Jackie 12345

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Jackie when you have time can you read this email from Madonna who is Maria’s daughter. Apparently my answer didn’t meet her criteria. see my answer at end of this group.

http://youtu.be/uMuJxd2Gpxo So question of the hour. For those of you that actually know me and my children you know I value their education. And I would move fifty times if it meant getting them in a better school. Now Joshua and jayda have attended some of the BEST IB schools thanks to myself , their step father and their step grand parents. Now we are in a debate lol the school my babies attend is an IB school BUT its predominantly black no mix or a good mix for that matter. Now the video I places in the top link is a dance that they do for fun at their old school on Columbia sc. And below I am going to place another video of what they do for fun in schools here in ga. Now moms/parents/guardians/anyone raising children my question to you is what is your definition of "wholesome fun" ice age's age appropriate "Sid shuffle" or Would y'all rather your children twerking( FYI "twerk" is a made up fricken word. It took some retards to put up an "urban" dictionary so people could make up cool nonsence words) or shaking it like a red nose smh http://youtu.be/zxCPlimhpM4 You have proposed a question that of what’s proper and what’s improper. All I can say when I see videos some are posting of babies that are four years old doing the stinky leg, is somewhat appalling at least by my personal assessment. What I notice on the videos you posted the first video third were a melting pot of participants dancing and the second video was what appear to be all African Americans. And me being a former stage dancer I can see the similarities that of an original African dance it’s just the beat that are different. But if we look at dance in its complete contents we can see a universal acceptance, like laughing and crying each we can recognize when we see it occurring. As for me being someone who have seen as a youth, the Catholic Priest of our church dancing with us at one of our Friday night gathering. As we were gliding across the floor

doing a dance called the slop and the father in his casual robe was doing it with us, I was 15 years old at the time. So I would assume he was attempting to show how hip he was. So the answer is what is appropriate and what isn’t appropriate nowadays it is in the eyes of the observer, as we can’t run away from an era of technological availability and attempting to isolate our children will only increase their wanting go beyond what we say is right or wrong. But we do have the option to correct them and to layout rules that they will follow those rules of education, completing their homework in a timely manner and all the attributes of life that of heading in the direction of crime, drugs etc. But being overly strict can move them from the safety net of the families’ moral and standings.

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