Egyptian gods

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Egyptian gods The other day while watching the History Channel which was an in-depth story of the Gods of Egypt? And as I pondered the thought just how some Egyptian historians can absorb so much information as a knowledge process at any one time can be complex? I tried my best to take in all of the information and dissimilate and the amplification that of a human mind. As for me to be anywhere in an augmentative state of mind as to what I was observing would be self-destructive so I grasped the information as an instant momentary knowledgeable process of learning. As the Ancient Egyptians religion seems to be so complex system of polytheistic beliefs and demanding rituals which appeared to be integral part of that ancient history. The religion is centered on the Egyptian interaction with many deities who were believed to be present in and in control of the forces of life and various other elements of nature. As the information I obtained seem to be a correlation of efforts to provide for the gods and gain their favor. Which formally was a practice centered on the pharaohs, the kings of Egypt. And still the pharaohs were believed to be descended from the gods. As I reach this terminology I felt a relationship that of the Christian religion as god and mankind being the offspring’s of his godly creation. Which in bible stories, and studies the story of Adam and Eve? As we know of Eve being conceived from the rib of Adam and "breath of life" that God blew into Adam's nostrils spirit? (Genesis 2:7) So the Christian biblical belief of one god is a setting that I saw at the end of this program the theory or perception that there was only one god watching over the universe.

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So the juxtaposition of one is the savior of the head of the religious beliefs that of a Pharaoh vs. the Jesus as being the messiah and still being of a living entity of a living body, so with their feelings and the involvement of mankind and all the elements of success made it a driving force. So here comes the topping as man or a pharaoh who established wars which in Jesus case was nonexistence, Jesus was on earth to save lives and to speak of unity with all races here on earth and the pharaohs who were considered a god was in a turmoil of gaining materialistic objects that of booty in the form of slaves, gold, land, bodies to build an army, and women for sexual needs. So it’s so hard to look at the subjective process and to lay side by side in a unified biblical setting, pondering vice versa as an mental effect on the human mind, was minds their so limited for the pursue for a human push for life. But one thing I did observe was that the Egyptian individuals could interact with the gods for their own purposes, appealing for their help through prayer and compelling them to act through magic. so today in our society we have various status of being displayed in the catholic church of Jesus and the numerous saints of good well, which I remember some folks in church praying directly to them for a particular need, it could have been for the healing of a love one, or the good will to pass a upcoming test in college. The more I observed the program the more I became concern as to the connection of Christianity in the catholic church as other churches may have various objects depicting their ornamental submission in status forms such as a statue etc, and that of objects such as a cross, candle burning, stain glass window displaying Jesus and other objects of man creativity. At this point I was taken back to a time when I felt that I had some sort of intuition that if I look up into the sky I could see god, and the god I saw was the sun so at the moment I assumed that the sun was god since all life comes from the sun in various ways as without if we would not exist here on earth. How far was I from a theory that most prehistory religions believed, which I believe as a mystical belief of that of the Mayas as a sun god?

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So I have come to the realization that life and our undercoating of beliefs as an upcoming race has so many virtual views that we can become deceitful in our personal analogy of what is real and what is unreal. Seldom has time been so negative to know that perils and threats of life that wars and degrading force on the human life, and especially war when bodies are disposed of like chicken bones of a meal is as deluding, and deceiving process to me as a 21st Century human being. So if I had the time machine to return to those predated history of numerous countries with such a downtrodden belief and the sacrifice of so many lives is an indigestible process, which was from a time when the heavenly bodies and mathematics were so prevalent for education and the human life which marched the races forward. But in the same breath we are aware that the Egyptian people who thought they could interact with the gods in a personal level. Which had me sidestepping myself as a human being and a rational alternative to the inner mindset of complexity of a well sort out individual? So we wonder did anyone advance further in some minds the overall religious tradition that linked mind over matter and thought over reality. So as in the Christian religion life after death was a commodity being accepted by the Egyptians and vice versa between the Christian religion by the appearance of Jesus Christ and the start of that religion was initiated from what I believe to be a collaboration of numerous religions combined. So I reiterate that my thought of the sun being the total concept of a being looking over the world was a deep thought by me and now I see this perception was catered by many other religions as a god in the sky.

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So what I have gather is that the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten as a single god replacing the traditional concept of numerous gods watching over various parts of the Egyptian lifestyle, but all we can determine is the mythological aspect behind writings on monuments and ancient hieroglyphics. So the sun which was avoided by Akhenaten as being a total god giving complete universal deity to a status above all that of a mere gods now he had become the true god of the people. So the theory by Akehnaten by his successors labeled him as the “enemy� of the gods in archival records when it was uncovered in the sands of the Egyptian desert.

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