Use: 1. Hold the aerosol can 8”-12” from your dome and spray evenly all over hair.

2. Place hand over your forehead as though you are avoiding the paparazzi or the warm afternoon sun (otherwise you’ll have a shiny forehead from the overspray, which isn’t a good look on anyone!). 3. Leave that Nasty Pig cap your “houseguest” left on your nightstand, because it’s your time to shine!

Michael Ferrara is the creator & CEO of Blowmei Haircare. He has been a resident of Wilton Manors for three years and is a Florida native. Michael and Blowmei can be found on most social media platforms, by emailing michael@blowmei.co (not .com), or by visiting www.blowmei.co OutClique.org | 23



Two years ago my close friend and I made a pact, over the Christmas holiday we were going to rewatch every episode of Melrose Place. We missed the suspense, the scandal, the cliffhanger endings, and we wanted to relive every moment. Little did I know that Jake Biondi had created a whole sub-genre of books that take the best parts of Melrose Place and mixes them with Queer as Folk and the speedy writing style of Armistead Maupin’s Tales from the City novels. At its core, Biondi’s Boystown series, told in a TV season format, share the stories of a group of gay men, their friends and family. Have you ever had a book that you were so excited about that you start telling individuals the plot points and get so lost in the details that you confuse yourself but still want your listener to get excited? That’s what I found with each book. This series is made for sharing with others. You want, no, need, others to be reading along with you so just like an episode of Game of Thrones you can have water cooler chats about what happened. The main characters are Emmett and Derek Mancini, brothers with more drama than a house full of Kardashians, and the action surrounds their feud with a rival family. Set in Chicago’s Boystown, the characters play equal parts in the intricate plots that make you need to pull out a flow diagram just to keep up. Shootings, bombs, planes falling from the sky, paternity tests, abductions, killings, Biondi has no remorse in placing his characters, and the reader, in constant peril of what else can happen to this group. As season one opens, Emmett Mancini seems to be in a great relationship with close friends and a new engagement pending. However, with a turn of the page his life changes when he is accused by his fiancé, Keith, of having an affair with his best friend. Turns out Emmett and Max (the best friend) do have feelings for 24 | OutClique.org

Photo by James Franklin Photography

each other and swiftly dump their significant others to start a relationship themselves. Derek Mancini, married to Joyelle Mancini, just finished a trip to Boston and consequently a steamy tryst with Cole. Cole acts like any selfrespecting hook-up, with stalker tendencies, looks at Derek’s wallet for his home address. Cole then moves himself and roommate Jesse to Chicago right across the street from Derek. You know, by chance, like when you end up where your crush is coincidentally at after he checks in on Facebook and you hurriedly get dressed because you were just thinking about going to Dairy Queen yourself. Jesse, of course, just broke off a friend with benefits relationship with the college landscaper Ben, who liked Jesse a little more than he lets on. Ben’s infatuation is so strong, he ends up courting, bedding, and eventually marrying Jesse’s mother Jacqueline. Jesse is too busy at first to notice his mother’s escapades because he’s trying to land his boss, Logan, who used to date Max. See what I mean, I hope you kept up. And this is just a synopsis of the first portion of Season 1. Around Season 2 or 3 the Ciancio Family enters the scene and the action continues to build as the longtime family rivalry between Mancinis and Ciancios plays out. Characters introduced later in the series grow in importance to affect character interactions and sometimes become main point of view characters that bring us into their lives, or bedrooms. The only downfall of the series is that the tension runs high at all times, so the suspension of disbelief can sometimes last a whole 300 pages. If this were to happen to these characters in real life, they would die from pure exhaustion alone by the amount of situations they are constantly put in. Reading the books is a marathon not a race as it clocks in at over 2646 pages for all 6 seasons. The finish line, however, always feels like a victory as you are left in peril to find out if your favorite character makes it to the next season. The books are prime for a Logo TV adaptation and as summer approaches there is no better beach read. I recommend grabbing your Kindle

Photo by James Franklin Photography to download Boystown: Season 1. As for me, I’m off to finish Season 6 so I can anxiously await with the thousands of other adoring fans the Season 7 release on July 7, 2017.

For more wonderfully fabulous gay book reviews, check me out on www.lonelybookclub.com OutClique.org | 27


As of January 6, 2015, Florida began recognizing LGBT marriages performed in other jurisdictions and issuing marriage licenses for LGBT marriages to be performed in Florida. This was a tremendous step forward for equality. Now all married couples can own real property as Tenants by the Entireties (TBTE). TBTE applies only to married couples - domestic partners do not qualify. TBTE status is automatic when the grantees of a deed are identified as a married couple and gives each spouse overlapping 100% interests in their Homestead Exemption, full exemption coverage (when one spouse receives the Homestead Exemption), and rights of survivorship (inheritance) for the surviving spouse. The creation of a tenancy by the entireties is not automatic as a result of marriage. A new deed changing the ownership type of a couple to a married couple must be recorded in the public records. Be sure to consult with your attorney and get his/her assistance before making changes to the ownership of your property. If you choose not to execute a new deed amending your marital status, we recommend you provide our office with a copy of your marriage license so we may notate your marital status and extend to you all exemptions available to married couples such as widow and surviving spouse benefits. Under Florida law, married couples are only permitted one Homestead Exemption/ permanent residency based property tax exemption. Prior to January 6, 2015, LGBT couples married outside of Florida could maintain two permanent residency based property tax exemptions because their legal status was not recognized in Florida. LGBT married couples (as with any married couple) cannot claim more than one Homestead Exemption and cannot claim a Homestead Exemption if either person is claiming a permanent residency based property tax exemption anywhere in the world. 28 | OutClique.org

LGBT married couples will be subject to a loss of their Homestead Exemption, back assessment liens, including 50% penalties and 15% interest per year, if they are found to be claiming a Homestead Exemption and an­ other permanent residency based exemption anywhere else. Florida law requires a Homestead Exemption recipient/applicant to notify the Property Appraiser of any change in circumstance which affects her/his eligibility for exemption. To avoid any of these costly consequences, married couples should determine which Homestead Exemption/ permanent residency based exemptions to surrender and which one to keep, then notify the Property Appraiser’s Office of their decision. Unmarried LGBT couples - did you know even if you leave your home to your partner in a valid will, he or she could receive a tax bill the year after you pass for an amount much higher than you paid if he/she does not claim Homestead Exemption? In many instances, bereaved partners receive huge tax bills, sadly forcing them to sell their homes. With proper planning, most of the benefits af­forded to married couples can be made available to do­ mestic partners and other categories

