family information

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Aj The last words that my father William S Allen your grandfather said that we needed to check out Ybor City for information relating the family. The information was about my mother side of the family. Her father Earl Jackson was once a student at Hampton University for a year his curriculum that of mortician, he transferred from Hampton University to a college in Florida. His wife my grandmother your great grandmother was Elizabeth Jackson a pianist who performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City, accompanying Arthur Catigan of Brooklyn NY who was my godfather. Your great grandfather did own a Funeral Home in Brooklyn N.Y, and your great- great grandmother was Carlotta Shackelford, who lived in Jacksonville Florida. She owned numerous homes, a small restaurant, and property. We were disinherited from receiving any of her properties. And my mother’s cousin who was going to give my sister Jackie that information died the next week before she could obtain that information for the family it was a complete cover-up on that end. My grandmother your great-great disinherited us because my mother returned to NYC, reconciling with my father your grandfather so because of that everything was given to others. As this was months after me, my sister Judith and our mother your grandmother was in Jacksonville Florida I was 6 years old and Judy was 5 years old only good thing that was gained was the birth of your father and his sister Jackie.


Originally I was to be raised by my grandmother Elizabeth Jackson who was my mother’s mother, but she died when I was a little over 2-years old, so I had to return back to my mother who was raising my sister Judy at the time so there was a reunion between my mother and my sister Judy. Your great grandfather my father’s father was Benjamin F Allen, and his wife who was my father William S Allen step mother. I never knew my father’s real mother’s name. But my father has a sister who is about 82 year’s old living in New Jersey who once lived on the eastside of New York City in Greenwich Village. Her children are Carol Jones, and Richard Jones a retired NYC, Transit Motorman, he still lives in NYC. Most of their family met up at my father’s funeral back in 1990s which your father was present and our cousins. We did have a visit from one cousin Richard Jones some years ago but for some reason we are connected anymore. Oh yes please not your great grandfather Franklin F Allen was born in Petersburg Virginia and attended the Peabody Elementary School in the city. We would have had photos of my grandmother actually lying in her coffin but all of the family photos were destroyed in a fire at 2285 7th Avenue NYC when I was about 20 years old. There are scattered photos but most folks won’t give them up so we could consolidate the entire group of photos.

Hopefully one day I will be able to scan the photos I have onto a disc as I do have a few videos on facebook of my sons , my wife and myself if you check out my page under videos’. This is why I have tried to maintain a photos gallery sometimes it can become overwhelming at times. I had a disc around our home but for some reason I can locate it, and it took some time to scan them all. So hopefully one day the new generations will take up the cause and search out our family in detail as Vanessa and Jackie was doing something like that many years ago but responsibilities can make a person sidestep this type of endeavor. Remember I’m typing this off the top of my head and not really proofing it as I type on. P.S As I see it, it will be very difficult to compile all of the data needed to build a family tree. Uncle Barry city%20cuban%20club&sc=120&sp=1&qs=AS&sk=#view=detail&id=98B79B715B7FDFB419C22D480D586217ECE777CF&selectedInde x=136


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