Seminar explores unique job challenges for LGBT graduates - The Pan A...
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Seminar explores unique job challenges for LGBT graduates By Alejandra Martinez Published: Thursday, April 8, 2010 Updated: Thursday, April 8, 2010 19:04
Together with Career Services, the Gay-Straight alliance at The University of Texas-Pan American conducted a seminar titled Pride at Work: Sexual Orientation and Career Decisionmaking March 30. The focus was to talk about career opportunities and what the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) community needs to know when looking for a job after college. The panelists were Daymion M. Montanez, director of employee relations at Time Warner Cable, and J. Lori StuartCarruthers, market controller for Clear Channel Radio. Montanez and Stuart-Carruthers shared some of their experiences in the work world and gave advice to a group of 32 students regarding career moves.
Tammy Ayala
Pride at Work - Daymion Montanez answers questions from students about issues they face in the workplace as part of the LGBT community.
During his presentation, Ronnie L. Garcia from Career Services talked to students about the issues that the LGBT community must consider when interviewing for a job. He mentioned that it is important for students to do a self-assessment and decide how much of themselves they wish to disclose to potential employers at the time of the interview. "You must do what is comfortable and decide what is important in managing your career path," Garcia told students. "You need to find the right culture that makes you feel comfortable. The decisions are going to affect you for the rest of your life." Panelist Stuart-Carruthers told students about how important it was for her to be honest about her sexuality when she was interviewing for a job 10 years ago. Although that was not the main focus for her, she felt she had to let know people know who she was from the beginning. "At that point they had a very generic harassment policy. There was nothing about sexual orientation, but I felt I was the right person for the job and for the industry," she said. "However, I made sure they hired me for my abilities before I added the frosting on the top about being gay." Montanez, who has been working for Time Warner for 23 years, told the students about the importance of remaining true to oneself and finding a career that they feel passionate about. However, there was a time when he had to keep his sexuality under wraps. First when he was part of the U.S. Marines and later when he went to work for Time Warner in Brownsville. "I didn't tell anyone I was gay, I didn't feel comfortable doing so," he recalled. "And then after while I felt I was back in Boston again, I was in my 30s and I said ‘What am I hiding from? I'm not the one with the problem.'"
5/26/2011 2:51 PM
Seminar explores unique job challenges for LGBT graduates - The Pan A...
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He stressed that letting people know about being gay is a personal decision and it's something each person must to come to terms with depending on their situation. He said he has been lucky to work for a company that is tolerant and friendly to the LGBT community and that he has never suffered any kind of discrimination. "Harassment is something I don't tolerate, whether it's a straight person, a gay person, or a transgender, we just don't tolerate it and the company takes it very seriously," he noted. "For me, I have to remain true to myself. I would never go back in the closet for an employer." Montanez also noted the importance to educate people and break the stereotypes people have about the LGBT community. "I want people to know I'm gay because I feel that I have a responsibility to show people that you can be professional and you can be tough," he said. "I like to show them that side of me so they don't just think I'm the stereotype that comes on TV." On Monday the Gay-Straight Alliance will be hosting an all-day event at the quad called the National Holocaust Remembrance Day to honor the victims from the holocaust. For more information contact Ricardo Rios at (956) 222-2549 or at "As members in the LGBT community I think it's imperative that we be a role model for all young people, not just gay youth. We are going to UTPA to hopefully get a degree and make something with our lives," Rios added.
5/26/2011 2:51 PM