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of owners. A lawyer with experience in real estate and estate planning could assist you in making sure your wishes are carried out. If it is the intent of one co-owner to inherit the inter­est of the other co-owner upon his/ her death, the deed must specify this intent. This ownership type is gener­ally called a “Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivor­ship” or “JTRS”. Both partners will own overlapping 100% interests in the property much like a married couple, therefore if one partner dies the property does not need to be probated. JTRS is also frequently used by parents who wish to leave property to grown children. A JTRS deed is generally not best for couples who do not wish to inherit from each other, but instead wish to leave their interest in the property to their estate to be distributed according to the terms of their will. This is called a “Tenancy in Common” -- meaning each owns entirely separate, proportional interests in the property -- and is always presumed by law to be the form of ownership unless the language “as joint tenants with right of survivorship” is in the deed. If you have an ownership interest in the property and the property is your permanent residence it is very important you apply for the Homestead Exemption. Homestead Exemption and the related Save Our Homes (SOH) cap save the average Broward homeowner approximately $1,000 a year in taxes. The accompanying

Save Our Homes cap begins the year after a property receives Homestead Exemption. This cap limits increases to the SOH Value to no more than 3% per year regardless of any increases to the just value of the property. This results in considerable savings over time. Florida law pro­tects a legal spouse in the event their partner dies and the title passes to a survivor who never directly filed for Homestead Exemption. There is no comparable protection for domestic partners or other co-owners. Property owned as JTRS receives the full benefit of the SOH protection and this benefit generally continues unin­ terrupted upon the death of an owner where both owners have successfully filed for the Homestead Exemption on the property. Unless both of parties file for this exemption, the survivor may not be protected from massive tax hikes if the other owner dies. We recommend you consult with your own attor­ ney to best protect your rights under Florida law.

If my office can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 954.357.6904 or by email at martykiar@bcpa.net.

Take care,

Just a reminder: The Broward County Property Appraiser’s Community Outreach Department is at The Pride Center at Equality Park (2040 N Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors, FL 33305) on the 2nd Tuesday of each month between 10:00am-12:00pm to assist residents with exemptions and other property related matters. Marty Kiar is the Broward County Property Appraiser and longtime advocate for LGBTQ equality. The Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office is located at 115 S Andrews Avenue, Room # 111, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Follow our office at: facebook.com/MartyKiarBCPA and twitter.com/MartyKiarBCPA OutClique.org | 31




otox is the #1 selling product of its kind, removing wrinkles between your brow, lines on the forehead, or wrinkle lines forming around the eyes. If you find yourself asking whether Botox is right for you, this is a great read about its use and more supporting information. Questions about Botox range from how it works, to costs and treatment areas, and how long it lasts. Everyone is unique and an individualized consultation directly with a medical provider is key to ensure you gain the insights necessary for you and a plan is developed in order to achieve your individual objectives. Botox removes facial wrinkles and fine lines. Once administered, it takes approximately 3-5 days for the full effect to be observed and the effects last between 4-6 months. Prices vary and may be by area or by unit (Botox is measured in units). Expect approximately two hundred dollars per area for your investment. Well studied with 442 articles published in scientific and medical journals, it was approved for cosmetic use in the United States in 2002 and is also approved in 79

countries. People also use Botox to treat excessive sweating and migraines in addition to removing wrinkles. Locating a local business and practitioner are important steps in the treatment process. Whether your goal is to enhance your appearance in the crow’s feet area or more, the team at BeWell will ensure your goals are met and your expectations are exceeded. BeWell MedSpa is a medical spa offering medical aesthetics treatments including Botox, dermal fillers, laser hair removal, and functional medicine treatments like IV Vitamins for energy, and also comprehensive hair loss treatments. At BeWell MedSpa, consultations are complimentary and they offer decades of medical expertise for discreet discussions for your individualized goals.

For more information, call 954-530-5203 or visit online at www.bewellmedpsa.com or their Wilton Manors location at 1881 NE 26th St. just east of Manor Lanes.

OutClique.org | 33


By Mike Brewer


ilton Manors has been a vibrant haven for gay homeowners now for decades. Second only to Provincetown in the number of US gay residents, houses around “The Drive” continue to draw gay singles and couples looking to plant roots near the bars, boutiques, and gay social scene.

But a quiet trend is developing amongst new and established gay homeowners here. Perhaps a sign of the times, a lack of affordability, or changing lifestyles, gay house hunters are starting to expand their South Florida home search beyond the confines of Wilton Drive. The numbers tell the story. The US Census indicates that Wilton Manors had 11,632 residents in 2016 vs.12,922 in 2015. The migration continues in 2017 as home prices in Wilton Manors still skyrocket. Realtors in the area aren’t surprised by the slight decline. “Home prices in Wilton Manors continue to rise 10% each year,” said Erik Cavanagh of Better Homes and Gardens. “I am selling more homes to gay couples in Coral Heights right now. There’s also a lot of buzz in downtown Oakland Park, Middle River Terrace, North Andrews Gardens, and Pompano Beach. One main 34 | OutClique.org

reason is that you can buy the typical 1,800 sq. foot, totally-renovated home with a pool in another area for about half the price.” It’s a sentiment shared by Ken Calhoun of Castelli Real Estate Services. “There is still strong demand for homes and condos in Wilton Manors. But many gay singles and couples have been disappointed for the past few years over the cost of properties in our little Island City,” said Calhoun. “The average cost of a single family home sold in Wilton Manors in 2016 was $452,000. That has priced many buyers out of the market.” By comparison, The National Realtors Association quotes the average selling price of a home within a five mile radius of Wilton Manors is $238,000. It’s a key indicator that more gay home buyers are looking outside of the 33305 zip code since they can get far more bang for their buck closeby. When married couple Josh and Carl Smith were looking for a house to buy, they chose Pompano Beach over Wilton Manors. It’s a decision they don’t regret for a second. “We did consider Wilton Manors, but for a couple of reasons we decided not to. One reason was that pricing had skyrocketed in

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Wilton Manors,” said Carl. “We didn't feel like we had to live in a ‘gay’ community. South Florida overall is pretty open minded. [Pompano Beach] is growing and house values are going up. We love that we can launch our boat a mile from our house and are still close enough that we can be in Wilton Manors or Fort Lauderdale in 15 minutes.” Cavanagh notes there’s also somewhat of a “boomerang” trend where gay homeowners move back and forth between quiet suburbs and Wilton Manors. “There are a lot of gay people here who go through life phases,” said Cavanagh. “They want a house where they can have a lot of pool parties and barbeques with their buddies, then they want to live somewhere quieter. But after a while, they find that they miss that lifestyle and go buy another home. I’m actually one of those people.” Having lived in Miami for several years, David Barenburg and Kirk Gray were seeking a quieter life further north. After considering Wilton Manors, the couple recently bought a newly renovated home in Oakland Park. “We looked around for a while,” said Barenburg. “Wilton Manors is obviously gay friendly, but Oakland Park seemed to have bigger houses with more space and a lot less traffic. It’s close to a lot of stores,

restaurants, and places to go. We’re close to everything without having to be in the middle of everything.” Oakland Park Mayor, John Adornato, has lived in the city for 14 years. He, his husband, and their four-year-old child enjoy living in the city for many of the same reasons. “A variety of ethnicities as well as sexual orientations are living here,” said Adornato. “Oakland Park is a city where same-sex couples can walk holding hands on the street. It’s not only affordable, but you can live near the beach without living in a 30-story condo, you can own a home with a garden without living in a rural area, and you are close to the restaurants and bars without living above a noisy establishment.” Cavanagh explains another big factor that comes into play when deciding where to buy is modern society. Now that much legislation to benefit the LGBT community has been made law, people are changing their views about the gay community. “Gay people are feeling more comfortable. They aren’t sticking to their own safe zones like exclusively gay bars and gyms anymore because people are more accepting of gay people everywhere,” said Cavanagh. “I’d like to see more of that in Ft. Lauderdale.”

