Liberalism view vs conservatism view or not

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Liberalism view vs. Conservatism views or not I have observed conservatism as it wobbled its way across America some of us quiver at just the sound of the word. I was somewhat abreast as to its meaning. That is during the changing of the guard from the Democratic Party to that of the Republican Party under President Ronald Reagan, during those days most folks saw problems in the country and me as one wasn’t that unbending when it came to governmental revolutionary progress. I and most individuals followed the frame of mind of their government officials somewhat. There was destination emanating from party to party but I can’t remember that much diversity as we have it today. So I as an American citizen wondered if I was misleading myself on this subject. I attempted to observe the pragmatic practical ways each of the right and the left, as to just how they saw administrative management of government.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION The first thing I needed to do was to look up each of the so called words that are being broadcast across this country with headings that were so opposite of each other.

So here we have liberalism which was a prescribed text that most referred to as being from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom") is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion. These ideas are widely accepted, even by political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation. Liberalism encompasses several intellectual trends and traditions, but the dominant variants are classical liberalism, which became popular in the eighteenth century, and social liberalism, which became popular in the twentieth century. So as we are forging ahead into the 21th, century the liberalism has taken a new direction in its meaning, as that of conservatism.

Yes all of the above can comply but to the observation of a conservative, or someone who has the mindset of conservatism position. Which seems to differ beyond anyone’s’ inner knowledge of placing them in a juxtapose position these days. Conservatism is a concept which has evolved over the history of the country, encompassing somewhat different political stances in various eras. The history of American conservatism has been marked by tensions and outright contradictions, with intellectual debates not only between types of anti-communists and antistatists, but between traditionalist and individualists who affirmed the primacy of religion, politics, or economics. So is it the preservation of the rules of law and the Christian religion, and a defense of, Western civilization from the challenges of modernist culture and totalitarian government’s takeover, and that of communism from being interjected in the United State. I as a young follower I truly remember the hearing people like William F Buckley Jr, Barry Goldwater, and religious groups connected the Moral Majority. But to African Americans we never distant the party from being the party of Lincoln, which most see at the time as a liberators of liberty for the African Americans, hence we had the “Emancipation Proclamation”.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION And that of Franklin D Roosevelt, passing of the Social Security act, which we all look forward in our old age. So one would gesture what would have happen if these laws and rulings weren’t adhere to where would we be today even those our social security system has expanded beyond its originally inception, and what would have happen if the emancipation proclamation was put in place, we would be a backwoods country with no direction. And of cause I will have to place on the table the movement of Harry Truman, desegregation of the arm forces.

So as I can see it both parties has contributed their good deeds in various ways that will go do in history. So the shifting of the parties in grabbing the white house is a pertinent notion of accessibility as to what will each do once they are inducted onto the grounds of the white house it’s want they will do to better the nation. We realize that those in congress and the senate are there for a reason, not for self not for their community but for country and nothing else matter in times of peril. If one saw a building about to collapse wouldn't that person warn the inhabitant of such a peril before it became a disaster?

So the inclination that each is so different that someday they will wear different uniforms so that we can one from other with them even voting. To me this destination of liberalism and conservatism needs to be undone, as most on the opposite side of the fence will gesture as signal that if you are republican than you are more racist in your quest for the people and those in the higher bracket of monetary opulence, and against those of a different hue. If we were to poll those on the opposite side of the podium, and survey them we would get an overall nod declaration of non-caring of that group. We can place all of those areas of contributors, women rights, gay rights, religion, the poor, uneducated, the homeless; I can go on and on. This is what is placed in these individuals mind because of the looseness of those speaking for the Republican Party. It is the concept of the Birthers, the Tea Party all who are showing a dark side of their political beliefs. And if you are liberal than you are more the common folks, the ones who are trying to juggle table in some sort of management to stable the books for the poor, women rights, religion rights, gay rights, aid for the poor, affordable health plan, the homeless, education the deprived.


So as I can see it, it is the overtone that’s shifting the minorities from the Republican Party even if they are for smaller government, it is the way and the action that these policies are put to the test with words of disrespect and beaded eye way of looking at those on the opposite side of the table.

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