Is it mind over matter?
This was something I gathered together, as a joke to see the visionary attraction of our minds. As each of us look at a human being only to initiate something in us that says this is what I want because of her beauty. Because we were trained that way and it appears to be the utmost supreme function of life, but suppose we weren't train to look at thing as beauty than we wouldn't know what beauty was, and anyone who approached us, we wouldn't turn our backs because we never knew being ugly vs. beauty. So I speculate the individual world wouldn't be so adamant, and self-serving to bring nothing but beauty within their sphere.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION I would assume god created things just for that function within
the brain to be geared to that which is beautiful and ugliness has no place in the world, as we the so called human beings, will only take a double take of that which is of beauty.
Image Credit: Chupacabra
The chupacabra is Spanish word from chupar - to suck and cabra - goat. It's rumored that this creature lives in part of Americas because it likes hot weather. First reported in Puerto Rico, then in Mexico, and the USA. Chupacabras are said to kill livestock and tear them to
pieces and are often portrayed as a cross between a dog and a wolf. Is this an alien, we have to wait on DNA analysis to create a clear image of its origin.
Hey you do have a choice!
So we cannot allow what we see or the temptation of what we see lure us into something we can’t remove ourselves from. So we must look at what’s inside and not dwell on the outside.