OutClique.org | 37



heese is one of the oldest food products that is still consumed in the modern world. The earliest evidence of cheese making dates back to 500 BCE in Poland. It is said to have originated in the transportation of milk in the bladders made of ruminants’ stomachs due to their inherent supply of rennet, the element needed to coagulate milk into cheese. Today, rennet used to make cheese can be from animals, vegetables, or even a synthetic rennet product. If eating cheese makes you content and happy, it is no surprise as cheese is high in the amino acid tryptophan, which contains serotonin and results in giving people a sense of euphoria. It is the same amino acid that is found in chocolate, salmon, bananas, and other foods. Despite what many think to the contrary, cheese is actually a very healthy food. It contains calcium, protein, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, zinc, and phosphorus. It is also 38 | OutClique.org

a source of linoleic acid (CLA), a fat that may have anti-cancer, weight-reducing, and heartprotective effects. Though cow’s milk cheeses may be most common, other milks are often used to produce delicious cheeses. Goat and sheep are the other most common milks used, and some cheeses are mixed milk. All milks produce cheeses of various textures, softness or hardness, and various flavor profiles. Goat cheese is the closest in structure to human milk. Because of this, it is easier to digest as it contains less lactose than cow’s milk. For this reason, those who are lactose intolerant can often enjoy eating goat’s milk cheeses with no uncomfortable side-effects. Sheep’s milk produces the creamiest of the cheeses, and cow’s milk has the highest level of lactose and fat. Cheese making is most often divided into

three categories: artisan, farmstead, and commodity. Artisanal cheeses are those that are produced by hand using little mechanization and employing the traditional craftsmanship of skilled cheesemakers. As a result, the cheeses are often more complex in taste and variety. Because they are handcrafted, they are most usually produced in small batches. Farmstead cheeses are those made from milk within the farmer’s own herd or flock on the very farm where the animals are raised. Milk in farmstead cheese may not be obtained from any other outside source. Small dairy farms often produce small batches of their own farmstead cheeses. Commodity cheeses are those that are mass-produced in large quantities, and they may contain other ingredients such as oils and fillers. They are readily and easily available in all major grocery chains. If you are looking to explore various cheeses, here are some options to try. Sample the Jasper Hill Clothbound Cheddar, a cow’s milk

hard cheddar. It is aged in caves in Vermont and is made from the milk of one co-op cheesemaker who uses the caves at Jasper Hill as his aging room. It is a hard and crumbly cheddar. For goat cheese, try the Vermont Creamery ash-ripened Bonne Bouche, which means “good mouth.” Packed in its own individual crate, this cheese is sprinkled lightly with ash, which balances the acidity of the cheese. It is aged long enough to develop a rind. Bellwether Farms in Sonoma makes the delicious sheep’s milk cheese called San Andreas. It is a raw sheep’s milk cheese that is floral and grassy with nutty undertones. It is inspired by the cheeses made in Tuscany. The world of cheese is varied and vast. The only way to really get to know cheese is to sample the many varieties that are available at finer cheesemongers. As many know, cheese and wine complement one another exquisitely, so do not be wary of branching out in both cheese and wine to challenge your palate and determine some new favorites.

Tim Slivinski & Caleb Ben-Avram are the owners of Naked Grape Wine Bar & Tapas 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 | (954) 563-5631

OutClique.org | 39



By Jameer Baptiste

LOCATIONS BUCK AND BEARD | WARSAW COFFEE | Courtesy of ATLANTIC PROPERTIES Photos by Adept Studios Photography | www.adeptstudios.com

Most of us know the name Andrew Christian by now for one good reason, his seductive and irresistible fashion designs. The small town boy from Fresno, California, turned elite underwear designer, has empowered the gay male community with his creations. His underwear, swimwear, and apparel collections have become a trademark of gay male culture. So much so that it’s virtually impossible not to see someone sporting an Andrew Christian design when at a gay function. His designs, especially the swimwear and underwear lines, have become the pinnacle of gay male sex, power, and freedom. And he does it all with consideration of us in mind. Other than his own wants and needs, he draws inspiration from the gay male lifestyle making sure to include the needs of his customers when designing. But that’s nothing new for the innovative craftsman. Since high school, he has been designing looks for both himself and his friends based on their wants and needs. The laid back, fun-loving Christian has always loved to design as far back as he can remember. He recognized his desire for fashion design as early as 15 years old. Now that he is living his dream and has become a designer extraordinaire, empowering gay male beauty and sex appeal, Christian has set his sights on perpetuating empowerment with his new book, Sex=Power=Freedom. But what does that mean exactly? Join us as we sat down with Christian and explored his intentions behind Sex=Power=Freedom with a little sidebar into his personal life.

How would you describe the book?

A person’s openness to their sexual identity directly relates to their emotional freedom. Furthermore, society’s acceptance of the LGBT community constitutes our political freedom. There is power in freedom, so much so that every marginalized group has fought tooth and nail for it.

Jorge: Andrew Christian Model

OutClique.org | 41

If we are not free to love who we want, we are simply not free. In a typical heterosexual power dynamic, the man is considered dominant while the woman is considered submissive. That is why I think this book, and the idea of homosexuality, is so dangerous to some conservative people. Sex=Power=Freedom challenges this hierarchy and shows that there is dominance within submission and submission within dominance. Total sexual power is complete control over yourself and the freedom to make your own choices. I believe everybody has the right to fearlessly make whatever choices suit them and their consenting partner.

What appeals most to you about the book?

It is a passion project of mine. It’s something that I’ve wanted to undertake for several years, and I am extremely proud of how it turned out. I knew that now was the right time to publish my book because of the political climate that America is in right now. Sex=Power=Freedom gives voice to the beliefs that I hold dear in my heart. I'm glad that my book can also lift people up, and that I can be a voice for them.

What are your favorite aspects of the book?

I love how the imagery of our models in provocative poses meshes with the political text. The contrast between the two becomes more apparent the further you get into Sex=Power=Freedom. One of my favorite quotes in the book is, “Total sexual power is complete control over yourself and the freedom to make your own choices.” Another one of my favorites from my book is, “Love is the only way to invoke positive change.” I think about both of these a lot when I’m creating new designs.

What did creating the book mean to you?

This book is my way of speaking out against the political atmosphere in America and around the world. I don’t know if Sex=Power=Freedom is going to change people’s minds, but I hope it acts as a reminder that we need to be accepting of one another and tolerant of those 42 | OutClique.org

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who are different. We all have something that sets us apart, a side of us that we don’t often share with others. Sex=Power=Freedom is my reminder that we must indulge ourselves every so often and allow people to live the lives they were meant to live.

