Outdoor Fitness Magazine Sampler

Page 1

h C swim n e wRUN wCYCLe w ADVeNTURe w NUTRiTioN wTRAiNiNg wChALLeNge u u la iss

your first ‘my greatest sportive challenge...’ cycling

12-week training plan for your first 100-miler

James CraCknell 48-hour

get out, get fitter, live more

sport science

boost your staying power The psychology of stamina

Why outdoor adventures mountain now rival Olympic glory

adventures exclusive

Grab yourspeed mates, up your rucksack your riding Team Sky training & Go! secrets for every cyclist

Issue 1 aug-sept 2011


run the world adventure

awesome races

arctic everest | Sahara | amazon challenge survival Staying alive in the world’s harshest environment


your first triathlon 37 essential tips to guarantee a great debut

swimmiNg wiTh shARks

p lTRAiL u s RUNNiNg shoes TesTeD

round ireland in a kayak whY ‘poiNT bReAk’ RoCks fat-burning workout The CooLesT oUTDooR TowNs tested: sportive road bikes increase your leg power

training programme

FITTER FASTER STRONGER Double your enDurance in Six weekS

tested: best sportive road bikes + performance-enhancing gear

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