Addressing the unstable

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Addressing the unstable

How can we compete with the growing concerns on the issue of mental health and the Bills now in Congress, that of removing the stigma of various differences between those who are set in their opinionated ways of legitimizing those legislators who are being seen as tilting the scales of progress. To me I see no legal outlet to resolve this ongoing problem. As most of us can pinpoint someone in our families or an associate or just someone we may see walking down the street with obvious issues that of mental illness, the tendencies of being unstable. So where does the unstable process begin, or appear? In some cases it can be contributed to substance abuse, or from military service that of seeing bodies being blown up or they may have killed someone and felt the guilt, accidents automobile or any other debilitating process of frontal lobe disaster. I once had a friend who used PCP “Phencyclidine� a common or street drug named Angel Dust which destroyed his thinking process for many years, and he never recovered but he wasn’t the type to harm anyone or to take revenge on, he just had loud outburst of feelings but who was very innocent for the entire healing process of his life. As I never made physical or outspoken remarks about this individual, I just tried my best to be a friend and aid him in the best way I could which made him happy. But to see posting of individual with some sort of handicap issue being depicted on social media is the wrong approach which will add to their downfall of being bullied.

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The Republican-led House has let the Democratic-led Senate wrestle over dealing with gun control since 22-year-old Elliot Rodger, the suspected gunman made sure that he broadened the spectrum on weapons that were being used at numerous locations, so in his case he used a knife, a gun, and a vehicle each that would cause a enormous scrutiny and an overall objective of those weapons that were used and that are being used daily in the United States cities. Friday's shooting rampage in California that left three people dead from gunfire and another three stabbed to death is again raising calls for Congress to revisit various shades of gun control legislation. But if other, more deadly recent high-profile shootings weren't enough of a catalyst to spur change, election-year politics is sure to stop short any serious renewed efforts in the near-term. Speaker John A. Boehner said that Congress had recently passed a provision to address whether people with mental health issues have access to weapons, but the measure’s Republican author Tim Murphy said his bill actually does nothing of the sort. As for Rep Tim Murphy PHD assessment Mental illness does not discriminate based on age, class or ethnicity. It affects all segments of society. More than 11 million Americans have severe schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression yet millions are going without treatment as families struggle to find care for loved ones.

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To understand why so many go without treatment, the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations launched a top-to-bottom review of the country’s mental health system beginning in January 2013. The investigation revealed that the approach by the federal government to mental health is a chaotic patchwork of antiquated programs and ineffective policies across numerous agencies. Not only is this frustrating for families in need of medical care, but when left untreated, those with mental illness often end up in the criminal justice system or on the streets. The mentally ill are no more violent than anyone else, and in fact are more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators, but individuals with untreated serious mental illness are at an increased risk of violent behavior. Tragically, undertreated mental illness has been linked to homicides, assaults, and suicides. The Helping of Families living within the canopy of Mental Health Crisis Act bill fixes the nation’s broken mental health system by focusing programs and resources on psychiatric care for patients and families most in need of services.

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The legislation to empowers parent and caregivers an but they must be able to detect if the patient is following strict rules of diverging to them their passionate moments which maybe be seen as a catatonic state of mind while still being able to convey certain situations, but they are hiding their problems to law enforcement, doctors, family, associates, teachers, and friends they are great actor able to win the academy award if given the chance to compete. As in life some of us can deal with adversities within their lives. And others are strictly inadequate with their resources to maintain a strict approach on life. As I tried to be a worker in Bellevue’s Morgue many years ago attempting to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather who was a mortician my duties were unbelievable at least by my assessment. And after three days I quit, because of the upfront response of dealing with dead bodies which I found myself being derelict in my duties because I felt this position was appalling as if I was working on someone’s plastic doll with inners that appear to be a reflection of a roadmap with numerous color pointing in different directions. And after 55 years away from such an experience I know within myself that I could never do that again.

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I can envision those plastic rubbery faces so long ago. So sometimes we must avoid kicking the can down the road, as we must be steadfast by stepping out of the box of universal sentiments, and being a forceful front to that of strength and durability requesting a standard of governmental process of unilaterally that of making sure our citizens are safe foreign or domestically from those we feel are unstable wanting to hurt someone because they are opposing threat to us publically or who doesn’t fit the peg of the problems seen by the observer, which could fit in any category of today’s society. So we have become stagnated and oblivious to our surroundings at least relating to those with a ubiquitous state of mind sometime significant and sometime insignificant to the existence of the world.

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