How does Andrew Christian uniquely identify with the LGBT community?

We listen to our audience. When I am designing new products, I always take into account the feedback that I hear from people who wear our clothes. I try to be as active with our fans as possible. I am really enjoying being on this Sex=Power=Freedom tour because I get to get up close and personal with so many of our fans all over the world. When they talk, I listen. I always try to make clothes that will appeal to a wide variety of people throughout the LGBT spectrum.

What do you like to do when you are not working?

I'm pretty chill and like to relax when I'm not working. I think people saw a bit into my personal life in my episode of “House Hunters International” on HGTV. I love hanging out with my close friends, cooking for them, and making cool inspired cocktails for them.

What are the top three traits you look for in guys and dating? 1. A great sense of humor, I don't like a guy who takes himself too seriously. 2. Somebody who is real and genuine and not afraid to show their personality or true feelings. 3. A great set of legs. A nice legs on a guy is a huge turn on for me.

There you have it, nice legs mixed in with sex, power, and freedom! To get your hands on Andrew Christian’s new book, Sex=Power=Freedom and novelty items visit his website at www.AndrewChristian.com. 44 | OutClique.org


By Denny Patterson


n Friday, June 9, 2017 RuPaul’s Drag Race champions Sharon Needles and Jinkx Monsoon will headline the Ultimate Miami Drag Queen competition at Magic City Casino. This is a competition where South Florida’s fiercest and most talented drag performers will compete for a cash prize of $5,000, and the title of the Ultimate Miami Drag Queen in a pageant style setting. These girls must show their charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent while battling through three rounds of competition – Talent, Runway and Q&A. OutClique received the chance to chat with both Sharon and Jinkx about the upcoming event, and their love for the art of drag in general. Prepare yourself for a night of shameless fun.

You're headlining the Ultimate Drag Queen Competition in Miami, that must be exciting. Oh yes! I mean, the things I’ve gotten to do because of Drag Race are just amazing. Like I’ve gotten opportunities that 15-year-old drag me could have only dreamt of back then.


Are you familiar with the Miami drag scene at all? I actually haven’t done a lot of work in Miami, so I’m not completely versed in the Miami scene, but I know it’s the home of my girl Latrice Royale and I’m a huge fan of TP Lords. I’ve worked in Miami a few times. I feel like I’m familiar enough with the Florida drag scene in general, but drag is very regional. It can change from city to city rapidly. I love any region where the girls love drag, and drag is celebrated in Florida. Even though it’s a completely different scene from what I know in the Northwest, it doesn’t matter because we really love drag and what we do.



I hope neither of you are thrown off by the sunshine. 48 | OutClique.org


I use SPF 666! You know, I don’t go out during daylight hours, but I enjoy the sunlight for other people [laughs]. As a headliner, what can we expect from you? I’ll be performing the hits from both of my albums, “PG-13” and “Taxidermy,” shaking my ass, and telling terrible jokes. I like to fine tune my performance to the kind of show I’m doing. It’s a competition, so I’ll probably do something like sing “I’m the Greatest Star” from Funny Girl just to keep it clear who’s headlining [laughs]. I always try to really care about the performance and find a way to do the absolute best in any show. Say I lost my voice or something. That night, I’ll sing a Janis Joplin


song so I can still deliver the standard I hold myself up to, even if my body is against me. If I broke a leg, I’d be doing Whatever Happened to Baby Jane numbers in a wheelchair. I will find a way to make it work. So, what to expect from me, I’ll be singing live, tell some dirty jokes and try to bring a sense of excellence to the competition and show overall. Personally, when I found out you two were headlining together, I thought it seemed like an odd pairing. How is it working with each other? Honestly, Jinkx and I are two peas in a pod. We are truly great friends, and as I tend to do with those I love, I am constantly picking on her. Sharon and I are good friends and we became close through Drag Race and touring together, but we have developed a real friendship beyond the drag aspect. We call each other randomly and check in on how we’re doing. We know about each other’s home life and family. She’s met a lot of my family and I’ve met a lot of hers. We get along great because she has an amazing sense of humor. I can get along with anyone who can crack a joke and take a joke at their expense. Sharon is great at all of that. We have a great onstage chemistry even though you think we would be like the Wicked Witch and Glinda together. It works. We have a bit of a Wicked vibe going on.



Did you two know each other before Drag Race? We didn’t, but Alaska and she got very close during their season. No. I really loved Sharon’s season of Drag Race, it’s probably still to date my favorite season, and it was because of Sharon going on and doing so well, it bolstered me and gave me the confidence to audition. I was like, if there’s a queen this far out of the box compared to what we’ve been seeing on Drag Race, then that means they are ready to embrace all types of queens, even campy character actors like myself. Then the first night I met Sharon was on New Year’s Eve after my season was announced. Alaska and I were doing a show together in Seattle and


Sharon canceled her gig that night and flew to Seattle to do the gig with us as a surprise to Alaska. Since they were together then. Sharon immediately started treating me like a sister, and she gave me a dress that night that she didn’t want anymore. It was a gorgeous dress, but I was just beside myself. Season four winner Sharon Needles is throwing a dress at me. We were immediately fast friends and hit it off. She’s so smart and funny and has all the qualities I look for in a drag queen. As a friend, she’s the kind of person you’d want on your side. She is very loyal. Even if she’s calling you a rotten, hateful cunt, she’s saying she loves you. Speaking of Drag Race, what do you think about the current season? Any favorites or winner predictions? I love this season! Who am I kidding, I love every season. As for favorites, I am living for Trinity Taylor. Well, I think it’s too early to tell because there is still so much that can happen. The girls who seem to be the frontrunners now could have an epic fall down later and you’ll never see it coming. I’m really loving this season though. I’m addicted to the show and everything Drag Race related. I soak it all up, and it’s so much more fun to watch it when you’re not a competitor. You can watch it without worrying, oh god, when’s the scene coming where I look like a complete idiot. But I’m really loving season nine. Nowadays, I feel like the girls are starting with a leg up in the competition since they’ve been able to watch so many seasons leading up to it. There are so many more resources for drag queens. Like people who work on wigs specifically for drag, it’s so much easier to find amazing hair and outfits and learn makeup tricks. I actually think it’s harder to be on Drag Race because of the standard being so high. They have the leg up, but need it because the competition is that much stronger.


Sharon, what did you think of this past season of All Stars? Particularly the Phi Phi O’Hara drama. The Phi Phi drama was completely fan created. She didn’t do anything that serious in my opinion. I love a


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sweetheart, but I also love a mean asshole! Jinkx, what about you? All Stars saw the return of RoLaskaTox. Well, the big thing you’ve got to remember is that when the cameras are on and we’re in competition mode, we go for it. It’s the biggest competition for a drag queen in the world right now. So the competition aspect is completely real, and even though we would be at each other’s throats, we also had to have dinner every night together and go back to the hotel in one big van. So you would have to learn very quickly to let certain things go and remember that they’re people just like you. RoLaskaTox, all three of them, we always got along when the cameras were off, so it’s not like we actually hated each other. I was rooting for all three of them. I thought it was amazing for Roxxxy Andrews because I’ve always known the wonderful, sweet, caring, passionate Roxxxy Andrews and that didn’t necessarily read through season five, but on All Star 2, I feel like everyone got to meet the Roxxxy we all knew, and she finally got to share the multiple facets of her personality that we didn’t see on season five. She handled All Stars like a true champion. And of course I was rooting for Alaska from the beginning. We’ve been such good friends since our season. We ran neck in neck to the finish line, worked together, and toured together. I know the commitment she puts in. She one of the most well rounded queens I have ever known. And Detox is always gorgeous, fantastic and fun. I never see Detox not looking at the top of her game.


