Quick Uninstall of OutfoxTV Run Uninstaller You only need to do one of (a) (b) or (c) below. a) Go to Start / All Programs / OutfoxTV / Uninstall If you can’t see it in the All Programs list b) Go to Start / Control Panel / Uninstall a Program and find OutfoxTV in the list, click on OutfoxTV, Click Change If you can’t see the Program in either the above, c) open Windows Explorer and look for C:/Program Files/OutfoxTV and double click the file named uninstaller. Any of the above options will start the Uninstaller :
Click next >
*** NB: The most recent version of the program contains the checkbox to “Remove outfox as homepage� - select the checkbox if you no longer want to retain a browser tab pointing to the www.outfox.tv website
After clicking Finish, restart your computer to delete remaining files. IF UNABLE TO FIND OUTFOXTV or the uninstaller .exe file in any of the above options, the uninstaller must have been run previously, or the OutfoxTV folder has been deleted manually. THE BEST METHOD TO ENSURE THE FULL UNINSTALL ROUTINE RUNS PROPERLY, IS TO REINSTALL, THEN UNINSTALL Download and install the latest version of OutfoxTV here, then run the Uninstaller as shown above.