And Alaska won the crown. Even though you two aren’t together anymore, you two remain as close friends? I’d venture to say Alaska is by best friend. Especially now that she has all that money! [Laughs]


Outside of drag and performing, how has life been? Definitely worth living. My career has gone way above and beyond what


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I’ve dreamt of, and I feel like I got pegged the shortcut for the career I always dreamt about having. Because I have experienced so much success and it’s been five years since I filmed my season now, I’m still working constantly, my calendar is still full, I’m still booking things a year in advance, so I’m pleased with my career. It really makes you appreciate downtime and your time at home with friends and family. When I go home, the last thing I want to do is go out to a gay bar and get drunk. All I want to do is sit at home, cook food with friends, watch TV, watch movies, play video games. So my life has remained very similar to how it was before Drag Race, except I now have money to eat and money to furnish my apartment [laughs]. I didn’t have much of that when I was a fresh out of college art student. Life? That’s funny, tell another! It’s all work, work, work! I’m simply waiting for that afterlife.


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hought leaders from around the globe will converge on Miami for the 4th Global LGBTQI Human Rights Conference, May 26 – 29, as part of World OutGames Miami 2017, the world’s largest 10-day sports, culture and human rights event. The conference will offer a world view of human rights with representation from Brazil, Cuba, Canada, Miccosukee Reservation, St. Lucia, Thailand, Tonga, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, Venezuela and many others. “With political uncertainty in the United States and abroad, it is even more important to maintain open dialogue and shared points of view to strive for unity and inclusiveness for all,” said Lynare Robbins, World OutGames Miami Diversity and Human Rights Director. “This conference offers an in-depth global perspective on subjects, including LGBT rights, and should be attended by anyone who wants to have a voice and desires equality and acceptance.” The three-day conference, which will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center, will be a powerful gathering of internationally respected human rights activists, researchers, legal

scholars, and trade organizations, and will include more than 25 speakers. As many as 35 topics will be focused on three specific tracks: promoting inclusivity in sports, healthm wellness and social justice. A full conference schedule and tickets are available at outgames.org/human_rights/ conference. In the spirit of true inclusiveness, the World OutGames is open to all, regardless of sexual orientation. For more information or to register, visit outgames.org.

About World OutGames

World OutGames is a multi-sport and cultural event licensed by the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association (GLISA). Every four years, World OutGames brings together athletes from all over the world for a celebration of sport, culture and human rights, many from countries where homosexuality remains illegal and hidden. Previously hosted in Montreal, Copenhagen and Antwerp, World OutGames is open to all who wish to participate, without regard to sexual orientation. There are no qualifying standards, although competitions are arranged according to the skill levels of the competitors.

For more information about World OutGames, visit us at www.outgames.org, facebook.com/OutGamesMiami, on twitter @outgamesmiami and on instagram @outgamesmiami. 54 | OutClique.org



GAY DAYS May 30 | Orlando, FL

IGLTA May 4 | ST Petersburg


AQUA GIRL May 18 | National Hotel Miami

STONEWALL FESTIVAL June 17 | Wilton Manors, FL

May 21 | National Hotel Miami


NEW YORK PRIDE June 23 | New York, NY

SIZZLE May 25 | Miami

WORLD PRIDE June 23 | Madrid, Spain


May 6 | Manor Lanes

A CELEBRATION OF FRIENDS July 20 | Ramada Inn, Fort Laudedale

DIVERSITY HONORS May 6 | Seminole Hard Rock

BOWLING TO FIGHT HUNGER August 12 | Sawgrass lanes

WHITE PARTY May 5 | Palm Springs, CA

WICKED MANORS Oct 31 | Wilton manors

WORLD OUT GAMES May 26 | Miami

FANTASY FEST Oct 20 | Key West

COFFEE KLATCH All but 1st Saturday | Skolnick Community Center

TASTE OF THE ISLAND Nov 13 | Wilton Manors


May 17 | Village Pub

WHITE PARTY Nov 23 | Miami, FL

AIR & SEA SHOW May 6 | Ft Lauderdale

SMART RIDE Nov 17 | Miami to Key West

Download our app or visit us online at OutClique.org to find out more! 56 | OutClique.org


P o o l parti e s, c ont e st s, me n a nd mo re me n...

July 20th THRU 23rd, 2017

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Every single one of John Waters’ movies has its memorable and quotable lines. Mink Stole, an actress who has appeared in every Waters feature has had the privilege of saying many of them. In Serial Mom (Shout! Factory), for instance, as Dottie Hinkle, a woman being relentlessly harassed by someone calling her and spewing a string of obscenities, Dottie finally has her fill and, in a hilarious courtroom scene, unleashes her own nasty mouthful. Serial Mom, in which Stole co-starred alongside Kathleen Turner as the titular murderous mother, holds up well nearly 25 years after its theatrical release, providing plenty of laughs and gross-out moments. I spoke with Stole about the collector’s edition Blu-ray reissue of Serial Mom in April 2017. Gregg Shapiro: Dottie, the character you played in John Waters’ 1994 film Serial Mom, doesn’t realize it, but she’s being stalked via obscene phone calls and letters by Beverly, played by Kathleen Turner, a woman whose parking space she once unknowingly took in a parking lot. How would you rate Beverly’s actions on the response scale, one being most appropriate and ten being least? Mink Stole: Ten [laughs]! I can understand being annoyed, but I can’t understand trying to ruin a person’s life. I don’t know, I’ve had bad days.


Have you ever considered plotting revenge on someone who stole a parking space at the supermarket or mall?


Believe me, there have been many times when I wanted to kick someone’s (car) door or key the car. Just making huge scratches in their car. But you don’t do it. Just because you want to, doesn’t mean you do it. Once the immediate fury has passed, and it does pretty quickly, but one can’t live their life plotting revenge on every little hurt or slight. I guess Beverly did. It’s way too much work. 58 | OutClique.org


You are quoted as saying that you were terrified of Kathleen Turner before meeting her. Were those fears unfounded?


Completely! Absolutely! She was a dream to work with. I like her very much. I’m still in touch with her periodically. I see her in plays. I admire her enormously. She’s delightful. I think she was having a particularly good time on Serial Mom. I think she enjoyed working on the movie. You can’t fake that kind of good humor and good nature. That’s hard to fake consistently. Yes, it was totally unfounded. She’s quite lovely.


Turner’s character Beverly sorts her garbage and evades the police to the song “Daybreak” by Barry Manilow. Manilow recently officially came out at 73. Do you have any thoughts about that?


[Laughs] I think it’s sad that it took him so long. Nobody was remotely surprised. It was like, “Okay. Yeah, we knew.” But I think it’s sad that people are still so afraid of it, so afraid of what the reaction will be.


You have been friends with John Waters for more than 50 years. Do you remember the first time that you met him?


I don’t remember the exact moment. I remember the summer. It was 1966. We were both in Provincetown. I was visiting my sister. We ran into John on the street. She was acquainted with him from Baltimore. She introduced us. The clouds didn’t part and there was no lightning. No volcano erupted at the moment. The actual meeting was probably, “Hey, nice to meet you. See you later. Goodbye [laughs].” Then we started hanging out – John, my sister and me, and various other friends. By the end of that summer, we were all living together. We became friends quickly. At the end of the summer, John and I moved to New York and got an apartment together for a few weeks before we both decided to move back to Baltimore.


As an actress, you have appeared in all of John’s feature films, often playing the villain, in parts specifically written for you. What can you tell me about being a member of the Dreamlanders family?


I’ll tell you, we had a really good time! We worked hard, we did. There wasn’t one of us who didn’t love it. We thoroughly

enjoyed it. We often started a film without a script. Pink Flamingos, I remember specifically, we didn’t have a finished script. We basically knew what was going to happen. We knew Divine was going to win in the end. But exactly what the steps were going to be, we didn’t know. We would get together on a Tuesday or Wednesday night and go over and rehearse the dialogue. John would read everybody’s lines the way he wanted them said. Everything was to be very dramatic with lots of italics. We’d memorize everything and get together on the weekend for the actual shooting. We were always really happy to be there. We were never late. We were always on time. There might have been a complaint, here or there, about the lack of food [laughs] during the course of a shooting day. No one was standing around saying, “I’m not doing this anymore. This is awful.” None of us felt mistreated. We were doing the absolute most fun thing that was being done in Baltimore at that time. And we really were. We knew that what we were doing was fun. Of course, none of us could have predicted the impact these films would have, and the longevity. It would have been impossible to predict. But we knew what we were doing was exceptional. And we got along. We didn’t hang out every minute, but we were all very friendly. It feels good to be a part of that family. It felt good then and it feels good now.

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John has said that he likes to hear you say dirty words, because that isn’t ordinarily the language you use. Is it freeing to swear or does it still feel awkward after all these years?


[Laughs] it’s freeing to be really nasty. Whether it’s profanity or not, it’s just so much fun. The characters that I have played, you wouldn’t like them in real life. You wouldn’t want to have a friend like Peggy Gravel (in Desperate Living). She’s not anybody you’d want to hang out with. People enjoy her on the screen. I loved being able to say horrible things. “Nobody will ever be able to destroy the beauty of fascism!” I knew when I was saying them that they were ridiculous [laughs]. The secret is that you say them as though they’re not.


That’s good acting. Yes. Otherwise you’re giving it away.

In addition to the many films you made with John, you have also worked with David Lynch, Gregg Araki and Jamie Babbitt. In what ways did working with John prepare you to work with other filmmakers?


More time in front of the camera is just more time in front of the camera. You get more and more comfortable. With Gregg, I had a wonderful little part in Splendor. I played an agent who chain-smoked. I chose a gravelly and raspy voice. I enjoyed it, and I had just quit smoking. I had smoked for 30 years and I had just quit. One of the things that annoys me about actors who don’t smoke, is that if they’re smoking in a movie, you can tell they don’t smoke.


The way they hold the cigarette is always a giveaway.

The way they hold the cigarette, the way they inhale. I adore Jane Fonda, but she made a movie where she played a chain-smoker and I just wanted to smack 62 | OutClique.org

her. They should have removed that as part of the character. Her discomfort and distaste smoking was so obvious. Get rid of that! I love Jane Fonda; I think she’s great. Anyway, I just smoked. It was fine, I was able to separate it from myself.


Finally, Serial Mom is debuting in a collector’s edition on Blu-ray. What’s the best reason that someone should make Serial Mom part of their film library?


The movie really holds up. I watched it again a couple of days ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s not dated. I think even the clothes work. It doesn’t look like the `90s, except maybe the way Suzanne Somers is dressed. But she’s playing a caricature of a Hollywood movie star. Even that works. It made me laugh so much, so many things about it are so funny. There’s one scene that really grosses me out. I have to turn away. I cannot watch when Beverly skewers the guy at the urinal. I don’t like horror movies. I have been in a couple and I don’t like watching them. I don’t mind making them, I just can’t watch them. Fake blood scares me and I’m easily grossed out by gore and horror films.



By Rev. Patrick Rogers, MDiv

Photo by John Strange


On Friday, April 28, 2017 the sequel called “A Very Sordid Wedding,” with the majority of the original cast and the addition of Whoopi Goldberg, will premiere at Fort Lauderdale’s Classic Gateway Theatre.

actor in the sequel, Del revealed that the story was “not written with the intent to make a statement about spirituality, nor the church.” Yet Sordid Lives has helped countless LGBTQ people and also allies break down walls and barriers of suffering, self-hatred, and shame while becoming a staple in their journeys towards strength and acceptance, and a love of our neighbors and ourselves. I informed Del that it was a combination of a literary work called “Stranger at the Gate” written by Mel White and the original movie, Sordid Lives, which were both instrumental in my personal recovery during my own personal struggle of self-acceptance and love. These two works had a major influence which gave me the strength to follow my call to become a Christian pastor and to celebrate God’s gift of being homosexual. Even sixteen years later, I still view the original Sordid Lives film three to four times a year for inspiration. It’s the best clergy retreat I know!

In an interview with Del Shores, and also Emerson Collins, the film’s producer and an

Del grew up in a small Texas town where his mother was a high school drama teacher and

ordid Lives is a stage play written by Del Shores that premiered in Los Angeles, CA in May 1996. It was released in 2000 as an independent film which was written and directed by Del Shores. The story is about a colorful family from a small Texas town who come to grips with the death of the elderly family matriarch who died accidentally during a clandestine meeting in a seedy motel room with her daughter’s best friend’s husband. The woman's family must deal with some major dysfunction while preparing for what could be an embarrassing funeral. Also a movie, Sordid Lives is hysterically funny and it is through humor that major insights about diversity, tolerance, humanity and love are revealed.

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his father was the preacher of the local Southern Baptist church. Needless to say, Del struggled with his sexual orientation, yet married and has two daughters. A few years after his daughters were born, Del attempted to reconcile society’s expectation of his sexuality to the realities which existed within. He wrote the story of Sordid Lives based upon his life experience. However, it was not with the “intent” to bring peace to others like him who had also suffered a lifetime of pain and agony over the issue of sexual orientation. He still remains overwhelmed at the result of following his passion of writing and selfexpression. Del told me that the journey of writing the script, and especially the positive feedback regarding empowerment of others, has “played a major role in my own selfacceptance and has given me the confidence I previously lacked.” From the opening of the play of Sordid Lives

over twenty years ago, Del continues to receive feedback regarding the positive effects and influences received from the LGBTQ and allies community. Through the gift of Del’s humor and writing, countless people continue to share with him the powerful effect of viewing this story. The Sordid Lives journey has helped and continues to help bring understanding, acceptance, and confidence to those in need. A Very Sordid Wedding, the sequel, through a continued hilarious plot filled with the same colorful family and more, this time introducing Emerson Collins’ character and others, we dig even deeper and travel further into another relevant topic. Even though same-sex marriage is now legal in the United States, it didn’t eradicate fear and new challenges have emerged. Two of the characters in the film seek to be married and the journey to the altar is filled with humorous and meaningful insights along the way.

Photo by Steven K. Johnson

Photo by Bradford Rogne

Photo by Jason Grindle .......................................................................................................................................................

Both Del and Emerson shared that their favorite part of Sordid Lives was the scene where the main character Ty reveals to his mother at her mother’s funeral that he is gay and his mother says, “I know you’re gay, Ty, I’ve always known. But could we please just bury your grandmother and get on with life!” The most insightful part of the interview is that Del informed me that he didn’t write “Sordid Lives” to have the tremendous impact on the world that it has had and continues to have.

He wrote it seeking understanding about his own personal journey of seeking understanding and self acceptance. He never had an intent to go on a spiritual quest but out of using his God given gifts he found peace. There are plenty of haters still out there who send him letters and emails of condemnation, but they no longer have power over him. Thank you, Del, for helping us all on our journeys. OutClique.org | 67


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rogress is key when it comes to the country music industry and their acceptance of the LGBT community. But really, when has it ever been hunky-dory right out the gate in any area of life for our community’s acceptance? The country music industry is no different than every other winding road we had to travel to reach the threshold of prosperity. So strap on your chaps and your thinking caps as we take a trip down country music lane. Who wrote Whitney Houston’s hit song, “I Will Always Love You?” We’ll wait. How about this question, which country music songstress has 26 No. 1 billboard songs, a record number for a female vocalist? You might not know the name off the top of your head, but if we asked you this question, “Who is the big blond haired bigbusted country singer we all love?” We’re sure you would blurt out the name in a matter of seconds. Dolly Parton and a number of other

country music singers like Shania Twain, Faith Hill, and most recently, Taylor Swift keep us quite content with the perceived ties between the LGBT community and the country music genre. However, there’s more to it than just that. Other than the big name country music singers who are placed on a pedestal by idealizing gays, there’s an actual emerging rise of out country music stars who are making a mark for themselves in the genre despite their openly gay status. They are leading the charge for acceptance, not only in the country music sphere, but also in the music industry in general, which cannot be said about the other musical genres of today. Take two of the biggest American genres for instance, R&B/ Hip-Hop and Pop. The few out singers in those genres don’t thrive in the industry as those in country music industry do. So, here’s our hats off to them.

CHELY WRIGHT Wright’s coming out in 2010 wasn’t as well received as recent country stars’ coming out declarations have been, but the songstress took the anticipated decline and hatred in stride. She will always be recognized as the first big country music star to courageously come out publicly. Wright said in a People.com interview in 2016 that now she has the respect of the country music industry after getting back in the studio from a six year hiatus for a new album.

TY HERNDON The 54 year-old country music singer came out to People. com stating, “During an Anthony Robbins seminar, I realized I had an incredible story that could possibly help someone’s son or daughter or grandchild’s life not be as difficult as mine has been,” he tells People magazine. “Maybe they wouldn’t have to go through as much pain and suffering. It’s time to tell my truth.”

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BILLY GILMAN The young country music singer came out on a YouTube video post on November 20, 2014, interestingly the same day Ty Herndon also came out. Here’s a snippet from the video, “It’s taken me a good many weeks to figure out how I was to approach this video that you’re watching right now,” he said. “But today, actually, a fellow country artist and friend made it easier for me to make this video. And I wanted my fans, who have stuck by me for many, many years, to know.”

BRANDY CLARK Clark never publicly had a coming out moment, she just lived a true life as a lesbian country music singer, which at times left her career stagnant. But her critically acclaimed 12 Stories album released in 2013, together with support from prominent country music singers, helped her career flourish. Clark has made a name for herself regardless of any pushback because of her unapologetic attitude and superb songwriting skills.

CODY ALAN Alan is the latest country music star to come out on January 12, 2017. He isn’t a country music singer but he is a well-known figure in the country music scene, hosting CMT’s (Country Music Television) Hot 20 Countdown among other permanent hosting gigs in the country music arena. In his January 12 Instagram post to his fans, Alan let the truth flow. And remarkably, an outpouring of love and support greeted him from both his fans and the elite of the country music sphere. Country music giants from Toby Keith to Dierks Bentley and countless others accepted him instantly, and publicly. 70 | OutClique.org



By Gregg Shapiro


rog-rock legends Styx got a taste of what it’s like to be trending when, on the Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd recreated, shot-for-shot, the band’s 1981 “Too Much Time On My Hands” music video. These days there’s almost no higher compliment than being paid tribute by Fallon and his guests. Styx, the band behind hits such as “Lady,” “Mr. Roboto,” “Come Sail Away” and “Babe,” are still going strong with many original band members, maintaining a rigorous tour schedule and this year is no exception. Beginning in June, Styx embarks on a 30-city “United We Rock” tour with REO Speedwagon and Don Felder (of Eagles fame). Co-founding member and bass player Chuck Panozzo, who came out as an HIV+ gay man in 2001, sat down with me to discuss his longtime membership in Styx and much more. The complete Styx tour schedule can be found at www.styxworld.com/tour. Gregg Shapiro: Chuck, 2017, is the 45th anniversary of the release of the first Styx album. What does it mean to you to still be performing and touring with American 72 | OutClique.org

prog-rock legends Styx, the band you cofounded? Chuck Panozzo: We played our first real show on New Year’s Eve in 1962 (as Tradewinds). I had been taking music lessons for seven years and had the confidence to perform in front of people. I could never have imagined a career this long in anything, let alone music. I was an art teacher. I picked two great occupations – art and music. Your parents go, “Oh, he’ll be living in poverty forever!” Why did I pick art? Because I was pretty good at it!


Do you still create visual art?

Not anymore. I will, sometimes, for a benefit. I was able to influence some of (the covers of) our albums. The Grand Illusion is a famous one. I’ll take credit for that. Most rock and roll bands are around for a few years and then it’s over. We were blessed with great singers and songwriters.


In 1972, when the first Styx album was released, vinyl was the dominant

medium. What do you think about the massive resurgence that is occurring with vinyl?


It’s a good thing. You have better (sound) quality sometimes. I had to go out and buy a turntable.


You didn’t still have one?

were devoid of all sorts of outside influence. No records, no TV, nothing. It was a true liturgical experience. It was near Douglas, Michigan. I kind of lost my sense of organized religion and became more spiritual from the experience. I would walk in the woods and to the sand dunes and the lake every day. That spoke to me more than getting up at six and the morning and saying some prayers. That had nothing to do with religion to me.

When you move, things happen [laughs]. (I thought) I’ll never use this again! It’s fun to hear some of our earlier songs this way.



What is your preferred way of listening to recorded music, vinyl, CD, or MP3?

Every year it seems that there are more and more rock musicians coming out as gay, but back in the early days of Styx, that was not as common. What was the experience of coming out to your bandmates like for you?

Whatever way I can hear music is good with me.


As one of the founding members of Styx, is there a style of music that you enjoy and listen to regularly that might come as a surprise to your fans?


I was raised a good little Catholic. What’s more theatrical than the ritual of the Catholic church? All of the incense and learning a foreign language and all of the music. It’s very theatrical. That impacted me as a young kid.


Are you saying you like to listen to liturgical music?

Yes, I listen to that. I like to get away from noise, although I will play noisy music in my car to keep myself awake. But my ears need a rest sometimes. I do enjoy listening to classical music.


Who do you consider to be your own personal music influences?

I always say that Yes was a huge influence, and The Rolling Stones and the Beatles, of course. But I went away to seminary when I was 14, the year that President Kennedy was assassinated, and we

I would say that it amounted to career suicide. Rock and roll is based on pretty boys who look like little girls. The girls love them because they’re not threatening. As someone who is dark and kind of hairy and whatever, I said, “I don’t have a chance with that.” Luckily [laughs]! The other aspect, in the early days I wasn’t quite ready for it. Around the time we became successful, I felt bitter. I couldn’t be myself. I was living this miserable life of hell. I also felt like I had a huge responsibility to the band. If it was just my career, that would be one thing, but there were four other members. I think the guys were always aware that I was gay, it just wasn’t in their vocabulary. It still isn’t in their vocabulary.


Even today?

They understand it. But to have a conversation like this? Maybe one band member would be cool about it. But the rest, they skirt the issue.


What about the reaction from the fans?

Everything bad that I thought was going to happen didn’t. The best part is that when I came out (at the annual Human OutClique.org | 73

Rights Campaign dinner), it was in front of a thousand people, in front of friends. Living my life as an openly gay man, as you know, the weight it takes off of your shoulders. That’s something that I should have gotten from religion, which I never did. It was total liberation. It’s not that I’m anti-religion. I’m anti any religion that doesn’t practice the core, which is love. I also find it reprehensible that parents will turn away from their children and use a religious excuse. Shaming and blaming your kid isn’t going to make them change. You can’t change yourself. Would I love to be tall and blonde? Yes, but that’s not going to happen. I’m always going to be short and dark-haired, maybe gray-haired now [laugh].


When it comes to eternal `70s anthems, Lynyrd Skynyrd had “Free Bird,” Neil Diamond had “Sweet Caroline” and Styx had “Come Sail Away.” What does that song mean to you?


I think “Come Sail Away” was written by Tommy (Shaw) and Dennis (DeYoung). They still have great voices even to this day. They can’t collaborate [laughs], but they write wonderful songs and make beautiful music. When I’m onstage and the singer sings, “I think about childhood friends and the dreams we had” and “on board I’m the captain, so climb aboard and we’ll search for tomorrow forever more.” My head is down because I’m trying to keep the beat. I’ll turn and look at the audience and my eyes will scan the entire space. This is a transcendent moment. I can’t explain it. It has a lot of meaning to me.


Of all the songs in the Styx songbook, is there one that you identify with most?

Tommy wrote this song called “Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).” It’s a song about young people. We all feel angry and there’s something wrong. I was an angry young man, standing on the stage in front of all these people. I was making a lot of money at the time, but who could I share it with? Nobody. When I’m onstage, and 74 | OutClique.org

Tommy introduces me and people stand and applaud, I never got a standing ovation when I was teaching unless I said, “I won’t be in tomorrow” [laughs]. (The lyrics) “Why must you be such an angry you man? Your future looks quite bright to me.” These are words that young people who lack self-esteem, who have experienced a lot of blame and shame, that they should be hearing at a young age, that they have a wonderful life ahead of them.


“Too Much Time On My Hands,” with its near-disco beat and hand-claps, sounded like Styx’s entry into the new wave dance music scene that was popular at the time. Does that sound like an accurate description?


What I remember about it is that Tommy walks into the studio and asks, “Can you play this?” And he plays, (sings) “da-da da-da da-da da-da.” I said, “Let the synthesizer play it, it’ll be more accurate.” Then I go to the corner and I play the part, and I think, “You idiot! You can play this!” I told Tommy that I’d play it for him. I learned something there. Never say no to a part because you almost gave away one of the greatest parts anybody could want to play. It was a fun song and different and catchy.


Music biopics continue to be very popular. If there was a movie version of your 2007 memoir The Grand Illusion, who would you want to portray you?


He’d have to be really good looking, of course [laughs]. The actor would also have to portray my twin brother (original Styx drummer John, who died in 1996).


As a Wilton Manors resident, what do you like best about living in the area?

I’ve lived in Wilton Manors for about 10 years and I lived in Miami for five. I enjoy it, but I enjoy getting away, also. I don’t have a job here. If it’s the same thing every day, I have a tendency to get bored.


The retired life isn’t for you?

Someone asked me, “When are you going to retire?” I said, “To what?” Seriously. To waste your day watching TV isn’t for me. I’d rather be busy. Travel is difficult. I’m not going to lie. But the big payoff is getting to perform.


Speaking as a musician, do you think Wilton Manors would benefit from having a live music venue, a small rock club, on Wilton Drive?


We have a wide range of demographics. We have these young guys and these older men. The guys from my generation might be more interested in something like that.


Being a Wilton Manors resident of considerable renown, have you ever

been asked to be the grand marshal for the Stonewall Pride parade?


(I haven’t been asked because) I think my music doesn’t connect with the gay community. They like to dance, they like to party. They’re not going to sit down for “Come Sail Away” or “Crystal Ball.” I know my crowd. I have no problem with that.

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Occupation: Server at Georgie's Alibi. Independent personal trainer. Single or taken? Single. Favorite drink? Deep Eddy Ruby Red. Up. Favorite thing about South Florida? The weather. I hate the cold. How do you stay so fit? 5 days of training and practicing what I preach. Stay in or go out? A little of both, but less going out when I'm single. I like being out as a couple. What turns you on? Fit, romantic men. What turns you off? Manbuns. Favorite beach? Kailua Beach, Hawaii. North Beach Fort Lauderdale, where I live. What’s your idea of a perfect date? Dinner, drinks, and finding out that you have explosive chemistry. Are you a romantic? To a fault. I learned from my parents who were together for 66 years. Celebrity crush? John Cena. What surprise people about you? That I just turned 60. Proudest accomplishment thus far? Most of those involve the success of my clients who are handicapped. That, and finding out my ability to love and be loved, which I credit my ex with. What do you want to accomplish next in life? I want to make a difference for future generations through activism. Also, I want to travel as much as possible.

Photo by Matthew Naglich matthewnaglich OutClique.org | 77

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